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Show EMANUEL HVKON GKOO 5. U. LAND ike w i i. 4 RECISIER, in, DESERET ( 1 411. TELEGRAPH CO. and night. 0(11 UK HI, KoKK. I TAM AST lu It and iluiM.iif In Attorne. tall Lake ( tty l'tii & llm.k 11. saw wfuiv up lin-l.o'ly of Hie iirl Well- seuiHuiig. Ti.r Duly ' in.-!- , tn Hie lli'.lglle. Where I WHS ! I on a slab the side of ipnule r - IPS l. ca - soi ii a Hie io-'a- h rim k:i"Wii. d the I'DUrCh ,11. 'll' lire crowds SUI lolind.-. I..I-lie hark lid k.'lit by the Jiullttr. VV ,1.1 i I !,.I'inrf of Dulice sent for KcV. Dr. li.hsoii. i ixfur of the church, sad thv cdiint thanhc hsdbet-rep at itci'U-e,.f the crlrims and had been ai ijieal crowds surged is Dr. IJ.I.'V.I, a house shi the ext'P.cDieril s.i.,11 spiea J all over the city. Extra were gotten out, and ihousAhda ii.iii-- is all pie Hocked to tile scene ...... the cilv The I'linior Of the ArreHl - l.ll'-ilelli.-Mild It hecanir w I l and Hie sexton at the II. i. noli had Iss-- n n.erely called Igfnre s r d ll lei KcJ i ijwi. I ; I AHTlhT. Sifi'ffll tlila ia) n (fuaruii Mtr. I'.irlfTiiih Mt'pt'liihl - f k . , a-- - AMt.Kfi Ira AS MaHK, I I All tin-li.i- s . 1 wi-k- - . loi-k- - 11'iH MTV . IIIN J. It.VIJis, - J liln-iirl.i- AMERICAN FORK WAGON WORKS. illii-ieuit-- l. wlier.-nhnut- sin-ha- r B. Hi, r kind- -, iiicl, Inert. !'. I rill FORK, t 1 Gem-Saloo- n im.-I- rrirv - api-e.ii- - i : klmli of CIGARS AND li;n-iiei- mmiI Mtrcliinl Kt. ioihiin''h rMiu In Amxrlran Furk, I'tnli FEED SA'.ES AND d fui-the- r iiiuliT-clothtli- g In-- Henry Lee LIVERY, tu-- r ha-li- dls-Irb- esti-einc- r - A tn-e- 1 flu eilui-iilbu- - rli-iv- All Trains. Leave urdur. al Stahl, ARKUIi'AN pnsl-Him- FORK. I'TAII .IOIIN MWE1L, r preolnot Juittow, Notary Pub'lo. All klM. pmuiplu-- .. work legal AMERICAN r Iran-acte- d allh Du-rnii- auil iij,M-are- FORK. I'TAII. iins-tln- Km Til OWN TON, g nua-tlug- AND CI6ARS Flur.l llraud. ala ay. nil lUlnl Family itdar, a bpeoiali). Billiard and Pool Room In Marehauta' Bt. r in-r- tyu-h-ke- WINES, LIQUORS d s Dealer lu Hii-Ii- - l Con-nnctl- on, AMERICAN FORK. I'TAII. r - in-x- iiiM-.irei- ACCUSED FROM THE GRAVE. Dunn'a .V lnk'riiiti Cfirpttts. JiiO i . h.i-.-- d u-- ir vt r - Hriisels. Ktr;ii id - 1 v k S- v - ih-- . - r- V -- 1 iii-r- n- 71 - cuv-T- . i Aru-rWMr- 1 m unde- I lI I'TAII rr-,u- WV (() t -, n rcnn-inl-t-ic- d M R, Evans, uld-limcr- lii . i M I Tailor-Mad- Cloth i no, l- vl-.- d City, IJiuli. S PRAY! Is-i-- -l uign-ssion- inm-as-in- g d t to-da- y. or Marriage llene, procured, .HjttiluK pertaining lo legal aiilm Am . 1 ;.t - Harrington Rt Ut ml STABLES. Flralolaaa turouuUalaajr. In elacliun uf binvi aii'l huggie. Hum Hacka to ai'KlN-- sl:u):g-al-j- i. lli-l'- iiii t eb-uie- sti-i-- billiartl i..-j- rs li-- Pin s lh uglit i,.iih:i v " up in the g In-- r Tii.. WINES, LIQUORS ant g. In-- r - All l.xu.j.' .p Uov-erno- e atu-lyln- AMhKK'AN Ailftiuauu, Wlllrt .f g,a.- iii f". Ml.i H Hit. I'T'.I i'VUi-F.f his A KITTI.K CI.iiT (iF JHdU.jj Vl1 V'nh W. imH Tk' Mti't.v h!l n ml'i .N King said that In- Went to tin- - di",M lor l.iii:y, ( f v'l-f- r....Aiin: rin I Mf4t)y o.l ynl. klore ut tl,e coiiier .f Twenty I. im au.l lrvri nnim's!) tli .i.i, m .! n, ij. i ii j r i. J v' i l u ' l.n in. il i, is ?nM Mdiiun Howard si reels, ,.i,. pau a b.,. ii 2 4M V. n a i'fi )! r ,,i!l h.h iv. idh ).ir i i.ji :r t ,i .5 . D jrf c- !, tie of hrojuo ii ant l!- -i ft'.iW 20 yn-- 'i .1, c.ir.M'f. !i h 1. id iitii1) (i 'i.'p I When J iHuriie-t- , Iii a e Mini: Mian: vi iur.ii tn lu in.itcli. hs ih p r ur i, Mii , ; s' ll- Mild ll ii iw rl - : iitairri i,h ?. iio fl pur uM iillll lo l.iCiM-Hl.ir i ((lit f ion viv4-- t ' ii. ai 'li lie asked rue how lie I ,ld a trtft him he was 4flm ai,ir j and h,s eyes a fihr .."i little i oiigeHird Yv'i.al h - did durii.g ii h : tGit nt J nor ttil Mi.f u ru., tI.m!