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Show AMERICAN FOR Serf VOL. Il.xo. is. AMEItlCAX FOliK, I'TAII, SATl'im.Y Y J11 (i 1 s'l' 17, 1MI5 E. HUNTER, GOLD SURPLUS flXw'l'AltV ITHLli Vi- ili Hiring De living tliiit i hi- - wln.l nil! not spring IS FADING. tion up rain sels in. Tin- - residents of Summit, a simill supporti-e KviU'-nn-u- Precious Gold Reserve Again in Danger. , t O Hii- - n i.i n dru win'll, Iiiih no famli uvtn ciiiixiili'iubli' priijH-rty- . Im 00 BUSINESS, TOO-FULL'J- ruici; lie ily, liul d 41.25 ii:h VEAll. GREAT BEAR HUNT. by the shingle Industry, hud a most experience. They suy the flumes caine upon them with the of a racehorse. Men were forcedspeed inti) the mill to escape the tie man, trying to save Ills exi-ltin- Lynchersioo Drunk to Mexican Robbers Shot. FnmlifruH, Biiiiura, Mexico, Aug. 12. Beast Who Devours the Cot Six weeks Rgu the private messenger in kh uMi'ii l,:, (o. ,1 ,i;i uf (.'iiloncl John Weir was killed by a Profit AiiiiUIHK (YiIWUvl. Imulri gang uf highway men and robbed of feiMs, stayed by the lire when oi-- had uutlmri-tii-0000. Since s tlie Mexican then mi11 on C'(iiniiiissioi or hr The Gold Reserve ia Nearing the sought shelter, but Anally he . kept up an unrelenting chase Fnrmers of the South Should Eight to retreat, but Ml betweenstaHn red into the 'Cells, but tlie Prfs-mer- e utterhave $100,003,030 Nark Export Give eil the rubbers, uml cuptiu-elliciiH house Keller and the the Bears of tha Cotton Exchanges mill, Al Ki:uivxrs jnot Injured and several men Rise to a Rumor That Bankers Are lushed nut and last week. Seventeen of tlie nuiulier AMklili'AN FoliK Sr., for of him Inside. Htjd the Murder drugged Cost of Production No Longer were who afIn concerned tile directly to hthly Force Another Bond Is Keveral houses were burned to Trying the shot. tlie Value The Crop Clara Shaih" Strong Evidence fair have been convicted mid AmerRegulates sue Carlisle Says There ia No Need ground. tie Accused Embezzler Furty others, among them an Be Should Back and Marketed Held A. inai CHRISTENSEN of Aga Fear. DR ican linnicd Trilndet, who belonged In, JURORS AND NEWSPAPERS. Hii Cell. Found nr nyiniMiiliixcd with, the rubbers, have Gradually. been pressed Into the Mexican army. Features Tin- - entire bund uf rubbers who have Washington, Aug, 12. The Treasury Some Interesting! t 11. A of mob Aug. Mh Lebanon Tiiel. Infested lust this Galveston, Tux., Aug. 10. Tim followhave now all Iwen $l,li.Vll0Hi in guld In r eijiurt toiluy n w,nt to the Spring-fiel- d shut or arc region San Francisco, Aug. about forty ing huh ItsKUud tuduy; I S arrest. under lu Eurui-c- , leaving Hie reserve only 'dock this morning Tu the Gntluii GruU'eis uf the South: Jail aboiD l w vr ulmut $i,3uu,uuu above the hundred ill the ease of Dur-ran- t, J As CuUmi uf the and duliianiltd of the Jailer the keys Ullim III .hicliMili ll'iiliiinj., million point. Tlie telegram which un dturged with the murder uf leading to thtMu of Matthew Dewis GruHuis' l'rulucllve Assuclutiuii, uugiu-x- a PRJTESS0K BEAUS RESIGNS. lilauche Amkhii-aj- i Mrs. wll( did iiounced assaulted Dumont, not uf the the withdrawal reached the Foiik, lliul hu been lit Ltau complete the and Jesse !(? gruul wrung lerpi-lralcJailer, seeing re- Political Economist Who Made Atupon tlie musses uf uiy duiairtmnt Just as it was dosing at 4 Jury. The murnlng session passed (Shields recendr- - .The handed over the was fteless, tlie cultuu gruwt-r- uf the u'elcck, and gave no information as to without the addition of a single Juror. sistance tacks ou Capital. and the Pl at once proceeded to Buuih, 11 iny duty, us far aa the name of the exporter or the exact In fael, tlie number of accepted Jurors keys M1.V ( (.'Iilciigu, Aug. 8. lrufcssor Edward my limited ability extends, to warn you business. (OLTIllX. t I lends, tn M. destination of the shipment. Air. Cur- was reduced front nine to eight, for the waa and mob drunk deimi-tuiciiuf the