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Show Advertise Wants Your And Cot! Handtome '7hs Item" In Returns- - Independent in Politics"? jlr and Impartial to ill. American fork, Saturday, decemuli: s, isai. PUBLISHED WEEKLY VOL 1 UUINi . R. G. W 12:00 a 4 .45 U. 1 R. 0 . Tit NH KlnT V. P K. 4, W 14.0. dck Mondays. VV ai: TiiiriK. nr .Vplht: 3:30p. in. Arrives :!:(mi p. Hoard of Canvassers I SLOW PROGRESS IS MADE. Other Nv.- ,,t the A in, llrirfani! Hircjr mer aj.l.iu, link, U Convi-un-n- t i.re progrifing on coustitut ji'icil slow, ytry in far thimii a It. publican lead On Sun pay tin- gem-radelivery and delcgat". ,. five lit.-iIt is conceded that iei of win lows m. S.im a. lire open firm stamp till 10:l)i) h. in find t'l'niii .1:1 till the lirpid Vtu, sill liaye a majority p. m. Timothy McCaiity, Postmaster. The of at lci.M tiiiu in the conventiiin. is as Utah county ie delegate i Thecir.vi-'.icj- ; and at i fl f: Sabbath 1IKIKI.ATK VOTE IN fTAH CUl STY ran. o. n, docuk, Physician and Surgeon, Office at Rctiiience, A. O. F. COURT LAKESIDE (No. 6138.) J. Roberts, Meetings held every Monday evening at 8.00 p. m. Visiting Bret linn Invited. J. L. Dcmkley, American Fori Financia. Scc'y Thorntons Ilal!, American Fork. Uta L A; CHRISTENSEN., D ENT1 S T. Oil icc nt Bromley House. Utah Aiif.iiican Fork, ANDREW ADAMSON, 0 ut spices lor your pickles un-- at Guo-- PuiiKli-v's-Jus- t Hess. :if Kaysville, was killed i n . falling from a Tuesday t . Three patients have been from the insane seylum, cured. released day. a Highest prices paid for EGGS and DRIED FRUIT nt Duukleys. a a a The Item has nil kinds of legal blanks that will be sold at reduced rates. Don t forget it. a a a well to look over the People will do advertisements in The Item bclure chasing. pur- a a a a a J. II Wool tin returned on Sunday from a two wccks business trip to Kicks City. a a a 3539 2611 1680 3115 859536 Total 435 103 Majority Free Free Free! FREE TREATMENT Ten Days. For DUS. SHORES & SHORES liaye established an office next door to the Postoffice and will give FREE Treatment for Catarrh by their new painless system. Many think they have simply a cold in the head, when Cstarrh has ut Do already become established. neglcet a grand chance to make a test of a cure that cures Catarrh in all its many phases. They treat and cure Catarrh in the head and throat, catarrh in the Bronchial Next Monday night at ita regular elecmeeting, will be the tion of officers of the A. O F. All members should be there. semi-annu- .."a m, lx (:i how ns SHOES Ht ! , (l-ca- Gents, anil PlNKl JiY'S. HAVE ITRC1IASED THE REDS. As requested by law, notice is hereby given that the following named persons Fifteen Mvi, .o ut Work,'.mil SIS Ton ami property are delinquent in the payOnS - ('nverlna the Wurka, Klevtrlo I.lvlit, ments of water ami American Folk City lit,-- . tuxes for the year 1991, to Hie amounts a ua i.litoiiul livL hercini-ftcwtn-k- , ! .'tening specified; and that uiiltra r to said amounts, together with the costs, During the week an Itkw repoitcr acthe Hrown-'n-ii.suit, one of onr the projH-rtun invitation from Dr. II. W. are sooner 'pain, I shell It cepted lipcs Mild Mr. Brown a )niRorr.-it-. In reinafter to such satisfy Brant fn a drive tlnough tin.