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Show r - r- A r; 4k I ' V-l.- The GEY. CONK OB'S GBEAT SILVER CAMP HAS TAKEN HEW LIFE. SEE VS GROW! THE TOOELE COUNTY REPUBLICAN WEEKLY. STOCKTON, UTAH, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY UTAH'S OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. LOCAL BRIEFS. PUBLISHED AT I ! - IHHIHH ih accotn-lianle- y !!t i p.. 309-31- set-in- s - 11 J. E. . ' J j Dlr-tric- John 8. Chideeter. Judge Sixth District. HAVE YOU INDIGESTION? J. H. Attorney Sixth District. If you have Indigestion, Kodol Dyspep- Jacob Erickson, Johnson, Judge Seventh District. cure Cure haa cured will sia Seventh W. D. Livingston, Attorney you.' It thousands. It is curing people every District. day every hour. You owe it to your- J. Walcott Thompson, Reporter Supreme self to give it trial. You will continCourt. ue to suffer until you do try it. There L. P. Palmer, Clerk Supreme Court and is no other combination of digeatanu State Librarian. that digest and rebuild at the same time. Kodol does both. Kodol cure, State Board Bold by strengthens and rebuild Governor, Attorney GeMercur Meat A Gro. Co, Stockton. PARDONS neral, Three Supreme Judge . m il . Mercur Drug Co., Mercur, Utah. EXAMINERS Governor. Secretary of M. E. Brown, Stockton, Utah. State, Attorney General. RICHARD GUNDRY, NOTARY PUNLKJ. All Clissss of Legal Buslaaaa Headed to. BHEKDAI AYR R001IU. 1 1 1 P!. ,,- UNO MD Salt Lake Qty. : i H4444 Governor, Secretary of State, Attorney General. Ctgieltosk ineiit was in the hands of Mr. T. E. Utatkma Steele, who acquitted himself with excellent tact and Judgment, no that the LvSalt Lake City .. Lehi Junction .... large amemblage was more than usualCedar Fort AMERICAN FOXK CANYON. ly deftly handled. The American Fork Canyon Float. Fairfield .... a tent haa membership of seventy, and The Silver Dipper ia being operated pay Insurance of two up to S3U00 at Lv Fairfield increased an the and winter through district The American Fork mining death. John ia commander; ArMsrcur (8. L. ft M.) 10:45 was the scene of morehctlvlty the ast force will, it ia said, be employed in the F. W. Wright,Wagataff r; LvFive Mile Pass ;4 season than for may year before. spring. J. J. Meicer, sergeant, and F. W, Duane Rush Valley ....10:0! r. About fifteen conipanka have been enDel Monte 10:2! ergetically pursuing tie work of develNear Van's dugway the Cygnet was Doremua .. ................... ....14:4! opment to the extent (f the capital at in receipt of some attention in the fall, Boulter Summit 1040 engine, which their disposal, and acme are Mill con- but operation on a an tall scale, it is la The Dlckeraon rotary 11 :l Tlntlc Junction being conatrucled lu thin city, will tinuing oiieratlon, notwithstanding the Hid, are soon to be resumed. be ready for the final teat, it ia said P. M. fact that the varlousK properties are In a short time. The Inventors of this A. M. practically snowed in. ft he road up the LvTIntlc Junction that they will make a lid! At the Pittsburg work wae ahut down engine believe being at p rests impaasable. Boulter Summit isnyon not or 12 J! a considerable extoo much ko expect, from reivntly on account of inability to get savingand Ifruel toAnal It is .. Dorsmus .13:3! teat tent, the this plans and purposes si far known and supplies up the canyon because of the to lie a fact, the success nf proven Del Monts ....................... 1:1! the Invenin prove of formttkin. that early snow, but aa aeon as the road la pass- tion, in its extensive Rush Valley .A la IJt manufacture, able will ape rations will be resumed. wlip.ese thwrenewal of spring Mila Pass Five , 2:00 predb-ieaa sure. The engine, whlrh The last shipment made front the Mil- i on a more rxUlitfve wale, and duly tattented, la owned by Arthur ArFalrfleld In a wider range of territory, than has ler Hill, on which the Kalaniaxoo is bl(8. L. ft M.) 8:10. the inventor. H. D. Holey, Lr Msrcur been seen for years it.hat richly eated. was made, il ia stated, by Mr. C. IHckeraon, M. Ambrose and K. J. Wild of Amer- ArFalrfleld ................... ...... 