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Show Dodging tho Tax Collector. to tho Amorlcaa citlsan's attitude hla dobt to tho atato, at loaac tor aa tho rich aro concerned, la a ateadlly strengthening to niako fewer and leia A WOMAN'S MISERY. A BIO MARRIAGE SERVICE. ao Mr. John d La Rue, of 1 1 American Missionary United Thirty one Ceupiee at Once. The Bay. A. W. Pitxer set a pretty good pace last week whan he married three couples at obcr but he la etlU twenty-eigh- t laps behind the record, which la held by an American missionary on the Island of A pern ana. This strange wedding, where thirty-on- e couples were united at once, wa solemnised In HbX. AU the principals were converted heathens, and ao well were tne marriage bond tied that ten yean later not one of the couple was divorced. The great wedding was one of necessity, rather than choice. All the couples had signified their intention to he married with Christian rites. Flans wars made for separate weddings. but a missionary ship waa waiting for the teacher who waa to marry tbe convert!, and an approaching storm made It necessary for him to read the ceremony with great haste. If the natives had nut agreed to engage In a wholesale ceremony they would have been condemned In all lx months more of single blessedness, so the greet party Joined right handa and assumed the solemn obligations according to their new faith. Washington Times. 5 Pater- son avenue, Pate rsun, N. J., says: I was trou- demand upon himself. Ho tho high sense c honor regained by hts social rode and reaorts to various devices, scarcely stopping abort of down-righ- t perjury to dodgo tho tax collector. Fnvon Advertiser a bled for abuui nine years, and what I suffered none will ever Earliest Green Onions. The John A. Kaiser Seed To., La Crosse. Win., always hare something aew, something valuable. This year know. 1 'ney offer among tlieir new money used about every known remedy that making vegetables, an Earliest Grran Is said to be good for kidney comEating Onion. It Is a winner, Mr. Farmer and Gardener! plaint, but without deriving permaJUST SEND TUI NOTICE AND 1GC, nent relit f. Often when alone In the and they will send you their big Idant house the backache has been to had and seed catalog, together with enuugh that it brought tears to my eye. The seed la grow 1.000 fine. e..:id pain at times was so intense that 1 Cabbages. S.OuO delicious was compelled to give up my houseCarrol. 2.000 blanching, hold duties and lie down. There were nutty Celery, l.uOO rich, buttery Lettuce. headaches, dizziness and blood rush1.000 splendid tuiluns. 1.000 rare, luscious Radishes. ing to my head' to cause bleeding at 1.000 gloriously brilliant Flowers. the nose. The first box of Doan's In nil over IO.011O plants this great offer le made to gel you to test their Kidney Pills benefited me so much that I continued the treatment. The warranted vegetable needs and ALL Fug BI T 160 stinging pain in the small of my back, AUE, providing you will return this notice, the rushes of blood to tbe head, and and If yuu will send them 30c In post- other symptoms disapiieared. age, they wU add to the above a packDoan's Kidney Pills for sale by all age of the famous lierlincr Cauliflower. n dealers. 5U rents per box. fW, N. L.) Co.. Buffalo, N. Y. Dayof Scientific Feeding. Practical Discovery. Tho search for tho fountain of youth A French savant observes that radihas not been abandoned, ao tho numerous dietary experiments abundantly um paralyses mice. We thought that attest. Science is the modern Ponce science would discover a practical Do Leon. The era of strictly scientific value in the new mineral sooner or living for tho moot of ue has not later. Newark News. dawned, and la afar off, but may we Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Kyras. not hope that the time is coming when Ter rbltarra MKiilnu. (ultras Iho mna, Marat ts-the most casual caller at tbe lunch sorni aiwa.al lay ol a. car wloilcullu. Mcalmula. counter will order as many grams of But He Didnt