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Show (Mi Th Rtf Inman Dry V will II Muiillu" during t lie month of Febru12.23 u roll. MINER BRIEFS. south, range 5 Will. Malt Lake meridian. and coiitainiK a total area of 7.201 for a earn pie ropy acre eicluiliiiR. , however, therefrom of The Keinl- - Weekly Salt Lake Tribune. the area In ronfilst with the North Htar Kteinmun'l Dry Gooda "o. rnntem-lilate- a Then you will be aure to accept ita and Black Diamond, lot No. I, oimmiIiic a branch utore at Ophlr remarkable offer to arnd you the San Pedro, Los Angeles and In s, Jut 14 and Gulch, survey lot paera 2730. the near future. twice a week for almoat a year and I half for 11.40. Net area claimed and applied for beAll atyleenf nil rluth, Including fancy Salt Late Railroad. Maid acre Gulch Weat Ex6.434 ing and marble, whltca and blacka, at 12.23 The TOOELE AND TINTIC DISTRICT. Balt Lake Tribune tension lode location mining claim bea roll at Rtelnman'a. Rlvea aiaaiial attention to the news of ing of record In the office of the County lUad Down. Read lip. Station. the Intermountain country, and particRecorder at Tooele city, Tooele county, Bnily. Dally. If. Windsor wan here laet week II. Published Utah. . A. M. Lv. the mlulnR news. Ar. P. M. ularly clHlma the of thoae who aulfered twice a week each Issue ten or twelve The nearest known locations or min-InAS. .Balt Lake City t:U by the lire. Kveryune reiwrla very satis- puRee It la the beat aubatltute tor a claim being th" aforesaid conflict1.26 :!.. Buena Vial (I SdO..RIter factory adjualinetita. daily, and will be sent you until May ing cluinia anil Urecm No. 2, survey No. f 1:11 liHfl. M. BIOS, for II. 6:00 f I :M.. Garfield II, f Mr. K. 1 dlrei-Parley waa auinmoned by that this notice be published At. .Half Way Spur f 4:60 telepluHie to come and nee her brother in The S.ntlnel, at Stockton, 4:4B :00..Erda ... , ...f When feel blue and that everywlio had an met with you accident. of Tooele, Slate of Utah, for Tooele 4.10 county Pull report elaewhere. thing Roea wroriR, take a doaa of Cham- the period uf nine week 4:21 :tl..Buehl berlain's Htonuch and Liver Tablets. FRANK D. HOBBS, 4:80 AS..8tocklffl.,,' A. r. ThomiHHin went to Rail Lake They will cleanw and InvlRorate your Register. f 4:0T Tuexriay, he havlnit aot hla Insurance stomach. reRulate your bowel Rive ( t:40..St. John G. W. Parka. Attorney for Applicant. f SIS. .Ajax f ;u autlsfuctorlly Hd Juried. a rellh for your food and make you 1003. Last pub., 12, First pub., OS :10.. Faust f 1:41 you feel that In tlila old world la a Rood Feb. 0. lOVt flt:2t.. Vernoi f :to Tom left Hu ml ay fur bwun. plaiv to live. Por sale by flS:4S..Lofgrai-f :lt bu cilia ftrlnchley Men-ulieen eunimoned there by the Dtur Co. APFLU'ATION FOR PATENT. Boulter Summit 11:.. f 1:00 M. K. Ilrown. Stockton, Vtah. of hla little dauahter. Notice M. A. No. 1766. 11:11. .Tlntlc Junction 2:47 ll.T.. Mammoth Jet 1:44 United Hiutes Land Offlee, Salt Lake Mr. F. lilaalnbntham. who has Item U AT.. Mammoth APPLICATION POR PATENT. In Ihe foil. Mercur office almr Cap Gity, Utah, Dec. 7. 1903. U At. .Eureka :40 M. A. NO. 2777. Notice is hereby liven that the Black Hardy and wife went on their bridal Mammoth .. .. I:S tour, returned to the city Hwlui'day. IN THE UNITED STATER LAND Diamond Mining and Milling company, UM.. Sliver City a coriMiration duly organised under the Oltlce, Halt Luke City, Utah, Jan. 12, Ar. laws of tla- State of Utah, and whoa Lv. P. M. L. Kdwarda went tn Halt lak 1304. J.. Traiaa at Belt Lake make direct of buaineaa la Balt Lake Notice la hereby given that the Ga- principal Hutunlay to take up a pnulthin iimicr Ilia for all polnta north and east. City, Utah, by Ita agent and attorney father, 1. Z. Kdwnnl who, we are In- lena King Mining company, by DunUedeiirha of Salt I.ake, Juw In S..W. GILLETT. fart. ph formed, has Rime Into the real ututg can McVIchie, Ita manager and authorised agent, whose iioalnfflce address Is Utah, ha made application for a UnitA,,nt liUKlmae. J. i mooSeT1 ed State patent for the Union ConsoliHalt Luke City. Clah. has made apOommerelal Agent. Prank llrynl, who ha hern with Ihe plication for a United Rtates patent for dated kale mininr claim, altuate In the Tooele ( nnaha MhhI Market for over u year, the Galena King Inde