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Show I OCKTON SENTINEL daily shipments jsolidatcd Mercur o those of the Con Goodman's new addition to imp wiU soon A Musical Ballot Box. Her Answer. boomers again. ind Sacramento, our soon be A up. French will genius has invented a store their A woman at thf young line Mercur were nev jpear on the list of novelty in the form of a musical bal- College during a recent a TOOKTOHi utm. a Midland, Bryan ft Goodman carry large lot box. This instrument plays popu- by Supt. Skinner, The prospects C. C. Bush is te told toY t waa! lot patent medicines and useful drugs. being amusefor MeU Intervals the at lar tunes nr she knew about the gray inattert r brighter, Opposite Consort Store, went J ment of electors while the polls are p, O-- Bos 128 great number of our citizens meditatea a long time n ichlng school st open, who will thus be persuaded not question, and then wrote down to conference at Tooele last , down:,1 is about vote. hunto Maoobn When to the neglect I I do not know anything about? . T. jKKiMKN. Sunday. been th of the people dredth paper has dropped in the but I demand the full crFk In Friend Billy Goodman is rushed to Instrument will play a certain tune. question, is camp very good, for the as I have given arKhtf answer, I STOCKTON LOCALS. will start a second know. death since the absence of his partner, eel happy in conse- The New York Times. I and a different melody, and so on. Mr. Bryan. nt! cipation of 'ms and all 's on is A long pull, a strong pull, sltltng no t soon to take place Bishop George Bryan n moving will in now things get is pull together," the grand Jury, which place. in our little town. at Tooele. of this city, has on I Mr. Raddatz is prosecuting work bond and lease has returned from his owned by the Conklin Mr. the Houorine tunnel at a lively rate, I vacation, and will now be found at his I The group lies b claims, which were feet a day. I and Calumet ft te E. P.Mltchener. cutting twenty-liv- e post at the depot. I looked and a as unite push I town stween whole upon the Honorine Let the Bob Hilton came to camp Tuesday, I build to Minin us will Let help property. and at the Geysor-Mariothings along. J. N. LEE, Proprietor oth- I and things for wait not I and Dec. own Arrived town, mining up our soon be humming. ers to do it for us. Excellent progress is being made in I sweet little tot,h with Tait, Everybody is anxiously awaiting the development of the Cyclone mine be playing tundoinf is I Tait Mrs. Honorine who ere of the will, long, late. of the completion at Stockton as doctor ir papas dental tools. of manager nel. as It is believed that will be the MAIN Mr. J. G. Jacobs, general STOCKTON. very nicely, and the I keynote of a boom for Stockton. S. L. ft M. By., came on a tour the I hough he might Tuesday. 1 1 ! The weather of the past two weeks QTer II I Heres our installment first the received Erath the little darling ly tur- I of oranges last week. He also had numerous posterity, keys and poultry for Thanksgiving new residence com-- I Work on the Union Mercantile It has all the ncy. to pany's building will soon be pushed and is as up-ices, a finish, and their room be made more can be found in H. E. Zerbe, superintendent of the ic lighted, fine bath r, with plumbing for Cygnet 'mine at Stockton, ...DEALER IN... est of them. with his family in this on the pr nage perfect The Thanksgiving Ere many months we shall hear the uUte Mr gteinn twenty-foo- t cesspool, his toot of the O. S. L. train j right on our had Jones named mises. We congrat-a-n uttle boy ja(jy on possess! out streets. People can almost step and his amiable yery badly cut hy being thrown forUble a home, of their own door and on to the car- - L m a cntter while coasting the other erecting a $1,000 g so nice and comThat this means some prosperity for they at least hai ind the fact of their Stockton none can deny. to visit a on future of our tow esidence shows that wag Frank . O., great faith in the tel man. John F. Connor. friends old his with THANK8 and hobnol,bing faith in the camp than ever, and he e GROCERIES, CANNED GOODS, ETC. of the is one who has some knowledge & ull fl GIVING watt, of DAY. Mr. liuii, or ue Thanksgiving d reason for a permanency of the minLake Tuesday, Salt from returned friend ing industry here. We hope ACROSS THE STREET FROM l y In Mercur was jsck wm pun mill run the family. keep POSTOFFICE. before except