-- communslii.uM have brill a KtpiiiiMi-xu- . costs iu and the manner taxis prescribed ity and tlie principal object in vie.w was a a a Raid laic will lx gin on tl.t Mim. Iminc Wagst:itf le.urnsd hc.iie the visiting .if on,- - of the many onyx bylaw. third Monday in December, 19!i4, at 12 i of Utah county, that near the Point to Pi.yotr, Gut field cniu.ty, Tliu.vl.iy, o'clock noon, at the fnmt door of t!after a few weeks visiting lelatirea and of the Mountain, about two miles northin American Fork Gity, Utah, hall, city west of Lchi . friends in American Fork . and continue froip day to day until t These valuable iicda some two weeks a a a is exhausted. Titos. E. 8tkk.i k, The rattle of Alma Murdock, were sold to a company witn conof ago, part Treasurer of American Fork City. whirh lias been for a day or two in the siderable money, it ia said, back of it. Amkhicax Fonk. Utah, Noy. 3(1, 189 1. About a month ago the Berrington stock yards ut the It G. W. depot, broke K the pen down yesterday and it took con- Brothers and others licgan the negotiaM Naves. E & tion for the purchase and the sale was siderable hustling to gather them Up. a a a finally consummated, a good round sum Adams, Amos t $4.80 Am. Mercer, deputy sheep inspector being paid for it. 7.10 1 00 Adsmson, P. pt 2 19 13 19 for the north end ot the county, returned Mr. Oran Rock well, of Lchi, it ia said, Adauis, Joshua 8 25 on the first ot the week trom an inspec0 00 bought the claim fur a work home, and Ad uma, Jos. S3 3 4 35 2 50 Roley, Isasc tion tour on the west ranges. He sajs did not develop it until tins fall, and lioh-y, Mrs E 4 45 Hpt 19 19 the sheet) are in good condition, then only the surface dirt removed. Brown, Wm 290 Arriving at the works, fifteen men 11 Buckwater (A. a a a 2 20 4 35 Ynr can get your goods the clieapcat were at work hoisting and drilling. Lay cork, gl) 4 34 A. 3 05 Bt Dunklcy's. Y. Mnwrey, an experienced gentlemen, Boley, C M 23 3 35 3 45 Boley, Tobias ia manager the company. The vein Barratt, Edwin 13 1 40 65 runs almost north and south. The exca- C'hipnian, Plioelie Tli a 'JYmperancA Merting. 19 175 partot.... Last Tuesday evening Rev. Dr, T. C. vation is shout twenty feet deep by tea 8 20 40 Davis, Wm M wide anil seventy long. Iliff, ol Salt Lake city, delivered the Eaatiiiond. Sam'l 200 These beds aro conceded to ha about Eakel. M J 70 05 greatest temperance speech to a full part 10 24 best in Utah yet found, Tlie vein ii Hcnroid,Mary the 21 2 45 house at the opera that has ever four feet thick and the farther they get Hanson, Brig 2 40 been given in this city. He apoke for 1 20 Hunter ,HE etal 11 17 in the wider the vein. now There are over an hour atrarght from the point of 35 Alvin on the dump some 150 tons, principally Hunter, i no James, Clias fiiersoiial) temperance and the many evils brought 7 75 2 40 about by Ilia constant use of liquor. He mail lumps, but several large onea lie in Keppermck, E 12 1 1 70 8 23 5 00 Rolit inado an able address amt was frequently the bottom of the pit weighing ten tons Kettle, 1 50 1 00 3 33 f.ayrnck.Archie and Conworth each, probably $3,000. applauded by the appreciative audience. 1600 Lund, Loiiia P After the speech the committed was siderable money lisa already and will be Moyle, Stephen 2 40 . in developing these 3B5-vNash, Ep. uart 10 19 still retained to another lecture expended e r.i-- 1 . A'l-i:"-- s , DENTIST, - a i I fr FI 2A-1- ln-da- prepare to take place'uhniit January" 5,' 1895.' s EA Att ' Andrew Johnson, of Spanish Fork A Convenient Water System, was acquitted of adultery in Commissioner Dudley's rourt at Provo on WedWork ia now finished on the flownesday. ing well at the rear of the Grant liotsl. The drilla Iiavo been pulled up and an a a a A new stock of dry Goods i.nd Gro attatchment is placed on the pipe ceries are the latest arrival, at Dunkleyk in the shape of s spring, about twenty Ali goods sold at small profits. Try feet down below the earth's surface, to a small purchase and lie convinced, force the water into the different roorna a a a of the hotel. Proprietor Adamson inLook Hear! old boy.yonr wife wanti forms us that the force will produce five some ot those blankcta that Dnnkieyi gallons per minute to the second floor, are Felling so cheap. and in any part of the house. This ia an a a a excellent idea of Mr. Adamson ami Dave Murdock, ot Huber, is in tnwi, other, and will no doubt open a way 8 8 8 for other hotels other town in Alma Murdock is in the city alien 1 to inaugurate a convenient walir ing to his cattle. supply without a public water system . a a a - r.