- -, tiiivl umj uli'.'litfi cuftllip, c'jur'ditn 1 W the tllliv MS Kobe, I da m l know iii ::ufKe V'ju Ltiv. w t he f i lif.M Un nt it to the la TT Mii K in tnn City. l'oniBert) the I. J m ijiivs r hrWn. if v'u h Mi c ir: ( th- iihi l.id is it maJ ,j) Vwu parlor tu bs.k tnio a imir-'t'- . :u,l I UK In I b'jv iiiM' ULAlAKUil- - jfCiMl htiLthii wiveu lu !i.aiJr!er found, on Hie bub- - si.elf -neat i'ri".s.' uly dimidmhmd,' Apnl h. M utile clot of blood. as pn'. r thirt though he had wiped his ringei ,,ii N" & AI'KII V CAIM,I:T iKirTMu"1 , We then canieti tin- In He .agui: I.niie-r-.oHouimtalrs down iiit.i Keveral times he slopped l., u si. and Weak. At 6 u'llu.-we lire histuiy of the wealthy and left. He quite OUR weiit a sliort disiaie',- - wi'h BUSINESS OIRECTURY exemplary Mr. Patrick. street I do not ieiii"inber Hcf-iiI'app was he in Missouri, -whether he went back llOf alt Lakn City Merchants, licoi'Kf iMlrli'k, and In waa indicted in or not. M III',, atiKMi-rlns lr.'rii'in.'il kin l:jr luauiii.a lci, i,J r f..r iiiunicr, connnitleii hy him the uevi and p. liriswold, whose alnicioiis slill hiv LABOR LOOKING THIS WAY. with IniiTorcnincs s in Colorado hy has been and Wyoming. Griswold since FYhruury 24, 1ST3, und pal-ric- k WESTERN IMMIGRATION WII.L is coiiiii, k back to Deliver of his KtMINrNT Al. BU M I l ''ALKttiMlV own oltlloii lo fare a prolmble trial KiiiiiiK BE LARGE. iul Iif' U' (. for Hie murder of Jaun-- s (I'Neul. un iK.ruint wini(iri. V4.uiia M ll t Hi? Nrriilnl Griswolil and AlOAltfi1!!, he whom iiiiin, A S4KV41 Mi. WIKI. IIua.M.'ie4.Atf.iiu me tin, uglit to have murdered lute on Colonization Project for the Ki ll !K I'Ll HitiiU'xl Null Lkf tin- - night of Hie loth of July, lkTU. at fr 4MN Region Is Favorably Re- liroHU's 1 nidge, four null's south of ceived Homexeekeia' Excursion to this city. Pi'OiuiiMsd Land Colunisti Set Moth were indicted by a grand jury CUNHAIM CLOTHING PARLORS tie in North Carolina and Georgia silting in Ivnver. Griswold was killedwhen attempting to break Jail. PatUtah's Example. kpoli biliti full LiiiKuf Fun rick tied Hie State, and was not heard r of police author!hy the 13 Chicago. April Will, am A. tiesagain until a few nights ago. when he e Kinyihe, chuiiiuun of tip- N. it:-- , mil sent word tu General David J. Cook, 1 lieteetlve Irrigation (oiinnitlcc, i,nTr-S.inni.ihsi Assistant Chief uf the that he wus tired uf an of land In L'h, and outlaw's life and would come back to Washington for sale at $13.., an acre stand a prosecution, If assured of pro- - 6EN1V FURNISH N6 on cush or mortgage 6000S, HATS, ETC. t ect ion it gainst piob violence and a fair payments, the plutform or H,,. First show In the coiVrs. nulled cm! I mi in t,(i, liuivh last night. The offer wus lie was promised all he asked, an,l a t mu are t lie ell). r made, the claimed, on the letter was received by General Cook l ,11,1 Strenl, Slid 'S'l authority of Congress and tin- fatherlast night, signed by J'atrick's In b iS'l'iil-SllUtll blreel, i,f tfre states aud the Territory, tills saying he will Is- - in r and in Hi. Interests of the coloidxution week. JSult LftUt? scheme which Mr. Smyllie is piomut-InGeneral Ctsdc aaya there were exten-untin- g There wet. no purchaaers in the circumstances connected with au, Hence of Sun. but the tin Patrick played in O'Neal's aroused nn eiitliiislasni which may re- death,part as he was the bail uf L. P. Uris-wolsult In the Heciirlng of lands and homes and a secondary character for destitute families in Pullinun find in the plotonly of the lynching. Patrick enough inure from the city to make rliiiniK that Griswold led him tn believe Hr h 11 tn.iu M'ftiy. hiuMmi un Mini iirt tl,? un a gistd-sixe- d and after that O'Neal was a tire-bucolony. Iiat ja ii in mu1 tin1 lnt( Kiirikyitiif uiikleriMl lu lii The meeting was called by tin lnic-Heekefur him, a warrant they securing STA li LK KXCKLSiOK We litvp It Iih'I, Assig-iutioll- , W'idell is ColllJiuSi',1 hanged him, und then reported (hat he nI'HAN IMi aiI TKI 1'S re tiie htMudunla uf tBe largely of clergymen of tin- - city, but luid taken from them by a mob uorM. W'e art iprrltri.tl MwentM. the audience showed that tin- - labor ami lynched. Knight KUfi'k tif MhuImU , Unite UabMs, Huililt-rtf- ' HiuU'Mire nnd MpolmmoM TiwU was greatly interested. mIiihLI 1Mtulntriiif on pmymg umUid un OHJKCT UF Cf)Lt iNIZATIi r FRANK CANNON INTLRV.EWtD. Mr. Smytlie is In the city for the purpose