124 J xone. A Urgcjiumber of com- 1). Hanks mid is reirled to have been N. Lv .. Fairfield ican Fork. ....................... t;l Work will be repanies ere now maklnysfprrparaliuns for very satisfactory. 1:1 Cedar Fort the sinitig campaign. jiegotiatUuis for sumed on the Miller about the same Lehl Junction 4:! liases are now under say, considerable time us the Kalamusuo Increases na Trains at Salt Laka make direct con- and' the force. GEORGE HATTON, ground has been Arflalt Lake i:K City citixens of American fark have every P. M. Stocks and Bond 43 Eaat 2nd South (ontldence In the futufeof the camp. The iai'iflc actions for all Gold and east. north and Milling points Mining locatudln Utah This district la county, Street, Balt Lako City. show ground la below the about thirty miles aeeUieaat of Salt cniniutny. K. W. GILLETT. Lake City, and In clM proximity to Hot Stuff, is iirosecuting development e Dunimisalonf h of General Passenger Agent. charged, one per cent. Oertiflcate sent by regthe lilies of railroad I leaching every work with more vigor and deflnite J. MOORE, I. than any other company In the istered mail to smelter in the country! INTO the Drat Commercial Agent. parties. discoveries were made ft he Miller niinr. camp. Persona In a push ion to know affirm that the prnierty gives promise alone taking in 112, from one ore-laout In the short space hr seven months of develoidng Into one of the best ndnes over ILUU0.00U. The 8un4ay mine ahipiied in this district. cat loads of ore so riel In gold that It had to be protected byia special guurd, n. M. EDMUNDS, PROP PACIFIC GOLD M. ft M. CO. and from tuUU to $600 a ton la alleged to hare been its value. The Silver Bell. Ure Yankee. Plttfbui Treasure and The annual meeting of the stockSierra mines have all i rnlahed ore rich holders of the Pacific Gold Mining and in gold and silver; wl le the Kalaniu-xn- o Do. of American Fork waa held mine, aa late ae 1 u. shipped from Milling the very surface ore ri tiling as high aa nt tin company's office Monday evena Best in this S action. Far saia a ton. ing. February 1st. The pliysicul und Then mines are in the neigh- tlnanciul ns presentd by Presiborhood of the epex of ttie Miller mounSTOCKTON. NEXT TO POSTOFFICE. tain, and the deepest forkings on any dent James 11. Ulark, and read by Secof lliein at the presen time do not. It retary J. L. lluiickley. were listened to wwffHffwnmfTwwwwwwwffwwmTirriwwnwwwwwnwwwwwwwwwwwiiwwwwww ia said, exceed 4U0 f t. They ai-- with much satisfaction, the sluckhiild-citliought to constitute, lerefore, a kkm1 present giving evidence of unwavindex to what should e below. About ere mile ease of Miller Peak ering failli in the devebipniunt of tile Ilea the Wild Dutchn n mine, a rich prniieriy. present Indications going to producer, now worko by the Dutch- show the proximity of ore. Assessman Mining and V ling company, HATS the matter with ERATHS STOREi which showa that the ire belt extends ments have been regular during Hie all the time! it is filled to at least one mile on hat aide. Be- past year, but of modest pruiHiitioiis, tween the Wild Dutcl nan and Hiller 12 on eui-loot) shares, or a total he the g only reason is Peak are numerous v na of ore keeps the best plain, Why, of 200.000 northeasterly an southwesterly, of flail on the capital slock and his stock of elected Mercur in but little work on then .haa been done. shures of the par value of 10 cent, beThere is an abundance of timber ckixe ing the amount of each assessment. treatment is the same to all and is appreciated by ijjr at hand which costa no ilng except getIn tlie reiHirt of the president