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Show i.'ji 'a 1' . From Denver THEIV'QRLIX Th-Offici- McKinley 2039 C al Jotepli D Smith 2032 "Bryan Electors John J 1 Henry W Lawrence "375 Robei I'age V Reprewntatlve to P 151 Lafayett Uulbrouk William U Kins D 5744 H N Dutrlet Judge-War39 berry D 509 Abram C Hatch R Stats Senators 4) H Briiuhall 39G3 A J Evans D 5595 A O Sanot M9lG?iiD8neilR3T67 cm go tu You Malt Lake by the of the Ualuti 1acitlc fur one rare BD way Nov. 14. . ns(0H Jt. Smtlh JXr Etas.CaL Mrs. Juhn Pocior U building a fine porjb on her new borne. I have luffersd for 29 ysnr with s cnojiUcsUoa sematlvei Eleventh District W Clias. James new residence will be f troulibA, with coi'!nuuui. almoit uuUmtv 38? K r, 51 D 5543 J Greer Holladey Ma pain In my back. Tka Cr!p alio proatroready for the painters Monday. P Land D 6689 Hyram Lemmon l MSI 3734 R J. S. Pairs Jr K Mrs, Thos. Coddlngton who lias Leon John McNeill Dcrsa SHOO W M Boylance 1) 5903 F E Stewart Tl'slting her parents eereral week- H 3878. b"me to Eure Vi to morrow. For County Commieslonere- -J OBnl U4 mo. But lock D 5001 J S Peury I) 5591 8 W Hose A gold discovery Is reported near SaniparllU baa 3830 L B R K Stew 3799 Richmond J it R 3778 Pleat ant Grove so eayjth the Labi Ban1 a ol all my tmublc W U Wins D 5492. art and I cannot apeak too Gw For County Clerk Hirv.reamp ner. Mb. I. H. Smith, Box M Etna, Cab For members ut Like Other Women the Hons) of Kbpi - re-tn- os D 6506 U 8 Martlo R 3774. County Teachers Meeting at Ilsisant For Sheriff W 11 llrereton It 3635 Grove tiiday. Next Meeting wiil be G A Storra D 5736 For County Recorder RoieM.'ur) R held at Provo, Hue. 5. 37lOHyrum F Thomas P 5669 Sheriff . owier wai In tnwa icJay on For County Attorner TIioj. Jjbn R 3973 8 A King D 5401. a very Imp ortant ease. For County Assessor J J Vp:wt p 5445 James B Whitehead R 3928 8opt' Wea vis of the Ameiicaii Fork For County Treasure- r- C G Bsbr It Creamery ha returned from his trip to : 3929 Ellen Jakeman 1)5418 Kaysvillc. AdamFor County Surrey Bros. 'Vin. M and John Bromley ocson D 5484 Caleb Tanner R 3874 For Justice of the Peace American cupied the time at the aternrm ser Fork Precinct Join McNeill II 271 11 vices Sonday. Hunter I) 540 For Constable Precinct Kel One of the articles Men from Steules ley R 271 Beck D and C 540. drug store (the gun) has been found lu a hsy stack. PLEAS XT GROVE ITEMS. Call at the Elite Millinery Parlors On Not. 4, Patriarch John Brown, first door nort i at Uuukley'e. Every one of oar old veterans end one of the thing new. first pioneers massed to the great All I ixi!3 are delinquent after today. Beyond aft his home In lu Pleuaut Grove, lie has suffered fea a long D. Carment of Idaho was 1 n Ameri tlms with lung trouble, qnt the end was ao quiet that his frleuds scarcely can Fork the fore part pf ths week on realized lie was dead. He was boro bosicfos. October 23, 1820. InScniner ermnty U. G. Merrill has completed the neat Tenmwee and was baptized into the L D. S. church in Joly 1841 and removed addition to his honse' Nanvoo In the following October. On Jos. Nichols moved Into his new May 21, 1844 he married Ml Elizabeth Croehy in Monroe county UlsslsslpDl. house Wtdnsrdiy. In 1947 he moved west ana was oue of the first with Pres. Woodruff to climb John Armstrong, who has parehoecd Independent rock and aee the Great the elty well boring outfit, commences Malt Lake and vallev, he was In the work Monday. Indian skirmish la Battle Creek when the Navoo Legion was orgauised and It is reported that there were tne was plaecl on the commander's stiff hundred cases of messes In t;wu this wlih the rank of colonel, lie filled various portions