of forming u local colony to join Doubtful About Woman UTAH STOVE & HARDWAREGO. Suffrage the new J'lyiuouth colony, riow formUtah's Future. ing in Host on under Ihe leadership ,,r I'urner Kir- Vet and Cutuiui-rais- l Kdwurri Kverelt Hale, und ulso in New KL, I Hi New York, April I York, which Is cxiwcted to move West iii ntffx salt lake city. In August, to lake up und Irrigate lvli'gnle Frank J. t'aiiimii of Flail is lands In Idaho offered hy the Stale gov- at H- i- Plaxa Hotel. Ills father. George ernment. Collut-clulis to lliis eolon-Iti- l lj. ('annuli. Is one of tin- - leading Mor- AGENTS WANTED club an to Is- - formed for tin: purpose mons of I'tali. Ask-'of securing informiitioii on (In- - subject if he thoiiKht the t'onslltu-tloiii- il rrr"iioii1eiia- - sulieited fur of Western settlement for tlmsi- - who I'oiiveiitlon would give suffrage to the wopieii, he sai-i- : desire to emigrate. The whole moveCOIAMIIIA "i cannot tell. Tin- - last reports show ment hits been instituted us u solution 1'iMVI.ER Hint the eonveiitioii Is not so favorable to the problem of relieving tin1.INHSAY ei ingest ion of population in large to woman suffrage." cities. "lo you expect tliat admission to MY KIP, st'ltAMXO PPM s, The Rev. John Husk, pastor of tip. SLal'dioud will liellelit I'tuli to tiny t gri-uextent?" VKIIKI.ES. Fullerton Avenue Presbyterian Chtiivh, "I believe that when Utah liecomes a Associasecretary of Hie Hotneseeki-rs- ' Il.irntiin iu sbeel. will a great Impetus Mute, tion. presided and introduced Mr. given to our industries. I think, Mmythe. WA60N MACHINE CO. norhowever, that it will lie a healthy, Mr. Hmytlic spoke briefly on tin- - obmal advanceliieiit, Hitd result in great jects of (he cnlonixutinii movement. industrial IKS. Illrycin good to our State. We have, IF YOU WAT The issue, he said, before the Ameribam ImII. laws can people Is the making of neiv to liegin with, u mp illation of IHNl.AOO, teuaia or eriekat uuns. amuiuiiillon, etn, aend for our iliu,-lr- t homes on agricultural lands. In real- ainl we are aide to take can of over aa t eatalivui-- . True to alL million iieople. I should say that ity II Is Hie creation of a new civiliza- rut I lion can easily siti-,i- or more IlltOW MNU HKOS., I fill Main it.. Balt Lake. tion. In brief lie explained the t'nrcy themselves in t'lah." law. h.v which five of the Western BICYCLES1 btst in the hirkctT States have set aside l.Omi.uud acres of iMJL W, Ki liw arid land each for the purpose of Irrl May Effect Montana. M'lnl kind bicycle uu- gallon and cultivation. These lands AiMk-Her i tiger, c. c Omaliu, April 10. There Is a growing pin- wut hr mail. sum-are to be disposed of at low rates, und , aasrith ugdi-- cycle In railroad circles that the move pr-at, Og.ieu, i t. every inducement Is offered those win, feeling rates in the Black Hills ter- are willing to endure Hie brunt of hard lit- ry and from Omaha to Colorado DCI 11 IIIG CCCIl 9 D flDII Oil work for n few years. In Irrigation. points will be fnlluwed by it- - nLAUIIlO OLLU Oil rLUnAL UU Mr. Sinytlie snid, lies the h,,ie of makisiinta The Elk-- 1 Ail kiii-lnf ing these lands valiiuhle. anil It Is (lie horn la to Montana and cut Kower ronstanliy worrying over rates made by ii t.ainl. lluui-i-plant . Intention to establish colonies. Those Hu Itaakcn. Floral Dcaipu. fur into Elkmi-mIUirllngtnn Edgeinont. who go from Chicago in the first made uu iluirt nutuv. liorn people say they see no good rea-- , Hial'linu aiui (uneraU wlll cotniHise the colony of Plymouth, P liplium- nr mail iroiupliy In the PHyette valley. Idaho, und Up- son for reducing rales Into the Hills iillenilc liy 1 in view of the fact that rates made bi l mlcra Hilicilcil. All cut Bnweri start will le made In August. touch nu portion of the Rurllngton on I'. i. I. Iti ading Seed ami Finn I Co.. Salt Laka. Continuing. Mr. Sirt the said: "The recent labor troubles have the north. They were nut willing to - tin- ua yet whether they would meet rw iinWI V given thoughtful men Rti In sir til ini', say Jk. Mr. Paratea. of the the Iornax Union the iunditliins In which Hie middle fill- tsd.dab-- in flour will he the