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Show THE AMERICAN FORK ITEM. VOL. H, NO 3. AMEltlL'AN 1'OltK, ITAIl, SATlKl A V, AlKIL J0, 1893. .U 1 In- - military shall Lr in Kind votes cast at DATE; ial'orvllliulluli any rlcclioii. providing thul lo I !lC Ul)i HO in voting he preserved. Wiiiur sliail lu tin. i of (KMi't1 tt qiiuriHrHvI 8 After the adopt loll of this I'un-- . fiOUM- - WMLout Il.e )U Uli ot I Hut Ion. all general elections, olisciit lhr except fur THE RESULTS OF SIX WEEKS' oumt--i ; in nnir uf Vai. cni'r.i in a iiiui.ivipul, school uud judicial officers, liidinur u U nt'iij.nt law Ih? held uu the Tuesday next follou shall WORK. Si't'. "1. N.'Ulu r slavt-rr nor uiviil.iitiarv of the hint .dole lay in KHrviiiiii. txi'i H um a i4iinsiniini ni mg the hi alncti the eleciun is held. K"vial vl line, wliiivuf list j'hriy Mi, ill have Iki II year be held as proi IiIihI ly law. iul rou iru-iishall rkisi Kirliiu t mih The termsmay of all officers circled at uny Eight Articles Completed and Re- Slate. cl.-- . Hun on ilie shall comiin-m-gciu-ru- l vised, Being Declaration of Rights. Sv. "J. rnvale iiM-rshall nui lie i following .Monday In Juiiuai, Uiki'ii if r flamauil lur I'lihiu- us- Miuuuit Boundcle. tiiiil. tloII. Amendments. id their ip.il. Juthe .late Ordinance, Jllst (Sill IlM'llS,! inti. dicial an l school officers shall iml lie and to sliall Cities la l'L No lie Srf. Counties, Militia. ass,.i on any day when other ary, KiaiiiiiiK im votalily any frau.hiM. jmil-I'K- l ate bill tile lime of th.-iTowns, and Legislative Apportionur lllllaailllt y . lie us pixivldi-i- l by taw. ill nil. The ii isimiH of lliii iiim1-liiiuiSis. ma le or ment. See. Ii. All offlci-i-are niamlaiuiy uml lOMliilmoiy. uu-ihv this t'liiisliiiiiion or hy iho exiHVKK to or' la they in laws uiiide III piiisiiance I hereof, sliall, Li Is m lierto 1st. np.ui .In- nuites of tlieir convennmi Sri. IM, All lutoa of Keiiei'al nature shall hefore entering The I'liusLiiiitional iilhces, lake no-- Kiihn.-rili n the a triii week iiar mi 4in.ti:on. haturda). oalh or a III i uiur.iiii its sixth Sv. It. This i'iiiiiiMitii!iiii of riyhis "I wing I swear mr allinnl Ulli. 1 1 hail adopted i is lit article a shall nut le I'uiistnii'ril n impair ut tlrit) will do solemnly he 1ir .Mobey mill nuinhiT siipimrt. Hist hs ami twiru )oi ol Hu rl:iiniMl hoi's hy I will unition of Ihis Slate, and (lint folio, Fiviiiifiit ift tniont t to fiinl,t ii poo: to pa the dillii-- ol my Olll.-- Willi Is iSMjltal lo the senirl.lal miiy .i iutln I'lual runt anl tho ini-of lilt of ' five itiVinilielit. STATE BOUNDARY. ORDINANCE. Article Which Was the Subject oi How It Is Described in the ConstituMuch Controversy. tion. anil Irrevocable Without Consent of the 1" i" Following of the Stale Is ami The unielnivil Isiundiiry as United of States. Bights, liei'iarutimi as follows: fraiin-i- l is tin- - Urdiiiiiin-F.dluiving 10 Almighty S.ctiiUI I. The Isiinidary of III. Slate of fyr " , in iiiiiliiini-e of tin- - enabling act. f l shall Ih- - .is follows, rtuh liberty. we, the l",omi .mt llu t'oiiinieiii-lliami at a ihiiiiI formed by the secure OiUilNA.Wi;. lo and esub Tinintersei-tioi- i or the thirl y second ilegr.-.- - of of fret? guvcriiincnl, no ordain follnuiiig nrililiuiiie rliull be I l of the nurd loiigliude West from Wuehlligloli, wllli witlwul the conM-nHull nil t'oiniiiliilioii. 'i Sluli-- , and llu? piuple tin- of north luli-- t uf I Ills St lie: a ktii'i.h i IVrfcct tidcralion of ivligiuim ml.-- : theme due lllllllTrf. along sai-- tliirly- i li.n-lliiihali-laand no latitude lo the deg lee of i i 1. have the inalienable s.'iiiiiin nl sliall l.r All li ol tin- saiiie with the of iIiIh Siam shall evi-- r Ih- - niidexied m pcrxun or invipi-rlof longitude west from on of his degree '''tu 'enjoy- and lloiSli or lu-- r moil.- - of rellgioiiH worship; nml Wushllituli: due along said degree West longilude lo Tu'ucqulrr. po.iwuH uml .rlei,l l,,,,P" lulygaiiiniis or idural niiiiiiag. s nri- tile tin? inlrrwecllon of tile suim nridl'bll.d. of of norlli latitude; thence Second -- Tininhahiting t tire Slate dill- - east degreesaid Tu worship ueion'.iiiK I" Ihe ' In iigrti- - uml second of forever along that degree forty they llielr luiisciviiiea. disclaim all ngln and title to the unapnorth latitude lo the liilersecllon of I InTo pciicrahly awemhle. ivdit--olcsl or U .1. na with me the ol within the give public lands lying ' propriated lor smugs. ami liuiindarie I hereof mid to all IuiiiIh lying longitude west from Washington; llieiice sal.l thirty-fourt- h nr held by uny due south along degrer ihclr thought wllli.it said 1. 1, id., owned Tol,rieely iHiniiiiuiiii-aiIndian or Iniliun tnlh-s- , und that iinlil the of west long I ludc to the liilers.-iil.iof reiuin..-Ior uml opinions, wilh the fort of title the saiiie sliall been thereto have degree extinguished , abuse of lliut rigid. : hitfllidi-l , Ru.hem e Stal-seasl ulmig said the mi me shall be north hy the I'niled tier. 2. All puhii.ilfr.