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Show I WAY TO GO TO 8LKEF. il-e- DESCRIPTION OP A SURE FOR INSOMNIA. Franc built tbe Eiffel tower and turned up ber nose at the world. . England's retort was to lay the foundation of the Wembley Park tower, etolld, stupid retort, for, even if the tower is a few feet higher, it will oe a mere Imitation of the French orlg- - font Mr In n tbua occupy about two minutes, and Imsslnn WhM Van Suit llo the views of Paris and of the hills and Your ldaas Tbrrrlq plains of tbe Seine and Marne counYan'U Ho Ailitp, a scen-as as will the change rapidly try ery changes when one Is strolling ly along a road. The rotary building will be only half the height of tbe Eiffel tower, but, as It is to be erected Inal. America's reply to the Eiffel tower n"ar the summit of Montmartre, the was the Ferris wheel. "Anybody, said 1igheat point within the fortifications, iLfrlca "can pile steel beams one np-- f It trill command a broad view, cul only on another. It la only a shade more y the tower of the new church on the intelligent undertaking than heaping lex. The bearings arc said by the mechun-- a ntcvpe upon stone; but we have put up structure as big as your tower, and ical engineers who have prepared tho it goes round, instead of standing still. specifications to be so designed as to France stopped to think. absolutely unsure the absence of all England enough built sense of motion. When yoh are not S wheel of steel bigger than ours, and looking out at the view you will be as further differentiated by the fact that tranquil as in any other building, but it sometimes sticks instead of going when you swing your chair bo that you round, and leaves peripheral parties of face the window you enjoy a sereno to spend a night in the motion and contemplate a constantly merry-make' changing spectacle. air. All of this is an old story. Tbe motgie power which will supply But now w discovered what France the force necessary to turn the struc-ha- s been thinking about, and that la ture will be hydraulic, and its cost ha been calroHtI to he only 87.1! francs idte a new story. slow-ne- w bull-head- rs Kail-To- I II CURE Itmk p in tin Shall' Fliilabsil i liUlNKDlSYTIlliTliKKS ceedingly hard work, but it can bs dotte. After the habit is once well formed you will Und that nu can all night without wa inn. Bat at first you will be apt t.i v.M;iii in so short a lime that you is ill ful ili. h' irtenei at having done to much ltaril work fir a brief half-hoor so of (deep, only to awake end do the whole thing over again. p rPCFAI ha pin I ur llir Ha leer 232.80 francs: Rosier, the caterer and refreshment contractor, who has made a fovtune out of buffet concessions at all the. race courses la the neighborhood of Paris, Is tbe largest shareholder in the enterprise, and Marchand, manager of the Follies Bcrgeres, and of two or three other less important variety halls, has underwritten a large block of stock and will control the music and the vaudeville attractions, which are relied upon to assist In drawing pleasure-lovin- g Paris to this vortex of delights. The upper part of the building will be octo be open cupied by a public ball-roofrom 11 o'clock In the evening until 2 In the morning, and the space Immediately below this for an artificial lee skating rink, so that the allurements of the Palais de Glace on the Pole Nord will ho added to those of the Moulin Rouge and the Casino de Paris. m In Arerao "Ob, yes," explained Pluto, affably, "ladles are usnallmade rather timid by the fire at first. For a week or two they don't do much of anything but throw cbinaware out of tbe windows and carry feather beds down stairs in their arms. Yes. Whereby it was made to appear beAssweraiL "Anil why, the teacher continued, yond cavil that the ewig welbliche was essentially spiritual and not,. as has "should we hold t'nr aged in respect? Cause it is mostly the old men that been strenuously maintained in certain has all the money," Tommy answered, quarters, a distinctly material and add the teacher wasnt able to offr therefore a mortal entity. Detroit Tribune. ay hotter reason. Extrema Division of Lalior. In the manufacture of knives the division of labor has b on carried to such an extent that one knife is handled by "0 different artisans from the moment' tie blade is forged until the Instrument is finished and ready for market. In Now : iifm-rari'- l.iii.r .In u A?J D ULAL). k.i!U If rrtrtl f llrfL Thoughtful Kluil THE ZULU BIBLE. It I Om of Many 1'rlutad by tha lltblt V Hot I on Kw a Mlragf) An-rrira- n fcorletr. The Zulu Bible i.; one if the in- reat-itfv.:r.ia of the among Hi-- : vast number of Blbh-.