of honor and trust and week. performed a nnmber cf Missions of the J. J. Jackson Is agent for the famous various kinds In Interest of the work coal which coutaius zq soot Diamond 1863 On of the Lord, Feb. 2, he was ordained Bishop of Pleasant Grove by and will burn in a Uum; burner. Pree. Brigham Young and he held that position for twenty seven years, lie One of ths mut social pir ties of the was Mayor of Pleasant Grove for twenty season was given at the Opera Iloose years, Ou account of failing health last evening by the flail Company- - A he was ro.leaiiHl from being Bishop and aloe crowd was present and ail report a orrtaindod pa uarch by Apostle Ly drew A-- man. The fnneral services wepe held ffov. 8, In the First Ward Meeting House, at one oclock p. m. There were present on the stand: Apostles Lyman and Tcandals, Preaft Reed Smoot, A. J. ; . ' . y, Evana of Lehl, Bro. Evans of Spring vlllc and other visitors from all parts of the country. The speakers were Fleet. Reed Smoot, apostles Lyman and Teasdale and Bishup Thorn, all of whom spoke in the highest terms of the deceased. Singing wm conducted by f. M. Humpnes. The election here passed off very quietly, only one arrest was made. That one was a man canvassing th town fur enlarging pictures, but lie got to much bid whiskey and lu so doing he bad to work on oor streets for fire days with pVk and shovel. That wa uehange fiom going from house to house. A young man from American Fork was arrested for nsing prnfaue langaag but he prefem d bread and water to working ou cur Etreeta' Name not known. The city fathers have placed steel cages In the Jml so the toys can't have such a good lime. Our city las opened a new street reaching two block7, going cant from the Lund tome. It will he a gieat ad llvl.ig cast of Vantage to the eliixt-itown. Our ealuona must, be dong a flourish Ing business Judging by the crowd tfiat gathers there. Oar Orchestra has full control of tlc dances this- winter, ff hope they will he conducted better In the future than they have been lu t he p'ist. Ou Tuesday F S Humphries rerelrod to a letter from tux B to take a Great Britain ou the 21st :f this month but the .lime has lorn mended till January, Mies Alice Houston moth, returned to Mam- last Saturday to spend week. t guod lime. "On the Bowery oue of the best plsys on the road will be played at tha Opera House 8'iiae time the first of next month by a good troops (torn Son Francisco. Tte people of Lchl seem to be rather previous about changing to a republl ean post master. They ream to forget that McKinley do ?s not take his scat for 4 months jet. Nichols Grose buck of springvllle has a mining claim la American Fork can j on from vhlch simples have been taken showing $12 in gold, 6 onneas silver and 39 per cent copper, Banner. The speakers at ilia evening. L. D- - S. Services were Elders J. J. Jackson, Anjnd Shelley and Geo, Cunningham A letter was rid from the first advising a change la the time of monihiy fast raeeilugs, from the first Thursday In the month to ths first Snndar. pieel-doue- v Ellen Cbapharn, who was buried last Sunday, was a vetern and much re rKlz-of this city and leaves !peet--many frleuds to mourn. Ebsjvas born at Grit die ton, Yorkshire, England in tl e j car 1819, where she lived for sometime uo til she removed to Lancaster itire. She ceme to Amerlea about 40 years ago aud earns at ohea lo Utah, lia having joined the chnrcli about 50 years ego. Ilis was married In 1840, Mrs n -- her hu baud having died eooie 12 years Thu funeral services wire held with tin Blshi p and his councilers presiding. The speakers were: Eiders Thomas Barrett, Samuel Wagetsff and ago. Wm. Grant. fen 1. D. Hontz, of