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Show t; '. rut: AMUlilCAN FORK 1TKM. MILTON LSCOTT. I'li L Ii.: JI WuCl like 1 K ' ft'r ' f;r j it 1 Ilf' ."iiiij'i 'fl'yi, r f.1 i rr t t'.c I '.!,r : 'I tan tl.a Hi il.d ;i 'a lir-'i'- 1 7 Crd f Tiif Til' .' tr I . I hi.- - t"l i '"s 1 : .Il I r.'iiin.!.i but Mi ii, if i.lhi'f N'iitl ii a :! 7 Tit-i- u vi-r- tli'l t i'h uiiii .m fiw gin rnlll.'ir I. w ii I . ll m; i ' r. I n n f JI i i a "j j i 1 ll.-- I'i- uiJ vf-- l.a a - t!. 'I HI M't'U'.ll'' l 1 f I l M m: a ilt l :i- - i' n ! '.hi I'.: i M"i- :i- - ! n'i;i au-- (i : aM I1 n Ii 'is folio. i'.i.uiii Inn il.lvg-- d Mhtn ha Tl,i t!i! Slv-'li S'lit'i'ive IhImi, i.ii'l i' iV'i'r- vi iiii iit wiil lir lul Lynhbot hiit'-,- i by t!i j.ie.jiif i.f ,lu II II ; hi:I 'i . ... j; ,; - L- i x.i , I : j ..' .".J 1$ ..I1 I ''j i!in i r- w , nii.u" I i: Muue a (viti'ii'g, ot pm if the pill Hie liot .il low 'IS I. 'the h'i'.'i'.'li H) tin. uglit they ought t ) In, he iurr Midget iNii ni'VO'3 i'li to a rival I i !h'-. said a. In rtivi.j.' M a jiw.it of i.i ;ng 'i iw u hiing'ii-- ; M r l 1 I W''U. IB iliniit n if '.i' i. ao iiii is, and In ini lievti:i'i ra aiid t'Ulata nf tin and fi r.i.ty pri'H printing h'.urs to a higlier lever, and tlii-iown A lien K iH.tr in in no a chilli then each '.s mild stind oil , a an worth to llu kii 'idin:; nf charity ; it earn., twin; over, every wmk or good lin'd. two dollar tlmt it receive', bihI i'i arcund to Uhnt I. in the press to s.iy. no enterjiriau in lamiiihuting to the up- produred building ol a town ur ci'iiiiiiunity, It FtiUf ialJT Sufcssscs. patron reap tor nii'ii lienetlta (ruin Having the wedrd merit to limit than . than ! publisher, an-- in inuku giinil a I ti n udver'iniug eiaimed i nf the peopli of fur them, the follow Ins four r calling for the sn pp-rI c m1'' the roniinuiiity in which it i iiililinhel, have readii'd it sin-t inii. for in it King's Niw it ask no more thnn in all justice Ii l.i'llle ell'll' ill Coughs Iiit'l (.'"Ills, to it, though il r ceivr far Kl'-- liii' llitleia, tin! gii'iit remedy ti i'i liiiek-hll'- s Coalville Tima. fur I.iver, Siomiii'h anl Kidneys, Arnie.i Saivi1, the hiM i ii the wur! I. Ijife Ilil', vvl.ieli ill'll I i . King's X'-At thin aeaaou of the yri.r advirtise-menl- i are a tlnsi ri iindies All pill. peril hernniee news limiter. In y are gimrnntrrd to do ju-- t wind is i l:iini'"l every linuM'linhl theiu uie tlii'Si; looking lor them and tin: doiiii-- wh"e ii'iini" is i will In- gl ol i" tell 'I he spiiit id atliiehed for hnlitlay liaigain. .V Sold at ."V'-ivon more of them. i hi lh owls Christina jiri'scmutioii-uvci Stole. Co,s. Kru;; lauil, ami the y i f k .: i inie nml f reHORNLEbS CATTLE. thought kchii the men I. nuts' I'lilunins with keener vuioh I Inn that which they Vau 1.1 It Ss raitllils to Itm il I uiiiIJn r timm? nail the uu i iii (HU