of interests says protect ure classes graiu.fcii.iroduu There is no more living. SKAKS .k JEKKMY CO.. ruad, and all he wants his compe-- , startling proof of the slow descent of his f M. Firt South hi.. Salt Luk City. Ihe middle classes than the statistics tltora tu do la to act the pace and he will try to keep up. Tu per cent of the Altogether the ' showUig that Amciican people are mere tenants or situation la complicated, and a war of break out at any huge proportions may the lnnil they occupy, a less M'ritn the Sail Lake Sued flout for than any foreign country except Great time. hrlca list of UanJen, firas. Field and Britain. We have reached ii period of Fliiwrr seed. or our because FORMA RUING CO., Kun nnwhln stagnation early policy i,r SEND US YOUR WHEEL, I'I'i 31 to OS Mam ut., tlmi ti, . r continental conquest has been abanadjoining Z (!. M. L. w will d il vi'I'Kiih. iwlrimr nih! mi atkk, alt Uk City doned." AM) RKTrKK limn Any utlli'f III HIM ill rtiih. UTAH'S PnOPPKUlTY. HERON CHOW! ARE YOU AN INVENTOR? xurkliii! iiumIcI' If Sneaking of Utah, Mr. Smytlie said, kiiuw whut you mium-- , mui uur for many reasons ftrlgham Young de- ii. Pi in.will ilu tin- - rest. A WHOLE U ARDEN serves to be ranked among the greatGRIFFIN, est of Americana. He founded a great Fd Twen'y-tliin- l S. J. FOH CENTS. i. IX.IlKS, i:taii. commonwealth, rather than a church. Tn thoae who will mention tlila Jiapar w a inakitin uiqiaral ielal otrr to intmduiv our Irrigation was with him discovery, se-In every section of ilm country, and he grasped Its possibilities. He S.C. BROWN where and fanning i know n. gardening it nn was said insurance practically 1 puukng t ahliage. surhsail. I package Sly Muck nr' tin fluent Iii the vf. They tMik policy on crops, and inad- possible the I I I'urly, package cucunitn-r- . beat- -, I fiankage lumahiM, raising on a single farm of nearly FIRST PAIZE AT UTAH POULTRY SHOW I package jiarsley, a needs. He founded iiiu.hinelnii. tai'kize family everything .package icileucc, X packa. TIihh- - d iring tli' tlick can radi-l- i, I I gehn turnip. a State on Industrialism, organised in package lictli'r in America. 1 Klil.S FoB SALK. p'l I'rler, package rirml. 1 packagn uuiuu, I with the best preventive of city con- fl.Mi .1. 12 MISCOMIt. 'r urnlia. Hi gestion the farm vlllnge. The Mor- Sciniii-- Hnutb. l.tegg. bull l.akc Cily, Plali package paekagHKnilail value Hi Is. all snitpaid fur .Vki. mons have taken $562,900,000 out of Vi g.. obtained IT table, grown from our their soil, with an annual income for geld inrduls aud iwrnpaiaku al ihe lVtITt tlrt I talipne. l GRAND PACIFIC 10.000 HOTEL, r. n. farms of ll.la,,. fair. Thi, la aultlrlenl proof each of u lu itn-i- r uperi.irily. Me DEIm.T. Mr. Smythe made comparisons beAiiinrifrin Kiel I'.umjau lan. dnmeaiic eufte and Jerusalem Try and Mormons the tween the people of All MinIitii Jinprovcmfiitw. Oiam. VOtiKLKH. M'lUKMAN t'l), rullman. The former were landed Kirtl in Kwr.v KAwjkhm. Seednicn. Sail Lake Cilv. I lali. proprietors, with increased values acl'pol t llcck'it Hot Mtiiiuriuii! Spriniis cruing to them, and every man a parTu S I'KII PAY. ticipator in the hanking system. The latter were helpless tenants, with Salt Lai.k City. Ttaii. increased values seeming to their emTHE LEADIN6 ployers, and compulsory patrons of corporation banks and stores. WONDERLAND THEATER DENTISTS. FOR THE HOMEKEKKERS. HKKK COMMENCING APRIL tl. $.',00 Mr. Smythe said IMlflLT MUM K, capital would tnitli itiH'r. Knur cliaug- take a family to the West, pay for tin acres LAKE CITY. of SALT and sustain PROF. AMlF.ItsON i tVi King ,,( Cant, in forty irrigation "The F:M!a-- i from Sing Slug." them until the first crop. If families had no money they might mortgage llrtlga work thn B E ST wreat ut f'hieagu the lands In advance, and an effort 4 I The MOXAIiCIISOr was' being ntude to secure funds fur Only ilentinl who make Guld lhipu.it plate,. t'.Mil, Clean, and ''At like Ihe paiatr un iii tlieirilnnl net n(ulkt1 this purpose. die wall." Filling and xtrncllng ABSO-LUTtL- Y The Itcv. C. A. Wardlne of 1'iillman made an appeal for help for the sevWl, HOUr VAIN. Price. U, uit the tune,. enty Pullman families who wanted to AthlrrM'D luv was to Kan. Thetr frif. go South, lr ii.nimiy( plan go away. lleli'l-r-- .u and Little ,lim he said. fail lu ae. fill, L'ulae lu the rill TRY THE WALKER HOUSE Mr. M. H- - Madden or Hie Typo- HieMhen M'underlaiiil. graphical Union also soke. AhM ISSUIN' Id CI'.NTS. Sail Lake, on trip. -- sH-ake- II-- - isi-urre- J 1 -- Ilarrlaglon SI Carpets Carpets I.) iy weak u:il- ta.e. and fr-n- I K'-r- Krpalrliiai.f buggi, of all -- lull a klu--gl. in u.i , s to-da- s - III. I luter-niountu- e k.