mining rlalm. Hush Valley mialng district, Itah. consisting of 1407.4 linear it Leave your ordere for bualneae and left lam Werineielay In tHke up a situate In Rush Valley mining district, tun in Dlumondville. Wyo. pay btlla due thle offlee to Mrs. W. N. Tooele county, Utah, consisting of feet of the lode and surface ground (aa Incatedi 00 feel wide, being mineral 437.2 linear feet nf said lode and surOundry at the poatoRlce. Dr. W. W. Ityan and wife united In face ground aa shown by the plat of survey No. 4.itf, and described In the My baby had Ecaema ao bad that Its Mercur fnini Julcahura. Colo., bmt survey, being survey No. 4347, and Held note anil plat of the official surhead was a solid mans of ocaba, and Its Thurvilay. Dr. Ilyuii ha taken the po- described In the field notes and plat vey on flle in 17thla office00 with magnetic min. east, as hair all came out. I tried many reme- rtion of awlatiiiit to Dr. Thayer. jleg. of the official survey on file In this of- variation at o dies. but none eeemed to do any permafice. with magnetic variation at 17 deg. follow, to wit; Commencing at post No. I a dirtier of the claim from which Frank Krath went to Halt laikc Satur- east, aa follows: nent Rood until I used DeWltt'e Witch section corner on east Haael Salve. The Enema Is cured, the day, th day the train waa lute, it hav-IiCommencing at corner No. 1. whence the been In earn at allowed the caba are Rone and the little ones scalp place. Ihe section corner on the boundary of 5 section 24, township meridian, range west. Salt la perfectly clean and healthy, and its Intersection of Illo Grande und Ran eaat boundary nf sec. 19, T. 4 H R. 4 south, hair la growing beautifully aRaln. I I cd in. W.. bears H. 37 deg. 25 min. E. 144.1 feet; I tears K. 46 deg. 17 inin. W. 842.2 feet theni-from said cor cannot Rive too much pralae to thence N. $7 deg. 51 min. W. 555.$ feet dlatunt; 1 N. 01 running Meaara. Curfleld and Kver sere vlut deg. 41 min. W. 386.5 feet Witch Haael lo corner No. 2; thence K. $7 deg. 5 min. ner No. Halve. Prank tors lo Hull Lake by HundHy'a iriiln W. 370.1 feet to corner No. S; thence H. to curner No. 2; thence N. 70 deg. 22 In buylnR Farmer, Bluff City. Ky. Mrs. Farley itiurnid home IS min. W. 490.7 feet to corner No. 2; 30 min. W. 275.3 feet tn corner Witch Haael Halve look out to r coun- anil Mr from of the funeral Oscar Nn.deg. 4: thence R. 73 deg. 13 min. E. 334.0 thence N. 79 deg. 42 min. W. 432.1 feet terfeit!. DeWltt'a la the original and Saturday No. 4; thence N. 2 deg. 20 the only one contalnlnR pure Witch Forhe feet to corner No. 5; thence N. 54 deg. lo turner247.2 fart to corner No. K; 23 min. E. 555.1 feet to corner No. 0; min. K. Haael. The name K. C. DeWItt A Co. wne Mr. und It certainly thence N. 89 deg. 49 min. E. 019.4 feet pitiful to 15 ileg. 30 tnln. K. 3411.3 feel la on every box. Sold by Mrs. John Scarborough turned nul once tlience N. No. tn thence R. 50 deg. 12 min. corner 0; Mercur DruR Co.. Mercur, Vtah. of beginmore on the streela by lire. Ill the big to corner Nn. 1. athe place E. 755.1 feet to corner No. 7; thence 8. M. E. Brown, Blockton, Utah. x.335 area of net ning, contHlning lire of June 25th they were llien Miffer-c- i acre 3 dig. 30 min. W. 280.2 feet to corner expressly exeeptlng and excludNo. I, being the place of beginning. OBITVART. ing the following conflicts: Lot Nn. 43. Maid claim being located In the N. W. King No. 3 West Extension lode Oacar E. Forbes, brother of Mrs. K, Better have those pictures taken neat Hllver of Hction 19. township 4 C. Farley of Mercur. nn-- t with an acd pay day. You never will look better, of 1.631 arres: lot No. 51, Hilver King south, range 4 west, and N. K. Extension H. lode of ,23u dent at Itlngham, I'tah, which resulted lierhapa not an well. Jny'a gallery will Nn. 2 West uf section 24, township 4 south, lc lol No. 6K. Theresa nf 1.339 In hla death, tin Tuerday Inal, as the lie open the lOlh. Ilth, 13th, lth, ltlb. 5 Salt Lake wert, meridian, and acres; lot Nn. 71. Mllver King No. 2 rumpB o'clock whialle blew for rlilft to come 16th and ISth. a total area of 12.445 acre lode 2.524 acres; lol No. H4. Cygnet of ore wna the off, train therefrom the passing, o Ihe lisle of .915 acres: lol No. 65. leunme excluding, however, Dii Prliluy lilghl Mr. and Mrs. boya from