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Show fork American ITEM. J he Dui.klt NOTICK. No iO'3' or co!iiscuiii;jti,us ,,r i11'1"'1'11 ill '"a TiiJl ij.V i'iU:li !' ' itll Wm. 1 !h 1 rs i S i.t ,ir ! U AUYER USERS. liiant, l.us ys mJu'.a cut in suu.iurr nay u tlina. of tin- Util i, u.w l.tui.l tbrevl.er - i ". 1; I'm , l!.o ian 1:1 inn :e a liiin hut;, Call niiJ Kuiron iTku Kin;ioiitin In n i.rr. vi1- j.r - -- i Alpine ia looming up again, our :sd'-:;an il.a lart'i is glooming with the 'xiuiii.e- - tbai i!iej':i c. Cici'or lias hiea;ci: us wi'U Our spare teams un-- meu are woikiug at the Live Yankee mine ore tkerefroiu and money iu (lieso p.rts is getting .i: 1 dnii ! .It.-.f- imi'U'.-t- l HilT.ll.'llr.he", hf I !:t? ti i i'treli m A ni?rkh.t roi-fc- . in i uoii-iis- . TIIO-- E -s l Pit-kh- ic-ki- w run-lirica- Svn-vhcr- -- Har-ivaud- Kays-ville- r if un-d- Gan-derma- n, a Can-rulin- g a. u ' Chil-blti- ay . disWhen the liver and kidney a are dcapon-deneof eased it produces a ieeling and gloorr. of mind that it is to shake of. The victim needs restore the help of a remedy that will norniil the deranged organ! to their health j cnnthtion. Dr. J H McLphii Liver and Kidney Balm will bring shout this result. By stimulating them to increased setivity in removing tin tba waste of the system, it restore' health and vigor of mind and body. 50e. a bottle. Fit sale by Steele ft Co. Mr. George Beck, manager of the Becka Springs, was a jubilant viritor this week, and when the truth of toe matter was terreted out si to his extra movements it was tonnd that a bran new his wife last girl wm presented him by The Ite took Tuesday, Aug 13th. home. beverages and George medxine in the It the beat patent M. Hartman, of E. Mr. world" is what a Marauam, Oregon, aaye cf Chamberlain Diarrhoea Remedy. and Cholera Colic, 11 What leada me to make this assertion in its is from tho fact that dysentery worst form was prevalent around Lera two ImI inminbr ind It Dewr took owr or three doses of that remedy to effect btaele ft complete cure." For isle by Co. i i rilESENT. more easy. ...ruiiure, toy, Our mine are comming to the from, II. Duiiklt y, general in orn-i- .l:e aini tiie Battler is iu tome eight . ''.Hi;.'. Already lluur lijr Hie Jllklill- . trim: Ok. ti.llvry itS. biye a general s.say of f 17 I i'iir. Lxdii s win) l)., a seiixr ot wvak-iieiMrs. It. K. Diiigx. millinery. uinl kiiini 1 11" Ixuui.es of tlit Tint owners f il.e Tom BroWi (.'eluti mi. I Sy.l Uhiimiu, buck klcui'.-il- -' Dr J II McLean's liiilrcnlli Aimii.il iiiceiiiig of l he I uu t'.;c kc!) und, and yo, I iililiabl SMcliilii'iiing t'oriliiil HIM U:.u-- Puri- - protpce'iiig Cirant Hotel. i Am'ic'.iiI.m rl ii,,- can that' a out for from l leiy gtio-ftacli will Mippiy Ho much needr-:ia a.iy Or. A. Cliiixte: .un dm list. ilk llu ut irreail Utah anJ weakness uf opened nvcicumti irchupcl point. mineral merchandise, J. J. Jack.-mii-, 1 a brUlc at Sicela ft I'.). Cit Thursday, and will be in sc; gularities. TIu'T have struck good rock on the in tbi j (lathing. etc. ons week. fa ami lio'ae Jas. Newton, hlacktmitli J. L. Dunkley, 1 iik Iitn's Inriuer Rob Roy, aud arenliHpiug to woik that ion ;!.er. now liiiilifig down t lie trans.Tb first on Ihe piogrsm fur Thursprojierly. J. F. IlalUev, ilecnrativc painter ami companion fer and switch board at Juab writes a day evening was su Address of Welcome Thu FlagstaiT have a body of ore wliirlf wss very ably executed by Miss pip:r hanger. his of ot tale Iioiiicsick" siege pathetic Stephen Worn!, tunanrial artixt. McCullough, followed with Responses John MeNiul, Precinct Justice am to us in which be says: "Get Tux Item, twenty feet thick at tho grass rents that by Misses A. F. llulibanl, I.. 11. Work and it was to me better than a meal" will susy 3 per ton, tree milling