It is ting It on the ground and water is alL and His business is sawset out that alnee February 3, 1IMI, abundant fur milling p rpoaaa. A mill la In active opera kin during the workings have been run amounting to do so ad lib. promises to working season. To the northeast of he Miller Peak IK feel un the Blue Bock group, at a surcost all a distance of only alia miles Ilea the (including outlay except Park City district, wlthjthe great Silver veying and building Items) of 12447.74. King mine which la paying dividend nf or at un average of St .01 per foot. A fluo,00il a month, the My Wait with survey for (latent of the Hlue Rock dividend payments of 807,000 a month, claim was made In June and thla, inthe great Ontario mliif, whose produc- cluding labor of miners and extra help, tion huH reached the si(g of nearly' most approximately 1130. In the fall a and numerous Chera whose ag- substantial log cabin waa built at a -milthe is couited.ln gregate output cost of fl30, and all underground work . 4 lions. haa been confined to the tunnel and. the To the northeast, oily theef. . miles various openings from it. .Thr tunnel away, lies the Alta dts'jct, in Mitch are fare ia over 400- feet from thh mouth JocsleA tiyr temoim tm iLkr&e'iilft uTiiimg'idifrii 'di aold for IT.uoO.OdU, Con.. of about 230 feet. Twenty feet of work tlie Royal and has no the Flagstaff, the Vsllejo, and other wras also done on the lndeiendrnce superior which have produce! consider ble ore claim at Alpine. and ure now fast riming to the from equal In this county. the two objects for which the tununder capable, intelligent management. nelofwaa of the the run, wr nmnely tapping The Miller Peak hi American Fork fissure vein and also the tapping of the canyon ia the highest mountain in the lime contact, the more ImiKirianl one vicinity, and I considered the apex of ha been accoinpltshed--lhupraise the general mineral xone extending In encounlcriiig the lime a iHirtheaiderly and outhwelerly di- from tunnel levelChristmas. owing to from shortly rection. and a the gnat off. prcsiaire it wn bulkln-adewhich Park City ami Alta have de- .water two shift are now working toward rived their immense wealth are in such bill con I on level. Hie tunnel act done proximity to (lie American Fork the to la- - I lie This contact is e camp, It I not unreasonable to ler ( contact, n that when once extensive uiiera-tin- from which millloiiH ofM IIdolhirs' of similar to thcsi that hare niade ore haxe liven taken. Withinworth R-- N. EDMUNDS, Proprietor- iark City what it is. are undertaken monl ha lt Is exiieeled that tlitee a few here, the inothi r lode now hlddtn In the in contact the will made been lugs hllla will some day lie found. This is pive the opinion nf n.en not accounted vis- from the tunnel level mid follow good veins lending to il. In addition (o ionary. and while no such mpcrlHtivt H the mines hh the Silver King lire to hr these (Missiliilit Dealer in High Grade Wines and Liquors for Mill ahttiit uml win Ih aiipwri-iitllooked for, th bi llef in firm that Ann il- jmnuniii,il ilurhiK Hie can Fork iunyim will prothire mlllUuiH Hkly lo ! Family Trade and Medicinal Purposes. l. progress of the tunnel along the gain in the year to come. lieutenant-commande- record-keepe- , s -- three-fourt- pur-isis- n dy Zb e kitchener Ibousc, AY LAW. l. s $ m m m m m m run-rin- m m m m m Salt Lake Qty Cittchlov ATTMNIVn A & Duti-h-nm- Barrette, AT LAW. Sail Laka Chy. 44 MWH44MW J M4W44W g 'JhitteBore. Bluer &CherrlDgtop 1 ffATte Salt Laka Chy ; I n n 1m- W. PARKS. UK ATTOANBY. llan-chet- Ellf-rla-i- Easy Pillf upar d Easy to taka and easy to set Is that famous little pill DeWItt'i Utile Early Riser Thix ia due to the fact that they ionic the liver Instead of purging it. They never gripe nor sicken, not even Ihs most delicate lady, and yet they ere so certain in result! that