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Show WESTERN MINING GAZETTEER. TUB NEXT MINING EXCITEMENT. Merit JjJiuiHQ ruriSJim DK VOTED j)2cUcqr. WEEKLY. TO GOLD AND SILVER MINING. ADVRitTisKRs will )U ise remeinWr that four issues are ono month. Subscription. postage prepaid: United States and Can ada, ?3.00 per annum. luyable in advance. Kemittaxcks should In, made by Pont Office Order, Hank Draft nr Registered Letter, payable to Gazetteer Company. Communications in regard to the mining and milling of ores solicited. Descriptions of new camps specially desired. CONTRIBUTORS : Professor J. E. Clayton, Dr. W. Dredcmeyer, C.E. & M.E. Professor J. 11. Morton. During the year ISM) there were forwarded over the Utah Central Railroad 20,492,350 pounds of bullion, base and fine ; 2,7G2,()S7 pounds of lead. pounds of ore, and 3,002,215 .... t Dr. Frank Allen, of Moore, Allen & Co., has on exhibition at the Wasatch Drug Store a commenced as soon as spring opens, and throughout the Territory the showing is all As the season has opened, ever since gold that the most sanguino could ask. was discovered in California in 49 a new mining excitement has sprung up, and thousands upon thousands have as regularly flocked to the new Eldorado, in the hope of amassing wealth in a short time, and perhaps one out of every thousand has succeeded in so doing, hut the others have in turn again, on the opening of another season, followed the crowd, without regard to distance or expense in reaching the new scene. Even the Transvaal District diamond fields, of Africa, has drawn upon this class of excitement followers, and only a few weeks since seveial gentlemen from the Northern Territories passed through this city en route to Africa. It is true their ideas of the country were very obscure, yet they were bound to take in even that distant land and satisfy themselves as to its reported great wealth. While these distant countries mav take a certain iiuni-henearer home the revival of the mining inr, SOMEBODY ELSE I i An uncharitable cotemporary, whose editor ought to know better than to thus wantonly wound tho tender feelinks of a fellow-scribe- , comes out and charges that the editor ot the New York Engineering and flat-foote- d Mining Journal lias prostituted the columns of that, the dishonorable advancement of his personal interests. In referring to this charge the Journal man waxes awfully indignant, of paper to course, and saws: The thirty volumes of the Engineering and Journal iuruisli a sufficient answer Mining to charges of this kind and from such a source. Neither its editors nor the Journal itself need any defense from such uttacks-tli- eir history in the past is too well known to make it necessary. very handsome collection of copper ores ob May be so. But for a mortal above suspiterests hid fair io tained in the Lake Superior copper mines. surpass any 'stampede cion, we cant help thinking that Mr. Itotli wall They are so pure that one can hardly realize which lias occurred since the year mentioned lias a funny way of doing business sometimes. above. Just where the great rush will he is For they are in their natural state. instance, when writing ur the mines of doubtful this early to decide, hut most cer- Silver Reef, a lew months ago, lie credited to New with her wealth vast Mexico, tainly last Following are the adjoining Neutral claim a large Saturdays quotations quantity of and new uncovered districts found being (received by mail) of Utali stocks on the New i rich ore belonging to the Kinner mine. Of will demand attention from those York market: Horn Silver, $13J, Ontario, almost-duilvcourse, this was not done for the purpose of investments. Arizona The are papers $33 ; Barbee & Walker, $4J asked, with no seeking advancing Mr. Rotliwells personal interest, the with filled new of finds, glowing descriptions sales; Stormont, 82J(7.2J ; Empire, $2.75 f very fact that lie owned of the Neuand in which revival districts a have general 3.50; Sampson, 25 cents hid; Leeds, 20 cents tral claim should he proof sufficient of that. been abandoned for years. Colorado had her It bid. was, we presume, an unfortunate error, unboom last season, and will doubtless he thrown wittingly made by Mr. Rothwell in his own faTjie Santa Fe New Mexican- claims to have in the shade hv other and newer districts the vor. In the absence of an excellent opportucopied from this paper the following expres- present season. The gold and silver fields of we dont believe that Mr. Rothwell would sion: The Mormon people are not scared at the Southeastern and Middle States are sur- nity, to such trickery, anyway, even if it would the attitude of the President' and proceeds to prising old miners, and though they would stoop advance his own interests. comment thereon and cull the Gazetteer the like to make light of reported