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Show FIVE CONSONANTS IN A ROW. lit. ECKEL'S SCHEME. Till I niiiwtou niilii I'iVallHll to Ih (If Midi A IXHI- A SPANISH - usd SCltM upon. rdtok Name UM Inaki a laal Ilka Twa Saeeeaa. FAVORS THE NATIONAL BANKS. A subscriber to the Milwaukee SenA QUIEToOAV AT MONTGOMERY. tinel 1 ourlous to know the correct a Would Glir Tbrmtha Ilr lii th lUiiki U$r Kolb r()ulii or laaulug AU (hr raper rarrriiry, pronunclktioii of tha Poliah naniv Mmr lWoetiftkl. Ho came across it in an Based 00 llepoelu of fifty lrr lout, Montgomery. Ala., Dec. 2. la spite account of an affray which took place of tha of her dual govcniun-iit- . Alabama has on bobleski atraet, that city, ami Washington. Pec. 2. Tho report of enjoyed a pcmvful Sunday, Most of evinced a desire to maiter ita pronunthe twenty-siciation. On Investigation it was Hon. Janice II. I'ckcla, comptroller of thu visitors,of including slate trooiw. left the companies found that the name, lit really spelled urreucy, to lto submitted to Congivss soon after midnight. Tlio councilcity of as indicated, must be pronounced gives full Information In the lVpulist leaders, for which a call the rx" being sounded regard to tho organization, suiiervlslou was issued last , Was uot held. about as the English ah," and the uid liquidation of national bunks fur It has develop'd is a decided split In tho lopulist ranks uii tho Inauguratub" In hitching." the os" as the year ended Oct. HU, 1S64. It shows tion It 1ms leaked out tho memfume of the Poles in Milwaukee are that durlnt; this but fifty banka bers more. of that party iu tin legislators in favor ef a reform In the spelling of were organized, with a stock of wero united against the iuauguaraUon their names. As a mutter of fact the $3,2S3,0u0, the smallest capital char- of Captain Kolb, and did all lu their number letters in the Poliah alphabet do not tered, as well aa the minimum amuiiut power to keep his away represent the same sound as the of capital, In any one year sines 1S7D. from the city yesterday.supporters is said that It in or letters the Latin English alphathine banks, 27 are In tho Kolb determined upm his Inaugurabet For Instance, the Polish w is Of tion scheme without eonsultlug any of a , and Northern ud Kiudcra states. 10 in tho his party leaders, and that it has equivalent to the English 13 In Western states Soutiicrn and the the s sometimes assumes the sound of produced friction in tlio ranks. sh, the s that of the English s in tnuismlMsisiiippl division. The Democratic leaders hero believe azure. The Polish tongue contains a On Oct 31.1S1U. the total numln-- of wants to put himself on record. great many more sounds than the old national hanks in operation was 3,706, Kolb bis scheme Is to send A Latin did, and In order to express the with an authorized cupital stoek of They believo a additional sounds in Latin characters $672,671,383, represented by 7,1)33,1)76 message to the legislature demanding as law. election contest fair lie will, it was found necessary to combine dif- shares of atuck, owned by 2S7,StK! governor, give Warren 8. lleeee a cerferent consonants. The result is that tificate of election as senator and will a jierson familiar only with tho EngOn OcL 2, 1411, tho date of their last issue similar eurtifleates to the four lish language regards the Polish names of condition, the total resources or five contesting congressional canand daspairs over report as (iovernor Oates will sign the of didates. banks were tho of certificates of the gentlemen declared tlioir pronunciation. A reform In the which their loans $3,473.i22,0.'i5, and discounts to be elected, and Kolb hop's that the sjc!ling of Polish names similar to tha reform adopted by Mme. Modj'Jika In amounted to $2,007,122,101, and money Itcpuhllenus uud Populists in the bouse and thereby the spelling of her name would be a of all kinds In bank. $422,428,1112. Of will settle the cunii'sts virtually recognize his as tbe proper their $1,728,418,810 nubilities, of relief hundreds to people. great of the individual ihqweiti, $334,121,082 credentials.Is Another meeting Modjeska'e name in Polish Is spelled No called for Kulbites and Modrzejewska, In a manner in which surplus and undivided profits, one can tell at this time