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Show WYOMING'S 1TKM. Till-- : OFFICIALS. NEW III AHurUm la utu (IlNfa (iOVEH.N'OH M'lXTllit NOW THE flui-uc- tuil Uovernur Klcharil durlril 1 e (if i Ii. Inii-riHt- ii l. attenUou is call. si thu liAie that Koine in- r tlu uiuttis ails may b i - Kemembcr the "Great Rock Island" runs a fust, ti.xln daily to Chicago, leavp ing Union depot, and via I.inc'iin and Omaha, arrival at Chicago h:10 a. i in. second morning, r only out ons and It's iM.pular train. Tickets of W. II. Firth. GenT Agt., 1SC4 Laurence St.. Denver., Jno. G. X. A., Chicaga COLORADO'S EDITORS. wi'ii f.iun-- ill a, r. , ivllm'lwf i f,',flli,,l,'I!'i W!l,'n'l'y ,ii' THEY MEET TO TALK AND EAT. , riicyi-iiiic7. iliiniiiisii.sl, if 'William iaii hot A. liiili.irN :nul ills :ivn wippriksds, iH th- - htu.dl-AMKKIt'AN Ft IKK. plan InloOltli. Hub Filing ClV where Tli KiiI(Iiii af th Shears Bad Pot stuff- - otll.-iilinl ik it exists with at Inin nitii-i- ; luilurtvil awif.-Mii- tM , to t hugacvti.Miv lJr Hava a Jolly tiouii TIhm at Itaavar it ri viruicuiv a in th milnai'y today wiiii Makar Wmm'i t tmabLS iiuulanauea II.h-uand hi ! w nin-;Tiik kiitoiy wiil prolsihly show display. AIhuii JladnM tit raiiii-aAilv.aai i'oiii-- ' ifri'iiiMiiii v 'Mil'cruur Mclntire said: that ( lima Hasn't rally kinx-kei- l out Ihu Inqs-einIn rail I ry aii-Denver, Jan. N. Tin- - Colorado Editorliii' family bunqied her panic of ila-"It U Cllslolilary to reniliiiuelld the Jan. a, Tin- - Inauguration tliut a liaietiKil by Jai-.ui- . Duvt, It it. A. tiuvi-riioi four of tin- Kinlitli ial s hot ball, r met heal on tho I'oor. cnaclineut yesterday anil j, layer Is kum Lot culd of tm-Mcliiiiorailroad theTt t'ulo Kuhm-11- , phu-at legislation, l wiiii rada la lu litany i IIoii-mP'tu's Cure for C,iiuiuption bu sired mes i).euliariv thu gathering was the must successful at ruff In rfiiiiiiiaiiil ; 1 'oiiii:iiiy It of Mu-- ' bur (iruml sltuarwl. We of uny held for scvi-ru- l a lisauv, hare ur.-j- , Mii iionu may U, in kisses, aa nclen-tivast years, a much nuur a doeior's Mil. s. F. tlustreets lu state militia, kiiown us iliii of Curl is & mountainous j Mil., Hoc. ii, U4. llsci, and ra,l larger iiujiiImt of members being presrniv-TsitcaHxtm-liU- i cuiiiitry ; largely, but wliut do yoatba and Guards; thu Ktrii-tby ir rurnl butlding ,'s hi Its infancy. Tl- mri uiiiH "Hh a "lung head le apt j Tli m- i- who kuuw ent than usual. G. A. 11., I !: pin anxious to Joliu I'. i in a glimjiM- uf tin- - w of constructing railroads jut ticswhat tha bliw det, tu in many par's otli-llrn und for The micro callGhcyenuo s. car? I. blooming president, J. Temple, In blu of tii.it In tlm executive. Adliiissmii to the buililitf of this slate clrli! orgmilEiiiioiis ing thu meeting to order iqioke of tlie of ci instructing railr-a- ds in m.t uf tie wlik-- liaik plan- - Just prior to was by tleki-need for Till, con tli a race may not ilwayg k. Irada. other th-ration among editors, state. uf uf At exactly 12 oVl-x-Many tamlnlst.-tloor ilu- - oulli of ufflii- lll0 tho to tha swift nor tho battla to tna this state and of thu business of Importance that .i.lmn-art For four yrtrs 1 have been a eoustant sufwithout r liiarelu-wholly tin, atate officcrx Into tin- i.p-rjy hoiiso la and will remain as iuaeivssitde and tin required attention. strong, tha early kirl is still aura to ferer. My head ached from morning till Upon arriving at the eapltol gmumls Issly, tV thu front rows of devidoiMkl as they are imw uiil- -i ad i Governor-elec- t gobble the worm, provided tha worm Governor John K. After tlu- - preliminary business had night. After trying everything I could think tlonal railroads an built. All of tl,.doesn't gobble the bird. Klrhanls uiul oilier dignitaries of panpieL Isi-attended to A. E. Fierce of thu A. of, the only thing that gave ma any relief was A few moments later Govern mattcni slioiild Is- l on tho the state took tlu-l- r padth-to keep my head O. U. W. Uucord, discussed the rila-tiu- u itH-MtlF by you iu tics sttli bound with s cloth It la only a here nawsjajier dvr-tlain- g platform and prayer was offered by Waite, escorting of Nastate to associations the Jd'L In udditiou to fae's tional association. flourishes that oilier forms of ituv. J. 1. Farmer of the First llaptlst tin', apM-ur.