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Show CHRISTMAS EVE. Straight through a ' Tha ran goes fold of purp'--a mis. down a crimson wheel And like an opal burna the aea That once waa cold aa aleel. With pomp of purple, gold and red. Thou wilt come back at niorrow'a dawn; But thou ranat never bring, 0 Sun, The Chrlaliuaa that la gone! Ellalllgglnaon. OUIt DINNER. XJIAS scribed. Certainly, as he sat there, he was a very singular sight, for his clothes, were covered with mud, his necktie was under one ear, hU once polished shirt bosom protruded like the breast of a pouter pigeon as though It had been clutched by some one's baud; end hla face was aa much disfigured by bruises, scratches, blood and the purple pufflneaa that follows a fight as aa my poor husband's, while a brown wig was pushed to the back of his bald pate. Meanwhile, ma had turned Upon him with a spirit. she cried. Aged female, Indeed! "Reverence my gray hairs, I want to know! I could wear a brown wig myself If I wanted to, I suppose! Aad how dare you rush in here and accuse my son of me, when he's tha best of sons and Oh, good gra cious! She paused suddenly with her mouth wide open, and said no more, while the old gentleman, waving hla right hand toward her, while with hla lef he settled hla truant wig, ejaculated, Amanda Jane, la It thua we meet again? and abe, finding her tongue, cried out, It la Benjamin Franklin Scurry! Your uncle, I said aside to Ben. And the fellow I ran into first and pounded afterward, replied my spouse. In the same tone. Here's a pretty kettle of fish! On the Instant I had a bright idea, and catching up a towel that I had brought Into the room, flung It1 over Bens face. Dont take It off while he stays, I whispered. Uncle Scurry had by thla lime dragged ma to her feet and seated her on the sofa, where he now aat beside her. I certainly was an officious hllot, I heard him say, but I thought I had come upon one of those scenes of terror we country folks read of In the New -York newspapers. But can you forgive me for my dreadful speeches, Benjamin Franklin?" ma replied. Indeed I deserved them, Amanda Jane, said the old gentleman, in a tender tone, "Hut I had been through so much ainee I alighted In the depot! Turning the corner not many blocks away, In the best of health and spirits, I was run into by a reckless wretch of a wheelman. We both roiled Into the gutter together, and he attacked me so furiously that I was obliged to defend myself. In fact, I think he Is sorry he ran into me by this time; polished him off In such fine style. Dear uncle! I said, with outstretched hand and as beaming a smile as 1 rnuld command on such short notice. May I call you so? I am Ben's wife. We can truly sympathise with you; my poor husband haa Juat met with an accident of the same sort, and hla eyea are so much injured that I have been obliged to cover them, aa you Kyle Hillas. IIRISIMAS bad come. For day a and weeka we had been prepara-- , making feaat my tlona T? huabai.d'a paterMr. nal uucie, FrankBenjanin lin Scurry, and auch a dinner aa we had gotten up waa never even thought of by peraona of our limited income. But, then, we had good reason for doing oir best, for, after having taken no notice of his nephew since be waa born, the old gentleman had written to him that he had made hla will U his favor, and that when he went wh?re we can take neither money-bag- s nr real estate with us, Ben should have Scurry Park and all the money in Die bank which he had accumulated In his long years of bachelorhood, during which he had paid close attention t a prosperous business. The letter aided thus: In order to become better acquainted with you and your wife, 1 will do myself the pleasure d dining with you on Christmas day." We had Instantly vrltten a letter such as the occasion called for, and my Impression was thit we had been preparing for that Christ mas dinner 'ever