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Show W .A-- . - " T The Teacher's Calling THE - WORLD. and His Relation ruuui.ed wukir. WNHOOD'RESTOREOStfcaolalMoiiai'raoehUiiraMM.vui to Bcclctya BY M Simm quMiujr aura mm MIlka iwMMM ml m. , Ownlmlwtw, DiMliir! MmU. Hint Is 10 MpUdU'iiaiMa M Marry, kaSeadlae ItrZ, VirtmmmtT Mi XXinmii-llo- a. IIMSSSI kaMabSaar aliL Swum aM-'l-ll n! iflii h in Sf aiiHiiiiaiiiiS 'CnMKBacdaaaMih-av- nidi mt Urn has Wn said of the Teachers SMITH. SMITH culling, An Knglinh writer has T laa Mntsrtd at ths psstflgtes, Amsrican Fur said Show me the laws of a countUl arrra 'SMMebenwmlJmpeieeey. .UinanidiMutarMrimJalllwinilaa As mnii " at throve transmistisn 1DEWK naaS wnawnaiil for and I will write her history. ititaits wliocaa Pf ry BATHING in Uieday time' 25cts,, irom9 until 12 ahMty F cant arc Infe4 arttfe fey iMrtera la Tha r q Mffrr-aiaat M4feaavacraMd sseond class wtaUsr. fie aura wfe beat e say put a teacher's character ri'MUKMaialhasMf ffalallll. a amUnaa -- Os fena Snaa Mrt adact a A ala (l X ltay and we wil. write $1.&G UBafeu.aliMUu.lr nwU. sriMlInryaaacireular aud taaUaiouiala Oni Tsar fe Adsanes oclock 35cts, I CO the niudaaca ArMH We Sis Months. . . iabMMVviaxpiasstr.aiiMani history of his school. lirofes-ioo- n l'hrss Months ROBERTS BROTHERS, AMERICA!? FORK, L'tih. might consider the teacher's under three heads, namely, his duty to his maker, to the public A BB1G111 6IBL and to bimselfi K Dandy windmill!, Make Wonderful Churn! The following la a composition writWe lk'licve that when (iod jilaal it ten by oba of the pupils of I, H. Wool man oil the earth he laid out a plan I want to add my,, testimony to tbs m r ton and possesses aomadh merit and it hy which each individual might be IharaanelghtKirthqt made one ot Hat of those that have used the Lighton such a ghod subject that wa governed, in it we were given our tlia Peoplsl Windmills, and I havs ning Churn . It does all that la elalamd Bute lti It la antltlad "Utah." special work. We as teachers have bean watching It closjly; it Is the beet for it; yon ean churn easily lu me minUtah is kieated on tba western Mop lieen given a noble art to perforin. Bill 1 have aver aeon and anyone ran ute and get a large percentage more ot tha Ricky mountain. In tba west- We have great resjioiisibilities rest- make on a for leas than $ia I am gu butter than with lli common ehnrns. ern slops of tbe t nlled States, lit eut ing upon ns. 1 low canf ul we should lag U maka two j and dou'l 1 never took the agency for aeytbiog face la high and mountainous, I is val lie to jierform our jmit well. Oil see why every farmer eannot have a before, lot so many of my neighbors leys fertile and prodoetlve, and Its can our work del1 ml the success of wIBdmltl when he ran make It himself wanted churns that I ordered 80 and oils afa grand and ragged. Utah la hiany an honest soul- - We should far i o little Earner, Tha mill la dur- and they are all gone. I think In a 'bleated With a beautiful ellmatd. The strive to bring the pupils to a realis- able, powerful and runs easily. Any year every termer will have a LightThe Short Liue ' air IS light, dfy. Clear; and strengthen ation ef the truths of nature, to inla to afford ean'l fact Churn, they ning and can parson complete get diagrams iug. Inaummrrit la wami on tbe still into them a desire to seek truths, directions by sanding 18 two cent be wlthmit one as they tddke 80 mneh sou'.hcrn tiecrrU, and very cool and a kenfl Jilt! bit of fur as nil truth