very rich mines Mormon organ. No such item ever appeared in those sections, it cannot he denied that they Tiik great depression existing in the mining in this journal, and we have nothing to do are producing mineral in large amounts. is not alone due to the deeither with politics or religion. Further, the Many Eastern tmn have lately invested in districts of Nevada editors of the Gazetteer are Gentiles, and ever mining properties in the States of Chihuahua, crease in the mineral yield, but is largely expect to remain such ; but wc have not fuund Sonora and Sinaloa, Mexico, hut the excite- attributable to tlie exorbitant freight rates it necessary to flaunt this idea into the faces of ment, we opine, will not he great, as labor is charged hv the railway magnates who control our readers, although we have repeatedly as- very cheap and Americans cannot compete the management of the railway system of the With the ramification of serted that the paper was devoted exclusively with the natives. The Black Hills also called Sagebrush State. to the mining interests. for treasure-hunter- s last vear, hut the country competitive railway lines southward extending having been very generally examined, pros Pacificward, rates may he reduced to such a The Silver Reef Miner states that it is the pectors will turn in other directions the that ores can he largely transported and present figure intention of General Ogden, Superintendent of year. Montana made an excellent for their owners. showing of at a fair margin of profit the Barbee Walker mine, to erect at the Reef bullion shipments for 1SS0, and the There can he no gainsaying the melancholy large numa Howland ore and tailing mill, in which it is ber of rich mines around Butte have fact that Nevada has lost its prestige as a mingiven that claimed ore can he treated at a cost of $2 per district an impetus which milst carry it along ing country. Her salvation is the successful ton. While it is to he hoped that, in the matbooming during 18S1. Helena also has a few working of the large quantities of low grade ter of cheap treatment of the ores of that camp good properties, and Glendale and other dis- ore on the dumps and in the mines throughout I the wonderful lowland mill will do all that tricts will most doassuredly have a boom this the length and breadth of her extended its manufacturer claims for it. still we have spring, though we have an idea that Butte will main. To this end two important points are grave doubts touching the matter. The pres- ho the principal excitement. Idaho, with to he considered the first, cheap and expedient cost of treating ores in the Reef mills will her Charles Dickens. Montana, Custer and tious methods for tho extraction of the bulli-mnot fall short of $0 per ton, and in the opinion many other mines, will create a great and the second, reasonable freight rates over of one of the best mill men on the Coast, that stir, and the big mines of the Wood River lines of transportation. cost cannot he materially reduced by any district will fill the whole of that part of the known appliances. A saving of 4 per ton, Territory with of Utah, George L. Woods, is prospectors and capitalists, very could it he made, would he something imearly in the season. Utahs immense bullion one of the Directors of the Silver King Mining mense, it would result in the working of output for years shows that the Territory has Company of Arizona. thousands of tons of sand rock at present great mineral wealth, and from Silver Reef on Mixing Engineer A. II. Parker, of Silver thrown away as waste, and would transform the south to the line of and Idaho, Reef, passed Wyoming through the city Wednesday last, into dividend-payin- g mines thousands that arc the prospector, as well as the is capitalist en route to Sonora, Mexico, whither he goes in now worked only hv means of assessments busy in developing properties anticipation of the interest of San Francisco capitalists to exthe stockholders. The idea, however, an influx such as the Territory lias not seen upon amine some mining properties. seems to us to he somewhat Utopian. But if for a dav. new districts are many Many being T. D. McM asters, who is known the Coast the experiment is tried, and no satisfactory re- opened, and it is a matter of gratulation that sults obtained, we would suggest that the Gen- the revival of over as ono of the best mill men in America, is mining in districts which have eral put a few hundred tons of Barbee rock been idle for at present sojourning in the city. years, are taking now life and saw-m- ill, through his and turning out large amounts of fine ore. New C. Morler, one of the bonanza kings of the see how that will work. railb, smelters, hoisting works, etc., will he Yankee Fork District, Idaho, is in the citv. al-rc- adv one-hal- - - Ex-Govern- newly-purcha- sed or |