Care. protein, fat, carbohydrates and the ' There was a drummer took tick rest as hla physical or Intellectual and. died here three weeks ago. said aeem to require? The man the landlord of the tavern at Folkvllle, who Is about to produce an epic will Ark. He was a thick-set- , guitar-playiee to it that hla bill of fare contains sort of fellow, and the girl he the requisite amount of nitrogen and was engaged to marry came over from phosphorus and that be secures a suffvllle to attend the funeral; also icient number of calorics of hat value Torpid from Waupscy; also from Peapack; dally. also from Tongsnoxie; also from som'ers In Kansas and some up in Mothsr Orays gwsst Powders for fTilldrew Successfully usrd by Mother Gray, nuns Missouri. Booin' bow many there waa the Children's Home iu Mew Turk, cure of em, they put away their engageConstipation, Fevrruhnran, Had Stomach, ment rings, and, flggeratlvely speak-in- ', Teething lMwinlera, move and regulate tbs organized a new society and In- Bowel and Destroy Worms. OmXl.iUitm-timonial-. And it wa a pretty At all Druggists. Me. rumnla vented a yell. IfKiX Addict A. S. Ulineted. LeHoy.N.X. durned expressive one, too lemma tell Smart Sot you! r Toastmasters Too Talkative. An experienced dinner committee-maTo Care a Cold in One day. says: "I am In favor of a society Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablet. All tor the suppression of toastmasters. druggist refund money if itfallatocuraUBa I am not in favor of auppresaing them, THE SMALLEST ON RECORD. but I would engage a man with a club to bat them a good one If more than Printed Bible Could Be Placed one minute and a half was need In in- Entire in Walnut Shell. troducing a speaker. The ueual toastProbably one of the tiniest MSS. master looks upon himself as the hand, while the rest of the speakers ever recorded wee the little Bible in a walnut shell tbe size of a small are spokes in the wagon wheel. hen's egg, an account of which bat been preserved among the Harleian manuscripts by Peter Bales, an Eng-- ! Ushman and a clerk of the chancery. It contained as many leaves as a larg Bible, and as much reading matter on each page. With a powerful glasa II could be read easily. Tbe author of this tiniest book on record live" in the time of Queen Elisabeth, and, in 1575, preaented her majesty with the Lord's Prayer, the Creed, Ten Commandments, two short Latin prayers, his own name and motto, and the date, all written on a bit of paper the else of a Anger nail, and set in a ring of gold, covered with a crystal. In this case also a magnifying glass made tbe writing quite legible. Foster-Milbur- a u THE TELEPHONE FIBROID TUMORS CURED. Mrs. Dstm' Pint Letter Appeal-t- o Mrs. PinUiam for llclp: Dkab Mas. PuntnAM : I have been wilder Boston doctors' treatment for a long time without any relief. They tell me I have a fibroid tumor. I cannot ait down without great pain, and the aorenese extends up my spine. I have hearing-dow- n pains Doth back and front. My abdomen is swollen, and I have had flowing spells for three years. My appetite is not good. I cannot walk or he on my foet for any length of time. The symptoms of Fibroid Tumor given in your littlo book accurately describe my ease, so 1 write to you for advice. (Signed) Mns. E. F. Hates, 359 Dudley St. (Boxbury), Boston, Mass Mrs. Hayes' Second Letter: Dxaa Mrs. Pineiiax : Sometime ego 1 wrote to yon describing my symptoms and asked your advice. Von replied, and 1 followed all your directions carefully, and today! am a well woman. The use of Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vegetable Compound entirely expelled the tumor and strengthened my whole system. I can walk miles now. Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound is worth five dollars a drop 1 advise all women who am afflicted with tumors or female trouble of any kind to giro it a faithful trial. (Signed) Mbs. E. V. Hates, 353 Dudley St. (Boxbury). Boston. Mass. -1- 5000 farftH If wrfgleel , etem IttUn ftmleg Looking for a Home? e- Tnen why not keen In vlnw the foot that tho forming londo of Western Canada 1 n a snalsma at gl 000, 000 iisraisoo far U prat ais rasa FIEE Homastiad Laid r bads swy ha raw hr Land Curapraira Tho aacaaaitla. while 4 flrara Railway asd ala am smhl lands of t'm am ths haal so lha raauatat. sraduaUa iho bam srain, sod aatlla gad oa sta slooaS aaady fef waikaa Moitn M. Bebaols. Ballway Bad aU ether C it Canada aa aavt. oradlUaaa maho Wetter Uaapat far Sfea sattlsr. Wiheto Snaarlalrad I ltmirraiirai. Ottawa Can-ad- a. lor a dwtrirne Atlas, aad arbor lalaraiauoa so (S lha aaikari d Canadian Onrimsal Attar BSHiTDAVISS. ROOM A DUSK BLOCk, CENTRAL AVKKUS, GREAT FALLA MONTANA SEEDSSEEDSSEEDS FRESH AND RELIABLE SCHWARZ A HEINECKE 4 VfUM osa UTN IT. SALT LAKE OtTY HD . GREGORYS Warranted SEEDS Malta Oaial EJwk Wmsary eats SladWih f. UTAH JUNK CO. How the Wldaly Scattered Squatters Talk to Each Other. An Ingenious use of the telephone has recently modified tbe Intense mo notony of farm life in the squatter districts" of Australia. It would not have paid to lay wires from farm to farm, for they are often separated by maay mllas of open country : but some Ingenious person hit upon the Idea of using the wire fences used on all the farms to convey tbe current. The lonely squatter and his family can new indulge In a friendly chat with any one of a hundred families scattered around within s radius of fifty or sixty miles. Games of whist and chess are played at night over tbe telephone by clubs organized for that purpose f, . Hows This ? 1 offer Om Ilniiln4 iNiliare Upward for any etea f latarrh ilul cmir4 I eared By ttail Catena Carr. r. J. CHFUET CO. T0JM0 O W. lha eodtraiKMd. have knova r J Cheney tar Uip leal IS var. and bellrv him yerf44y hi treble In all bureewa irenaiilime and taeudauj able 10 tarry on at jr otiiitraifenainMlehj bbtnu Waloin. Kiv.HAa A Mabviv Hair directly tyntom. buttle. Take biOtnale UnuBClifa, Twlede, O CaianA Cart It Ufetn Intnmallr. actinic Muud aad llm tbe njtm TttilmtelalN amt fret frtta 11 tan it par Bold by all Ismmrltbk Balrt Varney lliit Ur irf Nat Like His Mather. Life tells a good story of the small son of a certain university professor, whose parents are deservedly popular for their tact and court eooe space h. The youngster appeared at the home and hesitatingly of a if ha might look asked Mrs. at the parlor rug. Permission was, foil of coarse, granted, and Mrs. soma surprise to see the little fellow stoop over the rug and stare silently He straightfor some ened himself up. and. meeting her wandering eapresstcxi, said triumphIt doesn't make as sick I antly: fellow-profess- half-minut-e. I am ewe Piaos Om for ODaauaptien wry life Hue yai sea Mra Thor RuBbum Maple Surat, Norwich. X. Y.a Vsb, IT, NMh Seek Russian Trad. Association st to Increase Berlin, wV.- - mission German export to Russia, has 257 German business and manufacturing German chambers firms and forty-lsof comma res among Its membershln German-ltwlse- n 1 lha A kill LakaOUr. ! i Three were burned to death and four probably fatally Injured in a lira at PE-RU-N- A. Montreal, Canada. Forty persons were tilled by an explosion r ten tons of gunpowder at Fort Bhatinda. in the Punjab. Theodor Peterod, kKiwu aa Jo Jo, tha dog fared liny la dead of pneumonia at hts home in Salonlra, Turkey. Tha supreme court if Ohio be declared unconstitutional the law per- hut ull In tain. la a abort time now mitting trust cumpanht to administer estates. A blU has been lnt induced In the state senate of Marylaid. the purpose of which is to eliminate the negro vote In that state. Dan Barker and his a ire have been found murdered In tls-i- r home near brother, Riverton, Neb. Barter's Frank, is under arrest Two robbers shot ant fatally wounded George Becklcr, a conductor on a Chicago street ear. w ken he resisted their attempts to rob kim. suicided Chris Massey, a carp-nter- , In a barber chair at Monterey, Cal. Massey suddenly selztd a razor from tha shelf and cut his fiiroat There has been hard f ghtlng around Monte Crlstl and Banttigo de I os Caballeros, Danish .West- Indies. Hundreds of men have txen killed and business Is paralysed. The Jury In the case of Colonel Ed Butler, the millionaire 8L Louis politician, on trial on a charge of bribing nineteen members of tie house of delegatee at 8L Louis, retimed a verdict of not guilty. anThe postofflee department nounces that all rural free delivery carriers In the United Mates will have e holiday February 2 Washington's birthday. . There are, approximately, 20,000 of these carriers In n fight on Olive street. 