-p- KHNWAKI) Attorney at Law. trn al - - lrf. - Hair rutlmtf iz- r was If,,- - n- - at k;! April 14 The Kmaii-ii.-- l liaiitist Chur.-ti- . on itaiiiell stu-ct- , between Tw eld and Twelity-th;- r 1. In this tli svih city, has t hi must atriMl-nif tun uund.'is j ever i 'iiiiiutti-In th. Slain d.iv tin- - mutiluti-11 and unml.-r.-f .Minnie Willi mis w.ie f niil hi tin-- : lihr.il V iif the cdilire. " tu) tliu luid-- ' li.nlv i.f hUlii'l.H l.iriiuiit u.is f it, r, I til j In,' police In (Hi wtiMI they kmW. DI'ltANT AltllKSTKD. Hu 1'iuer nf tn.. Tli.- in.- - i'll iti ti Ai :. i.'H.s'k i'm in- - the news that I suiiii- - I. anil, the aulli"' Ill'I'i'SlelJ at WiiUUt slew l.i.tli Kills, a ml w It T Itiiranl, D.llal't had lieell oil tile ro.nl to Mount llUhlo. lln- I", Hi Ii.- hiih cm led Viiiiiik lllilll Antb'iiy, tig jit hy 1 e. eriin.'S. Is imw tn ciirl.idy in ,iiii suit of him caily this iliiilli'liH Ijiiii.iiiI ilihI .l in.,.- Wiiii.ilns iic.Milhg Tim detei tive Mint his HsHu- - next Iruin for .dan 111., r left on I Mere lueiiilii'i e of III.- Km in ). K.iptM I ..n.'is.'.i, w'iiei'e I hiy arrived thin 'hull'll Mini lllellllmrs if Hie Sllll'lil) Almtlier lllUlll'IiHe cniwJbh.l el.'iiillg elmi.l The r..rni- !' u.i- - i piil c lei- d ul the to tliua-- I Ml I lie N.irlllHl Hill I'lii'I't-I'l.llle III, hut X nil I'nWell hllei'l, of jhiIIci- - was ill wailiiif and III this city, Ihe J. liter tv is a ni..ili lliev t I hi- - crow .1 hack. Jiuraniwas i.Ni III u family lu A Inin In. in lumtii'd into a patrol Wagon and i) Jl years '.vlili led frnin Hie eily away lo the city piisiiii, wkerc . Iiruin-ilesold. n ml pn-ltsiH nn.li-- l a.- - was d up. I lit The police are cel lain that they have i i nf Kills. Ilnili li.nl Ini right mail. They Huhii lu luivstwo .III jltlelltinll fmin ii young III.-wit iiessi'H wli-siw Durunt and Rias I VV. lent iiMiii.'d ii r:i m ulin is II. T Uilliams lu culp:llly lust Friday i night alw i tinnf l In- Hnu'ili and and nlao stale that when a seari-l- waa In tin- - serf rlii i y nf the Yuui.i; I'enpl'-'riiiele of Dili ant's U WHS Ho- poeket of his rn.il Society nf tile whieh Miss Williama was kiiewn Hi April .".III Miss 1.:iiiihiI to liuve cunii't 1 night. sell Hi f.iiled In reold and ilH Durant Is iilmut 2.: years ,nnl veal any liin-- nf her lues In Hula Ised lu nml un ii Uelgllhoi , In-uh-naunt. Mrs. Nnlili-- with In lit uk. was I : i y iiii.ilil- - b which the uiur-b-- tinlllgli of gradualMiss ihrnw any light on Hn iiif.iir. far a I h mi in I fa me fri-n- t Inllmi, Mni , sev- and Inis ls--is a of the Sec-m- l lie year, tn III. hs nit en, fiK. having and was assissignal and nt l.rigade Han Francisco fur su-i lin- of Kmanuel ehuri-the same time t Mllelnl Hie Nniniill tant f Sunday school, lb was always refuse til perfect IliTSelf as a le, teller. iuiel illsHisitioii and Ins- friends in The last that ill iniili- of tin- evidence, iI iwas W. II. T. Ituranl a In- - coiiiiiiiiti-the I'l'lim- attrlhiiti-- l to mi him. Tli- - l had I student wlin, II however, think HihI police, mia-dugirl. f ii .'ii nl is am .ilmr friendly terms with tinJack the lllplr. with a manta for munb-r- . - They state ILIOW TO Till-- Ml l lint It Is highly .i ulnilili- that Durant On H.iturd.iy iinnniiig at 11 n'em-for .In killing nf I'.ugene the iii ill I In i tn nl y nf Minnie Williams Is ri'S,Hiiisllde u young drug clerk who was was fiiiind in tin- - liln.uy "f lh-- - Kmi.iii Ware, Iiielttns Olllld sta idled to death t lie! llalitisl I'htircli, nil I S:i rl I Nn In- - worked. igo 111 Iln- si ore W ami her liai-The Kiel hud Imm'ii was ever found