-iijmui tin- - stage. TVf to keep tba air from w'hhh tin-rexist at all are Guns, spewent aivjiiiNinli-- i by iuwruor Waite General advertising are largely ludulgad In. church. West, the veteran edistriking 1L The nasal cial cimunstuiiiiis at th.i: tor of tin- -George The oath of office was then adminstaff and the regimental staff. Ilia amount of money spent la aign, Gulden Transcript narrated passages of my head rnrt-ivshmilil also I kiu tin- ymir tho of Guvi-m- f of pioneer Journallsu fence or circular al vert: sing bears istered to (Siireriuir Itlclmrds and he and my throat were With prliK-ip'i- l one tin.-- rail was chief all declared installed the Walle eXivjitioli Uiu liuveriujr-i-l.vof and t state. ' Mclntire, roads of this state about tha sa-niroortlon to newspa- executive of tlmduly very sore and gave now iu the Justice Imnd., I'lilcf round slate of applause by from tlm p of the courts Judge Ij. 11. France discussed libel me Intense pain, exper advertising in our country as in and are liv of Ihc stale supreum court. plo who bad gatlu-rm- l being muuagod to attend th laws, and offered suggestions aa to bow Tlu-l- r another. Imsliu-sruviviTH. The has pectorating much governor delivered a: ceniiiionU-s- . such laws should be framed. I brief address, In which be congratu-- i it b diminMnil, and I corrupt matter. Lieutenant Governor Nichols niM Mra. J. li. liowcn of the Idaho Poktuoai. Is becoming spunky, too, lated the trim that tln-r- e Is not a single was told that the luciuiiliig olllcluls of the state tho Joint sessbiii of the legislature SjirlngM News was next called niion, and will spend a year on bar upon the auspicious circumstances a few iiiliiules after 12 oelixt laying dividenihi to its KturUioldcrx at ami delivered a most excellent weight of my hair pais?r this time. I'udcr hen the riff was called, s it uiwn "The Woman in the Field navy so aa to have a word to say la under which they took up the reins of and I had It cut of cause of wss the trouble, evrtj seems to me to Is-sueli my nearly - wits- ease in ujiply com rtitlon time comes again. Tha government. w'liatiir a ml every U me no relief. Beading shout j off; but this Country Journalism." gave nml a nion set lu Governor iso bnsiuess Klchards tlt! to views swerml lien?." rsMiii,lcd F. A. Leonard's jiaper on Can a a s:irunt is not largu and the time In lady similarly afflicted who was cured by lie said he llio roll call was followed by mode subject." l is king, but most happy manner. jhloh it U to lie Fajk-- r Ever be Be-Purty i Hood's Sarsaparilla, I began to take 1L he . should lie more tlinii satisfied If ami an invocation by Iter. Thomas l It is evident Mint tin- - buttd ng of was with navies as with everything alee He concluded that at fore I had taken one bottle I felt greatly Im- should bo to able fullill the still. roads and predictions an-times " where a lirldges could bt better late than never. imvsstiry, "party jinia-rof tlm retiring governor. Tlm goveruor After the prayer a cltarge iqsin these Ilartirll where pruis-rland that at others It was ' nski-the and support of moved that the doors of the opera bow fumls, Is of tin- - first Inqsirramv, clearly Its duty to take an Independent Firm New York gentlemen have the issiple of the state, that lm might bo thrown open to the both the coiivi-uii-nstand. uf the pi-pitlille. Lleuid-an-t formed themselves into a committee be stile to fullill tlm pledges made duro. II. Wangelin sixike of aomo desir- proved, and at the end of three bottle was enGorenior Nlehols ordered the tiuon plo and their liiisiiiis iulorisds, rikpiin-readto study the effects that hihI, wlillo the orchestra playrd ujmn mankind of ing the cnmpHlgn. and tlie able changes lu the law governing tirely weU. I now weigh SM pounds, which a too free use of wine, beer and after the leg slut which convenes Homo Mwoot Iloiite," humln-dt of tnirts of rite community. Next (nun try utH-ni- . lie was followed by Is a gain of 10 pounds In three months. had adjourned It would be O. K MeSlui-liKurud lu, filling every avilabk in inqmrtnticc, It liquor. They ought to lie able to to me, is of tla Kocky Moun- Mu Manx A. Wniia, Franklin, Indiana. . found that so far as wise leglslatlou span-iln-of reservoirs wh.