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Show 4 "OLD IN h bi i.-- . - ,.i' Ihil'V il I Slll'le I. .1 Al ri:ll U "I I I. liiIIY .li, al. I I, .n I II,. in o --.t'if .il, I I Imt ll was i.t In Hint, h- to j..i 11..- - i .in..ilU.t fid' thill in c. 3,i Hsi 1,- -10 Um-- : A'A.U. V K 4 1 1 -- 1 rnriu:n si:uv:s uiol i I, I , I i , AT SALTA1U M'.AUl 11,1-if- DAY DOMINION u liu li Wax l.i l.i li SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE, CUT RATES VIA only y.ti,ih-r- .a 1 s.il - Uolllllll. III- i'll unl-aI..iii l.ii; I llii- - ,,H. i a 11 .l a! l . Ih- - v,.ii.i foglmi," - IIIIHl- -1 wa- - lb- - hi T! . id"i, 11a ihm! t r.J 'in goto l i'.-l- lTl I p. Ill y. u. IS j ni;e.(..!i l.lm in li - -- .1: ;i I;- 1- 1. or MaILS. CLOSING H, i.r 1 1 MilM. .VOltr.f, had Inker mi it J IJI w Mnliii-ii- 01. "1 I h:iii-,l- i Hint t IT t. lilln in d aid;. Ill fml.l "f him i.ifiMi Mil fit ANU I.IT , U f ri bet mis. a a v. met v.i'li nay r. p. . I -- .id iii and sM, K I. lie iii',,1 l,. d !us W e u h. Hie wan Hall. llall.ili; it ..,1k Iii'.it Ml It hi AH Kill' IT. KOK ATfNK. In r i , 1- .I. oi ay with .,l Hint Satur lafi 3 lUg A. I- .:. sail. le and li lues an I ITioi s, gull Isis, .'..J.iw'Si. ,x.i II is," iiiii-.- il "iigHu-li- - trri y.'img Mi. .,h who still flailed eluiids '.f l iioiits. t: m 111 11 .1 "llial 111 lids Tt, ll, oy of Mhiiiii ml HigLIrv (n in ral Tie Wo W'liihl l,i inn' Is imliHHTl'.i!l-- . HtsUUa. iu. hiiu elnW st 3:3lt p. niiuilii r i -- il:ni s 1, 111 I ei in. ill tii'iii.rsl IVilln-fi- f tw sisiap JllHl I hell, SMiiUKellllg alollli'l II "t- On W in l.i a - iifi .. ii Irwin s 'in H. U til, KCltl 0. Si., II, r, ili.eal,ll the ImlieT I. Maker of till and Iruiu t:' H .. in. Ml l.u) iinig s, and iiga:n, as if mi ,ti ,'.s I 1 - - h- - aw ii 11 Vedne sday. August 21, Wbitiln MuJy U.vl S.vlSTl I I k . iJlctiln ..tauulys' 4tr mrviisi Mtnn J. A. LIV I.M.VION fcgfli. L.UTnt l'-'- wli'i 1 V. LSi he hunt S, 1,1, sill III Ufa. Hi.... srrlu .. J M li. in -- 7 " ilrtrsl srm w in.. W I it Ylii vs.S. lUskSK Into Ids own i.t llioi.gl.loii ., nod ,.1 nr I, I It Ui.auel uiin.ui: I in iilll.o l by I he 111..- 1. - lli.ll l,i,. 11roll. IT ion t" Will'll In- h- -r kier'eil ey-in- - Woman, Hu, ioir.'l- - w.lll III.1 10 lii'Ii 'll-- I 'US. Iilid .. i.l her wav. ' , . ' y " ' s.,1,1,,.,1 ih". It,. ,1, , li 11. iag.a to . C:lwa bfurobS iu -- 7 1 TI.UIAh k, a. iu II ."SIS II S lb lx tu .Vi , ui B Tata UutT Cue: it ( lus puu.imy Pbera all others fail. Ciraghv, Croup, bar HaarsriwMTwboeplnj Cough and Yhnrt, JUthsia. lor Coosuaptioa it Ki no rival: 111 cured tbotuautda.i r'l will ccr.g YOft it c.n g guan Iskenlu titca, bold Ly I:mt!g'ta nr ( beft. uca lew. For a Ifir.-- J H'S BZLLADOitMA PLAbl UUEC. l!k 11 11 eP, . 1 1 1 in. Ills As , h, ami Mulberry 1 lillllellta. 