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Show f Till-- ITEM. : MCMMOUA THfc It MVnl ili" li rnuTf 1 - ft J ,MI IMi'W I'oliK, il- l!,i- - - im Ill ,'.il ii' I ! f BANKERS FEAII RAM- A APPEAL TO tiill THfc 1 fM E LN r Mtltri a i amwati.. noth,nu 1Mt-de- DmI- - ly ki 2't. ! u pasied. l. ll' liviuia w l.vu die cirl tv is Ti.i'J i: lu Sp. raUrr i.,np Offif. TWO MbMBEHS ITiit-- .i 'Washington, Jan. State has x all proper ',f,r nf a isii;,;.,n RESICJN. ii.-- i r j;;!i uf i!n- - fniii-- i Fi.-it.--s to iii - riii-- i ! ii uf ll.i Nu'.irugiia !i- - t i l.lglit lV 'll" ): i i .( il Viill- - i f 'l lu -- I. It ".id tin v. I.lili t lmit I..i if a Iull-ii-'ai- i. llrli ;l.''l' l!,l- - lili'M-f.- l i r. Hu Ii Min, III UoH!(l til I 0111(1 Ml I1 i.- -i -1 iii.-an- .ruk, r 1'i.rr. r au.t II l.l ijmt t ho-i.- i.. .ii.ltir Xl,, mI r u tT .$i. murr. -- . I'tt Ifi I or l : to i lh-- 1 th-inc- - I n ! iiI . l r il 1 eu-ai- l!)-l- Mih-iaii- r I" 1 s , v.-r- y g lii-i- i - lilm-u-i- - o'iii--.- iiii-ii- s : tele-cr.iu.- I j.-- i - : iif-- i iii-- ixii.t Ifinu-- e S form uf Mood. liupuriiy. iiff.-ri.- I 1 nil!) ii'iim:,:irii) iu my left f'.ut. I look IbioiV .cki; uriils and the M -3 K. B. Blaxs, pain 1 all p.'iir. S. C. iliil lluuse, Ctiarir-le- n, i out ef d.e ll.mJ every It drill I iiwl.es j'Uiv, Hoods Pills rl.-t- i at iviallimtiun. t'U--i W. L. Douclas S3 SHOFITFOM AKIN6. js. cordovan; CALF. F BENCH J.CNAMCLLEO :43.FiNCCAlflKANGMIia 3.5P POLICE, 3 SOLES. -- Imll-lH.- If lUuVnl, liunJ'i fjr- ts'nrilla conquer 1 I . 1 j li.-n- Allli-rli'.- , r, ' r I In the i.'.urf here- - '.de y 11 I.i.-.lii-- , the 111 T..'Vi-iini- UK - -- ii- cuiuex. Held Tin J.'ii.t. , Mexico aiel i I.'lllil I. :n .1 Ii..; Wyn.t Jan. lid. t".in!,l',r ..I'!-- ' of a fH i:.:'.iii:i two di.-i- r Im.hi.'I-arcountries i..ui "as ir.-a- ' d about Hiuli'iilliiii lie IcMu'eve ,..:!s la ITi. .u nu- - this dUpnic wi'hont f r r that When It ";n I ;i . . hy the I' I. Lied If l,'i Jiii. 'JT S. V','"il r"! CXeici-s-- I ( 1 die ol ti. - i I uii u a::-- ubli-s- t uie'.i.tM'is rei,.im' icli i. li!L.'h s'. iiel. ' li.' l "Tic their In. Hn'li of die of ti.e I'M Ma: '.ire had teti't-re- d In tii I g'.i'ci nilii'i.t. expu-siu- g l.cto e It,- I.inM:, I'.ci,- .ii.Ji to the "ovel lior. Tin' hope of the jms;. :.nt that lie inadcr t i.f tl.i- v.i-- t 4't.ii,'ivf r .. t fp.ni N iv Yorli o'i IT : i.v i.o'iiins,l''''i-I-- might Is M'I'.'.d 1.V nani' i. of d.e g.'irlemea ui1'' lion. J. ini i..'iriiii-.!urg. ! t r a r:iii:il Juin-l,. al.'-some friendly i.nt: .n, ins met with a iiiiti- - to l'" .Mill In! tie plM pi -- " of of the lo'i-u- . and 1 loii-J- . Hu . ! .i ii I - in. I 1. r (if the 1. Ill'S I IllTi-ivery llaiieiing I'ep.y fioni tin; Mexican t to do M'.i llii:i' t. m vci t l'i1- I.Hil't-ci.'V.'uoi;iff, a t,n !' Ii : t M.lll'Illlg Dot i of r:c!ioi.t ciiunty. Tlie .f thi mik. ii hohls m1i1. Ii they sn Is evimh o goiciiiiii. iii. tint in (imiivir f'-- liu--pniiii Cnat.-nial.- i M liieh I lililil Is Were liuli'led to ill' til. I Vlli- Mill Il'il il i'll .iiu''hi!.i! dint tin; dllTer.nee with iiii.--.!,ii!l darc siieh that, ow ing to the amiinle of that aoieriior laie r..:;n o', l, ini.vi.i, i .nt ii.iiii'li(!iiinl- I policy or 11. e liiit ili l it.(sundry, will not admit of arbitration. io t ike :r.'i't on tli- - a 1st. uf tl.i- - li'ii.r tlii-i'- i Mas The iufi'iviiiv is that (iuiiteinalii shiill h; eiililled. t'iirll-l- e and, WoiMlruff was n. II mi owing to Sei'l'.-lilir- - must I'iili.-- r t of Siieak.T the iv.'lguatiou ili.! IiiUtuM of Tli.-- CMine i. ily. stopped t l'i il;.- rn!:. linn promptly niihmit to Mexl-is'- r 111.