what will lie no Englishman or American living $172,331,078 circulating notes outstand- done after the message Is sent to the would be able to pronounce it. Cher ing. Tho total circulation of national legislature until the meeting vinski would sound tha same way ai hanks on Oct. 31, 1804, amounted to determines. Cxerwlnskl, only everybody would be $207,472,6) 3, a net decreasea during the gross deyear of $1,741,363, and able to read It. ENGLAND AND NICARAGUA. crease of 8,614,864 In circulation secured by bonds. Sanitary I tarn. No Trouble Likely to Arise Over Thalr Jones What are you doing now? During the year, 79 banks, with an Kvlalloua. Smith I have accepted a position aggregate capital stock of $10,475,060, London, Dec. 1. Tbe following semivolunthe out of the system by passed In the establishment of Sohlmmelpfe-nlofficial statement was Issued this eventary liquidation; 21, including two ing between Croat Britain and Nicaratho grocer. a which failed with in 1393, capital Jones He Is a bad one. Ha cbangei stock of $2,77i. i, became Insolvent gua; Keutcr's ngeuey learns no differhis clerks as he does his shirts, lla and wero placed In charge of receivers. ence of opinion exists between the govwill not keep you on more than three Tim feature of tho comptroller's re- ernments of Groat Britain and the reference to tho months. Texas Siftings. port Is his discussion of the currency United states with Owing to the InMosquito territory. are defects which and the question Hllmpurae (airily) Aw, me good said to exist In the fluence of ((1100 traders and others la powers man, is it customary to tip wallahs vested In natiounl bunks. On this sub- these regions It became necessary relicali? Head waiter (condescendingcently for Great Britain to draw atho says: ly) Not unless you are richer than jectNo section of the law should he tention to the Nicaraguan government the waiter, sir. New York Weekly. dlaturbod which cannot he materially to the provisions of tho treaty between llrnlMn A head I Improved njion, and no amendment Groat Britain and Nicaragua, which Prudence, foresight, that might have saved engrafted unless such amendment was contrary to certain decrees remany i good ship that has cons ta places will work out better results titan fol- cently Issuixl by the commissioner of matla a quality eons plsusns low from tliu among the existing order of things. Biueffelds. It Is understood the by its sleence" and among non suns sotakly is respectfully suggested that not ter formed tin subject of Inquiry upon It than persons troubled with Inactivity ef tha kid only as good but better results would the part of tho United States, and noyaaud bladder. - When these organs fall oil be attained if the present bank act satisfactory explanation of the matter In duty grievous trouble Is la be appre- was amended by regaling each bank was given by tho British government. hended. Bright's disease, diabetes, catarrh, as a prerequisite to entering the sys- The question did nut affect tho relaand atone in the bladder, are among the dis- tem and issuing bank note currency to tions PH ween Nicaragua and the eases which a disregard of early symptoms deposit government bonds. In lieu of Mosquito territory but merely the confirm and render fatal. That signally such should bo substituted rights ami customs of tbe Mosquito Ineffectual dluretlo, Hoa letter's Stomach Bib one provision, the banks to issue cir- dians reserved under tbs treaty In permitting ten, will and let no one so troubled ferial culating notes against their assets to an question. There was no question of this remedy the symptoms of approaching vesrenal disease and check its further progress. amount equal to at least SO per cent, the United State's dispatching war sels to the spot in this connection. Equally efficacious is the B liters for conatlpa of their unimpaired capital. tlon, liver complaint, malarial and rheumaik. Tbe comptroller follows the suggestrouble and debility. JOHN BURNS IN AMERICA. tion with the further one for the mainTbe baldlimded man will not be harassed tenance of a safety fund to be provid- Tha Eminent Knsllah Labor Leader Com-luntil next fly eeaaun. ing by graduated taxation upon the to linns outstanding circulation of the banks Deafness Can Not bo Cared Now Doc. 