ore, aud Mrt.G, L. Notary Public. Hardy. Andrew County Surrey or, when I am lung-- aisled Some music was iudulged by .inuiii Thanks j.L and they think they have bnuanzt. I'. S. mineral surveyor ami notary public We had a man up here taking orders F Hnlhurd, Lchi Lake Resort, Hosier ft Knight, II . A. Harrington and wife, Will Hot; Clemenson of Mt, Pleasant made Deseret Telegraph Office lor satis- Chipman aud wife, Mrs. James Chip-ma- for meat choppers, and it lie comes to an apprnprmto and very instructive ati faction. warm dress entitled The Christian Citizen in Jr., Misses Maltha Keller, Millie deliyer them he will meat with 11. Lee, livery. Utah." reception. A. K. Thornton, winer, liquors and C'rmkitnn, aud Dell and Ock Chipman Some music was then givm by Miss ii Polities aic getting a start with us L CnUide, and the evening's program returned Wednesday from a weeks yisit (igara. Adamson, Wild ft Co., wiues, Hquorx, 10 the Strawberry with short addresses by Hr. coantiy. They report again, and the Lord only knows when closed und cigars. Wiskard ami llev. Leveret t. it will more taxes means ii If nnuc seem nut they stop. having splendid time, Ebenezer iluuter, Notary Public. Fill WAY AKTS.UNOHS. than we have at present we hope lie to have iny fish stones to relate. Out ot Town Advertisers. ot Pupil's morals" l y Development will slop them right now. D. M. Smith, Implement Extras Symptoms id kidney troubles should Fsnsie Galbraith was listened to witii , Salt Lake Cycle Cu,, bicycles, he promptly attended to; they are naShe was followed uy Robert Coblcv of Pleasant Grove ia up much attention. etc. is wrong. ture's warnings that sonietl-inThe A ou F llulburd place and Power dwellhere cew and some making brick, Dr. G. W. Shore's, medicines. Many persons die victims of kidrey dis of music in our school work." S. C. Wells ft Co., Shiloh's cures. ease who could hare been saved had they ings are looked for in the near feature. lbe Kindergarten wax then fuily dis J. II. McLean, liniments, blood pur- aken proper precautions. Tin prompt cussed by Katie Smith aud ltey . II. II Our is and poo pie resding your paper, use of Dr. J II McLean's Liver and Kidsers, etc. MeCreery, which closed the afternoon's II. E. Bnckhn. Arnica sake. ney Balm lias saved thousands of valu-uah- ie they say it is getting nswsy. I think exercises. cure. ft Chamberlain lives. Co., cough bottle, at you will soon have good subscription Try it, $100 Those who have arriva l anil are in a( C. I. Ilood, sarsaparilla, Steele ft Co, list frnm this point. tendance insurance. Aid aie: Association, Pidility It is disgusting to hall intelligent Wm Dunsdon aud Frank Farguhson Hot Springs Sanitarium, bathing. l Mis Hey S E Wiehard, I) D Cluff ft Scott, barbers. person to notice blotched up notices are working at the Devey onyx miue, sios of Utah; Key Josiali McClain pas Irs W. Ki nward, lawyer. posted np in a couple of places about and they say there Is a large body of it ton 3d Preabylerian church, Salt Lake F. D. Hobbs, land and mining att'y. Ref W A Hough, a misaionarv f .r the town. People are some times unable to tl ere, with chances of it never giving American Bible Association; Rev T F Byron Groo, U. S, Land Register. read them. Words spelled wrong, and nut. Dai of Califi rnia; Rev I V Smith ot Chicago, Burlingi on ft Quincy R. w. s. n. ir. such unintelligent manner that it is Salt Luke Collegiate Institute; Prof Geo ft Itio Grande II y. II Marshall af the Presbyterian academy The latest is a disgrace to any party. Ililgert Deformity Shoe Co, orM t Pleasant; Guo Peacia-- of Maim; Foh Hunt Houses for three Until John G. Colton, electric liniment, blue iliose calling a Republican meeting. iesin the Green Row. Will rent very Rev G Y Mortun, pastor at Mauli; Rev. mg, Provo. It should be stopjied. . U