'I'Aelh'is of Thi- - 1 ac n.selvi a wall overly, gave of tie'll' lew co,.r I'l'ItiH to r, who Hill Wail wares. '1 lo-iug iilieiiig H.e ruins of lu Hs il her to pick ll kill'll of (lie CilIM I, token ami to us were not le,l.,ee th. in 011 1 lie l ray. Tills lime r.iouglitoli ilid not slay to :,. t us Till. lull walked ofl rapidly, and llie ii'iiorter loliowail him. Alter live minutes' cluike lin y lurili'il where Into 1111 dlrly alh-yHie Italian enlered u ilnorway wilhoiit noHciiig Hint uny one pursii d him. Ilroiiglilon, hating madi- sure tlnil lie should reiaignlx. the house again, l.i In t will, , U. Mriitu.friiiii III ht flurulug mil Uv ftt i . HAI.T I.AKK IT A If. I'lIV, 1 iii.n, i ut to an L no it L i w it a , unsiH-akuld- iqs'li iUy i an-- l uiglit. r Ulll- XjO CARD C-A.- U in Effect June 'JJ, ls'Jl. Tu'jU: Chtinijtt Without Xutiee. .Vi ihjtCt til EXCURSION lllistelleil or iiik I. n. 4i, F, LOIhJES OK UTAH TU to till Hlic Hi II Ill-s- RAILWAY, TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, were In led thi'in tu straight the Flue bllhiiril ttinl door PtAHH NMi i: J- -1 e -r rTf ciAirr i h, II.- lunn-uclu- st I bees-a-nes- a n, llATEf, many-toothe- IMI ! ... r till.... I.r.l.lvivw. UI - . ""m'' I'Al (Ml - . r L,U h 1,1 i in Value holder to a rlianeo of wlniiiiiS one of these DAY, eiiii'.l". if 111 GMIOF WESTERN llKAill AND i! ! RAILWAY FTC UN. I if I hi Ml sS 8 8 3 3 3 3 lrk Ilifiirli'iiu Murrsiy . SO Wl 11 Ml IU in 11 in ui in ut Jhih'Hdii. Old Dominion Day EACH. AT SALTA iu !.!. l-'- a, D ImiMIMuX rii!S. I4hi UiTloii Henry Lee 4 all II.I1'! Aiin rl'?aii Kork .. where the lliillnu Inn I entered. I' the Mrreliiiiit l' . Fur lint banuffi of ilia 1. o. Anirinia Fork, t'Uk si, stairs they clluilNd. llumu fur Agml UiU Killuni llmra talk ami broken from shrunk with eoiilai't liroiigliloii will Imi good bunting, bulbing, lln iy of tin slimy walls. It seemed to hint that amusement end good lime generally. evil odors were bqsisltliig Npocial train and red mod inlet ai lllelv in 11 liesHlelltllil fllllgoilH growth. STABLES. follows: At last they euifi'Kial iih,ii u lainltiig. LIVELY, FE:0 AND SALES A child Icawd over the hulilster of the Fure Tiuin From (i l. u in. Juab above. I trough lull tossed lilm a A h a. n. story b 2.UU FlrKl ela. turimut. alaaya iu teaillin-.s- .. Ni',lil nickel. ainl buggii-a.11 i ."I ti.lil. ( liur-Jdunu iNlurri little niiin. Is there mi Italian "My in a. i ... Haiiluquiu .,m a. ui. living lu thin house?" liiA I.- gli it. ill The child picked up the coin und Ituna Hacks to All Trains. lit IIJUllllll .... a in. SI.'IMmI lu Mllcliec. l.tNf i rMiniHii fc.nl a. in. hUinKVIII' .. "Say, kid, Is dcre a diigo here 7 one brave urdrr at Mtalile, Flow. I.! b.iu of the polleemen translated. ii .i a. hi. AMCUIt'AN KOItK, (TAIL lAkn low St The llarrinytuu to a a with boy thumb h:.iM pointed ! u.in. rii'NMUll iilliVt! door the at left the a. of where in. l landing Aiiutumii Muk 4.AJ a. in. the tllli-melt hIimiiI. JtruUgllloll felt FHAbK IT. rtOBH i. lot'lll V. S. Laud Olllei, I.ate rrgii-te- r !. bill a. in. llie thrill ut Ihe rig hi ,.h ms itvciiger. The lot'll! JuiM tion a. III. mallelous brute who had twice JIHN'r lA.i U.IU. Land and Mining Attorne. of Hie pour Utile handy SA.!' a III. iumge-vciidi- thu wares ', Ubm. ItlllKlftUtll would wain be aeut to the Ault Lake ftly If. I tt.UI. 41 IdUVVIUiulll Island. And a good riddance for Hie U.nf M ill. Muir v.iu a. in. community, Una of the police optitird & siM) tAiivfr iiiy Hu; door and they entered. They saw al II. 111. Jvlill'kA a. in. oiiu side of the ruoni a long work-bencAliilllliAuMi BARBEH8. io u.iu. 4.2 covered with pluster Images. The iruliluil ban! Ilidw .14 14.111. ImirlllUM iJ.l I'liiuuieKlal Saving a sul baaenirut Iu there, mending curcfully 7 All u in. KunIi Valley leanwoman broken was The llgure. 