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Show THE CAR:! rha Trouble FLKT. IU) ILtASURE I lialr Waarart. la qu!K-- (iftw.i t.e At tha rood workman-hi- latar on anl p t'lut-rl- tlie fart uoi thuir (all to agrvr. uni i!.t-- ii l bootmaker su.Ti-i- i Ha la blanifd I do longer uujit i HEALTH. HOW THEY But . wh.-ho- s convi-iMii:o- of till- ii: hi- UII:U ,, 1 OPINIONS i:i l 1., h!ji:.U y wall-know- ui Ice-col- tion. How It May Happen. Jeminy crickets, she's got the rickets, whispered one beau to another In the coiniHUiy of a very pretty glrL Truly bIiu was very beautiful, but there u In nit the nerves of the face which showed suffering. No," said tlie other, it's neuralgia anil she's a martyr to it." St. Oil wns .Tin-ob- cure suggested ns the for It Did she try it? Yes, mid wns one of the cured by it fellows" afterwards. The use of the great remedy for pain will uot bring about a marriage, but in Its cure of pain it will bring about conditions of bealth to make life more enjoyable. No man or woinau ought to marry who is a sufferer from chronic pains. AVe should not wed woe to win only wretchedness. d and-marr- ied In spite of the prevailing cold weather, s are frequently even on the lode-drop- ellp-per- y ildewalka laud ivd-icr- tiii-M-- lu-- IcilM! who have upon U of Line, water-.lift1; li n UilrViN l I y tin- tuiii-- l:u 11 u. VC here a. a Iu.l resort, witU Huii liupe or exie.-tuUoof Uutt'lril, who have goun away eureil. as strung and robust, as at any time in tlieir palmie.t days. liuve uttnined These wtitt-ra reputation extending to every laud, and it is safe to sav that over sixty tl.eiis.m-health and pleasure seekers visit every year. The hotel of Hut Springs are equal to thou of any resort in Aiuerii-H- , the Park hotel being the lirsl iu poiut of vxcei-lenus e. This truly magnificent structure is a monument of beauty and solidity. No building in the south is belter or mm e aubstantially built. It- is located out of the shadows of the mountains and in a continuous bath of sunshine. It embraces eight acres of land, with a grove of forest trees, and is beautifully laid out into lawns, flower beds, trees, shrubbery, driveways, artificial lakes and ornamental fountains It is ulai provided with croquet andlawn tennis grass plats, swings, dancing aud music pavilion, and a bowling alley. The hotel will accommodate over 400 guest. It cost half a million, and la a giant of commodious quarters and luxurious einipment. It has 300 aunuy rooms, each artistically frescoed by hand and equipped with cheerful furnishings; it is strictly first class in every department. The internal construction embrace all the conveniences of the most modern hotels. The rooms are large and each one provided witli roomy closets, having an electric light, and many of them having a private bath room and The hotel lobby closet connected. and corridors are floored with handsome tile work und beautifully wainscoted in marble. These connect with the iron porches which encircle the house, affording a wide promenade 1,200 feet long, giving sunshine and shade every hour of the day. Connecting with the hotel are two fireproof buildings one for the bath house, the other for the kitchen, pantry and laundry each separate from the other, and both separate from the hotel. One of the erowning features of the Park hotel is its bath house, constructed of material that precludes the 'possibility of musty or other disagreeable odors. It is built entirely of brick, marble and tile work and besides having the regular hot baths is provided witli Turkish, German needle, massage and electric baths. But still more Important to invalids la tha fact of its being supplied by the most celebrated 6f the numerous hot springs of the place, the water is confined by an conditions hud not been materially altered, aud that much would still depend mi whether the altitude