L Union Pacific Railway. cheap. Apply to A. A. Green. pastor, amt wife at St George; Key O S Wilson, pastor at Many persons sufTu." torture from Itev E M Knox, pastor at ; itching about the joints and lower limbs. Fine Stuck of Grsniteware, Glassware, Neplu; Rev can be iu T L Leyereil pastor at Cedar trouble This PERSONAL stoiiped annoying AND LOCAL fixhislieii sit etc. Fine Table Tumblers, siiort order by applying to City ; Rev E N Clemenson, pastor at J1 cLen for 50c. dozen; and another Logan: Miss O W Reid, tear her ai Grand Press excursion on August, 27th nirected I)r. J. 11' 011 Liniment. The t:aclier at Smiilifleld; Mise E C ' hipnumTm arrive in a few days at Monroe; Mias Anna FHerron, ,Vi.28tIi. t oaco to its llulburd, teacher and iuietiug Grant's Emporium. MIW Jrif-TkeTteh 1ST fWTfw.tfcWJ fryii Salt Lake Collegiate Institute; 1.00 BOe Mias Engcnu Hunger, teacher at Sppnng Imttle itsined can Cosinformation reliable ft llepiililicitii Afia M II McCullough and Sarah both ladiea leed, teachers of American Fork; Laura The party,' tcucliing on all questions. Republican M dacha. am Far and gentlemen, met at the City llall lVVork and Mrs F C Dnnlap, teachers y for all forms ot Head Ladies and gentlemen's under cloth isric Bitters lias proyed to be Thursday evening for the purpose d'Fplirann; Lucy Pearlsy teacher at Cal ing is going at cost at Dunkley'a. Spsnisn Fork; Misaea Helen L Cough, t best. It effects a permanent of electing new officer! for the pre- Jennie Buclimnan Fatima Galbraith and id the most dreaded habitual sick early. Katie Bn to 19 the to select cinct and Smith, all misamnary teachers We influence. delegates !che yield to its of Alt Pleas nt; Amanda Luiidqiiiir, People in this neighborhood are co nrge all who are afflicted to procure a county convention. teacher at Fairview; 8adie McClure, a fair trial. tinually sloping the county papers this and remedy giye bottle, Chairman Jackson presided, and tsacher at Spring city. Alice W Peck, In cases of habitual constipation Electric ordering Thi Item . We are traclu-at Benjamin; Alisaea Lymo and J. R. Hindley recorded. exists Secretary tone .needed the Billers cure by giving know that such a warm fedDg Mr. James T. Gardner was unani- Tillf. teachera at Kayayilie; Susan ro the liowejs. and few esses long resist towards this paper. and Anna Raymlnd, teachera of the use rl this medicine. Try it once. mously elected chairman; Mrs. Ray a r,il bigan. ne,t at Steele cents iJiMinS The R. G. W. is Large bottles only Fifty Robinson first vice and J. R. Ilindley Every morning frnm 0 a. m. to 12 s,BteJ ft Co's.. Drug Store. read atation at I nl, second vice. n o'clock there will ha a Bible atudy, as The Item sob time ago. It is direction tha of M- - L, Scott was elected secretary, Wishard. Rev. Marvelous Results will be consuring tht similar one with Miss Cora Bromley aa assistant. a letter written by Rev. J. From one. need goodness structed litre. We ot Dimondaie, Mich , we are F. Adamson was elected treasurer, C.otliing Sales Asentg Wanted knows. permitted to make this extract: I haye and following as an executive comAmerican Farx and yicimty. Dr. suit no hesitation in recommending Mary A. Bowling hu brought mittee: J. J. Jackson, Mrs. John the results as New Discovery, a di King's paid will warrant Storekeeper! for gainst her husband, Robert, were almost marvelous in the esse of my Houston, James C. Williams, John court. They wife. While I was KCirng our outfit of aamplea. yorce in the First District pastor of the Baptist McNeill, ir., Thomas B. Parker. Wm. and eoliciting agenta dan maka mar-lie- d were and she was Chadwick, Frederick Church at Rives Junction arc residents ot this city, Mis ora than ordinary aalary. Correap.ind-ese- p Wright, brought down with Pneumonia succeed- Peter