2 Amo ig the pasYork. not to shall same be the until equal by local applications, as they can not roach lew than 5 on the ('tinnrd steamer Etruper cent of the total of sengers the diseased portion of tho ear. There is whleh arrived here tilts morning, only one way to curs Deafness, and that is auch outstanding circulation, this fund ria, by constitutional remedies. Deafness is to be held by the government as an was John Burns, M. r., tbe great socaused by an inflamad condition of the agent only and for the purpose of Im- cialist and labor leader of London. A mucous lining of tbs Eustachian Tnhe. the labor organizamediately redeeming the notes of in- delegation fromYork When this tube is inflamed yon haves solvent city met blm at banks. It is immediately to bo tions of New or aad sound rambling imperfect bearing, The delegation consisted when it la entirely dosed. Deafness la tbs replenished out of the assets of the Quarantine. of M. E. F. assistant comresult, and unless tbs inflammation can be banka on which It shall have a first missioner ofMcKwceney, labor; Samuel Groupers, taken out and this tuba restored to Its nor- and paramount Hen and from nssoes-memal condition, hearing will be destroyed to the extent of doublo liability president of the Federation of Labor; forever; nine esses out of tan era cauaad on the shareholders. The comptroller Chris Evans. secretary of that organiby catarrh, which is nothing bat an in- aays: zation, and William U'Brlen, the walkflamed condition of tho mucous surfaces. ing delegate. It If Whatever other any, changes. Wo will give One Hundred Dollars for Mr. Burns is accompanied by two in the any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) would be necessary to make mcnilicrs of Parliament Mr. that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh present system relative to current re- fellow represents the Cura. Bend for circulars, fra. of bnnk notes and the gov- David Holmes, who demption F. J. CHENEY, Toledo, 0. the same town of Burnley, In Lancashire, and toward ernment's position who Is president of the 'Weavers' assoSold by Druggists, 75a Qf and kindred matters, It is not neces- ciation, Hall's Family Pills, 25a nnil a delegate to the conferrecommendaset If the to forth. sary Before marriage woman wants tenderness. tions here made, together with that ence of the Fcdi'ratlon of Labor, and In a little while aha la satisfied with legal which will follow, should receive con- Mr. John Wllllnin Benn, member of tender. tho London County Connell and mcm-lie- r sideration at the hands of congress, a of Parliament for 8L Georges Inbill drawn after careful study and East Mr. Bonn 1s deeply interested vestigation of the whole subject would In temperance affairs. necessarily emlwdy all tbe details incident to a change from a bond to a CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. safety fund necessary as a basis of bank circulation. Annual Shows nn Enaonraglng The comptroller then cites auch proof Stato of Progroa. and gives aucli statistics as seem to Washington, Dec. 2. The eleventh him to make the plan suggested a per- annual rejiort of the United States fectly safe one to enter upon. lie says: Civil Service commission shows that outlined thus upwill, The changes fnwn July 1. V4I3, to June 30, 1894, la It on Investigation, believed, prove were 4,372 apistlntments mads to be safe In affording complete secur- there in clnssllieil service, an increase tbe ity to tlio noteholder and give to the of 83 over t lio year. Tbe numbusiness Interests of the country a bank ber is dividedprevious as follows: Departnote issue responsive to their needs. mental service, 383; railway service, Continuing, tbe comptroller says 718; Indian 166; customs sercirculaof Issue the The profit upon 2S0, and issitnl Mrvice, 2,823. vice, sneb would tion to the banks by change Hie whole number of apilicauts be so augmented that It is giving to for tlic five bnuichcs of tho KNOWLEDGE them a franchise for which It la sug- classiflid was 37,370, of whom to called be should upon they 22,131 piiHsed and 13,248 failed to Brings comfort and improvement and gested to the govreturn make general proper tends to personal enjoyment when kiss. The total numlxr examined is ernment. This return should not, how