of the assassin. . iln- - girl iviuaiiis were cut nml kilb-ml tin- - theory Is Hint Durant "f having evidently died from No nmllve f..r this murder was it was him. ei.iminati--IiIihhI. on tin- - fiendish cruelty of It nil-nseov ered . fntllid that she luid Int-g.igg-'dlit eight ihii jilaces) slaldnd (Ware wiis tearing .i 1 nf that it wus 11m work lo Hu- iiud thnisliiig it d'e.yn f an Insane person. Durant's parents lacer-i- t -l thrmit witli a sharp stick, iri highly pinple uf l hr 1 state in; the t.iiiguc. Two wilnesscs In whieh liny live. Ills father Is that they snw a yming man mid a hlef englmi-- r In Itucklnglianl Hint while . leelit's large slim- - factory. ymiiig wmiiiiiii. Hn- fnrnn-inn nf I nirii nt an I fin- I. lithe lot t'li'li. Inis aide t i give hlschll-ln-- n lie i all-ter t hut of Minnie Willi. mis, Sturt them a g.iud chiireh. in life. , I tinal F'Hhiwtng till Id KANT'S KX IT. A NATH 'X. I il r.i lit mi nliec put tile Delecilve Anthony met Durant and I. ller NurvelllnncH. Miss Williams veil Ids cuiiiiiig hack fnun Ml companions her with friends In Aliiineila. wh i gave In uniform and huil were n.ililo. They i. ii liunnrmild n until she I on a signaling expedition. When I iltteinl.lllt a She had ell legitl.ir was placed under urresL hi at Flmaiiiiel ('Inn ell, havinit fniineily Iniiiiiit uiradcN ut it rat wauled to resist (he lived In t ti:i I indghlHii liiNid, lull on Hirer, but linn Hy allow ed him t (s' of In-- father n.ii-- ninther, taken lo Wuliuil Creek, when the till! hud reiiiiivnl i Alanntln. c,-and Ins prisoner In. aided a train for F'rl.lay nioriilug the Morgan family, Sim Kr.i uclseii. When they nirlii-- Kt l. with whom she lived. Icid paeki-- tlieil tin- - prison, as ulrc-iddiwrllasl, Iioiim-IioIn Ills regimentals, was taken to gisuls prep.ii'aloiy In nuiv-In- g had to Tacoiiiii, and Miss Williams the Chief's ullive nnd subjected lu a removed her piissessliins to. Hie llollse searching examination, lie ehui-Hinear the when arrested by F'riilay very eool, and of Mrs. Vny. evening she was to have attended a Anthony and told that Miss Jaiinoiit's of the Yntiiig l'.tiple's Smiely body had I, cell found, did not lose his Church nt I r. Vngi-I'nerve, alilniiigli lu appeared greatly of she left . Mrs dmcke.1 and Hurprlgcil. After Ids ex linUHC. At 7. !! aiuinatfoii hy Ihe Chief. Durant wus Vov'S lmUS to Hltenil the l :i Iti'ii to a cell, where lie wus Jollied with . She tuklng h . t inn ly Ids .areiiis ami u lawyer. Alimit tin uieHred made the following statement to Durant, left his luniie on Pair (inks tin-He Associated l'ress 'Iln- - last lime I street, lu the sanie vicinity, ImiiiiiiI for nn-i the morning was Miss l,am-ii- l lie- - same meet Ing. f tin- day Hm ,lisa,H'iiri-d- . April 3rd. uni l'liillip At a o'clock Imi-aiiWe latl.i ii i, Initil hooks and I promised iiieyt!nii kins and asked him u li.Hik to Iter prayer meetPl.ildo, vvliieli lo bung iilmut a trip l.i Miss laini.-n- t did not ing lli.it nii-li-l Ho- - mIk Hill Corps, of which In- - was a and Ihe folat ra,-t .lav. At apiuar member, was lo milk-I took low n. g I i the biNik to hr l at lr. Vng.-I'tidal lie iiotix- and gave it her sister. The 'i"-e'meetwhere the latter lohl me that Itlanche had gone an I none wen to ing was in progi.-HAevidently trying to keep the merrier Hum lie during the remainder factschool, secret. That of In-- disiipiH-.irancof Ihe evening. At It o'clock he left Is nil I know of tin- - I.amont case. The went and of young people with h party last lime I saw Miiitih- - Williams was home. The next nioruiiiR Durant timsc three Weeks ago." of mid went with Ills ciuiira-leWhen l,y ilm evidence that Hie signal corps for Mount Dl.ildo, flfty Miss Williams's purse hud been found miles away. In Ills piH'lo-t- , Diliaid gave the followThe two murders lire so closely ing cx.luii:itnii: lo gn that It is now 'I was going 1huii- - from the meeting I ester-laY Hujiack to .aim lit case. at Pr. V ogle's Friday night when my Miss Mrs. Nolde. the utinl of I.amont, foot struck a small object on tile siderweived Hi rough the malls u pniicr walk I picked It up nnd found that ll thn-worn the by her was rings small pock'-- t mirror. Near by containing niece the night she disappenreil. On was a purse, which I also picked up Hie paper were written the name snd am I pul In my pocket. 