t t lily Iwiila, the lena K.id mi the l.'iio Of tlure hu nr evi ii general tclegrniliii' ibspalihi-aplij-r- i of ih horning tl,:i:i fashion ilati-n- . Knur hhiinh) and j.".id n year or two ugo. So written kli.iw them selves, or rather their btii-Uf- t f.ir US WO II1..1. till) heliiiuirllt id through the columns nf the p'lper, thn nitthi luitidliiig coiiimunily ii hiu 1. ed to mii'.vs tho hofris on it would In' a help ami ruiivellielicr to th'.t nre to cvn their own eitMoim-ia- , raying noth- hull-'- , vieikiusmu'rfuml bn fatted fur tho (i d, vvi 11 thu ho cues new of oh that might ing helmv oil coirs will not ns t rule l.e distained mantled of their h"i ii it i t'tTlaiu Unit tho ahot lhorii rs and cmiM-n- t to Ik nni tlmr column will he seen tlir Uu; Jersey lirenlers will a reiiioviil of tliu horns. (:i t!i" hat Anieiican tax of Fork ilelimjiient they will devote tniici (inm, skill City. While them are many tiioie and cijiem-- is tiling, a'i.ipii.g, ii,..i in thuu lust year, it ia a good nhow-ir- g and jsilirtliiiijf thv headgear of t heir p-- t over our sinter town of the county. aui muls, M lumtinsi, VIhmhK. Tirre are names in iTie Wat wtm are in our midst mid fully Would pnfiT cattle witiimit ln.riis, of them duiiht th prcpric-.Inxaa th'iiigh many able to hayo paid their of dt horning. Mr. Mor-c- , of th'; i Ixifora reaching' pnMicntiou, hut it Windsor farm, lias gireu tlm Mihj.-c- t nf uud neglect on their part md tin) ipiention uom.ii r no horns nmeh slu-ly- , eniifitli-.ieH- i of lack of money. There lire few on the that ho eai prodii'-- n list hut what are perlectly aide to pay family of Hol teins that will he Kirn without horns. lie argues that a ei.ili their tax. Wc hope and tiust that is apt to In transmit I a limsc, mi ward nii.l aettle, and not iad why Hot u liornle'S 'dhyin cattlui miT. allow the collector to levy upon and U mv reproduce 1, win tln-- liaturnl Hu valttalde liumea whiii lheii owners nr ur!ili.-- i il, w ith certiiu-ty- , utul tin1 '.rau-au- i sinu lsstomes mom hare labor ed ao many viars to make. eertain v. ith caeli genera I ii.'i the Tlure is mi'm' peculiarity ii lii.sj TtlK Manti M,iiitj,r devi.h-- a In if logic in tho gi iitlcni m'a ivuso'iiii :. and to we hi"'l:lirS rolumc editorial lit it Iasi issue outlin- We hlia'ii hid lie eill'pi l v iiia'Ii' li rn1 head:., hre: din-ja ditties ami the of mat. y privileges ing the Wiudsc: Il ! : ms. iii"i'g voiee We a that lirattly newspaper. It is altogether pr. '. ih' tint a lnve.1 per' sentiments, with tim ixeeptiim ot a nf cattle ivtild Is' ( . it. t mi. wi ll I ids. aentenee or two. It should not ciiti anly one horn or I'.i'iein i:i one liiiveiiini would ciau too aevctely thcTtuh papei hecikiise slid ilim.3'! l my iaarr-- 1 of that they are not guile up to the sltiulani or RiTompH-lkin I. I'h'-sil'i'siilts aro inora Self. tlm own In klear that editorial jta ivtmiiliuMe Ilian the of I1: 3ft ntHgtr say that there am few papers eland t'liiu'i in Mm-"- , v. I . I.