1. b;uu u in, Ii'iililii lil PKOVO CITY, I'TAII. !. b.i: u.ni. ing over Ills shoulder, laughing as they i I'ttiur Mil chatted lit their own lunguage. Hikh-Iutrain niuriiiiig will "Kh, 1 always say it, l'letru, you have Lukv Ml IUUjU p.lll a holy hand at mending tlieni! if nut, STIUMIKN WOOIW. we might lose by the game." TOHSURIAL ARTIST. THE ICONOCLAST. "I don't suy, Mudunna, that St. Samuel is better than new, but at least he any styls. futhfwstloi intraa-treYuung Mr. Liruughtuii waa, unawureii will stick until he takes another tum- llalr outtlug laParlur on Merchant Ktrail, and gradual, lu iiruocaa Of evolutiuu ble." So that was their trick! A piece of from the Jourimllot to l li ncwei'Uir Hruughton AMKKICAK FORK. IT AIL man. It took all ourta of rube and our real Neapolitan cunning. to decided that he ought to have seen prloea and facers and dlallluoluuo It sooner. woman The hurthrough caught lurm him. That morning ho wan of ths visitors, and ran forward IRA W. llouao tiquunr sight hands KHNWARU:, rying through Irlnllng done-- a "W with beain't clasped: oil an aaaigiiinent, when he noticed s. at Law, t slis "Uls our nultln," pleaded. Attorney on her fore him a woman carrying We I ITAII I'UOVO CITY head a tray of idualer Imug.-- and Yes. you're all right," said U rough-tueven walking with the stately gait and Impulsively, "it was my mistake. IS he waa IMilse of the Houth llaliun. 1 owe you a dollar fur It." JIEN.I. And he laid aiuall, brown. She wore a gown of blue a silver dollar on the work bench of cotton, a woolen abawl, yielded in olive the maker, breaker and mender of AMERICAN FORK WA60N and yellow, and a red kerchief on her Images. The Italian looked up with a head. These glaring culora, however, real Neapolitan antlle, radiant, made her a picture. To observe her WORKS. wide and Irresponsible. Tell me shout it." said the reporter. i itruiighton passed by her aud then looked back. "You imt glve-- a me 'way, gent'nien lluggtes and Wagna nf all She regarded him calmly. "Huy a cops?" ill husla tmli-r- . ami at I'tioM lit' Sun Suniucle auya-- a his oration, "No: go on. "IwMik. It llke-- a la huil Ilium. dls. We nut sell ImMlgnur?' t Hroughtun had no iwrtlculur use fur age. And I suy. you liear-- nte. Marianto break uil llnrnugluuxt.. a piuying Samuel, but he hud various na. we get more liuniey AMKU1CAN FORK, I'TAII Ih-ii 1 u de comc-with linuge. theories about our adopted eltlaens und She curry a fuive-t- t. I'Htatruc! All ruln-u- ! I might have acquired eoinethlliK in Hie giand-A me! Muriuniiu. JOHN MMEIL, a lat, SumelMnly tuke-- a pluster cast Hue if at that liniment lint poor! people! come fellow had imt Pu money In hut. lkn't-- a cry, poor voman! Precinct Ju.tlcu, Nota-and Jostled the little woman so rough1 tticnd-what-- a can. After, 1. After. ly