1 look both address of Theodore Durant. This, to- purse amt mirror Imme with me, of my And. ling to tell my gin-ntgether with the fact that Miss WilIt was late, Imw ever, Slid 1 went right liams. un Intimate friend .f Miss lpi bI In tin- morning was in a burmoiit. had lavn heard to say that she to knew nianehe had murdered, hut ry ( get nw'av ivlili Hu- signal corps iin.l fell whut she knew sn.l forgot all about it." had refused to A t'l ' A KKNT CI i.N'TIt A DltTIi iXR. Imw. led lhi police to suspect that the same man who had killed Miss Wil'I lie police lake exception tu Durant's t lint In- - lias tint t liams had slain Mis I.amont. mid that Miss that Miss Williams knew of Williams for three weeks. They say further they can pi live t till t lie saw heron Monhis first crime, he cnuci'nlinriit by committing a second day or Tuesday, and later. .ssll.!y s. From nil murder. Miss Lament was not murdered In Hn- room where M1HS IjAMONT'H llODY FMfNIV was fouii Tin- - body had l.ale last night the detect ives had dragged up Hustairs and nlioiit decided that Durant had mm the tower room. Her clothing was deled Miss W'illlains. nml this tli.nrv Into v hi ioiis vomers of found muffed Into was further strengnieniit this mornthe room ing when on making a thorough sean-l- i About 111.- Hme this morning that of Kmnnilel Church the dead and outMiss l.amout's body was found the conf .a moiit whs foutiil raged liodv of Miss r Kniaiiii.'l elinrch were on concealed in the steeple. Detitli lia-- l gregation tln-iutb-uto Hie way Faster service, been cause. I by strangulation. which elaborate preir.-iti.had wits lying Just inside the door of Iii'ii tiia-bWhen they arrived, how nude nnd on the floor. ever, nnd Iv.irtn d the tower-room- , Hie frightful 'crime there were a few they tl.-Around Ihe from the streaks, the marks of lingers iTi.it ha I The eliiircli was ke. .md guardedspit. by been messed deep Into the tender flesh. lii hikv all iLi regin his slab'iu.'iil ta llio The mouth Has open, showing the pn,v Rev. ular teeth: the features wen- - badly Pr. Cllisun asserts Ills behef in iiin.M'.-nedistorted, being drawn down at on. l.ut is unable tn offer corner, nml the lips were swollen and utiy tlns.ry as p, the :U.llIa, ..trator i In' iTlnif. The nose was Ihe only Tills Huicti e.m feature that retained Its original shape said flir Durant: he fur Ho' i lie. Us were Idoated. The girl's dnl nut net like a guilty man when and his light brown hair was matted with dirt lions t leave nml hung loosely about her shoulders with out nt :m,l The body was In tho first stages of the odor emanating Of Miss Williams a is dua4i.,nS?m tll ad fnuu the lemains having reached (he --Hie police m- thut U enis iticivdibil lie nostrils of the detectives before they stiel. a crime, iii.l'i, tun tun for that GIVES HIMSELF UP FOR TRIAL. Placed Hg.d,Ts"h OKiiANIST KIN'ii's KVIDFVCF Tears, but Free for Twenty-Fiv- e San F'ratti'is,' April 15. Tired of Being an Outlaw. W R King, organist ,.f t .t. the horrible crums w- re wT'1, Denver, April 14. Within the coming fortnight the District Attorney or AraJed. made a siatetin nt in Chief'1,!? will be called upon to Crowley late this pahoe county murder a wealthy and ,Khe for tends to lix prosecute rh YOUR h,e Influential farmer In (lie State of Mistnar.l. r of Miss I ntm-i'l cast of King says souri, about fourteen tnllcs April ,e Mies laitnoni was Kansas City, who passed there unders GROCER iuiss,d neigh-tsirThe the cl.nr. h ihe name of Ikivld Patrick. p m V the orga n. I saw I'niani tk!'' l! of Ikivid Patrick regard him as SELLS IT. to lily surprise. ) , farmer, who an honest, the organ left in mn,fronJ ha amassed riches, raised a family or lutHv ni tiverh, a euti.'.itioii. five children and lived In their midste "I asked him what without reproach for a period of undhe reph-- d. years. Rut that Missouri fann- was.LjJ GiTY, UTAH. up there in Hie u u.I'l-'k- rONjORlA1. 