--. He prove .e--s Il.avrai.o .,1.1. iii-- i i.i J... 1 I'. n.vi .v f iii. J li; i t r M4i,rik i ri:i.i-,I'f'ii 'll ,.l. I ilia VuMe- - i llofi.ft ftii l Kiel h!H( ei.l!:- ss it f IkMiMA N ImIUII, Ore. j.pll'll V, wi' ! i ! Il it., Iin.i-r- . ir'll llrliiidf I, Hood's Pills S .I Cures -- VlnJ-t- uu'ia l by Sti-eh- Fancy Goods, Etc. and ;r.:: r F lanos. a o ir-- ha. ti-- rVjjCA13i & SEE advi-rtiaiu- IN KFKKirr AITUL I)n you wish to iusttre your wife, or votir own life, your house; yuur hluo.led steek; vour pln'e ghiss; your javlry, nr 1SJ1 '&), Yont it-- t nsi-.li- . h Him-uver- g No. -- No, i 1 1 r KAST. a.-n- -oa heri-will- . , in, a.-- - Fork. iSpiinish H. III. p. 0 5 0 :o0 7;00 :1 7 :v5 rt;otl 05 0:10 in. EAST IKll Xii a. m. p. in I.v. S dt Lake Ar. 9;45 5:40 4:00 Springville 3:43 M;07 Sp. Fink 7:55 3 17 Pnysnn. Knn-kii0:55 1:30 STATIONS. Ill, 5;0) p. ni. j,. ui, u ,0 rut m..No , . . li:3 I. 8 ;J0 Ar ( Silver Cy. Lv G;40 dell. 5Igr. Wur.tir, n Sup't. . :00 tti-r-- Fire, Life and Accident, Plate Glass and Live Stock Insurance Writer I. 0. hn-ed- . con-trar- LOCAL CAUL TIJhdlE In Efti'ct April $l Tniint itt riM ll:thii n 1tlhnr; nml Box llitt, -- nt ih iiirt DKAI.KIts & So., TOILET Ji'IILOS, - IN- :45 a. bi 1 i ti : I 7 :U1 ji. in :: r I..VKK. S.VI.T So Sai.t La ie N. Noutii to b TEAE him? 3IEAD QUARTERS akd T0EE JSTS. OTEK Xuimi Dr. Au. 7:i'0 am 3:00 a nt No 3 10:10 ;X'o 0 :i0 !i 3 H :00 p in No 1 : No 7 1 ;35 No S ti.-'J- 10 pm Rates, the Lowest Electric Bells. AMERICAN FORK Punn.E will do well to hmk over ll. t in Tiik Iti:m Indore jiii1 chasing. When yon can draw a Bean li- ailvertiat-uu-n- I leadij uniters for That n every Wednesday nml Thu; Sn leaves ti.u'e l)gdeu, day con and other Lake, Provo mon points a tlirough tourist or fanni Rh eping car for Kansas City, ChicHg-Boatoaud l'liil idelplii-- via the (in Scenic highway, t lie Bio Grande Westei Railway, Berth rates are less than loi American Fork ot rate charged on llr&t class Iiil.u,;r enrs, being hut 15.1)0 to Missouri Riri aini100ti - (.hiengo Slccpeis or ex an- piTMinally eondueted and ot car is required. The R'. :ilo runs daily, Ih'pairing of htiggioH of all kinds, (rhiije first or Iullman class through soiling of Tin, fixing car to Denver, Kansas City aud Chiengi etc. For other particular impure of ng iit. HUNTERS SITPLIES. for tii 0ii..itr City Hazard's and Dead Shot '- f Powder- - I . i in I'lah kleierylng the nam.'," simply, we attppkise, larause their editor are not thorough grammarian. Tiohahly there ara many cditoia that are ready ami willing to receive f oiutv nu j nricilisin. Another item, the Temple Lily papar ahoidd art more wisely regarding the patent sheets," for thtv nre. should he well arknowladged, a great implore mi nt over the