emcnatcs from (Sod, stamps to Francis Casey. St. Louis, Mo. oh'irabu1 ' the seeking of the truth must of pie want Ih tllb northern valleys. and any aettro man can- undoahtedly Qioney ean bo made In every township Lake City is Ihe eaplUl of Utah, draw ns nearer qnto thepi. nuke money any where putting these edriug three Minnie. By writing to J, . Is a very pledaAnt ahd bbaatlftol One may say how are we to detect Bills np for othara, and I sec no nse of F. Casey St Co bL Lonla, Mo. and they . .About twenty uillaa ffotU tlia eity Geat truth front error? Hy hoiiestlnves-ligatio- paying $50 or $flO tor a mill when yon will give you prompt and court eons atA DAIRYMAN. Wit Lake, the Bead flea of America, I (iod will aid those who can make one J os' as good for $10, A tention. located. It la known allover the world are earnestly seeking for the truth. Bbothbb Fa lira. One Minute Cough Cure, cure. fof the great amount of salt It produces. Jiy using those talents well which r. That it a hat (t war maA The water contains tb per eeiit of tali. (iod has given us. As a reward for schools are Our running along .. Twehty miles aonth of Great Salt Loire honest labor He will liestow new with about cighty-Hv- e ier f.i Utah Lake, a body of fresh wat t con- - talents, so there is is a world of nicely, shool jiophlatioii enrollof the cent tains many kinds of fish. in whieh we cun expand spirit- ed. The ineiwlfcs Have interfeared sjace The Only Line Running Through Free Cliaiv C.n' Colorado Hirer le the largest river of and intellectually. Hy honest with the wbi-sotiiewhat of late, ' Utah, and ran across tbe southern ually (alters and pure thoughts, wanned while they tub litUdNles, are nothing rornrr. The people of Utah are mostly nml aided liy the sunlight of heaven, From Odun and 8alt Lake City to Lsadvlile, Denver, Colorado Spilngs and all lie proud tif till'V art nluch better to farmers. Potatoes, grains, all kinds of wafted on the wings of truth ami Intarmedlata polnte. drliiUlL'It Hlscitse we had to than the ve getables. and a choice of fruit are love, we in imagination con seem to contend wiln lilsl kbar. Much creraised tarrs. The sugar beet is raised enjoy the presence of our Creator. No Change rif Cara, Finest scenery nd elegant Equip dit iadrtfi inis liHIjr teachers for tha successfully by some farmers, and la What greater reward or hlessiug nohlo wolt the are ment, doing in the made into sugar In our own fair stats. heed we ask or what more inspiring teachers Visiting grades. Utiih abound In rich mineral product, than to know that we are tailoring primary lio Will should sure and visit our first Monday, lii our mines era found gold, silver, for the cause of truth. We should wish if to department they grade lead, iron, oiher metals, The people of lie charitable in our feelings ohe toKOV. 9TiI, 189G.' successful work performed with Utah are an Indnitruus, honest people ward another for it is written, see Ask yunr ticket agent for tickets via this Colorado Midland. Trains leav the beginners. J. II. W. Their echoal compare well wrth most Though a mau liestow all Ids goods TuitionAdvaneed Oourscj and arrive at H. G W. Deput schools In tbe United Slates, and the to feed the poor and havb not charity incident Au child hard to their work $5.00 per month, give amusing patents showing 6, A. BROWN, Genl Agt, Salt Lika City. it profiteth him hothiiig." We are ren every advantage. Most of them live to criticise or find fault when we how little the average school teachW. F. Bailey, O. F. A, Denver