OCR Text |
Show .U .rf I9KV.M A'.- - fork iio;. .lUCAN a. It. G. u.. 12:00 W 4.45 l 4.15 p. i. in kOLIU AM) IA t'S. Gl'isu 8.55 a. in. 8:45 a. ui. L'. 1 It. G, W It. O. W a.IOp. STAR ROUTE OL'U For 3 :3ft p. m . i p. m, HOIKS. K .o i i..e ias, Cit-a:-i 1 ! week, Mr. Edward mall and Him Stiua Jana were marOllu'tTS Rad l ried ami a sociable vary paily to celebrate their aeddiug Friday evening. by $1 4 David Swac,-- ' by Mrs. Sadie Isaac-s- ii : instruments! music by Miss Crandall; The Vitiate Uncle, by .1. I. T11UEE Duakley, and a song by Mis ISrunuie nji your rubiiij'i. . 'liial I' i to Mjxtriy the Are Try ing to S lv. ds. h-- The spring is iu full lurce and Keeps the waterma-di-- r pretty busy to look after tha work. ilil.h-c'eanin- MEN ARE VICTIMS I n- - Aa a reined v It uche, Electric Brtw Maiiuiu--Iiu- -- C'.easso yuur back j and 3. ill'll for PLEASANT GROVE. WAS IT MURDER?1 Vii) iiiiiyuble time ana fpiut by ..s iMt'ap at Dunkley,. llii- Uii'iiibiis i.f tue Ham tlu'ine club at , I'inii il.e liome of Mis I.una i'Oi.r Til, 'ihi is $1 .25 if j a:J The program sit we'' day cii.ii:i.y, pai at the eii 1 of c..rrii-.te; ' a tin-- iu. . A'jiiut". Mondays. Saturdays Arrives SOCIfil Y. we: - . U. 1 It. Cl I A Closing oi Mai! j?. UOIM) VuHTU :.- rail.!, !ti - It ! v a J o be i lit.:, the very best. ; ...ani-j- t . cure aud the most dr . ul siik headache yield to r We .vii,-.- -. urge all who are affiicnd procure a a f..;r trial. bottle, amt give this reiu-iIucsm-of habitual constipation Electric Bittei cure by giving (lie needed tone to the bowels, snd few cues long resist ths use of this medicine. Try it once. Large bottles only Fifty cents at Steele A IV . Drug Store. s McNiell. a of Oilier Nr On account of the genial Week Iu a C'euUenwU The fireman ou the northbound freight 1.(11, Ladiot Republican dub mealing. Uat at Duukiey'a styles of ahapea El'ail.il.le aiol Pul as. trsiu No. 22, had his kuee cruilied and nur "iiii.i, Mr A. 11. Tmiikou, el the 1895. hurt while his hack badly leg drawing Voice, part of the proi'i jiii ass donation for the The amount ; t some coal, when coming into the itatinn, The dead body of a young msu named c.i. ii vi r umil in xt uicrtiiio, aul the Pri;haiii Uuung uiuuuuiaiit, ta .tide 11c was at once Wednesday afternoon. Study at Rome. courlo'.i s tin- - hoiie acre luini-- oicr Hansen, wm tound dead ou the west shore takf-- to Lulu for medical assistance. 15,819 01. man desirous ot studying Auy ycung i tliiit lb mail. lie i.ni.gistulkteii j' I'inii l ike Monday shout three miifs e law at home ran learn ot something to Peterson of the West Little Manager Kail's Clover lloot, the great blood tin n. Mi. bus lit lliegnod a ik i!u lr.iiu lelii-ahis advanage by writing to John Jame mint, with two bullet ern Union telegraph line has had added gives Irchnesa and clearncM to Clerk Police Court, Balt Lake, Utah wounds, one in thems k and oue iu the in, and also paid uiauy aucther office, He ia talking of extendthe Complex. u and cures breast. The body was lnuiid by a sheep American to the line Fork, 50 making ing 25 cia., $1.UU. Bold by Steels & Co. The Restless American, herder named Parka of Mill Creek, who connection with Tux Item office. a once All agree that the solid at reported In find ' the officers st Don't forget the meeting ot the Ladies We had quite an axhibitiou last Fri- toains ot the Chicago, Union Pacific A tiii place. 