new" that niiiny 1'tah papets foist upon their render, Rrother. we cerlamly admire your grit, anyway. t have H'i. o-- i I1''1 x J. im.iiei ' ttvti'v '!. t f i fit - n ; r'vr foi ( l ... vvii.t a l.i'lid'iT i 111. Ittfbi m, tin l;i Mmijr Men of Many Mi mis. Chth - hut they id I.agree that the solid vim heled trains ot the Chieiigo, L'liimi l.ic-fiA: N'rtiiweti in Line distunee si mi eompetitor with ease. No delay at the .Missouri River. For 'u. information call nr address. J. M. liny den Agent U. 1. System , C.b'-- ' Xl'lilll lloi xn. of ' v iin STATIONS J r.M.uio-en- S:i:! S:u7 7:13' 5:50 pot SOCHI lii'CND 1 1 :im 1 ' Ot Tl'I-- ; i 1 t i'.v nd. o day. T! e id'.t" n Wilde, Adamson In Basement Commercial Saving Building. 1rnvo City All Bank Mei - of I. : Street, Itaii Tiik Deseret Telesrajdi otlice t i. Tiik Item building. Those who with will find if cheaper than tel. plione, aud stiictly priva'e. Miat'. promptly sent, received and delivcud. J I.. I)unkley, Operator. F. Wickersham, . Watches, UOLUIKS Clocks, NEW SElIYI- i.. .i r. - R I' i'1'tl W. Ry " .11. U. I'.V" .: ''v . A 't'. i :''.u. .'a " i lean in v Burlington ill irr at r, HI I iii,!).' j; , '.j Route t I1:1. I'll:.', N". 'll P. k, i - I.' l.. ! ' 'i nu.iligii lu l''u i' Bee r.' e P.i.ii'g I'll . s ncm i. ' ' A i' ' . . '. Sii-i- 1'ih'i 'v filv. t I l.ii'.'ig.i, X.,., ; ( 'hiiii i: A ..,i.! , N't - c' T iv.' ( i"1 P u, Fork v. V.. St s. !!! Next L'tah. a:sl - fYtntnD'iKxt. j'f-- j AMERICAN W'wT.'rtr. si.ii. .'I li- A M:t!u '? XiKlK imt! D-i- Opfit Nhrlit. ship. Rirr: Al'.o-hr.i- Com. ... , li..v ' I! inking. - 1 ink'll in :? j.,-- : A. K. Spi-i'- t 7- . ; , . Slal'lcs. Amerii'an i vcs0'3r: Thornton; IN DRAI.RU W1EE3, ' LIQUORS GIGAH-S- Alii. . , 1, ri.-h- 'Im ni BS sur J . TIlORNTiiV iTop'r. M. ('I'd''!' Sr,.,ii. I'enni iii Aiithi'U-t-.c- ! -. iWrsSar.'js. R'aidiiig, (hamni'.ir, Spelling. I'emii'ia' ciul Law and . ir.I.im tic, lYnui.m ship, vl ogripliv. llvrt.: Div. j'cr moo.!-- . s ; ,!.! .50 IVmk kci jiii.g, ll. riling, ii o. Crammi!. 1 1 . g; t and -- -s ll lee-- ;rl Inina U0KK g. Hlwj .i l.i'CVo .1 c . :iirt(.v-i- A fill-- i ss. I.iiii- 'll ' Class Till II'. Ids Ro.-idii- Cniiifiilum of .Siuilics: s Htl'v'-- Fi'st j I'l.ih' ,1 ISfii-s- Sales Stables In-i- i il rumiLYf Tir! . I, ivory Food d ti, lii.-.- i ihi 5 HiivKifC1, 1nMn.i, KjuIJ Conuiration, llmdat'W, If tuilmm.l-w- ! ID 'd iH.tnitfuiit,! oC AinWif'1 imiunii lh4it im. lifnr A S Allow 5 y citice, i" ' (ft-- bli wj. an Iirtfv ho hv't aviM T,f n.tL 1kikmn iiutlK-mf f .... A il.. 'Vm .Vel.n.lsio. I I fiy, .it,., i' il cuii.-lud- 'ur PORTLAND. MAINE. I', u " dm ' "r full Inf inn;.:! 'in. J. not to ?u n "!l1 Stinson & Co., Ceorcc Sox ASS, I, f, r VI I l.'. e HENRY LEE, and and t Take !!. We want many i"i'n, women, bnri, unl iilihto work f. r i a f"W hour itiily, rijtlit in hiki ar.'iiu.l i Tlko bunine l!i bk Hit tl.::n al'VCtl.i y'ri el !.'