--power is lulu to of ar laliluile dlKHiHltiuli foil north aml of the to the remain subject ami nil guiri'iiiiiciiis of the saiiie Willi the llie I' lilted Slitles, uud said Indian lands inteiwei-Mui- i founiied on their iuiihuiiiy uml hisiiiiiti-la West fruin shall degree of longltii.liremain under the absolute jurlsdir-llu- ii J lull uml Meet pi their for equal l lnii. c dm- - south along said ; r the ami uf ' Wnsliliigl.ni of the ,ll' I'ungress 1' ami the) liave Urn rigid lo I'nlle.l Still, s; Unit the lands helonglng lllirl) sc. uud degree west liili,plildi- In the form their govci'iuncni hh me juiln vnl to of the I'nilid Slules residing place of beginning. wiiliuiil an Is '"S' 'stale this Stale sliall never Ih-- taxe.i ut of l'lalt The a higher rule than the lands to MILITIA ARTICLE. part of the is residents thereof; that no taxes shall lie Urn Iulislltulluii of the I tided Males on lands or this Slate inipoHed hy pion-r-tof All That Have Been tS'ieU-nce- . shall lo or which inuy Briefest therein, be Adopted. byurn-- ;the I'nlti-never he infringSd. IVrfecl tolerat.on.ol hereafter hut nothStales or reserved for Hs Is guaranteed, The organization of n Stale mliilla religious sentiment 1 in this ontlnaiiceshall this ing no preclude luw inakt atuie giuiii taxing, as other lunds are is liras provided for: itbUHhinenl or wHKlon or pro JlJjlL1 " whi Slates front lamls owned or held by any taxed, any flection 1. The inillllu sliall consist of imsi avwriiw tlu?rufi no for Indian who has severed his tribal rela- all d a qiialihration and lliose male shall he required astrust tions lias uhlained front the and nr I'nited who have dcelared their Inici-iioi- i lu Infr person is States ur from any person a title thereto, come any otftee of puhlle Is and shall any rltixens nor between uf the State, at any eleetloii; or other grant, save and 4i uf age. incompetent a a witness or Juror auseuie' hy 1patent or may such lunds us have Her. 2. The shall, by law. count of religious belieflieornotheunion of indlan to ur Indians under uny shall provide fur tlie equipment thereof There shah aiiy chureh any net of t'ongress, containing a provis- uml discipline of organization, which sliall the militia, church and state, nor Interfere with its ion exempting the lamls thus granted conform us nearly as practicable to the dominate the state ormoney or pnsrty from taxation, mhl.-lust iuentiune.1 regulations fur the of Ihe functions. No puhlle foi or uppllwl lands shall lie exempt from taxation so armies uf the I'nited government Stales, except such shall he appropriate.! Is an to anil such as or us Instruction, ol are lung, may extent, exempted liy laws of the I'llited rellcloua worship, eserelse Is- SiiiIcm or uf this Slate. provided in the act of I'ongress granteSj or for the support of any eivllastlml t lie same. tubllshnieiit. - No property Mualilleaili to ing Third All debts and liabilities of the sliall ever Is- required of any d hi Territory of I'tah, under uulhuriiy uf the COUNTIES, CITIES AND TOWNS. vote, or hold olllee, except as pro ll . Assembly thereof, are herethis Constitution. the writ oi by assumed and shall be paid hy this Regulations Concerning Municipal Bee. 5. The privilege Is- of unSlate. suspended Corporations of the State. habeas corpus sliall not Invasion, when Fourth The legislature shall make The organization and governno-e-i of less in esse uf rrledllou or it. Mie establishment and malnie-nsne- e laws for the uubllc safety requires to of a system of public sehools, counties, cities and towns lire provided Bee 6. The people have the right lie open to all the children of for In this article; hMir arms for their security and ViSS'm" which shall anil free from sectarian conthe State, regulate Section I. The several counties of but the Legislature maylaw. trol. of this right by of I'tah, ezisting at the time of of le deprived shall the adoption of this Constitution, are here8c 7. No orperson due pro- without ON AMENDMENTS. ARTICLE property life, liberty, by recognized as legal MUbdlvtalona of this disSlate, and the precincts ami school 'Bec0 8. UAI1 prisoners shall hi- - bailable by Future Changes of the Constitution tricts as now existing In (he sal-m!1.1,' L1 me sulHelent sureties, except as legal subdivisions thereof, and Provided For. tenses when the proof Is shall continue until changed liy law in of this article. be. Constitupursuance in The -the which not Kx.tve ball hall Her. 2. No county seat shall Is- - removed tion nuty he amended is get forth as unless excessive lines shall not lie s of Ihe qualified shall cruel and unusual uf Ihe county voting on the pnqsMlt'-oi- i follows: I'ersoim be hiflieted. tlie at general election shall rote In favor Sect ion 1. Any amendment or amendor Imprisoned shall not be tivate.1 . nun ments of the Ibis t'oiistitiitioil may Is? pro- uf such removal, and to . rigor. unnecessary totes easl on tlie proposition shall lie rethe rignc oi posed in cither house of the legislature See. 1U. In eniiiinal eases Inviolate. A scat. lo a elec-leIn county quired and If of all