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Show Your Wants "Tho Item'1 THE AMERICAN TORE ITEM. PUBLISHED WEEKLY independent in PolitlcfFalr and Impartial to Advertise In AMEftliA.V VOL 2 The SUOMY. Lady of Gilroy" I h last night While the Character wbi not a financial until it was an unusual luk-c- t one . Charartais weie very artistically presented by the Indies a hall I It. McKenzie made- Suit Lake this week. Character Hall . business trip to follows: Mrs, J. It. Iliudley, Spanish quaen Mrs. W E li d li Lombard made a flying trip to ..i, luiiiliorior girl. Mrs. Mary lialluLy, awcet sixteen. Luke yesterday, were li.C. Nelson und Mi. Stewart visiting trucheis .it llie CeLtrau llirusluy from Iieassnt Groyc. Marriage liixnsi-- a Lava been Mathew Piant, iuucd Cattle Gate, and to Eliza- Ward of Iruye; David II. Sargent kiid Iiutli IViigi t of i'avs 11; to II. J. Stewart ainl Victoria Bone, of I.alu. beth Take your family to the first et thr Hums Dramatic House to night. It at the Ui-vrbeside lending a In treat, wi'l genuine aid to a good eauae. CVm-;j.ii- y Mire Mise Miss Miss Miss Miss Miss Alice Spratli y, sunflower. Euuua lloggard, clothes llnnnali Barrett, peacnck Ellen Condor, paper gill Lam a King, peanut girl, Barali W m . . ild, toothpick. Hattie Grant, Spanish lady. Mist Grace Shipler, iM-nrMiss May Mil irr. PUull'iAi r. ' In this issue appear tho new advertisement ot the J. II. McLean Medicine His medicines Co., of St. Louie, Mo. ere among the best for different complaints, especially the Volcanic Oil Liniment, ami those Little Liver Pilletts, Read what the advertisement aud then try tiie remedies, and if tound to be good tell your tricmls you was greatly relieved through Tnx Item by Dr. McLean 'a famous remedies. They arc sold only by Thos. Steele ft Co., druggists, American Forts. In this issue will be found the card ot Andrew Adamson, our county surveyor, U. S. Mircral Surveyor, Notary Public, e'c. lie will attend promptly to all vvuik lett in his care. Klwtrlc Hitter. is becoming so well to neod no known mid so popular have us d All mention. uh.j sptciul Kli fitru liitti ra sing the same song of pruitt.. A purer medicine does nut exist und it is guaranteed to do all thut is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all Jiseusis of. the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, ..lit Rheum and other affections caused by impure) klook. Will drive Malaria from the system and nrevedt as well as cure all Malaria cvtis. For cure of Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try Electric Bitti-rEntire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refuudid. Price liilc forlaige At Steele A C'o.s Frug Store. bothThis - Wtiat higher aim can man attain Than conriuest over human painv DR. J. H. MCLEAN'S VOLCANIC OIL LINIMENT IS THE GREATEST CURE OF RAIN.the It Is thoroughly reliable remedy CURE OP1 for ITCH, PAINS, SCALDS, B R UISES, BLOTCHCS, N E UPALCIA. SCALO HEAD) RHEUMATISM. Also fur the various diJeasca of Ilorva and Cattle. TEEDB. irtaeic,50eMi:W'l.O'Hrboiili. J. II. 3IcLE.IT MEDICINE 1C. 8T. IAtt'19, J'.O. JK'.". NO 2d When you t. a see it in Tbk Item its PLEASANT GHOVE DOTS. a Irvine A Barney, cluthieis, n( Provo, Judge Savvy, of Provo, who three Tiie District schools closed for the hare dissolve I partnership, K. R, Irvine years ago embraced tka gospel, haa born week on Wednesday. The teachers will letirmg. ceiled on a mission Li Great Britain. visit other school and take in Washing-tun- 's 1ruv.i l.na re organi, its Chamber of a a Comuirree. iu Un- ixilicc court is birthday in the meantime. very A sui t of lethargy aometiinee ' tak s Mra. Kiniline Richards is dangerously quiet. Yur cau get v ' i r goods the possession uf the kidneys and blued, r; ill. The lady gave birth to a child last at Itiiiikleya. should la promptly stimulated to A! lend the hitnrc uf IiuI. llnmhnll they action by the uxo of Dr. J . II. week and ia not progressing aa layorably at the meeting house to nun.