- terms of a surrender of her claiius Torn y mnl . I'ln- Men rigaii said: A few da l"iig cut li'.li ls, lilel prelrleled t I'.l'- lo laud in dispute on the hound. try or aao si ii, ... of mir friends here "ere niliiT Iii!"Ii::iili.inMt'is mill :,t AliM-- I Iti'hir'lit (llli-- Iills'le-- S. III t i I In llii- In lo liy lifreeu pi'oniineut iileti al li.nl i'nji-i-- l t'l light. Till ll.i TT illM, where ill- s 1') In i ' lu this state uf die case nothing can We lean ii'l that :h" k y. .il li.'ii t wan tin grip k(fi tin; I liiruiigli'Uit g:ill"i he I cl K. done our i m nii-- l liad lull Vnii ll.iiiud ,i J.avn hy :i on at pave the r in; vci; goveriiineui ri'isier, present iii.ii.y grip yo Jfyoi - ti to avert a clash. - imi attention, n. as xve hud not mi I rooms. Jltiii'y Y. ('Million, t'c I'l'-- J dont n.'l.'i't it. So'ii.i ieojle annul tin-Till! III 111.! III 'h,ll!l I IS ni.J of l;.'i"in anytiiiug alnuit their being sent, '( )lll but (lent of the t Iim e I.Mi.k. to t li t l1. .it t ini rip is H ;ok .M.iulmt-tai- l or xiliat llu-eouiaiiii'd. It develou JTO.ijmi 0(1 Mi iii .il:. in rnlnll tln-sc- . Wliierliiiry. president of llx r hud it. FRANCE AND SAN DOMINGO. op!.t Iihv.i m-ns we lui't our frineds. tliat tlie tel I In Knell of ti.'-- i- Is !. viciit I' 'he Ac Trust ('ompMiiy, i " I In- - I nili-i- t Siiiii-of lilliMi.ll. Mild li pri'Si'r.ti'd d.:;t tl:" grams l inijiulltle, to say ih lini i':i n Troulil llrrwlMK llvr Kalxur uf a liank' ie.i.-- r. i and as fill li"il result ?.,me of our a 'N')vk. h it Am rican ciiizHns may came over to the (ii'id.rou d Mi'T. l;Ii:ii:iI:Ii i s In Kun.l. t to frl.'llds went offended 111111 the tint lien of ill's lii felt York. As tinclean t.'.'j rti'o is of N'-tin pH tdlii-iiK'inlii'i's of hy p.Dty New Yiwk, Jan. 7. A siss'lal to tin! tli.nry Hint wu liad Iksmi Instriinieiital u!hi'i"'it Ain "i i. an r,ti ons runnot lie Miirltlnii- - I a mil ( ' , mi- - of Muriii.'il:i oilier lioi.'K Imt il,r.v iver- In ci l'ni-rtWorld DominSan from 1lat, in having them sent. Yesterday we i i it of tlm hi I of Miii Ininls si ml lint ('oiiimiiiiii-iilioi- i ii t.il I, .cl I rejU''lit York is found for ili.: tusk, go, dated Jan. is, says: lllli-r- i veil by mail copies of llicse I ii tnnl us it ac- - s II iit :t WilU'hiedj Troiihle seems s, 'o. .11 niittin oT it novi to spito lietweeu Imminent (."U-- . from Lander, and wen simply a ITIIrn." iirr.iiiiosl 'I of their I'oiiiiii mi. A Fruiuv and tin Domingo republic. IU faro. at tlieir terms. In Hint, inAll :nliilini:il iC'ni.iKiii.oipil of IniIiiIs Is ferciice widi die pri'sl'lciii with one of French inan-ooff Situ stead xviir apis-ans- l InKmi-'iw ii Iii ill i llii 1 mil'll Si. ill's , of considerate nmlersnsal to wus ms iiuuds-rconstituting it their Till'. I'uso of the ( liii'un co'ii'le wlio to Domingo a b'W days ago mnl i hey were in sonic Instances is I.IM Hl.t h s I III ns Tin lie dli not wi-- li to r's i ivc a d. th.it a Imanlc.l was take She have married nai'h ol.ln-- r for the g'lill'tlllll'.'. liy soundings. tint dictatorial. Is In Is- - iisi-i- I in I loll. idiot, who was informed tliut ills servovdiith tiino is cM'i'jil iouui. Tha liiii-a telegram came of iiiiiiil. Thii Yesterday morning WHS sel.s t.'d IS spokes-ii- i ices were Mr. Il.'liiniiit asked lie lliM'ded. Wliea uot av.-radists not tinus signed hy a prominent mail at hiran (I is lo liavi- ;i ii, mid In sM'id the s'litiri inoi'HiHK the irniMiry his comtimuder xvhiit intentions Lander, as chairman of a mass meetMini t.liu sumo js'rHon morn than twini. of tin- proji-- i I. A tinuril of la "here (It die White lnii-ii'- , he was told it was none of his ing.' and rarely inarrlos to oxcotni an von or is In liuii clni rirn of t'nilisle mnl the iiitoniiy eiairal were were, n Informing us that a delegation business. tin ivork. Tin- - In in ri I Is to ijrsigmito Id Hskisi to nos't him. Il was it the ('.iiiiHised of some of the very best citiilit times altool her. a had The San authorities Domingo zens liad Iss'ii npiminted to come here, no iiioiv than two fmiu any find. Mr. !ar of ilie dispute with a hunk a few years ago since ibesc telegrams had been sent, slnto. liim-i'- lf to o'111' 1" lisle Tiik Iritish yacht Vulkyrio III ia to mu1 pi'iiiiitti'd F'MMNNi it. from ami took eventually Tin- - ITntisI Stuti's la to rrivlv and a delegation apjiolntcil by a of confer. 'lire willi lids The bank was bucked by French capiroinu oi nr next fall and mnko the mass minding without oven conof itii- - I'iiiml rinniiiny stm'k in ivhirh he has lln for ihiWi-i'.