1 can club in the Kepul City Ilall Wed Coroner Berg ot Provo was notified day, iu the shape of a baloon ascension Northwestern Line distance all competitors with ease. neaday evening. aud expert aeronaut, end held an iuque.t oyer the body . The Ly the a a a Ne change er delay at tha Missouri officers have been working on tire case Hrri . Hundreds of ptople ruum out River. For lull iutormation call on or n:b ciinJitiui: of A all the week. the scene. A hall was giii-to witni-eJ. M. Hayden, or maUris in the system will produce address, il.ta Tllc clllb sick headache, you can remove lire proceeds or which in Agent U. P, System. the wa it discovered that Wednesday l evening, home at the meet lo J trouble hr taking Dr. J. 1L McLeans went to Mr. llains lor his rlever work two more tuou were uiiiug, aud searchof Mr. Picstmi, Thu'sday eve. The ilreat goods st the Chipmun Mere. Little Liver and Kidney After abceniiing to the height of almm been have the parties lake, ing dragging Co., and their trimming are immense. sale by 8itele & Co. etc. They felt fur Haugen's isneli shout 1509 feet, Mr. Harris cut himself loose a a No Heard e and fell about 800 feet before the the time he is suppose to have SHILOHS CURE is sold on guarI'iMjii iitiy scciilcnis occur iu If juu make the tup via the t.'liicsL'u.l'u and down him let antee. It cures Incipient Consumption. opined, very and their relatives supimard which causes burns, cuts, iouPacfiuA North western Line Fewest missing, It is the best Cough Cure. Only one were still there. There men were easy to Blot her earth again. sprains aud biuiaes; tor Use in such cases eastern they a dose. 25 cts and $1.00. Sold cent oilier ami le Chicago changes McLi-su'Oil Liniment Wooden Volcanic Dr J II Shoe. rrom Lake Shore. The theory et the Steel's Drug Store. by comveatibuh-Preasant Grove, April 18 . trains, lisa for many years been the constant cities. Through officer ia that all three liars bexn murSold by Steele & Co. posed of Dining Cara, first aud second favorite remedy. dered. It ia thought that llauaen was a a a claa Sleepers and Free Reclining Chair A beautiful woman must be healthy, Cara. For full information call on or ad- killed first, and that the others wer put out of the way, in erder to ahield the and to remain healthy and beautiful aha dress I. M. Hajdi n, Agent U. P. System crime. should take Dr J 11 McLeans Sircngth-in- g In TnE ITEM fayt This is a Qasstion Cordial and Blood Purifier. It imContinuous Young Hausen had some land dispute Advertisers can Answer. parts tone aud flush to the akin, strength, WAYNE ROSE IN TROUBLE. with near iris man cabin SUPSCRIPTION neighboring ia $1,25 FEU YEAR. vigor and ure blood ; equally adapted and it is thought that this haa some con for all ages, trom the babe to the aged, of either sex. For sale at Steele's drug lie Shoots anil Kills a Deputy DKCiiou with the crime. The body ot store. TREES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, die young man was taken to Lehi, and the Marshal at Rock Springs. a aflair ia the mystery surrounding being In the postoffice ia tacked up an ofas we go to ravsiiigau-d- , thoroughly Tbs Rock of Springs Independent ficial notice, from the Postal Department press. at Washington, authorizing peraoua to Wyo., April 13th contains the following PLEASANT 0R0VE, UTAH duel At 1 :30 oclock this morning bava taeir names placed upon the upper Benj. Bates, American Forks genuine was with close at fought range left hand corner of their envelopes. To her Colts revolvers between Wayne Itosu whHlwrigiit and machinist, has moved comply with this requeat, The Item bartender st the Gem sslnon, soil Clias, his (hop to Rob Walker's old place, D will turnish printed envelopes nearly as V. McDnugall, deputy city marshal who Get Your Prettys Taken by was occurred ou Come Tba blank. them can shouting duty. Bb Walker hu moved to Teton Basin buy cheap ia you on the walk iu front of the On in saloon and see us. Idaho, and both men were pierced with bullets a a a a a a McDougall wu shot in the breast, the :f the diaordeia kidneys bullet Harris bis baloon ascenmade Prof, Unsuspected to and the paasing right ranging are responsible for many of the ordinary the lung, while Rose wu shot sion from in front of the Grant hotel through In Pleasant Grove From ailments ot humanity