-- evrniug. McLean's Liver and Kiduey Balm. Sold is wiahad. Ilii.-t- i ee.ir) at Dunkhy's. by Steele A Go. John name, Jr., died lust Sunday. lie All kinds or legal blanks at this ollice. a A, ft. Smot, president id Utah Slake was an unmarried man aliuut 40 years of a While John Iyne, a ineiuimr of the (ifZton, has reached his eightieth birthCAn tells the :)! when melodious Provo quartette, wss here at- age, g day. Tiie orchestra gave a couple ot at yi'NKLEY'S tending the annual ball of the A. O. U shows last week. Jit l.;e J'd.n McNeill we.tt tin- county W last Friday week, bis wife a They made birth gTe of fun but a have seen better of Alii-c- , the balnyi- - l wife to a fins boy. The The fuiK-ia- l seat tills m pr.ilar pleanty calls th Enquirtr a ui Julio ltuln-rts-, Jr., who dn-.- l at quartette now a quintette. We noticed darkias than the troupe made. Tha Dramatic Aaaociation are rehears Clii,g net t wii.tei guilds at Dunk-!"j- took place there last Saturday from the John' nervousness. uteyJiug house. a a ug Streets of New Yerk," to lie put on a a Yo ug Georgs Dryaduls, of tliia city, the hoards next week . There has been n want ad." tunning who lias inM.-Ti,.i. IS. Whitney, ot Alpine, was a serving in the Reform Howard R. Drigga want to Salt Lake mcL-oiuvisitor in our city I'li.iday and in Tux Itxx u few weeks, the of School at Ogden fir two yean, haa been lost nrull made Tor Iilu h pleasant call. evening to viait the schools and hie which lias been six applicaute. It pays released, pending good behavior, aud arContinued in our next, te advertise. rived home Wednesday . He has pronr Spring will soon be lun- - and you will The committee who terved the old iocd to be a better boy, and we trust that uccd garden seeds. Duukley has just tolke got up a very enjoyable social at When you arc constipated with loss of he will. a fresh supply of them. Don't Mia Annie Larsen Tuesday night. appetite, headache, tako Dr, J.H. Mca a a Lean's Sittlo liver and Kidney Pillets. forget thie fact . There ie a good opening for a harness All children under the age of 17 war They are pleasant to take and will cure at maker, blacksmith, and dance a at hall SaturChiptnans given Captain Swocny, U. S. A., San Diego, you ; 25s a vial ; sold by Steele & Co, Teton counIdaho. The Basin, was called Driggt, It the Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy Cal. , says: day evening. juvenile is the firat remedy I have ever found Mr. C. F, Simpson, the rug, fur, tablo ball, and a gay time was had by them try ie rapidly filling up and the people that would do me any good," Price 50c. cover, etc., man ia are desiroui ef giving inducements to quartered at the homo They were gay, frisky, and jubilant, ail Sold at Steele's Drug Store. tlicee trades. otM.L. Scott. Any one wishing to ex- being dressed in their bast. It was amine hie goods should call there . Slate pretty sight to behold. Tickets were Fresh Balmoq at Dunklej'a. THE SCHOOLS. old at 23 cents each. street. Hayden's a quadrille band furnielied the music, and Washington! Birthday Exercises Go to thu opera Louie to night and Ammon Mercer, after a six weeks trip gave perfect satisfaction. At 11 :30 see Gay Lombard in Richard Gordin Id the Various Departments. through Ihe Southern Statu, returned o'clock tiie dancing came to a close and a a a Ho went there with home Sunday. tlia little ones deperted homeward with Just Aiirived! And OKI bow Cheap train load of hnrsu. Thursday afternoon all the schools ol fur the Quality I and Ladies, lulling faces and happy hearts, Gent's, American Fork resolved themselves into a Children's SHOES, at DlNKLEY'S, The Spaingvtllo aud American Fork a celebration in Iionor ot Waihington at the Opera house the Am Rifle Clulu met at the shooting grounds birthday. Following are tho prorrama KARL'S CLOVER ROOT will purify east of American Foik, Wednesday, aud erican Folk Dramatic Association pre- carried out with the exception of Mrs. contested for the best shooting. The sent the pleasing and interesting drama your Blood, clear pour Complexion, reMre. Ella Shelley's Violate Clark and gulate your Bowels and make your head visiting team won by a score of 385 to The lauiy of Gilroy." The rehersing of of we were unable which clear as a bell. 25c.. 50c. and $1.00. 