the mill ran out tn Jump Diaarea In conflict with the Rltic-loile of .1131 acres; lot No. 117, Julia lod n the train to ride to tliilr boardliiR entertained a party In honor of Kemp tlr North 135, of 0.049 lot and mond Star, .211 acres. course nf and The presumed An I Forliea nut to Jump hla font Kemp's hlrlliiln). were Tlie a cun plare. of Ihe vein or lisle Is shown acre area turned, he fell under the ore car, ihe there In great style and certainly did length Ihe claimed and applied for beNet Hal-official pint. Galena upon wheels passing over hla Icrs below ihe llu-l- la-- t lo entertain everyone. Said Inde location mill ing 12.196 arrea. King lode I located In the N. E. knee. He was picked up and Likin to g claim pf record In the offlee Ing H. K. Ihe see. and of the Bingham hotel; here hla lirutlicr-in-laI'niiMly Treaaurer Wliltihouxc enme 19. T. 4 K.. R. 4 W., Halt laike meridian. of the County Recorder at Tooele City, waa waillnR for him. having ar- over from Tooele Thursday fur Ihe purRaid claim I of record in the offlee of Tuiai county, (Jtuh. rived In ltlnRhuin tliut duy. Medical aid pose uf delinquent tax- - or The nearest known locations or minwaa summoned and he waa found lo la- levying nn property for the name, lie Ihe County Recorder nf Tisiele county. rlulnia being the aforesaid conflictin a serious condition. Ho Mr. Kurley reirta very Rood collections of taxes. Itah, In Hook G. ut puge 240. The ad- ing and Cyclone, lot 125; Outcluims. its shown ing claims joining und Rot a special to lirinR him to Halt Lake, cast, lot 135. anil Hope, survey 4941 ao accompanied by the doctor and Mines the big Are In June of 1!M2 (20 by the pint or survey, are as followa: I direct that thla notice be published No. 121, lllancbe; lot Nn. 111. Tip friends he waa brought lo Malt Lake and months), the Htelnmun Dry Goods Co. In The Stockton Sentinel, at Stockton, 2 Nn. No. Hilver lot West 43, Top; taken to the Kcogh-WrlgKing la hue cleared tn This gAuou. Mr. due hospital, of Tooele. State of Utah, for the Extension: lot No. 42. First Extension county of put In a private ward, where every. Htwlnmun's ruatllng qualities and ihe Weat nine consecutive week of Hilver King No. 2; lol No. 84. period thlnR waa done to enae the sufferer, but business tact of each member of the FRANK D. HOBBS. Cygnet; lot Nn. 122. Mt. IjoiiIh No. 2; they found that it would be necessary lirni. Register. lot No. 126, Hilver Irlnee; lot No. 6 to amputate both leg below the knee. G. W. Park Attorney for AppllcanL The operation was iierforined at 12 Mr. and Mr Hardy returned from Leonore: lot No. 71, Mllver King No. 2; 1902. Last pub, First pub., Dec. 12, o'clock that night and he survived the their wrddlnR tour Wednesday, both lot No. 41. Hilver King No. 2 West ExFeb. 1 1904. shock, living until 4.24 p. m. Wednes- looking well but Rlad to lie back again tension U.; lot Nn. 123. Prise; lot No. day, conscious until thirty minutes be- In Mercur. Cap has resumed hla old 117. Julia; lot Nn. 123, Htockton: lot No. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. fore he died. He parsed away nn liuui place at the desk in the Con. Met cur 113. Hlue Bell No. 2; lot No. 66. Theresa. I direct that this notice be publlMied before hla slater from Merrur reached nlllce. Estate of David 11. Crosby, deceuaed. In The Henlinel. at Htockton. Tooele hla bedalde. Hla brother, J. li. Pm lie Creditors will present claims with nt De La Mar, Nev., was summoned, but Photographer Joy goes to American county. Vtah, the newapaer published voucher to the undersigned at hla restoo wee late to he arrived Forbea alive. Pork this week to open a new gallery. nearest the said claim, for period of idence In Ht. John, Tooele county, Utah, nine In MerThe deceased waa consecutive weeks. Until further notice the gallery at Meron or before the 31th duy of May, A. D. HOHHH. PRANK cur, having worked at the Con. Merrur rur will be open for work the 10th, 11th, KKPHI DRAPER. 