members trial by Jury shall remain of removal shall not Is-- Stile except h lo each of the two houses shall vole in priqiOHition courts of general Jurisdlellon. mure ihun Khali ioiiKbt of tiKhl favor thereof, sueh proposed amendment inittcdIn in ihe same county four years. SHEX! lTcodrls of Inferior Jurisdiction or amendments, shall Is- - entered on their mire 3. There no Sec. Ih shall In lerrltor) and Journals with the yeas of four jurors. a Jury shall consist stricken Iruni any county unless a major.1 taken thereon; and - the criminal eases Un-- verdict shH be 'nl; nays IhIn at ity of the voters living 111 such territory, same cause to shall the published cascH h., civil Minus. in as well us ihe to which it is to he h yrnllrl. A juri in ttn least .me newspaiHM- In every county of annexed, shall county Jurors may findwaived vote therefor, slid lli-- n the State, where a newspaper is publishunless cases shall lie . conditions as may under such other and only ed, for two months Immediately preceding See. 11. All courts shul be ois-nhim the next general election, at which time lie prescribed hy a general luw applicable every person, for an Injury'ordone to whole Wate. the n'pulHiioiii thn said amendment or amendments shall lii Ids neraoiii pi'otsrty Sec. 4. The Legislature shall establish ohim of lnw, lie submitted to the electors of the Slate by du have a of county guvernmeni which desystem a '"bout if for and or their wldch shal ivnicu)' be administered rejection, approval shall Is uniform throughout the Slate, delay, and no peisjiti majority of the electors voting thereon ami nial or unnei-essarlaws shall provide for preby general shall approve the same, such aiiieniliueni. shall Ih- liarred from cinct und township orgaiiixulfun. before any trlbuiiul n this Stalelo ur amendments shall liecome jgirt of this ? See. pur civil iausi Corporal ions for iiiunlripul Constitution. by himself or counsel any l iiosi-shall not he created hy laws. if two ur more amendments are The laws, shall the lna by In uiv, general shall a such he'submitted erimhial they See li. r for ihe organizamanner as to enable thn electors to vote provide accused shall have the right to upm-ation ami clasMlflcation, hi proorUoii to on each of them setwrately. uml by and defend In which of the or Sec. 2. Whenever of the imputation, of cities ami towns, demand the nature uml cause may be altered, amended ur repealed to have a meinliers elected to each branch of the iuws cusallon against him. Sts-- . II. No munleitiaJ shall to cruisiralioii own behalf, It his In to deem call necessnry Ijfglslnture shall thereof, to testify or hidlrta-ilyagainst1 a convention to revise or amend thin Con- In any manner,or directly of lie confronted by the witnesses to wateralien lease, sell, any dispose pwcwm stitution. they shall recommend to the works, water him, to have compulsory of water rights or soiii-ci-vote at the next general electhe attendance of wllncsses in nis electors to supply now or hearcafier owned nr conor a tion If for and. convention, against own behalf, to have a siieedy puhlle trial trolled or all It, hut such waterworks, hy Jury of the county to s majority of the electors voting at such water rights anil aoun-.eof water supply-nodistrict impartial election shall have voted for a conven In which the offense Is alleged to owned or hereafter aispiln-- hy any rlgh t lion, the Ijegislaluie shall, at its next have been committed, andIn the Is- shall no inwantH munic.pul presort I. corporation and session, provide hy law for (ailing the maintained and koomlI In all operated hy it fur the accuwd pernon. bffuiv final same. of water ut Its with Inhabitants The convention shall consist of a num- supply Judgment! be compelleil to advance money herein - guar- ber of members not less than the number reasonable charges; provided that nothor fees to secure the rights d IsIsconstrued to ing herein contained shall anteed The accused shall not himself; In ImMIi branches of the Legislature. any such municipal corporation Sec. 3. No Constitution or amendments prevent againstto to give evidence from water Istestify rights oi any exchanging eompelleil no wife shall by such convention shnll have water supply for other water ami no hiislstnd adopted until submitted to and adopted source orofsources talidlly against her husband, uf water person supply of equal or Ihe electors of the Stale rights Hiiy (ff- - hy a majority against hisinwire, nor shall value, snil to lie devoted in like inanm-- i election. Jeojmrdy for l he same voling at the next put to (lie publli: supply of its hili.iliitauii-witwater. fSee. 13. Offenses heretofore requlri-- In ELECTIONS AND SUFFRAGE. ny ilidletmeiit, shall n LEGISLATIVE APPORTIONMENT. examiijH-tioby information afler a and commitment by to Male Privileges Equal hy thi Senatorial and Repiesentative Dix-triunless the examination be alvedBtati. ur male Citisens. of the accused, with the ronsentwlthout Established. such or with on b indictment, Flections and QualifiThe article The grand Hnd