- ' money becase tal and the backers laid their aintli utteiiipt to rnaiii tho sulting us, we felt indignant and sent ri'lurn for gimruntoi'liig tin Imiiils. mnl always d iln grentrst aver- fore the French press. Franiv our resignations to the governor." government. cup into tlm iNHumssion of Knland In to lmlil a morigiigi llfii "ii all t in sion, and tie could not have met a l't- demanded that the money is restored What Anii'i'ican yacht will onior tho proM rty of ili li. eauseMr. .if class. ter ismiimny. dial tyM to the bank, but diplomatic negotiaintarnatioual contest is uni y't do- - j Aslilo ft uni da tlnnl ili'lmU' Hint voti' HARVEY BOOTH IS MURDERED. Is not only lit lln1 he:i. I of one of tions seem to have resulted lu nothliutltiiiious cidisl, hut llio race will Imi oiio of tho on tho Nicaragua liill, dm liiiiln interh.Muiin; the money largest A ing. o I'lius-tival of tin day iilliii-lns- l to a Wralfhj Kvaimron Cuttleman Killed in tills country, hut Is of great MMirtiu events of the year. World corrcsjioiident learns iiin The for llln Money. NMis'li hy Mr. Mills of Texas iii- t die uf ami the rcpi'csi-niudvin Itothschllds III the I Tilted Stine. It trustworthy authority tlmt the French the ailnilnlHtradoii isilii-Evanston, holding Wyo., Jan. 27. Harvey . ultimutuin has already Ih'cii sent in It, Nidi, a ImtTr HWull anil Inciili'Utally scoring die eitiran and xx'ealdiy gratifying to know that the wcrelnry and that It demands of tin entdemun prominent return tin from ( nrnull university for doliclenry j sugar trusL of tills city, was found murof the treasury sun'ered no penunai as ftiO.OuO and flhNMKH) imleuinliy. in work. And not oiim of thorn promJury, but the llltllleliee Umi hll linlitl-- ! I'resldeut Hareaux, it is said, has de- dered In his barn last night nlsiut 11 o'clock. Tin I'iiuse for the brutal died Inent in athletics! Tho only time an Is still to lie (ill prosis-et- s clared that he lias no iimuey to pay it is imkiiown anil the murderers tin still athlete is ever droppml in an Kaslcrii j when the fact ts known in Kentucky with. at large. ;ind other tuirts of die South. eoiloo is when Homo fellow ou anMr. llooth at 5 o'clock hft a business Dispatches for the ltrltisli admiral at These gentlemen eume to Wishing-ton- , other l ollce loam catches him on the probJamaica passed tills jsirt lioiise with the intention, as he said, of it, tu ns one of them expressed in of a gentlemanly the jaw point asking him to look after Itritlsb doing his work nbuut tho barn liefon fT their advice and assistance to tin; ably Interests in case of Isiiiilairdiiieiit. game of foot Isill. ( ity of Mexico, Jan. jri.Tlie Lnlted going to supHr. His wife lsi'iimi in liiiuucial distress, Its goverimieiit Kittles has undertaken to piny tin; pv-- t i Jlwt alarmed because he failed to In home W(llllll aH private r of lietwis'U Mexico and hanking house that was suffering from REMONETIZATION Rusk of tlm I'aris K)liea official exOF SILVER at the usual supper hour, and alioiit 7 o'clock slu began to stun'li for him. T in y laid no views press the opinion tliut tho recent Isnnh (itiHlemala to lavvciit war If lawajhlc. ..miiarrassincni. x plosion was tho work of a praetieal id k'avorad by tlia New York lloartl of After canvassing the whole town she Tra.lt. tln-lliouglit slu would go to tlie barn and Joker, as tho bouili contained no continue the search then. After site 2H. Thu roudlD. Jan. the ... . him to If is the missiles. Washington, explain deadly perjietrutor themselves Usiii agree of linuiicial affairs lu Ncv Yurk, New York Hoard of Trade ami Trans- and u liiratl man had searched tin caught, however, it is safe to say diul some method nf willing the illspiil.t dull favor barn anil were aluiut ready to leave a fsirmanent end will lie put to Ills over die iNiuiidary, hut tliut If lids tin rensous why they appivlntdod mi portation bus dccliiml itself ofin silver. they in it iced a slab which had been remoiietizmioti tlie tail of a