of the silver men hail tieeu eliaugi-by the niessnge. ou thin point the silver senators were generally while tin- - ICeptililicaus ami mm were quite outsilver Iopullst spoken iu declaring that they were not appeased. Senator Ilill indorsed the message, without apparent reservation, saying: The president suites the situation vary accurately. Permanent as well as temporai.v relief should be granted at once. I trust that there Is good sense and patriotism enough in the present congress not to refuse consideration of this subject. Tin1 business interests of the country ilis!rc and demand action and the Democratic party cannot af ford to antagonize that sentiment." Mr. Bland, the silver lender -- A gold bond means a gold standard and this Is the first presidential proposition ever made that brings congress to the direct Issue between the gold standard ami bimetallism. flight uow the battle must be fought out. Mr. Bryan (Democrat, Nebraska) -The message aud that bill will make the most abject surrender to the gold conspiracy ever proposed. I cannot conceive how any friend of sliver who believes In bimetallism now or hen-aftcan advocate it for a moment. It la the Wall street Idea in parliamentary language. Mr. Xewland (Populist, Nevada) It ia Intended to place the government ou n gold basis at once to raise the value of gold and lucrcHHc the burdens of tin g classes. Hut the sliver men will fight It. Hartman (Ilepubli Representative can, Montana)-T- he message is an absolute declaration for the gold standard, providing that the bouds be paid OOrM. BMUM NMrStO OO., IWVAIL HliifTiiiK tin Aluiiicfl-of fuuluui-riIn 8:,ii Id tlis departim-u- t llu-Inin limit uu rain fur him r r Salvador and mh-lirminlii ihi'JiUto the wire year a pa as that they wore ililug rue--if. fluto nf i.'lul aay initlilni; il.i tiilrat, Moil of oil and utlirr iisrtriiliiiril In I I'ni'lilo tufuHi-i- i ,if San s.iii.i iluatrle. lor prim a itivrio by the of the prlm-limtown in fhal ili'imil nient. Ii I hn follow : ''Ooualilrrliig I Iml Hi Siipri'iin haa nut (n'haveil well In till pruilm-r- , im In the wlioir of lust ir.'ir only oik slmwi-- r of ruin fell; that In this summer. iiulniMisinii.l- , nn-- l me all the proeeHKl'iiis. it haa nut rained uf nil, Mini ilon-ml on which the crops uf IIhhIuuitxk. llirt proui'crity of the whole department, arc entirely ruined. It Is decreed: Arilc lf within the period of vlglit days of date of thta decree ram ilm-- s not fail abundautly, no one will go lo muss or out prayers. Article II. If ths drought continues eight days more the churches sud cluipela slmll obanil inlasala. nnuirles und oilier of devotion will lie destroyed jects Article 111, If, finally, Iu a third iifrlod It shall not rain, nil ths if eight day ntul urleata, frlara, nuna and aaliita. m Anil, for the female, will be beheaded. Is the fur enuiinU present, permission given siou of all aorta of sin, in order that the with Supreme Creator may understand whom he haa to deal. The niiMt remarkable feature of tlila af fair la the fact that four iluys after the do rree wa promulgated tho heaviest rainfall known fur years waa precipitated on thv biiruiug eunnniinlly. i j nl-- ('n-n'o- r "COLCHESTER SPADING BOOT. BEET IN MARKET. BEST IV BIT. BEST IV WEARING Ql'AUTY. Tha outer or tan fola patend! the whole length t down to the heel, pro-- i terfluxthe boot In (ring and In other hard work. rt i . dig-&- U ASK TOTR HEALER FOR THEM and dont be put off with Interior goods Hl'BBHll OOLCIIEATKII itK3!0S! I jnu laut war, - CO. tVaklilHUloii, II. c! mUt miui mum, am mu A Kvi'itlhlng I nili:'ilei:ili-i- l I'uiii In.imlii s cork leg and after crtalucil that It va umde uf pa lliiftiiui wards u per. Looo Foor Inilsedl Tbs proa poet of relief from draatio cathartic for persons troublud with uuisllpallon ia poor Senator Dubois (Republican, Idaho) While the president declares