Colo. quiet and peaceful lives, and in their know not thb cause which overcame er knows almut shopping oceured in Common Course Uihi of few a of tho stores one home are found properlty and happy mortality. Oftimes hy one kind days Montli. r ness, Utah was admitted into the Union word or act we can kindle anew the ago. 1rof. H., of ProviiJ having as a state In the year 18W5. tire of hojA and lead man to a bought a nituilier of hoisehohl aritriluyliiiruii J ENNIS RoniNHON life. What let-tc- r ticles, siicll as ,soap'; sfarepi eto,, brighter or tile cleric it he asked was wish or we Age. 14 year. t'y ijlilld for, JOHN M. THORNTON, PbinCipal! pay cuii exjiect than the satisfaction of knowing; think of anything wsfc neftied. J. x. IXGERSOLL, DmkuCTOH. means of show- After iloine refiectlon 1'rbf. IL Call at thn Kilt Millinery Parlors, thulwb Nhvti In EabeXext or gbakt hotel. Oh yes, I believe she wantdoor tabernacle of the north one ist Buckley's. Ercry ing of, mortal,' uew. liti'g a noble soul, the way to ed some thread. She .fiscs a linger Itcrchaiich; machine." He was infqrtnM.'fnat life. of Pleas U. Hardman of the eilv Joa, Ebutk t eic a biecialtt All Kinds of xcbicil intrehent8Jin stock, the make of the machi(i wonlif fiot see lead us our to can but Mary Yancey ot the same tntGrovo-nrin assist a as thread, and the relation guiile true pureuasiifg obligaunited In 'matrimonial bliss great going tion we are tinder to the public.' In hat that it is pumliered tor that purThursday. all society .there must Ihi leaders, if pose. ' Oh yes," said the tencner, W. X. Whitlock of Hanning, Utah, these leaders are I hclietoTslife said something about ' & progressive, society one of the jolllcet fallows the country will lie progressive also; if they are nnmber .forty. I'erhajis I had bet' 5 ffjrda and an employes of at Manning honest aud have the Iwttcnhent of ter take' 'spine number forty and and getting yom bidycle. to town to eame visit e Thursday to he safe." Mills,, mankind at heart,' the r&at trend of some number forty-oniils friend?. ALL KIND3 IN GRBAT VARIBTE4, la returns home tc society will be in the sainc direction. Utaq Ciunty Pnbl le Schools. norrowJ hhse leadlie should we teachers As FICTUR2I.1B00K3, ALBUMS, BTC. llr.Dean of ilia Provo Mablc Wo.ke ers. we should lie as the fountain X. Great Chance to Make N. B. We do select one day in the year to give away as good a wheel as you will his ' part of the of Truth, which never rtinp aryi ootf he been taking .Money, We fourth prizes. give prizes from our 25 and 50 cent Countreasures to Bonntryof lata and the selling tomb- tinually giving to tall yon of my wonderful want I for $100 On ters who the teach' are those pay anywhere stones. seeking. every day. . or of today depends the success ipt snocaes. Being a poor girl and needing 11. Kva Mrs.. Smith returned Sunday the citizen of the future. we money badly- f tri d the Dieh Wash else and better than you , evening front her visit to Chicago am writing the history of tbe ful et tpultyesa and iiare cleared $200 This fo a aura mousy than can get anywerc else flplllyan, ijl.and North Platts nnd should not mankind It andm-vauc- e avery, motn. improve York.Nelr. as time rolls on ? If we jpefr I ever had before npd I ean'l help ts!l tEe some i money fur I believe any person ljha proclamations of Pres't Cleveland form our art well the people of the log you abont, wall dan have if I does they only and Govarnqr iWolU snaking Thank UtC. nextoentury should lie far in