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Show THE AMERICAN PORK ITEM. Wants "The Item'1 Your ydyertise In PUBLISHED WEEKLY Indepenent iTOL 2 AMERICAN The Sugar Factory. FINANCIAL Democrats UK PoHT The augar factory flubbed culling beets lust Sunday for the season. and Thursday all the sugar was turned out, winch require time except 15.IMK) I to granulate. The aar output will run up to 5,250,01)0 putt: I of sugar. The company is now feeding out the pulp to about 51 1' hogs ami 5fR) cattle. They rapidly grow fat ou this, together with hay. The past year the shed in which the tecta are etored were not large enough ly one- halt, an a pile thirty tort wide, fiiteen fict high nud cvei 500 (Vet lng waa made outside the sheds. Hr. Turl-doof this lity t ink a ; hnt-- of this mass of beets whiJi ia enough to excite aur prise. It beats the great pile of corn sometime seen in the great inaize district of the Slate. The hands are through and happy and ere now enjoying the last pay day of the eason, anl aa a consequence, Lehi and America Fork hart presented lively appearance during the week. Lo.se In SATlfoDAY- FORK, the Const it ual Aa we go to press news comes from Salt Lake as fullowa: In the munduiiiii-- t c:es whinli were brought to compel the Utah C'liiiiKiasmii to issue certificates of elect k n to rertain Sanpete delegate, upon the migiual count a mad, hy the judges of in Sin I'cte county. Judge Kartell ilti-Mn- granted the prayer of the petitioner and ordered the writi to be issued. Tl.ia dvcirion will give the lie publicans a gooii working majority in the Ceiircution. This will also settle the Weber county cases, and the Third precinct, wherein the seating of John llcnry huutli was rontcetrd. i LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Dr. Mcrrihew, dentist, Lelii. Dr. Wishard, D. D-- , of Salt Lake, begins a senes ot lectures at the Presbyterian cliajR-- l on .Monday evening next, a Terrible Affair. A B. W. Drigga, of Pleasant Grove, in town yesterday and to day. o, Word came ti this city trom Utah, this week to the tact that the wife of Mr. Seth Dunn had met with terrible misfortune by falling into the fire and burning one aide of her face. The family, who ia well known here, left American Fork about two montha ago for Montecellio, where they are making their home. It acema that Mrs, Dunn baa for aome time been aubject to tainting apells, and on New Year' day, while at her work, took with one of these spells and fell with her face close to the where a blazing fire waa burning. She wax unable to arise, and before anyone could discover her, one aide ot her face waa terribly burned, such that brain fever let in The last report ie that a be will recover but will be terribly diaflgured tor life. Relative! and friends who are in this city were pained to learn of Hie sad affair. Mr. Harry Lee. on bearing of it, started a purae, and j esterday mailed a check for $15 to the uofotunate family. Mont-ccelli- was a H. J. Mcrteusen, of Spanish' Fork, oallcd on us Thursday ou his way to Lehi. Bishop W. D. Robinson and Counselors Geo. Cunningham and Wm. Webb, went to Provo ihie week ou ecclestical and other businesa. Genial Bob J Cunningham of Provo showed his smiling face in our office Thcnday . lie u now on the mad in fire-plac- e, the internet of the Singer sewing hine. mac a The ball given at the Opera house Monday evening, lor the benefit of Mra. Hannah Robinson, was a great success, both financially and socially. Tbe net proceeds for the lady amounted to about fitly dollars. Look out for testimonials in next week's issue of Tuk Item, train parties who are nseing the Home Comfort Steel Conking Range. More Back Ache (Jo a The aeries ot lerraons on vs. Mormon Doctrine, in the Presbyterian churcB will be postponed until after the close of the gospel services deducted by Dr. Wishard, when they will lie returned and continned-indefinitely- . ia v- tliem-aely- a If you went that will last a lifetime, buy the lime Comfort, the premium Range of the world, aold only by the Traveling Bailsmen of the Wrougat Iron Range Company, trom their own wagon. ravel-T- g C0NSTIPAT10M. Trial off BLADDER. AID KIDNEY DISEASES . ALL 25c. For Bale Druggista. Sixe by all New goods are arriving daily at The old one's are being Dunkley'i. closed nut at cost to make room tor the new. School. 