holiday, long Kearns of that Senator filter presses have been and quiet, and i ibliged to work to to New patent whose allegiance J. John Connor, added to the equipment of the they man ing. All was peace Stockton has never faltered, and George gelveB very straigl there were any of Manager late mill by shine whose faith in the ultimate productiveIn the evening th iged to keep them-IMoore. ness of the camp was as pronounced runUNIO, is of and out of sight Nephi Raddon Mr. James y In the dark days of 93 as it is at this M. E. chu is He the at Market Meat Mr Clover the nlng yesterday. town again was in time, Udea. IERVICE Connor I. BOW devotion bl. .ttenUon very pleueot. wee.U. ,.oUeBB who was very well at-Kelly, with. deal to the development of the Nebraska to three of on thd yev-- F T- jy, you ever think gold spectacles All travelers do not ride in the Pull-msgroUp o, locations, high up r for his text t the first sells Clock some M a Christmas present? zone and from which he mined many patronize the free reclining Itne 97tn ps&lm, The chair car from choice or notions of eeon- (wm very appropriate, Irflut aw plea. ...... .. IMH, Mil RUlltafi w TOT liitelesi. Ulerwar ds un"iu mj a journey aa those in ant Bishop Bryas spoke briefly, but to small force of men he is now without extra charge The Sunta Fe runscomforlable chair the point He showed how the people the country from a depth of Peter Weimer, foreman of the on its three Chicago trains, with a coi ledge on Ophlr Queen mine at Ophlr, returned of Mercur had particular cause to be 140 feet with a pelent porter in charge. Complete one' side and silver and lead upon the to camp last Monday, after spending thankful, that disease and death had accessories are provided. been doing ad work but a few months other. On a level 75 feet above both a couple of- weeks in Zion. ago, but by the blessings of God in C F. WARREN, General Aqent. of these ledges afforded good values. L. D. Clocks line of jewelry and answer to the prayers of many good Mr. Connor reports a larger number watches offers many suggestions for Alt DOOLY OLOCK. SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH, of the towh, the scourge had of persons employed on Stockton prop- holiday gifts. He is ready to oblige people disappeared so suddenly as to cause erties and prospects at this time than and assist you in buying. people to note the change, and now at any period Bince the boom of early A large asosrtment of holiday pres- the town is in the best of health. days, and expects to see the roster ents and Santa Claus supplies has We owe thank! to God for these greatly Increased on the completion of been received by the L. Scherzlnger and other blessngs. He further the long Honerine tunnel. From the Furniture Co. Toys, games, ornaments stated that there rere no poor in MerTribune. all galore. and cur, none but haf food and raiment; on the Burlington Route. The wet process is becoming a Market had tur- - if there were, ani would let the matMeat Clover The directors at every big station to sea that and 1assengcr methods, fire strongcompeuu.ro, ,n large ter be known, tbe would be provided KePR6 and ehlf.keng ;heyg you get abourd the train. Porters to direct you to the aUH a s one paper hera e for. right ear. Conductors and brakemen to see that you get quantity. Their shop has been me e off at the right station. Every one of them is asi courteous future downfal o assortment of a The musical ntnbers were particuarge jar(ft!di and and kind as he can be Smelting ft Reilnlng comjwny. are always on hand, larly interesting. That Mercur has - mpatg ( hi(,a" Katl!iiia City, St. asseran RY too strong . . seems altogether Ilent was made very , some vocal or good WU halSt, tilth at Luver The poultry display remains ihat every fact tion, hut the ITaaI f aw1ii4 ilia naa4 waolr Uo evident. The by Mrs. H. be- Thro' sleeper to Omaha snd Chicago leaves day the .cope of the wet method i. and solo id response by ProRitter, Some of the interesting. something Salt Lake City 3:15 p. m. daily. conheretofore and ores, ing extended finest fat turkeys and spring chickens fessor Robinson al the Mormon choir are sidered as of smelting grade only, were very approbate selections, and TICKET OFFICE. ever brought to any market. now much more profitably treated by well rendered. :r. Robinson has a went to choir down 71 West Second South Street. The Mormon The present a leaching process. There