8L Louie, before daylight, Joaepa Lit tier, proprietor of the Bachelor hotel on Olive treat, was shot and lustanly killed and Policeman Edward Mackele waa shot and seriously wosnded. A dispatch received from Bofla, Bulgaria, says the chiefs of the Macedonian revolutionary organization in the Interior have sent out circulars to tha members of the organization ordering a renewal of the lnsuirertlon. The monthly statement of the public debt shows that at ths rlose of business January 10, 1904, the total debt, less rash In tbe treaiury, amounted to $915,002,543, which li an Increase of 3911.063. as compared vlth the preced- J. U. li mil. 913 an s r M. t An Actress Testimony. Griswold Opera Jean Troy, N. Y.. la the leading liuly wit.li the Aubrey Hock Co, bhe writes tlic following : suf"During tha prat wintrrof 1901,1severe fered fur several wA-from a . attack of grliu-- which left a serious condition of the throat and 4 head. 4 Some one suggested TVruna. As a last 4 iwwirt, after wanting much t'ma and, money nu physician. I tried tha remedy faithfully, and in a few week was aa waO aaever." Jenn Cow gill. A Southern Judge Cured. 4 Horatio J. Go, Hartwell, Ga 44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444 Julge writca: T A GRIPPE is epideinio catarrh. It whole towns and cities are caught In tha "Koine (Ive or ix yean ago T bad a veer sever sxll of grippe, which left me wha spars no clam or nationalltv. The baneful grip of a terrihla monster. s cultured and the ignorant, the aristocrat Tha following letter apeak for systemic catarrh. A friend adviaed uato a to ths efficacy of lVruiia iu oases try your IVruna which I did, and waa and ths pauper, the imtuecx awl tha elasees Non are of la grippe or its aftereffect. are sliks subject to la grippe. liunuxliately benefited anil cured. Tha tart tie completed the cure. H. J. exempt all are liable. After Effects of La Grippe Eradicated third Gowk Have yon the grin? Or, rather, has n. by If you do not derive prompt and satisthe grip got you? Grip Is well named. Mrs. Fred Weinberger. Tha original French term, la grippe, has Wsaterio, factory rreulta from the urn of Panina, : Y write . write been ahortened by tha boay American to Albany County, N. at once to l)r. Hartman, giving a read grip." Without Intending to do ao Several year ago I bail an attack of full statement of your earn and ha will a new word haa bran coined that exactly la grippe Wlilrh left my nerve in a be pleased to give you his valuable ad vies describe tbs caas A if soma hldeoua penetrated condition. Tliim 1 had an- gratia. Addrrra Dr. Hartman, President of awful Rhip bail clutched ua other attack of la grippe which left me Sant with fatal claap Men, woman, children. worm. 1 had tried three good physicians Tbe Ilartmaa Sanitarium, Colnmbua, O. I al tliem-sslva- Pe-ru-- dispatch from Yokohama announces the marriage there of George D. Morgan, nephew of J, Plerpont Morgan, to Miss Yuki Kato, a native of Japan. The young man has been traveling extensively Voce he left Yale ten years auto and him resided la Japan two years. The National Editorial association at Its meeting last v.eek passed a resolution offered by Franls, editor of the Troy (N V ) Times, strong- ' Roosevelt for presidi ncy, and of the asso- t ly Indorsing the nomination fur '1: pledging the hext ciation to that end. A meeting will held in Omaha March 1, at which is proposed tc consolidate all the roomM-stivagrt-cultural Interests In the Mississippi farm-era' valley In other