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Show J 1 WORLD. E (J!d Folks Parly. rii Actor. r.nnaal 01.1 Party wa held WsdDfivhiy,' Ai oper noo- - ft ol I oilct wa n assembled and ir dmr old ftce f lownl with hap-p- i r.n.nnd aa they wern several tables that 'were loaded .will1 th lnmrfcaof lift1. Over on bund md fotrywcrs M ated at th Are t iMa anl tlmt iirtny mow at th wx the American tab Inlullog hand. Park After dinner thabraaa hn(i Biomh-in front f tha opera linns Hnd wnlrh plsyed aereral heanlifn. p! filled many a h:if wipi Tbe crowd wi cull'd to ord;.r br Chairman Barrett. Song. hr tha ebior, "Hark the Sing o 1 !i nt i' rl At bkh he.rv:!ni tun 1 took k 1il.1v, &nj In tf ii--l tn Recitation, Th New Church Organ hy Era Ttils was followrd by a titled Our Choir John Peters. Sliakespeare' then recited Seven Ages Rln cabld Irek son, That nmi en- hm vj.-- iu Cbca. r s in)S of of Man snv h the vprv sn.1 the (Rher. In th program. 0h. .:f:u-ri- Senatorial Contest. on the ritii-o Burling-e-Hi'- . At Ultima of going to pro? ths llnat Ion may still tc said to be in doubt. Tha varioni mmng'ra rtlll wrelst In claiming a chance for th Jublhe." eirctlon of their respective candidates Prayer Patriarch G nrg ITlI!rl iy although n spirit of unrest prevadaa B;p.rt of t ha old pclo if A mei iear their ht adqnariers to a very coticabic Pork tv Dro Grant giving a history., nf legrea and maov staunch supporters the old fotka party which ha cays Lae of Thatcher and llawlius now praotl. rrrown nnne and mor every year and csl'y concede the pronabie electlrm of they have also admitted r' the widow Henderson A. W. 1 iarrlu::ya atmul MJ C'h Cooler, Mood3 s lie Sure to Get l HooJa ItooU'e f iilJ cur Makf. yi i il "tnn, jBiVSl. i tn pjj.i-- ai..-i- . n i .1 nhick in. r'. r ns. I I I - - hit ..'luar at auto-aieiit- (,-- r r-.- IMwo-fi-nl- rlh trei CnipHny rent ihuu A F'anni-- r Pa latest pMdue'iiiiis. Th Fiy.rlratri irr 3X0 P. m.-ar- r nrrlva! train lrou All puiuto in Ttab. Tleketa and time tablr tn iVPliextiou to tbs Ijc-- '. ticket agent or by aridr. lug V F, UcMiilak, Gen'ral Agent, prMa i. araillna di-alumpa In :) hh.i.ii-i-Ui KfuiU'W v, SI ijiiuift, Ma. a: ('Ay Uirj ran lie tlnyrna pi tlirm ipl ,ip jh, lu.niv lii . anjrnua ibat Iija -- Cures IT. . Lwkn City, V Walker Klerk. 11 q l.ili.iuabi-- m own lantern. Idei An Crop IM1 iklf - m-- MMlMrls8liil IrtHs r.liHur 1 !. invm i. ts, riWy 11 jS'1!1' miinjMwNfi''iiM Min. Hr I'lOTlk'iifiRl, lllilKaf flBqflM'r 1 m utiiifl KS..- ssSi hflim i MARf Tre im no e a, OCPtMCHia Pkrti (JcwiTiiMlOSt . 1 ftuhiAMl wtfenb. - WKUDKkbt'KSf A iX, ftr Wrlir gattiring Wednesday some-hiU. C tur IM ti.su Yunr lmiii; ulTar Tha Rawlins forces a M(. Wuplngtuu, inscmplste without gradually ot Obdllli two OuBilnd luvaul 1 t pruo vidn-vt. overt) of ail. and tlia reach within prowi off and it la eonlldcntly prlc' dropping Ve did not get the name of r my own use and rne who ordared omDeWitt Witch hwui lh c by the Henders in snppoiii-rCana Hiluo, Acok . to . pawed away sine the laat mretlnr 'hat the less will be much heavier en whs mi hsnrt- and convenient I went 51 aold tor and order them taking hut 10 unt of 11 aw as follows: Mr. the next balin'. 