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Show PROPOSE Tf 0tgm , BEAT NATURE. Diamond of Pov erful flay Will Soon Niagara's Power, The manufaci ure of artificial monda baa long regarded aa an impossibility. A acore of men learned In chemiatry an I skilled as lapidaries have spent years in a fruitless endear-produor to equal tlie of nature In tbla direction, Now, however, the proapect of the manufacture of monda by aclen means is consld-- i ered ao likely a to be predicted In a government rep irt. T. G. Martin, an expert apecial agent of the census offlce, baa writt n a long and very n tereatlng report the electrical loduatriea of the U tted States, in which be Incidentally ri efers to the attempts . that have been ade to produce monda artlflcl: the He recalls fact that Moii n, the Frenchman, puahed the emp oyment of the electric arc ao far aa to produce minute frag-d- a mentary diamo: in his furnaces, Moiaaan alao m ted the production of graphite from a diamond heated in the arc, and from he similar treatment of augar charcoi il purified by chlorine and of purified irood charcoal In fact, ssyl , Mr Martin, "it was due to his inve Legation in this field that he was ledF is celebrated on tUt formation of diamonds by the a cooling in mer cury or lead of moten iron saturated with carbon. .0 0j an BUCh work it waa but natural Iancifui .peculi tions should arli e a to the possibiUty I of establishing getories for the regu lar manufacture Gf genuine diamonds at Niagara Fal g where the cheap current and oth ,r egientials would be available, but nothing has resulted within the perlo j unjer consideration from these plan Bu,ig and sanguine theories. The f ict remains, however, that in our mod rn electrical furnaces dlanumd dust hi prodneod, and the steps leadln E to the manufacture ol larger crystal ( wJ tial.r Be Made by johiv F. Connor,! dia-bee- n ct y x DEALER. IN X dia-Lill-e General Merchandise. in-o- dia-lly- A FullfLine of ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Dry GoodSi Groceries. Hects and Caps. Boots and Shoes. Etc.. Etc. ft ft Stockton. 1 Main Street, S tf tf - MAIN ST- STOCKTON. W Fre printers. t J. D. WOODS R. Skeleton, Mgr. j t it , ten tf Black Hills Saloon HIGGINS A CARROLL. Pretty Unique Binding. curious collection of liouks la contained in the library of Wxrstenteln near Cashel. In Germany. The book appear at first sight to bn logs ol wood, but each volume Is really a complete history of the tree it repre sents. writes an exchange. The bath snows the bark, in which a small pis' Is cut to write the sclentifit and coin moa name as a title. One side ehowi the trunk In its natural state, and tht other ia polished and varnished. In aide are shown the leavea, fruit, fibei and Insect parasites, to which is add ed a full description of the tree and its products.. McKinleys Niece a Financier. Margaret McKinley, niece of the late president and daughter of Abner McKinley, ia a clerk In the national bank at Oklahoma City and baa made a small fortune In real estate speculation. Miss McKinley haa been in her present position for several years. Shq began her real estate operations jay buyljig city oU, tej yrfelch she paid alxnii 15 apiece. The property waa located la what later became a prominent buetaeee section and the young womans profits are said to have exceeded S40tt A 't0 tf tf tf LUXURY HANDICAP. Nordica's Gymnastic Exercise. Mme. Nordics, the opera singer, li mistress of the ungentle art of punching a bag. This la a daily exercise with her, as she considers that it gives opportunity for all necessary muscular training and subjection of adipose tissue. The punching hag ia a compromise. She desired to learn boxing, but it waa pointed out to her that an accidental blow on the neck or cheat even with soft gloves might wreck her vocal career. Werk Only Under the Whip. In a recent lecture at Gresham college Dr. Byrnes .Thompson, in speaking of the effects of climate, remarked that it had become necessary to sublet English government work In Egypt because it waa found that the aatlvee would not work only when chastised, and it was a rule that a British officer must not strike a native. 