-n- are tain World and E. H. Light, secretary gather reliable information without toil1 do be would started When thenIt, was of ft the Wyoming not mum most liecissjiry and moxl nmdueix'i- to serious trouble by visiting tha almsHoad'S Rills do not weaken, but aid dlge of Comim-rce- . on tho road hi prosperity. Both speuk-er- s another man or wouiiiu In tho t The com m It tee on rcsulutlous then tfam and tone the ituniac.h. Try them, gift tin- tin- - general of ouf houses, jails and insuua asylums of tha were frequently Interrupted by ltouso Hit- - liand played rciHirted resolutions of condolence and Vaiikee Interests of tlu- - state. country. and then tlu- - programme was regret upon the death of E. A. Ilcne-illc- t, Tho of fur kmv!;iI taxation system Itlcli-ants' At tha coiii'IiihIoii of Governor lute of the Douglas County World, Tiik photographer down la York tin- - sit i Hr t and maluti-natiiva the of addrea tlm oath of ulUca was When Glilef Justice llayt adndui-b-ret- l riotis John Arkins of the Kocky Mountain InsLitutions itate who found the Impression of a is. in slate FIT FOIt A KN. my Judgto the other state officers. News nml James Doyle of the Steamoffice then- - was a hart murderer on tho rutina of his victim, They, together with tlm names of tlm of the oath of When ment, unwise, resulting in disiN'iqNri'-Goiiat9. Mela-tirboat exMvtuliiui, liovirnor Springs Pilot FRISCH Jk CNAMEUXD CMF. distribution of the stale's funds has a very gn-u- t head, and ha would retiring officers, are ns follows: SecWith the election of the following ofsaid; I do," then- - was a great to iluw various state institutions. The Fine Du LKanemh eonfer a favor liy explaining how ha retary of slate, C. W. Itunllek, vlee . of uppluasi-ficers the association adjourned: PresiIt started oil tlw prnN-- r Irian, as it sn-into me, is in 3.4P POLICE, 3 SOLES. knowa tho Impression ho found is not Alims W. Burlier; atulltor, William O. front rows of tin- C. II. and dent, Manltou swept leave to Fmwiiie, Journal; wisdom, each ses- Unit vice tho ImproKsIon Hindu by the strange Owen, vleo ('liar lea W. Itunllek; trcua-un-r- , back to tin- - doors. parquet It rose to the gib sion, thethe legislative of prcsldeiit, E. J. Price, Grand tin total fun airportloiiing lerlt-G. vlto Otto Graiinu; It Henry to who Junction Hay, once Ffoui the stage. gentleman spread News; second vice president, gave tho victim in liand fis tltese insiitiitlous acconling Inixi-of schools. Miss KrUcIlt-lleeM. and linleoiiieH hamlkerchleb to Trinidad Advertiser; treascandy In her youth. tits mills of eaih Institution, nml a!' urer,Beslioar, vice S. T. Far well; Htipreiue wivt- - wavtsl. It. 11. Tllm-y- , LADIESCripple Creek loiiibim-indicate. N. Charles Kaiuud vice ex-And what did t invemor Waite do l'otter, Crusher. Executive committee, K. G. In tho extrema West horses now Judge, T. Corn. Tlm as he (i nsoil to Is- at the head of the Inequality of seiiteiuvs lmp.is-- d Cooht, A. E. Ih-rcand J. S. cost less than cattlo, and cattle there slnh-He did a very gracious tiling. liy the diffiTcnt Judges for the same of Legislative committee:, T. M. Temple. Intter-ou- , aro always chimp A lady who Swnt iiiinmltti-- under like condiiions. Ho SCOTT'S BODY WAS NOT o. II. Wangi'lln and 8. W. ltay-menforward, smiled lit the must BKOCKTOHMAM. some time In South California last FOUND. Over Obi Mllltoa People wear tho degrees of criminal kludly manner mnl kissed his hiiml to and the diffivi-n- t 111 his summer, saw a the different and of black Then every one chivred tinivicts, pair Visiting members of tho Colorado EdW. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes in various oilier states of horses, matched like twins, and In tho Tbs Allorur Cierl Will Tabs Chari for the old governin'. Jxunliwt of all exK-rieiitorial association and tlu-l- r wives All our shoes are equally satisfactory of Caaih tho liiilctcr-minatIh cheered iidits to dcrirxil from the the Kepuhlicuiis and the Ipu-llstwere the guests of the city papers at a prime of their horauhond, offered for Lincoln, Ncli., Jan. 7. Attorney GenThey give tha beet value for the money. tin- - nvoinmeu Jtilueil the chorus with a gusto that sale at forty dollars twenty dollars eral ( liurclilll end Governor the at Justify Windsor banquet hotel last They equal custom shoes In style and fit. Halcomb showed r Thslr wearing qualities ara unsurpassed. for dation that the (Tiininnl law In- so mod-ifluthey had mine to two hundred represach with no takers. evening. Nearly held two consultations regardTha prices ara uniform, tumped on id their heallli. The or iliniigiil as to adopt tin- - mode of sentatives of tlie state press were preswere nut From Si to Sj saved over other makes. ing the Itarrett Scott mystery. At Hid In their hurrahing mid having sentencing understood by the pltrase. ent and enjoyed the reunion 11 dealer cannot supply you we can your fully. It Interview llrst wns tho divided Hint Statistics In relation to social matr c ex t lilt scntcmi-.- " 1roiM r Wolfe Londoner acted as toastmaster, Waite, evi-rshould start for ono cheeri-t-for ters are always defective end some-Umo- b attorney geiii-ra- l l again fur the new chief cxccptlon, however, should Is- - made for and the responses came from some of O'Neill u order to lie this artemisin For WALTER BAKER GO. worrying. the the leaders In Journalism and education exsraplo, tlm on thu ground and tuku personal cliurge executive who aeknowli-ilgi-capital and life sentences. statb-tlcof In n quiet way. report 2(1,269 por-so- of thu Investigation now being made At the request of the State Hoard of In Colorado. Tba Largest Manufacturers of Governor Mclntire tln-- road to as hsvlng mysteriously disap-ponre- d lu thu fatuous case, fatter It wns W. N. Byers In responding to the Oliarltlcs at-- d ('(srndlims, I rmininiii-iiPURE, HICH CRADE his and only 14,000 as Jmving that Mr. Churchill should waitngru-He opened that such tMKird be relieved of tin- - duties toast to "Pioneer Journalism, gave until AND CHOCOLATES COCOiS boon found. It Is the linniielu! randltiun of a board of pardons. Thu uii 'iidK-r- s of some Interesting details of the foundby onough to keep onu tomorrow. If no new developments are of the state and pointed out the necesOa thia CoBtiani, kin rmtnS a Awtke nights wondering what has the board awture me that the duties that ing of the ltocky Mountain News In noted within that time tho states lawof retrenchment In lMol). of tha other 14,000. devolve upou them as members of yer wlU start for llult couuty, where sity HIGHEST AWARDS aalilt Tho Man With the Ink Horn," wax of charities anil rorm-tlou)iu will uudiTtska tba preliminary ex Il"In tills ciuilietiiill I jsv-VcOwi the gnat to minunuiW to most of nnilnntlon Chanmen now tho them held fur responded from eloquently by giving sufficient tlm PanrEssoa Laxiii.et's flying o your careful roiialilcrutloii tin-- arnlsa-bllit- y cellor W. In F. flic who Scott McDowell, to of cuts. conspiracy and attention the duties of the Itunr.l Industrial anil Food spoke lie w a hundred feat, than foil, of enacting leglslatlou senreh y at O'Neill resulted of pardons. In reference to a Imard of the great opport uni ties for doing good hut (list Is an indication of ultimata In Thu a Ismrd of control for tlu- of the the discovery that tho old well, man. punlmsc pontons, 1 will say that it will lie time EXPOSITIONS newtqiaiHT success rather titan of failure. It was J. 1). Dillcnlmrk read a capital poem hy the to make a recommendation when it