which if neglected, through the right hand, the bullet cm last night. Ha failed to ascend aa tar develop into a serious snd perhaps fatal bedding itself ia hit hieast. up as he intended, owing to the Hundreds of weights being too light. malidy. Experience would suggest the The Independent goes on and gives people witnessed nse of Dr. J II McLean's Liver and Kidthe scene more particulars of the affair, stating ney Balm . Sold by Steele & Co. that both men claim to have been fired FROM MIDDLE TENNESSEE. Insane Asylum Directors. However, McDougall died upon first. The Asylum hoard met lut Monday in an hour alter the shooting. Eider din Jackliu Writes The of the week the t The fore-paregular monthly session . ltt-of liis Labors. There was $2,800 appropriated te meet Lake papers contained dispatches of the current expenses and salaries. affair, conneting Mrs. Rose with the Editor Item : While viewing ihe put eight months, The superintend nt reported 210 in- (rouble, stating that McDougall was pa; These re- I thought a few notes trom you wonld mates In the institution. Two was dis improper attentions to hsr. Concerning Great Bargains ports are blankly denied by Rose's at find space in your newsy paper. I take charged last month and two had died. In father. Rose's six Fnrnitnre, Erthenware, Mr. tn a for in same in letter the the for The estimate supplies pleasure addressing through toruey Toys Notion of a Million months ending Oct. 81, 1895 amounted Both men were triends up until tba shm t to my friends some of my past experiVarieties to $18,000. ing, and tha quarrel arose momentary ence since leaving my dear old mountain home, and thoae that render life so Tba auperlntendent asksd for some over soma trifling offense, ReMra. Roae's maiden name wu Aicenit dear to travel in an unknown to country improvements about the ground . ferred to committee on Building and King, born and raised in American Fork preach the gospel ot In arriving at Chaitauooga. after visitand ia the daughter of It. L. King. She Grounds. Adjourned for one mouth. wu married last summer to Rom. ing the Lookout mountain, 1 was asThe many relative! and fricmii of Mrs, signed to IslKir in Middle Tennessee, County Court. Rose hero sympathise with tier in the where I arrived at Dr. Vaughns, snil this at Provo convened court County was met by two elders. I spent two week in special session with a lull at- trouble of her husband. i- -' The '(iierul ijr, stump ami at 8.0J a. m. Miuilowa open istry ut 5 :10 p. in. ( Ou 8uupayk the general d liv r mill a. in. stamp window are opeu from till 10:00 a. m. anil from 4 00 till 0:00 p. m. Timothy McCauty, IWinmter iU-i:- lno 8.i Church Services- - well-know- I'HESDVTKlllAX . tln-bi- 10:30 a. in. Sabbath School 11:30 Prayer Confer Sabbath dice. 0:45 p in. Y. l S. C. E. 7:9ii Preaching. Family Prayer Monday 7 :(( SerYice. 70 :0 p. m., Prayer Ser Wkd.nksday Vic. Bible Study 7 :00 Friday J. A. Livihostos Smith, Pastor Sunday School at 10 a. m. in the Meeting House. Meet ing at 2 and 7 :30 o'clock p. m. Latteu-Da- Saints y LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Dunxley'e for garden seeds. a Dr. Merribew, dentist. Lehi. E Best V- - N Ion at Jackson's. I-- Men's hats G-A R, 25 cts. latest styles gal st Dunkleya Snpt. Christensen of the Central school, and his young wife are now at koine in Sprincrille, says the Independent. That continued letter the Brigham Bui lelin ia rnnning from Qnilp" is a sham We helieye it ia upon th 3 public. scheme to shirk repnrtorial work. Thirteen vehicles followed the remsins of the little Imy of Mr and Mrs. John JsCF.aon to the cemetery last Saturday better every in support and a subscriber, day," any of such, handed over the price ot a bis month's subscription, and departed fully satisfied that he would get lull yalue re "The Item ceivcd . is getting as Sudden change ef temperature and humidity of the atmosphere often pro duce disorders of the kidneys and blad der. Use Dr I H McLean'a Liver and Kidney Balm to check these troubles in For sale by Steele " their incipiency. Co., druggists. a a a a m-.