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Show THE LANGUAGE OF LUNGS RH OF BASEBALL. Fearful and Wonderful Description of nt Chicago Lady Cured the Nstionsl Game. Four wide cues in the third and by ifflfi Welch, secretary of the Honan paraded! Kducational and Uenevo-ety- , Dooley tilted the pellet to the outerwrites from 3:.8 North State most port precinct for a hassock and liicngo.Ill-- . t lie follow! ag glow-rd- a invested second citadel through concerning l'eruna : insane heave. Rye Imports of the t fall I caught the moat aerere Jones agile mitt engulfed Smith's i A United States goUnlted Kingdom, life. I in had my coughed ever erinnent report and day. and mylungsand throat towerer to left garden, but failed to gives the following n the lm. in die1 it before ferry so sore that was in great Hogan's extremities ports of rye into the lllted Kingdom oiled the rubber. ( England. Scotland. lValea and lre. Donovan Jabbed a solitaire to left Innd). A bread grain fthat Unlted pasture, stabbing Dooley, but met bis Kingdom purcha-tePe-ru-- na. Groo-gln'- s .ng s death purloining a bag. Huggins made three frantic lunges at the leather, but Guffr saffron muff let liim amble down the trail to the initial roost. Duffy's steaming grosser to right meadow incinerated Guff's lingers. Doyle dunked safely to larboard, but Browua swift return of the globule contributed to Huggin's demise at tbe plate. Kansas City quantities is rye. 1 importation of this to 2,449,00(1 bushels of 11,751.000. The ni8hed from year to eral countries contrf supply have varied w dally the imports fron United States The mentioned have aIternLt'ed'ai7he iPad-insource of lmportL,on in 1900 Russia furnished larger tly ments than the Unite the im ports received from t ie fomer country amounting to 827, lOb bushels and having a value of 61 .000, or 35 per cent of the total, wl lie the United States contributed 821 00 bushels, val ued at $555,000, or 32 per cent. After Russia and the Uni ed states, the only important source were Canada, Germany and kounian L In 190U the Imports from Canada were recorded at 510, OOiS bushels, v th a .value o! 1303,000, or 21 per ent Germany supplied in that year 216,000 bushels, the value amounting to 9165,000, or 9.4 per cenL The qu ntlty of rye received from Roumana during 1SHW was unusually small, amounting to only 60,000 bushels, ith a value of 844,000, or 2.5 per ceii L g ship-Btate- Mina Mamie Welch, treaa All cough remedies nauseated me, and nothing afforded me relief until ray doctor said rather in a joke, 1 guess Icmn ig the only medicine that will Many Made Happy. Joseph Bauch of Wallersville, Pa., advertised for a wife and received replies from all over tha country. Wishing to share his prosperity with other lonely bachelors, he distributed a number of tbe letters among hU friends. These corresponded with the writers gnd aa a result Are weddings will soon tak plgjre. Bauch found bid affinity in & Sfnith Carolina woman with a bank account. Mothsr U raj's Hwt Powdsrs far Cklldiw Buocsnfully used by Mothsr Gray, auras la tha Children's Homs in New York. Cares cqr you. ' "I tom him tha 1 1 would certain! it and immediately aent for a bottle, found that relief came the first day. and aa 1 kept taking it faithfully the Cough gradually diminiahed, and the soreness left me. Itia fine. Maggie Welch. Address the Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio, for free literature ou FsvsrbhnsM, Bad Stomach, Teething Discatarrh. orders, more and regulate the Bowels and CARBOLIC SALVE will prevent blood poisoning in Cuts, Destroy Worms. Over 30.000 testimonials. At all druggists, 25c. Bemple FREE. Address Allen 8. Olmsted. Lelloy, S. Y . I'l Wounds, Sores, heal s, Fibroid Tumors Cured. A distressing case of Fibroid Tumorf which baffled the skill of Boston doctors. Mrs. Hayes, of Boston, Mass., in the following letter tells how she was cured, after everything else failed, by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound The Supply o No men can tell ev FOUND FRIEND IN MILLER. . Mrs. llayea First Letter Appealing to 31 rs. lMnkliatn for Help t Dear Mrs. 1ixkham: I have been under Boston doctors treatment for a long time without any relief. They tell me I have a fibroid tumor. I cannot sit down without great min, and the soreness extends n pains both ixick and front. lily abup my spine. I have liearing-dow1 had have and is flowing spell for three years. My domen swollen, i not good. I canm t walk :r lw on my feet for any length of time The symptoms of Fibroid Tumor given