dangei-- that envlruti you and of Everybody formerly uf the tis, tin; acting secretary, said he had court excused Juror brown, in u long none of tbemlnJemed to be able to un- of iHilltlcul economy of the University luld by cunning and unscrupulous men Maxi k.utlhui of no speellic said that he lock the Jail df"''- - After working about of (.'lilcagii, has resigned. Judge Murphy information and could not opinion, to rub you of your holiest toll: to fur-tli- e the District Attorney to the locks and clta without result they say whether the syndicate would allow would allow devices ami plans that are being 1rcHldeiil Harper maintains a severe Drown CoItrin'H E fctiic L'n men in. because the tile (luu.uuu.uuu to be encroached upon or challenge and tried to silence when asked fur Ids side uf the liter Impoverish yuu secured and to enhance tlie did not know too doorsat the time brown break down tlk - They proved not. None of the other ofliclato would was discord and dissatisfaction that to now C'iir.H Kr iH Imn. tw-llIt been liart cuse, said he cuuld, though that of he Hi accepted to voted juiute talk in tlie absence of Secretary Car- Al. D. Howell dominant In Hie heart of the agricultuacquit strung for them, however, and after If he would, divulge sninc Hrl ni,( IiiiihU, Ulmiiiular of tlie charge of counter-feltinstartling lisle. two lioura hard work they abandoned Swelling in regard to lrufessor ral classes isIn a knowledge of the fact In the United or Hie neck or aruiii, litmlwrlie States District the Job. Thea they emptied their This heavy wlthdral has given rise to there something radically wrong separation from the Univer- that the cells of the Jail, but no a teport that another bond issue Is Im- Court, becauseThethe evidence wua I ionic and mil miiMtory systems. some time It has been hinted in our ' Fir InDistrict sity. one was Attorney Is one now hit no but there No In pending, lunger to the product of honest Hiid many otln--i terposed a peremptory challenge to the keys to the Jailer, they the real reasons fur tlie severing of re- toll adequute to our subsistence, and Washington who can speak authorita- Drown Returning the court allowed it. Tlie told him they-nociimjilaintt. be back tonight lations between tlie professor and the no lunger Is the cost of the production tively on the subject, or who has In- defense and took an to and The un tewn. former's moved and left exception, mob was composed university the attacks formation not shared by the public. AIM) WANlKACmiKH l'F THE slumlord of Its valuof an article The best public opinion ia that the syn- to dismiss tha case, a motion which was of men from Washington and Marlon capital. The university authorities re- ation; and theany law of supply and dedenied. CHINESE LAUNDRY HLUEIXO dicate promptly conThe two be to will ur counties. fuse either Profesnegroes will not allow the reserve to be altirm deny. mand has been displaced, anil In Us The court then took up the defend- fined si Louisville until the excitement sor fends said It wuuld not be digniencroached upon until after October 1, ant's loud In lurvenue tlie rettulia attained Sold hy all Merchant. for contempt proceedings at Springfield la over. fied Idm when, as generally understood, their againstmotion to un for the commercial mountebank, the (list anything by say the which newspapers obligation ceases, but even In the event lished matter connected withhad pubIHilut unieKs Dr. Harper should make a must insidious and merciless of which : Hiulqnartpro, Proo City, Utah of still further withdrawals It Is be- Drown, and had interviewed himJuror PLOT AGAINST WHITEMAN; la he that, with a longue of Ananias relieved that both Mr. Cleveland and Mr. and the heart of the Mafia, to murderhla as garding a Juror. availability Carlisle would see the reserve reach a The court made an ing the material pmsiierity of our AUTHORITIES GRATIFIED. to the Blame Hie Sister and Brother-iu-Lapoint below any