exleiided disaslrmiK and general pauie. lniHinuss. Such jokora arc should inn In poMsltilc (lie t'nlied funny iM'lii-veke could of Trade, which imlli'd off of a Imardctl window in the Hoard means National The which they Slides triisied die two couidrles would use to avert it. altogether too rich. is composed of delegates from nearly lmriiisH riNira in one corner of tbe agree lo submit tlielr differenivs to the were lianU all of the large trade organizations of lia ru. Tbe hlntl man, in coniiiany him told the that They Ir Is threatened that Mtciuty is iii'lili r;i t ton of some friendly ludioii. in cxcclli'iit cniiilltinii to enluro a tho country, meets lien tliis wepk, xvitii Mrs. I Sooth, examined the harness nnn tlirougli the xviudow and inmiuuiiieiitlon from a nailoii crisis, dint hud going to luku up tho fud fur whin- - ' xv Tliis pivrlng for trad one of tin leading subjects of disi i h wlilrh horritled to Unit tin prostrate Mexico enjoys such Indm- - it for several icy iinnitlis. Tlielr tan and cussion will be a resolution recently were tllng. Hereafter any one who may ile friendly n'lidloiis, lias eaused a dlsi)llllls had Is'i'ii reiltKill $.isni.isi adopted by die New York Hoard of form of Mr. Hooth in frozen pools of eo a HHtrkling Udlo stand in ihu blood. iiiiiri'Ssloii UH)U tin- - govei'ii- - as a pri'ciiiiiiiin, and they wv fully I Trade and Transportation. This risu- - his own center uf a drawing room, tuck her profoiunt lie bud received three blows on tbe iiieiil and midoiilitedly tteeoiiuts In , lirepni'eil for dll' Mlorill. Ilutdwvp, follows: as ruiuta lutloa two index liu jcrs into her uiouth and i ,nr fur limit, cadi one breaking the WHICH "Itesolrcii, That tin: National Hoard top of die mhIod t tin uiiutsisr at m rtivi tifmn Hip fronsiir oilier on the face. whlstlo a melody uf popular airs wlU rretitu nffnlrs to withhold for gve nr they - of Trade bciiev.-t III I'ellliure Imfetilillely lr to be iunHU'tam i skull, iH'Nide exp.'l were also tiiiger-nal- l siX days.nl least Hie uliimaluiu 'Which know that tha la simply demonstralil lln reserve fund is eiiiirely exhaust- tbe lntcnstsof all nations tlmt a Tliere lie nils almlll lo dispulrh lu liunii less ed -- ami dial wiil In. very s!irtly. Th ting her right to social stable parity of iln two money iiielais oil bis face, whieli sliow tlmt die murto a note from ( ! mile time, in liol.lers of America u s.'iiri;ie In Eur- - be fslnblisht'd liy iln g.'inral reimim-tiiuiti- on derer liad attempted to close ids inoiitli to prevent any noise escaping his It is Icarncil inal III.' i.residi"it ..pc an sliiipii:g di' in all lioiui! and of silver iiroHised liy tin lit ill in iik is dealing with the mala. f die I niml Slates iniiile niin su.ii an Kiindiem. to in uml Invistors United Statin 17s draw'liig gold ngaiiisi by street car fender nuestion with a very Tlu only clue is the testimony of a appeal w.iiilil Is- - reeeiveil in gisnl are lienmillig liianiml. Tlie cndit of tlie French n pulilic in 1VJL" rigorous hand. Wnmuits urn taken spirit ImTuI'i sending il by lirst mm-- I die Liyeiir-ul.- l girl, who saw two tui'u In Unit jn'i'll. goveriimeui out against the o'li.vrs of a company iimuieaiing in nil iiniillieliil manner cil near ilie barn almiit .1 o'clock. When now li.uid are limited TVj States occurs -- nv.'ii ' AT CALVl ETON. Mr. Hoolli came In sight site heard one A HURRICANE dlriH'tly u eiitu-lropi'l ius lower diiin tii.y were a inoutli of lu'iu remark: 'Here lie conics; xve the guvrrnor of tin .tut., having Imvii j ago. The iin'iny lin n of Knroim, us (irMt Dnii Poh to NhlppiiiK will wait for him. The little girl SO served I uud they are Com polled to x ell as mir own arc people, feeling com Ming near there at the time and show ls'fois- - tho courts reuson why THE rapi-ili is our hut drifting gnvci'iimi'i.t PERNICIOUS FEE SYSTEM Jan. 2S. A storm of greai due not remember a description of rr.un u gold .a.is ml'i (ialveston, i away they aho ihl not Ih p.mUhod for the struck this city aismt 4 o'clork tin nieii. velocity Will