-- primed in the Iiib!.! Iluuse In New York, by the Amerira:i U.b'.e Society. The statistic of tbe me interesting and surprising to uny one unfamiliar with Bible them. Tin nicety's twenty-ren- t und r.vi'-m- it Testament are probably the cheaper; liooks in the world. The Testament for five cents is marvelous. It is a small book, but the type is clear and plain, ai:d the cover, a soft one of cloth, is neat and attractive. The figures on tlie inside of ihe lSl'G edition show that 12.442.UUO copies of the book have been printed. The Bible is in tho IMm iilition, and the figures tihov? that at the time of its issue 2.300,000 had been printed. That number has now been largely increased, k ha? been estimated that lit busy times ait average of one Bible and threw or four Testaments arc turned out every minute by the plant in the house for every of all day In the year. About the Bibles printed are given away, ami the others arc sold at cost. Last year the society iostied 1,750.283 Bibles and Tlu English editions Testaments. and editions in the common European languages are all printed at the Bible Domic. Some of the languages of the extreme cast, like Ihe Chinese, ran be printed more cheaply by native workmen in the country to which they belong. The Canton Bible, which Is it) the colloquial longues spoken by most of the Chines? lu this vicinity, Is printed at the Bible Honor. In the post eighty years of its existence, the society has issued (.1.705,841 volumes of Ihe Holy Scrptures, in nearly 100 languages anil dialects. In the first twenty-five years of Its existence it printed nearly 3.000,000 books. In tbe second nearly 19,000,000, and the total issue or the third tweniy-flv- e years was 32,448.-33- fi. An old gentleman interested in the work has estimated that there have been Bibles enough printed to supply every person in the world with one. K. Clouds overcast the sky the greater N 1788, when the HERB is no more part of August IS in Boston. The sea's I; Id revolutionary j... enemy face was but rare visible. There were dangerous s! tailors living on the to the perfect men-- t several showers In the late afternoon, V ci Worcester New of but we had no rainfall between ! and a 1 condition it ttcrcss insomman than 7 p. m., noiwitlMiandlng which a rainiJvvji n : - iji the Penobscot from nia. says the New bow with all its beautiful colors was Bangor wanted to York Tribune. on the eomheusiern horizon; the rays get tb? place lncor- While those en- of the setting sun piercing through Jho pnrah-i- l anil applied gaged In literary ascending vupors had formed it. Turnfor a chatter, Miry pursuits and large ing to the west at f:3ii, a long, narrow, to call the and complicated dark island seemed in lie flouting in a town transacOruugctiiwn, bittiness blue green sino.il li hike, surrounded by tions are perhaps inure itpt m be un- a rocky shore, a tin uni of fiery molten in honor of Orangctown, Mil., but the successful suitors for the favor of the lava winding Us way through the rocks. c.'.rl.v cducatlun of the man who drew drowsy god, still any one is likely toget But there were no h.lands, lakes and up the petition had been so badly that when lie wrote the docuinto disgrace with this guardian of rocks. It was ilia western sky; the ment he spelled the word Orrlugton, lumber. i sun's fiery rays giving higher colors to Inability to sleep the blue sky, a denser dark to the dark mid In this niimiur was a find town should be regarded with the greatest clouds, and showiug hi.i fire In intense name lioru from very poor orthography, and gravfst suspicions. There is colors through Ihe lighter tapirs. But rays the Lewiston (Me.) Journal. Durthe advanced a great surprise award' d the watchers ing the lots years whieh have passed a wakefulness In that Is of this glorious suited. There to the since then the people have made very of the dlteatc Rlagea snore to be feared than the pestilence. left, south of the setting sun, about few blunders. They not only Know Every muscle uf the human body may four degrees from the sensible horizon, what they want, but they go for it with a gel-ti- n re impetiiudty which gener.iily be so prostrated with fatigue that a fire clouds were heaped on lop of each oiliwould er, and while the Iasi rays of the sun wins success. distance within scorching In fact, some citizens of Orriugion scarcely impel the victim to arouse to were beating on the city of Boston, action. The tongue could with diffi- still damp from tin afternoon rain, its can be truthfully charged with having culty frame a brief petition for its own picture was being photographed on the loo much zeal. Ono resident a womThe blocks of houses were an, bearing the name of Baker lias life, yet the brain goes dancing off into clouds. the moBt beautiful flights of fancy and plainly visible; the Charles river and made herself famous for all time by a the Boston harbor marked the outlines of little act of thoughtful kimlncs'i that is eqnally capable of sustaining the city plainly on the clouds. most complicated, logical, For would never have been noticed had it There Isa state of mental three minutes the outlines became more been done in most (owns. Mre. Baker, urgument. ecstasy that completely ignores the ex- distinct, then when the sun's fiery though she lived and died years before face was half way below the horizon Secretary Merton was known, was a istence of the body. lirni believer in Arbor day. She set out This may seem to the fortunate being they faded away and disappeared. such native trees as she could find who has never suffered the most ad- Boston Transcript. vanced stages of the disease to be an growing oil the