that It has yet touch- press, stating that theaddress country and making paupers of our M. in, ALVAI1 ror His of Troubles. publication ed before they would take people. steps articles tending to destroy the deo O o O II o o o o o o o o to recoup It by another sale any Ban Francisco, Aug. id aIoiixo J. Pleased to Learn That the Bannock 1 refer to that man that wears, deof bonds any fendants chances for receiving a fair or wus the Dulutn wliu bunker of is Whiteman, All purchase Are It gold. Good Indians. servedly, the brutish name of 'bear. argued that trial waa contempt, and warning news-pa1ilYsiUIAN :: AND :: SURGEON the meeting of congress is now only recently sentenced to the penitentiary Wash lug tun, Aug. 7. Commissioner lie, by false prophecies and wilful men of the necessity of conservaOilict Hours from 2 to 5 p. m fourteen weeks off, and without any tive treatment for turgery, declares that lie lias been Drowning rubs ua of uur subsent a telegram to of this and similar reasonable doubt the Treasury, with cases. He declined to prison as tne result ui a con- Agent Teeter of the Fort Hall reserva- sistence, Imperils our posterity and At Steete'e Drug Store. act upon the sent to between an available cash balance of nearly newspaper citations Issued his slater ami her hus- tion, hla., acknowledging the receipt leaves us nothing hut poverty lu our at the re- spiracya man named . 1184,000,000, and the revenues slightly Auierii'im Kurk Uibba. Whiieniuu of Mr. Teeters telegram In which he homes and hatred in uur hearta The band, of the defendant. (tu quest The counsel can meet Increasing, its obligations tried to Insist upon the contempt ac- declares that after the Governor ui Informed the liiillun bureau of tha re- warning note has been sounded, let and have a comfortable balance re- tions forewarned be forearmed.' to reiused extradition the Issue to turn uf their reservation Indiana AllcMgun and being pressed, the ABDREW ADAM80D, That there is a powerful and sysmaining at the close of the calendar oourt to make a Judicial orderurged send he him to conduct to their of and while papers California, away good defining went to The beet Judgment obtainable the matter the newspapers deIt. The Commissioner added: It tematised movement to again depress From was COUNTY SURVEYOR, fear. from he there Pans, might pub1s tare that there will be no bond Issue lish of our Maple this season to If- - S. Deputy Mineral regarding the trial, but the Judge coyed to New York by ins sister and to exceedingly gratifying to all friends the value extra session of congress, except In declined Surveyor or further action in the matter. her brother on representations that hu of the Indiana everywhere that they patent to all Intelligent men, and in-It event the of continued -A- NUheavy withplanter of the Bouth, father's estate was about tu be milled have returned peaceably to their reser- rests with the drawals, which are not looked for. aa to whether he shall subOrganizing the Silver Knights. upon tiudr promise to clear him vation and gone to wuric without hav- dividually, NOTARY PUHL1CL Duluth, Minn., Aug. 12. Secretary to Oakland. Cal., Aug. 12. Senator Per- and be mit again like a sheep debt. When he arrived in New Yurk ing committed any act of violence aa he was sheared Carlisle, when shown a dispatch from kins, Congressman Hllborn and u num- uf season. last or the . American Fork, of the ne persona property waa un against arrested the Utah Washington relating to the Treasury ber of other prominent politicians have forgery charge, TIME FOR HEROIC ACTION. This will certainly be to their gold reserve, by a representative of the sent lothe recording secretary of the .Vnd tiovernuf Morton turned him over whiles. credit Tell them so, and that Tlie time has arrived for heroic aclasting to Cantienia officers. the Associated DUES ANYONE t Washington, for a Press, refused to talk furIn will office do Its to all have tion. The