that the tray waa thrown truiu her Mui'laiinu, babies, all eat. See?" All kiliil of Irgal anrk tranMetrd head ami went ruining to the sidewalk, All time the wife stood with four pnunpliie-a- . Marriage piueaied, aad it waa the end of the world lor 'Ithat rullicrthis clean and very beautiful child- HDylliing iH'rtatnlng tiilagal tuailera j of hey ren graven liuuges. Hplllallon to her skirts, and tevping UTAH. AMI'.KIl'AX FOKK, leil iu a heap of IndiHtlugulHliuble frag- shylydinging ut the strungers. I low could ments. mingling tlielr dust in u com- lirouglilon nr any one else blame this of saints, politicians, happy family? plete democracy A. K. TIIOHNTOX, Iiult-edlain ha, the three graces, and ev.n u Iiroughton has never formumodel of a beautiful foot labeled Tril- lated his views upon Hip case, although InIvt iu was past piny mg lie used to lake siH'lal problems very by. Little Mur-'eWhenever he niccts I'letro in for, but he wa no more thoroughly CIGARS the street they exchange a glance of in- WINES. LIQUORS AND pulverised than the bust of Nupol-'oii- . Soltiellnii'H the Neapolitan, .Young Air, Kroughton felt silmug telligence. Finr.t llr nnl- - ulaayiou Baud. within lilm an essay on the frailty ot by a quick gesture,u Indicates Murianua a Kamil) along the venue. iiiuiiilane things. Then the uir a as farther And tlii-iliroiigliloii. If he has time, Bltllnrd and Pool hoem In Con torn with the latnciitutloiis of Hie aksisis at the nth performance of the woniaii. nociion, ) .'iiicly 1iiof tho iconoclast. iilizabeth uinv.l I'lilli-iMadonna!" Next she Nlee rt W in. I St. Louis Family l',, gte. p q the cause of the disuster, Mho was Meri t, all! M. KOHK.lTAU AMKKIi'AX moving away. "Head of big. you uiv-u- . Ths Iustituta, Keelcy Wh.it I cut a Why-- a you lilt-- a me? direct authorized branch of the pnrenl You break-- a toy imag,-done at you-a- ? not eat-- a more!" she ruitlcd her house at Hwiglii, III., has linen opened linger nulls along her front teeth to at li'ei W. Second North, Sail Laket'lty, Indicate the hunger which would be on tho Hun of the street railway rumiing the consequence of the breaking of her to Warm Springs. slock In trade. For the treat men t of the liquor and Meanwhile two bootblacks had seized opium halilis, with l.esley K. Koeley the man by the elbows, and tui'inng V'otnpany's double chloride of gold rem hint around, ran him biu-- face to l.ice cdlcs. with the woman. She stood wringing The Institute Is tinder tho nmtiage-nicii- l h.-- r hands uutl walling. "What ruin! of Hr. .1. Y. St. John, who has 1oor-- a me!" The aggressor was evidently also an been at work with ami In the employ of the la'sley K. l'oey t'mnpauy for tint Italian. Thu treatment and "Soy!" one of the lsiotMaeks said. pat four years. Yoiise lias gutter rrueh down inii-iiiaiiiiKcinonl of pailents will bo identiyer clothes and square up wld de dago cally the same as at Dwight. lohly." Among the cnil1ey,s,s of the treasury d "He's a bloomin' dago, hlsself," at Washington is Mrs. Wit of Andnw the other boy. cux, h grand-niec- e com Jackson. Iiroughton had been painfully l- I lriuiUiL I'nvt WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Mr. Iti'oiiKhton, who was known to the eli lef of the station, iifu! AWAY - o! '7' ('tL V1" ,l'1 I- ! to Saltolr Every Ticket the NpNUIah Co., l'rupr All killtU to iletulfi-- ; ! MRimiiotti I'.uri'Kit r.ti.lD'U atvl-diil.