commitment. The of members nf apportionment of cations of Voters was adopted ill the consist of seven Jury shall must the legislature Is made in the followIndictan to concur five whom following 1. shape: lx- - drawn The rights of rltixens of (he ing article: flection ment, but no grand Jury shall iof Stale of I'tah to vote and hold olllee shall Section 1. One representative In llie and summoned unless. In th' opinion the Judge of the district, public Interest not Is denied or abridged on account of Congress uf the Coiled Stales shall lie U Itotli male and female rltixens of elected from Ihe Hlate at large on Ihe bIt.". The right of the people to sbe sex. In (his Wales shall equally enjoy all civil, first Tuesday after tlie llrsl Mon-lasecure In their persons, houses, paja-rand religious rights and privi- November, A. 1). 1880, and thereafter at lailitical unreasonable searches leges. and effects against not manin surli such no times ami places and he violated; Slid Her. 2. and selsures shall Kvery ritlien of the Inited us l.e pn scribed hy taw. When uam prolwhle Htates warrant shall Issue Iml or of the age of 21 years, anil up- aliernew may shall Ih- - mail-- n affirmation, HpiHirllonmeiil oalh cause supported by shall have been a cltixen for Congress, the who wards, shall divide thi to the planLegislature describing who In resided has particularly ihe State 'ninety days, Into Congressional districts iinord- searched anil the person or thing to be or Territory for one year, in the county State ingly- !. The legislature sliall provide "Itcc.1' IB. No law shall lie passed to fnur months, ami in the precinct sixty next preceding any election, shall lie liySee. days law fur an enumeration uf tin- inliuld-tant- s of freedom speech the lo vote at such election exreifl as abridge or restrainIn all rrlmlnal prosecu-tion- s of the State in the year of out ur of the Ylhri. herein otherwise provided. Lord 18nB,and every tenth years the intlh may If heIt given for 3. In flee. Klertors shall all cases Knaii except and at ihe Mcssioii next following such to the Jury: anil in or breach of the (ware he matter treason, felony and also at the session next , 'Vr to the jury that thewas on from arrest the days of elec- enumeration pub- privileged following an enumeration made liy the Is true, and their tion charged as libelousmotives at elections and for Justifi- and duringto and authority of the Inlti-- Stales shall foi lished with good going reluming therefrom. and adjust the apimriluiinipiu able ends, the party flee. 4. No elerior shall lie obliged to Senators and de to the have right Representatives un the Iasi the Jury shal the fact. on militia the elecof duty perform of such enumeration according to ratio In time of war day lerniine the law and lie no tion. and except to he pubHr fixed Imprisonment by law. See. 1. There shall flee. 3. The Senate sliall consist of for delit. except In cases of absconding danger. flee. ii. No person shall lie deemed a members and the House. uf Reelector of this States unless such eighteen inciiil-ereThe SccTt. All elections shall be free, uml qualified presentatives of forty-fiv- e Iscltixen of a the i'nited Wales. any person ll. No may increase the nuniln--r of no power, civil or military, shall at exerSec. Insane Idiot, or the person but perfree Senators and lime Interfere to prevent the in son convlcte.1 of treason or crime against Senators shall Kepresentatlves, never exceed thirty I" cise of the right of suffrage Soldiers elective Ihe of franchise, unless restored to ismt and the iiumlM?r of time of war may vole at their civil rights, shall be ermtlted to vote at niiinlier, reguof the Stale, urnl.-never Ih-- less than twice duty In toorIs-out election or he eligible lo hold office more shall any taw. than by three times tlie numla-- ol presorilwil lations In this Wale. ex posl Senators. See 18. No Nil of attainder, Bee. 7. Except In elections levying a spe4. the obligation Heo. lnw When or than one county Impairing facto law cial tax or creating Indebtedness, no prop- shall cnnstitule amore ywaseil. Senatorial distilrl uno of contracts shall ever he the shall shall lie ever qualification Stale erly Heo 18. Treason against required counties shall Ih? contiguous and war against It. or fur anyH. iierson to vote or hold office shall lie divided in the furmtl0B mnaiat only In levying flee. All elections In or shall lie hv secret county giving of such districts unless such county o'1 In adhering to Its enemies In ballot. shall to this No Nothing section person comfort. be shall talus sufiicleut population within them aid and construed to prevent the use of any the maform two or more dir'ricls, our sliall t convicted of treason unlessto on mechanical chine same or the contrivance for the part of any county lx- - united wilh any two witnesses purpose of receiving anil registering the other overt act. county In forming any dlatrlri- THE CONSTITUTION iiNTATl VK f I STKIi.'TS w provMcd l.v law Mulled among xliali Ih KS H'pll TO I'gul oriiei se.