194. mill for three year and there la hardly 12th, 12th, 14th, 14th and 10th of each Administrator of the Estate of Duvld Register. n man, woman or child who doea nut month. Hnd L. K. Rogers Willard Hanson, H Croeby, Deceesed. had a plea anl smile for Attorneys for Applicant. Date of first publication, Jan. 21 A. JuuhWabJi WM-one. The sympathy of Ihe entire First pub.. Jan. 16; last pub.. Mar. 12. D. 1904. On Wednesday night a very pleasunt community got-- out to thoae bereaved. party- - a as entertained liy Mr. and Mrs. Win. S. Murk. Attorney for Estate. He leaves two slaters and one brother Kvera at their home nn the Golden Gate APPLICATION FOR PATENT. to mourn for him. The funeral waa hill. Impromptu 9779. M. A. No. aiieeclie. songs and NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. nicely attended by friends of Malt Lake, rerltallnnn were indulged In. A very United States Land Ofltre. Malt Iaike N 5434. as it being an sudden Mercur frlenda nice wan served; nln refresh-tnenl- e. 16, 1904. Utah, city, January aupiier of the Interior, Land Offlee could not attend. The floral offerings Notice Is hereby given that George Department Halt Lake City, Utah, December at were beautiful. H. Rogers of Rolse City, Idaho, by hla 21 1901 In E. and Dalr J. fact. agent attorney The acrateh nf a pin may cause the Notice le hereby given that the AN EARLY KlMElt. of Mult laike City. lTth. has mad ap- wing-named ha filed notice of A strong, healthy, active constitution loss of a limb or even death when blood for a United Rtatea patent for his Intentoln toeettler plication All from the IMiiauiiliig results Injury. make Anal proof In rapdepends largely on the condition of the danger of tills may be avoided, howthe Gray Hound Amended lode mining and hla of that said proof rlalm port liver. The famous little pllla known as I'hambcr-laln'- a chtiin, sit mile In the Rush Valley Miwill be' made before the Clerk of the DeWltt'a Little Kurly Risers not only ever, by promptly applying DlHtrlct. Tooele Utah, ning County. la Pain an llalm. It In and for Tooele county, District court antiseptic cleanse the system, but they strength- Hnd consletlng of 1347 linear feet of the tuiie '(ah, at Tooele City, Utah, on Februg liniment for cut en the action of the liver and rebuild anil surface ground 474.8 feet wide, beand Pur bruises burns. sole 1904. vis.: by Kgerton Lougy. H. E. Lit-tlII ary a the tissues supporting that organ. ing mineral survey No. 5U16. and de- 13,341 for Mem Drug Co. N4 BE14, KE14 of 8WV4 Early Risers are easy to act: they scribed In the Held notea anil plut of and lot 1 the See. 7, township 4 south, never gripe and yet they are absolute(he ntflcliil survey on flle In this nltlce, range 4 weat. S. L. M. KMCAPED AN AWFl'L FATE. He names the ly certain to produce results that are 18 30 with at variation deg. Mr. H. llagglna nf Melbourne. Flu., magnetic following witnesses to prove hla conHold by aatisfaclory in all case aa cum. to followa. min. wll: I Continuous residence My doctor told nte had and cultivation Mercur Meat and Uro. Co. and M. E, writes: at post No. I. a uirni-- r of said land. vIl;upon Francis X. Lougy, sumption and nothing could lie done ofCommencing Brown. Stockton. Ihe claim from which Ihe e. V, corI was given up tn lie. The me. fbr B. Willard Jshn Atkin, Gordon, Alvin Mercur Drug Co., Mercur, Vtah. offer nf a free trial bottle of Dr. King's ner, section 21. InwiiMhlp 4 south, range J. MrCnlstlon, all of Tooele, Utah. 5 Halt base Lake anil meridian. weat, InNew FRANK HOBBS, Register. Discovery for Consumption n. 44 deg. 54 min. w. 318.5 feet CITY COUNCIL. L. L. BAKER. Attorney. duced me lo try It. Results were starthence running from said limheld First Jan. I; last publicaRegular meeting Tuesday. tling. I am now on the road to recov- distant; publirutlot No. I. n. 41 deg. 03 min. e. 474.8 feet tion Present, fniineilmen ery and owe all to Dr. King's New Dis- nercorner February 2nd. February 6. 16 ntln. n. 59 Nn. tn thence 2; deg. Bennett and Bryan. Mayor Lufl covery. It surely waved my life." This Thayer, NOTICE. presiding; minutes of previous meeting great cure la guaranteed for all throat w. 134741 feet tna corner w.Nn.474.83: theme min. south feet to deg. read ami approved. The following and lung discuses by all druggist 59 corner Nn. Land Offlee. Malt Lake United Rtates 4: thence south II bills were read und allowed: deg. J. P. Price 50c and $1.00. Trlul bottle five. min. e. 1347 feet to corner No. 1. City. Ulnh', Jan. K 1904. Mhotwell. 020.13; Comp Floyd Electric Tn Whom It May Concern: Notice Is plaee nf beginning. The experience of twenty-al- x Light company, $30.30; Rkelton Publishyears in theMaid that the Htale of Utah claim being located In the nw. ing company. 