.! 1 1". :ci 1 fk Y.'SI " a ll:n fall in d Hi' nf'.'i'l ' I'T'a .in I ''i i"' i.: '.in mi' .i ; ,.i ,n u-r. .iiiri"l. V. e X.j-.ii'V r. ''i'li " '.'k vu i.'i !, tr, if J.ii v.'. I1.. wl'h orihr-.r- j ;iii i II I). ...n in e.'.n tc-- i linn" aui and ta-.O i -- a w ll a, An on-'- . uiiywlH O', fan i." the ii..- c ' 1 i'i--. our-'...:";.i .'.;. .'T All .Lin "! who WirX. '""r work "ill rlk-- n'l ,1,. .lir.a't 'in. " ' viMt'siii is mwr.m a sreat ih'.il "I Kl ' -- Jewelry Spectacles Easily Ftlade. fcwl-:-- hut make th trip to Chicago on Union Pacific A Northwestern Line. Why! Time the quickest, solio vestihuled train, no change of coarli -- i at the Missouri River. Through first an second class Sleeper and Dining Cur-- . or For full information call M. Hayden Agent U. P. fystiin. Billiard and Foul Room in Coinicctioi), c- -- He Diiln't (to u Thing. of Wines, Liquors And Cigars Fine ftnli 0 kind.--: TELEGRAPH CO w & Co., Friiprietiir. m3BJBiK3RSr5 nU'EKEr CgAlDOJ (JtEM SCOTT & QLUFF ; V.i.e-- l Ittili Iork, XKAmkkuwx Fokk. 11:10" to Sent Mcss.ures D. K. Bt ui.KY. .1. M. Ham i n, Any Placp on li'ii'l Agt. the Line at Low Rates, Agt. American Pork. Ja-- k Ary nml Xiiht. Dcjit . Salt I.uke. City Tick t Ollici 'Ml S Men st. tjfOfhv in ITEM Piuil'hiig J K. I. lovtvx.d. I'. A T. A. I'lali Auirrtfuii I'orU J'. I u x, d.r t Agt. S. H II C( MIK. ' (M iv i:h W Vtxi:, ) lh I"' l l uv . in Usov 'llweiveis. .lulls 31 OutXK. Ii: i iu.is'i'K It I'otT'F nr. I'1 frit American .ltiah 3:15 I l nm 1 C 1 to tile av. sv f. t price of the pap t e! he K) fi nl ., au-- Vi w ll.uve who ohtton a paid. It is pt.'p l'i S;SmnO :53 pm :07pm I, chi 5:01 Am. Folk 8 0:3S 4:55 I'I. drove S:5!l 7:01 ::: Provo 9:30" 7:35 1 :3i Springville 9:39 1: 14 Sp. Fork 9:3S " 9:57 3.'5(i Piiy.son I'' 1 : S'.Pim5 d of I'' .'i It will ci'n'.it:;: mw uuv-- t solid rtadttig an to our people. 7 PER DAY was Yet egos iu hiph as i.:' ! liie lir-- t .1 t vt .:!. : din 1 , .'Venn live c : t .s airaugt limits to te l t.l' ) . MV ti';." I'h-i'lilt :'e ( i. t I e -i I any l.ii-- ;ji f.irvvav Ci-d- At 0:10 No 1 No 0 . I many tin. t Yci'a Tiik I i i ni is mukit g give its ill any to aonie rare and spo-mas It is pr- J i' I to edition weill.v "i ii.mrtv. In " '' Ii w line lived the top of tho tine ear. the heavy hum iii. h ilniers from all ami tin color, other breeds, er tie did,. I face of 11. small Yerkshires; r to go hte lc to cu'.'e, the th.-r- and com;ar.HiTely rna'i u lf ll.e Jerseys, hi'.i!.'inu. Lute: and llelM'-iKrii'si iiis, It is worth while to try to hui'il families eT hondesa rattle in all the go. id breeds. uud Farm. s.'it'TM . 