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Show Mar Ilia Mr-- l.r Vnu. Mi. iii, i'f lull.:', Lb Jl Mi MILTON L. SCOTT, jtuit l.e 2ZEITCS ZrtOmZETXfc. fi.r III i:i il I. u -- i i !' J fir t. t':t ; ,,'..if.v1 h . i'i .l''i l'i' Ih'.r J Sr i i. ure AA 1 "-.- entii-h-i.i- i .2 j 73 30 j.ii-s-- t t 1 li.nu litn mi Vl Hie (i nil it inn (if In I 1nii I I 111 t '"j I i. i i i.:y t . ci , Hill r wu. k iinti :.!l KidiiCV Mil n ;;iv"i ain opt f lioible r'l'' tii il li i i Hu ! rf ..n--- . but w 15.. inri-i- i ' ' ii jii.ni Ii iti Liij' 1 1 1 w M' Sai to r, DiJi .lv,!?; J . timi'ilce i karef-jjl- t'lO.'-niiii.'-- J Jtrrr.c--- , Junijs-- r .- vregetabl-rert:. At '- an yvrtii am! otlu-- The ( l'. -a. I'i 1 . i Wj'1- iva IVeoliar l a ki.own U, Iro- - :t Evrsaariilu, yJ)Wy r r Mao-d- . - el hy other lljdnot i - Jif.- ll.'Xid'a iii arsapariila 'll DOCTOR G.W. SHORES Cure Scrofula, Soil bheum, Piirpli-- and all other tl jiiinti . few h t ci ii I ijtnit of oily SX! E ;t,(Hiii, 1 mid 1lXn) . aso en an pa -- liunJnd ki I nun, P3 Ii. t r -- - , -- a: wa Say, X or ices. Mar cs tell i PRICE, $2 A BOX. ' la Cur lAcry Pitiwl llatrw'c Naal Catarrh j'liili.tl iIimpjc Ini ii i . it in DiiacMti.i't irf .t n Iv. t Cm a. o itnirA, Hood 'a Pills jg 13 j) aiapui-'i- I'se.l hlaiiips f Cash. Aliy kind any mil- - W Isiokovi-- r mint. your old letters, saving such euvel- p upea whole. Aiblresa: C'u:.s. Stavi Co. p; Ibirtlbrd, Conn. Call on II. W l!n AST, Prcht. Great L'tuh Meil Co, AmiTican EnTLCIi3 l: . tiaeur.-- a furCM.uDipnoqttti.il ttuso.oa audwiU ecus CrUiUcii. Ucx.tlOX Sold by Sleele A Co., druggists. It Belongs to GRANTS Fork, ltuh. Cssn tells the tale when buying uods at DlNKI.KYS. IirilLINUTON ROUTE. Weeky Excursions to Xcw York. anl From A apodal Pullman Excursion Tourist Sleeping cur will be attached to Kin Grande Western Hailway tain leaving Ogden (!:13 p. in. and Balt Lake 7. 30 p. in. every Friday, running through to Chicago via D. & IL U., I). A- XL and C. I1.&Q. K.R. Second cl as tickets accepted on this car Close connections made at Chicago with all lines. The Ogden, Price and intermediate point to Omaha Utonion, ADAIflSOrj,PEOP, Id .00 Oilen, Price and intermediate Finest Sample Rooms $1.00 points to Chicago in be will of a aalaned It repcharge resentative of the Burlington Koute and SOUTH OF SALT LAKE will he iieeoinpanied by a Pullman ier-tc- r, wbO'C soul duty it will be to look alter tlie comfort of the passenger. Thu curs, whice will form tins through line, are cunstrurted on the amne plsn as first class sleeping curs, being equipped with upper berths. The lower bertha are converted into cumt.iriulde SHILOH'S (THE i aolii on a guar seatj. during the day ; tlie upper In rll.s Hiitee. It euroa Inrijiieut Consumption an; closed . It is the lnt Cough Cure. Only one Tlu-- are equipped with cm tain, Police Court. relit a dime. .5 ets., am $1.00. Sold mattresses, blankets, ilieets, pillows and Our I'ulico Juatieo J. I. Jackson, alter at Steel's ra;i-stowels, combs, brushes; in fuct Drug Store. a Huiatiuu of quietude fur over two every requisite for couilrt ami convenimid eon ence. Persons desiring a eqi-uliimitlia in the Justice a chair, tiled two veiiieii means of reaching i.'hie'iuo or Wlieii you can draw Beauti- DESERET TELEGRAPH CO liluuda" befure.llm liar of Justice Tliura-datin Lust coast cannot do than to Anderson uf Carl w.n It 8r ful Sinrar DoaaT and a Can ot exinoruiug. arrange to muke Hie trip in this thia city, and Earl Fuut, ol Plrimt AY, F. McMillan I. A. Denton. 