-irc- I -- elei-iiuii- u.-x- lli-s- iifti.-er- s I u s y tin-fill- ., : - I . e s rights. declaration t: e- l,. e t'hirty-scii-iii- w.-s- iiii-i- Se.-liui- l - lliirly-seveiit- - tin-lic- 1 Inirly-seVeiil- h dii-lar- 11 s liirly-fourt- h e llilrty-Nc.-oi- -- id - 1 y puri-hase- able-bodie- 1. s Is-e- n Kr PT r twu-third- ls wrtri two-thir- two-thir- ivsH-i-liv- - i.rQM-i-utin- sH-eiu- piww-eation- s lncori-oralio- jiei-so- two-thir- ds . com-im?- s - com-uelle- d ct - 1 - thci-nifte- e - ItepreM-nta-Uve- s r 1 lUH-l- r ltepn-s-i.liu- vrt lUU'lr liy I"- (Mil Mi i lie I MAY BELIEVED TO FAVOR THE f ni tl rouii-l- ) .l untied JACKSON ci.i- - in 10 could) of Itiix it hi In iiiiv shall BE lKli YEAH. PRESENT. URGES A GOLD CAMPAIGN llu? sol nd iiiiinlicM ut Ihe Shite uh follows: I'sividc.i T,.k m uny ttppoi ism-iile1 Nuii-tiil.i-- , , l c PlllCi:. COME - TAX REPLY TO CHICAGO GOLDITES. CLEVELAND'S IN- LAW. Cousiiierable Uncertainty as to tits Date When tha Case Will Be Taken Declares the Lines Havs Been Drawn shall eutiKtiliili-iliThf comity uf I Up The Ninth Justice Thought to on the Money Question and Fears m i e iIimIi Ii I uud hr Hccta-Favor the Law Cleveland Known Many Havs Been Led Astray by Itcproi mam es, to Believs in Its Validity Rethe Silver Delusion People of Thf cmuily oi ICicIi shall imiimIiIiiIi- - I turns Coming In. liMMcl and IhLimited Opportunities Need Educaour K ri - i,i.illlc tion on the Subject. r shall coiisiiluli-llTlif uf Washington, April 13- .- Informal Kiuri h I lepi cseiil.ilive dislilct aiul lie Inis been given the I'nited States eiililh'-- l " fun tipicinc I'ourt By counsel III opiHisllion ,if .Muim.iii shnll I. April 14. The folIn Jl-ihe Income tax of his purpose to lowWashington, diMi'icl ini-- l Ih iug Is th? text of President Cleveask tin? ciuirl for u eiiillhd (o one c. uf the In- 'Chr land's reply to the Chicago committee: of I u i is shall cnnsi itnic 'I'liii tux iliMnct uml IhA pciliiiiii Ala lie inn, Washington, 1. I'., fur a of asking lo one lit llu tax case probably will lie April 13, nett. Thf linn. ly of Turn lc rli.iil cnliKlilillc made Monday by lawyer tlutlirle. In I am inut-llic- cvt util llcprciHiumiie diMil.-- uml gratified by the ur Hie linportunce of the case, the IhIn (Hie licplcscllla I tvc. and comillmenlary kind exceedinglyi iinpn-HStuii n cnusil-liite III on, that Ihe Court w y of Suit Lake slrali The jnvvall you have tendered me, on behalf the Rig hlh llcpn w nt.iil ve dlsincl grant tin- iinitlon. Just ice Jackson's of many cltixeiiK of Chicago, to be their ami he cniitUd in leu itcpivni-nlmiicshealth has improved of thiiiiinii III shall tn ihe Interest of It Is known la? TIMUiii.ly recently ex- sound al a gathering Nhilli Ih .ii iinniic .IL un i uml lie laic, and money uud wholesome financial to com to pressed a eii'.llh-In ni:i- - IlciHcsi iiiaili e Wasliliiglun aiul resume Ills oIIIi-Ih.1 Sill I'h shall TliC cniuil m' cnusiiluii-ihi In case the Income tax suits ul Tenlli lo this cause la ao Aly ilietin-- l and ne were set down for iniiiiedtate rehearing. gical, and I know so well the lusqillalH) ciilllkd in inn llcpi'csciiliiliy lali shall coiimIiIiiic ihc In view nf this fact. It In believed the ami kiiiihn-Tin iniiniy oi of the people of Chicago. iIimiici uni will be rciieiicd and an curly i;ievdlilo Hihl my Uudinailoii Is strongly four icprciH'iiialik h. Ih given Hume uf lHirtlnns upon in favor uf Ni'ceptlng your flattering InTlif niuiily oi' I'liiMli shnll cniisiilute luw (In the upon which Justices eight mi-ii Ihe Twelflh Itcpivseiil.itivi? ilislru-my Judgment ami my . arc now equally dlvldid. This sudden vitation:of hul Ih Illith'il In one il the proprieties of my olfielal , Ju.ilisli.ill Tnr forcing of the liinimi lax suit to anih, Thlrtrcnlh U. prcs. uialiM ilisinct an-other eaily trial la nut agreeable to all place oblige me lo forego the enjoyment In Ihe oceaslon you eultthil l une UciriM'iihilivc. purtles to the laat suit, and a very of Tl cuiiiiiy ol Sail ivic Mlmil strong Intimation was given here toI hoH-- , however, Ihe l''iiuriceiilh Dial the event will some of the counsel preferred mark ihe slid of an earnest and agentitled in two licpn-- illa- day that liiHI beginning Imas next an autumn, waiting tive gressive effort to disseminate among Ihe Thf in. inly of Carlmii shnll conniiiili-tli- pression prevails that Justice Jackson people safe slid prudent llnaneial Idea. Itcpresi-iumiidisirii-- i and Is favorable to the Income tax law. Nothing more Imisirtailt ean engage llie Ih? fltllh-- l In one letter Information concerning Justice atlentkin of patriotic cltlgena, liecniiae Is so vital to the welfare of our Thf eoumy- - of Kim-rcuiisiimii-llishnll Jackson would Indicate that lie did nut nulhlug ilxli--N- i h I tcpi'iseiil.illvi fellow ami lo Ihe strength, llHirii'i and expect to return to Washington until proHpi-rillie iSlllh-i- i lo cue slid honor of our Kalloii. tclober. which would delay a rehear-lii- g The sltuurton Tnf eoumy of lira ml shall ciiiistiiuieihc confronting us demands until then, and that