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Show wDusSS VOL. IV. W m-'f wff S' ; AMERICAN FORK, UTAH, SATURDAY, JANUARY 23, HYPNOTIC TRANCES. EXPERIENCE QUEER RECENTLY RECORDED. SOME to Haaband Ud to Silrtdo aa a Keealt af Hla Crtaaa Maa Clal ta Hava Haas "laaSaaratf hy a SavaalaaB- 1 r 014 Huy Other Cnaaa HE 8UICIDB OF Joseph Meyers, a German, young near Hinsdale, Catcounty. taraugus the New York, While my heart grew sick an cold. other day, brings Then an angellike smile come on hla to light one of the face. An I knowed hed do somethin bold, strangest tales ever heard In western Fer hla Jaws set hard in a ghastly New York. A year smile. ap But hla eyes shone full of hope, ago Meyers work to went In and Hinsdale An to cash he peared my "Im aaya, goin flay, atranger, that pup thara no jailer aa a farm hand for Staley Wood, a rich chips." og. farmer and politician. He said that But hla eyes never left ther rope. An jer wants to be keerleaa like his home was in SL Marys, a German How jer flings yer grip In thla neighIn the Pennsylvania soft coal borhood. A minute past an it aeemed moat a village regions. Meyers was a handsome felAint thar room on ther flooor nor ther year. low, of medium height, a fair comThen ther cage shot up through ther plkeT plexion, and had piercing eyes. When Yer11. apologize? wall, thara no doors. he talked he looked straight into his But quick aa a flash like Jim seen It listener's eyes. He was fairly well But that pup thar'a perticular pert. come and educated, spoke German and EngAin't thr room on ther floor nor ther An flung hlaself In ther Jaws. lish fluently. Early last spring Meyers an dog, a ther cage became acquainted with Juat naraty crunch, Sylvia Storrs, But I dont like hla feelln'a hurt. stood still. the daughter of Mr. Brazil Storrs, a An Jim, he had cashed hla stack. farmer Juat a leetle more plzen noae paint, But he saved ther Uvea of ten men that and nearwho lives a mile out of Hinsdale the Wood farm. Sylvia was a Bill, day. pretty brunette of seventeen. Meyers No, atranger, I aint much on luah, An I reckon Jt paid him back. accompanied her home from church But my throata kinder parched with several times. Her father disliked aand an' heat, Pard, he warnt no darn anekln pioui Meyers and asked the girl to cease 'An' drier than alkali bruah. cuaa. allowing him to walk home with her. What might be your lay, what, re- An he never Meyers soon began to have a wonderful prayed at all. porter? hell! But he cleaned up hia life to meet hla influence over the girl. Mrs. Storrs Say, pard, aint It kinder weak. liked the young man and took his part God, For a cuaa yer alze to go nosin round Aa aoon as be heared ther call. in the family discussions. On July 4 Like an ornery lopeared aneak? Mrs. Storrs allowed the girl to go with An whether hes gone above or below Meyers to Lime Lake, a few miles Its Ukely we mightn't agree. Don't rile ao durn sudden, thar ain't But, atranger. If Kansas Jim are In away, to attend a celebration. At Lime no uae Lake they entered an hell, parlor in kicken at every allp, and Meyers ordered some cream. As a Ita good enough place fer me. Im off my feed on a day auch aa thla she was eating the cream he passed An my tongue'a kinder loat ita grip. hia hand rapidly over her forehead and Til give yeh a tale of ther Red Horae she became drowsy. 'l am so sleepy COOKING! AND EATING.. I cant keep awaken" she said, and gulch. We called it ther Lone Star claim; when she again realized anything It 1 . Haw Man to Kaoirs Iniy Twill a tagger yer knockneed dudea in waa late In the afternoon, and they Kit her Properly. the Eaat, were on a train. Where are we?" she At one time, some 200 or 300 years Wall, Bill, make mine ther same. and where demanded, have we been? for held the ago, Italy palm cookery,, Meyers told her that they were c.i their and the French mocked at what MonTwaa a tough, hard crowd on ther way home, and that they ha been to taigne termed le science de guelle, aaya Lone Star lode. London Chat. Then came other days, Arcade, a town 30 miles away, and In ther winter of '63, were married. The girl wds horrified when masters of the art, such aa Bech-ameA reeky a pot fer a tenderfoot, pard. of Louis the at his statement. He told her to tell maitre d'hotel For ther waya war a leetle free, but and Vatel, the famous her people about the marriage, Thar war Monte Jullua, a Greaaer Magnificent, steward of the prince de Condi, ruled warned her not to tell a soul that she slick, over the