-- 't Attorbey - 1 !;i-i:- i fs fi-- r Ill'S-Mai- Ami l.rulir '. Fork City for the Year 1801. 15-1- 7 not receiving their will please notify Ibis uapeis promptly office at once. SrnscKiBF.ua I American Fork Ancivi.n! (Ju-ilil- a ' a L-t- of IVv.i eng in sunn in t.ii . W Street, . the CLii.'n, r well-earn- A 1! wee!; . Jc , Ears. Catarrh of the Kidneys, Catarrh of the Liver, Ca- Sales Stables A Of AnierlcKn a a Diinkley's. Tubes, Catarrh ot the HENRY Lee, t Coniiany ii.kleys. 'f-i- - l.-il- c 1) bihi litif.OGNA made tin-- .ii :iiti-r. a Thera have been 350 marriage licea-aeissued by County Clerk V. L. Hal i li since January 1994. U.8. DEPUTY SURVEYOR tarrh of the Stomach and Catarrh effects ay ot thin county, a a a and of the nerves. The election for a school board in Salt Dr. W. M . Belcher, who is in charge huNotaky ruBLicvsLake this week resulted in the election - Utah of the offi e here is a gentleman of over of three American Fork, Republicans and twu Di mocrats. ed twenty years experience, and has a a a reputation throughout Utah. He ia M. now cnmtortablv lm ite-1 C. Beck SHIPLEY is also an affable, intelligent gentleman. liia TON80 RIAL ARTIST addition in recently eerted to his No charge ii either made for consultaHair Cutting in any Stylo. tion or advice, aud the same treatment cozy cottHge. Guaranteed . ia a a a Satisfaction ued that has made the great reputaMrs T.S. nawkins, or Chatt inoga J3?"ParIors on Merchant Street. .VJ tion of Zions MedicM & Surgical In Tcnu,ri . ,lShilh' Vitalim SAVED I'tah slitntc. This chance is American Fork only offered to MY LIFE. ctt tiller it tU ht nn-et- ly Ocbilitatfd a fur tyntrm I ercr vtcl. the citizens ol this vicinity lor ten days, or Kidney trouble Fur Liver ! aud Dyspepsia, office at should call the at once. you RYU0N GUOO it excels. Pi ice 75 els, u. s. LAND REGISTER We notice already many of our best citia a a zens are availing themselves of tlie fn.-Wild & Co., ar- pitring a Utah Adnmsou, Silt hike City, treatment, as well as Dn. Belchers valu-aiiiennting of sand on the walk in irmit ol services in determining the course their s ilnmi TY. KEKTYA3H3) ot their diseases a a a The doctor treat all Catarrhal diseases 29t -II-ATIORBEY AY w- - at $5 00 per month, furnishing nil medijin Tlinikiiving night, Nov. Tli(f-hrof wife the to at Itmi cines. Get cured now. Paovo City. 13l, Bnteman. a -y. ,Dcnl wait until brightsiisease is dea a a t Get cured now. veloped. negQK, C. F. WESTPI1AL, Born At Alpine, Thursday, Nov, 29, lect until your hearing ia irreparably to to the wifeol Frank McGreggor il stnycd. Get cured now. The Liver 1894, a fine git!. Farqifahaen, Get cured now. is effected l.y IV.tairh. Utah ricaunt drove a a a You get ail tin- iidvi.iitng.-- t f Zion Medin this section are all & ical Mmica! The without Institute the sugar PRANK D IlORI'S n of the city. Gel emtd or near! so dog and shipp'd, iboct fivs trip expense Jlcniuhr V . S'. Lju-- OJRre. now; do your hi all Ii, its it is and eighty tuna have Land & Minibg Call nt the office your s toi U in lrnd the and see from hundreds of raised, the money distributed air eng .S'. iV i City. 7 ,' I" aiceuiiltrom Jtliis industry, grateful pntici.'s, all residents of I'tiili. jiooj.ie twei.ty-thn-- f The rdvi nisi men t concerts given ii mething tliiin inon . nightly si- - eh nn aid tar si- vp tl-dollars llionsir Spiiiigv.IIc Eul'p'n-itdift i:. betshows are fj their fnc avenge; at twenty five ter tli!Livorv Feed and a a a They charge hil 'ieu under 17. Id cents liMiie (;-- t J.,!, n i,.. wrs i.vii iilgiilly. ml adults i.f'.a S i.'t!-)- . m-Wcdne.