was coupled lhat those who appreciate SeVfnlii-ii Ki ihe tmiMrianee diHirici and with the statement that If hla health of this subject Is tSIllh'ii in one . and those who ought lo Thr count) ol flrvlci shnll cinismuie ihe did not then jiermlt him to resume Ills lie Ihe firsl lo see Imiieniling danger, Elghleeiilh .limrict mill duties, hi would nend his resignation should no longer remain luihlfereni or i (u in u-e. to the President. There ia no doubt as Tkf niuiily il Millurd sliall the sound money sentiment aliroad In to the President's views upon the d theIf land Ihe Is lo save ua from mischief sn,l dislrh-leiu-aiul coiiHlIlulioiuillty of the and Ihin une llcprcHciiliilive. ll must Is crysisll.ae--l and rom-- I disaster, tax. ills suggestion lo Congress lined and made Immediately active, ll Is The runlily of shnll cuUHIiliilc ihe Twenliciii dislrici mid that a low rate income tax should be dangerous lo overhsik the fact that a In- cniltleil In mu- Itcpivsi-niut- t was only made after the most vast numlier of our people with scant ve. enacted Tlv county of I inn- - shall thus far, to examine the careful examination of all Ihe opportunity, In all its asim-ta- . ilieirhi and Involved, and as a result nf questions have neverthethis ex- question lie ititllled to one less, liigeiilniisly pressed with sughe Is allll convinced amination was and m Thf of Wayne slinll cmiMllluto inns which. In this time uf mlsforluns niy il that an I ni-- i nn tax law Is congiliu-tlmiu- l. gest IhoTweiily-si-i-oiiiv e dlslrlcl and depression, find willing listeners, pret Is umlerHlisKl that Ills views and be enlilU-i- l In nm- Rcprem-iiiiillve- . to give credence to any scheme pared 'IV nm nlv of i ia I licld slinll iinslltiile differ radically from those of tlie court which I phtiieildy presented as a remedy dlslrh-In the rent exemption question, as con- for their unfurl unule the Twcnly-- I lbird cundlllon. In uin- llriireHeinallvi?. and la etilith-iin their opinion of last Montained WHAT IB REALLY NEEDED. Thf county ol Iron shall thc Mr. Cleveland, It Is raid, holds TwHily-fouriWhat Is now neeilcd more than anydislrici and day. to the opinion that Ihe taxation of In- thing . Ih mlHIeil In one else Is a plain and simple presanla-latlo- n comes received rmm rents Is not a diof llie 81111111111 In favor of sound The county ol Wsshlngtuii nhull constitute Ihe Tweiily-lifll- i money. In oilier wonts, it Is a time for llepresetilalive dis- rect tax within the meaning of the Ihe American trict and Ih oiititled to mu- In Knple lo reason together as case of the (onstllutlon, and that iiiemlier of a great Nation which ran retirement of Jackson Justice during sliall IV county of Kune coiiHlihile Ihe hla term nf ofllce, he will see to It promise them a rouilnusnev of protection Twnily-sixland safely only so lung as Its solvency Is Itepresrnlalivc d 1st r let and that his successor's views coincide with lmsiiHHHeit, III om llcpresclitallve. . he flllllh-ei- l lts honor unsullied and ths Thf county of San .Iuuii shall onslllute his own on this Important point. soundness of Its money unquestioned. h These are tie MAKING for ths Ilthings INCOME RKTI'HNfl. llcpreselitutlve ami In lo one Representalusions of a debased rurrency and Washington, D. C April 13. Kcxirln groundless hoiw to be tive. of lo the Internal Revenue Olllee here say gained hy a disregard advantages RKNATOItlAI. IHSTIIU'TS. of our financial Income l tax In are return that credit and roinnien-lacoming tnlll otherwise provided liy taw, Ihe standing among very rapidly, s.nd In some runes the the iialiniia of the world. shall Ih coiisIUiiImI HwytoHsI rttnlrh-lam taublm vd or additional etartawl (area were lunlati-If our folluws; from all wwlatnsa Th of Ihix Killer anil TikicIi has been ficcessary. It is probable Ihe others, and If the question nf our rur- - " slall the Kirsl dislrici uml h Iteveuue Bureau will bold that the sale roncy rnuld Ih treated without regard lo our to other countries, Its chardrilled to one Senator. if rtanding tlmlx-rand royalties on acterrelations The county of I'achi- sIihII coiislllutc (he would Is a mailer of romparallvely pnid-urtoil and well coal, minerals, In Scrfind district and gas Ihlle Importance, if the American enltl Id I one Kcii- people will hi treated as rents and thereHtW. were only concerned In Ihe maintenance Tin IOiinilca of Hicli. Morgan, slid fore not subject to tax. As m the sal- of their precarious life among themselves, IJwIk shall coiiMlIliile Ihe Third district ary of United Htates Judgis, no nlllulul they might return lo llie old days of and Is entitled to one Senator. and. In this primitive manner, acaction hns yet lyeen taken, and ll Is liarter, from eu.