- Two hi1i.iuti f.-I-- , i!vrf Ilty i'taii. ui'.il .Uiiiuu, Imi- - luvU w iwi! u J r idii !H PRIZES- - TO SALTA Gem-Saloo- n HI K i ln-- r GARFIELD BEACH UNION PACIFIC 1 1 told Hie story. "She was a quiet, deivlll III th- - laidy, lie siihl to Hie nllleer. "That great, on piirixise liulklng brute struck Hie second lime, even niliullHiig Hint i " the time might have been by IT-- illIT-'I,.i"ri.t. mu-" ; i 11' SPECIAL RITES VIA RI0 acs on - THIID ANNIHL TERRITORIAL alir.'.i ir Hi ' I. li h'.i. !' tr .. !..;t ! ;! at. I I lv he .iiiii.iii J Ki lin k'i i.h iijt .'I' I. j, i liuiid-nu- in IIpiii IhnMIug amkiih'A.v yoiiK, f : Hundreds of Other Articles, None Less Than $10 to $200. r i in f: r 11.1. !.. It , Faiifis CO. TELEGRAPH DESERET i $4,000 GIVEN fn t:, Tiutr I. eon-N',- iil'.l.?' tV'B. Nl L A ln-- lIKKI't-SS'i- i.iv 5VKON GROO h-- lu iuii-- f ii. 1' , cijrry. f --Uialrt. CiaHll, II a ci.,wl. I;, ml, 1 . TiMniiiY arm ni'i'ly against . lief-le- ' ( 1- i 1 swung . . low-iq.i- .u la- - l: hi iii'fi 1 I!. Hul l ird A '.. l v i.l.-L.IT IS OAKLKY. liv 4'. A.i'r. .111IIAMiMlMl SHUi.ANU l''AY. li IMi. Mii.l.-- i h c I In., I:i. .. r tuI'AIM M ir'i""-'.iw ir.h.i-- r Mt. l".'ha irr-.- -f -. liis.Mil. IM. urn i ii in p', ui-i'l- huu-lny- t litf.' i ii.-- gtwraa-totxltocu- rs 11 1 J- ."r -- .'.. . I'lJi REMEDY, TFan.yuuLaLarrnr Thht remedy ii you, ItdotgUicUb injoctorftt For anio at Steal .C Cu.' Drug More. :72 VUJS1CIAINS i .1- GRAND DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS IN THE EVENING. iLOHSJf CCTAHRH -: - 72 1 iu ifii li- 111 JI o, Dominion eveur-dm- i via Kin Grande Western from Wubcr; Davis. Utah Juab uiid Kmtry I'ouiilii. Kvoryon nhuulil rutiiniuhof tlisit only thow purohaslinf llekct In uhtivit eon u I lea l:x IS It 8 GI1ANDH WESTERN on) entitled tu a ehaneo In tin) great prizes agirrcgallug 81. Oik). Mppr.lal i r.il i:k ami rates in effect via Itlo Grande Western Only. Trains amitlt of J null run daily exri'iit UKMKMliKU that the Urn Grand Wesiern lt iilway Is thnouly Hue running Its Siiudav . through to Salialr lleac.li wiiimut t k ingi or diilay. For further InforTraiiiM leave Salt Lake for Ogden (Wiij mation apply to ltlo Grand Western TIcktt Agnt, F. A. WADLE1GI1, Guuoral I'aasengur Agent, Salt Lako City. at 7 :00 a in, 7 :80 a in, .400 p m ami 4 :,' 0 p nt. rrama leave Ogilen for Salt I,nku daily at 3:15 m, 0:15 p in, 8:30 a in urn! 8:00 a t m, Eagle Tobacco Cure The L'luoe connections made at Juil Southern 1'afiflc trains. leaves Americsn Perk st 4:03 ElwlJJ a in ana 0:40 p nt Liiffsn 0.