11:80 a. a in., Prayer Conference; 4 C. E. Society; 0:45 p. m., Senior C. E. Society; 7:30 p. m Preaching. Wednesday. 7:30 p. in., Prayer Meeting, Bible study. Fiuday Severul of our beat citizen have in the last week purchased Home Comfort Steel Cooking Ranges from fie traveling salesman of the Wrought Iioo Range Company, of St. Louis. Mo. Junior ., 0 J. Latteh-Da- t Livingston Smith, Pastor Saints Sunday School at David A damson, of Americsn Fork, went through Eureka last Saturday. lie has been proficcting around Dugway mountain and reports the discovery ot located gold running $W per ton . lie tour claims aud expect to commence work on them immediately after the 10 a. in. in the Meeting House. Meet ing at 2 and 7 :30 o'clock p. m. COURT LAKESIDE (Xo 8128) J. II.Arnbtkokg Meetings held every Monday evening at 6 00 p. m. Visiting Brel hern Invited Chief Ranger. J. L. DCMil.EY, Geo. F. Siiellet, Recorder. Approve tl: Ficiincia. Eic'i Tlcinlrn'a Ilall, American Fork. Utah. Terri tost or Utah or A. CHRISTENSEN., D ETO Oflirc at Hro.nlcy A m eicax Fork. A NDREW S T. Utah ADAMSON, TB Pabkeh, Mt yor. Utah, Fork Cm. is. Geo. F. and PrBLIC.fr-America- n - Fork, - Utah O. Hi DOUGH, Physician and Surgeon , nf Ritidtnte, - holidays. Tintic Minor. as will not worry Ilia Kansas man on the Iron Reenrd, for to do so further may produce aberration of the brain upon him. It n all nonsense to Bro, you may carry nonsense too ter. pan in that neck of the wood, hut ..ou couldn t cat butter On your bind up The Item above officers. Shelley, The Wrought Iron Range Company, of St. Louie, Mo., Iibtc been making noma Comfort Steele end Mxleaole Iron Cooking llangee for thirty jean. 0IIN McNIEL. They are the oldtst Range concern in the world, they have $1,000,000 paid ritECIXCT JUSTICE . up capita1. Tho Home Comfort AND NCTART VUBUC. male-abl- e (he ouly range on earth tiling All kind ot Legal Work transacted with iron in Range tops, which prevent promptness. Marriage Licensee Tbe Home wirping and cracking. and anything pertaining to Comfort ia tbe premium Range nt the Legal matters, Prebate or District. world, so decided at the World' Fetr American Fork, Utah at Chicago in 1803. J pro-cu'rc- d, DU. fuEair celery a DunkLy'. Of a a American Fori fcter Norton, who Expired at Nejilii Last Week. uuual Burns' birthday rouieau If at the Opera liouai! on The funeral services ot BIr. Peter Ciea and 23, 18;),3. A grand time is iu Norton of NVphi, who died from exhausI atli-tthose who . fftt fur tion and 1 right Friday ut last week, took a a . Just-ceplaee there on Blouday, Ian. 7, 1895, Our new precinct John and ('unstable Alma Itoaiey, have from the Talttrnarld. The rircumstam-c- s of the sad affair is fltd their bonds and qualified far nflice. a a a this: Wr. Norton lived ou his ranch Dunklcy's are doing a goiW bu.mi , four milts vest n Nephi, and on the day t ness ufti r the gotwithat Hiding the of l.ia went to town for a pig, takliliday. with bia little him old boy, a a a ing After in the the Siddie, placing Lu U. pig W. give iluir Utah lge, A. t). usual iiieminuiial social at ('liijiuinii'a aleigh, turned to ontic his horses, when hall next Friday night. they became frighteued, breaking loose a a a and ran. BIr, Norton started after them Filer Siubbs, of Provo, hel-- the lucky aud after running a block, bo fell to tbe limber that drew a gold watch at