Adamson, Hannah Dunkley, Lent 2 or 8 or 4 refer-ciefin England in 1899. requested La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of Anna Ilindley, and ltosena Bromley. ing new ft Bueva . a Waxaxaeer for J. M . Anderson, soliciting i W. coughing would last heurs with little James Pa. and Mr. Sr., Philsdelphio, is Chipman, Maeser if she II. interruption and it seemed book, of which Prof. Karl G, the were members of elected Gyant them. A friend recauthor, entitled School and Fireside, conld nut survive i Kncklcna Arnica Salve. New Discovery; oounty central committee. Dr. ommended Kieg'o orders week this taking was in town The following delegntea andaitet-n- a The Bebt Salve in the world for Cute, was quick in its work and highly sat it en were elected to attend the con- Braiaea. Sores, U leery, Salt Rheum, Fever The Republicans held a meeting last isfactory in results. Trial bottles free the : vention with at Springville to-dmact Store. ; Sores, Tetter, Chapped Uanda. to Regular ft at Steel Co's., Drug Monday and decided Corna, and all Skin Eruptiona, does size 5(c, and $1.00, M. Bromley, James Chipms , Ijr. Wm. TUii veritably ladies conjointly. Samuel Wsgstsff, John McNeill, Chw sod poaltively curea Piles, or no pay club away with the Ladies Republican It ia guaranteed to give perfect Green, W. U. Pool, W II Grant, TbM Whin tha stomach lacks yigor and Price M Millar, M. L. ftcoft, wtisfaction or money refunded, W. railway, John R. 0. the Chipman, of flatuthe digestion is weak therewill be 8upt. Welby, cente per box. FOR SALE BY Mrs Rosens Bromley, Eliza Jack 8 Lake, Salt ot and 8imon Bamberger, Steele ft Co's., Drug 8tore. lence, heartburn, nausea, weakness Mrs Carl Dickenson, Mn Susannah Back 'he remedy needed is Dr. I. W. Me- staff Alisa Eliza with others, were accompanied to Mrs Si Chipman, Blood and John B'Tk lvin's Strengthening Cordil Crojkston, Mrs Libbey Smith, Alice Springs this week by Mr. Lamenraa usually resulta from a sprain, the grouno Purifier to give tone and strength to 1 the Steele and Mrs Julia Grant. A'teinstss: over look to was Their object an to oral her Injury, or from rheumatism, for of and wtomnch digestion organs A Mrs the Mrs. Win lo Christensen, Grant, a switch winch Chamberlain's Win Balm u esid iu the assimilation ot food. Purifies prepaartory to placing this ia don i ne blood and builds up a strong and John Houston, John Houston, John pecially intended and unequalled. If It Lab!. from Grant and Mrs Lena Chipmaa. Saratoga sfords almost immediate relief and in to l.ealtby appetite. $1.00 per bottle at Tba meeting then adjeurned. it will prove a veritable boon both ibort time effects a permanent curs. For Steele ft Cos. the resort and our sieter city. sail by Btaele ft Co. J.Uuua, are ''slrietly in it1' fur latest Slupuient just m. tide Toms Cabin. II. m l iv night, .Ui'. lrtili we will T"ni's lie L 'yd s lf.g Pi.vilii;i L'lit-IC.il'in w!i ch conies lo us iu the way ot a novelty ax produced under a moustcr caliya-- k opria house with a large stage, ami appropriate supplied with new scenery, p. tinted rspcoully for tins A soh) hand aud challenge . oriln-'ilicnuiuo SllK'liao Itliiod 1 lliiuioi-i'iiies, Doukics, etc. Every ot litis slid I lie pose dt cades liter-alm- s trlhula-lii-llias read id the trials and 's of II' ohi c.tbtri'd lino ot shivery las ns depleted in Jluih-- t ib eclii-I .'tow's world Uni. lit two III Is of the r oi'1-- e :i w I'licssnl ilio il l i ukry so! I in s io.iy I. s f irti Midi- -, uu ler more try iog oidcn.s and his limit ili'Mth smidst gioiioiik surround ings. This will recall the sweetness ol li'tle evs sinl the scene which pictures tho cli'Iii on lo r way to hi'iiTcn ; mid on the other haul, there Marks ihe Lawyers, ami Topxya, who "just gruwrd,'' und the thirsty I dor id cli i Mix. T. S. T'"ill f ,T, "iiibih'n Vitiilizer saved III V hie. 1 iV'Uid.