25c. tor cellent Baking Pmvders Messages Sent to Any Place o t G VI Act II. It. Tkt Agt H. G. AY.. tirovo. They were charged with indulgthe Line at Loav Rate, are certainly getting 13 W. 3d S. Hoorn 11. uver 10 AY. firing Hag aui Night. li&0jKn ing in a fight tlie night prcviuua. They You can do this at Salt Luke city. 1'tuli. very (.'heap l&'Offlce ia ITKM plead guilty and were aasetauil f.i each Mammoth Emporium. (JiAnirf I t.i' Auiaricuu Fork 1 iii mediately noun the Juatiee. hy tlirir release Marahal Karrvu, o( Iliti JLiO CJLXj CJL1Z2D; waa over after them, for aomc mischief I Tuw Deseret l'.iVoel tt.lKIH. Telegraph ufilec it in lu April lattuv tlm idoeo. perjHilratvd at State op Ohio, City op Toledo, Triimi nrri'rf i mil ihimii nl r,n Imti Tiik Itkm building. Those w ho wish to Li:i-Coi sTY. j1 telegraph will find it cheaper than telejK ttioht tin f 'Hint : KbIkIiU of Ilia lliimlwra. phone, and strictly private. Messages Frnnk J. Cheney makes oath that in Thu Stale commuuiir writea ua from 4.nKx. promptly sent, received and delivered. the feninr partner of tlie lirin of F. Liaeolu, Neb:, aa follow: "Alter Hy American Fork L. DunkU-y- , J ht Operator. Cheney & Co,, doing buaiuesa in the C'i: hi, k jii Salt Lakk ing oilier medicine lor what seemed to ar. kk Salt Toledo. County and State aforeaab be a very oliatinant cough iu our two WA-Gand that said firm will ay tin.1 sum : thildrcr. we tried Dr. Kiug'a New I)i O.NK lll'KDKEl) DOM. A US for eacll III covery and at the end of two days the ' every rase of Cutlnrili that cannot cotigli entiiely left tliein. We will not Iw w ithout it hereafter, ua our i Xieiiem-'-proyeRepairing of buggies of all kinds, cured by the uae of Hall's Catairli Cun Fuane J Ciilnlv. tlmt it cuit-- where all Cher setting of Tires, fixing ma-- DKALERf Uf Sworn to before me and aulixeribed ii fail. bigmd F Stivins, State chinery, ete. my prcxuice, thia Gth day uf Deceinbi : Coin liy not give tl.; un nt medieiiie ARTICLE Shop Opposite City Hull DRUGS, TOILET A. I). ISSfi. a trial, aa it ia guaranteed ami tiiul butAmeriMu Fork, Utah meal A. AY. Gleason, CIGARS. ETa tle are tree at Steele & Coailmy bre, Notary Public, z s nt CliiimiruV. ' Ilall'a Catarrli Cure ia taken intrrnall-anHeadquarters for acta directly on the blood utoi The drawing at Clopinatia lor the LOADED SHELLS, GlXS, mucous 8UJtacea of tlie aysteni, S n . tlu-advertised l.igive many prixea, that for testimonials, free. rOWDEK, SHOT, AND Wilde, Adamson & Co., away, liaik place laat Saturday evening F. J. Ciiexky Co. Toledo, O. . HUNTERS SUPPLIES IrcqirjctoM at tlie Chtpuian hull. Following are by druggists, 72c. OSold Giant PoAvJer, Fuse and Caps. those who were tlie lucky mica: All kinds of J. 8. lieck, Alpine, ax and handle. for Agent Wines, Liquors And Cigars Yur can get your goods the chcapi Dan Jorgogon, Pleasant Glove, J!i lh Dead Shot Fine DilliarJ and Pool Room in at Dunklcy's. and Utah augur. PowderConnection, bread box. Win. II. tJreeuwuud, Come and get a Good SHOT GUN Cheap. .lea. Kiikwood, 50 II. dour. Sira T.S. Hawkins, of Cliattunog: Merchant Street, Miiitha II. Chiiu:au, V) lbs. Hour. Utah American Fork. American Fork, Utaii Tenn, says. ''Shiloh' Vitnlirrr HAVE!' NY LIFE . I eoiiitler it the. m-Jos, lli.iiarholder, linen stand cover. edg fur a (hhUHntnl eyrttia I trrr nn.' Jus. Newton, AbO lb, nut roal. For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney troubb Ci'y Tieki-- t Dili.