- s A letter from Leland Driggs. formerly of Pleasant Grove bnt now at Teton Basin, Idaho, elicits the fact that that country Is lastly being settled by Utah people, and many are going up there tendance. from Utah county, and from Pleasant The Provo Enquirer being the anly Qrore ia particular. bidder, was awanded the contract of a a a printing until Dea. 81, 1895. If Toe Item had a subscriber for Bida tor stationery was swarded Skelevery "person who berrows it each week ton A Co. in addition to thoae who da anbscrihe, it The advertising was swarded the Enwould have as near as we can guess quirer Co. at least a circulation of 2,000 avery O. B. Huntington was re appointed week. bee inspector fur the Central district; a a a WmGregg for the south district, and American Fork present population ia George Hackett tor the north district. said to be, according to censoa figures, Selectmen were anthonzed to prompt 2,347. against 1 ,962 in 1890, a gain of local tree inspectors to urge good work 406; Provo. 5,986, against 5;159 in 1890, t ie coming spraying season. a gain nr827; Lehi. 2,281, against 1,087 The judge reported on the matter of in 1890. a gain of 675 . borrowing $15,000 referred to him. He a a a stated it wu a difficult matter to obA marked improvement ia apparent tain meaty ia Salt Lake, owing to the We haye re in The Item this week. condition of that city . After deplorable new of type, ceiyed a large al.ipmeot considerable diecnesion, the judge wu rules, borders, dashes, ornaments, etc. authorized to borrow $3,000. Adjourned. whereby the spjiearsnce ot the paper ia made better. esidiglila many styles Your Tlain Duty taking it Is to make the of job type, nrnMMUts, trip to Chicago on the possible for us to turn omstill bettsr Chicago, Union Pacific A Northwestern work, snd at pncea that will surprise Line. Hhyt Time the quickest, solid veslibuled train, no change of coach at the natives. lie Missouri River. Through first and a a a claaa Sleeper and Dining cart. second a Ira Item The A. B.Tomson made . For tnll information call on or addreu A1 now is week. enjoythis ternal call J. M. IIaydkx; meanwhile his ing vacation, and in the Agent U. P. System. Toice is lying dormant and temporarily suspended. He will resume its publics Fresh Salmon at Dunkley'a, lion, he says, in a lew days, when his Business men should ponder if adver bnsinras matters are adjusted and his tising pay. This is will have been ended. blanks at this office. All kinds of the fr-- t time in the history of western aus-p- i-. that a paper has jor.r:.-i'Frnk .Si rpnrdson, an engineer on the to taka editor ior its li i publication Southern Pcific By., who reside at Los Wo hope to see the Voice's Angeles, Cal., was troubled wiith rheufi . a Once Again." matism for a long time. He was treated sri'.i!!7 I'ountetianre liis vacation is by several physicians, also vivted the when t plcsacd An Hot but receiived no permanent I until will the reliefSprings, then not en..i- - i. Then and until be used Chamberlain's Pine r' Balm . He uya it is the best Medicine in Jn: -- i lju mherof The Item have an cerwith the world forr beumatism. For sale by iiiiiv of sharing company 11 druggists. damieli. Fork tain American ahJ va-es- ti m iiii-ri- op-pr.- pars-chui- ia-e- Does an Ad. D. M. SMITH, see Hinshaw, Joy and Baker PHOTOGRAPHERS- - APRIL 15TH TO BSTII 8.