aesthetics of the dinner table, had no remembrance of a ceremony An' a narsty man with a gun, being performed. "If you do, he said, and when great ladles, even princesses "I wU kill you! As the girl had not Thar war Bronco Peter, an Whiskey of the royal blood and mattresses en Mey-rs- , been to and the marSam, engaged tltre, thought It no Indignity to direct An' me, an' Drunken Dunn. the course of a dish or to themselves riage was distasteful to her father, Meyers was ordered to keep clear oi prepare It Princess Soublse Invented the A few days later Meyers house. But Kaneaa Jim, ther mine's engineer the puree d'oignons that la even now and the girl went to Buffalo to get the aay, called after her. The princess of I reckon youd call him worst. Conte gave her name to a particular marriage certificate. They remained He war aquar an' white, but a morbid mode of serving a breast of mutton; In that city over Sunday, staying with an aunt of Meyers. They also called cusa. the duchess of Mullly, vying with her, on a sister of Meyers and an acquainthe had a thirst! An, stranger, to a special way of dressing a leg of the It would dry ther bed of ther Rio same viand. The entle Louise de la ance of his. a buicher. They visited an old German preacher, who gave Grande Valliere waa a great adept In all culiMeyers the marriage certificate. MeyFrom bank to bank, an, aay. Mme. and de nary lore, Malntenon, ers conversed entirely lu German with He would awaar till ther boys grew temme savante as she was, would hernarvous like, self prepare lea colelettea et papillote the preacher and his relatives, and the girl did not understand a word they In a moat amazin way. for the delectation of her royal masSoon after they returned to Hinssaid. ter. In fact, ao alarmed waa ahe when Names don't count fer much in a Louis XIV. showed a predilection for dale, Meyers became melancholy, and when he visited the house, as he did crowd like that. carre du mouton a la Conte that ahe he always had a row with occasionally, But he 'lowed hia name war Jim, called in Pere Lachalse, who, in hia tftorrs. Several times he threatened An aa how he had left ther states fer turn, invoked the aid of another priest, to kill him If he did not allow him to with the triumphant result that Cacause, take hla But we never asked of him nard au Pere Douillet la known his- month young wife away with him. A ago quit work and went Any reason why, for he'd draw hla gun torically of having been the dlah that to live with Meyers a German family near the In a way which waa rarther fast weaned the monarch home of his wife. Three weeks ago he from the pitfalls of the princess and When some durned overcurloua cuaa a revolver. Then he went to fixed him in the paths of virtue by the bought Remarked about hia past. the Storrs house and accused his wife With all aide of the Widow Scarron. of telling her father the secret of their But a goapel sharp struck ther camp due respect to Mgr. Savarln, It la not marriage. He pressed the revolver to man sense of to who knows one day. how every eat Witness the Aral Napoleon and her temple and told her that they An the boys, they got pious mad. But Im durned If Jim wasnt worst of the great Carlyle, men who swallowed their food In great gulps, ruining alike all. their health and, what la synonymous Say, stranger, he had em bad. He didn't pray like, an groan with with health, their temper also. Every one la not like Mr. Gladstone, who ther crowd. But he dropped on ther cards an' luah, lays It down aa an axiom, that food An he sulked and worried hlaself moat should be turned over In the mouth at least twenty or thirty times before it wild is finally swallowed, so do not deceive like a wounded baar in ther brash. yourselves. The most Important hour Ha 'lowed as hla life had been full of that a day has in store for you, the axle on which all else turns health, sin, business, wealth, happiness Is that But he seen ther light at last. An' he waited ther time to come an hour which Is ushered In by what Byron calls the tocsin of the soul," that prove Is, the dinner bell. It Is a time for Aa how hed redeem ther past. An It come one night when ther mine which to prepare ourselves with a solemnity befitting such a grave occatook Are, into An' ther boys rushed mad fer ther sion and Is not to be rushed If It were of little or no moas lightly, rope; Jim stood at hla post at ther lever ment Otherwise, how has It arisen that the favored ones of the earth brake, JOSEPH MEYERS, cast ol? the