ix to contain Scott's Isaly, was of aiiiqdleH, so far ns nllowcd for mnstltutlon, the stallto It have all. somnthlng Institutions, ascertained what fly at Cyrus empty. Those who think the well wns tho various to be dune xvlrh the concerning the "Better Half of the Field's flrt Atlantic cable whispered Sntt's tnmh, ihvlurt! that departments, ami the state rucouniienilntlun is lust tlie iudetcr Body Politic. during couivrning Its after eapltol a few syllables and then was silent for night tho lynehcra removed the corpse. completion. Such a miuate sentence. Governor Waite being present was IsMirtl should consist of from thm- to called upon and made a short address. awl In any of lh.fr ntvparvtloM. months, but the whisper was enough. They antlelted tills and urged tha llvo n. BRKAKVAKT school An for Industrial is need COCOA la ahaaiaM girls nrirdalleloui controlled by law In the President Ellis of the Agricultural 0iean rallies were an assured success sheriff to put a guard there, blit be did cwu Itaa (Aal aaa aaK a eih , aad and aulubla, pan ed. The Institution exists mi p:qn-r- hut College of IIm duties, after the not think It was ntvessury. of Go id Cltlxeuship," sjKike from that moment. SOLO BY OSOCERt EVEBVWHESX. tm Miss Tho latest move of the defeuduiits In iminunr of the board of eapltol inamt-gi-r- for lack of an appropriation it is of InCooper recited a poem and 1L V. which aa a business concern has use whatever. The nml of kiicJi an to of waive "Editorial Influexamination nor Woodbury BAXER ft COTdORCHESTER, Is dividing VALTER MAS8L spike wnlni-ntl- y mo Sin stitution for wayward girls is at least as ence nuil in Now York ats suivcssful. No relished by the prosivution, ns It Is Nvn Responsibility." Iw bought by this board for great aa that for lmys. FnilutilitnIIy lu should tained to glgnntlri proiiortlona during feared tliut T. M. Patterson concluded the prothe enso can - exci-p- t afti-- r the holidays just past. Nothing Hko It "COLCHESTER" advertisement Tor the present condition of the state's tl gramme by eloquently responding to to trial In thu District court. Hie stafftlw (ini tract was ever known In Gotham before. Homo of the evidence that Is now at bids, awanhil to the nances, which rupiircs muiomy. it may tin- - toast: Mutual Obligations of City lowest bidder, without exnption. the bo difficult, if not liiipissble. to make and Ono woman, when Country Papers." caught, carried a hand may dlwipivur. lint this fact imillty of thu goods the same. the needed npitropriatiou, the Association visited the marvelous fastanod around her - the state of the Kuch a board would, lu not does rclicvtof duty paper mills and attended the Inaugurauiy opfulou, waist, and in it were pockets for LITTLE CHANCE FOR THE BILL from somowhat of means the and carcftil luvestlgati.m, providing detaining tion In a body. Jewelry sml email articles, while In A Casroa of to the .state, after iiaylng the reforming the das rcfcrrul to. I can Ileiuorrafi Favors It, Hut save the other openings, made like a door of the of It. more than see no way to attain the d. sired end, Few Win ImmL with springs, could be dropped the $1(X),OOU SURRENDERS. ywtr. This board. In addi- except by submitting the qinwtion to DOODYKOONTZ BEST IN MARKET. pT 7.-Washington, Jan. lly a vote of tion to purchasing the BEST IM FIT. or not they will allarger pieces. sup- the people, wlu-thilaauaa 81 to CO tho Democratic house caucus plies Imllcntiil, roulil well lu- lha BEST IX WRAKIXa Warrants foe Intrusted low tho bonds to In- - sold to obtain tlie aotilb-n' the anil Haller' Home. voted to indorse tho Carlisle with tho Ql'AUTY. the reform school duty of examining Into the money to A The auti-- r or Nbw You has appropriated $20,000 sulMtitutc tap sols ex. needs of the various Institutions, and fur girls; and at the satin- - time there currency bill now Denver. Jan. Amlitor (I i tends tha Goodykoontx whule langth for tho iroduction of r o scrum house. took the lead the possible reforms and Include the might be