rightly used. The many, who liva bet- ever, he of such a character as to de- an Increase for HieIn year of 12,341, an Increase of 8,123 the nurnlxr who ter than others and enjoy life more, with ends sought in the privilege Missed and 4,418 In the uumlier who less expenditure, by more promptly feat theThe currency redemption of the failed. given. Figures for the dlffcreut adapting the worlds best pnsducts to legal tender Issues and the treasury hrancliM are: the needs of physical being, will attes Issues under the act of IKK) and the LHiKirtnientnl service, 3,332 examthe value to health of the pure liquid instead of cancellation of the 2J66 kismihI; railway laxative principles embraced in the tame, must always create distrust of ined, of wliom 4.2i7 mall service, examined, 3,12)) credit at abroad and remedy, Syrup of Figs. the government's Kusw'd; Indian Mii'e, 431 examined, Its excellence is due to its presenting borne so long as tbe laws now upon 296 inawNl; customs service, 3572 in the form most acceptable and pleas- the statute lunik remain unchanged. 2.612 Kissed, and postal serant to the taste, the refreshing and truly The mineral government ought to bo vice, 23,777 examined, and 14,343 beneficial properties of a perfect lax- wholly free from the direct Issuing and Kissed. ative; effectually cleansing tbe system, rendering of notes to pass as money Lincoln Grin Kolibcrft. dispelling colds, headaches and feyeir among the people. No government has ana permanently curing constipation ever yet successfully engaged in so Omaha, Neb.. Dee. 1. A special to of the gov tlio Boo from Lincoln. Nebraska, says: It has given satisfaction to millions ant doing, and the experience ernment of the United States has Tbe met with the approval of the trial of tbe Coltuer university because it acts on the Kid- proven no exception ts toe rule. students and dean, charged with gravefrom been received have weakBowels Suggestions without The neys, Liver and sources that the whole robbing was continued ening them and it is perfectly free five many eminent of the proci'edings was tbe feature and a of currency banking question of the two students who every objectionable substance. to be referred by con- testimony evidence. They told of turned states Syrup of Fin is for sale by all drag systemto ought to created by gress a conimlmlontbe be the body from the basegists in oOc ana $1 bottles, bat it is man conveying president, and ment to the dissecting room of the colnfactured by tha California Fig Syruj law, appointed by Co. only, whose name ia printed on every clothed with proiier authority. In Its lege, and paying the demonstrator $10 A commission, package, also the name, Syrup of Fig-- , character, composed of men of emin- for the privilege of lieing present The claim that Charles Erickson qf and being well informed, you will not ent abilities could unquestionably de- defense secured tbe body. Chicago In Vcept any substitute if offered. sound every vise a currency system commend Itpart, and one whlcb would Tain thn Winner. to every Interest In the country. CLOTHINi selfcould Dec. 2. The game of foot New out take York, tbe question largely It saiddiwetiPwsiifflwxTWv-Trmi- r Yale and Princeton yessimbetween boll It considered have anil of politics tin Bey dice fmr bM rarMmtfmd. In Its business aspects and upon terday was won by the termer, by a imrtere and mknvrirfiiim ply w with Hnvnrar or zstantTm. its merits; but if the present congress score of 24 to 0. Princeton was not avaiuu from 20 in u - rani. A lallur Is to enact a law upon the subject, tbe up to Its last years play, and Yale was fll ptill, l.ta. Fall or wlatar overrerta. Sulla (2.18. $a.Mi. Kora appointment of a commission could stronger tban ever. The weather was 1 n iiwaiium i arm itt, jjij nothing. If, however, nothing rainy and bad. but 30,01)0 people went raw avail Add K r aiamiiKitb HI rataluf for OXFORD MFC.CO.iUXfthuBrsl.SM jxiore definite can be accomplished the out to witness the game. S44 Wabash Ave.,' Chioaao,lli. A lrlvl-Irg- x Bkh-tohins- w-k- tin-r- Highest of all in Leavening rower. LOVE SONP iif nilnv tell Hie I luvv jf.ui Hit ilium.you la There ho cl, arm nr icll you I'au ns lute was bora Thai ticiila uiali li.ie a uilna la Klii'e Imp ,.ii Ilr .1 furtura. How i'uii I lea i ( tri.il, truly If II hr fi.r I.) titty T Wind flirt' r fn ii Niiecd uiy lonely, Fail Lniri upon tie wayT Anil hew mn I, returning. i'lirnl Imiging Midi delay? Ah. y.