-8Trains for Tooele yui, daily vxeepi Sunday leaving Salt Lake 7:45 a m " KnftlTir trains leave American Fork 3:3A p in srrivea nt Eureka 11:30 a in. Twenty-fou- r hours to Denver: 30 hours to Om sits; 48 hours to Kansas city and Chicago. Itemiinber the Union Pacific is the best e line for New Mexico and Arixnna. buying your tickets get our flgnrcs. For further information as to rates, maps, etc. ctll on or write, Is a Wonderful Thing. r TO RIVAL in ita auccessful gad the TESTIMONIALS fnmen. Worka but improroa noIN-syste- m, lie-for- D. E. Duiilkt, Genl Agt. J, M. IIaydc-x- your HEALTH.' TARE IT ndN1)AYS , Agt. American Frk. Pass. Dept . Salt Lake, City Ticket Office 201 8. Main st. E. L. Lomax, G. 1, & T. A E. Dickiksox, Gen t Agt, S. II . II. Clam, Oi.ivkr W. Mikk, E. Ellkbt Axdbkson, Receivers, Jong M. Doank, FhEDKHICX will be CURED of the TbSCC0 CIGARETTE HABIT audS?r Bend $5 for one bottle to Eagle Pharmal E. Cor. keond South snd B. BenY8Ff,Ki0 brands d earth will be lengthened. on It Cot'DEIlT d, F0 Agents Wanted Everywhere. ISofore buying see that the bottles Wut Tampls StreeU, Salt Laks Clt arc. sealed with the signatiiro. Dram Lkk Dais None gcuuino without this seal or wliou seal Is broken. Firat-Cla- u ar broad-shouldere- d y a T't , l i ", ih-i- i P-- t. -- BEST LINE SPECIAL! AFTER A CAREFUL TEST WE FIND THAT THE GRADE OF THREE CROWN BAKING POWDER WE HAVE BEEN MAKING IS THE BEST THAT CAN BE MADE FOR THE PRICE CHARGED. WE HAVE DETERMINED TO MANUFACTURE THE PUREST AND BEST CREAM TARTAR BAKING rOWDEK THAT CAN BE MADE. AND THOUGH THE PRICE WILL BE SLIGHTLY ADVANCED. IT WILL HAVE MORE LEAVENING STRENGTH AND WILL BE CHEAPER IN THE END. AFTER AUGUST IS. 1805. THERE WILL BE A BLUE HEWLETT BROS. IMPROVED LABEL ON THE COVER WORDED: THREE CROWN BAKING POWDER EVERY CAN GUARANTEED TO BE EQUAL TO THE BEST IN THE MARKET OR MONET REFUNDED," AND WE ASK TOU TO KINDLY GIVE IT A HEWLETT BROS., Min., Salt Xk City, Utah. TRIAL HIGH-GRAD- E USAS CITY AND Ssebis Libe of the World Tlte Only Lino Uunning Two Tlirnngli Est Trains Daily to LEAD VII.I.E, ASl'KS, PUEBLO, COLORADO SPRIXUS, AXD DKXVER Effective April -- 1), 11VJ4. Tran No. 2 leuv.-- Amriicnn Fork at sd l'If CrrinrSEsunrr a 0:02 a in, urrtve at Pueblo at 1:10 a m, Colorado Sin i in ga 7 :.)1 a m, Denver 1C :30 a in. Cripple Creek l):.V) a in. RUS1NESS DIRECTORY Tiniii No. 4 learei. American Fork OUR 8:3-nt on at nt ariits htgnal) (tops or SALT I.AKK A XI) OlillKX MKItrUAXTi. Pueblo 5:27 p in, t'olnra.lu Spiings Whrs su.werlDit sdvcrtlwmauts kindly tovntlos p in, Denver 0:21 p in. to it newspaper. Onnectioia iiiM.it- - at I'uelilo, Colorado Springs anil Denier with ail lines eat. AKCHITKCT snd super Elcgnnt day coaeltes, eltair cars, sml M. D. KERN, inteiiJcnt, Kisnn. ISiXM iWU.Dil Snull Piiilinaii Sleep i n all tiains. Take the D. & If. G ami have a rnmf riab!e 111011 SEEDS. UCE, flip and enjoy tin final scent ry on Ihe li A. SML' Ill'll A I TK I'KOD. CO.. Os'len. It. contin. nt. bLYLKn. b.t.NUi-.UA Itoom S17. tVhitinahun lild. Train leaving Ameiie n Fork al W. Imt eutb t. I1.), lie I SAL a ni arrive at Clippie Creek ;i ki limniIMTOOM HOTEL tkTfiT,X.Tish. ng at Mixlsru lin re dealer in 1'iese iiiachtues in Xcrtbern Llata. lie makes all kinds nf Ktpatrinira 8pcialty. BICYCLES! Best in At Send tc for catalodus. S. K. Ifmi'Et, G. P. AT. A. Traffic mgr., Di nver. Colo., Denver, Colo B. F. Nkvixs, II, M. Ct'Miixo, Gen'l Agt., Ttav, Pass. AgV A. S. Mriim-a- Salt Laxe citv, Utah. T. J. House PAPER! BARBERS Etc-- Interior Dir:ifioiia ami draining'. All kinds of Commercial lleadiiniirters for Lutest ami Clit'iiiHst Advcrtit-ing- Fork MONEY! R. R. TICKETS. flip in Utah. M.KdPPf5"K f-- 1 Sv 0tcs.ssli Lr' 1 3d bo. IV. Temple ball baksi.iiy, L'tah Watchmaker, Jeweler of flue Caadle Co.1-,1?