submitted au amendment for Orti-pt. down to tha heal, pro- -, 'risp the ultiiiintuni of the court .Vr cases of diphtheria. The tecilngtba bout In dig-city In presenting the resolution ntnl vigor-ottsl- satno in Its report. the purpose of meeting tne of a and IsxiKil four warrants on the staff) rinx and lu other bard would meet a long.felt want It It rould the necessity f Its ndop-tlourgi-t- l "In this connection I would further State home for dependent children." treasurer for $.'i,(nhi iiu-l- i In favor of the work. The commit tiv on rules wits In- recommend legislation providing that supply an anti forget scrum for tho treasurer the of Soldiers' and ASK TOUR PEALER Sailors' cm to and nnult injury Injustice use of tho home com mission yesterday afternoon. FOB TIIKM witnesses. Ono of structed to bring In n rule to morrow to no money shall In-- drawn out of the ployera, of especially Rand don't ba put oS tin- - Ninth General Assemthe strangest epidemics of tho day Is doso the delinte. KfTorls- to ntin-ui- l Mr. state treasury for nuy purjmse, cxctit Altlmugli in from the with lufsrlor practice prevailing good Is the paralysis of recollection which (Tlsp's resolution wen- voted down, tqion the of vcritliil, ap- some bly appropriated money to defray the places of Issuing strip in payment exH-iiseono of the adverse votes showing only proved, OOLCIIEBTBK HVBBER CO. f biffs to the atate audi- for work uf the home for the two lows police captains an 1 others the t years In place of iiayun-nof lawful tlilrtivn iiiciulN-r- of tin- - cain-tTavor-ablit npimiiiriutiil so much more tor, who should Issue warrants to the moment Mr. (S!T begins to Jog their money, and front the delay of payment IKist, to an Issue of tmnds to retire the or to whom the the or than bill of money the state receipt memorial with his little Inquiries. The emgnvnbncks. debt Is actually due. And further, that beyond a reasonable time. treasurer amounffil to that the auditor should hare his pay immptly. found Tito result of the mucus Is accepted the law Is- - nqi-nleploye for he could not that meet all the approviding to the and In cash, so that lie can with nptn-henslof liididiii-diiess- . liy It rW taken I initial Webster soma friends except In best advantage ami Ik relicmlbuyfrom the propriations and refused to Issue warOaphari, Anairto, Kubrw, la the of bill, rases of the nutwlthstiimliiig Insurrection, or defense of the little time ti make hie way In marble rants that could not be paid. The comThs LIXEXK" are tha Beat andVoat Koonoml-n to from evils him credit sys. of Imlorse-uu-nthe resolution resulting Staff-sor of the of In time of iwssiigc I'nltcl state, missioner of the Itoine met the audiCullari and Cuff worn : they are nude of fine effigy Into the capital at Washington; war. The Issuance of such certitlcates tem of buying, and from the sidue tinluhnl alike, und, beinc reverai-blrefusal to recognize tln-l- r claim to cloth,oneboth but then It has taken etill more for for inferior tor's collar b equal to two of any other kind. The elglily-otivotes wlilclt the ineas-ur- e leaves an oMiiing for utnvrtnhitr as to of paying ltiglur tlie $2mm by instituting suit for a General Stark. The suspicion may Iktrior trill and look trill. A relt, Tknft he coiiiiiuimlcil In caucus Is far short the condition of the state's flnanci-s- , to comii-Ui-would goods than to compel him to draw the Ten Collari or Five Pair of Cuffi fur Twenty-Fiv- boxnf e suggest itself to Jealous minds that of the number necessary to i:ism it In may btvoiiu- - the means, through the ami pay If he had money to buy wln-r- he mandamus vBnt& warrant. After litigation extending cry at a nation we do not welcome our tho house. It Is the which will Sample Collar and Pair of Cuffi bv mall for of inducing tin- rropcr legislation pleased. however, of through several month, a decision Six Cents. Name p,).,!,. effect this desirable result Is nu-stly and slxe. Address voti-rearierward to sulimlt to extravagamv greatest men with much effusion, and that many of the lifty-nluBKVEKMItl.tiWLAK (TIStPAXT. against the auditor was secured, but IT nanklla that a niche In tho eapltol la not the corded against the resolution will lv wliicli they had recommendiil. bL, Kow York. 87 Kilby BL, Boston. prohlhitui. Goodykoontx was iiiiaweil by It and most discriminating honor that a enlargi-!