1 WONDERFUL WORK. Case No. I8,77. David M. Bye, P. O. Adffreea, Box 2!f7, Midland, Mich , says: Three months I wad almost incapacitated from) labors could not sleep at night; hadko walla the floor, owing to terrible Min in1 the hipa, in the email of the back. In my Instep and ankle of the fight leg. I was treated for sciatic rhe tism in the hospital, hut receivi benefit. One month ago I retui home and waa given a box of Doafffe resided Kidney Pills. this city can bear witness to the fact that I am able to work, and can also walk . to my work without the aid To-da- y or crutch. a walking-stic- k In speaking of the immediate effect of Doan's Kidney Pills, I did not find them to deaden the pain, hut quickly and surely to eradicate the cause of it. I am of the opinion that Doan's Kidney Pills are the best remedy for kidney ailments that can be procured. I waa especially careful in my diet, in order to give the treatment fair of - play. In conclusion, I shall be pleased, at any time, to answer any inquiries regarding my ease, from anyone desirous of obtaining it. A FREE TRIAL of this great kid- ney medicine which cured Mr. Bye will be mailed on application to any part of the United States. Address Foster-M- il burn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. For sale by all druggists, price 50 cento per box. Turkeys for whrietmas Die One hundred tone of dressed ordered in New Zealand are to be sent to London in time for the Christmas market All creameries use butter Why not do ns they do use JUNE TINT BUTTER COLOR. tar-key- s For This Runaway, 910. Chief of Police Austen of Blrsslng-tla.- , wrote to the police of New York, offering a reward of 10 for the arrest of seventeen-year-olCharles Verdell, a runaway, whom he described as knock-kneeand having flat nose, bumpy face sad black dew scars on the shin of one leg. of ccessful Msn Dr. August Koenig's Hamburg Risen fr m Indigence, Drops, as a blood purifier, strength our country is n ne- and health restorer, and a specific for ws of poor boys who all stomach, liver, and kidney trouelessly shut oS from bles, leads all other similar medid education, except cines in its wonderful sales and marmeager kind from vellous confidence of the people, portunity for mental especially our vast German population. To Core Cold In One day', e youthful Lincolns, It is not a new and untried product, Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. A1 iltons, Garflelds, but was made and sold more than itrnggiste refund monayif itfails tecum S i those who become sixty years ago. The Importance of Steel. statesmen, $ when made into a sword, waa Steel, The National Result a educators, the emblem of power. Steel, in the Tea, sir, we turned in and elected re giants in every uabfl 01 'ill'll e on a' reform EflUJLCgJMf ticket, and department of life how they stand Ubttftip of a month he had every one of as Important as it is or was in out from the pages of history , those our fellows put off the pay roll It waa a The country which is poor hoys, an inspiration for nil time those who are bom to light their regular boomerang of an elect on, by endowed with steel or with coal and 4 ift to George! Well, wbat else could you iron, of which and by means of which way up to their own loaf. The youth who la reared In n lux- expect of the Australian ballotr Chi- it ia made, will stand at the head of the civilised world. urious home, who, from the moment cago Tribune. of his birth, is waited on by an army Bernnardt aa Costume Designer. ewi This? of servants, pampered and Indulged We offer One Hundred Dollar reward for mu Sarah Bernhardt frequently comof Gstorrti that cannot he eared by Hairs parents and deprived of poses the costumes which are used ease by over-fonCstsrrhCure. Incentive to himself On In her theatrical production. every F. J. CHENEY A oa. Props.. Toledo Ol develop the We, the nndenilgned, hsve known F. A mentally or phyilcally, although com- eve of an Important event of this char Cheney for the butt IB years end believe him monly regarded as one to be envied, acter the has a corps of girls In a perfectly honorable la all business tmnaaetloos end able to carry out any obliga la more to be plied than the poorest, workroom pinning dress materials, tion!financially made by their firm. most humbly ben boy or girl in the lace materials and general trimmings West A Truaz. Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, Klnnan A Merrill Wholesale land. Unless h(is gifted with an un- on manikins. Once in a while madam Ol; Walding, Toledo, Ohio. Druggists, becomusual mind he i in danger of Hall'e Catarrh Cure la taken internally, actpersonally superintends these opera ing directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces creaa a a degenerafc, parasite, ing tions, and even the forewoman bows of the system. Testimonials sent free. Fries ture who lives a the labor of others, to her opinion. 