advance Dish Washers sell on sight; every giving on Thqndqy, Nor. 88, have hsan intellectually of those of the present, try. The Mound City lady wants one Issued. Let til celebrate this wonder- if this is not the case then our mi Dish Washer Co., St. Lonla, Mo, wlh ful day with a vengeanee. sion lias not been a success. should be to lead good glee yon all necessary Instructions, so Come and see otir wheels: Foot ball game between B. T. At nnd Our endeavor lives, to cultivate good thoughts, yuq can begin work at once. Tha Dish Dealer in University of Utah at Salt Lake Nor we wield an unconscious influence Washer does splendid work, yon can for Union 14th; $1.23 rtund trip fare via ence for good or evil. Every praoti wash and dry tha dishes In two ur Parlfis only. cal teacher knowa the great influence thraemlnutes without putting your If jtu want a yocd square tnralwhen he can bring to bear upon the pupils hands in tha Water at all. Try this business and let us know how you la Provo call at the reaianrant cf Wm without uttering a won!. The pu O'Neill .under IJrovo Meat Market. Be il baa within it a feeling which Odfifisa A 8RCULTX nK LINE OS BHlNDIEd ALWAYS ON HAND) knows howto pel np tbe drllcaeles. cannot describe, this is that, of whieh Euzabith C. We havs,tried hint. 8FKIALTY CIOABS "THE SILYIH CLCB" AND TfiE La YLCRETtE. he knowa not the source, we are Gall,at the Elite Millinery Parlors than doW more one 'a north store of for the receiving something Dankley Our elegant stock a f tall and winte GOOD POHT WINE fOB 1 AXILY TWENTY fiYfl dlNM PER fashionable ml llloery. No old goods In qailt millinery Is now on hand and we will few doll an and ccnta which are stock. the have we confidence of Billiard sail as cheap as the cheapest. Du not given ns, Poql room tin Connection, ..f the parent fall to aee ns before you buy. They have given into Xn Ordinance. 4MIHICANWHK onr care these jcwls and tender CBintiN Sisters. (. , Tc add toSeetlon 288. Cbaptr39, cf more than gold or W.J. Bryan, who will aocceed Wm. fdants, Hiallprecious we allow them to rust the Revlsod Ordlnaucrs of American McKinley, Jr. as president ot tha and carrode; to lie smothered out Fork City, Providing lor License. Be It ordained by tho City Council of United States will visit Utah about Bsc. with weeds? or shall we keep them American Fork City, 15 with other delegates tn the Beetion 1. That beetlon 288, Chapter bright and clean, Warning with the THE 39, N continued on to read as follows: Congress of which la Presld f usefulness. of Shall we not spirit LI ren ter whirligigs ant. guide their footsteps in the paths of aud a i contrivances ot a like character, Denver & ' Aio (fr&niie Horn. 0. W, Powers aud FlsLe r f truth and progressson? qt after 135 00. or for each day's pegi All kinds of Tin, Sheet Iron and i Rail WSJ. Harris have announced themselves aa As an end, our publio school work rmaucenrnso $100. Cdppcr work. ij He) of 2. Section That the Beotljn forepart csndldatcs for U. 8. Senate, Judge should not W to turn out pupils who ftirnace. sums Scenic Line of the dir and remain the World Mine work a Powers seems to hare the inalde perform the tricks of arithmetic or 288,Ct.apter8U, specialty. Repairing tbla Ordinanea shall be in fore from recite verse after verse from his and after Ita passage and approval and truck. .. : fi done on short notice Train Naad uyurg .American Fort at reader, hut to teach him how to do Itapnbhcatlnn. They are eo little yon hardly know for himself At' of Pasaed