and bullion are lieiiig bought and bor- this mii Kffoil to Ahollih aara'. lutKr-.Mr. lliNitli was one of die wealthiest morning which smashed and damrowed in large Minis for hoarding and Ii. Imt nil di'iiicii in tin slate. He lias done a a number of frail teiieim-ms- , aged urc !.T. A Ulll.X result speculative piii'oses. Speculators Iul.l I'lillegi; il'inoutlees tin) Washington, D. ., Jan. inflicted no serious injury to persons, large slock business in Hig Horn and upbuying gold timl l".rrew iug of gift-- , uiiiiiiiutiiig to $ I 'km, which Iim u. riinvtl from die luvcsll Uintah counties for txvcuty years. a number of narrow cseatH-although a of In luvmitiin, and are chronicled. in tlm erect Ion umi Ion uf iin iIimi'o.-which will Is. iigaiust Judge on it Is mi acini' .'ippr.'licm-i.ithat a The disasters among tin of now unit the liettcr .iiipin''iit of Kil l. uf i ilii.i seems to In' tlmt il Inis then shipping CLARK AND WARREN ELECTED. from which il wou'd take tin were more severe, and several small old college I iii i lit i ii ,;s. The princely liiniiglit pi'oiniiii'lii I.v In tile notice of disaster several to year die iliTi'i'i tin' fee of might system eumitry vessels wen swamped ami a uumn r l orinalljT thirafn to Kcprcrrtt Wjonilnc urn oxNinlel on American colleger I'lUigi'cvs i xx In tin. uiliei-rfur the oiviir any ilny mol could imt l.o much of iHTSons drowned. In lln Kensti never so great I'niii'il appli.s and universities NistNiiieil. who has eon r is. More nr less longer Mai. twenty-livdrove At bay, Jau. 22. The WyoIVpHr as during the past decade Wyo.. nioyenne. t can tin a treasThey si'iiii.'iliig elf. 'll have Ini'ii made ili g go'nl at gmuiliiiek miles north of tliis city, a rendezvous ming legislature voted on the election mark one of the most hiiiefii tendenpast hy l.olli lioii-- e to do away ury tuir for pur, but they vnmiot get for oyster limits, die sloop Nellie Miller, of two Uu it oil States senators at noon cies of tlie times. t wiili die s.isiem of ieuiM'iisatlng gold at tin haul, willnnit paying a with ami mate For the six-yeCaptain Tunburg term com iiiarsli'iN. clerks and premium. Tlu run on the treasury will almnrd. went down. uit.'iiiey. March 4. E, Francis meiii'iiig su.-l- i a ns a continue eoiirids-.i.u'rlong n which p:n'tntnieiiou l.y tee pla.vs Wines an American swindler gets Tlu sloop City Ctrl was capsized and Warren. Itepuldienn, risviveil ICt vote there i i t. iling what may water. tin inlo hla work in on Kngllsh capitalist he IniuiiIv on prosecutions, mnl a leiid.'iiey exist, and thrown crew in tlu the House and 14 lu die Senate. W They of legislaiiuu lias tieeu In reduce uud happen wlii'ii tlie tri'iixury gold Is exuntil the wind II. Holliday, Democrat, l !t In generally does mi to some purMso. hausted. KN'i'u!.itL.in in Cnili'il States clung to the vessel were rescued liinil fees for some lime. Sexeral a'.Witness tlie frauds on tho itank nf by a die House nml iu the Senate. To till Imiiils also ha already li.i-- rmumed nbnted, when they HreWster, loriiey g. ueral. iiieludlng iln; vacancy caused hy failure to eleet England twenty years ago, when the . Miller ami ulu.y, liave rccoiinm'iidc.l idler an interval ir many years, and passing boat.I .a d at tin last session of tin legislator. lira and Mina xvns The sloop old I aily of Thread needle street" to Coiigi'es tliat die I'olirt ullleial lie men an selling and buiing options ami blown aslion nud one of the Uliireiuv I). Clark. Republican, receivuffcnHl in tlie millions, and the case plan'd a in al ly a practicable mi a iimiii gnvermneiit sei'urliies on both ed : votes In the house uud 14 In the drowned. craw o. .1. of M. die siibn of today, in which eiiii. soiu.'diing that has l'ii'ree of salaried h.ni. an.l several reMirts liave line which Senate. Samuel T. Cnru, Democra arrived The Magic, sloop il'itie sine. tin w.'ir. Yankton, hits walted into English Ih'.'ii m i.i .Ii to iln same effect by si'ldom ln'ii 3 In the House and 3 in tin mail that the this rcisirts evening, i alMuit This is " Imi Mr. li. liuont told bankers for f l,M.uf'0. in the shape iiingrcHsioiial luiesligaling commit lee. sloop Edna- Frcllicrg was found bottom Senate. i t tin Tlie anil iirlislc on die preslileul. Coiumiiiee Secretary Judieiary of bogus Dakota and Nebraska school Tin balloting off Smiths rolnt. She carried die wa formal Tlu nimy. ami he Mid. up tlioi'.uigiily aroused on die .piesiimi. Attoruey-Heinra- l bond. United States nudl Iwt ween this eit.v, Kcpublii'iiu members In each Hou.'