garments of habitually He knowed twar thar only hope. would die together. She pleaded with toll, the coat of varied hues and unTher cage crawled up to ther mouth of mentionable garments of unvaried him and told him that she had not told form, and attire themselves de rigueur a word to anyone. A few days later ther pit, he became involved in a quarrel with a whenever it Is a questlop of dinner? like colled snake, up An ther rope Storrs and threatened his life. 8torrs an Jim around ther drums, Tight decided to have Meyers arrested, but watched It rise, The Hear of Kerknnlng. his wife dissuaded him. Two weeks Awaitin to pull ther brake. later Meyers went to the hou- - and she "Mr. Meekton," said, severely, lever an ther a come Then thar crash, want you to explain a remark that told his wife that he believed she bad "I broke, you made Just as you left the house told the secret of the marriage and that An Jim, he felt ther blow, It waa best that they should both die. I I really don't rememlast night. broken Thar war death above in ther As he pointed the revolver at her she I asked ber saying anything. you bar. ran screaming towards the house and why you were opposed to woman's sufAn a blazin hell below. fell across the threshold. There was 'Because and we're you replied: frage a of a pistol at the gate. Meyan hia as bossed it too much lips la "Washingt- ersreport Pard, I beared Jim groan, waa found with a bullet through bis on Stsr. looked white, BV3.W.tJ.AN(ILL. m It il, ' ' w IX heart. A NO. 7. 1111)7. month ago Sylvia went 'M i CRIMES FOR REVENGE Nhmn end Kith HU Wife, Rulus G. Cluck, a farmer living near ahot Cumberland, Wis., deliberately RECENT SENSATIONAL aud killed bis wife in hia own house been the other night as the result of a quarthought the ice cream hod DOINGS CLASSIFIED. rel. Clark la now under arrest. Acdragged, but believed that hypnotism caused her irouble. She said that when cording to Clarks own atory he got A Tosng Woman In (ieorgln Wreaks Into s quarrel with hla wife, finally Meyers looked at her intently and VMim an Hie Man Who Was n calling her a liar. She retorted that he passed his hands across her forehead Witness Agnliwi Her- - Jnuiee Neills' was a aba was utterly helpless. liar, whereupon he took down Speedy Helnrnrerrnilnu. a rifle aud, aiming at her heart, tired. The muzzle of the gun Strangs Power uf a Hop. It Is a curious thing the power whlob ILLED with a de- waa less than three feet from Mra. some human beings have over animals Clarks person when tbe weapon was ll i, sire to avenge him There Is in Lowell a boy. differing In self on his employ- discharged, and tha bullet mads a no respect from his companions, who er for some slight fearful hole through hef body, killing has this power in a marked degree. her Instantly, the bullet lodging In the grievance, George side of the house. Clark spread tbe Every stray dog or cat in the neighborT. rainier, a youthhood knows him and loves to be In his ful farm hand, en- news himself and waa aoon In the hands of a posse of neighbors, who company. A vicious horse, which ticed Husel, the the stableman can with difficulty caused his arrest. He admits tha murdaughter handle, will stand like a lamb while he of Oscar Marshall, der and now awaits examination. harnesses and unharnesses him. The a farmer at North dove fly around him, and In the woods Bend, Wls., Into Toaag end Pretty, bat Wlrknd. the wild birds apparently regard him the barn the other The officials of Rome, Oa., era puzand killed her night aa a friend and ally. The most remarkwith an ax. ialmer Is 18 years old zled over a new sort of degenerate. able exhibition of bis power, which has and had been adopted by Marshall from Her name Is Martha White, aged 23, long been known and commented on by the state xchoul for dependent children. and ahe la now In Jail charged with bis friends, waa given the other day. North Bend la a hamlet with about having Instigated the killing of WillA large and vicious rat waa captured seventy-fiv- e and is In iam Mason, a young man of that place, population, in the stable in one of those traps Jackson county. Excitement runs high, recently, it has been only atx weeks which permit of easy ingress and no and it was for a while feared Ibat the luce Martha White, who waa than In ogress. The men who were looking at youth would be lynched before the Jail charged with bigamy, appeared ao the animal were afraid to go near the officers could get him in Jail at the thoroughly remorseful that ahe