-The county of Writer slinll conslllulc other the materials to quire lilt 1ourih dinlrlct and lie entitled lo two probable nothing will lie done until the supply the wauls of their existence. Hut courts have decided the question. It if American civilisation were aallafled Tin count I. h or Hiiininlt and Wasalcli Is lielleved many Judges have already with tills It would alijeidly fall In Its shall constitute tlie h'iflli illstrlct ami Ih made returns. high and nolile mission. nlltli-In these real less days Ihe farmer Is to one fletmlor. Tla- JONES PROTESTS INNOCENCE. county of Halt lakc shall const I templed hy the assurance that, though our lulu ihe Sixth d is I rlct and l?e to eurrenry may tie deluuted, redundant live Kciiulorw. ain-a situation will ImHs Can Account for All His and the Says Th const Hull the prove of Itah slsill price of his products. let us Other Arrests Seveiilh ilislru-- l and remind hs him must Money Expected, to two (hat cntitleil buy as well as : Senators. that his dreams of plenty are shaded Keno, Nev., April 14. The arrest uf The ciuiniiiiH uf Juah and Millard shall Assistant Mel that If the price of ter and He liner J. T. by the hecertainly has to sell Is nominally entin Klghlh dlslrlcl and lie Jones of the Carson Mint has caused thing nf lo one cost the llie things h must hanced, and there are a multi- buy will not remain slationary; that the of San Pete shall constitute much Interest ru mm's alloal. Jones's examinbeet prices which cheap money proclaim thrMnili illHlrict uml lie entitleil lo one tude ofwill Is held Thursday, before are unsubstantial and elusive, and that ation Senstor. TjHiiiunties of Sevier, Wayne, IMnle. Inited Slates Commissioner Edwards, even if they were real and palpable he ail (larlleld alinll coiislllutc the Tenth at Carson. must necessarily lie left fay behind In the dnfrh-and tm entitled lo one Kcuatur. Jones was In Iteuu with the race fur llielr enjoyment. The coiiiiiIch of Hearer, tu aliend Easter scrv Iron, Woshlng-- l A FAMILIAR ARGUMENT. a,ni Kane shall coiiMiltiitc llu Knights Templar church and was It ought not to he difficult to convince HJrveulh district uml Ih cntllleil tu one Ices in the Episcopal Arsis-lutereIniervlewed Press tlie thal ll would reach him hy the wage-earnflam tor. lie said he could prove where least uf all and last of all. In an unThe counties of Kincry, I'lntali, porter. dollar stimulation of prices, an Inworth he ia and has healthy 'tnnd mid San Juan sliallt'arbon, every spent constitute Ihe rvelflli district aiul l) entitled to one during Hie last five years was made, creased cost of all the needs of hla home Ids t must to or. fiortlon, belong Sns und claims all hla accumulations were st the same time vexed withwhile he Is legitimate. There Is a theory advanced visions of Inrreaswr wages and vanishing an easier SAYS WILKES BOOTH IS ALIYE. that be was arrested In hopes of mak- lot. The pages of history and experience what he knows." Those are full of this leaaon. An Insidious ing himto''tell him scoff at the Idea of his Is made to rreate a prejudice EKaped to Brazil After Lincoln closest the advocate of a safe and sound for the against Assassination. being in any way renpiinslhli -lie refused to discuss his ar- urreni-y liy ihe Insinuation, more or leas Rewark, o., April 15. Christopher shortage, Is at this time. It understood that liriclly made, lhat they belong to finanOoiunibus Hitter, who arrived from rest business ciscoes, and are. theresecret service officers cial and the (ioveriinient fore, not only out of sympathy with the iitrinaiiy In the winter of 1864, and know the whereabout of James common of the land, hut for selfish people through J. Wilkes Booth's Influence the mun Hocused of disposing of h and wicked purposes are willing to sacria istMiiion In Fords theater, tells quantity of granulated gold at the fice the Interests of those outside llielr Lincoln's asHUMslnation Itciiu f Ul,irF Ion works, slid that he will circle. libimlnK that Hnnton Corbett shot I believe lhat capital and wealth, shortly In- - arrested, it Is also underFticlia, an actor resembling stood that Beany has already employed through combination and other means, Bcdn, and not President Lincoln's sometimes of talk Is wholesale gain an undue advantage; and There II must be conceded that the maintenance Hitter is well educated and his attorneys. arrests lielng made shortly. Involving of a sound character Is alxive reproach. may. In a sense, be He heads of departments anil clerks. Atil Invested wilhcurrency a greater or less Importance that he assisted Booth to (lnvern-mnIhe examination the Thursday to and they sailed for Individuals, according to their condiBrazil, May 2, 1x65. olllelal will he compelled to dis- tion and clrcumslancee. la, however, Hf soon left Rraxil, hut met Booth by close their theories of how Ihe short- only a difference In degree,Itsince it la utapimiulinent in Ham burg, eleven years iKTurred. terly Impossible that any one In our age, and on that occasion JliNith gave age or lirosd rich land, whatever poor, may him piet urea of hi lie his occiipstion or whether dwelling In children to his EXCITEMENT IN CARSON. Null American wife. These pictures, a center of finance and commerce, or in of our domain, osn be baring a strong resemblance to Booth, More Arreatx for the Mint a remote are rmw in Hitter's hy a financial