'he "ers . . Sllll'LKV W. - -d 1 1 Catbiuiri:iul bailiff rm, . j bARUEKK. ntoKii tli- ll ii.-- i.jiht He- .i.i I tii'V .a FT f n.rrr scott lu taMfi.vbt n -t Laud Olhu. Mining Wh-- lie- - le ad Of He- - M.i,i- - they lie- - d.N.r b'li-l'l.I ..Ii.-In llif .. a I", ki d in is,. r Timy , amt could i it, irk they Ji Ic.t ..... :' lie- - i'TI.ci rs HiMiek a Inal h. As I Sun Trunciuco Horrified )iy the S' end Outrage in the Chunii Wh--iMinnie Williams Met Hit Drnth Durant, the Medical Student, lt Chained With Both Crimea Mia Laiuuut Waa from Montana. S.iu t Late tvgi.Urr I' Land tf.e il'S.r i 11.. F. HOBBA. FRANK SCENE. THE ANOTHER MURDERED BODY IS FOUND IN A CHURCH. tn an Pihi:n on M..UII'. Aunt L'ne at Low Kata. A AGAIN Victim Writaa to the Coroner. Franrlaru, April 11, Ran a young woman jinnix-- a Letter I.HHt night from an nak-lan- d ferry boat and waa drowned. Today the ('iimiu-- r rilvtil a letter throuah the nialla, signed Nettle ('liuHe. telllnic him of her Intention to Jump Into the bay. and aaylnir that alie had been deceived by a married man. and meiitlonliifr the name of a Mr. liunn as the man who had led her astray. She aald she wished to remain unidentified, and to be burled In the Potter'a livid. Hli enclosed a letter to Dunn, which was to be hnnded to him In caae he should Identify her hotly. This letter la addressed "My enr beloved." and lella of her aufferlnif when she discovered he had deceived her. and told her he waa already married. The letter aaya: "I die not accusing you of hating placed me In my present condition, hut for the love I have for you. Hop Ing lo meet you In heaven I am your Nettle." true, broken-hearte- d The woman waa known In A'allejo as having attempted to kill (. W. Dunn a waiter, on the night of Jniuntry loth Inst. She Bred two shots at him. one taking effect In the arm. The woman disappeared In the darkness, and Dunn hush the matter up attempted tofulled to discover t lie woEvery effort man's identity failed. Hlie was known aa "Nettle," but no one knew her last name. Shortly after the shooting several letters were received by the Vallejo Chronicle. They were not published at the time aa the writer could not In located. These letters gave the woman's reasons fur shooting Dunn. Ac eordlug to her be was a veritable lion Juan and had ruined many girls and married women, lie had been shot at twlee by angry women before she tried to kill him. and once been horsewhipped by a woman, and Lenten by an angry husband. Khe thought It her duty to kill him In order to save other Innocent women. Dunn left Vallejo a short time ago, and It la believed that the woman, despairing of ever being able to kill him, ended her troubles by taking her own life. s r s in-te- n. s -.l - tu-e- n stat-'iiii-ii- s,-,- ntti-mpti- - In-- r - - r Tin-bod- r s - m-c- hori'or-stri.'ki'- Du-taiit- 's iilnod-stulnc- d d. a1"1 - AND , p'r , affi-etln- g ; s - : i i , ' h-- r , hf' . law-abidi- t- -,1 twen-ty-flv- HEWLETT BROS., SALT LAKE 1 - '"Vi xal-l'-i- 'i HIDS ' iilliahli: sekim. I'KOI-bK- Ol;lt 50 - LE6H0RNSS' call-bag- 1 IHW-A- e waler-ui''lfi- I mw-- -- y ru. KiuOnnkM w ilin-iu- n, Fl'N MIKTII i MYSTERY, i r CF.O. Glasses that Fit FAMILY KNITTIN6 lb very vhm' mii I of tKo comfort tn liio yii ev. SIIEI.MEKDINE Dr. hAiti'il iiiftuv )rni:iDiil KmII Liiki mdI tfi o iMiluT-n- l lirii :Msliti4n. III Uk1 I'Mi Ji Ht'.d M T iillll, lie (UMkl'f ciiiiia you pi NO i HAK'.KS FOK EXA&HN VTION. Main Street, Is and EiX'ina S). Propritlur. MACHINES. -, le np-al- lf;CJS l'Olt NAT( II1N(J Wc liav wou r.im Marred Plymouth Rwk. in wii'e.-ii,- u, for the ia- -l three year, , I'rn-e63 i.U'iMDlee them lirat clajwr 1.1 egg.. 313 Mam A South CO.. UiiVK Street, HAY, Salt Lske Oily, I'tah. I pri.-- .1 a De ui:u lifiit flty.'U Kr.aHi!y. 11 K. JOHXSJIN, Aa a money i'nilcrwear, ate, , Capaolly, S4 t.iierii, family il ha no -r rr l of lads' day. J. K. llt.KMK'X. Hie agt.. 8 M' -t South. Salt Lake ten- i i 1 CHEAPEST. 4- - j pen-i-iiiag- ,' Use Three Crown Baking Powder. BEST anp-I'lF- -- W. CURRIE. A8SAYER. IW Slam Street. Salt Lake City t all order, by mall Prompt atlea in, n given Uniterm and rearonalilu. rexprea. Charge 4, 1805, SALT LAXE. |