. Tliere Is a liill on the calendar for tlie too. that the government alone can . xvlt limit a single Smith's Point. cast tlielr the criiis; tliat Ixmks can do Uollver Tolnt and Tiik Canadians are about to build a ' I 1iiim to pay these UUcials l.y salarie. In Hot for tin caiieiis nominee. Thu Andre Prii schooner The Ashing look Imt out f..r tln ir own ns monumont to Tocumsoh. the Indian anil iimiiduriil uii'iutH'r of die mmiiiit-- i nothing was also capsized off Smith's Point, Demoerats voted for Hon. William IL tee, uiunliE tlwiil Kepi'oxentudvrs Xtoi'i' set s. Tliere is no time lo pans a curHolliday auil Judge Samuel T. Corn, tbe crew escnied. but ally of the Hr tish against tha Ameri- j and Wnlvirleii uf lief.-rlYimKylvuuiu. and rency reform bill, limy can du late DetuiH'radc candidate for can in 11 J. A monument to Colonel llmderii'k of Kuns.'is, are enlisted lu get siieli a tuoii iire through Congress nud judge of tin Supreme court Murilcr at LmiIvIII. Johnson, tho American who shot the , the movement. They say If nothing I the cyclone will liave 0.111.. and gune. Hull. Francis K. Warren reNctlviy. big Indian and helnd to put his whit done by Congress they iiiiciiil to britr ami the agitation cause. 1 by an mtempt Lendvlile, Jan. 2J. William Flynn nveived 47 votes for United Stati-allies to rout would be more In keep- ! the iiuesdnti ferxxnrd lu the Fifly-- ( to legislate would only mtvc to frighten was this morning shot and killed b.v senator for a term of six years, and aggravate u danger. john H. Sullivan, a youth Id years of lion. C. D. Clark the same number for ing with the spirit of the age. An fotirt ii Congress, while die limit of die timid ami alliuneo that brings only disaster to iimis'tistiiloii lixeil ly law is Jii.ixm for T'ln only relief die giivoriui:. nt can age. The shooting oecurreil at an early du four-yeaterm. ami give is to keep tilling ti vaults with hour on one of tlk1 prlnciiml streets of both allies is not deserving of public marsliats mid dtstriet nUorii.-ys- , 1.1X10 for clerks. will the city, and the only witnesses to It Atterney (ieiieral gold and adopt mi. H a pilicy memorials. of tbe Sullivan family. im tal to were member (dlley till sliewn Hint through die caiisi tin strean f of Wyoming Kiotni. sisImles in the la xv mad' flow tliis way iistetid f had a 1.1 y.nr-oli- l Imp niiineruiis Sullivan Young Win is it that the very name im- j of tin the five dispatchers it Thrie is iicros Adamic, This teiuiorai'y ter, to whom Flynn had been paying by derisions of tin comptrollers, ported" seems to add as much to the possible for clerks to obtain ns inn. h exNilii'iit will MiMatii tin market uu-- " sumo attention. Last evening a com- lin en diver have Inhmi discharged. shim iHTinaiieiit legislation s en- tin beauty and intrinsic value of a gar- at FliMNHi a year, xvliile district atior-ncy- s .Tudgi Allen's bill for the completion panion. Minnie Holmes, culled at unment to most feminine eyes as it does sutuediMes at lain die ftM.iino lll'tlHl. anil repair of du penitentiary building Sullivan residence and stayed then one would Imlgc tliat lullin' at Hawllns. pnivtili for a tax of to its price mark. The tiling may not uuirk. lu 1ii ldll of the House calens prudent til a late hour. When Miss 1 accomof a mill In 1S!MI and f be a bit prettier or even more stylish dar, '.be salaries of marshals and dis- ren'iviil Mr. H- Iiuont kindly and for home, Miss Sullivan started hi inforiuadiui and advi.v for f a mill the year following. than could have 10 n achieved by trict attorneys are lixeil at