alternative to left to either power W hiiemau exhibits letters from his the ther than say: The people to establishing a a faithful Investigation of the killing of renounce tha growing of cotton entireno fear as to the gold e3 ret l.'f WUl.ClVy. It Is mother. In which she relera to her nee to Indians and orilill Justhe as a profitable crop, or To take up of the that made, branch Treasury department will ta! Uibte, as a fiend, and tells ul tice Is dune. I am looking for a full ly be formed anno against a sea of troubles and, by that branches will alsoother care of aald Ban lira Uibba it Everything In that i ehorts and her d cities daughter from you, giving the details ot upposlng, end them.' Francisco and la all at to einbartfto Whiteman. The crime report the whole affair. False rumurs of the Immensity ot throughout the state. The party leavi waa cunvlctvd which lur fVhltenian the cumlng crop have already been -- L- -r on an eaue un tended trip dow" ohara (or circulated to Intimidate the widely and M BIG IRRIGATION .ENTERf RISE. a New Yorlbunk, using the name ot SLANDER XJSADS TO MURDER. Lawrence farmers Into rushing their crops on the Frank Dixit. He claims that Dixon market, hoping to get better prioes bewrote the efl-cIn good faith, but did fore a decline. This action on the part Kills Charles on Esther New fiou His HE-in the have V xt 1 of BE McOonigle the farmers' will accomplish the InTO deposit DESERT COLORADO THE York ban and a Blacksmith. Whiteman, who cut a tention of the manipulators of the mar' r$T IN FLAMES. CLAIMED. ... We are advised frm swath her sue tolly, cashed the check, h ket, and to to he deprecated aa suicidal North Yakima. Wash., Aug. 12. to their interests. The crop ought to and when the bank here waa informed Charles there is at Iasi and last shot McGonlgle tha night JT-(lifSEORESTS SWEPT BY Six Hundred Thousand Acres of that Dixie had no account In New killed hla father, a rancher six miles distributed bring fair values, should be Judiciously Employment Agency in ths selling season York they demanded the return of the from this benefit ntour patrons FIRE. and totally wounded a without tha over deliveries being too great Land Purchased from the Southern money frua Whiteman. He was un- blacksmith city, named Eaves of Antenum. at any time, and I would advise that able to par It, end the prosecution lor He gave himself up to the neighbors, Pacific for 11,500,00a all farmers that can do so without vio.irmervi ) ; PETTY ft Bt- followed. was 40 and this to forgery and Flames today. place brought of tbe r1' TDtariTig Falling should market their No. 53 B. Third Snnth The trouble arose over the slander of latingasa contract of the Trees Heard for Mile crop slowly os they can, oi at a ra-Eaves's ID A local payoung McUonfgle. Ban daughter, by Francisco, Aug. one-thiHe was a Murderer. less than last season; Suppond Enormous Damage. Ms wife and daughter drove to tlo of per says a number of Eastern capitalba thus 12. The body of Aug- Eaves, DON'T LIwupK'n: to try to make the equilibrium of prices will jug. houae McGonlglea ists are in this city, at work on a ustCleveiani, ws will coma much and e0, was found hang Charles retained, Jdchtosw.iased fairly ocwhen the firms 10. desert have Colorado retract, Forest shooting Or.. Aug. nearer receiving the commercial value walk Worn uee In tne woods near hu curred. wliM ofthe Colorado 1 uk, pUa- - Portland In tne mountain throughout Young McGonlgle shot at y. wr o( strsjshw of feet to n prevailed balurdsy Eaves, but missing him, killed his own of our producD two weeks past, and rivwnviM he vMt urrl torv Thecom - I uuulm Ul NMUwHiain for northwest the wit W luuuu lying unconscious father. He Area again at Eaves'i eomjffrt. SpeoUIUte ia the atmosphere has baeome so smoky as A GRADUAL DISTRIBUTION. acres I uu deformed shot. hi their house with her saull traciured. obscure the eun at in Mexico that It will reioi!0W orlpwand and her will be