031.13; Ml Itennett. ' hereby given good clothes making la Incorporated In 19. 4 ew. filed In this ttflee a list. No. 51. nt and has nf sertion township $2.20; Charles Pierce, $2.30; every suit by Mtrauaa 4 west, and lie. VI and e. lands selected by the said Rtate for the Parley Hryan, $3; Dan Wllnin, $2.30; Uro of Chicago. You'll feel Just flu south, range 24. of a und maintenance township 4 south, range (stablisl-men- t Tom Bradley. $3. special duty. In a suit made by them and yet the . of section Mult west. laike base and meridian, norma! school under sertion 12 of the The reports of City Justice, price is ao reasonable. You won't un- itnd 1394. t 11 14.438 of act total area of a ongress containing approved July Treasurer and City Marshal were read derstand how It can be made so low. excluding, however, therefrom The Inflowing tracts embraced in and approved. The City Marshal, as Yidume of bualnesa and superior facili- acre conIn a townrhip uiuiion flat Htreet Commissioner. remrted ties la the reason. Mee the great line of the area In conflict with the Kiilllon via: Sandwich and Parrot, eur. taining mineral claims of having visited Oak and Mereor streets 500 newest creations now displayed by No. 3. lot 44. West Sec. 31. 5 8, R. 6 W., R. I 4745; 4!'S2. sur T. Gulch resine'. Extension, and calling Ihe attention nf the A. Hwenron Co. W, end Black Diamond, lol 135. Such ex- Mir. dents there to the necessity of kieplt.v, A ropy of said Hat, so far aa it rel itej their garbagt- cleaned up. Treasurer's Tourist cara to Chicago through scenic cluded area containing 3.17 acres. Net area rluiined anil applied far be- in sii LI tracts, hv descriptive subdlvl- fnun report, receipt Colorado and over the Burlington every 11.260 m j acre. tins neen conspicuously ing taxe ions, $752.70; $125a; liquoi day. Crane, Rate per berth. Malt Lake City city Said Gray Ilnuml Amended lode locathis ntllce for inspection by any jierjaa llceuxes, $3uli; merchandise. $S; peddler to Chicago, $4: Denver to Chicago. $2.50. $22.30; slot machines, $25; lasd table These are Pullman tourist car wide tion mining cluiin licing of record in the Interested, and by the public generally. Within the next sixty days following $13; miscellaneous, $2.30; tines. $90: total, vestlbul rattan upholstering, dean lin- oflice of the t'nunty Recorder at Tooele instnirtiaua of November 27, $2443.76. Dislmrseinent $376.73; en and bedding, comfortable toilet rooms t'lty. Tooele I'onnly. Utah. The nearon hand February 1st. $1SS9.97. at each end. brilliantly lighted, and very est known location nr mining claims !'!; 23 L D.. 474). protest or contest Communications of J. W. cddlr and A. comfortable cars. If you are going being the aforesaid conflicting cluims. against Ihe rlulia of the State to I direct that this notice IsC. Thompson unking Council lo republished of the tracts nr subdivisions hereinb-nr- e Eaat I can tell you the best and cheapos the ground that .lifund license fund not used on aernunt of est way to make the trip. Bee me or In the Sentinel at Htockton. county nf Tooele. Utah, for the period nf nine sa tic If more valiable for mineral than tin- were referred to the Committee nn write me. consecutive week. for ugilciiltural purpose, will License. The petition nf L. 1). Black FRANK HOURS. Register, j and noted for report to the Genasking the Council to set aside his li- HrEClAL LAND RITTERS' EXCURG. W. Parks. Attorney for Api-lfcense for six n. outlie was read ami reant. eral Land otflee ut Washington, D. C. SIONS First. publication dated Jan. 23. laist Fa. blie so to prdeat or contest within The Will run to the new Innds of Greer ferred tn License cniumitlee. ieclfl-- d March 19. will be considered the tinir Finance (nmmitire asked fur more time county. Okla., and other sections nf the to on Treasurer and Recorder's great Southwest In November and I sofla ant evbb-p.- t of the i and the of the FOR Al'I'LICATTON books; granted. Moved and carried that PATENT. tracts, Frisco via the system. Notli-M. A. No. 3763. Treasurer la-- mpnwtred tn get ull luniks thcieof. lair i otherwise free from Are you looking for rich and fertile ol-y I and cams for his otflee. farming lands in the Southwest which United Stab's recommended for apclii'ii. will and iifflce. Milt I.ake Moved and curiltd that Dr. Thayer he h FRANK D. HOBBS. tn I'tah. Dec. 7. 