himself a Indeed. True they aul upon the hvwela.hut this friend of silver he is endeavoring to they do with violence, aud Uielr ojwratiou tends to prevent anything being done for silver to weaken Uie luteaUnee, and Is prejudicial 1 au by preparing a message which would the stomach. Hosteller's Stomach Uillera enprevent silver from ever becoming a effectual laxative, but it neither gripes nor feebles. Furthermore, It promotes digestion part of the money system. The adoption of the presidents plan, and s regular notion of the liver and kidneys said Mr. Stewart (Iopullst, Nevada), It Is an efficient harrier against remedyandforinms of complaint and rheumatism, meana 20 cent wheat anil 2 cent cot- Inrial benefit to the weak, nervous and aged. great ton. Aa a medical stimulant It can not he suriMisaud. Senator Wolcott (Republican, Colora- Physician cordially recommend It, aud Ha of the tyrdo) The president speaks profeoamnai Indorsement is fully borne out by anny of prcconrclved opinions, seem- popular experlente. Appetite aud sleep are both Improved by this agreeable invlgorsut ing to overlook the fact that be makes and nluirativs hlinself n proper subject of his own An exchange say the Irlnce nf Wale criticism. iisea his Angers In rating small birds Why Senator Teller-- It Is easy to see that don't he buy a set of fain teeth! to gold. ORAM HINDI It ia the inoat vslnsble ftufth nnr than Luxurious corn or wheat. meadows are the farmers' delight. A positive way to get them, and the only one we know, is to sow ISalzer'n Extra Grass Mixtures. Many of our farmer readers praise them and say they get 4 to 6 tons of magnificent Lav per acre from Hslzer's seeds Over one hundred different kinds of Grass, Glover snd Fodder Plant seeds are sold br Falser. If Toe Will Cot This Oat snd Send It with 7e pohtsge to the John A. Falser Seed Co.. La Crosse, Win ,you will get a sample of Ursut Clover Mlxt nra snd tlieir wnu mammoth need catalogue free. Gras rules. either of AomtUs, Tlie fondness desf men have for on railway track baa never received explHiiatlon. Deafneaa Css Not lie Cared hv local apnlicstliiiiB, as they can not reach the diseased jKjrtion of the ear. There Is only one way to car Deafness end that Is by constitutional remediuo. Iieafnees is caused Ire n inflamed condition of the rnuccraa fining of the Eustachian Tubs. W ben this tub get Inflamed yon have s rumbling sound or Imperfect bearing, ami when it m entirely dosed Deafne is the result, snd unions the inflammation can lie taken out end this tub reetored to It normal condition, hearing will I destroyed forever; nine case out of ten era caused by catarrh, which la nothing but an condition of the mucou surfacee. W e will give One Hundred Dollars any cbm of Dcafn that can not be cured by Cure, fiend for circulars, free. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, O. Druggists, 75a Family I'lfis, 5c. I 'J5 J7o s Core for Coneuinjitlon both Inmy feinlly and practice. I r. W. Fattcrfnii. Inkster. Mich., Nov. B. ISiH. If rejra of drniikeuncsi were argued lie fnro a full court, lliure would lie nu coiivb'- pruuic-iiaiUn- a fto'.onllflc d F-J- In'Jby lioim. Been-ther- m. ror A rot; acre. sample of Giant Spui-rv- . wnu A uilslnki U s tiling to w tdeh you are II lilo. Hluiulers ri? iioulc lij the ullier fel low. "Banaos'e Ksgle Core Wsmuile,! to SragsMfui it. euiM Bat vs." ur iiii.nujr iruHilil. Ask yaw liranu. Juliiiulo I'liatUe mi i h tliat he Is Ills moth en one, unit slip I slwiija uMi to padilli If the lleliy is Cutting Teeth, uas suit WUftLOW's that vkl sail well ti ieil mufti,, Has Suotsiw Bysi'V for Child rta Twtlilag- ig Lariix' inIxiuhiiino vlx-Itosa Patten Ns. wtt six shea, at, M. M, M, 40 and lnctica bus l lucasurs. Dark rcdremclH lialr la bore becomingly get off with a revere miliar of quilled satin edged with sord, a Imndkoiiio rontclbve pnclirlmg