no one who uses them la disappointed. They cure torpid liver, to Is THE STOCKTON CLUB om-ii- w y II Is ap- From the president's parent that the directors areis-cuniidcnt In Hilliard Room la Ooaneetkio. Kreryliod, Kraslvea Good Tmalneat at the Stoektoa Clab. the ure In iiuuntlty will not long making its iippeuriinre, the conditinim a cuntiict, first, being, with a strong porphyry vein between, together w'ilh numerous -making toward It. Second The slning dyke or vein which haa been followed and from which some good ore has la-- n taken. This, it exjiccled, idiialid make a body of ore ut it intersection wlih the contact. During Hie year's work one gnod cliiile of milling on- wa passed through .the milland R was said to ing ore of the Daly West mine of Park City. s In iiddilion to this, sisas. emailami IMM'kel of xllic. lead. a j piiss-donate and silver bromide rue have ls-n rianuiilereil in nearly y foot of work done luring the last :jhi ps-- i was Summerville Superintendent Ins highly ciunnieniled liy tin- Isi.inl in anil of lln- ciiinpaiiy. Tin- id the company during the year liHKi :i miiillitt-- to t2!'W(i2. .mil a the expenditures iMilani-nf cash on hand of ftc.'.iiT. At the meeting 127.142 slian-The new were hoard of dlroiiMi'x ebsled is us ful'nws. Rios.. of I J. L. Diinckli-American Fork: H. ('. Johnson, assisl-aii- t Hunk of cashier of tlie Fork; J. I,. Craig. Joint loeul freight agent of Ihe Sell laike Route ami Short Line. Salt Imke city: c. M. I Seek, caiiitnlist and of Amerlian II. T. Dyer of Hie linn of Dyer ft Co., the sugar factory huild- -r of Cleveland. I duo, and suie rinicndent .of ihi'i-Utah ami Male- - siikmi la- lora-sat Cigili-nwlih will la- purTin- wolk of sued this year with I he mujul rigm and s this which ciiiiipuny, an-- l those in . ssilion in know pmllri the early realixalmn of i tlie nmiuiin V must sanguiu- - exs-ct- Pinil-clai- le Stockton. Main Street. cross-firsar- - I t i ! tlL - nsi-lpt- s s CICERY - repri-sentei- GROCERIES ARP WEATS astHtat'-Nttwa- ar wv.sivy-g- p toJ tl.t m.KsecrsV X - . - - nw-- ri!n Street, tlors. UcrtrtUt StocttCft. I (Ol-DD- William Kbk and r- wib- have lc. enlly whiHu-- r they - reiunie.l from califorriia. Wl-l.- t Il Is rcau'tei Hint lambs ill Cedar and Rush valleys an- - suffering from are Is ing mow-.- out and of Rub valley faiHn-- west, whenUPmopfayorable. an- inin- Hun. from tin- satisfactory. County ''Mir-liunit- ! ol-- a Early Risers 4 i n innfi-d-nc- yt never-railin- SADDLE HORSES LIVERY RIGS r a Iiitili IsrTi Urcrg f DeWitts m Salvo rl aiii.ua! Th - j lu li! i.i of ih- lt !A L - ;i ' lifjr.' I::iU nf i !. or!' . .,rh-- i t!'lv fully , t ' in in'-- ?; k'-- .'i '" j il t SI I.t i.st.T of i.r .Ffesh Meats. ef, mi fh, ia! ''liy. it.wj'j: I'n I I 'J'-- fisfo a i! :! i A 11 ic'T. .il f II t: i . to lit -- Mon i s I ,r --i !iwnri II n'f l.ii k 11 -: . VPUVi ch tn ii J ll fniip'rIt Mof Sat m U I i.t in l hr nm-nou- JV - - s Il'iili - c fr 1 - r - gi-e- n i9 i;pl .Largest Oil in-- OR If Aiin-rica- -- Don't Forgot tho Romo, XX ron-tuc- eais-rienc- rSSMBSB ONLY ST 11. ...FRANK ERflTHS ..BREAD,. d r biliousness, i X X X X X e y. X. C. SeWITT 4 CO., CHXCAOO rnw ... increasing daily e jaundice, headache, malaria and ward off pneumonia and fevers, r X Ift utruimit fcvlt. oonatipalion. GROCERIES i R.E.R0SS, 6. overflowing jr, mip-isis- 4t4tWW44mW44444tt Pierce, WW Firat-Clas- INSANITY Heber M. Wells, Governor; C. 8. Tlngey, Auditor; John De Grey Hyrum L. Raker left on Saturduy to Dixon. Treasuier. fill a two years' mission to New Zealand. M. CORRECTIONS Hiber Well Fisher Harris, I'harle Head, Ellas A. branch of Miss Jennie Rromley the Smith. Co-o- p has been temporarily aucrevib-LAND COMMISSIONERS Heher M. by Miss MhuiI Webb. Will. Byron (inn. T. 1 1, lice, ller-rhThe school trustee have recently purMullen. James A. Melville. chased a piano which is