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Show WESTERN MINING GAZETTEER. A LITTLE PLAIN TALK. Every business, to be permanently successful, should be started upon a solid basis. This proposition is as applicable to mining us to any other industry. As a rule, immense sums of money are not to be made in a day, a week There aro excepor a month out of mining. tions to all rules, but the exceptions are few Schemers frequently enand far between. A copper ores of Nevada taken out and worked. In the Walker Itiver region there are not only largo veins of copper ore but in one or two localities hills of it with strata of native sulphate; and there are thousands of tons of ore lying right on the surface which will pay from 10 to 25 per cent, of copper. The new Carson and Colorado road will open up this region and make tlio transpnrhitiun of the ores easy and cheap. The system of the new railroads in the States and Territories, northeast and southeast, of us will open up metalliferous and agricultural regions of an extent and richness such as ten years ago no ono dream10-fo- ATIS CELL ANEO US . Henry F. Williams, ot at Law . Attorney 146 Main Street, - - Salt Lake City, Utah. Notary Public in Office. P, O. Box 721. Jacob S. Boreman, at Law, Attorney No. 115 Main St, Suit Lake City, Utah. deavor to float wild cat schemes, but their P. O. Box 368. success is generally of shoit duration. During the people of the East went wild over Woods & Hoffman, from incifortunes Attorneys at Law, speculations presumptive Office: Iugsleys r.iiildirg, Hiioi it St., Salt Lake City, Utah dent to the great coal oil boom then existing. ed of. A few made fortunes at the expense of the W. Bredemeyer, many, ami in due course of time the proWJIAT THEY THINK. MINING AND CIVIL ENGINEER AND U. S. MINERAL SURVEYOR for Utah and Idaho. duction of coal oil resolved itself into a stable, Notary Public. Some Eastern people set in to have a verv 1. O. Box 1157. business and conducted Office, Second South, East of 1. O. profitable permanent the. actual of sucThe booms in limited idea of upon legitimate principles. H. Morton, stocks so frequently observed in financial cen- cessful mining, for they evidently think that a MiasriasTG- - rsiaGiisrroEia. ters are no criterion as to the true value of few picks and a few shovels, with strong men P. O. Box Salt Lake City. 516, of their handles, are end farther at the In a of majority properties they represent. to dislodge gold and silver-bearincases money so received seldom or never earth and rock. Entertaining this extravagant goes towards the development of mineral lands. The fancifully ornamented certificates of view, they do not stop to think of the ponderXext door to White House, SALT LAKE CITY. and the inous cost albe in requisite, machinery do borne great not Miners, Engineers and Surveyors Books, Stationery, shares, it must mind, etc., a specialty. volved in its purchase and transportation to ways represent solid property. This, however, Before paying yields can be obbeing the case in some instances, is not so the mines. always; and it ought to be remembered that tained in any mining camp, either gold or silhave to be made. This was great losses frequently occur in speculating in ver, large outlays stocks other than those representing mining the case as to Leadville, the richest producing Corner Commercial and First South Streets and it is so with other paying SALT LAKE CITY. corporations. Supposed opportunities of extra- camp extant ; localities. Sight must not be lost of the fact ordinary and speedy gains are accompanied with much precariousness. Industries of mag- that it takes money to make money, and espe- PAT. LAN NAN, nitude involve the employment ot extensive cially is this so in mining camps. Let mining capital. Gold and silver mining is in most be legitimately conducted with the assistance A full supply of instances of such magnitude that the burdens of adequate means advanced by the masses, incident, to its success make it requisite that and then all who participate therein, whether they be distributed among the masses in such they be laborer, scientist or stockholder, will Venison, Beef, Pork and Veal. and lucrative receive returns within a large proportion as the individuals desire to pssumc. The Best is the Cheapest. each purchaser of stock hoping to realize reasonable season of outlaw profits largely in excess of the current rates of SALE OF ALTA MINES interest upon money employed in the ordinary business. Judicious in course of every-daNegotiations for the sale of the Flagstaff, vestments in the stock of fairlv conducted Virginia, South Star and Titus mines, located mining companies, will, as a rule, prove to be at Alta, were brought to a close on Tucsdavi safe ami lucrative. But persons should not go last. The FEOISETHS NEW SECTIONAL, TOPO purchaser was Minor C. Vincent of GRAPHICAL AND MINERAL blindly into speculations. Avenues of inform- London, and the consideration money paid ation a iu always open to those who seek to be was, for the Flagstaff and Virginia mines, status the of to as posted mining enterprises, $15,00 , and for the South Star and 'Titus and the same amount of sagacitv and care ex- mines, $70,000. The purchase includes and ercised in this direction as in the ordinarv consolidates all the mining ground from the Size 3d x 4S inches; Scale, 8 Miles to One afliiirs of everv-dalife, will, as a rule, enable Eclipse to the Joab Lawrence, in both of which Inch. Compiled from Government Surveys. purchasers of stock to secure their shares intel- properties the owners are at present working in ligentlyv and with a fair chance of receiving a rich ore. Mr. Vincent is understood to be the Handsomely Engraved on Stone, Colored in Counties handsome percentage upon the money which representative of a company recently organ- ami Mounted on clotli; showing the County Boundaries ized in London for the purpose of working the Cities, Towns, llivers, Lakes, lliilroads completed and pro Geuer.il Topography, and all the organized Mining they invest. At the present time there arc . jected, above mentioned. properties Districts throughout Utah. many notorious stocks upon the market at The Map will be found a ready reference to Miners, quite low figures, which, ere another twelve An Arizona paper says that a mining en- Stock Brokers and Officers. months roll round, will be worth five or six Trice, mounted on Boilers, . . . $5.00 gineer employed at Shakspcare, New Mexico, Pocket Edition, same size, . . . times their present price. 3.00 wrote, a short time ago, to his company in St. Mailed to any part of the country on receipt of price. Louis, stating that he would want a donkey-engi- ne NEVADA COPPER BONANZAS. B A to get the water out of the shafts. He Pul). The Nevada pioneer eared unlv for gold was somewhat astonished to receive the followSalt L.ik' City, Utah. Silver was, at first, a disappointment- to him. Yours of the 10th duly on hand. ing replv : He has since learned wisdom and the extent Get the engine at once, and as to the donkeys, I of his experience may be gauged by the follow- use your own discretion as to hiring them or Ue The Arizona them outright. ing, almost pathetic, remark by the Virginia purchasing, DEALER IN been misinformed. 'The Directors lias paper Hi tv Enter prize, viz : The time is near at replied : Get the engine at once, and as to hand when the copper ores of this State will the donkeys, wait till we come. prove a source of great profit to our people. A special telegram from Bodie to the Ilomer 'e agree with the Enterprue. Hitherto Xe-- , Bodie social world is vada 1ms pursued the dangerous habit of car- Itule,r states that the over the reported marriage engagerying all its eggs in one basket. Copper is to agitated 142 Main St.. SALT LAKE CITY. ot he found hero and there all over the State and ment between the handsome clerk of one our leading mining companies and a beautim some of in and magnificent quantity parts ful and dashing young widow, recently from Special alien lion given to lie pairs. excellent quality. We should like to see the the East. All work warranted. This is important if true. -- 180-1-- all-sufficie- nt C. M. PEIRCE, g Books and Stationery. ry EMPIRE MARKET, Proprietor. y a AP of UTAH 1 y i- y - il e it v- - re l- - n- Now Ready! - iT froiseTH, IS or st, in X- - : Watches CLOCKS AND JEWELRY ; ast I i the I I |