1SW;: proval. can buy for from illy. . us Cliy Council is In Notice and Rliu k the ih.it lands the of East cost Register. the hereby given then GEu. A. SMITH, Receiver. North? They produce aa much acre for IXanii-ii'- l Mining and Milling company, Kiisl lub.. J.it:. 30; last pub. Mar. acre. Here Is a chance to better your a (iirporatlnii duly organized under the 26. A CURE FOR ECZEMA. condition and add a liberal amount to laws of llie- State of itah. whose i of business book. Lake Salt The test physic. Once tried and you your pocket planwill always use Chamberlain's Stomach For full particulars and special rail- City. Utah, hy its ugent and attorney NOTICE. and Llwr Tablet" says William A. road ratca apply at once to R. S. In fact. Joseph Dederleh of Salt Like List No. 51, Insane Asylum. Girard. Pease, Yl. These Tablets are Irmnn. secretary Frisco System Immi- City, Utah, has made application for a United Mlntef patent fur the Gulch United States Lind Office, Malt Luke the most prompt, most pleasant and gration Bureau, St. Loula. Mo. i lode mining Gann, siWest. mos reliable cathartic In use. For sale City. Utah. D--c. 21, 1902. TTENDENCY OF THE TIMKH. Whom it Slav Concern: Notice la mile In the Rush Valley mir,1. tig dislien-his The leml"ncy of mediral aiienr v'ven that the State of Utah has trict. Tooele uiiiniy. I'tah. cnnalsting Meieur Drue Co.. Mercur. Vtah. -d best fll1431.3 The measures. In feet linear of the of toward M. E. Brown, Htockton. Vtah. tliia office flat. No. 61. of lands and preventive to la 65i 'vorld loeateili tl: of selected feet given surfaee being las the mid Rtate for the ground thought . the subject. It la easier and better to widi-- Iniitg mineral survey No. 492. and maintenance nf an InHAPPENIN' JH .MiOVND TOWN. and sane asylum, under eectlon 12 of the prevent than to cine. It has been fully tin-- desciilied in the fii Id note ra ted t nt pneumonia, one of plat of the nffliial survey nn flle In this art of Congress approved July 16, 1394. Mr. and Mrs. I'.rowi, rctumed fiom the with magnetic vnri.iii-iiat 17 The following tracts embraced In said tile most ilaiig' J ' i,ie:ies that city Sun. lav. ml with, call be deg. '0 mill, east ns follows, to men have to in list are In a township containing minr I'hanihi-rlali1 us. a; post Nn. a inrner nf ing claims of record, vis.: Charles II. It-- nrh v. as a visitor to Halt prevented by the rewhich the the claim from Southeast quarter of the northeast always Cough Remedy, . I.ak returning linir.e Thurs sults from n cold or from an nttuck of section corner on east boundary nf sec- quarter nf Hertlir 29. township 5 south, day. It lius been ob24. township 4 south, range 5 west. i.ir.ge R went. Halt Lake meridian. nnd InfluenxH tion igrlpt. o . A ropy of said list, eo far as It relates Halt Lake Pears S. 39 deg. 24 remedy iiiol--r:ie- l Jack I.iiff was n visitor tn Mercur served that this u tn nid tracts, liy descriptive subdivof these diseases tonard min. IV 412 I feet distant: any Wednesday. lo iig-l- . n Thurs N 49 deg from s.il-- i oilier No. ision. ha been conspicuously posted pneumonia. This has ls-- i li fully proven day. Id mill W 943. 2 reel tn civiur Xu. 2; In this nffies for inspection by any per-of cmvs in wlileh in many ihmiMur.d t li2 X'. 17. 21 174 23 mm. c used during fu t has deg. irterested and by the public gener- The best wall pap-- r Is the new onver-In- g till rem-Mt prevalence of coi-- i ami gup In 'o coin- - r No. 3; thence H. 70 il. tr. ..4 min Ill'V - st Rtrlncall.-nt SjiT.u" only 4 f.'i'l In curner No. 4. Iiieiio- H upon Wiliin sixty days following the date years, an.l cun man's. II min. li. 2a,. 4 frit to iiirnrr -- f th1 nolle, under departnental In- (I with implicit . iin'ideiic... o i. XK 19 S. 10 mm. cold, vvii.n 5, llirmr offeii remits finni a sli, lion of Nwember 27, 1S96. i22 L. di'g. E. C. I:,i'. y an-Frank Hndtb led uni II It I Is feet to iie'ii, r No 6; It.iliie H 74 4.'9i. prot-s- ie darg-l' rr contests against the is j.y Slii;ij's train In Sail no ' 111 re I m in r X" Mldd'-ni327.7 fever W. mill. 7. to lifsrov Ihal feel ei of tho Sin- - (o any of the tru ts in l.Hls. and p.iln In tlp'ino X. 3 'eg 4 lulu. V :il orelnbefnre an.l dilticii.'ly In ..