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Show WXSTKUN MINING GAZETTEER. GENERAL MINING NEWS. in oider to successfully work the ore of the A AN CAL WORK ON MIXING CLAIMS. Red Cloud. IDAHO. Quite a number of mines in tbc lower Wood Hiver district have been sold to capitalists since the 1st of November. The machinery for two smelters has been purchased and will be shipped into the Wood River country as early as possible in the Spring. They will bo erected near the new town of Hailey villc, six or seven miles above Bellevue. Says the Idaho City World: The ono stamp mill for the Golden Fleece mine is lying at Kelton. All the work preparatory to "putting the machinery in place has been completed, and the mill would now be running bad it arrived when expected. It is one of the newly patented mills, and if the one stamp wi 1 do what is claimed for it the work of five ordinary stamps wo expect to hear of quite a number pounding in Boise County before next fall on ledges that will not justify the outlay necessary for putting up large mills. Their cheapness, combined with their facilities for rapid crushing, will cause them to bike a place in the mining world that the expensive mill can never fill. With the opening of spring, the Wood River district will experience a large influx of both capitalists and prospectors, and many transfers of properties will be made. 1 NEVADA. Shipment of bullion from the Northern Belle, Candelaria, for the January account to the 12lh, was 33,830 S3, and for tiie week ending same date 20,048 35. The whole counlrv around Walker Lake, says the Candelaria (Xev.) True Fixture, is full of mineral, and veins of gold, silver and copper can be uncovered almost anywhere. It is probable that before Summer several lively camps will spring up there. A promising copper mine has been discovered in Mason Valiev. Professor Price has lately been examining the mines of Esmeralda county and reports upon them favorably. When the Carson and Colorado railroad shall reach Linda Valley, it is expected that many of tht mines will become paying properties. In Lewis District, about twelve miles from Battle Mountain, there are twenty-fivstamps be five to added. more and are now running 'The ore is of low grade but easilv reduced. An Eastern company owns the principal properties of the district, and are working steadily. Proper pumping machincv to handle the water is to be put into the Eureka Con. new shaft, at Eureka, verv shortlv, and it is likelv work will be resumed before long. New and important developments are being made in the mines of Railroad District, Elko county. The Bald Mountain Chief, a comparatively new location, is opening out splendidly, with evidences of being one of the most valuable copper mines in tin district, while the Tuolumne and Mono, also new' claims, are already showing up beyond the expectations of the most sanguine. A Hamilton (White Pine county) correspondent of the Leader writes: Oliver Drake, who has been running the Eberhardt and Aurora mill for the past year on tailings, has failed, with liabilities at about 15.000, and is settling with liis employees at the rate of 10 per cent. It is si very heavy blow on the camp, and one that will be keenly felt. y At the recent meeting of the shareholders of the Richmond (Eureka) in London, the Chairman stated that the production of the luilf year had been: Gold, 20,(505 ounces; silver, 037,014 ounces; lead, 0,092 tons. This was the bullion product from 33,-4tons of ore. The company lias a cash ree 90 half-yearl- 4 serve of $250,000. ARIZONA. The Yuma Sentinel reports that G. W. Norton has sold the Princess mine for 00,000. The ore of the Princess is just wliat is needed During the first 10 days of the year six bars at $13,050.(50, were shipped oi bullion, valued by the Tombstone M. It is claimed it that a M. Co. threc-foo- t lias been found near Tombstone. vein of coal The Vulture mill eats up 200 tons of ore daily at a cost of only $3.50 per ton the cheapest milling ever done in Arizona. 80-stam- p There are reported to be enormous quantities of ore in sight. Commissioner Williamson, in a letter to II. N. Copp, which is published in tbc Landowner, answers tbc following questions which may throw additional light on the much mixed understanding of miners and mine locators as to their rights and privileges under the new law. These are the questions asked the Commissioner and his answers ; 1. When does a mine located February 1st, 1SS0, become subject to relocation? 2. When docs a mine located April 1st, 1S75, on which annual work has heretofore been promptly done, and improvements made, become subject to relocation; provided no work has so far been done since April 8th, 1879? The second section of the act which you re- Tombstone produced $2,275,790 in 1SS0, a trifle over half the entire production of the Territory. The Goldtrec mine, located in the Santa Rita mountains, has been sold to J. 15. Sergeant, of Joplin, Mo., for 20,000. Developments will be pushed forward as rapidly as possible, and Provided , That the a smelter of large capacity, especially adapted fer to, is as follows : for the reduction of the ores, will be erected at period within which the work required to bo done annually on all unpatented mineral once. Zincblendo, galena, native silver, antiinonial claims shall commence on the first day of Jansilver, and other silver ores in vvhitc, red