words, to form a trust, it will lx- - Known as tho Na tlonal Farmers' Ev l.ange, and cap Itallzed at IjO.OOO.OP'.i. e Dust In ths Air. Approaching the great centers of population the quantity of dust hold la suspension by ths air Incrsasss normously. According to Blr Jamas Crichton Browns, the air of London contains 180,000 proportional parts of dust to Paris' 210,000, whlla In Argyl-shlrScotland, there are only 200. FREE It tails you Scud for It Mthl Old JUST SIND lOfl IN STAMFS Colorado Bead DENVER. STRUT. IS21 15th UCWCD CHI 0 I KILO POM TNI MOUTH. THROAT TOMAOH ANO IOWILI.m. T Test Farm Machines. The Agricultural Society of Lombardy has daolded to found aad maintain In Milan a trial station for tha tha testing of agricultural maehlnss. Nilden-Judso- COLORADO. REMEDY CANKER AND DIPHTHERIA HILLS and this notice to John A. Salser Bead Co.. La Crosse, Wit, for their big catalog and farm seed samples. (W. N. U.) FOR MLR 0V ALL DRUOOIOTO ntltn ANO OKNARAk Salt Lake City, Utah. Drug Co., General Agents. n WE TBEBI BUD CUBE i Ever Since. "Isuffnrrd for yearn with my frat. A friend Feet Comfortable Knw and TAmat Trot Kar INmsimw HrnnFliiKlinU Uhf lN. TruutiiM, AMlim VinBiiii'h. UvwraiMl KMiwjr Hriwhir Hlriilcr TmuklM. Pvtum Tom fllMuiA IHhnim f Wofriin plalttii. QknmM Jjimnh. itaorwa. mi. Mturi lUkMMi, Hr. Tutu1 Imnc! HHmi. hfnnAl ThmMi, hkin IHimwi HriRllMi and HiwiiiiiAUiii. IU mu f ill Hosi'li. I1m KUtMlto End Hsriak Tmubrt. Is'ilirt tor M htrki. fftAond IHamim. llrMwii, Kjitlviioy. Trim Wuin. Ilir liiMMiftm, ue., fflBd ail Xarvoua auA hmata IMwaiFk llonisTmifiiifnM MrN, Write for fnw ajrHiploni 111 If joarminuiritll ('iTARKH-nMfii- Ktiul hXK)T EASK. I recommendnd AI.IJ-IN'used two boxes of tbe powder, and my feet have been ent irely comfortable ever since. is all about our & .COMPANY. BARTELDES House. Reliable The ay a god- certainly send to me. Wnt. L Kwornwtcdl.lX axhlng-toa- , Bold by all Druggists, 25a D. C. FlHYr-K.AS- WESTERN SEEDS We are the only extensive gntwer in the Middle West. Our Special catalogue for Uee Hupnllea, Poultry Supplies, Fruit Packages are free. Ask for them all if interested. Arid Loads Mad Those parched, dry, arid plains of Mont., Colo.. Aria, Idaho and other dry lands respond quickly and Rlva a big yield when planted to Bauer's Bpelts, Hanna Barley. Macaroni Wheat, Earliest Oats. Billion Dollar Grass and Bromua Inermls. Above seem to flourish and laugh at droughts and arid soils. AU JIN'S ILLVSTRATED CATALOGUE SEEDS FOR WESTERN PLANTERS" WESTERN Trusts in Sweden. Following the example of other oountrles, numerous trusts have been la timformed in Sweden, ber. matches ami mining. IR. J. A. uf fTfcNaufiftr pnrmmI J; lap Cured When Pay ibk md r ran nr Inn lull AKKIIIK T I I.K Til Wf Him piiiviMi it tr ikIM In earing 4 wnmi hi iiuMthliibj ! lift Nijfib vti'itMfarp 'U'U r. KikiHM HRn. lciuieN Vionmu friHi tafnt) H! iiliMh. WK CANT Kl.tsll OI U I 1 BKH Durability of Sycamore. Tho durability of xycstuorn wood Is vouched for hr a specimen in a Cairo museum. It Is nearly .0on years old and la in perfect condition. KUV IKUfaN WK WAtfT ri uhhAK nmiii. in Ilfnf Hwimh li mi.ii be iiy Iirt in imvft o ir NkiU hi AhN I'iMM if anetiwr wav 'I ka iaour plau: c Wm i NPiW, If WAM t;ti'.Ttiiifi'(ia i(h nii!ii f fiirr A', (Ml it'll ih T To be held at Kl Paso, Texas, tills toll, promises to in of groat into rest to country, dwellers In and addresses will lie made by Amerlean and foreign Irrigation atillmritiox. An interesting program, including a be gennlno Mexican bull fight, will In-given by the citizens. For further formation regarding date of sliove meeting, railroad tores, etc., address! C. F. Warren, room No. III. Dooly bloek. Salt City. Utah. npoa ojiri intkimM aa Will! (Aa 4ia- - aui daaiand ihai wa Th' ippllr" U IriiRl Hi FcriaiR'orrtirtfHi. tp Yart-- c I'ftK.iimrii GiHi, (anararal Mn.. LOfft (hI (im rlen. Idi4om, imi aJl WKAKMUtiM 0f triLoii4 . wa bur yor will I I ICK Weik'i-fuin:r I'lvcdik m hi (ihKh K lloi'IW: a. d mJdji, W 4. . U: r m. Ui I p a.s VfMlas to