in your little look ly what the present is. The hog is an an plies with such rapid . them, too. 25 cents. geny keeps way abea (Signed) Mya. descrilte my case, so I write to you for advice. Wonld you have v Mass. taker and even of th i52 F. lloston, E. (ltoxbury) Dudley Haves, bt, Charles Warren Stoddard the dream ers. We can judge of TOOTHACHE for child. ad vice-altho- ugh of Mrs. Note Certainly he is a naively in15 cents? Our Jap- the number of ewine if I teresting personality. After graduat- ditions being favorabl nr unfavorable anese Tooth Ache she advised Mrs. Hayes, of Boston, ing at the University of Toklo at an to an increase of tli ? supply. The Drops will rid you which she knew would help medicine early age. dissatisfied with a shut-ishort corn crop of la t year and the of both. mass of additional instruccontained life, and believing that in the Engsupply of otheij feeds resulted DeCOSTAS LIVER lish language he could express himself ahort in decreasing the mi bers of swine all of which helped FILLS is to better advantage than in his own on the farms, as it i suited in send- result. happy tongue, he went to Ban Francisco, ing many of them in 0 the markets, Dear Mrs. Fixkiiam: Sometime ago I wrote to you describ25 cents a policy. where, as he expressed It, he slept But the conditions o; this year ap- ou replied, and I followed Ha coning my Rvmptoms ami asked your advice. What is your health on the floor of the city. pear to be different, The corn crop a well woman. I am y and ions direel "You a all tinues: of life carefully, tired that your get bids fair to he a g d one and ths worth? 13. lMnkliain's of use The while. I think where I can go. Joa Vegetable Compound entirely Lydia 1 abundant. supply of other feed It All Lung Diseases tumor and the my whole system. I can walk strengthened exiwllwl see likes will Miller He quin Japs. has been easy for s Ivine raisers to start with a cough. now. miles you. Accordingly Noguchi took up keep the pigs and pus k them forward cloi- hie knapsack. At Oakland, the If you will cough up Lydia 13. l'inkliam's Vegetable CoiiiimmiiuI is worth tivo to them Tt i'M iim tojoodixMjefore niding rnrrmrjrTirgiTffS? market, which was sot the case last (Signed) Mbs. female trouble of any kind to give it a faithful trial. he knocked at the door and Miller ofCoughBalsam year. Multitudes of fanners are holdMass. 25-E. F. Boston, (Iiuxlury) Haves, Dudley St, I have come to stay with oull stop coughing opened it ing their pigs for a later date, when or take you " Baid Noguchi. come in! Slountain of gold could not purcliaxo sucb testimony Why, Corn Cnre they ahall have reached the size that Japanese 13. lMnkli&in s which cried Miller. I love Jape. How long and of health the Lydia happiness tbe place most will give them the will rid yon of a can money. This Vegetable Compound brought to Mrs. Hayes. stay a week, a month, a results tor the present in a scarcity dozen CORNS for a year,you ten years? Such testimony should be accepted by all women as convincing we of swine and a good price. Later quarter. Which do evidence that Lydia E. lMnkliains Vegetable Coinimund stands much the to see market may expect Prayer for Vermont Legislators. yon love the best i a without peer as a remedy for all the distressing ills of women; all more fully supplied. r. Juat now the Bishop Hall of Vermont, has authocorns or quarter? ovarian troubles; tumors; inflammations; ulceration, falling and disbutchers is are declariug that pork rized a prayer for use In the churches or painful placements of the womb; backache; irregular, suppressed ALL DftUQQiaTS OR STORK of the diorese in behalf of the state the moat expensive nieat on the marlettestimonial the of and volume character the menstruation. OR OIRKCT PROM I I I I I Two riinnot Surely last. legislature, as none is provided for ket This condition for room doubt no leave can in the ters we are daily printing newspapers litters of pigs per yeii- for each brood that body in the prayerbnok. ALT Mrs. Hayes at her alwvo address will gladly enswer any letters sow makes it possili LAKK which sirk women may write for fuller information alxnit her illness. increase the supply OITV. Her gratitude to Mrs. jinkham and Lydia 13. lMnkliains Vegetable high prices for pork Compound is so genuine and hcurlfclt that she thinks no trouble is too r ns. heallh and happiness. great for her to take in return for tier13. Frequent enquiries are received Iinkham's Vegetable ComTruly is it said that it is Lydia i whose gar ding the that is curing so many