-- , 2ui S Al liu t. (ireauwnnd, ."it at lb nut J it excels. Price 73 cts. K I. Ijumx. g. I, fc T. A SCOTT coal. . I te Didn't do u 1 liiiiK. blit inske tli'! trip to Cluriigo on the Cliiesgo, Union Pacific & Northwestern Line. Why i Time the quickest, inliil vestiliulcii train, no cliHiige of coach at it the ills" uii Kiv. r. Thronoli fl r- -t nnd xeeoud cines and Diuing Cars For full information call mi or address J. M. Hayden Agent I'. P. .rystim. . TIEADDUAiREES Ton THATEjLIKrr MEPJ A WD Electric Bells. TOEIRISm Rates, the Lowest AIRRICAN FORK r -- 'asifis System HUE BENJ. BATES, JV. k Sometimes noticea ate given out in meeting that are apphrable a acorea of other people than those in altetiihitire at the aeryirea Are these people to lie roinpcllrd to attend meetings in order to learn of thane thingnf It cannct be claimed that these noticea ure legal or liiudiiig even iion tlmaa who have In aid them, vsjircially when they repre sent the lii ancial kMe. Ni.It ! nl woik to lie done mi the ditrhes, or rmid mils' to ho effectual, lie given in a public and legal manner. It is alwaya legal and legitimate to pub Halt aueh notice; in the local paper. The taxpayers are interested in these tilings and they have a right to be notified in regular torm. For example, our City Fathers, cannot claim that to lie legal notice which i given. out iua religious meeting, whether that notice rffect their taxes, stock, ditches, streeti or other interests. Tlu-arc uot in dull bound to psy i uy attention to siteh h I'--. Ihi kin-oMis. J iim a Varney, IJuicn City hat. S. ll .ll.l notice. ixut,. inen's Oi.ivr.u W At i i,. . Ji!i. 8ii)iIit, pair humtrin-idNotices with regard to ceitaiu dotiis Ki" II A: ; !' Il.i i aiuas. etc,, applicable only to the tmmheis of John M. Ho ixr. Mr. Okey. Alpine, stand lamp. a certain reFgious psity, are right to be Fukpkuh k K r. m oi nr. Grace Slii!i-y- , pair ladle' stioe. given at the plures of gathering; on all John Tiiiey, black Angoria lioa and inattci ol intrrut to them, but even muff. NEW SEUVICJ-they do not aUget tlie word aa their Jake Ikc'i, Al ii one Poland China at the piscts of worship may Notieis of tins kind, l'1tb le im'ouhu. John C. M it r, ;: !V bm ami muff. when nib). els lor the genernl I! W. II. U. Bi lej, biii"i Ik tug. y i:i neeive euurieoua nrogni-tioptiMie, 1 r bid (b- -. Ewi.iiig H)iiu trim, Out, Ki.d free of iia by ptlldifhcd Ti e druwtug wa r uidijeted ''oiiiy and ii. p! V:.'" I l S a ,. Hid with a .tif f. n to all .x.'cpt Ti iipa;.t is can. nod gluiiy would th it dri w '! ( 'ir.!' !ui v )sv tiled Uu.U'iS ! :i ntiog tnat'ns ,41lMtXa ol iutcro1. to ll. m. Tie y want to knew M.llty Mi'll 'f ail about jital stub things ami cxcct to but tin y r I! sgt:'o tl.a' t!'e s.did vest I'liion Pacitrains ol tl.e find tin in in the local paper and not hr fic A Northwests :n bine ili.iauec all compelled to attend any church to gel eoinpctitiUS wtlii Xo iliinge or this infoiiimtion. To give notices of delay nt the Mii":ii Hiver For rtill this kind in religious inciFng on the intoi'iiia'ion e.ill or n iiln , .1 . M. HaySatibiith da), is inly txcussbls whin den Agent V. P. lt4teui. they atbet matters that Imre come to ISupklons rnioa Salvo. light Mnce the last irflc of the paper, Tiik IjKsT Sai 1 1. iii tl.e worl t fi r t'uts, anil the kulij-.i- t iii eds nttiotien at nine. l'ruies. Son?, I'iccr.