Bos and expired instantly. A physihird&Saxcy'a at that place Saturday ground cian wu summoned, who worked with tfht. the litdeu man lor oyer an hour, but life a a a could not be restored, aud alter everyAnd Oh! how Cheap Jl'st Arrived! ! the hr Ladies, Gent's, amt thing being done pouible t bring life, Quality the doctor pronounced life extinct. It Children's SHOES, at DUNKLEYS. iaaaid that the fright, the escitcmeut Si e the professional card of Judge and fear that hie little boy would be John McNielon this page. Those killed worked so upon bia brain thou work to do should ate few momenta that hie breath left him, any having legal him. and he wu(unablu to regain it . now- a a a eyer, the team ran for a few blocki, and Before leaving for Anaconda, Mont.. topped end the child unhurt. Mr. Joa. Wild favored Tuk Item with the price of six months subscription, the The aeryicea were conducted under We piper to be sent to his addreei. Biihnp Park, ot Nephi . trust Mr. Wild msy enjoy ita contents Sermons were preached by Eldera while away. Isaac Guild, Jac, Paxman and Wm. Pax a e mao. Tliry offered great coneolatinn to IVinkley'a have been taxing stock tba bereaved, end their remarka were this v end their busineae wu found moat the to he decondition. hive appropriate then on any ocaa They good cided to close out their lest 7611 stock linn. The tnneral ia said to bo the at tremendous low figures to mtks room largat that ever occurred in Nephi, not for new good, which are arriving daily the cold weather. Those who with some rare bargains withitending waa 33 years ot age, tbe Mr. Norton should not delay in going to thia popccnnd ton of W . D. and Tobitha Norton, ular iterc. old resident. II leaves a Society Circles. wife, five loying little children, father During the week the moving in 0 end mother end five eiatere end three ciety circles has been quite brisk . We lirnihere, also a large community ot are unible te record all that his tukrn devoted We were to mern. place, but on our rounds "dropped obto" asked by numerous friends to extend the following: their sympathy through Till Item, A which we gladly do Bernal of our sports took iu tho Suf fiage ball at Lehi Thursday night. lie was eo familiarly called, Pels, a waa admired end known for hie kindVarhied In American Fork, Wedness, and especially was he devoted to nriay.Jan. 9. 1895, Mr. Joseph Bur-k- M . U itw nouh attached ut noiw and lo his slaters, and In rtan wng w tkfejty, Judge McNiel officiating. him. a a But Almighty Proyidence Lu brokeA Marriage licenses have bees issued to these Barstrirgs that so tightly bound the JsCob Coffman of Springville and bara Stoker of Spaniel'. Fork, and lo hearts and affections of this family. Win T. King of Irovo and Jeste Lcard The bereaved wife who so mourns, shruld of Provo Bench. wipe 1 way her tear of mlssery with joy Tbe parents, The concert that ia being gotten up end spiritual blesssmgs. bereaved as they and relative friends, hy the mutuial improvement association be consoled by the culvatlon nf of this city will come off the latter part are, may a resurrection end of eternal of thoughts a of this mouth, It promises to be grand salvation. The dear little fatbcrleu affair. children, left to battle the atormi of life, a a a ihoutd be taught the happy blessings of Harry Lee, Jr,, ia the happiest man in a hereafli r. that then, only a little w bile, cease to town. An aisiatant hack driver will meet papa again ; tor without his home Thursday morning. Harry they these blessing, there is little joy and ssya he is a bright boy and will soon be able to handle the "ribbons." Why, In the morning, before the fatal day. we don't mind it we do take I'cte left hie home, and aa usual caressed yet, er hie little ones, end aa he emerged in the a cigar. a a a distance, their echos could be beard papa. It muet have