-- lira f kanw the ream'll ll "It I'I'l Hit- - Irardniua atarf! And mi may iiiue Imr a araanaa Ami bid old nvr depart. Hul Low briny bark (bat iiiuiueul we firn sr. .,1,1 hear! to linen? now awlft U.r uiglil paNftve, J liat qulrkrua your ra mane w lilt every fond tunbrarw H11" 'ktooz1 Hie ialu, I feel the or a l the on uiy faro. Kn Absolutely pure AN trlf r share-liolder- repiv-sente- d Ta Traaifurm Old lluuke. Tin Uaik wo love best have usually the nuiat worn oovers. Constant uso lias diniuiitl their brlghtUMs and yet these are tho books whlcb are always on our table or In a latok case near at haud. Now that Christmas is coining, lot them have a new iMver. There are any iiiiiiiIkt of new Ideas for book covers and any of them make delightful Christ mas prcseiitw. Soiib'lliing cffictive, and Inexpensive ns well. Is made of gray canvas, hand painted, with red (topples, and bound with gay red taffeta ribbon. This cover not'd cost only a few cents. Covers of IxingiH silk, bound with brown rib-Uiand haring some suitable quotation mbroiden-- in brown floss and gold threads, are very pretty. A sentimental young woman has slipped ovit tho binding of her ftivor-It- e book a gay little" silk cover made from a scrap of her first liall gown. The silk is light blue lu color and Is bordered with the monograms of the different men she with. Kucdi) lmuk rovers are convenient for 's as ure rovers unnle of thick water-colo- r paper. Tin laltiv have two sheets Joined together at the hack by riblmns braided iu and out through little holes, which are pier ml along tiki edge of both sheets of tbe pajii'r. '1'he front sheet of the cover Is lia mag-nxliii- g KM note-issuin- g n( nt medics-profession- , to-da- n pv- roniM-i.Uo- 1 n 7 Perrorthui In UNOCCUPIED Laurence Mr. Glnnrllle must be reconciled to you; I don't ace his vicious bulldog around bis place any more." Allan No; 1 bet a policeman ten dollars the dog wasnt inad." ORAVE. a IlMilfttuna, With iBaorlptlsa, Tala. ad 1 haraby Hans At the head of a grave In the Glen Dvlierry cemetery at this place is a Truth. sestlier-staine- d marble slab containing this Inscription: The St. Jeans Hotel, Duma aa Ferfret cuoklus, variety lu the Mil ef far, tea aQ u I aervlvv auil aiicuilou to the euw-tIf viral In memory of Jonathan It Salmon, j : ond lust vf iweta wake title and : of th wbo hip Arah-il- a : killed bv n whalonfl tha hotel a favnrll Muiinlux place Is mlalil louthwMt tout : Halva, SZ.UU pvr day; $1.50 fur o, I of feouth America. iM'.bkoiI w yaar : Drover. dinner, room and hrvakfaet; fl.UO I vvenluf ror room end breakfast, living situated 1'he whuiling ship Araliella sailed ilia Taliur tSrand (ipvra House and from Sag llurUir on August 8, 1847. avrvMlIile tn lliv prlnrlpil bunlneiia atorea, elrvvt and cnlile rare and plerra of She fell in with a lot of sperm whales tonka, auinavairnt, ntakva II the beet located betel on December 6 following off the aouth-we- nt la the rtly. Tliv blue rur alurtlug la frost c depot passes th k vL coast of South America, says the The rock roach la alwnys wrong when It Iloncsdalo, l'a., correspondent of tbe attempt tn nrKuewllh llieolllre cat. New York Sun. Three big follows The wnsca of sin lu New York la wealth, had been killed, and the boat com- bnt Ah Kin. I lie iionr Vbluamua, only feta manded by Second Mate Salmon flfty cent a ilay. sllaneon's Ms fie Toni Ms I re.11 started la pursuit of the fourth. SalWarraatrd tn rnre, or money refunded. mon was a nail vo of Honosdale. They Aek your drugglet fur IL 1rlca; IS cent. got dose enough to tho whale for tho ta money, but renllb-at- e of deposit launch his harpoon laTime harpoonor tbe pculicnifary are ins In demand. successfully at the monster. Before If th Baby la Cuttlag Teeth. the crow of Hie lxat could pull away sere aad we that eld esd nmady, Mu the wounded monster struck an up- Be WaatoWsSMimue STsertor Chltdraa Teethlagward blow with its terrible fluko. The It frequently lmieua that tba dock of a boat was lifted out of tho water sev- man make Hie goose of t liustond. eral feet, so high that it turfied enReimilv for Catarrh give