-.unnear Spunisli Fork Wedned-ij- . Saturday nights, admission, tcnrerits. TLink of it, a six th.ere are tliousands of worth Turnni.'s always First Cl-show for ten cents. ' A fine Selecil.nl in Rcadlm-)-- . in in ftf l.p ground yet See the Show. tion of llorsea and Rugbies. lur'iier oidcrs few with but li.ir,and Hear ll.e Lectures. G and talk with the doctor. ItllllH 1 IlU'k to giti'sring. W ran only I. opr for good happy weather to help tl. cm nut flpringvilw all trains Try tl I Free Treatment and next flice. ladriirwknt. the door to al Office, lV,f at St orders Leave n - dentist, Lehi. CFnCERS Chief Ranger. at Julius Otterson and Mary Sorrenson, of Lchi, were married at Provo Wednes- of American Fork City, Utah. B. ... ... 0 - a G The Onyx Beds. Delinpuent Taxes llic Ojjdeu syndicate Onyx - 1 1 :i0 a. in., l'raycr Conference; 4 p in., Junior C. E. Society; 0:45 p. in., Senior C E. Society: 7:30 p. m,. Preaching . Wednesday. 7:30 p. m., Prayer Meeting, Biblo study. Fiiiday J. A. LiriKi.kTi'N Smith, Pastor Laitkk-DaPaints Sunday Seliool at in u. in. in tlie Meeting Jlmse. Miet Suit nt 2 and 7 :30 o'clock p. ni. Mayor Thomas B. Parker, Councilors James II. Clark, Robert Proctor. B. Y. Greenwood, Ilcnry Millar, James W. Preston . Recorili George P. Shelley. Treasurer Thomas E. Steele. Collector Isaac Alicl. Marsha- l- Win. King. Justice of the Pence Joseph J. Jackson. Watermaster--.Ioh- n M. Miller. Road Supervisor F. D. Casnity. Sexton C'lisrlea Whitiker. Pnundkecper E, II. Boley. Council meets fourth Saturday in each month. i!e win is buying giinds I A YEAR iw ADVANCE". NO 51 : nt ll'.'.nkleys ich-r- Smith wen' to Prove II. J. Mortenseu of Spauish Fork gave us a cull yesterday. Sf. mill. CTTV I,. .1. A. Ions: a. in. 10:39 Pbeuytekiax. . r. i flu- l Church Services. i Cl. iif town. . New llo reg- irj.i-t- Hi i Tiiin-day- Mv.TAitii 'iIi.i .l:i vm and The gem-raistry window (loses Hi - t llii-- aturd.i K Figures ly the Some Official . S:4'i a ni. :t p in. Rr-rn- Fm.-i- at DlN.ILEY'S. . S :Vi n. ill Y l)i. m. ui, 4 :15 p. iff f"ISl snl LOCAL AND PERSONAL. The Election. Closing ol Mails. 81.25 Utfili County the HeatWhile partaking of one of tlioae r - at w -- Mnwwgwv Mwmy-Kfi- Ms flwv'in cm obtuin a market fur all that can be mined. The company are determined, and ara making preparations to coyer the entire works with a roof, embracing about twelve quare rods, which contract has already been let; under this roof will erected business offices, a hotel and other conveniences necessary to carry on tin work. An elrclric light plant will iilso Ik- - nlacnl, that night shift can be run ms well as day. A polishing machine for tlie purpose of Milislnng tlie onyx, about Therefore, will aim he put in. find will men steady employment. fifty The onyx is mostly white with streaks It ia exof brown running through it. tra heavy, weighing 215 pounds per The company con templcubic toot. ate- losing i tune in developing this now new prospect into a great onyx ininr. They have named it The Ogden Syndicate Jc Onyx Company." u-- lisli-i- i g and excellent meals of the chief conk l.,.- Grant hotel tha other evening, a Marvelous Results. letter written by Rev. J. Gun-d- t ol Diinouiialv, Mich , wj are rmaii, permitted ti make this extract: I haye no hesitation in recommending Dr. King's New Discovery. Ii the results were Hlnued marvelous in the case of my wife. While I was pastor of the Rnptiat Chinch at Rives Junction sliu wsa brought down with Pneumonia succeed ing La Grippe. Terrible paroxysms of One diummcr wan n St, Louis dry eoiiyhiiig would lust lnuis with little goods and grocery hustler, whils the interruption and it seemed as if she ether was representing a Chics,; ) guiral could nut survive tliftin. A friend recommended Dr. Kings New Di pm very ; merchandise house, iu its work and highly satit was Ia the coursn of their