5 one day mskinv over dear. It gives At your tilanU la a iin.UiBL-in-ai- - ttt-- Wanted-- I of- i i- KH . I.: umi u J.U, Fortli Dakota. ii. siuj :. WIND. MILL-- HA YOlTtSELF! i.r tlir wlsj Ir. Wtai-1- C::rcj . .j . - J . I mV. I 1. l.ifr. ) wi:i. Klsll to eoir'H ,. GOOD s Flyer' ' v . . liclii'KtrU caria-nu-r- I . umilt'. M.iinii witb bliiiup, NUVKLTV Fki.KL'M Jrrrf mu! . H ltd. e . . , rruif li.i.ir:. Ol tlMwl'i '5t'i ft. u ttnokU .LafJri:: liii Tne P Huimi KSvJIV:Vft2rt am it w fuV tisver bi:ilt tu Sir. A. I'. these. Tr.cy am lynvurhllMliikrdU Cl'.lurd imii, anii n.lii it ind r hko took prt At eleven o'clock the benediction. dmr 11, n I ii ver and Chicago wrlilHiti-rp- . y i.r-Iui Ilpumiwil all a. ill Denver a;:d St. Louis, U,u r. ik.-- k. m..i i . I luu- - u .i( new skipi.-- e with all a 1 milII ain- ud n( a pu up millaulriaily, mi ulmli l cm, maLr 1iiipr(ivinfnlb -- a (lira pruflt.aiut am llun aii:.i.:.r,( n,r aide vrfttlifulck epaciuus whoiu I tliii lull i 0 pin up liy coib-- t and Mi.nildnolliiuuu a u.i jni aniokhig remain, (I t.akr lluyntu .;. !!iliti bacKMt wets, gas, and than VII.: auyoco r-- l ilfsarui.. u. I : f..r l mh i.y t!n ihrr iblngM Hut , mon- L- ty Phlll Margstts. -- AGENTS WANTED. SMS?! goois A ew. ey fur tllCiifv rrnio. lllfl and ad v.iu.rr, I lire o m w -. : Jo enpilrU tliat I u!;U ii a r.id ol :!u klLd rrutrlic i. 1 afiii-i-i witt Mr. Evan. Song by w Cam-aaivij- Ten new cleepers culd v.k devrioped Smith. B wai t siylkh Mililuary Ei. !i JLiilors. FirS iXnfl'i of Dui 'my at the Wonderful ni'dp'th hall rlrg with mg:;lc. iid If jvu HoocTs I(5 American Fork, by IVm. Graii', which wa .v.mpod by him 13 "iirs sg fur th Obi People rarty. flip andipiiee j.ilcel iu on 'the chorus Bong, uoimm iu Wig SCIENTIFl-AMERICAS', . f II inuruMi iii (intle H't'h'v.iprnirti:. inionrs (i.d'wi iiiiiiitlm. SniniHi oiiiigi .1 IIJKU 5 t 1 - rAifcXT.uiini. uk s - 3(11 v, munn Atlurcji A CO., N.w lark. Hu N 111, ,r. a iwautiful white light chlmceva never Bophler Haneon, Joe Anderson. Airs. bean ill has for a of sometime Tha if oa the dmdbtk probability Bn-)break from he .It Is nlwsvs dear and Blood, Slater Blrh Fdaard aerie- not 8he met with n nuder tbs care of prove. Ht Kernels any yet very Ala., Lent. Casey Cfcadl urn. Ellen C,rl' ready. llubiriMon. Klla although the manages for will send a scmple for 13 two rent Noyes. nsen KmMa llnggard, Slater Gordon each of the three prominent candi- stamp wriic lor one. I get my start iid Mrs. Jane Gardnrr. Ni:o jeh i.l hats from 21 cts, op, onu from him, dates claim that their foreea will be Georce R. foot north of Duuklcy's store. Opening Address by the prrsidi nt of held together practically infset, and (Im stake Bro. Partridge of Pravo, Goto J. E; Jensen for first class will utterly ignore any consideration You hiive Oid(Q or BOOK Song bv Bro. John Peter. RARE and all kinds of buildir'ir macoil f a possible deadlock. Lsk in tha