the wulaL The comfortable adjustment Is smooth Bltlug, with bioee froute that tup widely and eloenlnvlsllily on tbe left side. The alrevcs in laelilinisiil mods era modern ately full, neatly adjuaicd urur the wrists sod fall loosely at the lower edges. While full of fashion enough to meet all the no nuperfluous material Is used in Uila simple sown, which motors it an llinl volts for Invalids. and an exceedingly serviceable garment fur any lady. Cashmere, flannel, elder down, outing eloth. French flannel. In atriied or flifumd variety or soft acaftoiwble woolen fubrlca are suitable Dr. any R. V. chief ago Pierce, Many years rolie of lids kind. The siiiue pstlera can consulting physician to the Invalid' Hotel for a lath role or wraiqicr. appro prist be umt and Surgical Institute, llufluln, N. Y., com materlul for giving It a distinctive mode. pouiidcdthiNiiicilii-iiieo- f vegetable ingredire tali pries of pattern Is K eon!. Ths ents which liiul an especial eflect upon the stomach and liver, running tbe organa to healthful activity a well an pniifying and enriching the blood, fly such meana the Itomacli :ind the nerve are supplied with lure blihul; they will not do duty without it any more than a locomotive can run without coal. You can not get a lasting cure of or Indigestion, by hiking foods or tlie stomach must do it own work in it own way, Do not put your nerve to sleep with celery mixtures, it in better to go to the scat of the difficulty und feed the nerve cells a On (uml they Ritthe. Dyspepsia, IndtgcsAhm, WHuwmem and Nervous AC fections, miicIi as slecplessnciis and weak, nervous feeling are completely cured by the Diocim-ry.It puln on healthy flesh, brings refreshing sleep and invigorates tbe whole system. Mrs. K. Hk.nkk, of At, tv4 AwA Haliied St., I regard my Improve-meCkicage, III., writes: as wonderful.simply Since taking I)r. I'irriv'a Gotitni Medical tlis. Own.D'1 Coat. Fat tern No. Sffik is cut to four oovery In cuminlioa with hi ' Pleasant elves, vts: I, L 4 and 4 years ' Pellet I luive gainGrey blue raabinrre is here shows prettily ed in every inipcrt. trimmed with chinchilla fur Tbs coat and particularly In fancy I rctellce are lined with India silk, an Inand atrength. My terlining of canton flannol giving It tha season-Bill- s liver wa llie close tilting short body weight, Bufrloeea on rentiv front either Invisibly wild enlarged and I fered greatly fumi aud books eyes or with buttons snd buttoa boles an iircn . lypeikia. Nupliy-uciaenukt give Star polutud ripple bretellea croea the shoulrelief. with the fur trimming der, edged snd hca-tesnd tluuhrel st the waist with rosette of baby Now, utter two rlbtioii. Tluwe bretellcs fall gracefully over immth I am entire-lrelieved of my Urge puffs that ere mounted on sleeve linings dineaurt. faced to cuff depth with Die material and trim-maMy appel with fur at the w rift is. The rolling collar tite i ; txxl well b edged with fur. The full round skirt le liowela much improved." st the bottom and front edges with deep at tlie top and sowed to lower hems of edge bony. Tills dressy little top sannrnt can be made up In any of Ilia acaaooabte coat-Id- :. cloth, cainola hair, rlierlot. In plain or fuurv weaves, whipcord, llcngullne. velvet or conli-roy-. will nil make up prettily by the nude. Aliy preferred style Of trimming at dm urn lion may he adiqUeiL The retail price of pattern In B cents. mail go mail by till lug film. la cut 4'J GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY d i n rn-d- y d cxci-ilcn- digi-atci- DOUBLE QUANTITY AT OLD PRICE. dav! PAIN-KILL- ER ynu mERm urn exterhu. me. Ely's Cream Balm WILL CTRE Catarrh WITHOUT RELAP5e,COLWLPSEi MISHAP? or PERHAPS Blood Diseases uch as Scrofula and Anaemia, Skin Eruptions and Pale or Sallow Complexions, are speedily cured by Scotts Emulsion jam 1-- bounty-payin- g ; ! j j j Cod-liv- er OiL No