( i X 17 i a .'iii'ni.r No. : tlip at the same W mnr- this tie. Chest; Oil'll It I ST.'IOlllll -l lll.lt til-- ' pti- rlng jmir linm-X- 4 felt to V. 1, lie oh r r.ei.nionla. mie inip-r- al j than for igr:ciii- aprlPK. save by consulting Hlir.- - piiiieiiland lake ! i.i irini-i- S iid c : :: .1 g. i ur. !,' i:an!licr;jc.n will la- ;in i . m ill- X IV. miI:..;-- V as seen as the f..r n:t to the Gine-i- l L,id. I . : riir-aI'n. II always uii'i of iii li at ! i.i Wr!i;ar-nn1i, 1. C. F'lltir" f r the phnlngrnph gsUt-rj- "lib. 1. 1. go 4 w v i i.i. X U ta-- e : nr tttoat within Mcrvur Di ug Co. o; n mi the pun, llth. I2t li, cli-i71. n HtocMun. p. p of K. Brown. M. ncTP ie;.t -will h month. Ilth, V.tliao I 40th of fa Time Table. ary nt a Rend ixaital-car- d 133-A- Semi-Week- R t Slo-klo- fMw-ar- IH n r Itt - pl'-ir- Pn,r evidence of the character of the tract and the selection thereof, from free otherwise being objection, wlU be recommended for approval. FRANK D. HOBBS, Register. George A. Smith, Receiver. First publication December 26. 1901 Last publication February 20, 1904. FOR PATENT. APPLICATION M. A. NO. 1761. United Rtatea Land Offlee, Halt Lake City, Utah. Jan. 22. 1904. Notice la hereby given that Plomo Mining and Milling company, by Its agent and attorney In fact, M. T. Glsborn. whose poHtofflre address la Halt Lake City, I'tah, has made application for a United Mtatea patent for Plomo No. 6, Plomo No. 6. Plomo No. 7, Plomo No. 6. Plomo No. 9. Plomo No. 10. Plomo No. 11. Plumo No. 16 and Plomo No. 17, Consolidated lode mining claims, In altuate Rush Valley Mining Tooele district, Utah, county. onnsiating of 1497, 1497. 1410.L 1410.5. 1410.5, 1499, 1499, 1499 and 1499 linear feet respectively of said lodes and surface ground, aa shown Uioii the plat of survey, being Survey No. 5072, and described in the field notes and plat of the official survey on flle In this offlee with magnetic varlutlon nt 16 degrees 45 mlnuteg east, as followa: Beginning at corner of No. 1 of Plomo No. i Lode claim, from which the 8. W. corner of sectiun 7, Tp. 4 H., H. 4 W., bears N. 1 3s minutes, E. 1195.2 feet, and running thence N. 0 degree 26 minute W. 597 feet to corner No. 1 of Plomo No 6, thence 8. 87 degrees 24 minute. E. 47, feet to turner No. 1 of Plomo Nn. 7. thence N. t degrees 27 minutes W. 1410.1 feet to corner No. 4 of Plomo No. 7. thence 8 87 degrees 24 minutes E. 1448.2 feet to curner No. 8 of Plomo No. , thence N. 6 degrees 36 minutes W. 292.2 feet to corner No. 2 of Plomo No. 10. thence 8. 87 degrees 62 minutes E. 12u0 feet to corner No. 3 of Plomo No. 11. thence 8. 0 degrees 24 minutes E. 1490 feet to corner No. 4 of Plomo No. 11. thence S. degrees 26 minutes E. 1496 feet to turner No. 2 of Ploino No. 16. thence N. 81 degrees 52 minute W, 1198.1 feet to corner No. 2 of Plomo No. 17. thence N. 6 degrees 26 minutes W. 100 feet to corner No. 2 of Ploino No. 5, thence N. 87 degrees 24 minutes W. 1497 fret to corner No. 4 of Plomo No. 5. thence N. 0 degrees 26 minutes IV. 598.8 feet to corner No. 1 of Plomo No. 5. the place of beginning survey of outside boundaries of the consolidated claim containing a total area of 170.235 acre from which the area of 1.253 acre In conflirt with KEIi of section 13, Tp. 8., K. 6 W la expressly excepted and excluded, leaving a net area of 169.082 acres hereby claimed and applied for. The presumed course and length of each vein or lode Is as shown uwn the plat of survey. From corner No. 1 of Plomo No. I the H. W. corner of section 7, Tp. 4 8., K. 4 W., bears N. 3 degrees , 26, 1904. WAWTWD MKVXRAL PERSONS character and good rtpuUUaa In ck State (sea In this county required) to at po-H- and advert la raaswaent PhiBnix Indemnity Company, one-four- . ad C. Insure yonnelf nninst sickness and accidents. ... Also Life Insurance. Installment Plan. ... Ton pay a little each month. XXXXXX t's aatab-nan- fur-nleh- ed OP AMERICA. one-four- th old wealthy hualnasa houaa of aolld flaandal standing. Salary 2LSS weekwith ly expenses additional, all pnynMa In rank such Wadnandny direct fPcsn bend offlee Hone nnd earring when noceeenry. Reference Encloee Goto envelop 214 Dear bora at, Chicago. nial 1 ir minutes East 590 1 feet. From corner No. 1 of F!omo No. 7 said section