hills, and sent away to friends anil got aeverul varieties that Xn A'ltiiErsph exaggerated statement. But there are for Urn thousands who have suffered even up A certain family, whose home la In had lately come over from Europe. One spring morning in the fourth deto and beyond that point. Beyond that the suburbs of lamilon, have in their A point means insanity and death. a cook whose ways are invar- cade of the present eentury a coaster employ person who had been a great sufferer iably so methodical and her cooking so came in front Boston having a few fee from insomnia said that if he could be near perfection that, wire she to leave on board billed to Mrs. Bilker. Among fiend enough to wish a curse upon an her present home, one-haof the mis- them was a rare species known as the enemy he would give the doomed mortresses in the district would be eager honey locust. The agent who sold it tal wealth and intellectual faculty to to secure her services. Never by any to her praised it very highly, saying It dechance has dinner been late at Myrtle had large racemes of fragrant white enjoy life In the fullest and then prive him of his ability to sleep. Villa, or tho joint under or over done, flowera and beautiful pendulous foliage, Medical books record an instance of ndllier has any polieenuin crossed its making it a most suitable ornament for a man in China who had been convicted threshold. But, treasure that she Is, a cemetery. In addition to these qualiof murdering his wife under the most she came near to making a change of ties, it was thrifty and perfectly hardy, inexcusable circumstances. The pris- residence at the close of iter very first and could be either grown as a hedge oner was condemned to die from want month's stay. On the morning of tbe cr trimmed to a single trunk. A guard was put over him, day of sleep. Following the printed Instructions upon which her wages became due each man being relieved of Ills duty hpr mistress requested her to step into which came with every tree she planted when an hour had expired, so that the the study where her master was watther honey locust in Ute family lot in guard might by no possibility fall ing to pay her. In a few moments she the old Chapin cemetery on the road in lived rushed from the study to the kitchen, from Orrlngton Center to Orrlngton. asleep. The miserable man this torture for nineteen days, blit at where she bad left her mistress, and No tree ever kept its contract more perthe beginning of the eighteenth day b i in lesH time than it takes to narrate, fectly than that honey locust. It waxed Implored the authorities to kill him in had given the astonished lady nobig and strong In the dry, gravelly soil some more merciful way. tice. and raised up many offspring, all of Tbe brain that is for a long period But whatever is the matter. Mary?" which grew wonderfully. Fifteen years What hat lf.ter, when Mrs. Baker laid down the deprived of tbe benefits of sleep cannot inquired her mistress. he In a healthy condition. At this par- your master said or done to annoy cures of life, she was put to rest la a stage of the you? dangerous ticularly beautiful grove of her own planting. opimost powerful disease the He hasn't said nulbln'," replied Around her grave the wild cypress ates have no more effect than Mary, as she flourished a check In her grew in rank yellow profusion. Above Even before reach- mistress' face, but he's only given me it the red cinnamon rose so much water. bloomed all peothis for a month's slavery. Not me; through the summer months, and over ing this point there are many morI aint no ortygraph collector, I ain't ple who cannot take opium or these the rare honey locusts swayed Amusing Journal. phine in any of the various forms. their fragrant blossoms, until every Thousands of cures for insomnia have dallying wind stole away deeply laden been tried by sufferers, only to he IlMtnrlteil Her Wap. with sweetness. Surely, If there were one la that There found Insufficient. A minister named Pettigrew who, on ever a place where death was robbed can be practiced by all persons of a asking why his flock were so regard- of its terrors this was the spot sufficient amount of will power, und, if less of his exhortation to them to reNew tenants came to the little four-acr- e persisted in, is infallible. main awake during the sermons, was cemetery as the years went on. described, and practically Briefly told that his own wife set the erample, The Hardmans, noted for their a brain this operation is to fancy your but as she sat below the the the Chapins, famous In froll-to- p desk. What you want to do is was out of the minister's pulpit On strength; the inance; Bakers, with their handsome sight When therein. Ideas you to shut up the was arranged that on the folthis it several other good people, and children, will come to try this experiment you the informant should having finished their work, were laid Sunday lowing of the simile rolltop the discover that hold up bis finger when Mrs. Pettigrew way for a long, sweet rest among the desk is Imperfect, Inasmuch as the succumbed to Morpheus. flowers. cover that closes the thoughts In rolls The preacher