waa animal showed such terror, couuty scut in Black River Kails. Dur- released trap, the a petition clraulated by upon but the boy, when he beheld the im- ing the day Mr. Marshall had occa- the citizens of Rome. Martha la aa prisoned creature, fearlessly put out his sion to reprimand the boy, and at the wlrked and aa aa aha la pretty, finger and stroked his head, the rat time the latter showed same resent-niei- t, and aha swore daring on one of vengeance manifesting aa much pleasure aa would but it was thought the matter the principal witnesses against her. a cat or a dog. Several days have would end here. Hazel was playing in Thla witness was the brother of Will passed since then, and the stablemen the yard and, her father having left Mason. Later Mason was held up by are still afraid of their capture, but he the place fur awhile, it wag an easy a young mulatto and before tbe vie- -, has grown so tame and familiar with matter for Ialmer to coax her into the tlm could raise hla he waa ahot the boy as to allow him to taka him barn. Then he seised an as and dealt through the heart. hands The woman waa her several blows on the bead, any one charged with having been of which would have been enough to the cause of tbe crime. Her arrest, cause death. From the barn Palmer however, was made only after a search went toward the house, carrying the of two daya, bloodhounds having been ax. He Intended to kill Mrs. Marshall, but as be neared the house hia courage foiled him and he turned back, dropping the bloody ax on the steps. It waa quite late when Mrs. Marshall missed the child and made a search which ended in finding the body lying In a pool of blood on the barn floor. The child was still breathing, but died a few moments later. Palmer waa captured while feigning unconsciousness from a pretended attempt to poison himself. He made a complete confession, relating the detail! as given above. He said that ha had been reading stories of murders and admitted that he got his Idea of securing revenge from one of these tales. Threats GEO. T. QUINN, out an c put him in the trap, will eoae of lynching were made, but better at hia whistle, and manifests every ap- counsel prevailed and the officers were pearance of Joy af hla presence. Thera permitted to start with him for the MARTHA WHITE, seems to be no question but what the county jail at Black River Falla. put upon her trail. She waa finally boy could train that rat to perform alcaptured In a cave, where ahe had II Honght Rcrcngn. most any feat wtthln the power of suh fought the doga. James Nellie, wbo waa released from an animal. During her first arrest she heard of prison in Philadelphia the other day, e dance that ahe wished to attend and et fire to the building No. 1806 he tore up tha floor of her cell and II Claims Hoy Hypnotised Illas. street, by Igniting rubbiah in went to It. 8he returned and said aha T. whom for the police George Quinn, persons were would have remulned away, but that of .New York have boen searching for the cellar. Fourteen he had no other place to stay. the past six weeks, has been arreatod asleep in the house at the time, among at Lake View, Riverside county, Cal., them being Nellis wife, and for the Hade HU Prisoner Conifortalile. where he waa living on a ranch. Quinn failure to support whom he had been A series of extraordinary charges The flames were extinwas collector for J. B. Hall, a New imprisoned. have lately been brought against a York decurator, and la charged with guished by firemen before they had German jailer by the name of Bader by raising a check from $441 to $7,641. extended beyond the lower portion of tbe the public prosecutor in tbe relchs-gerlch- t, structure. The Inmates of the lie decamped with the wife of H. W. Bader was.lt seems, at were building but no datable of Brooklyn, and while en one waa Injured. Neills' was arrested the chief warder in the Marlenwerder route to California stopped off at on tbe charge of arson and was held prison, and he is accused of having Kan., where he married a young the Jail into a comfortable priwyman who was said to be very without ball for court. The first floor turned vate hotel for ail aud any of bis deof the is building Mr. John occupied by He deserted her within a few wealthy. who tenus could Wilson as a par for the privilege. grocery atore. At the days, and when arrested waa living with the Gamble woman. Quinn claims hearing Mr. Wilson testified that Nellis Not only did he supply them with that hla wanderings