evening Salt NOVtLTV 1. (X)., Ueovii-o- , Koasas. Remark by R. Smoot of Prove ! terial. .ind arier breakfasting Ths name Judge Powers was which were to the point-Sorin ths Miimpt iiniiM diulng resented by Senator C in non on the All kinds of coal and building The ienghtof life may be Increased Two by Bro. Pldll Marat's, from of t!i SANTA FK ears yet antici- material at J. E. Jensens at bed by l.'Ffcenliig Its dangers. Tbs ni:Jri-tSalt Lake. TTualro spoke on his Ilf. fourth ballot, bnt it ROIJlK. on tha third l 1nm-.1if people die Horn lung trouble g, you arrive ill In Hall. lie Is known all .,v?r thr pated that he is likely to take a lead. rock priers- may be. averted by promptly nsing One Days Chicago or St. Isiuia state as Hargetts, tbs fanny man, for In short tLe sltoatlim Icoka discouin spavin pi altsnd tn All the diffrrent forma of skin tnn-es- , minute Cough Care. Tucs. Etefli & no i ne ha ft er appearr d on tin Flags rsing for all the candidates except biiHliiSMiir rounert with T.nst Via to Co. from chappei hanks e:iim f;1Mt (ruins in that can equal Hr, Margetta as Henderson and at bis headquarters for tbe j very one appears lo be jubilant and and Indolent ulcers can be readily nsc-eKat. Sniiie ous has said a conirdlsn. MARRY T H IS GIRL QUICK. by Do Witts Witch Haxel Salve, the 'rwk or Shxiuaa O'Biinn wosiLen rtcitid by ttinfldent ormeeeBS. l tha ATCHISON, TOPEKA & cure. Thomas o'.le we: The ballot as last stood folk Smut grrnt Beach fniiili, SANTA FK railroad waa Isawlnycnr paper that a 13 ;ear Hrltderscn 13; Tba'.chcr S3; Rawllnt Co. old boy tnaae ll.Ri tho first hour n such perfect rondilli n 1H Speeeh by Bishop Robinson In which worked Belling the Prficti-ithat ths im.g distance rnn H.'ul be apoke of bis pleasure in attending lo. nf the utdersd I a simi-i-anTip Ltmpvlck. Flyer on tbu was a Thera dm old people's mcetirg acd hi go" very nniqne party t New Y irk Central could wrnt to work aud thr first wri-- I Tbe Horns Dramatic Association will for the pec; Jrs of tbit placet He 10 tl. s.Mind week I cleb i be eqrjuiod if Unt extWcd Hausen's Monday. All the do '.red secured iha services of Phlll Frank 13. T r A prdt. to mu al.--o to $25 a we. k ?d, by its magnlfleent thsi I (dit e ui!e for il. lr libwere cn usnal the lerformanecs ip in tbe near future, as t ha Perfection tralua. eral gifts to lie iirrratd agio tn his Ma 'gf tts fo Salt Lake and la prepar- yrogram. M.tal Tip La.npwiclt makes such a in additlcn to Nevada a beautiJ. D. KENWORTIIY, Xma kom pilling ovtrfl.VO was girei ing beautiful whit light and does away General Agent. Uncle are rirsnia aware ful march nts well Jish. Many stjlid tn the nr dy by the people of our town C. K. WARREN, Trav. Fgt. with and bad siujKey chimneys Ibvlr (dor custom are frleiid test T lie players will be Phill eis thir Hargetts, on that day. veB nil. it is ea-- y to sell: If you uni Eva. Agt. Itoom 411 d take plessare in supplying them and John Peters. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. ai it Hi'iid 13 two cent stamps Daoly Block, with Home was then ssng tbe htBtgnn.laub'alii&hlp. AS an wiidi ;otij My Mourttln A. M. IBait Luka ity. Gable, Moroni Wild, Walter Wild, J. f !n!.lll:A wc mention rtii, SUtlou A. St Louis heantifoly by Mrs. Ri.blnson. l'rry &. Caincroo. ifMoMis ' suii s.io aiii send yon sample out-l- it E. Ingcnoll, Frank Turner, M:1 pri UiiHisl drogglEts of fluhuig Mmlii -peach l7 Bro. David John from Prove till Is A grok way to make money gaii. They say: We have no licfitx-,11- 0 Martha Hnggarfi CTiipnun, Eva which was appreciated bv al', around iu recoiiimamting Cbgmbrlaln'a I'B. A. CHRISTENSEN, and W. Kil Sm tn. ' to our customers, as It Crcgii Uvint-dSong by B:o. Evans. Miss Tina W. wa niedieiue have jo'.ii'be hut cough Remarks by Pa'tiirch Cscrga Hi a dd, and mway latlsfietion Nrphi Ellsmcrc 'Is tlie proud pris i' sale at 25 and 80 give ceLts per bolt as RMir Glee by tho cnh. a quadruped of lbs bovine i ; Tl.os SlKl. a t o. Utah Anarlcao Fork, -Remarks y Patrlsrh Kvans., pdrs that ba pmjnecd .142 pen'1 Hr John Peters m Hie ditgiilse of a f bntier daring tl e past 84 dsya C IAS P. GABLE, tlie family 1 pint. i! j tramp bmnght tesrs to many who lisATTORNEY at LAW res m iach day and feeding a c.iif tened to iiia fine entitli l t!o: uiul I'ciddi-u-IiI. air a m)m dully. anJ rerv Or.. Huir i:ait (if rent Oflliv AiLtrivun Furb until ii was f -r wi-- i ks, I . 'Packages cf ee ntfy trnt ges sLd finlt for the butchi r. The cow was fd on l 'j. Children should be happy can food. common hcr.t cake were itch parsed a round to every If anyone . tlirii-i tip we Dorn to this like would hear and crowded tbe B. and Lease K. KING TEOS JOHN wst present plump. A child cf seven ANDREW ADAMSON well pleased with the treat. KING & JOHN. should not be thin and pale, ! Dr. J. F. Note fn.ni Pniv-After this Mrs. Evans sang Now Wo at LAW. A1T0SXKYS with th-- : aged look of twenty. ra1uate p;ij'l',.::iu ir 1, 3 X and I, Swlm y A. Murtiu Dlixk. :kd:i tie Agrd and Gray. iiinteiuItMl b' v.us If No aches; no whines; no U. i : S. o'.o, Ulali. A Recitation a Quaker Hooting waDeputy Minsra! l. c ti d in lo'.vi' heic. Iils ..i house-plan- t. i .'(ne jumpRunning, ttled out by U: lib's great comtdiai Surveyor. ' I. mey tit. funiid at Mr- - Clii-J. F. NOYES. M. I). ing, la'.ghing. ir thefutnv man spokiiirf brfure. one half block imr.h if Jai'k-u- . AND PHYSICIAN & SURGE OX, should grow in weight and It was then given cut that mripfi . Offlr. in rtiinan llluhi.iu; j illi.-.n. r ' would lie Be r veil free at Grant's hall and NOTAltY PUBLIC. strength; eat heartily Nuw that American IV rk ti- ackwiUK Store Auiirieun Furk, ITlwta. rs t here would ho a dance in the opera phy-imcheeks. srow who is aiming tl.e fn" : plump Utah. Am.ricau Fork. li.u-- e at nlgtt. After tha heneaiai'in we iu the pn Emulsion of Cod-ITv- tr i.ir ci-THI RMANA WEliGKWOOli, ill returned born 3 to wait until even will patrnnis him wrl. Nevir I r i IV. ATT0RSEY8 OiTwlth Hypoplios-phite- s ing feeling that it was goo 1 for th.ui lii.ve ne il a n.mliral dncrir l .Ion! Sand Firsl M. D. 1U:.'j llii ' i.jTnt, A, fills