--, Salt Uluuin, Fever Tlieii of course the wheie the most Sores, Tetter, ilmppnl Hands. Chilall Skin F.ruptions, people ran be found togitlur, ii the blains, Corn, and cures Piles, or no j ay and positively l in to the ope that place give the notice, It is guarauUe.l to give perfect the information mar I c carried uhroad, satiafiction or money n liutileil. Price To use thia im nus aa a tule, is bad, and S3 cents per box. Foil SAI.E HY Steele A (Vs., Drtt( 'tore. produces had recolts. icm-edie- a W WDEHiSy Steele & Go, lr x. 03 SA3LOOT3 Hazards bt In Ilascnient Commercial Savings Dank Building. Utah Pruvo City A. K. Jewelry anil : DEALER IX Repaired WIBE8. Take Local Time Card LIQUORS i- IN EFFECT -. n NOY. a.- lU A tin ri'-tn- Uloh Billiard and tl.'-ai- -i Fiimily orders a FORK AMERICAN ! Cl-i- i Fork, i B uiinsii AD; GIGA PS. xt Dtuir tu Itfin r Thornton Sfasataaatgaasasfc:; Spectacles Burlington Route . F. Wickersham. QLUFF -. pii-po- ooo GRANT, P. Fares for Double Uirtli. , Tl.e Ihaver Utunian rigidly liila the nail on the head when it ynicca the fo lowing, j tiicti ia much applic aide to our town. Let the praetire l atopped; There ia one thing that liaa ever actnied lit ua a fully, and that ia making religion arrvicea the rccaaion of giving jiublic (!) nolfcea pertaining to our city, We have county or territorial allana. times atated that noticea affeetimt many tha eominuntty, tlie leaulta of which do not, aa ia generally the cane, represent ao many dollar and cent, are publiahcd free of charge in the colutuua of the IT will contain Somethin? EMPORIUM. of IUrc Importance to You. itnry-lh',- "l' ,(i.l-ig- T Ptf-),(- too. if takciiiouias. tbt WANTED W I'.IAPgn CURE. v roLiiiT ( cue rrorrptJTe.fr r rs il. wtuioailo.il. lnni nor-TB- URES ol rcju.i, bulh .a i in aliitrfit. r..: hr. U. W. MmrcV in .. t iMrrliAl hfir.u it.inli, the week. aayat Bbllulis C.ilorrh lle.nri'y i, i:i lirat aaedtriiiRl bavecrcrfiMinu that wrul ldo me mini by DruagWu. anyguud.M iTaos-iei- fiiirsajiarllha Ihiiii fi'i-k- , I ly trver i iin linn ff ! Ihr ntiN, thrisBl, C- W. ijf lufiK. I'un- 4 urn AtiJ 1nn!c anJ fiii i ii L.i.'p, i t'i'iiKl1' . ansr nnX ttfr in i ,fr tike-- ji ifih. i p i! An I Jii'tlLjn. i.t-tr t s.J. iinprv the il' if !.f... r.:U k'.lt ev. I:vtf i.r lsi :ivi tiout'le, KM'-.t-l.'vrr ( ure; ar4 ii'u nr. ft. W. Siicirw' i in a.; i.i ukp tsne il )i. U. W. Sh-;- t w' Auiuin-ki (hhrinc i.r.'n I.-- nl brJiun. II V'r '.J Iv , sc'jfrJ. write Dr. i. W. Stmns 4ii ustriully fur hs iii kvkti(HN hit Jfi4 luvr if .tuJ (fH pvperl aJvirt fret Hr o. W. Shorts' Toole and rviood Porlfltr tnJ t Vvj-tuJ punfiPk the Llond, ifivkt Mfrngth v 4 . r. i urr tnJ ill tirvouh iiWAMa. It! pr bulllt. Hr. U. W. Kidney and Liver Cura Ail Ji ol Iht kiJnty. Ilvtr n4 HtJJtr. ( tut r JI p-- Nrftl. hur Hr. 0. W, Ahortt' Cough Curt rum til coughs, ibJ hniik.liil aftniioni. Un dust will Hop i.iS Largs vfMSMiihlic croup. Keep a bid lit In Ihthoust JSr. t:rHr.biiiilrs, W Shores' Mountala AaictOllklorsIht 0. hir liealaklie. lNillia(ht, w.rvi 4in Iii one minute, iH'UMig.a, tramp or (tdic use It externally and illy. Prevents and curr diphtheria if uei in a Iwilie. i iimc Keep a