-. now Hint the Carlisle bill 1ms It Is a lax way uf doing Inisliicss. and The law at iresent niptires. as you went before the Ktipn-tn- e Court with Isof caucus the the should not nnieiiiluieiit. prestige tolcruicd. It is usually know, a unanimous verdict of tin- Jury, an applicntiiHi for a patriot can look forward to. Hut then- - were several prominent lend- (loin- - In cases wlnve tin- - legislature You has in civil ns well as In criminal cases. Thursday the court again ruh-- against ers who asserted at the clnse of the refused to make in civil cases, fre- him. and yesff-rdatlie litigation ended Can Get Thk chargee of cruelty and general rauctut that tlu- - vote showed nmic1usIyi--l- ut least negatively in violation and Is This, particularly of tile quently livings about mistrials, resulting by the auditor issuing the desired war' that the hill could tint pass. Ferrys Seeds at ronr dealers1, mismanagement against Superintendlegislative wiil. in unnecessarily great expense in the rants. aa frwih and fbrtfle as though ''Xu one qiiesiioiis i!i,. assertion ent H rock way of the Klinira N, Y.. t of the mtu-t- ati-- to litigants. were presented to the The warrants running iSSfr1 the Uract ftvm ferrF's ' the gambling Iuiiim is an rvil. state reformatory have lieen disproved tviei,. There seems to me to lie no good reason treasurer late yesterday afternoon, and AWFUL LOSS OF LIFE. it is tielieviil liy iiiauv t.i lie aM s by the commission ap;xilnte 1 by Govor he gave assurance that they would all why the agreement of wliidi cannot I.,- s of n Jury iqmit a verd'et be purchased for other funds on Monernor Flower to investigate them and Ona lluadiwil a ul nni--'his fact xhiii, m-- t dcti-llnnrnt-i- l at Ilia the acts of the aucrintendent have day. yoi from should not lx- sufficient in civil (Vises." 7.- -A Ilia Jan. eel enaciinc a sticlt terrible Janeiro, legislation tinas iv.ff ciisure While kept out of Its fund tho comare known and planted every, been generally approved. Tlie governor rivomincndiil pas This Is es- dent resulting In great loss of life, has tlie sirict (nf.iixi-mi-ii- i -- r where, and aro always th il0 ;IWB llf sage of a banking law and chang- missioners of the home were foreed to pecially gratifying since Superintend- occurrd In the bay here. wst. Merrys Rerd tin- - state against gaml-iininstitution run the Tinlaws and anaelimeat w Hie by in es Incurring mortgage for leva telle all about debt, ent Brookway hat been regarded at Tho boiler of tin steamer Fort Nlcth-i-rois taken by niaiiv th.it tin- will the fall anil to short $2(,inxi iTiiliiors. about them, in a protect Fiv. way suppression one of the foremost of prison reformwblclt luiil quite a large tiinulvr of oik-- gamliling hi,i:s.-. D. M. Ferry A Co, the $4.rsN Ills bills. oAnecting oiitHtandlng ly In closing and his ers, to dark plus tins nefarious of prison disci- of excursionists ulNianl. expliHleil and lie will An asked etrott,Mloti. the from folly siiowiug pry- - the silver tin- - legislature sufficient to cover the pline at Klmira have been largely in the shock drove the nil ln-- t mals in tv; that the is tli-- same, ,ir i,.,, uf contracting the currency. till- - evil is liirivased tho furnaces lit every direction. the nature of experiments. a a well ra'iu-titan dimin provide for the debt, The steamer in tight tin- - and a great Islinl. Tin- - llsiitl g.i of the next two yean. i The oldest and lan-rImard junqicd over- practically a swindle; it on those number of THE ROCKY A Mayor tSuea MailPinr-er- v In the State and t npi,-anot look a gift horse in the board to tlu- - tines. i inly cm pmisiint-Inthe the classes, Altogether tli,and W In tinw.try Short c.uiinn.