since. Ben's wUowed mother, who lives with ua. waa greatly excited by the prospect of Bens good fortune. I did not think yout father's brother would ever get ovei my having refused him before I accepted your pa, We named you my son, she said. after him. all the samq and when your poor pa died he was most generous, but we have never had any social intercourse since my marriage. No doubt we have both changed. She looked into the glass, sighed, and that very afternoon went to the nearest hairdresser's and bought herself a Psyche knot quite another shade of gray from her own hair. But what waa the use of telling her that, when she was contented? Since then she bad spent most of her time In taking the grease spots out of the carpet and furniture with a decoction she called her "eradicator, and which aha kept It 0 a decanter on the sideboard. euelled dreadfully, but It was effective, id certainly the furniture needed renmust ovating. Besides, mothers-in-labe handled carefully. If a wife wants a happy home. But to go back to the dinner it waa splendid; and there on the sideboard, opposite to the decanter of eradicator, stood a decanter of the finest port, and Ben had Juat run out to get some of the beat cigars procurable for his uncle. Nothing is too expensive tor an uncle who offers one such groat expectations, he said. Though, of course. 1 hope the good old boy will live a hundred years; I'm not waiting for his shoes. H had taken his wheel and whirled awa on It, and had been gone so long a tilts that ma and I were nearly frightened to death, remembering the long list of accidents that filled the papers every morning, when the lower door burst open, and we heard him flying upstairs (we live on a second flat) three at a time. In a moment mori he appeared, such a spectacle as I shall never forget while 1 live. His nose was swollen to twice Its ordinary stse, there was a great blue bruise on his forehead, he was covered from head to foot with blood and mud, and one aleeve of his coat was torn out at he armhole. In such cases I always offer first aid to the wounded by hiding my face in the corner and screaming wildly. This I proceeded to do at once, while ma made the welkin ring with a cry of "He la murdered my only son la mur- (bred!" Murdered! Not I! cried Ben, It's the other fellow; I've made a grease mot of him. He won't run his stom-v- h Into anybody's bicycle again in a lurry. He's a case for a coroner, and I In proud of my work." I Oh, ma, he'll ha electrocuted! m Mined, without leaving my place in the corner. Ilon't make two donkeys of yourselves, said Ben, but get me a basin of water." In obedience to thla request we both flew out of the room, and flying in again at different doors with overflowing baslna, had one of our collisions, emptying the tfater Into our bosoms and smashing both baalna, while we seated ourselves In the miniature lake that formed on the Instant and screamed In unison, Ben adding n to the a roar like that of. a chorus. At that Instant a voice at the outer door, which had been left open. Inquired politely. "Does Mr. Benjamin Franklin Scurry reside here? then. Instantly changing it tone, uttered the Good heavens! what an awwords: ruffian atful scene! An tacking two females! For shame. young man! You may have killed this ged woman your mother, no doubt whose gray hairs you ought to reverence. Allow me, ma'am!" and he essayed to lift ma by her Psycho knot, whlrh came off in his hand like a dilapand as he had given idated door-knoIt a strong pul, seated him healde her lake before de- la the fresh-watw sea-lio- able-bodi- b, er ed Yes, get the port, ma, aaid Ben. from behind the towel, with which I had again veiled him; I know that It la good. Then, with her usual promptitude and dispatch, ma placed the cu the table and filled the glasses, handing one with her own hand to Uncle Scurry, who whispered, Oh, Amanda Jane! as he accepted it