convenatinn, isfactoryquick in results." Trial hoti'e-- i free the r.ipacity and worth of diffsrcnt at Steel A Cos., Drug Ftore. Regular towns, as licet fur their trade, was cited: H.e .Vc. and $1.00, - From si couple ot drummcra sat at the on notable. A conversation took place between the two latter, as is usually the custom with traveling men when they meet. It was quite interesting and revealed the idea of the business and enterprise of Utah county . Said the 8t. Louis man: Where is your territory ? It comprises all of Utah, but I have found Utah county the best to do business in of any of the counties of the Territory . " That's what I think," laid the St. Louis man. The people seem to be so prompt in their dealings, and I can al ways sell something to them.'' Rut," laid the Chicago man. Cache county is very god, but I must isv that tliia (Utah; on my cuuty is tl.a w hole route, nr at least I. aye alvsy fi.ur.d it so. Just then the waiter gill v.ith (La Chicago mans order. And," said he. tins is the l oss hu'i:l on the route, don't you knywP Thfit'b what," uered h's roiii".R!ri. snd nt the breaking et a new sut:ct, d " icribo whs lost in the distance. TMvSiaair,-Aty- 1V Nit lion, Peter 1 13 23 2 refers, John Preston, W A Peterson, A Shelley, Orson School, District Singleton, Tims Spencer, Jus Smith. Jessie Varney, Jacob Varney, Ezra 23 1200 2 05 4 55 800 65 6 46 15 75 1208 Wagateff, Mary C Wngstafl.Djyid 14 21 4-- 14 70 9 00 4870 Don't buy urrlenned raisins ami rant when you ran git them the same price at di.'KKi.ey's. cur- nt SHILOH'S CURE ia sold on a guarantee. It cures Incipient Cnnsiiniitiiiii. It ia the t Cough Cure. Only out cent a dose. 35 cU., and $1.00. Sola at Steel' Drug Store. Ix-s- Grant Hotel Arrivals. W Wiler Murray, Shores A Shores Co, personal, Dr. W M Belcher, wife and two children. Mack Swain. Nutc Laurel I, (has II. II Kichter, W. C. Andersen, Miss Stillman, Miss Schiller, J. M. Easton, St, Joe; Myrtli Loving, New York; Bad Rons, F S Courier, F. D Scott; Oiivnr Snyder, N. Y; W. L Green, G E Forester, Salt Laxe; T M McFerran, Y M Knff, Salt Lake; S L Seward, Kansas City; R L Davis, Salt Lake. R F Fitsgerald, Draper; II "Jolly Old Cumn'. All who were present at the Opera House on Monday evening to wi'mm tlm laiighnh!i- - comedy Jody Old (!b u m, were well paid and pleased with the pretnrinanen. It was very good, indeed and deserved belter patronage than li Last night whi the third eyeirng the id wlii.-- it hail. tln-i- The entire company For once well un in parts. Shore A Shores Medicine compai.y liaye in scyi-ra- l mouths the American Fork held the boar Ii at the opeia house. Their public bays received thfirjmoney's worth -program, .fter Dr. Belcher delivers Ida in the show line. instructive lecture, ia devoted to very and funny sayings, mirth dance, song, and keeps the audiences in a continual Laurel & Swain, a team of laughter. the ocymmg enmmediana, are equal to casions. Their iokea are the latest, wet ami their variety ini perfrom the r w'-r- e pren, sonations are sublime. Mr. Swain' clog dancing ia a special feature of the show, Is bewhile Mr. Laurel's Irmh make-uBelchr Charles Mr. yond the best. v. "cM'cd a of ry the gin'lm'i: takes part The public will look for a hoi wellfibow next wick. - ldirMoii'n i.riiiVa Salve. Ti:k Bmi.n-- i. Ri.tS.i-yi-- . in tl.e world for Cuts, u, Fever Salt Ulcer, Son Uli-m- Tiltir, Uliappcd Hands, (.oriiK aixl all Skin Eruptions rnsfuriiir. cure Piles, nr no pay and positively H M. Smith, of Pieman t Groye, Iihs It is guaranteed to give peifect fiity iicris of good pasture lar.d, flueern) Price n,"ncy nim-did- . Trial Size an I will take fifty Imrsra for pasturing 25 per box. Full SALK BY st rates. Apply al or..!'. Stifle A CoV, Drug Stoic. Chil-Miii- r 85r. Fur s b-- 6a D) 4 15 0 35 45 Dmggist. Pale y all |