-.- l mouth nor a doughnut In tho eye too 120 Arroanta. Ilia tillA 7. a Tan. MOUNTAIN 0 ocluck Air d wenrmeral Htork. If In tli- - viiv. liy suppr.-Ns.nSt. I mis. persons the n.n yon want to he Galveston, Texas, Jan. 7. Tho poclosely. At a church sorlablo at l.lnc train cnitti to a stop at tin-- 'nl--tin- - imxx public gambling plant ruLOHAIM) lice this iry NURSERIES, evening apprehended Janie Huntington, I. I., tho other xiatlon last night, a liatless ami wllil Natlnaal lllryrli- - Show. C.HOWX trees. Send for aa-- l tisiully young nti-tieys, are li a riot was precipitated and evening, and Catalogs ntnn sprang to tin platform im,, N. Dick, late (imnty treasurer of several prlre list In a gn-a- i national bicycle Chicago, Jan. 7.-CANON CITY, and mention this te,!; nl)i tin- - arms of a Paier beads broken, all because a colored show opened at the Lake Front xli.m'in- -. nninty, Kansas, who I wantnl while ili.we who arc pi-- ie armory to UKWS.KSK for a UYK $11,000 while In office. At tl:: y brother asked for a hammer wherem!" COLORADO. and will continue during the ti(Y Ihc vice "xavc me; liM'k tm up; liidc Proprletom. imt h. probably Dick hail lsi'ii treasurer of the county station In- gave liii tiauu week. Tile exhibition, with to crack his doughnut. sliowlng temil. the piltilie ev.l Would lie ., ivtitral four years, nml wns In his TREES nf GOLD PtoB' ti:m Gmrgi- F. Sprang, nml i 0Rpnitie.V.a tlw high art In 'cycles While reason liy of differ.. i.'v pniwil. f Illliii-N.- . office last November. He acknowl).f quilice ,.T, mi ll- mayor of rinutcr. from a chain link In tin- - system uf tin- - a I tiinis-- r Burbank's li'ii 2 H illlan "new crest tons. STARK Lon rn editors express the fear In all Its depart r ' his nml m wo a edges shortage, it a wns Tree PREPAID everywhere. SAFE ARRIVAL evar. say to tho mneliliie, complete a law the the public gaml-iinhous.-that there will lie a general race war known to Ills smivssor when he tntred. 1 liCKreat unrserle "aare you evar IIALF in fur Mi. a or living pletures, mnqirlsi-- the tin- .Millions of the Sprlijg. Ark., bank trees 70 city of Denver can b suppr.-NN.k- l In the United Slates, which la not at seriesand sorrow with whom he had nn grow: in nml charge, (rai mmii s to Springs, Hot of "live longer andymn'raperirncenui bear kettvr."-S- Vr. If avcniH that la the Kin.iH.-- r towns cycling. i;m, all surprising considering that there Joys t't was taken to tlie hospital n:i I umlcritaiiditig to keep the matter quiet llorfaskthey STARK, BjYowtiana. Me., Rock port, IIL certs and tlu- - npjHim.tiei- - uf law minvniing c.imMit-','s until he could innk-- - It good, luit that hens.,, ?. Inn . ,ie no danger whatever of sueh a Johnson, Ton, under pilet Saiigi-rIiiiuii-nntcli more difficult of t" the (niiiiiiissinni-- r got wind of ills i;; fiisiil to tell n'.v stnr.v. I'ni man, and other 'cycle eliamplous. eoUatropbe. cause of the hi arrest. It caused and used himself ol n.u.'y lugs lie to. , OCCUPIES V)-r.- CHA'- - I buid-neuda- v. paM-cugc- s I Mi-r- ii .ist 1 ui.-j- i 1.,,-g- y - bi'iiii-llui--- r-ir- AiwiM-iutlii- lu-r- e k - Hs-r,- Hop-kin- nt s wi-i'i- - gi-- t - - i gn-arl- y i:irlli-ii:iii-- Intense Headaches ! co-iq- - j a u consi-l.-rei- car--fiill- n Guvi-niur-ele- tln-s,- e e Gns-hbcc- j li-.- -n gn-atl- to-di- e f exN-ndiH- cxd-llent- 1 u, Hoods?1 Cures d d 0k-iiin- ti-- diffi-ren- s y 1 - ngrlt-ul-tur- Duo-dlo- " W. L. Douclas $ 3 S KOE cordovan; c o 43p s a t, s -- e 7 d tcinli-iicie- atuvi-MMi- s . s - l y ch-eri- d iovt-ruo- ludeff-nalnat- & d s d lb-bo- s ma-ohln- to-da- j sup-NMf- d stqi-pllc- e g lu-ln- g SPADING To-da- y BOOT. sal-nrh- -s Mneh-Want- tu-ila- anti-toxln- Sis-nke- y coal-miiiln- g cixtn-panle- s s o n u t. y a e e -a- s a d nppn-M-iaiioi- Itt y y s tb-i- two-third- s IfIrrys Seeds! three-fourth- r Is-tt- - s Aal vi-- m,-r- exo-dlonc-y a qin-siiei- i. - mi-lin- I' - row-mi- 1 Ella-wort- Thc enilK-zzlin- to-da- d s suiM-rseili-- d ch-nr- nii-nt- s clii-i-- s , - .in, g tn-ati- r - c |