Mr. Geo. F. Shelley, our city recorder, shouting "bye-bybeen a sail and audden blow when the and Miae Lydia Gardner, it ie rumored news reached the household. will be married next week it the Salt When In tbe midat of life there ii Lake temple. Their marriage license death I when mingling in joy and liappi-netthere is sorrow; in the prime of arrived from Provo yesterday. a a a lite end Ins work half done, there iff grief Mr. John Lee is flopping bia wings end despair. But, perhaps, this may be been filled with joy, because hie wife presented him wise. Hie mission may have we trust that it ie, and that ha will here; with w brio new painter, lipping the meet end again form hie loying nseocie-tiobeam at ten pounds. It is the first and with hie dear ones, when the hand came yesterday morning, Jan. 11, 1895. of God presses the button that opi-n- i (Inresurrection . Johnny was seen prancing up and down door of the The together with thousands, Item, with a Merchant atreet this morning extend sympathy, and may the apirit of (mile ou hit face that would knoex the God enmtort the relatives In their sorblues out auynne who saw him. Everyrow, is our sacred wish and cvcilatting prayer. thing going alrng nicely. The i Me-Ni- beart-brohe- u t.U llam, e n maaq-uerad- a a A pretty little surprise was played upon Justice Joa. J. Jackson on Wednesday evening at his borne, on the occasion of bia 29th birthday. The happy crowd, which consisted of about i'ity relative and Irienda assembled at the residence and rushed In upan him just as he was preparing lo come up town. The evening went off with the usual all wishing the gentleman a long and happy life. Thk Item with thanks is in receipt of compliments of the occasion. rs-time- 2i Our little ancient city has beta having wedding barveit. In addition to those alreacy mentioned in Tux Item, several more couples have been made happy, A wedding of three couples occurred at the aame residence last Friday Bight, a week. It was Jos. E, May In ot this place and Matilda Uanecu of Spanish Eork; Joa. Stubbs ot Provo and Philips Hoyle of Alpine; ami Marlin 'Ilanien of Spanish Fork and Elizalictli Moyle of this piece. Their rerrption wu a hnga affair, many relative! and friends trom other towna being preient . The schools have started up again and ara in good condition. Rielly, Vet, and Arthur McDaniel of thia town, and Miss Grace Norton of Nephi, all relatiyes, were called to Nephi lut Saturday on account uf the luddcn death of Peter Norton. They left hero Saturday morning at 7:10 and reached "Little Chicago at' 13 o'clock at night, They all returned lut Wednesday. Tbe Infant child of Mr. and Mr. Theodora Bateman wu hurried Thura-de- y in the city cemetery . W. T. Brown and othera, interested ia some good mining property near here, went to Salt Lake this week to negotiate arrangements tor the ruumption of work upon their properties. There haa luen some aickneu in the family of BIr, Wm. Devey. Mr, James Brown returned from Nephi lut week where lie bu been visiting friends- - IIe says the girli down Z X. there ere all o, k. 1894. Jan. Alpine, It, LKUI JOTTINGS. n fru-nd- nu NO ALPINE CRUNCKS. Robl-- -- A YEAR IN ADVANCE. LAST SAD RITES was at oue-ines- City ITecobdeh. NOTARY Salmon at Du nklryV i Cot Handsome . aitant Hr-usc- . SI.25 1M5. n U.S. DEPUTY SURVEYOR -- 12. a a a Go and have a jolly lime at the ball, to bo given at the open house, Wednesday, Jan. 16th. No I hereby certify that the foregoing is this way. characters will be admitted, a full, true and complete statement cf At the brass baud election, held Jan. lire inspection committee will consist the finances ot American Fork City, Toj cl were 5, 1895, the following officers the year coding Dec. 31, 1891. ected: Joliu Hunter, president; Alex ot the following persons: Blisses L;z:e Wild wm. Chadwick, Hattie Roberts vice president; Cunningham, Samuel and Messrs. Jane Wagetuff; WitncM osy baud and the corporals Bromley, leader: Jos. Wootton, Josenh Dean, M . A. Wild and J. Greenwood, seal of said city this Slat day cf leader; J.B. Miller, secretary; a It will be the grandest (flair ot the having Oler, secretary. Anyone sealJ December, 1894. season . with the confer with the baud will County American QR, JANUARY s, A. A f) F . n. v. a Range a Church Services. Phkbttehi an. 10:30 a. m. Sabbath fri-al- - Mra.