FI.nni, and panied her. They went to tin Holmes el that gentleman spent all on E. Third street, when they Tin bill for an act (renting the office one's own dressmaker; indeod, it may thr salaries of clerks to lieImtad.iu. Ileal house, at the While lluuse and ni.mi f the were Joined by Flynn. Tlie parents of of state Isdler InsH'Ctor. not to attorney general. Intrmlii((d liy be positively ugly from an aestliet a liy theHint afteruiMin with S.vretiry Carlisl.' sum. Attorney Ceneral ol Miss Sullivan became alarmed at her In lale. provide for a salary of point of view, but the fact that .t ncy 1m said tlmt tin liill. If eMaiTed. times In eniisidii-Cvitii Sullivan started and ami a hi absence, young appointment by the goveryear hails from foreign shore is enough m would accomplish a great saving u friends from New Wi. wli out to hunt her tip. He met Flynn, on nor fur two years. W(re make it a thing of beauty to mo J tlu government. ly over here f,.r a , !rav..r. ,ri , r". Third atwet with ills sister. Tiny No less than four bill have ' feminine beholder. ganliess Of their fear lest a 1atli may walked slowly nlong. Sullivan trying ( burn introduced Into the House already and tlie ' strike them tiny ii.iuii.'i.r. induce his sister to go home, and Flynn Semite in raferaiire to the wolf bounty K t Outright. ttr Is t! ihN'lieved It nt M.ivie,, of Titr. numlT of murder, Includin; he claimed, making objeciiuiis. a The city of Sheridan expended nearMi'iul'Un, 111., Jan. 2.1.- - At !l o'clock gentlemen wid u ai'e.'p,lvl. f the, Mr When they reached a jioiiit near Harrihomicide of all sorts, throughout tl a S27O.IH0 in improvement last year. ly main this afteriioeii tin Imildlng of Heltinmt has l. n iturr.s'ed with ttu son avenue, Sullivan drew uni a reLaramie Republican: August Fred country during the year 1HIM is given llenaing's liivwcry xva wrei-keby a secrets of tile aLiiliiistr;,i!,., j1P u too volver and shot live dm- - at Flynn. at il.Run, while tho legal executiot s in, Her explosii'ii. I'ln loin ii'sion wa disens't to reve.il diem. rrirkxon. section foreman at Iynelicon, in,i hi hie One of the shots took eff.-e- t in tin hack was accidentally killed at Allan for tho samu time worn only l.TJ. V Junc, lu dim IndMing die nmeh al to every s'ake great d'y t,i imperil ti,eir of the head. The woiunlnl man wa tion lust xviN'k. He xva attempting to number of niurdei era were tried ac.l was badly sliakeii. Tin building . by pr.'ii'M'i'.i-- i a im.Mr.i.v, doctor's otHe.. Imt died a to removed but lmard a cnlHmse and carried in bis was live Murid in height un i it was inn it: fist that he aciUlttod on xarious ground whi g Immediately. lianil a Siriugtleld rifle. Others rewiv.il various term of im- lilted xv llii nu.'liiiiery. Tin luree ef thing at du White m ar was found lb fled, Sullivan The eolored Laramie Itciniblican: iln expluM.ui ixmipletely ilemuii'tied ii. g him "M'i:!ead..n. Ma a but great "!ial ,.f Dnig hy lurge priiMiriioti prisonment: Malta dds morning p.Niple of tin city met last Wivk for killing six men and ladl,v Injuring six told Ids ase.'a'e l wa arr.i-iiand them worn unknown or for muu Mri'nbo. relieved t,1(ir and Officer tie purNio ..f organizing ail Arrlean I here w. ie .t ..... anxiety. , . were never brought to tria1.. 'J'j 9 other. without nsltamv. He i l iim. d dial cu'.iiiy. understood that a del It mure cheerfrl timl n t','10 Flynn gallon has been t to tb dark lnf'nnc Is inevitable that di p:it ,l,0 shooting a ! id!iah!e. be-- ii 'J.io.iion trout liave Over imp inly '' . -- t 5,"'y t..k thr had Intiod his s!vr from li'une. fur t'u out .)! Ini'. ! .' I id tu Mu'. Ii'!i d tin. mt to secure a location for the uml hatelieij', uf a 2i wa ti'.luer, agr. years 'Flynn seldemeut. crimes is inade.ua:o and lne.Tv- tue xj txx.'.i'ci iv.v nru " Ihe t1"1'' when they arrive repntM IL I'.i'ml Headier 1 Hiiiii It's--T- lil(I-la- rains Rheumatict MATTERS. WVuMI.Mi l Inm-i- 52.l.7? BQYSSCHSQLSHQEI 'LADIES j tin-1:I- mi-li- - r j , - fi-'W-'- re-c- 1 N-'- M 1 i III-I- l j f - I le-g- jfi - r - sii"-r-tisim- i - - I T f&lSH&SiSla, tele-gi'.'ii- tln-rini- mi-ruin- prc-id.'