3itf. They meet again uext Saturday at departments, this difficult drama hu occupied Sold at Steeles Drug Store. Springyille; to gut: month's diligent and untiring work by a a e GRAMUElt GRADE. Persons who leud a lile ot cxiosure are the members of the cast, The public efforts ot the W. R, CALDERWOOD, ARD W. K. ROBIXIOX, Tub Item, Through to neulalgta aud must not look for anything too grand Selby Eli Dilliard, editor ot the Bed subject audrheumatism, TEACHEUI. will find a valuable remedy from them u it it their firet attempt in Lodge, (Mout) Nett Idea , is getting lots lumbagofor Washingin I)r. J H. McLeau'a Volcanic Oil Lin- tlna line, and if there iliould be Opening cong-Iytof advertising through the Utah press, any iment ; It mill banish pain and subdue ton Birthday. light "breaks" occur during the perW. IL The certificates of election of Utah induinmat'UD ; told by Steele ft Co. Principal Opening remark formance they should bs overlooked a . county's twelve constitutional delegatee The Prnyo quartette is now a quin They should be encouraged, and no other have been sent and delivered. AH are Biography oi Washington Deatrica Democrats, telte. While the Rosliard and the Pyno way can the public do so than te purLogie. a a a The Bros, were at an A. 0. U, W. celebration chase a ticket for the occasion . Bong Eliza Boley . II. II. Fairchilda, ot Eunka, ia down last evening at American Fork a fine price are within the reach ef all, and Beloved America." Song penning a week with his tamily and at the lioiua of' Julm Pyne, every family that lias the advancement Patriotic Invitation by papila. tnenda . lie made The item a can and ,box.waa.!mu id his liven admitted to the mavteai. at (St lUsnlan tslmt at haul , should attached to his our soinbiuation. Provo name had Dialogue by four pupila. ''turn out. Enquirer, Hiatury and singing uf National songs. adbscnption list. A Household Treasure. Ricitation -- Our Flag, Willie Rogers. a Much work ie being doae about (own The Last Rose of Summer," D. W. Fuller, of Canajobario, N. Y. Song Juvenile Drum corps in clearing up enow and draining off ay that lie always keeps Dr. King's Ethel Caaaity. The Address Chaa Miller. with their new drnmi and files, were water, front tbs sudden thaw that has N.iw discovery in (he house and hie famRecitation Eliza Rowley. ily lia' always found the very licet rethe street struck this the public this week, furnishing region upon sults follow its uc; that lie would not lie Our Presidents," tha school. Song with martial muiic. It was on account a Address by Trustee Ihelley. without it, if procui able. 0. A. Dyke-ma- n SHILOH'S CURE, the great Cuugli The little of Washington birthday. Drucgist, Catakill, N. Y., says that INTERMEDIATE GRADE. and Croup Cure ia in great demand. Dr. King's New Discovery is undoubtthe with fellows recently WOOTTOR AMD S. T, IRELLET TKACII -n. J. duik-Pocket size contains twenty-fiv- e boat the Cough remedy; that lie has President, Charles only 23c. Children love it. Sold at edly following officers: iia-KUt. it in hi family for eight years, and secie-tar; Eastmund Steeles Miller; leader, Johnny il lias never fnileil to do all that is Drug Store. Song Gcorgo Washing," by thr claimed fur it. Why not try a remedy tcliool. Earl Dunk Icy; treasurer, Johnny Duett Will and V ilate Elsinore, J. G. Coltrin, the well known radical so long tried nnd tented. Trial bottlm Grant. tree Steele A CoV, I)rng Store. at Recitation Sadie Hindluy politician