Many happy returns of tha day!" he said, aa he lifted It to hla lips. Tha next Instant he uttered a howl of agony, dashed down the glass and began to rush wildly about the room, shouting, Help! a doctor! an afttl-dot- e! Im poisoned! I'm dying! help! Great heavena! cried ma, wringing her hands; what have I dona now? "Ma, I said, solemnly, It Is a dreadful thing to tell you, but what you have done la to fill tha glasses from the decanter full of eradicator, Instead of that which holds tha port wine, and uncle haa swallowed some of And I hastened to mix some mustard and water, while Ben ran pail-ne- ll for the doctor, even forgetting hla hat. Meanwhile Uncle Scurry stretched himself upon the floor, while ma held hia head on her knee. Adieu, Amanda Jana, ha said. To die thua repays me for alL' Poison from your hand la sweater than nectar from anothers. Tell your boy that I recognised him aa the wheelmap who ran Into ma, but forgive him for your sake. Blesa you alb Farewell!" "Oh, dont dia now, Benjamin Franklin! moaned ma. He'a not going to, said tka doctor, whom Ben dragged in at that moment, and who felt Mr. Scurrys pulse and smelt of the bottle at tha same time. Very nasty, but not poison. Gave him an emetic? All right-ab- out to act, I ace. Good day," and ho ran hack to his dlnnsr. Five minutes later Mr. Scurry promised to live for our cakes; and at eleven o'clock that evening we all aat down together to a cold collation, sent .from the naareat restaurant, and ate with an rippetlte, drinking Happy Christmas to each other, In the right port wlna fhls lme, Juat aa the midnight chimes from i neighboring church rang out upon the frosty air. And wo knew as well at that moment that ma and Mr. Scurry would make a match of it aa wo did on the day the pastor of the very rhurch whose clock w listened to stood before his pulpit and asked the question; Amanda Jane, wilt thou take Benjamin Franklin to be thy wedded husband? Peoples Home Journal. oake-bask- Km TOLD BY THE PLANETS et New Colo Alloys, A number of Interesting experiments will be made at the Philadelphia mint during the next month or two with metals and alloys never before tried to be made into token coins. Whatsee. Good heavens, cried Uncle Scurry; ever alloys are found satisfactory will be sent to congress, and perhaps one or these wheelmen should all be arresttwo of them will be used for general ed! Shake hands, my Buffering nephew. Dear dear! where are the New coinage. Aluminum, says the Times, has never been used in the currency of any nation and will for the first time be worked up into trial coins. Its chief advantage la lightness, but Dr. D. K. Tuttle, the chief refiner at the mint, la skeptical as to this metal coming out of the testa successfully. It is difficult to anneal and has a tendency to melt when heated. There would be great difficulty In rolling It into strips and it cannot be worked with sufficient ease to make it practicable for coinage on a large scale. plate-warmer- nf living In s very old IUiIh riiMnlu rail lie trui-n- l back to ng iiii t uriM uc. Hive you ever driven along the Kuliali nirnlH, every ouo keeping to Hie li ft 1 And do you know bow It urtginutnlY An am lunarian lolil me tbs ressou why. In olili-- lluiea. when folk Walked alNiut badly lighted towna In fear and trembling, with rapier at ilu-lalilea, country liad llu amne rule. I. r to .every to P llie left, ao lhal an unexpected fcaep rapier thrum might, at learn, escape mortal. As Hiui-- Ihknuih qnliMi-r- , suit tlu nweaaliy ceaaed, aud Ilia law of tlie Mad was revermsi; lint for anuia uiikituwn Knglaiid maintained lbs old niKtoiii. Another renaou, of , aa fur aa driving la course, auggrHa concerned. The driver, with tlie rein In his left hand, aud sitting on the right ahla of tha vehicle, can ace uirn-- heller when be Is lint still INnutlug anything i.u the roud. every uther nation hoops in the right, or li York .New to. Advertiser. supposed Holes in Yo'jr Health, What does that mean ? Suppose you are taking in money all day, aud drop it into a r How tho Uvaa of Men nod Wonaoa Are lofluoneod by the Klgaa of tho Codlao Kovlvol of tho Aueleut Art of tho Kgyptlaas. g pocket with Jiolea ; yon will find yourself a loser instead of A gainer by the days business. Same with your health. You eat and drink and aleep, yet lose instead of gain strength. Theres a hole in your health. Some blood disease, probably, sapping your vitality. You cant begin, too soon, to take the great blood purifier, lim-if- STROLOGY: Thla art or science enables the astrologer to read from the horoscope, or map of the heavena at the time of a person's birth, mafiy useful, curious and Important things relating to ones life, characteristics, health, wealth, business, marriage, etc. The farts and evidence will Justify at all times and to all persons the conclusion that some are naturally fortunate while others are Just the opposite aud some Just an average. The astrologer always finds a marvelous sympathy existing between the Indications of horoscope and the life of the person born at any particular time. For the benefit of the readere of thla paper we will publish FREE In theae columns: The sodiacal sign rising at your birth Including your ruling planet and a brief character reading by AsThose wishing trology. readings should send the following data written plainly In ink: Sex, race or nationality, place of birth Including state, county and city, year, month, date, hour and minute of birth, A. M. or P. M. aa near aa possible; also give name or initials and address under which you wish your reading published. If you know the dutn bat do not know the time of birth and wish a reading send two stamps for further instructions. Letters will be numbered as received and the readings published in regular order ao those wishing to take advantage of this lib 1 offer should write at once for we can only allow one column In each Issue for this department Address lrof. G. Y. Cunningham, Dept. 4, No. 194 South Clinton St., Chicago, 111. Note: The following readings aro given according to data furnished. The description may vary alightly in some points in accordance with which sign the ruling planet may be found. It always partakes of the indications of the sign in which it la placed at birth, also the planets in configuration with It: Mias You have the zodiacal sign Sagit- tarius, which Jupiter rules, rising at your birth, and therefore Jupiter la your ruling planet or algnlflcator. Sagittarius usually denotes a person above medium height; a well proportioned and, commanding figure; the complexion clear and healthy; the hair near a chestnut color growing thin and forming a notch above the temples; tho forehead la full and broad; the eyea expressive; the laugh Is loud, merry and cheerful; you are Jovial, happy, generous and charitable; you are kind to animals and fond of a fine horse; you aro not aa conservative aa you should be and are liable to get Into too large deala; you are & natural leader and have plenty of courage to carry any scheme through that you know la legitimate; you always have a certain kind An Ideal Village. r, a secluded of good luck that does not seem to rome to others; you may apparently be village of Devonshire, England, h no public house, parson, policemen or on the brink of a financial precipice The squire owns all the and Juat ready to tumble over, yet paupers. land. The farms are small but profit- something will turn In your favor and able. The farm laborers live in the pull you through all right squire's cottages. When they fall sick Paul O., Chlr(Oe the squire pays their wages as usual You have the zodiacal sign Taurus, and when they are too old to work any which Venus rising at your birth, more they are continued on the pay and thereforerules, Venus la your ruling list and potter