out the sunken !; have been pri.nt li. Pium-or better pi fjfoFsl n.. uii rc r checks and gives color to the ! The supper at A p. m. at (Irjrr'H hub juiiiMi.ent. iicl 11 TI.ICAIKiN. Ilur-'wiwas an elegant repast and v ry It furnishe: materiel Phi,xicia a nca j.3ty ncli flips. K AT SAl.T LAKH, l.TAII. AN U l I nf Gso. Cim'-Ti;c : ; !a enjoyed by all who were preecur, there A I. for the growth cf bone, ai.i Olice hours, 2lo 5 P. M. fj . Mrs-Joh- Kinute Cough Cure, curef v One Tti ii UraaSaai. bat l: was CHICAGO ST. LOUIS and ila -- r. The Through Car EAST! WRajWEM ei ne Only r--f e int d ; SantaF0!r:t,i,t",,'9 u ti Iax.il Time Cari Cvliir - In ffset Ang. jm:h lteul Jos 18, 1895 (io Kortk . ?4:ad up (tSam (.3i);iai i Ouiu f ; .pm Salt I ukc City Lehl JubcL ,8:aKam l:X&vn: :43.iin 7:(Rpm l:3Uiui 7:dpiu Aiurrlvaiark S:3Sam kiiapai T:7Hu llriiwniiRini 8:33am 5:lkpm B:3Uum 7:40pm I SOsia I K.pm I'rura f- - E. L. IJ)M AX. Orn. PtiM. awl Tiekrt Aseat E. 1UCKIN0N, Gun. Ugr., Omalu, Nebraska Trains south nf Juab run'Auu; exuept Bandar Tbnnuib Pullman I'alaw uieiMieni to' Cbieuao without cbumii. Inipniveil Tuiirial Slrapsra Krot; reellntnir chair car. rnwbea The only line uperatiiiv Dinlna car eerrlcu. xu rtiimt i.ixa HHoarair ths vuiNru a Aar D. V-- IIDItf.RY. Gnn. Axrnt Pasw-nseDept City City Ticket UMve, il Main SL, Salt tj all r . H S-- lll k in.ivBH w Mink, K. Ki.i.khv Aabkuaoa, John W Goa nk. tht ViiBUitica K. CiiNUKar e I - DENTIST 111-i- fobgood'rinting' K. AMSfinSE, TONsUUIAL .ARTIST ! County Surveyor 14 Children fc-si- Scotts lu-p- -- at-L- U'S-c- Lewis, n a Surqcon; Nali-ir.u- . V-.- - s 1 J- al Mrg our in cl1. progi am was very IDO (thl- - Niitiel in i:ii 1: IV iii I he Iiii'iiwiiiiHit. nl ,.i, aaieil 1e'ti' ..ji n iij.-ur' i.l lilela:iu. : '. make flr.il ttnhm rutii oroi I w'll lx ii. i l Kiv lii iv r if ll.e I. S. L.1111I .ti. I : 18W. viz Lf th oil Muril) Sail l.itk -I !l. E. ttiH ftir lln N K : ' Tt.e g r d an .1 til S J1!m Stir:l fnni ' who remaiuvd instead of a t.ii.ili - tin M. rk's liu-- p ' ii. n I...., ?:1 tirand hull ht Ilia cp ;j house in 'nii wi.n her ; H 3 K. .'1.1,1 .! n c ' TJ 4 S W pleastri a happy u tv? thus o.ice more .Ii- owIIiimiuiiii jiiov . A Iii'ink; tui :;i : ai df in tl'f once t meet un-ili la jgetbi-reui.iliiiioux lee Iiia hmiu permitted (":l'.v jiim, ft .) Ila. .1. 11.: lit: Kli ii:' hiTiI o! krllsan. itf U. biid tt. the del ai lulu Tli'j I rcgram consisted of a sp cell j.W IlMTI . Aiulr. w llanmc, :.il t Am- Hairy V IT Vi S uud Ltah MIlF-'t.lilll), j ericu by Patriarch Evans. CK0' rt mg by Phill Hargetts of Salt Lake. nel :o airlw here from th : ii.itn a u. nn.:,. :r.-- . . i : a n. ji:!Hi.iJjr .a Hcciiiitidn by Bro. Pet r cutit'cd 231 p.. m. it now mr'v st I' S-i- m-c- - i ". ll-.- - ... e l. food for the brain r ii r.crves. It leys a strong .cundation for future growth anu development. Ar $:o: r$ EMVl.VnW bit Dof iw'.wAri p. orsnHifif tnmff rMri, (.I I . III feTE;T?S!T'tfels KuilactM It. 7 un it beau v it utlirjrt mrr flMgWI M fit1, fliMrtw ' r Oil f ht. d CflJ 'Put uf m (o uni tift tt mfbteut gk .urtjturttugk or Mf tcr. 1 l:l ' thnjr nnr- brlnv LlilIlN A .. No- thi-i-r ilRil lubH'ali Harrington 3r AMEX IANFCRs. DeWitts Colic ft Cholera Cure. Plaasaat, iiilck rssulta, aafa fiENJ. STEPHEN WOODS. Wagon FiiP1' WorTrr-- and Wav o'-.