-il- rt A FEW POINTS J T at Je-ua- . k. WM, GRANTS From the Missionary Field. We clip the foliwwiug from the Union Eagle, published at Maynardyille, Tenu The Mormon Elders are agin in Union County, this week on bead waters of Bull Run ; will be st Acuff snd Haynes soon, then down Hicaory Valley. Elder Fred M. Houston is now with Elder Nebeker, in place of Elder Usllidsy. They go from bouse to bouse and talk quietly and civilly with the people, Telegraph meunges are cheaper and ten iiiiica more reliable than ttleplmie word for 25 nipsasges. Twenty-fivSalt Laxe between t'S offices all ceni and Nephi inclusive. All other points at equally low rates. Office in Itin building. A Timid Traveler Neeii never fear to make that centem to plated trip eut if he or sha will frost ths Chicago, Union Pacific & Kerb WestFewest ern Line. Quickest time. changes. Union depot. For lull information call or address J. M. Hnydea, agent. months visiting Saints; my companion and myself begau the canvass of this county, where I have been laboring ever since. We have been treated yery good, tome-time- s meeting with seme opposition; hot the elder that goes on a mission and thinks ba will have smiinili sailing, anil not meet with soy that will oppose him, . will soon fkd out Hut the prejudice that once existed against the Mormons (so called; i family lieing removed, r.nd the thinking prsplein the World are looking upon the Latter-daSaints in wundi-- r aud amassment, to know what the Utah have done and- Low badiy they have been misrepresented . The need ot more elders in the missionary field is very great, and men in Utah would be yery glad to get hero to prcacu the gospel if they knew the importance or it. The people are, as a rule, poor and hospitable. They will ever have a warm place in my heart. I can aay, I am, together with all the eldsrs in (he Conference, enjoying and we are finding friends on every band. Tba work of the elders is My compan regressing very rapidly. on, A. Y. Duke, hails from Usher City. He joins me with encouragement to all who are called on a mission, and with heat wishes to all our friends. difft-n-m- WILL SOON APFEAIl IN THIS SPACE. MRS. R. Latftflt Styles a DR1QQH J MILLINER. of and Childrens 1895 Spring and Bummer Rats. Lftilie-- i y All Republican and tha general public are moat cordially invited to attend the club meeting of the Ladiei Republican at the City Ilall, Wednesday evening, will April 24th. Prof. J. 1, Wontton continue the aeries of lectures bpfore the club. A neat program will be rendered, DONT GO AWAY FOR Y00R. FRUIT TREES When Better Stock Can be Got at Home. the BEST TREES 3,000 of Ever Utah Placed Soil, in Owned by K. Robinson, and Can be II id at h ARMSTRONG BROTHER - P S.r-Reme- Bndded. The thaselrees are straight Root Grafts, and not GRANT.- We take pleasure in recommending Chamberlain's Cough Remedy because it a praised by all who try it,'1 says J. W. Cox A Son, druggists, Blarehlield, Ore. No one afilicted with a throat or lung Finest Sample Rooms trouble can uaa this remedy without Sooth ot Salt Lake. praising It. It always givra prompt relief. It is especially valuable for enldi Beautiful View M it relives the lungs, makes breathing Utalt Lake and sier and aids expectoraiian. A cold will ntverreanlt in pneumonia when this remedy ia taken and reasonable care ex ercised. Forialo by all druggist. - F. ADAMSON, PROP. iiiiiou Colie. Persons wno are aubjcct to attack of bilioua colic wiil be pleased to know tlist taking prompt relief may he had by Chamlierlain's Colic, cholera and diarlioea and can alwaja Remedy. It acta quickly d be be depended upon. In many caaea by be attack may prevented remedy aa aoon as the flrt 'D,d'cl?ni, the disease appears. 25 and oO all diuggiit- lor sale dj John Jacklix. Ameneoa Fork, a.- - -- Carpenter, Williamson Co.,Tenn. Old Shipley Place, American Fork. Pleasant Grove and our-elv- Attention! Republicans! TRIMMINGS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION at BEDROCK PRICES. WC- $ $ Headquarters ior Traveling Men and Tonrists From the Veranda of Surronudlngs. RATES VERT VERY LOW American Fork. Utah |