bent forward and saw Tbe people died, lint the honey lofrom the front to the hack of the head. a consort his custs With lived. They not only lived, but enjoying snug nap. Lie down. Get all the bedding and a tremendous blow on the pulpit hs took such a Joy in living that by 1850 so smooth, own garments personal your aroused her from her slumber, and as the sexton complained bitterly about that you may be comfortable. Yon the lady, who, according to tbe legend, the tough roots of the locust trees must attempt to lie perfectly still after was destitute of both fortune and beau- which be was forced to cut out in order comforta decided once upon you have looked to dig a new grave. In former years up, he addressed her In acty, able position. Nothing, except mental cents of wrath: Sit ye up there, Jean with a spade and a plekax be could to calculated more you Is kdep activity. Ye ore na Lonnie; I gat nae dig a good grave In alami four hours. awake than giving away to restless- Pettigrew! Now he had to take an ax and a crowness. You are now prepared to close tocher wi ye, and gin ye hae na heavI hae gotten an bar along and when he had dug a grave about grace ye enly and desk up pen that mental rolltop unca bad bargain o' ye!" Pittsburg he found the whole day was used up. your thought until you want them the Several owners of burial plots ihat next day. This shutting up is done by Dispatch. were inclosed with expensive fences, a powerful effort of the will not to Tha Hlght Nama. think. This may seem paradoxical, but "1 wish you'd slop calling that boy as well as those who had erected stones try it It can be accomplished, and you Willie, " lie said, Irritably, as he or monuments, complained about the prevalence of locust trees, saying the will find It the hardest work you ever looked up from his paper. tangled growth concealed the graves. did in your life. You will think that col"It does seem rather odd to call a all your ideas are quicksilver, and in lege boy 'Willie,'" she admitted. "I The lots were thickets of brushwood spite of your resolutely holding shut suppose I ought to call him 'Will' or and even the cemetery paths grew up o that men bad to swamp new roads Hist cover the little imps will jump out 'William.' but a mother ought to be exhers and there.. Sometimes you can cusable for holding to the diminutive whenevrr a body was interred on the further side of the Inclosure. " catch one of them by the ears, meta- as long About the time the war closed the " 'Will' wouldn't suit me any better phorically speaking, before his whole body Is out, and chuck him back into than 'Willie,' he answered. I heard, residents woke up to the fact that their his prison. That is, you will catch the from some more of the Harvard trudes-- f beautiful cemetery had been transformed into a wilderness, filled with Idte before It la fairly formulated, when men and I want something apIt Is simply a word, shut the rover propriate. Suppose you call him plain brambles and noxlotu thorns. Some down with a bang, and go on bolding Bill. "Chicago Tost. made onslaughts upon the trees (clearYou your mind In a state of vacuity. ing Individual lots here and there), hold It this way for an instant and which at once grew up to young locust Metli far Frerklee. Watermelon think you are doing splendidly, when from roots on tbe unreclaimed trees A South American lady is quoted as out Jumps another idea. This one has were .' eld, lota. Meetings of absome in time the that ago, got out whole, complete, alive and in saying sence of water, of which there was a but no definite plan of action was good health. dearth at the time, she washed adopted. Meanwhile the locusts grew At it you go again. You will soon be greatface with some of ihe to the cemetery became her juice of a and entrance astonished by an overpowering sensa- watermelon. more difficult every year. Shortly after tion of fatigue worse than the ' most The result was so soothing that sho it was learned that (he locusts could profout thought ever gave you. It is washed her face la this not be eradicated Ihe survivors began much harder work to keep from tblnk-ln- g repeatedly and her astonishment was to take up their dead and move them to manner, thsn It is to think. But if you will u few days later, on seeing that other cemeteries. Some went to Mill persevere in this method of shutting great, r.nt was left on her Creek, other? to Orrlngton Village, and freckle a there up your thoughts for twenty minutes 'previously face. New still others to the hillside yard at freckled badly or half an hour you will fall into a Snow'a eorner. Before 1S70 nearly evTribune. York dreamless sleep. By practicing this erybody was up and away. Then the IB VInIT vnu can shorten the tisae required to l)rmi. fjirstpi1 town voted to pay for the removal of Frank Chandler, son of the assistant those whose friends had ail died or pat yourself to sleep. One expert hi of and a Rockford, this throwing the mind into complete chief of police moved away and the grave diggers blank affirmed that he could lie duwn Miss Nellie Sbcrman eloped to Beloit! went all over the yard. Mrs. S. A' In a room in which there was