about, doing what they planet or aignlllcator. The sign Taurua please. New York Tribune. usually denotes a person with short but full, strong and well-sstature; PERSONALS. broad forehead; dark, curly hair; dark complexion; broad full cheat and George Meredith, it Is said, presents shoulders; short thick neck; wide nose; a copy of his novels to every servant full, pouting lips; you will have a in his employ. habit of shaking your head sideways The winnings of the Prinee of Walei when talking earnestly. You are very on the turf this year amount to conquiet, peaceable and patient In your over $100,000. siderably disposition, have great love for the Prof. Franklin G. Robinson, of Bow beautiful In art and nature; you are doln College, has Invented a disinfect- very fond of the fine arts, such aa ing lamp which is attracting attention. music, painting, drawing, sketching, William Alvord has Just been elected etc. You are fond of good living and president of the Bank of California at generally manage to get It; you are San Francisco for the nineteenth time. subject to attacks of the blues without Lloyd Osborne, who has been ap- any apparent good cause. You seldom pointed United States consul at Samoa, lose control of your temper, yet when Is a stepson of the late Robert Louis you do you become furioua You dislike to change your business or locaStevenson. It la aaid that during the laat thirty-thre- e tion and have great love for home and years the Prince of Wales haa Its pleasant surroundings. And yet they say $',000,000,000, spent lie Foetid Oat. he la restless and unsatisfied. good East Winlhrop, Maine, deacon Ranjitslnhjl, the Indian prince now got into a discussion the other day being educated In England, la an ex- with a newspaper man relative to the pert bicyclist. He has made forty-thre- e size of a hole a horse could go through. century runs. The solution came quicker than he anDr. Mannington Caffyn, whose books ticipated. Going to hie stable, he were advertised as being by the hus- found that hla horse, weighing over band of the author of The Yellow 1,000 pounds, had fallen through a died recently In England. scuttle Into the cellar, ten feet below, Aster,' The Sultan of Turkey of Into haa without receiving a scratch, although been given quite a number of nick- the dimensions of the scuttle were Inches one way by 18ft the names. The laat to come to tha sur- fifty-foother. Ex. face la that of Hamid, the Hangman. Sir Henry Irving la one of tho beet AN ODD COLLECTION. swordsmen In England. lie haa practiced scientific swordsmanship for A letter waa received recently at the many years. One of hia fencing mas- Chicago poktofflee addressed to "Lame ters was Prof. McLaren, now of Olym- Water. It waa aent to Cripple Creek. pia. At Mycenae the number of ailver Tho Maharajah of Baroda (Gaek-nor- ), eoina dlacovered during the latest rethe Nixam of Hyderabad and tha searches amounts to 3,5(10; they belong Maharajah of Mysore ara tha only to 8icyon, Corinth, Argoa and other thrae native potentates of British In- towna of Argolla. dia who ara entitled to a salute of Dr. A. B. Hamilton, of Laramie, Wya, twenty-on- e guns. hiked Into a herd of wild cattle. They No man aver disappeared that some resented the insult and chased the docone did not Invent a woman story on tor, who got off with a broken ahoulder blade and a smashed wheel. et ur How's Thla I We ulft-- r On llumlnal IViIlars reward for any cane of caiarr! that cannot be curul liy Hull's Cat nr ill Cure. F. J. CHUNKY k CO., Toledo, O. We, the umlunUiciiPil, hive known F. J. Chaney for the laat 1.1 your, amt him hi all buaiiuau perfectly trauaaith-nand llunnri.