Provo, spnt How to Prevent Croop. Attorney 80 UX KEADINQ THAT WILL FBOVI IN In our city. TERKST1XG TO TOCXG U iTHXBS. HOW C. Hamblin acdF. C. rtcon. both of TO GCAKD AOAIH81 TUX DISEASE. Croup is a tcimr to voung mothers Chicago, spent a couple uf diys In and post to them concerning the cause, American Fork this week. Hist symptoms and treatment is the . George Hazel and Chas- Brig of White of this item. The origin of croup object were at the 175100010., registered common coll. Children who are a is Grant hotel Wednesday of this week. wt-j-cold very easily and take it to i A. ll.Clr jitllof Milwaukee, WIb, wai croup is almost sure to foilew. The in our city ou business a few days ago. first ejmptrm Is Iioarsrncss'.this Is soon C. It. Scott, Wm, Beet ind Geo. A . .ullowed by a p?rulUr rough cough, Devin, were visitors at the Grant Hitri which is easily recogulzcd and will from the Capital (bis week. oevei be forgottnn hvone who has heard as u. The time to act is wbsu the child and will We are (ur business pay . If Cbamberlalii' ilrut becomes as milk fur Try anyone. high prices rmiah Rmedy le freely given all tend our butter if you want the best. dKu-pear- . 0. A. MlFEXKK, 31. D. CllEAJlERY. cii'y t err u will kiwi Ktn after lie emupy rougn has develCall at The Eiilc Millinery Paring store fi-- i oped it will prevent Il: stt ck There one ilor mu th r IMrikl-y'fashionable millinery. No old gold lu L no danger In givelng tils rmsdy for fo stock. it contains m.'.hicg & Co. Tb ns. fe.t-e- l by will One work from next Thursday 1 l)o not forget it 9 Thankglving. De Wilts Witch lleicl Salve CuMsPUa, Scalds, BurM. to-da- s hlrblyofll Nood'n Filin iw bcKlnvba aud ladlsMtlASb DOCTOR GMORES OMPLETE ATARRH URE. ai-- iZ-- Ha dry-goo- ds Emulsion '.ns gfin-rally- O PH PM t!i- - 30 cvr.U an-'- , fi-e- - S 15 a G O 3 o 5 OPN J 1S 5 o ce srt '1" 3 I TJ , 0 3 Tj U S All the (ate and most stylish novelties la full ami winter millinery at. Chlpman Sisters'at the lowest prices. c3 m 8c3 'A cq Utah. d o s x Mid-wl- words Care falls. colds Thos. Reward. Th Rio Grande Western R til way Company will pay a reward of $15 for the conviction of any person throwing stones or other missies at Its traits. A. K.Wklby, General Snuerintendent. Local Tisik Card In effeet Aug. IS, 1895 Balt Luke City. Aug. Sib, 1890. North tijiil Going soKtb Buckiena Arnica Salve. the but salti in Ilia world for Cuts, Brnlsci, Sores, Ulcers. Sal t Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chipped Hands, Chilblain, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, uni poiltlreiy care Piles, or no pay required. It le guaranteed to give pirf-c- l sititfasilon or nmn", refunded. Prims 25 pir lux. FOB SALK Br Tbomue Sfilt .Co. CHICAGO, ST. LOUIS and EAST! Yon leave Only Ogden or Salt Lako In the evening and after break fantlug In the aumptiioasdiulng rare nf the SANTA FE ROUTE, on the thirl morning, yoa arrive in Chicago or St. Lnul4 in season to attend to bualneiHor connect with all fait trains for th East, Someone has and reeFiitlv that the irark of Two Days Lost Via Santa Fe r.lie ATCHISON, TOPEKA & SANTA FK railroad was In em-- perfect condition Route h To that the long distance rnn nf th Flyer ou the New York Central could b ennsled If not exnnrd-ed- , Chicago trains. J. D. KF.NWOUTII Y. its by magnificent GeriiT A mint. C F. WARREN. Trav. Fgt. and Pm-s- . Agt. Room 411 Dooly Block, and St Louis DENTIST Utah, American Fork, PRINiNG GOOD CALL Ruud up n 6:00pm gait Lake Cltj H:43m T:0Spm Lhi Juuct. S:9(iam 7:10pm Amerintn Fork Grove S:9flam 7:17pm I'rovo S:3inm 7:10pm t eam 9J0pm 8:3&am 1:29pm S:2tam 9'lHpm 8:2am ft:lkpm 1:00am 4:Kpm and Ticket Aacnt E. I.. LOMAX. Grn. P K. DICKINuN, Gen. Mgr , Omsk, Nebrka rxcept Sunder TrltiN Mmli nf Jus run Tliro-JtrI" Cbleacu lullTu.in lalue ultijM-wilii'iut chsmii!. luiprurrd Tuurit Hlecpcra Kn rrallnluK chir Elcuntdr eoMbv Dlniii cur Kcrvlue. Tlw only line di; r cr. opm-uHu- Til HHOHTKST AMU rASTKMT UMB TO ALL ruiH'ru KAHT I n. E. nn:l,F.Y, Gen. Agent PBSM-ngc- r Depl Ciiy Tlciu-- i Ullcc, O'l Miu rit., Suit Lake Guy CI.AHK H. II. fl. Mis. Ol.IVKK W K. KI.I.UHV AKUCRSOK, John w IK1AN. FHKumca Gonubut K. Ucuclrtra MARTIN H AMBROSE, imiiflf a:ti:i uti?:i jjaiaiu; Hair Cuttinp1 HI kAiTiSjT&me Aatrlca Firl,Duk XuriiflMti. Henry Lee Livery Feed and Sale Sta- bles. Runs hacks to all trains. IIiutiNirjxSr Amski BENJ. ianForx BATES. American DR. A. CHRISTENSEN, FOR Ilrad du Lake City. Sait Fork Wagon. Works BaggieN anrl Wa on of nil kinds rcpilrel tn flrat class urder at Drices to s'il the times. IIaBBINgTON at St, FORK AMERICAN THE WORLD OFFICE ANDREW ADAMSON County Surveyor U. S. Mineral Deputy Surveyor. LUURh and NOTARY PUBLIC. American fork, Utah. IN TIME AVFIcr APRIL CURD, 20th. 1890. WERT. EAST. Alvah Lewis M. D. Physician and Surqroni Office honr, 2 to 5 P. M. American Fork, - STEPHEN WOODS. Utah, Tonsorlal artist m M kCKtlSi DcNVitt5 a.m ,Vo,f2, '8:47 a, m. No. 6, 2:31 p. in. Xu. 8, CuM p. ill. No. D. C. S. II. DiBcocg, TBU FIC 31GB. 11:29 1. No. 5, 4:19 p.m 02 a.m No. 7, Dodge, (iKX M'.i'B F. A. Wadleigh, Gen pass act V. G. Meuriix,-- ' Lcai. agext. James Newton. Practical Horsc-sho- er AND st AMERICAN FORK. UTAH e T wo o oD Pd harking cough la not only annoyCD ing tu others, but Jangcious to tbe person who has It. pne Mi mils Cough Core will quickly pnt an end in It. 3 Fur sale by Tim. Rierle A Co. HOTJI LOCAL M. Featherstone. Llnensed f. AND INTERNAL Skillful Speed end aafety are the witch treatnienl. Apraeilcsof i ) lx of Th only ranudy guaranteed I abaaiataly ilia age. Oaa Mlnutv Cough One block South of Bromley Cara catarrh add cuoiplately aradlcata tha years. acts speedily, safely aud never dlsaaa traa tha blood and Syataai. Houn American Fork Asthma, bronchitis, couglii and FULL SIZE, $1.00; TRIAL SIZE, 296. Subserllw for Iha World. areeurnd by It. For Bald by Each lull (In package coalalai oat full aionib'i Oar fall and winter stock of millin' Steele & Co, local truimm, oaa full auaib'a aupply Haallnp BiIb and on full math's supply of CaUurZ ery is now on band, call and rea tile blood and Sioaiach Pill. It you hava Catarrh, Aithaia. BraachMa, latetiyles. They will pleate. tou. Ftvar or any cuatrlicalcd arfccilua of tha bom, tfiiuat, Chips an Fisters. biuochlal lubea or luayaOocur Short' Coaipltia The wife of Mr. Lenord Wells, of East Briinflelrd, Maes., had been suf ferlng from nsnraigla for two inya, net being nble to sleep or hardly keep stilt whin Mr, Holder, ths merchant there sent her a hot lie of Chamberlains Pain Balm, and a9kad that she give It a thorough trial. On meeting Mr. Wells the next day he wsa told that st was ull right, the pain bus left her within two hoars, and that the bottle of Pain Balm was worth $5.00 if I could Cura will lva Inilaal ralit aad coaipieMp net be hud for less. Far sale at 50 cents Catarrh and .trBiiitaily cur you. II ibi hiwal dra conrtipitid uk oe of Dr. G. W. per bottle by Thos. Steele & Co. Pilli at feadtlB. If youi Shorn IrouU la chnaiic writ Dr. G. W. Good advice: X.ver leave home on a Shurcs pm.BeUy fordrcpitaiad. his ttw tyaiplow bar lad barf advtcafraa. and your casadlagnoaed tapan gtl Journey wlthont a buttle of Chtmbrr-lal- ns Or. 0. W. Shurcs Tonic and Blaod PwrlfM Colic, Cholera end Diarrhoea cl an 11 and puritira iha Mood, plvaa sirencth aad dyaprpsla and ail aanroua dfaaaaafc A Prira, Jlcuiaa Remedy, r sale by Tims. par