0:30 am l.ich hi'-.is- , i k'U'TII. No ii No 3 . Hull - I, -i s , . Wi-ete- Giant Powder, Fuse ami Cope. Come tui'l rt a (.' uni SHOT OCX i WAGOH WDBIKS, GUNS, LOADED SHELLS, POWDER, SHOT. AND Agent Do You Know cv-.i- BENJ. BATES, ARTU-iiES- , CIGARS. ETC. Fou Nt:(l ii. n No. 1 3 10.10 5:15 p. m No 5 No 7 7.:jn No 1 No 3 . SOUTH OF SALT LAKE. a Can ot exSalt Lake Citv. pel nit Baking Powders lor -- 3c. ihinjrs are certainly get tins: very Cheap. Yon t d tins at Grants Mammoth Emporium iiiDKN. X". 3 No li No. t No. S Finest Sample Booms . 1 Steele !), 18SM. 'ai.t I.ki: in. aii. nt"M PB02', A33AMSOM, ra I Suirar Howl and WILLIAM A. ROBERTSON, yam-mine- GRANT, P. wi.-d- with me. njiiN-ud.ig'- delin-ijUeut- The in the world. Only in the heft romp-micto and from Europe Tickets only J. Uekkktt, for the same class of rompanies. d. V. &. T. Agt. S. II. HviicncK, 0. F. Agt. It you want anything in the above lint s he sure and write to me. Letter t'sri-- ally nnswriril when atiimM are l Write me, tienr from nie, DinuE, A. K 1 yu ooo W. It'sn, write to me. 11 aye you frieuds in Kuiupi; who wi'h to come to America! If so. write to me for your ticket. Do i to send mom-- to Kuropc iu a few hours lieu weeks! Ii ao, write to tne. Do ,nu wish to borrow or loau money? If ao, write to yottra truly. If you want to go AliOL'ND TDK WOULD ou it trip at a Very Small K.ien", write to the undersigned. If you wish to buy ar sell u mine that is a mine, drop me a letter with fuil puiticulars. Ita' Fork, n Anu-rica- H. !f re-'l- i. no. j WEST UOt'Kri la-e- , tt. S.-S- l.'il) I - a ;:m . - No. WEST. I MOTiiER-IX-LA- Kic. 1,000 Articles Given Away. Ueail. L' nrn ami Grow Wise. im-rita- Local Time Card a. mi And All KmJsiot Mu.iica! Mi:ic!iaii f. alsi AND CROCKERY, LAMP'S, WINDOW GLASS, GLASSWARE Utah. in JEWELRY. Bovs, Books, raoevlOoEab intu.rfrea. A Co., druggists. i i mj ?i (ia aiia iii Iil r il., UllouiiitAi. -- l- I .N- P- & llwve you cwkiurn i. 'ibla Vomady is puanuw letiitoeursyoib '.f till B'il WATCHES EiCIIco'.i.e 'Ulldai .CATARRH tuu-o- m tSti,sa-pttrll- la ' I!, it win ii u p i. - -' if CLM fcascurad thwiaarda.an'1 . .c : Mi m-g- . . Uir Til't'c Mf.tr I tl . - 'u 1 1. fi h iiiiijiosttoii, Cramps ,.1,1. rt I1 ft.;.i. lh t Viola l.Hiery . l .'Hi. - f 'in iiiy tl I lie-hi- . -- " II. .SI'S k ' CLOCKS. Ueta.aid tun Dottle. Uaeecstadcaar- 1 Cvaa ioiniaiy cwr Thi Cssat Cucu'l Cob caawra ha. Croup Mrw Whaia aa yU. 3 hroaktH oraMMia, Whasping Couah and rivali it ui noTOO dsthna. Tut CoaumptiaWill 'lrl.!s '' H tie" - H g!i : I III l.ei'i i: si ljuij.i r i'i ll.il'ii lei- - i. ..I . I.ls- - lS y li's- -r .mi; The 1. 1. nil III tin; I'fih pr- -, fii'i.i it not iiti. whit liil'y. - Tot , ill..' Xes . Brti, - I tn : . ! ii'ii !; vt 'v ' i rrs - - 11 5 J?. : a: ' re r i- : ! iu .'n'T'd ji: in i ng i: i 1 i c.-- i n i ..1 n; ici.iiiiMj III.' Hill Will' i.' ll. ill ia V.t r, St! n- t iggzgayarraasgggssgsssrgar.siggf. rORANTs- Emporium! GOODS. ri,MiK iliii I'IbIi 7 w ini'-- .i.v - -- I'iiiuiiy ord r ri'.liartl hiwialty.-- Pool Connection. I. fv.i ar.c! u Avt'!:!' x Foi:s. - In |