'ta per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hallg 1 amlly Fllla are the best whose powers ulmately atrophy from Plso's Care cannot Tie too highly spoken of ee disuse. O. S. Lrden In Success. Good for Newspaper Offices. s couch cure. J. W. (IKuik, 322 Third An, Asbestos towels are amon-- - the curiK., Minneapolis Minn. Jan. 8, IDOUl Tonics fo Tired Women. osities of the day. When dirty it Is Wood Outlasts Iron. With each yir woman is busier, necessary to throw them into a The relative durability of wood and only hence the grown of the red-hfire and after a few minutes habit, says th- Pittsburg Dispatch. iron is given strange Illustration by an draw them out fresh and clean. With the increte of their duties, so- old cannon which has stood since 1850 Bismarck and Hia Emperor. cial and otherwe, comes the neces- on the high grounds of Point Bonita, The correspondence of Emperor sity for sometbig to brace up tired at the entrance cf San Francisco bay. nerves and enile the weaker ves- The gun has meted away, while the William I and Prince Bismarck, which sels always to ace the world with a wood supports are in a state of per- Is coming into print shows that great fect preservation. intimacy existed between the two smiling, happy nee. men. The most interesting letters are A nip of cogi:, a glass of BenedicMrs. Winslow's Soothing Hyiun.' of or the tiest drop green For children (settling, sortras tbe gums, reduces Is those written during tbe tine, war. Chartreuse proices remarkable ef- (Ummsllua, sllsjs pslu, cures wind oullc. ascabottla. m fects the firat.ne used. The result 8T. PAUL CALENDAR THE The Time to Retire. soon becomes an is the FOR 1903 Jewett of St. Louis Is indispensable Ft ot the day's pro- ninety-fou- r six sheet! 10x15 inches, of beautiful old. asked Someone years gram. in colors, of pastel Mm not long ago how old he thought reproductions, To such an cent has the custom is now ready for by Bryson, drawings man a should be before retiring from distribution and will be mailed oa regrown that fashnable modistes keep business. The old gentleman gravely e a bottle and dainty glass in a (25) cents cola I don't really think a ceipt of twenty-fivresponded: F. A. Miller, Gensequestered sp and obligingly come man should Address or stamps. keep on after he has forward with r'drop of something eral Chicago. Agent, Passenger reached the age of ninety. to win the gratide of the patron and Insure her ret a. Populace Mutt Net Whittle. In Winter Use Allen's A powder. Your feet feel uncomAny person caught whistling In the i Germ Killers. fortable, nervous and often cold and streets of Buenos Ayres is liable to A German reports a con- damp. If you have sweating, sore feet be arrested. The police alone have tinuation of exrimenta begun in 1198 or tight shoes, try Allens the right to whistle. relative to bterirldal power of Sold by all druggists and shoe stores, 25 cents. Sample rent free. Address The attention of ourreaaersis called Roentgen rays The power of the Allen S. Olmsted. to the advertisement of Oree and MetLe toy, N. Y. Roentgen rays kill germs was tested als In another column. 1 nls la not a ra spirillum, the baagainst the technical journal but a mining news Russia. Pretty 8tory From cillus prodlglof and the colon bacilpaper. Those who wlsa to keep pop man One a ragged miserably day lus. The mirnrganixms were inocuon the mining development lated into gela and exposed to the begged an alma at a Russian railway Rocky Mountain country ca more valuable publlcstjp action of the rs. After twenty to station from a prosperous-lookin. At that moment a general thirty minutes mtinues exposure to passenger. ot find a Memsntoe and It muat be remembered that in a han this. the rays manjif the bacteria were FourtJ i killed, and implication ceased la Russia a general Is a very great per K' with hie . f" 8u"flower State. sonage young pretty In of all. series experinearly .lH ?Bt came noon Gen-erthe plmfor . llOTVWqT-ments, however, w of the lndiyUb Bristow . trom Kansas, and the wore not bacteria nnl w affected. you vldent during the rbi,.;- He who loves his. work barer over his rewird. of and Pt$M-- all SSt"S PM1ffricultural Slow steps, whether long or short, products of Kw-s- nd suggest s gentle or, reflective statu of these were or chMk S"l0- he. mind, aa the strung artistically about hjh hung room la tbs Majority tf d tf d Stockton. Utoh. ts, ln-Id- WLAPr ee nco., ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Prop.. .TRAPP SALOON... Main St. Stockton. a d pick-me-u- p ot - , Franco-Germa- Jr F. DR. PHYSICIAN AT. SURGEON DAV1S, i Stockton. Main Street. life RT fr t tf tf tf e. Foot-Eas- e. c-- g ' C4-- FIRST-CU- SS She Foot-Eas- tf tf tf tf SALOON AND BILLIARD HALL. 3! pick-me- n tf Frailey, n ' HOSTELRY. "Mtichner House, Main Street, Stockton. Potr e-- ; ST poatofflee department i sj |