botila. W. Dr. Sharwa Kldaay aad Llvae Cara d. Co. rural all dlanaM of iha kldiiy. Mvor aad bladdaa II par botila. Gronle constipation Is a painful, dU Prica, Dr. 0. W. Sharwa CaaghCararartsaa eoaha fcnwchial aSacluiM. Oaa daaa will atop colds and agreeable and difficulty tpaiao Hr . Ksrp a boMls ia WisboiiM. Laiga 1 He. butllM, ant esnses sick the system, deranges Dr. d. W. Shores' Moai.Ula SafwOMatopa th headache, bad breath, and poisons the worn pain iu oaa ailnuit. hu htidach. toothache code usa It aauraaPy blood. It nan be reaplly overcome by atura'ria, craaipa(a orand cuiaa dlphihtrta I aaad la bnilla handy. Prica, Be a hottia. De Witte's LD tie Early Risers. These Bharaa Papal Vanallar daaliwpi d M little pills are great regulators. laiasllaal woraas aad rawovaa Iha llida PH whtra thiy hatch and braid. It aarar fa." about. Pc Dr. d W. Shares' Wlatorgrata Solve cart d Many political speakers, clergymen dliaaaaa of tba akin. Kaanvas rad tpuia aad blach singers and olhhera who nse the voice Uaipl froai iha face. Haala aid aorta la Ala I day. ftr.a.'w Shora' excessively, relr upon One Minute ' chraaic consllpallo. tick baadaeba aad Cough Care to prevent huskluees ami cam anacki. Prica. 2tc a birtlla. laavnis renwllci art prepared .Iy by Dwtoa laryngitis. Its value as a preventive Is G.Thraa W. Shuns, Z'oa's AUdical laalituls, Sail Uhl only cqu tied by Its power to afford Cay. Uuh. Instantaneous relief. For stle by Thoe. Steele & Co. n.'vtka Upper Saved the Faru Father was sick and tic mortgage ou MAKE YOUR OWN LANTERN, the farm was coming due, I saw In the Yonr home is lneomplete without It, Christian Advocate where Mies A. M. and the price Is within reach of all. 1 Fritz of Station A. St. Louie, Mo., ordered cue for my own use and it woblil send a sample eomptntiioa dipwds so handy and convenient I went to per for 18 two cent stamps, and 1 or taking orders for them and sold 51 In d n d one. 1 saw the dipper eonld be one day making over $5 dear. It gives used as a fruit jar filler; a plain dipper; a beautiful white light chimneys never a fiine strainer; a funnel; a strainer break frum heat, it Is always dear and funnel, a eick room warming pan and a ready. Francis Casey St Loots, Mo measure: These eight different will send a sample for 13 twj rent pint nse makes the dipper such a nccorsory stamps write lor one. 1 got my start article that 1 went to work with It and from him, It sells at very near every house. And George h. In four months 1 payoff tbe mortege, I think I ean clear as much as $200 a M ARRY THIS GIRL QUICK. month. If you need work yon ean do I saw In year paper that a 13 year well by giving tills a t rial. Miss A. M. old boy made $1.25 the first hour he Fritz, Station A. St. Louis, Mo., will worked sdlicg the Perfection Metal send you a sample fui 18 two cent at u?ce. Tip Lamp wick. I ordered a sample stnmpsr-wrl- ie JohxG X. and went to work sud the first week I cleared $10 ths second week I cleared $15. T expedt to inn np to $25 a week The New Rook Spoon FroiTo Ail In the near futon, as the Perfection I read In the Christian Stand ird that Metal Tip Leuipwlrk makes each a Miss A. M. Fritz, Station A., St. Louis beautiful wl.ita light aud does away Mm,, vould glv an elegant plated honk with smokey chimneys and bad (dor spoon in anyone sending her ten two and eavrsoll.it Is cary to sf 11: If yon cent Flumps. I sent for one and found usi-ru- l showed it to my that I wish to try ft send 13 two cent stamps It le frliTQS, and made $13.00 In two hours, to Mies A. M. Fritz, Station A. St Link taking orders hr ill sp'ion. The hook Mo, and sre will send yon sample rut-f- it spuun H a household necessity, li canthis Is a grok