hitflt h.inJy. Pmt, Kir. II. W. Shorts' Hrpaln Vermifuge JeMmvt miesiinal wirma and removes Hie lulls round neal eiicre ihev hatch and hreeJ. It never fails. Prut It La r ny t r .ti' ft I f'u..i-pialnt- CaptalnBarecner. next Watch this Space Tlio TOl ffft lAWforilioTocthaniiMreutlgSu. tiw TJfW but wUHtsMl'a SMrsajtariiia h. rrm.ic by It in 5t What profit, ity. Jt insure to too The i xi r of a newspaper in n lilnC'i! in for it l li mi w ml I It, Imt ut tlic mine time it pruinolea tliu ail vhiici of wealth in it. It ia n fillip to tlnrrml of place. Tlis man who, in this age of tlie world, dock not lake a good uuwapiqier, a tlnily paierit pnaaibla, iaa ixiorcnot, an iguor-amua- , and a dunderhead; ha ia far be 5hof' hind the tiinea; lie can never catch up with anything. Every woman, too ahuuld read a good newspaper. Aa fur the man or woman who taken an untruth fill or maliunu or a faking pnier. lie or ahe takea po'ann made in hell. We wiali et more sumto our good ol the contemjMirariea, daily and a Klte. Hr. (1. W, Shorts' Wlntargrsta Salva cure all at atea of the South. We (hall alwaya sni Mack Jtsejsr of the skin. Kemnvv re I to hear of the enlargement of their I ni lew Hum the fact Meals uld tores In flu (Jay. 2 a circulation and their prosjicritv. A Htiiv, Pills Hr. II W. Shorts' 4iiRitatinn. sick headache and bilious thing of deep aignifirancu te all man (.utrsalioimc afta k, I'rict. Kc a boiile. Throe famous remedies are prepared only by Dm tor kind ii the hrnoiablo ami ujirit'ht pres. 0. W Shores. Ziun's MeJual Institute SallLakt It ia a light fur the world. A'--r City, full. ti-- and Kiibiry i AAc like to l.iiir ol the iifosjiirity of the tine m.il linin'! pii'rn i very where. It tan Unn l nil'll fur tin: ci.ininuiiity . It m i i'li'in:c iii" tin-- gmwtli of tiuii'l, intclli s.ii'1 liitiTi it in inlli.'. ktTairs. It ii tiiTi'tsliiii to etiti:rniMj nri'l tn moral wn-Kly- 1. ! RbauiiU'.tisrn, UoIls, I illojnva. M. k IHbliilJ.f 'tJCih, DyaTj'-pa'a- An wrreeaMa Laxative and Krava 'loxra Bold iijr lirantMe or unit ly rti.l. Sa ,Un, and lihOpcrpackH!-- . Sumpha xim. IVivortta TCC73 I . 1 ji'.iti.l in' , nrepan-- hanmM-i.tl,v-- - i'i baraapai ,1 Ml mi ijiti d l.ivir ROODS ri ' lit u.M.ii.t m, l (i'o ,.ii-ii.Due tii.i! a.!! pi n- - hit l oi:--- . Irn'i' oiiiy .'!): for bo Ste.-i- i! A Co's i!ri:'. s'ij.- - i ii li. ii.:iy nl jut iith riifctatr, i f tlii: nm:t!i I, hi iiili lari'! 'I mitliin tin- p.-- - uui or two. AVe th'-rhear of i.ouiitiv jn;-- r which Ijni- a!. Mijil A ;;,ul il' liltl-- r i i'i i it t'i-i- (l'l'lli"ll :. t!,r "jh p-.- I I ivii'uitli sju'i-iulty- . Pool Room i t Connection. Ameiju ax --S- - Fork, - l Tv.- Open Day and Night. Spanish Fork. Cuiriofflum of Studio: Grumnit-r- , Spelling. Cin.iiii-Ari'.linirtir, In:o m sbip, it. Hvris: Day. per uii ntlt. ?l : hiit 'ip coil Law pini', Book-kr- i irg, nn-- Graintn-.- Ccograj liy. P. v, ('tii. Algid-ri- Rati: Ijv, P. C. DoixiB, Gen. Mgr. A. E. AYin.r.T, Gen.Supt. .1. II. P.PNNKTT, (J. P. . T. Agt. S. 11. li.twvt K, n. f. Agt. J. Ai'irl-!:-.-- pi r nioi.'.ii 15 a M. 'NH MINTON, Ill ti nf silTiftla piil Iiiiikii.g. l:ril nman-hip- l ; Henry Lee. Sales Stables iivt in 1 , , i,:l.t it. ii ai!w,iV A lint (i Frop'r. kaoti'l, i IT; tv; '$0, S' JJuiifi - i4 and Livery -- au uiid Hack to Silot-ti- t j. A '&; J&K Leave orders at Stables. Aiuerieau Fo;!-- ' Street, hU iriiii - |