-il 1 he best remedy for a dehi.iti d system I ever use I." Fur uys pei.si i. liver or k: they troiiMi it excels. Price 73 et. . I Dunkleys stales in dry go.' Is. bar-vc.- ltiikii., Grant's LOYD'S MU IAYILION. thTpresbytery Alpino Inkliujrs na, Mr. C. . Siiu.ig, principal ot tho public Si liunii St .Vxil rx'iu, Cal., aAys: I have un d Uim.i.'. rlaiu's Pain Balm aud have fuuml it na exrellent remedy For tor Innii'ii.'s aad alight wounds." ale by JSiL'de ft Co. ii . YHkUEAS,Tli.; Gold ISlosKiui Alining Company, a Llub crpotulinn, did, by Us certain True! Deed in writing, dated M.iicli I", lb'j3, uiul aIiii.Ii Wax ilu.y rei'iiriled in Ihe office o! thn C'iinty of I't.ili county, ou the find day of April, lsiyj, at tl uVlirk a. in., in Rook 27 ot Di'i'iN, pugo 238, couvry to David Kelley, as Trustee the following described lands, premises and mining claiina, situate iu Utah county end TerThe Geld Blossom," ritory, the Lake View," Ilia Elk Horn," the John L"aml .Silver Key, as the same are particularly di'scrilted iu the notices of location recorded in office of the hounds. County Recorder rf Utah county, in said All exet-p- the first of which One night when Air. Isiac Httrse wm Territory. cluiins are situate about two miles aid stopping with me, says M. F. Hatch, north uf Ilmnansyillo canyon, between prominent inercliMiit of Quartermaster, Cedar and I' tali valleys in said conuly; I heard him gmauiug. On Washington, and, going to his room 1 iouud him suffering WiiEKKAS, The smd Gold Blossom from rrsmp colic. II was iu such Mining Company ix justly indebted to 1 feared dm. I lie would agony hastily Jaiuca Chi pin an upon its certain promisgave him ados of Cliuulierhiiii's Colic March 20, 1805, for the dated note, sory He Cholera suit Diaiii.oes Remedy. of Six Hundred and Ten Dollars, whs soon relieved aud the first words he auiu on 1, 1895, with interest littered were, what wu that stuff you payable st August of twelve per cent, lbe thereon iat 1 A few informed him. trim, me?" ; and annum, quarterly payable per days ago we were talking about liis at iibrcas, It is provided in said Trust lack slid he said ha wu never without Deed that if default lie made in the that remedy now, I liaye used it in my of the note above mentioned, I know its worth slid payment family for years or of t lie in'ercal In not hesitate to recommend it to my or any part thereof, . thereon, according to the terme thereof. friends snilcuetomeri. For sale tiien upon application of the legal Steele JTCo. owuer of said note, the said Trustee lo enter upon, sell end disRepublican Ladies Social. pose ot aaid premises and mines, or any The Ladies Republican club tendered part thereof, and all right, title, benefit'1 a annul in ilia public at the city hall on and equity of redemption of tha said Gold llluMoni Alining Company, sltliei Wednesday evening alter their general Some singing and speaking in mass nr separate parcels, at public meeting. auction, at the front door ot the Couct.v wan indulged in and after a timely ad Court House, in the county of Utah dn-aMrs. ol Steward rieanant Grove, by ne cream and rake was deliciously Territory of Utah, lor the highest anil served by tlio good ladirs of the club, best pries for cash, first giving thirty and many llianka are due them for the dry's previous notice of such sale in a published m said county ol courtesy shown, and especially to the newspaper Utah, and to apply the proceeds of said f. gentleman, Irrespective of political ale to the payment of the amount due upon said note end the costa and ex THE ALTER penacs nt said sale, as provided in said Trust Deed, reference to wlnrh is hereAt American Fora at the home of the by made tor all purposes, and which b groom on Friday August Iflth 