remembered by many that braeei sad artificial to almost entirely It had quarreled with bis wile daughterEaves missed her, hitting bclUssler midday will probably die. As outlined, the plan comprehends of every deeorldltos. to our Civil War, on account previous uead he father. hir. her In the Nehslem valley much timber has struck and Thinking of lack of transportation facilities, It been destroyed, and It la feared Mr. and the development of the greateet Irriga- uummttCbd sudde. bchlasler to sirs, Mrs. North, living on Clear creek, have ting system in the Western hemisphere. situ unconxcfius and may me. required from seven to nine mouths Hilgert Deformity Idaho Cattls-Killlnbeen burned to death. As an Indication of the good faith of to market the cotton crop. We now cattle-killinmeagre the promoters, they are said to have g Shoo Co. Olympia, Wash., Aug. nly Dolse, Aug. la In the aell the bulk of It, which la three or details nave been received from the burn- handed the Southern Faciflo company a Oregon Stag Held Up. case Introthe Idaho defense 88 K Third South Bt, at four times tha else, in about three City, and south of here. The check for (1,800, DUO In return for Its title ing district west Oregoh City, Dr., Aug. 12. Word duced no lealimjny. The prosecution months, thus congesting the market, only to tha alternate sections of land In the waa wires went down yesterday and the into Wit from received aiiernuun closed 1robalo Hart and messenSAL LA KE CITY, UTAH method of communication Judge Is by muklug competitors of ourselves in the turned over noil (Springs that the slug which leu held two of the defendanta, Tom mad rush to get rid of our product, with dense Ballon basin. The land acres. ger. The city to covered was Frinneid up Worthington and John Higgins, Al while, on the other hand, a Judicious, morning smoke, and a shower of fine ashes to full amounted to about 600,000 are behind I uregon Oiy thismen at w rights bridge, Uonyer uy two tuaweij Tne cattlebeing discharged. distribution of tbe same over Ing continually. Thus far two deaths cipally Eastern capitalists to passen-managthe and C. Peterson Dare men are delei mined to send the guilty gradual John xhu road been general scheme. compelled sgciiui have the Beatty reported. greater period of months would ba on were a line tne of Interested and White SHORES logging to Thomas ojit the to of get riding have G. company. the and gers stage DOCTOR between tbe conducive to penitentiary train near Shelton, when the train went with Mr. Beatty in the enterprise are up, and wMkt one man stoou guard tue parties a large aum fur prosecuting all manufacturers, competition who are obliged to have Tbe engineer such men as James Linton snd Henry uiiterisearcMd the passengers and tuok raised through a burning trestle. can whose connection the crime with be runour would material, and they and fireman escaped, but Peterson and A. Pierce of ITovldence, R. I., snd F. whJ muwy and jewelry they had. be determined. us to buy our product Inafter Whit were burned In the wreck. ning Is amount uf nut the York. Thetexact McLean of New plunder stead of our having to run after them E32 Heavy winds have fanned the fire J. The lies In knoeinA Tbe same stage was held up Importance of the project Arrested for Murder. to sell It And I desire to impress on through the dry timber till the roaring month so vast of s ago. the s to ana mllee heard the fact that about away, irrigation of the flames Fendteton, Or., Aug. ID Frank Whet- the cotton growers the imperative neQG tha quick successive falling of the giant tract of land will revolutionise the stone and B. Moore, known aa "Kid cessity of organisation for tbe accompo trees resembles the notoe of battle. fruit Industry of the country. Work Moore, were arrested today on a charge plishment of this purpose; all Inilru- ; Could not Identify Him. E At Summit, fifteen miles west of here will be begun soon, and water will be of