and uary succeeding the date of location of such bluish quartz are found in the Silver King claim; ami this section shall apply to all claims located since the 10th dav of Mav, 1872. mine. It will be perceived that said law seeks to fix NSW MKX1CO. the calendar uniform period within as smelter in the which the year the It is proposed to ere'et a annual improvements, required by Cerrillos district at an eurlv daw Revised Statutes, Section 2324, must be made, The Copper Tip, of Silver Buttes, sold recent- and as locations are made at different dates ly for 15,000, the purchasers being capitalists through the year, the first annual expenditures from St. Louis. arc made due within one year from a common Reports from Taos arc encouraging. The dale, to wit: tho 1st day of January next folmines are working well and with good results. lowing the location ; thereafter they become The Aztec Company has done a great deal of due with the expiration of each calendar work, and its ditch is about completed. The year. Hence the first annual expenditures upuii a operation of washing out gold will be commenced in a verv short, time. claim located February 1st, 1SS0, become due The Nacimicnto Copper Mining Company at the expiration of one year from January owns ten locations in Jemez district, at the 1st, 1881, January 1st, 1882, on which bead waters of the Rio Pnerco. Ore from the day the claim becomes subject to adverse locaEureka, one of these claims, assays 50 per cent, tion if the improvements arc not made. In order to apply the law to a claim located copper and 14 ozs. silver. The members of the company are confident that by next spring April 8th. 1875, it is necessary to calculate they will have developed the liuest copper from the date of location, as there is no other fields in the Territory. provision for its application, and it is retroacThe Santa Fe New Jlexiam says: From tive, and embraces all unpatented claims the southern country come the most astonish- - located since May 10th, 1872. The first exing reports of finds in the Black Range. Gen- penditures upon tliis location arc, therefore, to tlemen, in whose word every reliance rnav be be reckoned as due within one vear from Jan- put, state that it is one of the richest mineral nary 1st, 1S7G, to wit: January 1st, 1877, and countries known, and the greatest excitement annually thereafter by the calendar year. It exists over the new discoveries. Since Vic- follows that, if the annual expenditures torias death the whole country has been re- were made each calendar year , or within the sorted to by piospectors and thousands of lo- calendar year 1S79, the claim is not subjeetto cations made. The mountains are full of relocation, and will become so subject only mineral, and every man who visits them be- - upon the expiration of 1SS0, and a failure of comes at once an enthusiast. It is confidently expenditures for that year. If no expenditures predicted that in the Spring there will be a were made in the calendar year 1870, or since, is big rush for the mountains and one of the the claim now subject to adverse location. greatest excitements known. Tx Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado the News from Vulture, Tip Top and Tonto Basin is verv eneou racing. Dr. Jones, a well- - average is not thought much miningexperl known expert, lias recently visited Tonto Basin of, and they are fast even losing confidence in and speaks highly of the prospects of the coun-trvIndeed, when mining districts Assavs made from rock from the Lock-p- ort themselves. producing millions which mine, one of the Excursion group, show which are 700 per ton. The Brown Bros, mine, which these have condemned, experts was bonded recently for 150,000, is also in this this is not astonishing. They condemned section. Bodie, they condemned Tombstone, and they condemned Leadville. They arc astonished A is Post San Francisco rumor The says: to find the theories of the scientists at war with has been again current that a new syndicate the facts as demonstrated by the hardy prosformed in Alta stock between the Cook Brothers and several of the big fish who are pector and the honest son of tho pick and gad. Docs not science tell us that we must not look playing to get even. The report goes on to for silver in sandstone, yet in the Silver Reef Cooks have agreed to buv a sav that-thDistrict. lTtah. there it is and in and large amount of stock at current rates, and lias been mined and milled quantity, at a profit. put. the stock of the injured into the pool at a is to Neither be silver found in slato rock, yet low average price preparatory to making is that just where they find it in the Seventy-si- x another deal. mine in New Mexico. What expert ever beard of silver i.; It lias been found Tiie Central City Reyiter says that the in it, nevertheless.lignite? The miners Rothschilds purchase silver at the Boston and one man can see as far into the adage that ground as Colorado Smelting Works at Argo, Colorado, another has more truth than poetry in it. for shipment to China. The silver turned out at these works, to the value of nearlyb two mi- lThe Boise County placer claims, near Idaho lions per annum, may be called absolutely pure, and is the only bullion of that kind in City, Idaho, are reported to yield annually tbc Western country. 150,000 to 200,000. 9f 40-to- n 9f to-wi- t: 9 I 4 90 .. to-da- y so-calle- e 9f d |