now Installed EDUCATION Joseph T. Kingsbury, A. in the Central building. C. Nelson. William J. Kerr. Wiillum S. Mark William Allison. (Ogden.) Elias Jones has secured a contract to at the mouth erect the new iiower-hous- e I.uiid, of American Fork eanyon for the Utah EQUALIZATION Robert John J. Thomas, Thomas 1. Dee, County Light and Power cniniHiny. Swell O. Nellseii. The fanners In 8aniete and Sevier OF THE UNIVERSITY nuntles are being visited at present by REGENTS Joseph T. Kingsbury. Kinnia J. Field Superintendent Parley Austin, Frank Pierce, William W. who Is contracting with them for sugar Hiller and Kalamazoo. Kiler. Wahlemur Van Cotl. Moses lieet. Thatcher. A. H. Lund, James Sharp, Mr. George Tyng, agent for the lliller Rebecca E. Little. Hill ami Kh lama uni mine, came ilown from them pmiM-i-tifew ilay ago TRUSTEES AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE W. S. McCnrnick. George U. and was busy making up hi reimrtH Whitmore. Mrs. Emily 8. Richards, to the roipimny. He wa iiccumiianied Lnrrnxo Hanson, Mr J. K. lbigley, by his son. Francis Tyng, who ha been Mr. Hank Bibllelie. from the Evan R. Owen John A. McAllister. working on the Kulamazoo during the mine, was in town a few days Inst past season. The fores nf men which week. TRUSTEES STATE INDUSTRIAL ha been employed there for seven or SCHOc 1. Angus T. Wright. N. C. eight month past ha been laid off, liul The American Fork hoy arrested for Mr. Tyng and son have returned to tlie Fly gare. Richard T. Huine. Incorrigibility was on Saturday released Kalamazoo, where they will prosecute in the District court at Provo. TRUSTEES SCHOOL FOR DEAF work alone until the force can lie emMaud May Babcock, ployed with greater benefit than lit DUMB AND A room is to be fitted up in the HarJohn Watson. Mrs. A. B. Corey, Fled present, there too much xnow un rington school for the purimse of placW. Chambers. M. L. Ritchie. th- - ground, with tiaiisKrtatioii practiing on exhibition the work of the pupil rut ofi. in (he various grades. HORTICULTURE Thomas Judd, Moil cally The rondiilon nil Miller Hill are xald Piterwin. J. H. Parry. lie to promising. Mr. Tyng is al prem-n- t It Is expected thHt a school entertaindriving ii tunnel to olititin greater depth ment will be arranged for none time HEALTH AND VITAL STATISTICS F. S. Ha scorn. T. II. Beutty, Martha in the hill on Kalamuxao ground. next month, the proceeds til be devoted are in al present IK) ,uid to the interests of the school library. H. Camion. A. F. Doremus. Frank H. encountered, hut the Steele. Willard Y. Crnxall. S. II. Alien. some ore ha it is expected the main (siinl nt whieh The Utah lake dredge, which was built ha not yet hei-three years ago and owned by Nephl PHARMACY -- C. H. McCoy. Janas L. laidy will - struck i Prunkcn. W. W. Cook, iFrlsco,; T. H. reached. As soon a the ro.nl Elsinore, has been sold for ,10 to K. li. a force of men will lie pul a I Carr. H. F. Rller. Gardner and J. W. Dunsilee of Sandy. work and the tunn- -l dtiven as fast as One of I he ieny at a recent (uirty In MEDICAL EXAMINERS D. C. Budge, IHissilile. A. S. Briant Comkin. A. A ail In hall hud tlie misfortune to have Stiingham. C. Ewing. Flfa S. Wright. J. C. t, his luirtner stolen from him. She wn R. N. Baskin's Operation. H. W. Fisher. a of bottle only port, however, quart ami not a girl. Il is said that the Hon. it. N. Husk in DENTAL EXAMINERS W. G. of Pali Iaike City ha been doing . W. H. liucher. W. Harry George Summerville, superintendent work re enlly on the Miller Do vis. George K. A. 8. of the Pncillc Gold Mining & Milling Hill and will Increase operations there Chapman. nmpany. came down from the canyon in the sluing, his ground being hauled Iasi Wednesday. Tli re I but little of the mineral LABOR. CONCILIATION AND ARBI- in tlie very heart snow In the canyon now. he says. llaskin Is at present working