of Proyo, made The Item 50c. nnd $1 .00 Sadie Allstnn. Song the of At City call his meeting pleasant way home Tuesday on Reading Arthur McCarty. M. 1. A. LECTURE. Council it is intended to appoint a sealer from Lehi, John is all worked up be Duet Rormece Chipinan and Leuella f weights and measures. This is a wise cause he has a distant relstivo who is i Boley. idea of the Council at the uggcslicn ot Democrat. lie sites Tom Daniels as ths Prof. G. II. HiiinliaUfl Questions Song Bertie Miller, Bertie Chipmaii and Robert Miller, our business men. As it is now, the individual, but dont want the public to to lo Answered. Recitation Eddie Slielley. ' county sealer has been coming around know there ie any connection . Dialogue by Tillie and Pearl Cunninga To morrow (Sunday) evening at the ham and Elsie Sayer, every three montlie testing scales at the The niii.-tlsermon of the course on meeting house Prof. George II. Brim-hal- l Song by tha aclmol. expense of their owners, and inasmach Christian an will Marmon such v. for call Doctrine," as oar city ordir.adces PRIMARY LOWER GRADE will deliver another nf hie interestbo delivered at the Presbyterian church officer, there is no reason why there at nos a jiobinsom ahd mrb. hay roii before liier.irfa the member miss the ot ing p. . tu,. Sabbath, Feb. 24th. Test: ehsnld not bo one appointed at home. Mt. 25:33-33nnd also to the general public . M. A I. , waojr, TKAcnxiu. The Righteous Subject: a very great renumer-ativ- o and the Wicked." 1. Their character. Following are some of the This n ay not that C'uarscteri ipiesliuua George and Martha offi.-but it is nevertheless a proc 2. Their deatiuy. 3- - Relation of their will lie to hi. audience, and parti- Washington," Earl Robinien aad Agat-lli- a put Newton. tice cMinnpi industry on a small scile church nnd members of tho assoria-tiuu- : cularly to was the Secret, Wliat Hmmiey . lie will Who appointed? Washington," IVillin Bromley. The American Fork Item co.net to SKIT UKVIIW. Recitation Daisy Nelron. hand Idling that -- ruci" O.ikty of I . The exposure to all sorts and cond1. Dates iu Washington's Life," Joseph What i our appetites) and Grants-villthe phi Smith of is Frankie girl itions of weather that a iuinbeiiiii.n and company, Grant r are an What characteristics 2. (lit of caught at Pavon in bed called upon to endure in the camps t liy Lou Bromley and Ilyrum Songs the hotel one not sient il Wiglitman, night colds severe often produce which, appetite! Else more. in American in Fork that that aud city 3. Can veu imagine appetite! promptly checked, result in congestion Recitations by Liiliu Shipley, Andrew or pneumonia. Mr. J. O. Davenport, it was where Tuck" bought the clothes rememtier thirst? Utmie Eastmund ami Agaltha Can 4. Crystal, nd Imd his yon partner doff her dresses and of the Fort Bregg Newton. office of the is bair What 5. long and a habiliment doe of the appetite? Fort at institution Co., an immense Address bv Trustee George Cunning man. ZlmpotfA. 0. By what are appetites always Bragg, Cal , says they sell large quantiham. ties oi Chamberlain's Cough remedy at 8 EAST SCHOOL, the company's store and that lie Las himII. J. Mortcnscn, becoming so 7. Wlmt is mrnnt by an abnormal mhl LOIS K0BIKS05 TEACHER, ureii XUS severe a for this self throughout central and southern apatite) and obtained immediate relief. Thie Exercise Grant Gibson and others. 8. What condition of body is indimedicine prevents any tendency of a Utah, in furnishing durable stove reRecitations by Frank King, and Earncold toward pneumonia and insures a pairs, was in town again, Thursday, took cated by a perverted uf abnormal ap- est Shelley. Music Elmer Greenwood. Song prompt i eco very. For sale by druggists. several orders and disputed of a number petite? j Laura Rolunsou. of grates, a a 1. He ran fit any What kind ot servants are linings, etc. the school. Yankee Song J. M. naydeu, our popular U, missing parts of any kind of stove, at agent, atilt holds the wearing ap- reasonable prices. Mr. Murtcnsen is the A ReeommeurtalloB front o Augelr. 