IJ. aOUTN IT. ALT LAMB CITY, UTAH. 4 W. 4KCOMD DRS. SHORES & SHORES. Specialists. Congress, HKARUXAliLB Ilk'll Ton FhKslktijMiunmMl uf isMilHiHa r tpil!iin Hom na. . w. fiw. Cuuaullatliin HHOKEIL Men Weak Hr wiMknar fritm' PUTNAM KADKI.KSS DYES color than others. more goods, per MOKE : Miners' and Prcsmtsrs' OClCUEY Plica. lANMi. S drlir hr? r rr rittHi i i f r nt will 1 He M r if 9MI lie 14U ikt . ' A.y eo. vi'fm.rI ee an Ftcsiril rl ''j' r (!, . uni la Cento Ail Ul '!i 4 Ofi. LIB mT ' SALT LAKE CTTT, VTAR TTvANS, RICHARD Warh a tMclal. Cat Flowers m Saaton. ALT LANS MAIN AT. ITT. S. r. KIH totI m, Mn MB FOR SALT k t'RN5M in mil- - u.fl nr any ! t i flt ai! 'FMOtoB m( siiti.'u.DA irf-ii- . I i1 effC fimt'f it j It Will hcfttl I llif 1' lkiU.t- OI Hit wufn nt to e in - N it tLi " h' If IT AMR LAKE COSTUMING NOUB 704. C 7 STAY BT., BALT UNI ITT lftoffUrwyl wtk korw tyrA gw Thompson's Eye Water When Answering Advertisement Kindly Mention This Papsiv W. N. U., Salt Lake-N- o. 7, 1004-- wl t'-- JSSaV'rWS?!;. FNlOl. CATAkOBUtS trn-- I. Left '7D.V.V.w,o M Fltral OrsiM and n, iu kr I r in (? i:h"-- t A h rilitl toil li ll'.utic. Mi'i::..iat Aid A tiwl v.l.at re l Eiur f n to lac tDtV.ir l to:in il. At d it wsll I. UP a If9 iu tatri It ill' 4 III' 111. 3( '! lf ir 'it 'h v 'lih.'' if 'l (tielH ,iie IT aal Tofa'harwBth ao !nrttor and bmoAar caiamiihb. onui.vni imrni mu-- - h ilwr watuatki and Im awtn hifni malign a aijthtnii fiewi ihadckrBvijuitbloi lua clucktv AA Bkail.fra lrevd.ni to GEO. W. STAHL, Quincy, III &! h1 tty far pmiaia wJ peduo if-i- m4 tli : UU 70 8. Third Soslk SL DD txW'iff.M toi-- ASSAYS. child And . AH Ale the d UKt GIT. UtAfi ilY.Oopf Pr'dapt ffturiu uu mail unplm MASQUERADE tcUittutt oihir MU6 ADDICTIONS .T.i P. 0. BOX 565. CAPSICUM VASELINE A Atosmvr AWRIIUIBIT PM MIMRBfNtS J. "w. CURRIE, Egg Tester Free naans (Fi ALT LAW OITY UTAH KSSSS JS1RT" SALT 76 . Oiden ri An AND RELIABLE (old a; Liniment Mustang for ve , iNSTITUTt Si? W AOk TIHFIA ST ominrn A tod Nombny Itar Irwn; Iirlll. Ilpfc nnl llurlrjr Nlwl; Otok.TaN and t trl l.walhar IIHl Ins: NnMier HrliliikR: WIimI harrowR; IMmiah IImmiI aad Circular toawa; hhcal I run aad hliacf Mal; Kiililfcr TarhliBAi Cullton Waaia; I'lrki aad thv-clKuldicr lltiacs 11 pw and Kupf Nalls; tlmumcr and Tick llaadlra: HlarhiMaUh (rl lnVR; lia Wrwnrliaa; llnlla irnrha aad fitaa: Mina Kail. lo to III.; IrtiN MarrHl'i Flaw Tawla for .Mcrhaulra; iiintaa and Irhi$: loohlHd I'tFMGiU and IfGlvsHiml Wsn; Mining llooU anil CIuIIiInb: Mouaialncrr ilvFigla. aca thdlrllwtl. MEXICAN Makers, Gisp'e. Supplies... a: cure a Dallas Whitaker thing. ia a paaiti hut how food." w j 1 J The agricultural appropriation bill, as reported to tho lu.'ite, carries a total of $5,711,210, an of W.S.UOO over tbe current law. Only two salaries are raised by the .bill, and these only temporarily, lieli.L 1 500 each to tha chiefs of the buri'nof animal Industry and sntomolojjy o f'ow-gll- : M. 8. Otaro. probably the wealthiest Ths Image of His Father. man In New Mexico, delegate In conWall, welt." exclaimed thu ha'helof gress from 1879 l 1xS8, and one of the for lbs first leading business men of the territory, friend, seeltg the babydead Image of la dead at his home in Albuquerque of time, Jack, he's the Don't you believe II ," replied apoplexy. He n a cousin of M. O. you. Otero, at preset t governor of New ha who had bean up half ths night; Mexico. ha's the living Image If ha's any- Proxui.