- of nil kinds tired to Drsl rlas urdsr at nrie-to sil the time. s Big.'!-n-- ts nas. BATE . American FOBS AKKRICAN yia ZihActki panahcl. Dr IIiRBlNorONST. ion w Xn.'uit l. AJ ERICA V FORK UTA1 'OlSa - . s. Runs hacks to a!! trains. lUhnttsiur: ywiY SiU-bio- run think loss uiiirsd-- An Livery Fcctl am S'&le Utah. Tonsorlal artist 7'rnr bhjk'f tti Henry Lee - ifrivM hAtat , Aaiiiui l Allcrif&Il Fork A A MAKER. WATCH Hair Cntmp THE WORLD OFFIGE , and CO . . wmli'h iWnt urlse WAUUnI, u l.n Attiir-.!- Th: Uev Look Spa:a Tree To A'J . idTn Tin-- ; o ni (r. i ic (''iri-'in- n Sl.iiid.ird lli.ii s .i Ni. i'r is. Ssiiii in I , m. Lir V !nl if- nil ii ,la' III.: ki'IMlUj lief III P'('Ri. ci in ,i.. ; . I ncoi .or mix hi.ii imiiiil li b U: s iowril it ii ill) '''.it I friends, and made tlll.OU in two hourw, taking ordi for ths sp nin. The honk po n I a l:niisrio(l necersily. Ii cn-nu- t 1 M . . ! Denver & Rio Grinds Rail wav. m Scenic Lino of the World Do not neglect fc call ami mc our V.inltr 'vliich wc will close out nttlioainc me tc-'- - : at cost. J l'n..u No. 2 leaves Americau Fora at J:02 a in, arrive at Puclilo at 0:10 a in. Ciilurulo Mmringa 7 :51 s n, Denver 10 :30 a m, Cnppie CV-e!i:50 a in. Tnin No. 4 leaves American Fork tHto)s on aignal) at 5:25 p in arrive al Ilii'lilo 5:27 p m, I'nloraiio Mpriugs 0:53 p ni, Denver 3:25 p in. Onm-cliim- i made at Pnclili Uolora.lo Spiings xml Denver with ail lin-- a enst. ilny coHcliL-a- , chair earn, amt I'll1 '.limn on all trams. Take liie I). Si K. U and hare a coinfnrtalile nip un-- injoy the finut 'nery on the ('litilii'li '. Tiaih ..xring American Fork at 11 a in iiivr4 al C'ripplo Creek next inurn- - Wc also have i line of notions ! Wc never carry any old goods Our prices will surprise you. our "We ii will k Wo Lave no old g oils in stock. si-l- l ui con .11 g'Mie. i r ani lu'o f.e dish or cwklug vihwI iu- bsiug heM g 1 1 - nf IMn-kle- n. S. Hioiiih, lialhr .Ii;;r., ( Ipt.'i-i- . U. F, Vx'vt:. th n'l Agt., K, Ilnoraa, tj. p. & T. A. Colo., Il, Denver, Colo M. Cixiiko, Tiav, Ihiss. Agt ball LKn City, Utah. HARD. N-i- DeWitt'. Little Early Risers. Tkc famous llttl pills. B.:B. D. C. DdUliR. Gen I ap- y - - a i Tut:''r, .n ; a, uu'r K. A.I- U.G..UE'tKi L. L CAL AGENT. liE ia.HWi James III SL.MI. A. LUnfiL,,,, TIME place by a hook on tbs bk . T:.e apCiin i snmhUnni; r- that .,o have li.vd-ev. g liiot ..oi s n-r- i firnl luvci d. Auvr i'n Ayyjc: apjil 2).b H'JU. one c.ii, gi-- i ri wji upe s;xain b wEar. EAST. rn Vil li '.' pn s lo Mi Krltx, N-- . I. i!:'M a m No. 2, 8:47 a. tn. uiooty round home. No. G, 131 p. iu. i'.i.i Nn.iS, 4 i Viry iiuly Jekkttk 8. Nil 8, 5'XG p. in. j . 7. '.): 1 Slm-per- ELITE JMU INERY FALLOWS One Pour North -- E0& ' - - ' -- r Practical Horso-nho- ?: AND Blacksmvi. fork amkiiICan : ;..i' |