-Tioyl- Supt. Brown and lalcanieu, ot the Wrought Iron Range Company, ot St. Louis, Mn., are gentlemen with whom it ie a pleasure to do business with, et and they are making' friends for and their Ranges. IN FLAM ATI ON , Convention. a, anc impartial to All. Politics8 A"S From ths Banner. The W. 8. A. gave a grand hall GarfTi hall on Thursday tba 10th. The many friends oi Mr. B.Empej will be sorry to learn of his sickness. The Democratic drum corps wu out on Tuesday taking in the town dramming up for th dance. Tbe old gentleman William Thomas, is very tick. Bfra, M, Gaddis is confined to her bed nckiwH . Tim wife ot Di. Rot boots very sick for severe! days put. wVUt asMpi The employees of the auger factory will heye their second annual ball on tbe 15th, iu GertTa hall. It promise te be tbegraudeat affair of the season. Great preparations are being made to make it brilliant. PLEASANT GROVE. Holder Feteraon ha commenced auit District court against Wm. II. Freeman, justice, and 'John C, Nielsen, constable, for false imprife nment. Dam gee are placed at 5,000. Cormelua Baxter haa filed suit against Justice R. E. Collett to compell him to show cause on writ ot prohibiliou wbenio tbe justice, alleged in com plaint, wrongfully .tried a case sgainat Baxter, in that be (tbe justice) summoned a jury when defendant, Baxter, did not weot one. Miu (Deisie Bhoeli waa married laet Thursday to one Mr. Leuii C. Tripp, We don't know Mr. Trip;' of Murray. hut we do know Miss Deuie, end hope be way not get tripped with the Murrey chap; if she does we will take her beck . Mrs. R. E. Dngge returned to day from Manti. Tbe lady wa called t her old home to attend the funeral of her brother, Albert Tuttle. BIr. Oscar Ilichin ie lying dengrronalv ill with typhoid fevei. Very Might ho)i arc entertained for his recovery . in the Ban 6uiitl'l our nurseryman, if preparing for a big rnn on trees this aeaeon. lie is sending out circulars. People wishing good seasonable stock should see him. GENERAL NOTES. A married folk's party will be givi-in Bcsra' ball next Friday evening. The Thorne tsmlly had a reunion 1a?t Cedar City. Iron county, is renown week. It wu a social event. lor its "Devil ball," A Postal Card Tho Utf-- that everyone supposed bad to fn-jdo, mo Mill in the with your name aud Biblrcii plainly goui- hick San Juan country There may be trou'-lwritten, will bring Turldun, tho photo- grashor. to your house, prepared to yet. been driven have women photograph yourself or any member of Tho scarlet and Salt Lake, your family, in your own parlor day or from Franklin Avenue, over the city. No pay In advance. Beforo scattered now nighl. have they work done he sure to see We are pleased to acknowledge a you heye any Satisfaction guarTurldon's aiinjilri. beautiful calendar lor 1895 aa compli Tuai.non anteed. the Fhotooraakeii. merits ot the season, The Rio Grande Box O. 163, American Fork. a of hummer ia fully up to time and The Provo open house wu told last road to travel on. Tti weak to 8. S. Junta for $8,750, 15,000 produced county Washington Pixie alee mortgage held by H. BI. Bacon of Salt last cotton of year. pounds called lor U,000. The buildinir of lk cocooni iaLake, produced 275 pound Mr. Jones aalil to lie worth $30,000. dur-ia- g will at once organize a company and and 100 onneeiofailk worm egg continue the buiincis. the year. Iron Record. s r I. 1 |