-illable to carry out auy obligations made by their Arm. Went It Trust, lirugglala, Tole- Denver Directory. IVIniW-wil- Wholesale Waldlug, K liman A Marvin, Uruggnga, Toledo, O. Cure la taken Internally, Hall's Oatnrrb y upon the blo sl and niueoua acting dlm-llsurfaces of the system. Testimonial aeut free. Price The per Untie. Sold by all druggie! a. Ill i III TnfiMHBil ttrftnfftliFiin WlMtl nr!miiriim. rrn n Hall's Family l'llla are the beat It SEALS HuikB A Matter fur the Future. A . Ayers Sarsaparilla. o. do, "Yea, remarked the proud father, whose tastes are mualeul. lie' the llnt- -l the nelghtairbiMxl has ever seen. I rely on In tha own making iiplnimi prejudiced uiy ilutemenl. Sly wife any Hie same thing." Are yiiu going to inuke a mualeluu of $tr $w WMkmitft Hi.Afpiliniil taiupliiiir Morki- - Ofllri Alban IUAm liiiM'k, Jfciivar. tiF'fcrt V ir STAMPS'! F.UE6ER J& I 4s., UilA 41 P, ljnariii' h Hoc liNCnra and Ml kind" ofaftratoftl Mail ipfrlFm atlrnMMi 14 H lartinT HI lnwi,t ImrbFK1 KUi1t.P)eil nClllCD UlRvLIi DtiUdfl i ilv iu UmlnK $ i Oh, Ita altogether too early to decide that. Ilia hnlr hasn't begun to grow ycL" Washington Htar. iw fief vIhihi-k- , DDIICU Puiitw hlmf nttUwrimpaii of docria H ir1!1-- ' HfttnifforraiHt'V'ua I Denver Public Works, llo They Wro lliHia lly. Hiram I'nly "The conk nays abe . won't leave wlilmnt a it wuuld nut lie right tu Kivu Hut, nf it to her. I don't know oh! Mr. Illrntu Paly tbnt. Sill-- came here with one. (limit . M. K, Mr. SMITH, PNCOI4IMV. ORES SOLD ON THE PUBLIC MARKET. reniimni-iulntlon- Denver, Colo. 1ui-k- E. E. BURLINGAMES Horne Hawn Willi lultruillles. Age Amin Ita mi rent wilxi'e In the lieiilgiiaiit Kitininrh Established la Colorado. IMA Baaipli- - by mall OP tunic ski a ff. rilcil by llustc-'terheumatic and cxpma will recall prompt aad earelid altcnllo Iltttem, wIiMi relieve gruwlng Inac- GOLD AND SILVER BULLION niilarinl . ami la the llin-a- l rent tivity nf the kiilm-vRaRnad, MaHd aad Aarayad ar Parrhmd. of the alumai-h- . nly extant for too. with liver ami Imwola. I7M ud I7JI Lawitaca IL DENVER. COLOL Ui he nUlhtml, which oki pcojile are l ii. la promptly THE COMPANY PAYS THE FRBICHT nw imI knew Tklm. Will ecu Its arid DaUrffhpir Maylie the tiaJton wk JMI fmrt iNtrlanbirb JrjumIm and callable m an NRatma ii cmu Im parkad aaywbara IiukI, lint k la a ixifi w.im-- that II can't a jack can a1 An rai iila or tlie arid vane of uni lory In the linked VU cluU'hfwto unaik. rank la Staten Humic. wruujcnt Iron inddwl and will liaad ASSAY OFFICE r' ul rclh-vei- oaiouMi-iMMi- r tfora amua BK LOYAL ADVF.IITIKK tllUlllAIIO. XKAU TUB KKW A B PIPY OF TIIK IIKYVKII Over HW Ii uaa. yaare without DM Ma mak hra-luntt-a U, ift HU lid K1IITION YF.AH'H andnvi up ferea 1llulnttd rirrular Haatl WHIM CO.s COPY. (Td.YTH ADIHIK.K ir limakiMii. ruaaiua d.'ilar'a ag'iHWh at yrtaa OF TIIK nKXVF.il RKI'I I1I.ICAY IHHIF.I) JAY. I. 1MIT Kill HYPS. TO TOIIt KANTKHY MAII.K1I 111 II KIT KIIOM TIIK OF-I'lOF IT II1.H' AVION FOIL lUCurillhl-iAMRva- And now they any that gmlna In a pmi't let that scare you; you look henllliy." C ily THS HOTEL, DENVER. Hotel in ths Centrally Located. Firit-Clas- s To the Pacilli' I' wt Two through train dully via the Union Ficlflc. carrying Ihrmigli sleepera, Mini making from lx tu fifteen hours quickest tlma imlnta. Including tu principal western Knit lain-- , Unite. Helena, Portland Han Francisco. Sacramento, eic. Ask aboui: them at W1 17th Ht curlier Curtla. M Udah r. WINDSOR HKITIIMCAN, DK.YAKII, 101.0. Mary, Detroit. Buckland-on-the-Moo- SEATED HIM BESIDE HER. York, police? And now, if I may repair myself a little before dinner, for which I hare an appetite, dear niece, I shall be more presentable." And I promise you a good dinner, Denjamln Franklin, aaid ma. If you rooked it, it la sure to be, aaid he, gallantly, aa he followed me to an apartment where all he needed could be found, and I left him to repair damages as best he might Then I hastily changed my dress and hastened to offer my help to ma in Alas! as 1 apdishing the dinner. kitchen door an appalling the proached shriek fell upon my ears, and ma' voice, at Its highest compass, uttered