Immediate Plsot tirely over in the air. The men d rep- relief, ailava Inflainmation, restore tails aud lied in tho water. Salmon foil near auiell, heal the sure and cures tbs disease. the furious whalo, still having his oar Tbe man who steals Imuda should sot to In Ills hands. Tho whale rushed upon allowed to get away from bonds. him with Its tremendous jaws wide oicn and engulfed both Salmon and PROGRESS. his oar. It was tho oar that saved People who get the greatest Salmon for that tune. 1'he wlialos degree of comfort and real enjoyment out of life, are thoaa jaws caino together on the oar which who make tire moat out stuck out on one sido of his jaws so far of their opportunities Iswk near the liiugcs of tho jaw that Quick perception and It kept tlio lingo mouth from closing good judgment, lead auch to adopt and promptly sufficiently to crush tho seaman. Before make use of those refined the whulo could change the situation and improved product of modern inventive geniua Salmon juiniod from his mouth into which best serve the tlio sea. Anotlior boat, in which was need of their physical the brother of Salmon, who was also a being. Accordingly, sailor on the Araliella, had come up the most intelligent ami progressive people by this tiino, and Salmon siHcwded in re found to employ reaching it and was rescued from the the most refined and whalo. But his safuty was only mo'i-vlaxative to reg-- r v v y, perfect nlatc and tone np tbe mentary, for the whulo treated this boat as it liod the otlior. Salmon was atomach, liver, and bowels, when in treed thrown into tho water near the whale, ofsneh an agent hence the greet popularity as he hud Imcn a fow minutes before. of Dr. Pierce Pleasant Pellet. There are 1'he whalo took him in at onca This made from the purest, most refined end concentrated vegetable extract, and from time Salmon had no our to stay the forty-tw- o are contained in to forty-fou- r monster's jaws, and thoy closed upon each vial, which fa sold at the aame price him liko a gigantio trap. Tho whale aa the cheeper made end more ordinary went down nut of sight, and none of pille found in the market. In curative virtues, there is no comparison to be made bethe crow ever saw it or their shipmate tween them and the ordinary pills, aa any again. one may easily learn by aemling fen a free Tho story of the aca tragedy, the sample, (four to seven doses) of the Felwhich will be sent on receipt of nan! memory of which is perpetuated by icia, on s postal card. the stone at tho tenantloss grave In and address THEY ATE ALWAYS IN FAVOR. the Iloniwdulo cemetery, is recalled puce l)?ep The Pellets cure biliousness, tick and a this recent to of visit tlie by village bilious headache, dizziness, costiveneaa, or brother of Johnathan Salmon, who constipation, sour stomach, loss of appetite, was with him on that fatal voyage, coated tongue, indigestion, or dyspepsia, " the lirotlior having linen for many windy belching, pain and distress after and kindred derangeyears a conductor on tho Erlo railway. ments of the eating, liver, stomach and bowels, Tlio grave was mado and the stone rut up in glass vials, therefore alwsys erected in 1849, in which year the fresh ind reliable. One little " Pellet laxative, two are mildly cathartic. surviving brother returned with tho ia As a "dinner pill, to promote digestion, news of the other's death. take one each day after dinner. To relieve distress from overrating, they are unequaled. They are tiny, sugar-coateI't llad Dni Both. any child will readily take them. was married. nil granules; Doverspike Accept no substitute that may be recomfriend (biddings contemplated matri- mended to be inst as good. It may be brtter for the dealer, because of paying him mony. s better profit, but he it not the one who I suppose," sold Glddings, that needs help. Address for free sample, It conies a trifle hard to face a glrli WoiLDt Dispknsasv Mkdical Main Street, Bu Halo, N. Y. 66$ father and ask him for the hand of hli daughter. w.momusL CMCIAM4ahn Washington, D.C, Well, yes," replied Doverspike, reProsecutes Claims. Successfully It docs come rather difflectively. M8MlGlpftlJklftlllBMU.fi.milOB IttTMIb ficult, but it isn't a marker to facing the mother of a girl you have been courting for a year or so, after you hare