-n- Dn-sale- Mix Iloiixe. losses. a at m-klr- a Not Only Cured La Grippe hut W hots System. Mint Alice M. Dressier, i:t3 N. Bryant Are., Mltiiieailix, Minn., writes: "I spring 1 euffenxl from la grippe and waa pnriiallv runxl but the bail alter effei-tremained through the summer and somehow 1 did mu get strong aa 1 wa lirfore. One of in v rolli-gfriends who waa visiting me raked me to try 1enina 1 ami did ao amt found it all and more than I liad expected. It not only cured me of the catarrh hut nwlnnd me to perfect health, lutilt up the entire avatem and brought a happy feeling of buoyancy which I boil not knowh for yusra" Alios 1 s who , Benefited the l s MnM, - Pe-ru-- na ns Doctor With 40 Years Experience. In my 40 years' experience as a teacher and practitioner along hygienic lines," says a Los Angelea physician, I have never found a food to for the benecompare with Grape-Nutfit of the general health of all classes I have reoom mended of people. Grape-Nut- s for a number of years to patients with the greatest success and every year's experience makes ms mors enthusiastic regarding Its use. I make It a rale to always recommend Grape-Kntand Poatnm Food Coffee In place of coffee when giving my patients Instructions aa to diet, for I know both Qrape-Xutand Post am can be digested by anyone. A for myself, when engaged In much mental work my diet twice a and rich day aonslxu of Grape-Nut- s cream. I find It just the thing to build op gray matter and keep tha brain in good working order. In addition to Its wonderful effects as a brain and nerve fond Grape-Nut- s always keeps the digestive organa In perfect, healthy tone. I carry It with me when I travel, otherwise I am almost eertain to have trouble with my stomach." Xame given by Poatnm Co, Battle Creek, Mich. Strong Indorsements like tha above from physician all ovsr tha country have stamped Grape-Nutha moat scientific food In the wurkl. I Thera's a reason. Look In each ukg forYha fsmoui Utti book. The Road to W aildlia, . S. l.iiu-olnN. W. Whxliiugton. 1) C. li.mur of llifiil cousin to Abraham l.nu oiu. lie write: 1 had In irn(i)ie (lie timrx lining yon r lilt. hoi iu. Four tmnt tj.n 1 began tin- - lixeuf IVrintH. Mine' w liii-l- i time I bar uol bet'll with 1 Iran now 1I11 iix miirli w at hi) ib- - It a I ever roulil ill my life. 1 have coined inorrtliaa x. I jncolu. leu pounds in weii;ht 1 lias tin- - California Relative of Abraham Lincoln. A Mr. Firan-rlse- A r. i Hnn. Janus R. (iuill of Omaha . li. lim'd lx one of tbs oldest lion, uu-and nioxt of i tmalia. Neb. lit-- box done in mb to mala! it what it la, IxuinU a number of serving iu publii: Inner. i! i'inli'1 Jvruua iu the follow Inguntiix: I mil ia yearx old. am lrnle anil hearty, li.ix and I'eri-uuis attain IL Ten year sun I li.ul la griq- - my life I ituiiii xa ixl ms" Wax llexliitllYtl of A Plant Without Roots. There is a plant in Chill, and a aim-- , liar on in Japan, railed the flower of tbe air." It le so called because It appear to have no root, and la never fixed to the earth. It twine round a dry tree or sterile rock. Each shoot produces two or three flowers like a Illy white, transparent and odoriferous. It Is capable of being transported COO or 700 miles, and vegetates aa it travels suspended on a twig. ing month. Mias Kate Moriarlty Is dead st Tsoslata aad Billion Dollar Grass. Tbe two greatest fodder plants on Springfield, Mass., from heart failure earth, one good for 14 tons hay and the whirl! was caused, according to tha other 10 tons green fodder per acre.. Grows everywhere, eo does Victoria doctors, by pressure from corset stays Rape, yielding. 80,000 lbs. sheep and Bhe fainted while dancing, waa reswine food per acre. moved from the ball room and died just axxs 10c in sriara to John A. Balerr Seed Co.,- La Crosse, within a few minutes in and return receive their Wla. big Munitions of war Intended for Gencatalog and lota of farm seed samples, eral Jlmlnes, the Dominican revoluiW. N. UJ tionary leader, were seized at Puerto BURIED BY ANCIENT KINGB, Plata on the north roast of the repubRare Treasures Beersted In Lyblan lic of Santo Domingo, after having been landed there by the steamer New Desert by Monarch of Egypt While etudylng In the British mu- York from New York. seum a papyrus which wa published Walter M. Woolnongh, probably tha 4.000 years before Christ an Egyptol- oldest newspaper editor In Mlrhlgan, ogist recently found s clear and con- Is dead, aged 83 years. Mr. Woolnough cise account of the treasures which started the first paiier published In the ancient sovereigns of Egypt bnrled was one of the men and Battle