a TRATION John Nicholson. J. S. Judge force of men al Hie Hot Ptuff. which Is Davi-ler- . K. A. Wall. Two Married Women," th. show the Miller Hill. ReJust bllb-in the riera-houito last D. . from there indicate that tlie outports M. POCn-rTYA. Director ft town gothe the Saturday evening, gave look Ik decidedly encouraging. A. KinM'V, Jauica G. McDonby, claiming to be tied up at Robinson. ald. John ( Cutler. Mr. Ruth M. Fox, A few debt contracted by the advance M. K. Parson. J. P. Rransfnrd. Mrs. a cent are aim thought to hare gone Simon IlamtHTger. Wiley C. Cragun, Mining in Gaa. glimmering. T. II. Ptnith, George Adam. John II. During the past two weeks, il Is Peelcy. Mr. J. H. Wnottrm resumed 111 dntle the miners at work in Hie n manager nf the Utah County Light i'TAH MarCOMMISSION PII.K Dutchman mine have repeatedly enMr. nnd Fewer comany last week, after an WKNi-burMrs. A. C. Ann Caine. countered garet strong Hows nf s ..liir.iiu extended absence from that post. A . Mrs. Elizalath Packard. Mrs. gas. which have retarded ti.onimiin-henvreview of the company's Rachel Siegel, Miss Maria E. Zundel. considerably. This Is Iiellcved to will apinar plant and It operation tie-ihe a sure sign of near approach next week In lhee column. UTAH ART INSTITUTE H. I A. to an linmemss tiody of aulphid--. fur P. T. Whitaker. Mrs. Edna similar Culmer. e in other m'r ' I The election of officer of the AmerW. Sloan. Mrs, Alice M. Horne, Lewis alleged, have led to sueh a diM,n ure. ican Fork post of Indian War Veteran Ramsey, Allan I,. lairey. George M. the gas being generated from of fur the eneuing two yearn reulted a ottlnger. that nature. The Dutchman mini- follow: R. K. King, captain; lienry located at the base f the Miller IRII Miller, find lieutenant; B. Y. Greenand ia one of the i producers of the wood. adjutant: Joseph Shelley, commisIN MINUTE. ONE RELIEF ruinp. It has been tlie scene of much sary: Alexander Adamson, chaplain. st season. One Minute Cough Cure gives relief in activity during the it kill the microbe A MOTHER'S REtYiMMENDATION. one minute, because mucous which tickle the membrane, I have used Chamlierlafn' Cough s Bojf Claim Option. and musing the cough, and at theoutsame Remedy fur a number of draws time clear the the phlegm, have no hesitancy In saving that it I News has heals Inflammatlnn and and been rendveil by tins paper soothe the th'- boat remedy for couch, cold and One Mimi'e Cough Cure ilia i Ed lllni-an opn-.has croup I lin v eier used in iny family, unvoted part. hn Una" rlnlm trt Hni:w I4irll ti ul.' 1 liave not word e strengthens the lungs, wards off pneuto e xpress my f N g a Is haimless monia and nnd hs in tlii Mr. J. A. Moore, cure in all curable caw of It Ih sall llspt th wrk cf North Sltie, Mleh. For sale liy ili Coughs. Colds nnd Croup. One Xlinuie Mercur Drue Co. Couiih Cui is lo t.ike. h.irm-l.-v- s It k of .i tunrcl 1jiw M. E. Brown. Stockton, Utah. I alike for yo-fo n iii Li is old. work th to iriri g :in,j I S.W 1y Hhli I Mr. 1I:ni ol- iin-m.-3M.,p i r M. I. in lln tiro, lion A Is t fiM ;m av ririfl toikion. r For Piles, Burns, Sores M! Co.f ton. finni rcurTt.ih. Joli; el mmttt NO. 31; es M. THOMAS, ATTOSNBY COMMISSIONERS LOAN rhi. : t!MtlM44H4l4HIWM! J. m 13, 1004. lit ini no Jilcu l&tiniYUT mifc 1903-190- 4. The lionerine mill la rapidly nearing Stockton completion. United States Senator, Thomas Kearna. Bubacriptionii: On year Term expires March 4, lkUS. 12.00 Ml Anna McIntosh hna been quite Bis month 1.2! 111 with the grip. United Slates Senator, lleed Sir.oot. 75 Three month! Term expires March 1 ISO. Mr B. D. Bralen visited relativea In Mr. W. N. Gundry Editor the rapltal city this week. Joseph Howell, Term Representative. Jamce T. Jake man Manager expires March 4. 