way to maze money not slip In o t ia d.ah or cuoklng vessel bring held m the place by a h'olc ou around home. the Lark. Tile epcon Is something Miss Tina VY. tret bousekerpere have heta.d evi-uluee spurn. s acre first Inven, id. Anyr one ean in: a sample spoou b ' sendiug to your doctor for ten 2 rent sumps to Miss Frltx, This advice ; he Is the Is a wy to unk i mone around home. Viry .rul JsNKTrx S. best man to tell you what medicine you need. Go to your druggist DeWitts Colic A Cholera Cure. . for your medicines ; he knows more Ptcaaaat, quick results, aato ta about drugs than a man. Stick to your doctor and to your The Chicago, Milwnke ft 8- - F.ul By. druggist if you're a sick man, bvt dont Many people unacquainted with the go to your druggist for advice, especiIf doctor has told what geography of tlie west imagine that ally your yr.u to get If your doctor tells ycu to get because Chicago, Mil waukee and SL anl arc nauiso used in the corporate .it'e of the r.'lwuy owning the S.ort Lins telivoeu GMcgc and Omaha, rosy rnusl go via vim cities of Mil ne'ikfL and 1'jdI (o rrdih theii Ji-.tl'in if it be Chicago or east thereof. This Is a mistaken IJoa. On a map thn line running directly east It is because he knows of scores nf west wou'd look like this. and cases which have been benefited by Omaha Chicago. Its use ; because he knows t!:it It has Thr-ris nothing morn simple than a record of more than twenty years' that, and it is le.vtibau 5y0 miles beresults back of It. tween (onaha aud Chicago. Twi-tYou have no right to let your drugough trains daily In each direction gist advise you against this preparawl'.h thn best Sleeping Car and Din-I- n t1 and Induce to tion an obscure you v Car Service, iiml all regular travel-riiknrmedicine, the va'ue of which is and appreciate the merits of doubtful, for the s;.ke cf the few more he may make. Let your taiior, U.e i'Umgn, Ml, wankee f: St, Paul or your butcher, or your grocer, f joi Rail wav's Short Lino the East you If you will, but when It comes to i.iid the a matter of health, get what you ask Kuriusps. time tables and lnfop , ination call oii or address Alex for. -11 All drtifffff-rt- ' Scntt' Emultioib Mlt.chU, Cniimsrclal Agent, Salll-akSt-iel- ? C Co. partita s (Tores Man-da- Sarsaparilla enjoys th extra distinction or having been the Tims w alien there ordinary wsa no through Frvlcs onlv blond no riflar allowed on exhibit from Denver to St. Lunin. at the Worlda Fair, (Iblcign. Mannfae-torerof other BarauparllhiM annght by Rut lin Hurl lu k Ion Route every means lo obtain a showing of fixed that. their good bnt they were all tnrned Nowaday, if jim take nndor tne application nf a rnle tie Bnrilngton, nn ran awav reach St-- Loula ra 1 sally forbidding ths entry if patent, medl fine and nnetruma. Tha (iceMnn nf as (Tilcagn. the Worlds fair authorities 10 favor if and Through aleepera Ayers Sarsaparilla was in Hffrrta chair car lor St. Loula, It via 8ft. Joseph and Kansas billows. Avars Sarsaparilla ta not a medicine. It dues not belong to C.ty. lare Denver every fiatent Hat nf noetrnms. It la here on its evening at 9 50 and reueh the 84. Loula at 7 19 the Meond merits morning. Tetter, tirzariii and all eimnlar ekln For tickets and fnll eall m th lo- - troutilea arc cured by tuo ii!s of De :1 ticket uu'tu nr writs WDt's Wit eli ifazcl Kalvi. It mothei to at onee, and restores the tisane to their W. F. McMillan, Gen'l Agt. Salt Lake natural condition, and never falls to cure pile. For a He by Thcs. Slerls & II Walker Bloek. 1 3o's ren Zfl Aver - ter CorBree-Fos- THE WORLDS e Bennett mC1i K1m A AY HUS AT FAIR, to St. Loula. 'ount. Bl'T NONE Little Early Kiser. Elncksmixn. AMK .C'.NKI) h. ITTAh, |