women, and no other medicine ; don't forpound seen liar sacs or bags are get this when some druggist wants to sell you something else. during ihe winter uti iched to various TToilm'd tlio original li'ttar. nod nlfnaturta of FORFEIT If wflranmit trees and other object, If these sacs aiiura lliiU0bOla, vliivla will iriiv tlioir E. 1iuLUani linli.iii to Ljna, Ua Lyili. are examined, some ' .ill be found to number within a of eggs contain large a mass of yellow fluVy materia). The POSITIVELY CURES V wvWW'w W WVWVWlWWV empty cases are the ones that were the male the occupied by past during Rheumatism growing season while the larger ones, Neuralgia containing the mass of eggs, were the abode of the fema is. The females Backache in fact never leave th cases and after - fertilization by the si: tall male moths, Headache the eggs are formed aa already de Feetache scribed. From these ijqgs are hatched, I All Bodily Aches in the spring, the 1; rvae that begin on tbe leaves o( trees at once AND Tieater for Them. f feeding and soon form about, themselves the bag that is enlarged as the larae mature until it becor.: os too large lor them to carry, 'then it is attached '.C the limb while the arvae is eating and is moved to ant. her place when the food supply la here exhausted, Every one of these ases should he removed from the t ees during the winter and burned a i otherwise the all KlMaiM of t bo l.nn(..Nonna.Heart.! SUMiMh. Urn-- . Kiilneri. Hlad'ler. Skin. larvae are certain to destroy a good Brain, sad nU Cfarunla ditwuM of innu, women and number of shade treo, in tbe spring. nUdfille MEXICAN Station bullaOklahoma Experimeu Bruises, and Z ap-peti-te Homeless Jap Welcomed by the Poet of the Surras. Yone Noguchi, the young Japanese artist and writer, has been termed by pi Pinkhams the result vA to take her her a her letter to as tions treatment, about the n Health Insurance for to bring to-da- q J . - Z. C. M. I. ST. JACOBS I Bag-Wo- re-:- n hag-wo- y Oil. uia I j Utahs Favorite Confections MOLASSES DAINTIES v v CARNATION CHOCOLATES j- Ajfyour Salt Lake Candy Co CONQUERS I PAIN. I oaNnMnuciti Bandars and UotldajilOte I DR S. SHORES 1 11 SHORES, i I 0 eliciniisl KXPKRT , SeCCIALiaTB. LYON BLOCK. 54 W. Seconds. 5 L BALT LAKE CITY. NEW Ufck DISCOVERY: slvea relief and cure wont d IS DATS' treatmeat .Da Atlanta, On TRW MAGIC FDRSS. Xniblu 'nvantad; IS aaah, paatpaid. Ariilraaa Y. II. riUKKMHI, Oraad Titw lb, Daa KaUaa, Xawa. ' h, pric- - GO.P7' fialia. beet war. bar. ooppar. Praia, ate. Salt Lake L'llr. Wah. UTAH JUNK Our Tlin-- Crown Irlplr lemon unil voV, Kxlrncbt linvr I'.v -nnlnral flavor or Ihe rrult. They emt n trllli- more. Mil i fnur lime, iNironaer ihnn Ktuuilunl exlrarts Why not use them r n I If afflicted Lore w ejes' When finsv 1 , S Ess Watsf Cjo IIqIB ' Ihompson Ing Advertisements Klndlg m This Paoer. Sole Makers. For Hums and Scalds fse MUSTANG LINIMENT - tin. The Buff Ci From Farmers' Ret Cochins are good lay mence laying in the t till the end of the fo Often I have trouble show pullets in show count of their combs is caused by their la good sitters. I set tli tings of eggs and ha frequently have t chins. lew; The Buff rs. as they com-tl- l and continue lowing summer, in getting .my condition on which king. They are em on large sit-- e no trouble. I lieu, bring oil Util' time. I give one hen the chickB and reset the other. They are good mother- - The Buffs will forage If given the opportunity to do so. They grow very rapidly and are hardy. They make good table fowls, and the meat has a fine flavor. It la a rich yellow in color. Homer H. Fayette Cnpnty, OHo. I THE BEST LINIMENT MADE FOR. MAN OR. BEAST, THERE IS NO TEST LIKE THE TEST OF TIME AND V8E P-- Aaka for What's Left. A Reading lady has brought suit for 815 against a man who courted her for eight years and then failed to come to time. She asks for only 815 probably because tnal represents the . man's pile after eight years of Louisville Cnurier-Jotirticourt-bhip- turns List (AILS, (lough Syrup. TimmUukI. Pm ' In tlm. i. .r b. lni.wls. WHIRL ALL M.'BeCRIRK ORES 1I a n-- n:l Ilk-I- n - FOR METALS Minin .luurnnl In Hi IIm; SI.UII I'rr War In Ailvnurr. Sniupla SulMerlilliH. .Illr fur Hire inimlli. 1 1 UIC I. AM lu Inn oin mak. ciijr in ilia ruilel iUm M to 1(1 per ilny tiiiiinUi.iiii.r. .imiuii. l..r namiilu iiT. an.l ii ul.rs ItL.--i A Nil UtiAl.S, i u.ii'j li mi: I1 ASSAYS. RELIABLE ; i.ii.ii A Iter I. (. la.1 (ioMiiUi-- : T'r.n-i'- r SI .VII .ilk-- ! l'iini-- i le'ui In OGDEN ASSAY CO. BMr-s,rahfl ' W. N7 u.rsait Lake-- No t |