other eeeeeee COUPON of petierna In ordering, give No. and Waist meas wanted Hust uf ure. Either these paiisrna will be sent to any atulrcsa upon receipt of 10 cents la silver or stamp when till coupon la enclosed with order and ou cent for fioalage, with your address. Addreas OOVFOB FATTZBX CO., Look Box 747, Bow York. xxl BOOKS FREE Apply lUlai iniuMi'Snwitril. XLTUSUS..M WamuiHL,H.T. NEURALGIA the Cream of s rcqiiln-manf- a'piia, 5T. JACOB? OIL Is the Perfect CURE foi 1 gument in which he introduced all the correspon donee between tbe German amlmsoador and tlie state department on tbe subjoct. Including matter not hitherto published. In which Germany exprowdy disavowed retaliation against the I'nited States for the Imposition of this duty when slip excluded our meat It Is very strsnxe that tbe man wbs knows how to run a niWNpper la always products. It Is thought s vote on the bill will be secured Thursday. iigaged la stuns otber business. IN hi Wonderful yie corn, farm and this out and xend 5c postage to ths John A. finlzcr Seed t'u., I. a Cross, Wis., for tlieir print mci1 book and l.-- n Molasses, licorice, fig juice, glycerine. and some other substances are used to give sweetness to chewing tobacco, while in aome brands salt is also employed and various aromatia essences are used for tbelr flavor. i u:i:--4- the gold tbe president is wedded Idea. Ills bond Is a gold bond, and would weld a gold atamlurd upon tlie It Is tlis tankin' bond. country. which gives the banks the absolute control of tbe finances. There is nothing in It for silver. Nur Is there any possiair tight tank at the natural outlet oj bility of tlie adoption of tbe plan In the this spring, and conducted by closed Senate. pipes direct to the bath, thus preserving all its curative properties until THE UTE BILL HAS PASSEDused, a feature that is duly appreciated FrababllltlM That It Will llreoma a by those who know and understand Law. this advantage. Jan. 28. --Tbe Ute bill Washington. The manager, Mr. R. E. Jackson, is has passed the Senate as reported from untiring in his efforts to make the the com til It Ice. The minor amendhotel home like in every possible way, ments will be concurred In by tlie and one is at once impressed with the House without opposition, and the bill Idea that it is being conducted more to will likely ltrome a law, although It Is but It the interest of its patrons than for the possible that it may be vetoed, stockholders. Those who contemplate seems to be stniug enough to pass over the veto. Vilas made tlie fight for tlie visiting Hot Springs can communicate against the bill, lie with Mr. Jackson, who will promptly administration said It was a bill which denied to the furnish all information desired. Indians at once all rights under the agreement, denied them the privilege of being beard as to the diiqioHiUon of SAID IN JEST. their reservation, and took from them s of their Gallar Where r yon going for arbitrarily nearly to mid reservation proposed present Mrs. Maksbread your vacatiou, dear? to tlie remaining them confine Going to lat tha cook go for a and a few townships of wild anil couple of week rough Innd iu Northwest New Mexieu. Mr. Wolcott defended tbe bill aud Housekeeper Half tha thiagayou wash are torn to piece. Wa- herwo-ma- aald the Indians got tlie benefit of tlie Yea, mum; but whan a thing ia lands whether they took them or not (there torn In two or mors pieces, mum. I Of tbe Indians on the reservation count them as only one place, mum. were less tlmn l,si) but 23 bad ever made efforts to conduct agricultural Old Lady Beg pardon for Interpursuits. They could take lauds In sevrupting, but do you speak any lan- eralty, if they desired. The secretary guage besides English? Teamster, of the Interior ahould decide on their with balky horse I do, mum. Old qualifications to do so. Mr. Teller declared that in Ills