the words: Burned! burned! burned!' The cry rang through the house, knew very well what had happened but Uncle Scurry and my unlucky husband, hearing the wall from afar, believed that one of ua had set our clothing on Are, and both flew to our assistance, uncle with a ewer of water, and Ben. hla face uncovered, carrying a blanket, in which he Instantly en veloped ma, while Mr. Scurry emptied the ewer over me and the cat, who In' stantly flew cp the dresser shelves, miaouling madly and oversetting most of the china. "Who's on fire? asked Ben, after theae proofs of promptitude In times of emergency had been exhibited, merely pointed to an array of dishes which poor ma had dragged out of the s, aa she had oveni and uttered the screams which had ao alarmed ua. Nothing remained of our over splendid turkey, of the mince-pie- s which we hail enthused, of the vegetables, of anything, but hideous lumps of charcoal and indescribable, sticky masHca, curling up on the centers of their plattera. There waa no longer any dinner to offer Uncle Scurry. There Is no use staring at It any longer, I said, leading the way to the parlor. "We intended to give you good dinner. Uncle Scurry; but I shall have to ask you tu consider yourself an Idol, and accept a burnt offering. I dont see how you can laugh said ma; "it la all too dreadful: but, Benjamin' Franklin, after all, you have endured, you need some refreshment. At least, we have a slice of cake and glass of fine old port to offer you. la lh on Thua Is Kvi-rcount!. amni-tli Cis Ilo yon hear that whining In the next That's tha Yes; who In It?" fnotliall rusher who got ulT thane manly at tlie end of the gHiiie; hla wife la rubbing hla lunie shoulder." room?' ill Keane, llso'a Cure 1 For lung and wc have used. Urn. J. L. the heal Nurlheutt. Windsor, lliil., Canada. What la hrliuniMiiliy 7 man arrested for Ktcallng a it a. Kuaa, ItATKKl ap." No Hi Nerve h, An!, taonHimg ayrap i lies iini. radar, rerchildrrn taaihiua. aiifu-iiaallays paiu. eursa wind mils, ainflam-mstloa- a Santa a Isiltla. PILLS D,M8 LIVER toaa. Thing ONLY ONE FOR A ?OBE. ea. at Draagiaia Oaaiplna frM. Boianha Had. C. Phil. Pa. , The world owe every man a living." Yea, and we thnit gY It collided until wa have aJinuat ieariHal to do without II. Oil FDR PEOPLE THAT ARE SICK. w Juat Don't Find Wall," s YYIwaloMT'a n The only with tha The finest in the West, conui-cleWlrdaor. Bend for llliiairnfed hook, flee. J. A. WHStilN. Manager. When Sirs. Iliwhui llvnl In Pawpaw alia wouldn't wear a gown unless H waa made In Chicago," "Yes. anal now that she llvi-tn Chicago, idie won't wear any gown made outakle of Mra. Plan.) to S3. BO per day. TlIlKIKII HATH In ths atata. la having bar of PITB mopiied frssan-- l prrniancnilyrarsil. ftrr ilrat day's us nf Hr. Kline's lira. VrsaZXlriallNiii'sftislirsati-hirer. Kll Ll M.. baud la (American Perfeet Service. Table Unexcelled. OPIUMmunkenness Da.JA,iTWHE(S,uaUIMUWMi THE MAIN MU8CULAR 6UPPORT8 OP THE BODY WEAKEN AND LET CO UNDER BACKACHE yACOBj OR LUMBACO. TO RESTORE, STRENGTHEN, AND 8TRAICHTEN UP, USE did not take a tablet of Caacarets Shows you Cathartic last evening. Cascarcts; prevent sour stomach, tone up the intestines, stimulate the liver, leave no chance for sick head- grtiea in the morning. You eat them like candy, pntl they leave your breath sweet and fragrant. Better send out for a box right now, J0c-- , 25c 50c any drug store, or mailed for price. Write J J for booklet and free sample. J ADsnas CANDY STERLING REMEDY COMPANY; ATHARTIC Cure Constipation. 2 OHIOAQO; MONTREAL, OAN.; NEW YORK. Important Notice j 1 The only genuine Bakers Chocolate, celebrated for more than a century as a de-bever- licious, nutritious, and age, is put up in Blue Wrappers and Yellow Labels, lie sure that the Yellow arc on every Label and our Trade-Mar- k package. flesh-formi- ng WALTEK BAKER & CO. Ltd Dorchester, Mass, PNH ' ; ! |