1805. herehy made r part of this 'notice; anil W u ehe as, Default has been made in Mr. Andrew Bennett and Alra. Marion Mr.Clerie of Canada by tha Rev. J, A. L, the payment of ell interest anil the prin luipal sum due upon said note, whereby Smith of tha Preadyterlau Church. the conditions of said trust have been broken, sad the said James Chipman has iiKATilri requested in writing that sale be made oi StStMtmM.Mi.SiSMSVXMsMaiMnKiMaSMSMMMMVMM'M the said premise for the purpose of IIarrtnoton In American Fork, Utah, off aaid note and satisfying said paying August, IS, 1895, of summer com- trust; now. plaint, Yarn Alay, them fsnt daughter Therefore, at tha request of aaid ot Mrs. Len Harrington, aged 14 James Chipman, public notice ii hereby months. given, that I, David Kelley, Truatre ax The lather ia now on mission in the aforesaid, by virtue of authority in me Southern Slates and the isd newa to him vested by said Trust Deed, will, on the o'clock will lie a thunderbolt!, for it was a fav- 9th day of September. 1895, at 19 noon of aaid day, aril and dispose of orite child, and much admired by the aaid abeye described property, together parents. The fuuenl took place on with all the appurtenances thereon be Tucadsy afternoon, and Ihe remains ot longing, at public auction at the treat House, in the little one wee followed to ite list door of the County CourtUtah TerriProvo City, Utah County, resting place by thirteen vehicle!. tory, for the higheitand best price that tbs same will bring in cash, tor tha purpose of paying said note end the coats and expenaea af executing this trait. ANDREW BENNETT David Kelley, Trustee. Dated this 10th day of August, 1805. First publication Aug: 10, 1895. t thl-.'il- i 1: V n Grand Watch this space for t: t s The Veteran Blacksmith Has returned again and is prepared to do FOR SALE CHEAP house ot two roomt with thing ii lumber kitchen . One acre and a quar manner. Hie shop will lie found at the Old Stand, ter corner lot, all good land with fine young orchard, grsaery, cellar and Adjoiuing the Presbyterian Chapel other improvements, all tenced. Amxrican Fork Utah ; Apply at once to Andrew Adamson. County Surveyor, American Fork, Utah. all Kin Ja of Blackami A nice brick afirst-dsi- a 11E1QISR nOOGABU), BLACKSMIT- H-' WORK FULLY GUARANTEED. Harrington Street Dr. Merriliew, dentist. Lelii. Locotion notices st The Item office NEW arrival of goods at Grant's Em Mixed poriam this week ere reliable. ' Paints and Buggy Faints American Utah Just Arrived, Mowing Machine Sections for OIL J. D. LOUIS, y NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE, FBAGT2CING PHYSICIAN OFFICE: K. Statt Btwt, American Fork, tha fc lowing named machines: - tab . Crown, Buckeye, McCormick, Champion, and Wood Can be purchased at DUNKLEY'S. Editorial A GOOD THING-HE- LP Excnrsion, Tbs following gentlemen ere authorized to solicit eub scription tor itock in the COUNTY Aug. -t The Salt Lake Cycle Cos Taffy. to 27-2- 8, Saltair FKUlT AND AGRICULTURAL And Collect 20 Per Cent of Same. SOCIETY Andrew W Drury, W. II. Kelsey, Springville; James Miller, Samuel eudJV us. Ashby. Wnde, Payson; Lewis. Fork; Berry Johnson, F. Spanish Leon Lake Shore; Evse Wrlde, M. Jorgenecn. A. Hslladsy, II . Knudccn. Thomaa Pleasant Grove; Thomas ltd, John Gillis, Proyo; II. B, Stcrrett, J. W. Gardner, A. Shelley, American Fork; Israel Evans, Lehi. in fact fot This Society tin proven to be grand thing fer the farmers and one of the the community at large; every citizen in tha county abould call on on ia before it ell the of stock gone. some secure and committee and secretary Call on for peeking aud shipping initructing are now ready . Our are worth the above commrttee or aecretiry of the society end get on free; they dollars to you. P. Boyer, Wm. Hy-La- and Garfield. IT |