a bright recently and were married. was done well - much betwork Tho ! light and a band of music and wllbln Lake, stepmother of the bride, object-ter than the average of surli Jobs. Still ed to the marriage nt:d the girl lose two minutes be sound asleep. It Is said that some five or six bodies homii while her cent a dress vast half her leaving When one reflects that per never found. The rank trees grew were . hold of Insanity Is preceded by persistent to take the trip, Mrs. Lake havln;-eo rapidly nnd were such greedy feedand of tbe cure the the ono of garment Insomnia, portion sad ers that the ashes of the dead were is worth a trial. Be not discouraged if groom the other. The latter won In form wood and blixaims. taken up at first you do not succeed, tor it is ex the pulling match I V' iiiii-iiiic- r.eg-Iv'-ti- Long-continu- lf per hour, although each time that the movement Is checked the hydraulle pressure needed to give It a new impulse will represent an expenditure of (ritifiritr I AH well-digest- "Four big wheel that goes round, says France to America, "and the English bigger wheel that won't go round, are only fit to amuse country cousins. What do you say to a great, lofty building that spins slowly like s majestic top? You sit in a splendid hall, under noble arches, surrounded by lately palms and festoons of flowered vines, and while you eat your dinner and drink your coffee and talk to your best girl and hear the band play, you look out of the big windows at a city which seem to move beneath your gaze like the cloth of a gigantic panorama. The Inventor is M. Devlc, and he :alls his big tower the "Palace 6f Progress. This extraordinary sort of a structure Is shown In the architect's perspective drawing. The outer room of the building will move at the rate of 1.1175 meters, or about three feet eight Inches per second, which is as nearly miles is possible to two and one-ha- lf an hour. A complete revolution will liofirs THEIR Dnov: t.ur THE Chapin cemetery lias been cVimlonso than tv.'tn'y years. The to f,.r fu1 's i'ro f,r;y f' cL l.i'?li m.d stand Ciii,!:!y ai l..upt in rrv'ew. They so. th.j;-::.i- ; My oi'i:;iy 1 5: lands that ti.ere Is j 1 3 mi f3r tins r.vlup. or the dead. to-da- y, 1 llr long-continu- I kui-let- two-thir- da . "FORM. Mryela Rlitm Subject ta This. Tif fly f There is considerable talk on tin in the training quartern about form. This man or that la said to be "off," or coming into form," etc., with a variety of terms to suit every possible physical rendition of an athlete. Tbe conditioning of a racing man is a delicate Job, requiring conscientious training, both In the matter of riding and habits. Under the latter bead come diet and hours. When a rider who is admittedly one of the fastest in the world falls to make a showing In open events there is something wrong with bis form it in due to bad training, or a misunderstanding of the practices of the track. In a esse under our notice, a rider of the first class, and one of the best, too, loses race after race, whru by every method of reasoning, he should either win or ride the winner to inches. A rider of such known ability as tho man under notice owes it to the public and to the sport to take every possible precaution to win. He should not keep Ute houra, and so conduct himself that he has a fair and equal chance with every other rider whom he meeta If two riders are equally good men, equally fast, and possessed of that nerve and heart so neeessary to land them over the tape In the lead of competitors. tb meeting of these men should mark a struggle from the crack of tbe pistol to the finish, and the winner should be only Inches to the good. Tbe rider we have in mind, however, rode thirds and fourths, and there is no way to for it save by Lie flimsy excuse, or rni her reason, that he leaned to yn::d fellow.hip rather than to a strict. Hilnerenre of tho primary principles of training. 15( nriugs. track and "top-notch- ," ac-tn- Mach Will ItopuNd. Chicago man ia trying to have his wife declared insane because she A wants to buy everything she sees. good deal will depend on whether the judge Is a married man or not Cleveland Plain Dealer. A PEOPLE. Justice Hawkins of the English benrh will be eighty years of age in September. R. P. Keating, who died in Virginia Cl:y, Nev., last week, left a mining fortune of between $1,000,000 and $2,000,-00- 0. Signor Tamagno, tbe tenor, is said leave the stage and become a funner at the close of the next operatic season. A college ehum of Tom Watson aavs that the Populist nominee for was the hardest student hr ever saw. M. Jean Cayron of Vibrac, France, has Just had his twentieth rhild christened. Eighteen of his children are alive and healthy. The Prince of Wales celebrated "Norwich Hales. at Sandringham, are considered tho finest specimens in the kingdom of wrought iron. The late Ixird LI i ford first heard of the murder of Lincoln from a scrap of a Spanish newspaper found in the nest of it kite near Aranjuez, Spain. Edwin Ixird Weeks, the Boston artist, who wus recently appointed a chevalier rl the Legion of Ilonar ! France, h:is lived In Paris for twenty years. will nt . |