- llqt or call nt i:A(;isE piand lamia Ms.cy, v'or. i.Mkrt C'itv. rtn t',nrruonr'sup. k, Main.ssil Lake Lit Utah Optical 1 sliualil n,l delay. H rite fur funliar parth-ular- s tes to all world. Groshellt Al.i;. , kxamixaih.xs fkix I AWYFR(SHCKtLL& hUTCHiSSOY i.llUj(JpCrau0U,yt,n(is;iiiLak RESULTS Ca-heri'tofnre Iiiim'1,.,,, now cured and brought to newness nf life and happiness. UK tU TI!K TKbTIMUMAL of a lcian nnc on liiior cures, but no skeptical lloiiirtil imi sold. J Mrib A, S' Main Street EAGLE LIQUOR CURE lu,Li., I. S Alt 74 SA F KST. MUST Kl'CCKSFl'U AND MOST I'KItMAX lIXT 11KMF.DY YET DISUOVEKKU. LAKK IIAUDKKnM'ITI.Y LO l.u W. Slid South fet' To lomn on inqroviJ frius CKAYKSA t'ernn-lildit . Suit l.sxe fity. S!-- . D. Fnm Tim roiupt MINING STOCKS ltoi ASTONISHING Samples by msil nr express rereive prompt allutiun. . Selections trout ten of the largest Mill in the United Stall s. Ameiiicax Et. sttentloa nlven nil orders by malt r express. SALT buppltes and Crindlna. Faintipg (ilttzitijr. IO. buppl:1, UTiapiutf pu Ifiugs, Twines, l' IAPKU t tVKalt Lskt K. "il. llKKK'liU .V ClJi jur,Mlll.K mm. Sign abd Pdppr-lmiifirii- t!: I'riiHer ).W. CURRIE, aiAIilSTOY "NDESORAriVE MUSIC - PIANOS ORGANS. CO ALTER ft SHE LORO VE CO. ot-i- s K , the Market. S4O.S50.S75 and SI00 Ail kinds btiqols supplies tent by mail. Address C. L, UKHINGKB, Usden Lvolsbturu. JOdSStb sk, Okden.l't prop'r (lAI2t, m 0.-0- liousi.1101,1 word in oUlee. SJ. Gril--- 4 23d SI Ogden is ex- - clu-i- (inn-rolil- flic City. ' Thk. trrrat VcfctHlils Vitalls.r,th),nsiL.rii- tlon ot a fimousFretvh pliykn, will qolcfcly cure vuo of all ncr-vnduu-asn or of tin! oncsiM, sucU mn Lust II anboud. Insomnia. Inlnsln the Biick.aeaiinal EmMnim, Kemms DeUlltr, Pimples, Un limes to Horry, Drains, Vsrlrnecli itKltratlnn. It stops all losses bjr day or nlaht. Irerenrs qukik-o- f new tliscliaree, wliiclt If notc!vVen lesls lo f perms tnrrlHVa snd nil tbs horror, of lmpnlencr. I ItKXK clouusss Uiullvt-r- , Uae t BEFORE aNO AFTER kldncyaiul theinlnumircanrof all impuritlea. Strentrlhensaml restores smsllweiik cir'tans. Tim renson are rot rnre, hy i mnnrs is hornaxn ninety per rent are traobted wlltr to rnrv wli I, out s Sue tret biuat- wtatllls. Cl'lI liK.N K Is the only known retm rfy and money relumed If rix bntrs dm-- a not eitucl a uoruuuuul vurw a!. A . si x for il for ntKKvln-unit moil. rend Icailmunial. ir UjOs Ian by J5ux 3,70, Ban Ffmidsco, Cal Addriss D.IVOL MEIKICIM S CO 1. aat by s WalUraper Designs, for lint Tninpklr. 0f w,yi,lneton '! ': ,l.r"11 sheppin tot gh has to I Sm'.'ix i!,"'. ,,:ut "ll Me JUStlees of mitt want for lomlng yar. lanh po,,,y amt util CUPIDENE MANHOOD RESTORED 1. I. M N ! U Y ATT. U.- - !3 6 Optician Main street. Sl ISflft. SaltLaka. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder World's Fair Highest Modal sad Plplnma. |