corner bears X. 0 degree 27 minutes W. 590.1 feet. From corner No. 1 of Plumo No. 2 said section corner bears N 22 degrees 59 minutes W. 064 feet. From corner No. 1 of Plomo No. 0. said section corner bears N. 52 degrees 22 minutes W. 1U70.1 feet. From corner No. 1 of Plumo No. 10 Identical with corner No. 1 of Plomo No. 17. said section corner bean N. 72 degrees 21 minutes W. 1324.7 feet, and from corner No. 1 of Plomo No. il Identical with corner No. 1 of Plomo No. If, said section corner bears N. 76 degrees 44 minutea W. 2101 feet. Maid consolidated claims are situated In and form a portion each of sections I and 1 Tp. 4 8., R. 4 W, and section 13. Tp. 4 8., K. 5 W., 8. L Base and Meridian, Utah, said lodes locations mining claim being of record In the office of the County Recorder ut Tooele City, In Tooele couqty, Utah, In Book M" of location at pages 483. 484. 485, 484. 487, 498. 489, 494 nnd 495, records of said county. Thera are no known near locations aa shown bv the plat of survey. I direct that thla notice be published In the Stockton Sentinel, Stockton, Utah, the newspaper published nearest the said mining claim, for the period of nine week FRANK D. HOBBS. Register. R. E. Roa Claimant's Attorney. First Pub., Jan. 20; last pub., Mar. 51 mor PURTNan inpohmation wniTg To ll. A. NELSON, 6inerai Agent, m-- 211, 212 Dsoorot Z0t, Non SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. BMf. h h h-- ui-r- - r une-four- th one-four- w ENJOYABLE! HEALTHFUL! 10 GRANDE kaotad ah to ad ol to I SALT LAKE HOT fflONCa ht THE 8CENIO LINE TO Olenwood Springs, Aspen, Leadville, Pueblo, Colorado Springs, Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St Louis, Chicago, and ail points east I M 06aa (Man Bogoi The aaiy Ti Traiaa. well-kno- I I. Sanitarium Baths L'iTS sajhlaZfl 1lh aB toatkarg Um psaolni Arodly throne aruigitiDLY BQoirriD ETWEES 0UES AS FAST THAWS BAILT - i l Mi DENVER ni i Lake M -- 3 IhTto 26c Through Pullman and Ordinary Bleeping Oars to Dtnvwr, Omaha, Kansas City, Bt Louis and Chicago without ehanga. Free reclining chair ears. Personally Conducted Excursions. Dining Oars, service a la Carte on all through trains. Fsr nt (aides has IllwswatM boaklai at., Ingalsa at year follo- a is sal lls9iHgsasadtytag4hSl0aa4asai L A. BENTON, G. Ai P. ae i SALT LAKE OTY D- - qulek-healln- Through Service ST. LOUIS EAST AND THE "" VIA ' n e g made-to-ord- REMEMBER, IN FIGURING YOUR TRIF EAST THAT THE Oregon Short Line RAILROAD Bl E. nVKLEY, DM BOBCT C0WMC1BN WITH DM C.P.T.A. n. s. SrCNCEX. A.6.P.T.A. UNION PACIFIC THE OVERLAND ROUTE cr vncH a-- lo biil-an- all Mania gnat 201 THROUGH SCENIC COLORADO FERTILE KANSAS !1 MISSOOU PULLMAN BLEEPING CARS, DINING CARS. Elkctiiic 1 Lights, Elcctric Fans. Rsclinino Chaini cars (stavs NfSwIto.TIrtiB.FSBffl.m.rtg,, TTNION PACIFIC Unexcelled ST. 1 lass cmr. salt VTAB. (THE OVERLAND -- Day Coaeutn. COfflFORT SAFETY strnemm RAILWAY OBSERVATION SPEED re-or- MAIN iHi roruAi sours to Missouri Pacific J h. c.ToatnaiNB, rogressve ROUTE) - Thin's no Belter Senrico e l. Than that via tho . Uciop Pacific &od pitblli-atlon- al clec-lio- 4 n e - iiccc-sar- one-tent- onr-four- Phyi-l-'ian- piln-cini- 5t. P&al Ry. THROUGH LINE 6bia$o, 191-- il Egii-iisini- - b-- le ! The ilwAdKee & Padlio and Chicago, Milwaukee 8 Bt Paul s Railways are now running Bleepers, Tourist Bleepers and Free Reclining Chair Cars through to Chicago. For tickets, sleeping car reservations and farther Information, apply to TTaion The Southeastern Limited Leaving Kansas City at 6;30 p. daily, will take you to Springfield, Mi phis, Birmingham, Allan I Jackaoni tad all points In tho SontheasL int xa-jn- n py t, Q. W. MARTIN h 1 City, Saint Le cart and South west. For detailed Tuee-:-.y- ruu-uln- Kan first-clas- i iiicrl-lian- hen lfcaphil to points in th Soul P. A. MILLER, CLAUDE & WILLIAMS, General Fsaacagar Agcai CMcaga n. Commercial 106 V. Second South Agcai St, Sail 16 ENNRAL WESTINN AQINT . 1106. 17th 8t. DENVER, COLO. 'li-l- ri-- ' . - !i-- l I"l-73 7 - ' : - Id-- - . -I. . f.-- . roc-Ive- '.'I . - . . -- 1 a- y.n-ir- .,1 ! 7- nir-n-- . ! . . BETS To Cure a Cold in One Day Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets, nvA js SaTjGZr v9i h Ssvsn M2ion hoxra foM post IB Booth. They 1 1. V V Cm CHp U Two Dqq, on every box. 25c. |