murdering Ueorge H. Clacking, who, mentalities should be engaged In the Maryivllle, Cul., Aug. 11 The ; several ranches have been destroyed, am running through tbe trenches before exssiiiiuilon uc ltandll Drady, with four other persons, was burned in achievement of tills consummation defear to expressed for tlie safety of some the end of next year. The company exas he cane hliimeu, the Transfer hotel last Wednesday, lt voutly to be wished. settlers wnoee escape by the road to cut on its ur Huriy Williams, off. Millions of feet of valuable timber pects to have 100,000 farmers Doubtless this endeavor will meet murder of Sheriff Dogard uf was known that Clacking liad a contor Uu few a lands within years. have been lost. I la Sl MM I'ebarM cuuniy on the Oregon express siderable sum of money with him, and with strenuous opposition at the hands In fires 10 Forest Aug. Seattle, Wash., the motive for the murder was robbery. of those that recklessly speculate on ess begun FF.ICE, $2 A EOX. CM this part of tlie State have caused enor- NINE JURORS IN THREE WEEKS. Marclf Wth, K el Lon was examined, Tbe building waa supposed to have the labor of the former of the Houth. mous damage to property, and for tlie UudrinUii Curt Every le identify the prisoner as been set on fire to conceal the crime. He would be offered a little more than but fafied rubber. raqalu wl past two weeks the smoke has been so Nis.it t'aiarrli. CaiarshAl Jiftca Bound elites that it ircaimeiit. the market price to bring hto crop In. In the the train dense , i.u.1 fin: Puget rum of MET Trial the STRANGER. AN Hade O. are AFFABLH in able Slow uiin ,W. r.r with lr.catarrtial rhnmtc awrw has been The argument of risk of tire, loss In tlinsrtiona difficulty people Progress in all ( tiniKr to stand the slitting atmosphere. It has DurrantT tilAHJ CAT i Lt MEN EhG .T. weights, would follow, with the usual ftvtr nay brunchitl. been several weeks since there was v.in tiAY catarrh, anthma, Mourns the Lou of denunciation of advice; but I Implore 10. Monday will Philadelphian San Francisco, Ion Aug. affect sufficient to of duration or shower a v.nn;Jiiiatrd nit rain ,.i I Ui $10U0 Worth of Diamonds. you, for the sake of your families, renSouth Omaha Bank for the in h..il tuNnir lun. use IJr. Cu W. Shora the path of the forest flames, and be the beginning of tlie fourth week I guing dampen Pufl- C ur. end Tonic snd Bloud 12. George ID dered destitute by these despollers, and of Durraut for the murder Urea have consequently assumed treKansu i.t.r'i . urr. of the trial Aug. the City, I, you bear the Sunny Southi.i cur.- ill. catarrh, snip tlie CiaZi. mendous proportions. uf blanche Lamont, and the only proZeigter of Fhiladelphla Is the victim of fur the love to our apieth. and dhrwkm. i nrl Viontesa.no, Wash., Aug. 10. A destruc- gress made has been the selection of the theft of (1000 worth of diamonds land,' for toall that to sacred i to 'icn-- l wiili hiJiiey, liver or over eastern the our homes, to reilst this tive fire sweeping hearts and from his apartments In the Washingand nine Jurymen to try the case. A great -.- ' ' ' W. Snips' K,dney Curjr buildFences, Chehalls county. of is current that Insidiously, day by day, part and ton house, a swell apartment house O- W. Sh"1" h ill ciwi like on of lrgrowing crops have been de- deal of Interest centers In the action ings If . here. The robbery occurred Friday drawing ua Into a vortex of poverty iMH ai beJilme The damage cannot yet be esti Judge Murphy will take as to Juror y"r stroyed. never was a more W. Show. Ci. There shame. and write made until lr. known .ini d laat, but was not case dlay-- h mated, but will be large. The loss falls brown. It to generally believed he will cruel and relentless war waged on the i f Die nr ivM)Hiim IW anJ liav your in hopes of more easily apprehave lost allow the small whs on farmers, AtDistrict many of the advice challenge rr. ml tfei ripert people than on the South by