is no very fine tenor voe. which he appears a in conference body. unmeans no to have under feet control. Tl,e leaching agents are by SALT LAKE CITY. u our opin- need to say they acquitted themselves anthem sung by is choir at the close and successes, qualified conceded a is fact for it R. F. NESLEN, General royally, AgenL of the service waone of the grandest ion the true leaching agent has not right are the best in the state, they seen This may discovered. w, and been selections, better produced yet to their immense business, than we eveneard a small choir any like an overdrawn statement, Judging adequate K. ii. Jacobs, treasurer of the Stockrender. Mercur liould be proud of from our present knowledge of the Ben Harrison and other Utah min- her choir. ton, us to thut seems but it metal, yellow is in South Dakota, his THE MAOCHEES HAM,. if investigation were directed move ing properties, old home, on mining business. Mining To close up a ry successful days toward the search for another solvent Review. (dchratlon the accabees ball was uut8ide of chlorine, aqua regia and The Ophlr Queen Mining company, a ra,jtaj flnaiP. ' ,e new of 0pCra house was IKitassiuin cyanide. In place, near Ophlr, Utah, J. B. M cl-- rrt)Wd,d, and eT(. one ggempd tQ TP application of these operating methods or mer, Commereial block. Salt Lake one with anothen have the best time known ones, that more Ml progress City, manager, will doubtless equip its possible, and thiance went on into end. would be accomplished in the mine with new hoisting machinery the we sma ho, reflecting credit Progress in the last few years along shortly on the society gDg It. and the able no that bo rapid been has j lines these The city council convened last management of t committee, Messrs. desired result seems Impossible, snd Operates Best Local Train Service in the State to all Points. A report will appear Ed Farley, F. G .Jewell, H, M. Mohr exnight. solvent Tuesday sotn Connections made In Ogden Union Depot with All Tralna of that is very likely it Southern Pacino and Oregon Short Line. in our next. When we get our press and Albert Jnlmn. The floor manprove might found, if only ists which, we hope, be- agers were F. G. S ell, Albert Johnwill OPFIRS CHOICE OF which be, staterunning, the truth of our contemporary's shall and we son iker. fore and William weeks, try many FAST THROUGH TRAINS DAILY ment. Boston Mining Bureau. have every item of news up to date. Financially the air was a success, Leaving Salt Lake at IJI a. bl. 3iIS p. a., and Ml p. si. as well as socially. are Goodman ft enlarging Bryan Stopped. Rad Practice ' Their Mod Request, their store. When completed, it will Dr. Joteph H. Raymond, sanitary Chairman Grigg the Democratla superintendent of Brooklyn, has the be 22x75 feet, with a good big cellar Pullman Palace and committee was an order putting a stop to underneath. From appearanees, the national cnngressii kers in the to the rather fur pushed barbarous practice of taking will not. even then, have sufcent campaign. M found either firm urtfeRTviifibst Denver, Omaha, Kansas City, St. Louis, Chicago; police station persons In ficient room for their business. have been recelvi but by all odds unconscious. or wholly CHANGE.... jiartl&lly death has resultMercur is a camp that gets very the most modest Iwas this from an several recent Free Itrrilnlng Chair Cara. Personally Conducted Excursions. A PerfMt ni-- i.. c nllce think- little blowing. It is not necessary. The Iowa district: Send us two speaker Service. ed from the practice, i once simfor the last at were week. ins Nobody but precious metal la here the only gold Bourke Cock ran. Carl Schurz ing theVnconscions par.i I- - A BENTON. or CleveGeneral Agent Passenger Department, as a tatter of fact when the and Utah Ingot in ply druik. when camp will land. We attenboard SALT LAKE CITY. and furnish t iiMical pay immediate needed are adding their teams." they and Geysor-Mariotion. . PU1LIBHBO IT OO. STOCKTON PUBLISHING I Brj an & I I jn Sun-llme-nt I s ses-Islo- I se-int- i HUY BACK SALOON.: n I STREET, ! MARY E. BROWN, j u I ! 1 1 i 1 Lj Hf General Merchandise, I I - Bt,r.l. - Z H Otenltu ob-ra- I Sun-drimk- g t, . Main Street Stockton. Thd I u; iwlj'tjni gold-bearin- mm To llinfleu g You bric-a-bra- 4- Chicago Inexpensively. cross-cuttin- g Cant Go Wrong c, I en-th- i Louta-EVE- sek-tlo- Gl i j i 1 W Arid re-in- .v ca-i- e - n Three Distinct Scenic |