Creek, In various part of tbe Lyblan desert, and now an expedition la being form- present at the organization of the party at Jackson . ed In London for tbe purpose of A Tribune spools! says tbe Smoot searching for this wealth. The necessary funds have already been secured Inquiry promises to he a prolonged and in a short time a few skilled ex- one, Chairman Burrows having been plorers will start for the desert, where unlimited power to snmmon witgiven the technical work will be prosecuted may be under the supervision of Messrs. Lake nesses, and a and Currie, two English engineers. appointed to yixit Utah. The Leilich The writer of the ancient papyrus charges will not lie entered Into. Sam Yung, a China man, wax brutally seye that tbe Pharaohs hid an Immense quantity of gold and precious murdered In Chinniirwn, Ran stones In the region which is known Shortly nfer 6 oclock four unby ths name of the Valley of Kings. known Chlneso entr-retho restaurant and there the first excavations will be wax employed as rook, ah made. The task will not be easy, where Yung slnco the country to be searched ex- tacked Mm wlih rlrovers and knives, and literally harki-- him to doalh. tends over 4Q.A00 squire leagues. Several arrr'-illtii- l agents of ths Quedricycle Fire Engine, remount department Japanese Imix-riaA qiiadrirycle, composed of two tan- are In tho Okam-gaand Nicola dl dem btcycles arranged side by side, liritixh Columbia purchasing has been Invented In Paris to serve as tricts of a fire engine in cases of emergency. It horses for the Japanese cavalry and service. Other Is worked by four men, and Is fitted up for the land tram-ixirwith the necessary hoso pipes and buyers are in Asiuilo!n and Alberta. A storm accompanied by rain, hail, fittings, which occupy the space between the riders. On reaching the thunder and llzhtnlng swept through scene of action It will be the work of Kentucky Saturday night, rauxlng a minute to bring the hose plpea into damage which will run Into the hnn-- . of Cornish-thousand dreds of on dollar. fire. the play Point Lick vllle; Carlisle, Ka!rvii-ir- , and a score of oilier towns report WELL POSTED. - gate IVruna a trial, better and Mra Frtd I I wax feeling ax wi ll ax auyiuu-- . am 1 Wdnlx-rg- d Our Awful Language. Years ago there was In I.ondon a Bnssian diplomat, Ambassador Bchon-valnfwho greatly admired English v men and who was heartily annoyed iilcd any one of them. when ho Wliile he thero he learned English, and 1. ng heard one famous English beauty say Shut up! to another, he imagined It to be a phrase of polite agreement, such as say no more. In this sense he addressed himself to an Illustrious lady the next night at dinner, to the lady's consternation. and his own when later he discovered his mistake. The WiSSS Ilul raubav. duysar. bran ala. IN AUSTRALIA. , Gratitude Well Expressed. Sault Sta. Marie, Mich., Feb. 8th. Mr. C. L. Smith, painter and decorator, whose home Is st 109 Anna street, this city, makes the following statement: I was laid up with some kind of pains. Borne said It waa Lumbago, others Sciatica, and others agslh A few of my friends Rheumatism. suggested that It was lead poison, hut whatever It was it gave me a great deal of pain. In fact, almost completely crippled me. I had to use two canes to walk about and even then It was a very painful task. A friend advised me to try Dodd's Kidney Pill and I began the treatment. After I had used the first box I was able to throw away one of tbe canes and was considerably improved. Tbe second box straightened me up so that I could go about free from pain without any assistance and very soon after I was completely cured, well and happy, without a pain or an ache. Dodd's Kidney Pills seemed to go right to the spot In my case and 111 they always have my greatest praise. CAUGHT BY THE GRIP. RELEASED BY NEWS SM1MAIIY. j as .(i , Lff I ii.x -' I mpp til 'ij Miner .clu ia iitKCUUABe . I I ,Mril. CO., L Nt e Y vs City I CLniw.-iPCA- (at i Miitfii I ft I'l y f!'' i. cisc r Ui'nll Fi. ! 5S&3aaCG53. |