for two years have told him that the place would be money, playing cards, liquor, newspaburned within two weeks, and that he pers and tobacco, but he entertained rt been under the hypnotic control of was going to have revenge for the moat liberal of the prisoners in hia (Nellis) 17-- y ear-ol- d a Orcutt, boy. Quinn own house, and used one of the cslla sent to prison. being then had a wife and two children. Oraa a bar and supper room. For a concutt exercised an evil Influence and siderable bribe be allowed certain of soon Quinn became Infatuated with Lovers' Quarrel Ends In Ienth. bis boarders to go home at night, esMrs. Gamble, wife of a Brooklyn drugJames Kelley, a n young them back in the early morncorting man of his wife left him and he raised Butte, Mont., Is lying dead, and gist others received their wives while ing, Hall A Co.'s check, cashed it, and went Jessie Hill, a young woman, la at the to Chicago. Then, with Orcutt and hospital In a critical condition aa the to an at home in their cella. Every Mra. Gamble, he bought a farm near "eeull of a lovers quarrel or insane newcomer waa expected to pay hia and footing by Inviting guardian Riverside, Cal. They stopped at noto a one and bout, guests drinking himKan., where Quinn, calling he torious sent home prisoner actually self Gilbert, married a rich girl. Quinn for more money, remarking You are soon deserted his wife and the three to some back, fur a jailbird you safe came to California. must always be; and belter In my jail The man returned. than any other. Hlrep In n Drag Store Window, The case has led to a number of minor In the window of an obscure llttlS proaecutlons against prisoners and drug store at the corner of Fifth and (heir wives for bribery and breaking G streets lies a wesk-face- d young man, prison rules. Westminster Gaze It. 17 years old, under hypnotic inbarely TrrrtMr Kplilere. fluence, engaged in the somnolent teak As a rule, spiders are quite harmleaa of sleeping four days and nights, says a Washington dispalch. Shortly after to man, but one or two foreign species 3 o'clock the other morning he was put are capable of doing mischief. The into the hypnotic trance by Mme. great, hairy spider of the South Amerof this city, and since that ican pampas, for instance, has long, Jaws which intime the drag store and the sidewalk black, sickle-shape- d flict severe wounds and the effects of in the vlrlnlty have been thronged by the poison are sometimes felt for many a rurlntin crowd. The sensitive" Is Charles Hanaan, years after the bite is given. JESSIE HILL. But an even more objectionable who, in the presence of several newson the part of plder la found on the same pampas. paper men and nearly 100 spectators, Jealousy and revenge waa thrown Into a trance. Mm. Mae- - Kelley. Kelley and the woman bad It ia very large, very active and of exDonnell making tragic passes around ' been engaged to be married, but re- traordinary bad temper. It not only and about the subject, with a rtapthmic cently she seemed to change her mind resente any intrusion upon Its domain, chant After getting him fully under i and kept putting off tbe wedding day, but objects even to anyone looking over control" she had him walk to a win-- 1 on account of which he several times the hedge. Men on horseback who threatened her life. A few days ago ventured to approach within ten feet dow, where he stretched himself at e in order of It have been pursued for thirty full length on a couch. Young Hanson ' he moved her boarding-housto but be found her. yards, the spider keeping up with a Kelley, escape la warranted to sleep four days and four nights, and if successful Mme. They were alone In her room for some trotting horse. Thla Irritable individMacDonnell will again hypnotise him time when (wo shots were heard. The ual ! called "the king of spiders." girl was found with a bullet wound In Ezchange. and bury him for fourteen day. her head, and Kelley had spattered his own brains all over the room. The girl 1ft Melbourne a woman gets two Every bouse in Sardis, Oa., about recover. Kelley was 32 years old pence half-penfor maklzg a ahlrt, (nay 100, la owned and occupied by colored and has a daughter living at Braid-woowhile a Chinaman gets five panes for people, and they are all Missionary 111. Baptists. hullvar to visit a relative, and to her she confided the secret of her strange marriage. She said that at first ahe SOME Cal-lowh- panic-stricke- n, Eu-dor- a, Gil-lie- well-know- Eu-dor- Mao-Honne- ll I d, |