1SU6. Miss Stella Ferry of Bellevue, Ida., is NOTICE: vixitlng her sister, Mra. C J. Stillman. Exacutivo Officers. During our absence any buaineaa James Hlrkman. who has been very Heber M. Wells, Governor. traniacted with Mra. W. N. Gundry conwill be O. K. The Udy will re- ill with pneumonia, ia rapidly Janies T. Hammond. Secretary of State. l 8. Tlngey. State Auditor. ceipt for money due the office, will take valescing. John De U. Dixon, State Treasurer. rdera for Job printing, etc. storm the anow last The fall of during M. A. Breeden, Attorney General. Jiunea T. Jakeman, was much deeper in the Tuuele valley A. C. Nelson. Superintendent of Public Manager. than here. Instruction. Min Edna Nelson of Tooele visits our Appointive. town once a week now to give instruc- A. F. Poretnua, State Engineer. DR. F. M. DAVIS, tions in mualc. Gomer Thomas, Coal Mine Inspector. Mrs. W. H. Hennefer. who has been Waller J. Beetle. Hank Examiner. PMVSIOIAN AND John Sharp, Fish and Game Commisto returned haa SUNDAON vlaliing relativea here, sioner. her home In Balt Lake City. Hefner, Food and Dairy ComUtah. $ Mias Meads Dalton, daughter of Ed Motoni Stockton, missioner. Bula confined at Bt. Mark's Charles DeMolaey, Commissioner ! M 44 4 4 HWWWW Dalton, with reau of Statistics. a severe can of appenhospital dicitis. Governor's Staff. 1 ! The Blockton Gold Mining and Milling Charles 8. Burton, Aujutant General. men employed company has thirty W. Clayton, Quartermaster GenDr. L. G. Thayer, ore. The prospects of this Kephl eral. are very promising. WAi. company J. PHYSICIAN AND Ehealey, Commissary General. S. H. Pinkerton. Burgeon General. aUAQBON . . . There la some talk of work being re- Benner X. Smith, Judge Advocate Gensumed on the Cyclone In the near fuMain Street: eral. Mercur. ture. The Honerlne drain tunnel has Morris L. Ritchie, Inspector General. pussed through this property. George A. Seaman, General Inspector of Target Practice. F. W. Mulenbruch. superintendent of d Edward 8. Ferry. Aide de Camp. the Jumbo Mining company, i ! D. Spencer, Aide de Camp. John by Herman W. Horne, civil enN. Q. Cannon, Brigadier Gem-ral- . MONII I gineer, caine out from Salt Lake City John G. U. iRiit tala i. Tuesday. Judicial. A. F. Christensen, representing the Dr. Samuel H. Allen, 1 Hi Piano Company, can- K. N. Buskin, Chief Justice Supreme vassed our ton'll this week and placed Court. a sisst month. pianos In the homes of Dr. F. M. Davis George W. Ranch. Justice. aiv tssa orrv. UTSS. W. Brown. U. McCarty, Justice. and James Charles H. Hart, Judge First District Office Bonn t to 4 we iHFt we went to print When Court. Sunday by appointment thought and hnjied King Float had re- Frank K. Xebeker. Attorney First Dis1 Office, Deseret Newt Bldg. he did laxed hia Icy grasp, but it trict. so only to get A better hold, ns it ha lienry- li. Itoiupp, Judge Second Dis1 1 1 1444 I 44444 ever a cold lieen as lutely. trict. Halveison. Attorney First DisDollle George The many fiienda of Min trict. Scribner will be pleased to learn of her William C. Hall, Judge Third District. operarecovery after an Samuel W. Stewart, Judge Third DisTA1T" tion inTfnrmed some time Hgo. She retrict. lumed to her home from the hospital W. Morse, Judge Third District. ...DENTIST... lust Tuesday. T. D. Lewis. Judge Third District. Solent!!1 y An spars Usds laPerformed Dsatlatry. Kichnor. Attorney Third District. A slelgh-lotof members of Stock-to- n D. C. E. sally Booth. Judge Fourth District. lodges No. SO. I. O. O. F., visited John A. C. MHaKji Dm Iha Itrast Fra Fsatsffic. Attorney Fourth District. dphir lodge last Tuesday night, and al- ThomasHatch. Marloneaux, Judge Fifth Disthough 'twaa very cold and tlie sleightrict. ing was not as good an expected, ah t, Joshua Greenwood, Attorney Fifth evening was passed. LH-GRAY- t,f ff A THE PIONEER , MINING DISTRICT IS REVIVED. VOL. IV. STOCKTON SENTINEL. 4 fi k At.- -i tr It Hi : ! V!i O vw w Cj OV w J w' O O w Cw vw (Si 8i , |