judgLady Then wont you please do your ment the proposition Involved In the swearing in tl? bill was the best that could be devised Mr Youngwedin But George la for the Indians. Enough land would e so good to his workmen! Mra be left to make every one of them a How do you know? Mrs. good home. He (Mr. Teller) would do Youngwedin Why ho was talking In no injustice to the Indians, and the hia sleep last night, and he said: Jim, bill was not nnfair to them. Ill raisa you tenl" And in these hard fenrs Huea'nt Like It, times, tool Washington, D. C., Jan. 28. Lafo A little girl waa overheard talking mesto her doll, whose arm had come off, Ponce docs not oflikethisthessCleveland a Democratic sage. "Think the sawdust You exposing stuffing. No wonder the measure," be said. dear, good, obedient dolly, I knew 1 fellows who came to the Congress with had told you to ehew your food fine, head up, procitiitnlDg '1 am a Demobut I didn't think you would chew it crat,' are now sucakiug around and o fine as that" asking Am I a Democrat? It is a surHa Aa 8hakspeara says, you know render to tbe national banks complete generations! What's in a name? A rose by any and entire. 10 Cover three with tbis law years old, other name would amell aa weeL" My boy is their children and grandchildren my She Noaaanssl There's lots in will be born and raised under tbe name. Why, If Shakspeare hadnt bank regime. Yes, I think it will imss known tha name of the rose he never the House by the votes of Republicans oould have written that quotation. and discredited and lately defeated An English paper says that ths Democrats. archbishop of York recently wrote to Hlarnsord the Hngar HrhednlMi tha inoumbant of a rural parish sugJan. 27. The House yesWashington, gesting that a "quiat day" ahould be terday entered upon the ronKldera-tloheld there. Tbe following waa On of tbe bill to repeal the differential reply: "My lord. In this parish wa of per pound Impound by tbe tariff have too many quiet days; what wt act on augnni Imported from want Is an earthquake." countries. Mr. Wilson, chairman of tlie ways and meuns commit-- ' Sw.st la lebaeea. tee, opened the debate with a long ar-- ) - IT., unMOH, 0:0:0 debt-bearin- one-thir- T dit-i-- . two-third- Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live better than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the worlds best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleasant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a jierfect laxative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers ana permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kidweakneys, Liver and Bowels without ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. s Syrup of Figs in for sale by all drug-gutin 50c and 91 tattles, but it is manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not offered. Accept any substitute if turtles Kvcrv pattern eeuriiiiti iil to le perfect THEY ABB OLOVB FXTTXBO. Te get set MU ntul liitl.AVJ' meunnra. put ths tape niessun- - AI.1. of tlie way around the i lime under tlie arms. body, over tlie 10 seats, when Fries of eaoh entered on caution patters, iiriutwl below extra os EACH pattern Festage sue make a mistake by experimenting vith any other. - KNOWLEDGE u It is tbe perfect leavening agent and makes perfect food. Do not er in ol- Tho pour run ure ail of the very laiast Now York aivlM amt are i,nri.mlrd lor iiylo aecu. or twoalr-fou- r imry of Ut. miplliity ni.it ncuiinDiy. years tliirMi iiutin'i.K Unit iirsn used ilia and direction oiiDlry over Full desi i -the omnlier of vurils of required, the numtirr amt Uiinicn of l hr illflrrent pmceo la tho palirrn. him In m und St ami put Uie gar-Bru- t uro win ulili each pmiora, tmirilirr r pu-lurwith of tin-- , i.rn.f'i.t 10 go by. Tiirno Morns arrcouiiili it- - in cicrjr porlli-ula- r C ins srioruir jiuiii i n for every