England all they possessed. The fire torney and relieve brown of Jury duly, hending the thief. Un $1 w. chirrs Tunic and Blood PierlflOf E radically under control, and threatens i not Mr. Zelgler arrived here ten days and her emissaries and Tory allies, reAttoranJ purlti4 th bUarf. rv oirenffth aM several yet District on that the the Bo no mills. far ground 4 people from affluence to the large slilngle ago, accompanied by his wife and ducing her f. ciint Jvkpvpili nnJ all nervous lives have been lost, but one man has ney did not know of Brown's expert- - I of 10 cents a day for their laa was for pittance and he said looking child, ' Court ugrney owed the hank a large amount business location. He waa Introduced bor." rir (i.r W,5hoee, Kidney enJ Liver Core lost Ms eyesight from fighting the flames. ence In the United Btaes District In the Howell counterfeiting case. laud tne totter shut down on them after to an exceedingly affable gentleman by of the kidney, liver and Haddcr. .u rsall !iMJ EMBEZ2XER POUND DEAD. It to believed the Jury box will be Moure A Hutchins's money had been an acquaintance. Friday, when the 'VS! W. Shre'atfactiuns. 1 Cough Core runmell meg retire-LAID WASTE. filled next week, even should the consequently tlie Dulse firm Zelglers left the hotel, they left their F0BESTS deposited, On dast ciHi ami bruawhial Died In His ment of Drown make the selection of I are quori I112W, and they have sued door unlocked. In Hie home. Largl The affable gentle- Made a Confession and .p.Mmiklic ernup. Keep a bollle CelL With the bank to recover, more talesmen called necessary. four la whose name withheld, man, ' siiwr ei' Mountain Vge (Ml topejie Fires Still Banting, but the Worst is Cleveland, Aug. ID George Lohmer, while they were out, and went to Mr. d In. one only four to select from the 200 venireOver. . r at the mipuls. hs headache, hwiart., several years men summoned for Monday, the prosfor niN pain cramp room. ZelgleFs Sentenced to h or colic uu cxleniaUy Taylors Hang. amralg.a, of the Jewels was city workhouse; was arrested this morntf uwd In When the absence Olympia. Wash., Aug. ID The Asso- pect to good for commencing isthe actual Mo., Irewni and cure, dlrhlheriaa birtila. 11:46 Aug. la At week. It said that I Carrollton, hours later, the ing on tbe charge of embexslement of Keep a b.rlile handv. Prica. 2(c ciated Press representative returned trial on the fifth Ilea (Hie after a legal battle discoveredwasseveral to be found, nor hu city money. At 7 oclock this evening in convincing the o'clock continuously Vermllnge drilravs not Durrani's - W. Shire' Ptpd Or hope stranger the burned district nince morn from this this evening he was found dead in a cell at the cenmivMinal worm and remove I1 JJJJJ. he been seen since then. of hto Innocence, and not In an P1 laming File and tral police station under circumstances near Summit, west of here. Much tim- Jury where ihev lunch and breed. I( naver 'U'.uenwd on shouldonebe to hingctaUT 4th tetfinlcal points, peal which Indicate suicide. British Troops Needed. Salve cures al ber has been told waste, but unless necessary. The prospects am that the the hours uf 6 a. m. and Or.'uw Shore' Wlntergreen uetwirn On June 1st It was discovered that to and Wirt red 8. Kem:rve be will case settlers the po( .the but Great winds danger kkln. the complicated, of up, Bhanglial, spring Judge dikca.e. 6 murder of the Meoks Aug. Hrit-la- h Lohmcr had been embezzling funds ore In Jloldaye. heavy at the omission to send escort feel confident the worst is over. In the Murphy's rulings In criminal cases usu- - fuJuy. a motion of appeal was filed, felt p;mplr fnna (he lace. HeataoU Intrusted to him. The shortage amountto troops from Hongkong Pllh logging camps of Mason county the ally bear the scrutiny of an appellate justh-- Kicker. In overruling the to . O ,W Shore' The Vlnls-t-r- s ed to about (6000. He was permitted new trial, said that no talrcr the