D. October 20th. 9 this at arrtve PnaMo at 6:10 a m, m, jlsy to W able to cone with 1890, yon are taking them- - They cause no Colorado Hmringa 7:51 a p, Denver 10 :8C the practical side of life. The true A.D. of 28th October this Approved day a m, Cupple Creek 0 :0 am. griping, yet they act quickly aud must teacher is learning new Train No. 4 leaves American Fork thoroughly. Such are the fruioua little truths and constantly with honest effort he imAttest: .oa signal) at 6:85 p m arrive at , fetopa pills know ae De Wltto Little Early wu. D. Robinson. Mayor. As has been SEAL 5 c2? p m, Colorado Spring 6 63 Pueblo day. hy proves day Leo t. Shelley. Rlaers, small In slxe, great in remits, stated we have Wn given our part p m,, Denver 11:25 pm. Recorder. lor sale by Tbos. Stole St Co. Cohwctkina made at Pjicblo, Colorado to pcVforin. As a duty we owe to State of CUh, ) and Dvnrer with all llneaeaat. Spriqga sa Many lives of usefulness have been oursclYcsj in order to till the meas- Connti of Utah, , , j Elcgaat Mnj eoachea, chair carl, sad rut short by neglect to break np an or- ure of feur creation we should lead Amerifin Park Citr. ) I, Lw T. Shelley, Kecnrdsr of Amer- PallmawSlerpett.on all. '.train. Take dinary cold. - Pneumonia, bronchitis jood moral lives, W exemplary in all ican F re City, Utab Onnnry, State of the D. H. G and bare 4 ' Comfortable aud even consumption cio be averted tluifc de do. And at all tunes to live Utah, erehy certify that the fovegolhg trip aC enjeyth flout acenerj oa the by prompt ass of Ois lilaate Cough aWvo reproach. , As long as We do Is a fnl , true aad eorroct eopv of An Cnntlueaf, - , adding to 8cet!on Train leaving American Fork at 9.02 .ChapCure. For sale hy Thcs. Steele St Co. this we have nothing te fear from Ordinate ter 39. of the Revised Ordinances ef t m arrive at Crr our earthly companions and in the American. Fork City, providing; ter liI)e Wltfa Witch Hazel Salvo Is gD end will be prepared to meet our cense, (tasea by the City Coandl cf ing.at9:50. antiseptic, soothing and healing applt creator. 8. K. Hooper, All kinds of fresh and American Fork Clty.Ocuiber 26th A D. A. 0.. Hookas, , saltTmctf, ; Call and Traffic mgr. cation for brnisea, scalds, cots, boros, O. P. Ss T. A. 1896. whereof f I testimony W here tip II. J. uO'tox, hero onto affix! the Corporate Seal of Hearer, Colo Oarer, Colo. ate., and cures plica like maglo. It InAmerican Fork. AmerlcAn Fora CUy. tui 20th day of Nmfisa, Mt'Ccinixo. II, stantly slope pun. For sale by rhea. D. Mui-l- i j a,Alf HOT SPRINGS M, m S-- aaen-aati- ui lM U-for-e That Yourkiif' fa-pr- Beck's is the Best. BECK'S HOT Springs I o Beck, Prop COLORADO MIDLAND imm.-dutil- RY-- ' to . - n, a -- American Fort- Denver, Colorado Springs tMpple Greek Iieadvilln Aspen Glenwood springs iind AID ALL POINTS EAST' ' BUSINESS' COLLEGE rf-op- en Xhrongh Slping cars, 1 $4-00pe- Ix-ll- $25:Q0 d Saved ei Fine Stok of Toys Silverware (tS. Glassware ehinaware Hud v'' eroekeryware GSPBy STEELE 1, We Have not 1000 Pnzs - GHven .Away Ymr, r u B'EJLR SALOO 3ST THE JU' iLTHdfiHTIIH. EXTltAtfEia FSHF, w I STEELE CO ji x .Eo. LiqndsS: Cigars Wies sna-ree- d. 1 flint . and .1 Trans-Musisslp- pl - tnerry-go-rotu- ' (U I - MANU J'AOTP'BLBiR OF American Fork - i W. K STEELE 1 3fc i I St Vo. Ammoaitlec at Stcrl'i leo1. T.Shiut, B.-F- Oetobar A. f'i Recorder.- - , 'OenlAgt. CO. MEAT MftftKET, 1 Steele Utah i TVav, 6ak Late citr. Utah. Pa. Agt Weare Here tb Pleae HARRINGTON STRUT, - - AM KRICAX S FORK, U Till, ... |