smelt llirro plors oflhedrrKS Your order sill tw filled Uio suss ds tc fa recelv iil Ordor pattern by number and give sir la Royal Baking Powder. l. in-r- e in (uslilon likiura and I vein v Hi r in li ri tores forpatlrni. uni. roi-h- . hut la ordor to tncrtuM- - u.c i1 iiiuml r,nn( nrftur-ewo offor Uu-to lie :uiv rtodrrs- of- tli?i -- l.ul.lv the beginners in the art of bread and cake making, there is no aid so great, no assistant so helpful, as the to night declined "nature approm-lnnto express an opinion on the president's message. As far us then were expressions Uiey were generally to the effect that lire hunt 35 Gent Patterns tor io Gents.' To the Younger Cooks, Many of tho Washington, J:m. I in- - t OF CLEVELAND'S PLAN. The Sllrer Men Will Fight It to a Fluleh. kaualor lllll Thin ha the Flan All Bight. . Si'tuiiily l.crii j'l.y vi'iuiis VIEW IT. I Annually. - iiiua t a rivul. .it tin i1 her t!.c kilim n mkiI.1 cun mmiiuiii euivi ir grvuili 'icnrfiv-lT1uii-:iii.- tha - world-renowue- w i! lmii coirrlni nt s twitching ho l.lMIt ara al. (Titu-iarn- ti.iioni iii tvi ara whrn la fact in tiie footthe change is wear. but in tliii fret. Few portions of the billy are mors iom plicated anil sunhiv- - than pedal exBoot and Shoe tremities, .i;,d tli-:to have hie Weekly, and if one shoes remain r.iinVrtuble he must take food care of tlia deiicate parts ef his anatomy they The other n with a lay, in ohiropudiet, I g leaned the following hints on this subject of cere sf the feet. Said he: Walking heuta the feet, etanding amuses them to swell, and both are tiresome and exhaustive when prolonged. There ere various kinds of foot baths, and tha authorltiae differ M to their value. Hot water enlarges the feet by drawing tha blood te thorn; when used they should be rubbed or exercised before attempting to put on a tight boot. Muatard mad hot water In a foot-bat- h aura a nerv-sheadache and induce sleep. Bunions and corns and callosities are nature's protest against bad shea leather Two bet foot-bath- s a wesk and a little pediourlng will remove the cause ! much discomfort. A warm bath with an ounce of see salt is almost as restful as a nap. Paddle in the water until It cools, dry with a rough towal, pnt on frash stockings, make a change sf shoes, and the person who was ready to drop will then be ready to itand up. But the quickest relisf from fatigue Is to plunge the foot Into d water and keep it immersed tntll there is a sensation of warmth, dnetker tonio for the sole is alcohol. It dries the feet nicely after being out m the wet. Spirit baths are used by professional dancers, acrolwts and to keep the feet in condiN ;i I I A l y p:tri:ii-ularl- !,, ;i!mid d-- 1 IiUIIWI Mlly cuw tl.rti fiwl f.tu.t wifi t!.";r tho- - u:a! to time of . livery tl. i satUfacil- u tiny lit v!i p! was .NO la Nut With tha Miosi. Kul "IU It OK THS rem- edy eo quickly and effectively enriches and purifies tho blood and gives nourishment to the whole system. It ia pleasant to take and easy on tie stomach. all Thin, Emaciated Persona refrom Pisense8 Wasting suffering stored to health by Scott's Kinulsion. Do sura you get the botilo with our trade-maron it Iicfuso clioap substitutes! reuse. s k. Send fur pampklct m Smt'i Emuliieu. FREE, Scott A Bowne, N. Y. All druggists. 50 cents and Bl. In order to introduce our lino of Standard Novels to the public we will, for a short time, tend one or all of the following books FREE on receipt of 12c (stamps accepted) for each book to cover pottage, packing, etc. Good Print 6ood Piper, Hindsoni Oners. Century Ceek Book Undo . Tom's Cabin . . H. B. fffouig. M Marvel. Buluw Lyttou, , A. Conan Doyla. Bertha Clay, Bill Nye-- J, W. Riley, Rovcrics of a Bachelor . Lut day af Pompoif Beyond the CHy Dora Thorno Poems and Yams Ths Wifs's Secret WebtfsrVwt-Pocke- t ... . f. 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