fciiihu! to Ku Mlloee men are still guarding against flying a for ICk headache tion cure chmuic owwlipalion. retain hto position until hto friends gravthe to I at fulled been have Tlie some fears could Sheriff y lkln accorded that a buitla. trial attempt waa any nr then amcki. Prict. made rood the shortage and adrebuilding embers, while others be made to harm Durant. This son than that given the Taylor bruth-l- a ity of the situation. It !h highly fant.ai rineJi art prepared only pVoa then an expert invesburned-ou- t camps. The big fir reached visable that British troops go to Fu dismissed.of Since G. W. Shuata. ton' Medical Institute. not to to due but era sentiment, public hooka showed a further where the miles from here, sufficient about twelve tigation not has The Chu. Ore. Utah. Viceroy desire to win about 64000. He waa arthe flames have full play, and are ra- fear that some crank may except on paper, to make ar- shortageat of of !.'!' 4 o'clock this morning. This like every one force, by assailing such a promi- .I rested rests. ging all the way to Elma over a large notoriety nnwe of eulelue nent Island, praniiiiiK-prisoner. Every precaution Is I else afternoon he made a confession in aldee of the road, 11 If. k'ritod. territory, on both The Inhabitant Ills same which he admitted the theft of (4000. I geveral ranches are In danger and oc- taken to prevent any assault. little Cherokee BUI Sentenced. Senator Iton Cameron, whose Innme til that however, of pernlsl He waa then apparently In good health. I Penn, cupants are using every means for promost often mentioned him "Brcreiary Owney." This -I junt now Smith. calling Aug. Ark.. Fort make to Is elow Killed His Suicided. Wife and An hour later he was found lying on uf proiiouiiciallun to general In Tllll was flames. In most cases the from tection sylvan .a nn lr-to Ceineron. be to hanged sentenced today and Hie those who have acquired the floor of his cell, bleeding at the friends, but Khody. mill Are Wiimou" Dlltl r with 11. of are and D. thriving fire, N. the murder Dr. ftpptt-mheD., fighting Larry J. lOih for Aug. they his friendship he stieke closely. mouth. He was put to bed and physiof DlneyriUw near l'rovldunue, to to all refused have buried of them their who Whlteford of this while been many tlie Just Jail has guard, who place, laboring Keating, Miss Adelaide Haase, vllie. known a rw-n-iwney It to said throw cians summoned. The doctor advised his dictation. at t hands his very up selected by Ilia ikfcrrtary of Agricultura valuables, clothing, etc.. In order to under temporary aberration cf mind, until years the nume that the man be sent to a hospital. y them In case they are obliged to shot and killed hto wife. H I Vjy was pronounced ArnyT for the position of clerk of the I DepartWhen the ambulance arrived to remove an ex- save Documents, I Arlinu Hamm declares that ment of (iovenimrnt men should not believe It when flee. then the turned himself xiargut-rliYoung weapon upon cyclist, their him h waa dead. The Coroner to Inpert fencer. Bhe In also an rx(iort Several shingle mills are In Immi- with fatal effect lie has been a prom - worn1 employed as servants should wear Rh to flattering them to aceomi-ltortinio uniter vestigating tbe case, and If nlie were h man would fellow." Globa Atchison rulib I ealvninent physician here for years. nent danger, the only hope of bioeerthe classification of a good til 1" iis.lk'iiii', f in mil IJci-iN- ni!l nii-- l rrii'rili- lmi - . Un- - ton-Grow- Aiii-tion- i Seln Dui-inii- I) K N T T Tht-,idnr- Auu.-i-n.-u- s a tt proai-cu-tio- n a ' sledKf-hamme- r.i g. s rlieu-iiiatikii- i, uld 1 YTau-riii'm- w lewis, er - tu-d- :: NOW sou-in-la- 33 Employment. 8t e s5,B'sjdss rd iAJi h.i,i!rere is-u- to-da- (' g. lfL-O- to-d- X I. er I y. - Iii-..ii- - to-da- y, i -- MHlJn-lernjll- book-keep- .. v. 1- ;" . tr hi-r- e mo-cou- rt. Chi-ng- per-ina- Beer-'tar- - m- diH-trl- ct al-w- to-da- a 1 li-Che- rokee er , |