10. What kind of us.ieri are our parel left in the waiting room last week only man 632 Castelar St., Los Anuklli, Cal, thu business appetites? in who exclusively Mies the Frankie girl Smith," liy After having suffered for a long time hifted them to sttire iu men' clothing, south ot Salt Lake. Many people dis11. Hew can we control nntural apand who was arrested at Parson with cord their old stovea and pay expensive petites? from acute rhsumatiim without obtainI used Chamberlain's Pain herpsnnour. Os key, ot Neplii. If the prices for new ones, for the reason that 12. Why has the nalty of pain ing relief, clotim are noc taken away soon ne sug- ome was almost immediiVly reand Balm become missing. A few dol- been attached to the unlawful gratifira lieved. I highly recommend this at the gest that Jim put them np at auction. lars parts spent upon an old stove saves the tion of appetite? best medicine known. D, M. Hvmiltor. Mr. Mortencne's For aaie by all Druggiits. 13 now far should we yield to In a recent editorial the Salem, Ore- price of t new one gon, Innependent says: Time and ?in headquarters is at Spanish Fork, and a The M I A concert lost Monday aud have we icon Chamberlain's Cough Rem- Ps'xl card, asking him to call at yonr that tin Tucslavat the Oner H-teaches, was well 14. Asceticism edy tried and never without the m"' mins, will find him. staevil and that we attended crowded lioness both night. are be will lie natural nypMitra r we s' atUtuclorv results. tioned at Americau all next week, and should neither eat or drink what we like The program w as well carried out aud person t fllictcd with Imarsnuss, with aj n . Thanks to the charactis Hie mennwliila n.cily rcud'-redthem j cough or cold, we invariably peoplu should examine , nor indulge any appetite; and th'- Ep- who properly recognized Tux Item iu to get Chamlierlatne Cough remedy;! jhetr stoves ami find what parts are miss-mg- icurean said Eat, drink aa-- lie 'merry tln ir p!:iy at a good advertising medium and bo and when they do, they never regret i I ready to lmve their old stoves for tomorroT, wc die " Why 'rc they li e are unable ta devote apace to the in'Hide it docs forand in It always does the work, j practically new. Further teresting and well rendered aflair . mation inquire at this ollice. not wrong? well." For eale by all druggists. Hr. Mrrrihew. dentist, Lt hi. Bu.-ines- s . chi-iipc- s iiii.-inc- . Li-h- (Si-m- i V. Martha Ksi'ey. pink phi. cream. Miss Mait lev itoL-y- , Miss Hattie I'lc.-toi Miss Mira It. ley, J 3 girls in Emilia A limsou' I There were ia.iiy other characterr 1 tin m. wc failed l n-- l,!m-Mis- s hut Ola. The PayiOB Globe shows up nearly adevery week with a steady nerve, and the the of in the people vocating rights south end of the banner county ot Utah. The Herald ia the paper Spanish Fork-er- s enjoy. That ie a chilly climate for a newspaper, but the Herald , with Mr, Fred B. Smith at ite head, ie fighting a tearful battle for existence, and our svsi that Fred will keep up pints, The Herald is an eight-pagsheet, filled to the brim with farm aud stock news a thorough tarmera journal. Spanish Forkera Bhould take hold of its, valued enterprise. The Lehi Banner , published at what is called tho sugar town," three miles from this city, is a large paper, filled with advertising and is doing much for Lebi, und is a hard worker for the sugar cmuc. In retum it Uirly good is owned Tiiia by a paper support. stock company with Gen. Webb as editor and manager. Success to the paper and its stockholders. The RichfielJ Adeotalt lias just enIt ie now tered upon its eighth yesr. and tliev Meteer tlie Bros,, publiihed by are printing a fairly good penr. The people of Richfi .M should patronize tti Adewalt aud help out their town. The