concluded that you like some other g I better, when you moot tbs old lady accidentally Mine timo aftei breaking with the daughter. ft Ha rala d m-- Latest U. S. Govt Report No rakn-Makln- Hcusekeeicri freiyuently wonder why it in that they cuiinot' make biscuit and cake that are light and palatable and that taste as delicious as the bikeuit und euke made by their mothers and grandmothers, the delightful memory of which even to this day creates a sensu lion of pleasure to the palate. The trouble arises from the highly adulterated state of the materials they have to work with, par- r and soda ticularly tho uaed to raise or leaven the food. Croam-e- f tartar and soda that are now procurable for domestic purposes contain large ((uuntitics of lime, earth, alum and other adulterants, frequently from 5 to 15 per cent, and consequently vary so miu-- in strength that no person can tell the exact quantity to use, or properly combine them, to insure perfect results. From using too much or too little, or because of the adulterants in them, hitter, salt, yellow or heavy biscuits or cakes are frequently made. These adulterants are also injurious to health. All this trouble may be avoided by he use of the popular Royal Raking TWder. Where this preparation is enployed in the place of and soda, its perfect leavening power always insures light, flaky, aigestable liscuit, cakes and pastry, that are perfectly wholesome and free from the impurities invariably present when the olu raising preparation are employed. The Koyal Baking Powder, we are informed by the most reliable ccien-tist- e, is perfectly pure, being made from highly refined ingredients, carefully tested, and so exactly proportioned and combined that it never fails to produce the best and uniform results. An additional advantage in its enployment conics from the fact that bread or other food made with it may be eaten while hot without fear of indigestion or any unpleasant results, while being equally sweet, moist and gmteful to the palate when cold. creain-of-tarta- cream-of-tar-t- Hummi1 Bonnet, When Susan puts her bonnet on she tips It on this side and that and kinks her curls up, and anon she plasters them out flat She throws her bead to left and right and turns it round back side before, and then she pats her bangles light, then turns to look once more. And often one whole hour Is gone ere Susan gvta her bonnet' on. When Susn n puts her Ijonent on she stands before her mirror there, while John waits Kitlent, uncomplaining with the enhn of blank despair. She holds her head this way and that and touts her mouth and jerks her nose, then on her heels she settles flat, then stands upon her toes. And all this while waits patient John, while Susan pnts her bouent on. When Susan gets her bonnet on It well repays the tug and stress, for then she stands a pnragon of unexampled loveliness. And when she pins It with the pin that seems to stick right through her head, John thluka twould lie a mortal sin, for which the w retch filiotild be struck dead, to sKak a word of blame upon tbe way she puts her bonnet on. American Woman Dictionary, An aerial structure built a foundation of wedding cake. Baby A young child of cither sex pnsMssIng hundreds of Joints, all of which are set In motion upon being lifted or otherwise dlHturlied. frank The womnn wbo agitated something which does not Interest us. Don't A term implying assent to the rising generation. Genius Our child. lIuslKind A verb signifying to manage with frugality. Also a noun signifying one who manages with frugality. Ice cream saloon An unlicensed bank where funds are deposited. Journal A newspaper announcing bargains. Kiss A renewal of hostilities. Lady A gentleman of the new u ih -- ej U-- li well-trie-d - heart-burn,- d Asso-CiATio- P bllalUll of Tlie tramp Iihh readied III whon he I allowed to Bleep bry-da- y hU nroHiH-rflIn the hern. ST. JACOBS OIL A CHANCE TO CURE YOUR kJ JEC. JhSA J tt will give you a chance to CO TO WORK Websters International Dictionary The New Tn abridged 0 WEBSTER'S 1A Tlic Ilcst Christmas Gilt Dictionary of English, Geography, Biography, fiction. Eta. IKTEKtffTOAL WCTKKAKT iaaaaeeeeeeeaei Wly U the Hdlioottmoki. CL Ik C. Merriam Co., Putin., Mass. 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