- iil BWACKTO UMAbl. Over Om Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory value for tha Burner. They five th best In aty la a ad lit. Thay aqual cut to in shoe ara Thslr wearing qunllllea unaurpasaad. -Tha prices ara unifurm, stamped on aatas From fi to S.) sivrl over other makes. It y.iLir du : br cannot supply you we can Denver Directory. d Aiu'-rica- s J. , ..... Hel-uini- i vt-r- c 1 1 J , H. WILSON, EAFKES8 AND SiDBLES y f:: TrtmIJUlHarms, with Bmaeh-Infur i i'i cowbuy duahla cinchs ttstl born saddle fur IIS. llesl hsrueM and ssddlt la tha ti an suta for Ibe money. This , , . .. bnml.UK, for yon eaa sea what Bend ssma. yoa ara rrttlng before i)lng for m aa order and If poods ire not satisfactory job eaa return line it niy expense. J. M. JTtS to list Larimer Ht. DENY IR, COLO E. BURLINGAMES E. OFFICE ASSAY And liirnilrnl Laborntory. llbtibukfl 1B. AND IUOTOOKAPlima. trad jour awerpaand wssta cuutalninx KulJ treatment. Prompt reuirus and i liver for and auJ lilgheat cash price paid fur cold a 170 and 1TIW bulllun. Address J f.'WEI, F.R8 Law-reae- BL, Denser. Colorado. pt'iiei-ninkc- i : I PIANOS, ORGANS the stalii Music Largest stock il Knight-Carnglie- ! CoJsiTcr. fcuffrrinu fron KkM.I.KTKO(JHLIB of any form should tavestigilo Ladies VIAVI ,,07kktmknf : Lady In office. X) Londoner Aminboe street, Denver, Uolo. Corsaltallon fire. 16JU Block, Ih-c- 1 ABKTHK BKST. ALL XIX 08 II ADK to l'KL)KB OK KKADY MAl'E. MAIL OKllKUS Ml'T ATlK ( TI'lN. KlHKf FUK- Mii nun atrwtt. I ! : lUCKER , l 1 ' s 1111- SHIRTSS u., HTBXMUitF. AXl) PUT DATE UAlLltoxn TL'kat to all uUI nAIC O-- luice U idsehuf, iZli 17ih poinU. Writs fur St., Daavsr. un-ov- ric-1I11- ! 11 : I I . s of Silver, Oo'd, Nickel, (topper, eta P LATINO Flret-eu- u work, Amalgam platen a "P , 'iallf. baud lor price. Enterprise l'lstlng Iks, UUI 17th. HAY GRAIN, AKO ire FKKIX Iwfore baring. XiMMLMSION OX, our (Mt 0A8U Ueuvi-r- . he 1 -- VUL'HFOVL'IHY OAMK AXDP1HV M I L to p. IX Vr.NGKK A (XX i omiulreion llerehxnt, Denver. SHIP CCUEIi by un of LK Seeley ' Trow. LxHiniui'.lim free, liill Carti 8i. RUPTURE liiluert Denial Ufg. Co., . ' pt lug ecliiMS lor look. ALL KIND BOUatir AXO 8UI.IX (4. K ADY, UJJ Dlh Yie.1 ! s iiudi-ipMtie- s t'XM-tille- n GRAIN ) per S. TH.C. K. s e , r ills-trii- Ktrset, Dsnvar. I Allfl LAI1U tnem I M-ow- r lii.-l- ACIUK1HT n-- In ALK wllh (',:mto'k, or SVacra ID water poriietud 918 Uth, Dsnvar of MINING, PRIXTING Hepnli M Machinery, ep. Pipe thremling sad cutting, 7 lSth S freight elevators. No k A ItareMa, 14U-1- SOLDER BOCUE LEAD CO. 18 IU lllHlce Street, I14 .WKK, COMA s : ind Preparstory SohooL A THE DENVER NORMAL nCUICD ULItVCn NOVFLTT WORK8 MFO. A CO. 1KB Mwreucs Hi., 1'. Ol Box gL. ftoali Lubber Stamp and Klcetrlc Huppllea Uteinala, reis-lvei- - eni-slze- . LITTLETON FLOUR The oldest and largest Nursery in ths diets and tbs muy ons propagmt lug a general Slock. 11 you want to ba suceeaa fnl plant COLOKAtXJ (iliUn'X trees. Send for Cstslogn.' and price Hat and mention this Paper. THE ROCKY MOUNTAIN - to-da- y n-ll- evi NURSERIES, CANON exci-ptlon- gox-ern- MILLS, Manufacturing i(l)t'(4U AM) WILL lit: WHEAT, CllltX AND OATH. CITY, liXH KhxK m liIK Proprietor!. COLORADO. $i,493 ACRE APPLES, I Ii".; SfB: s - i. pam. what ta ta ha anla out tor hli Leave DtmWfbl Meede alone. beet are easy to get, and The cost no more Ask your dealer for nt diree-fourth- wvl-eoinc- d one-hai- Alwaya (ha beet. Known everywhere. Frrrya hnl For IMS telle you and when to plant. Bent.V101 Free, (jet It. Address .M. FERRY CO., wl Detroit, Mich. I? lh-tw- I . fr local !ng C'1,1 ursilverorr, U!NFR1I f litilln ire.iMiiYnliSrlimDHM s plaUBf whfiioorar n"f.M IM Thuim H, WmIiI St f(W UBlII PATENTS ' . NO iimRimiwon, pm Wned, WrflcfurInvcutori res CJFtS VuiUic x.mah v 'iri:.x all itblfUST Tarirs G.h-- L 1 p'lnl-hmi-- nt gr-m'- pro-ji".f- on'lSaX W. I, enter. Yul.hll. " .u a rill:, g to advn iiw the advenlseueut that I im-r- a II: ai.n . ibis ;.iv |