Bpringville Tndqtthdent is one of Utah County's progressive weeklies. Editor Johnson is working with all his might and means tn make known the wants of Springville; the desirable climate, fertile fruit soil, for which ihe is Let the good particularly adapted. work progress, and the Independent has our best wishes of future success ere the ficimcial depression glides by . The Logan Jn.tt mil is the largest country papers in Utah, It goes out twice a week, telling the peoforth ple the latest u. , und heralding the advantage of Log m and Cache stock com erupt f- - The Jitim.il is been leased to penj nd bis recently Messrs. Earl ft England, with J. W. nyde as editor. It is a good exchange, well prepared nnd full af all kinds cl reading for the heme and fireside. sincere wish is e s City Coui.ril LOCAL AMs IEUSONAL A YEAR IN ADVANCE. - Miss Iil&i.cku 1: l'utlcifij snow. Miss Rosetta It Miss Mary s'r.i. Trcesa Webb, piuyin'M'ards. COXTIXUED FROM FEB. FEBRUARY as. 81.25 Returns- - min-eitr- . Joe Bush juat returned fiou. a viait to The J. C. E. A, Concert. Fillmore. lie says that riding fitly nnlaa trout Juab to Fillmore, through three REPORTED BY out SPECIAL REPORTER. ltet ot snow, ie not wlmt it is cracked up A social was given in the Presbyleri in to be. Otherwiae be ia perfectly satie-li- ed church lsst night, under the auspic.a ot the Junior Christian Endeavor society in with hie trip. honor of Washington's birthday. The Miss Luna Uhipmin, who haa been atprogram ia as full jws : tending school at the B. Y. Academy, Opening song, America." ProTO, came home lost Friday, week, for Prayer aud a few remarks by Ilev. J Shu returned to A L Smith. a few duyi vocation. Recitation, by two little boys. lier studies Monday. Recitation, by Sadie Chip man. Geo. Washington's birthRadiation, S. II . Stinson, formerly of the R- - G, day, by Walter Birk. IV. station at Spanish Fork, but now Song, Marching Through Georgia," traveling freight iigaat for tiie Missouri by the company, Pacific, made Tine Item a pleasant call Recitation, by Lisay Holey. this week. Harry is drumming up busRecitation, Our Flag," three yirls. iness tor the road iu great shape, Soug, The Flag we Love, company. a Recitation, by Byron Kershaw. The crest annual Welsh Eisteddfod Recitation, by Hodge Smith. Recitation, by W'lnnic Bennett. cornea off next Friday, March lit, at Recitation, by Howard Kersbaw. Spanish Fork. People from all peris of Song, Rally Around The Flag." by Win. T. the company, tho Territory will lie there. James, mush-e-l instructor far the Spanish Fork schools an d choir leader at that liucklens Arnica Salve. place, 1ms been out on tho road for a Tub Best Salve in the world for Cuts, month in the interest of the celebration . Bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Both railroads offer the rata ot one tare Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilfor the round trip for the occasion . blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, aud positively cures Piles, or no pay reAd Itkm scribe accepted an invitation quired. It is guaranteed to givo perfect Price satisfaction or money refunded, Inst Saturday evening, but were untble 25 cents per box. FOR SALE BY to nttend, to bo present nt a surprise Steele Ados., Drug Store. given Mrs. J. B. Roberts, at her cozy A full line of Spring and Summer quarters at the head of Merchant street. will be opened in the Uimstedt Millinery and her Slat wss the lady's It birthday, next door to Postoffice abeut building, many relatiyea and frienda aaw fit to March first. iionor the occasion by a neat aurpriie. Mbs, Mai Price, Manager. The evening, we learn, was yery enjoy-iib- ly spent and a nice supper elegantly UTAH PAPE lit AUD EDITOIiS. i.nd artistically served . New Advertisements. SATIKDAY. All. nd Cot Handsome c ... shoe-mak- Te-nigl- un - Caldi-rwood- n s y, i 7.-3- tl-- r, togi-ihc- well-know- n l-- Wh-'ueve- er al |