scheme, really pogsemdnn. Hitler Expect to all our tint alike ay lie heard from Booth last winter. Bobbery. or nd he was tlien mi the Kouth Amcr-irii- n that any one should he excludedpeople, from a Careon. Nev.. April 15. There is common and universal In Interest tha safe excitement in stage. suppressed of character and stable value of the rurrentown y owing to the expectancyand In the nur of relation cy lo this country. WANTS S A TOLLl EXPELLED. two or more arrest. Detectives we are all In hiislness, for w all the DlHlrkt Attorney have been In con- question and sell; so wc all have to do with buy have financial oiratlnns, for we all earn Vsshington Preacher Hai Resolu- sultation, but no further arrests lieen mails. Mrs. Heaney, wife of one money anil ieiid it. We rannot escape tions Adopted in Hie Church. She our lnterde)iendrnre. Merchants and of the suspects, arrived are In each neighborhood, and 14. Rev. Washington. D. power of attorney from her dealers brought April Ms has each and nisnufaciorlea. shops T. f- - Easton of the Eastern husband In Los Angeles to transact all Wherever the wants of man Presbyexist, busifor him. and engaged the ser- ness and Itnnni-e- , terian Church of this city, who business In some degree, are recently vices of an attorney. related In one direction to those accused Ur. Parkhunit of found, pantheism, whose wants they supply, and In another before the New York WYOMING OIL GOES UP. -r Presbytery, veto the more extensive business and hemently denounced Monslffnor Bat dll to which they are tributaries. A the suggestion that the Advance on Eastern Product the fluctuation In price at the seaboard la Ihlied States send sn envoy to the known (he same day or hour In the reCause. Vatican. At the close of hamlet. The motest or depreciadiscredit remarks his he submitted to the rise In the tion In Una nets centers of any form of Casper, W'yo.. April congregation or In the hands the la a sigmoney people in which his denunclatlisis Standard Dll Company's product In the nal of Immediate loss everywhere, if 2 cents or sen- - ret advance an mused has blast and a reckless discontent and wild made demand forth, experiment here. our tanks Ihe should from at Its storage sweep fur tbe safe currency gallon iHr expulsion of SatolB from the are Jubilant over (he aupiiori, the most of all who la.ieti ststea. The resolutions were Wyoming oil men for a rise In lulirlrating oil. suffer In (he time of dlstresa and National admdi-and It was resolved to send a iirosM('tii Is iinniped dlrertly from Ihe wells discredit oould be the poor, as they reckuvhirh d1! "f them to the President. In these fields In a niarketshle condition. on their loss In their scanty aupiiort, and All of these oils are finding a ready mar-a- rt (he laborer and workingman as he seen Shot Two and and ll Is exiiected their prices will llie money he has received for hla toil Hung Himself. To-da shrink and shrivel In his hand when he Cleveland. O., April 14. A I 4 o'clock go up with the Standard rise. run of Illuminating oil was mails, tenders ll fur the necessaries to supply this morning John Sejhar, a Bohemian sample water while, fully hla humble home. and ll Is a beautiful laborer, aged 28 ycara, shot and InDisguise it as we may, the line of battle to the standard test. stantly killed Carl Hlchfer. aged 35. upThere In oil la drawn between Ihe forces of safe curIs considerable activity ami rsjally wounded Alliert are Richter. land holdings, and there many Inquir- rency and those of silver monometallism. a1"1 . the capitalism. More atten- I will not believe that if our people are brother of hla Ural vic- ies from Kaslern tim. during a drunken carousal at the tion Is Just now attracted lo the Wyoming afforded an Intelligent opportunity for It is conceded solier second thought they will sanction home of the Richters. Two hours later fields than ever hefore. the murderer commuted suicide by that they must be one of this country's schemes lhat, however cloaked, mean disiMilti Is, as is evidenced by the aster and confusion, nor that they will hanging himself with one of his sus- final supply consent, hy undermining Ihe foundation Ksslern shortage. present penders, in the city prison. The police The Ball creek producing wells now of a safe eurrenry, endanger the beneficlaim in have discovered that Sejhar nuinlier five, with No. I nesrly finished, cent character and purposes of their Govthe attentions whlrh and the piping anil material now In tran- ernment. Vours very truly, f URUVER CLEVELAND. Crl Ulchter had paid to Mrs. SeJIutr. sit lo complete six more. Tfct ul( the In- - fsllth r e disi rl- 1 - uud l e. i e 'a-li- -' Ihi-t-- - 1 s- nu-tii-- tf - l, i reln-arlii- qux-atlo- - Kxi-i-iiil- ivlu-urlti- t n-- - . giii-M- i M I du-lic- iiii-c- , HiiHi-lmicu- s l li-- rsti-nia- 1 1 M-- i l iarlii-lNtln- ciiiihiI-lull- KililVHt-iiliillv- ihs-Irl- e Kifti-cni- . ex-K- l ini-mil- - - - - li Kciii'csi-utallve- h Twciily-scicnl- -t s s s. Thc.i-oiinl- - t to-d- pl lli-sn- y. t, 1 14.-- rcso-lutini- ix sy . |