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Show Dinner Germans Like Geese for Christmas New York in the Time of Peter Stuyvesant refer Van Lane, New York artist, Is shown here with his inodtl of New York ns It appeared In the time of Peter Stuyvesant, Dutch governor 0f the city then known ns Nlenw The model was from an old district made from surveys the of map by Jacques Cortelyou. compiled Ain-eterda- ! Seen, on a coon ton. near Berlin where Unto.nJ, of ,ee were being fattened to th. hrtltoj to- -. Beauties From Europe Touring United States Britain Honors the Old Contemptibles now touring the United States In a adjudged the most beautiful In their native lands, are production! Cobra, Spain; GInefl Left to right, they are: Marcya, Spain; Jacqueline atrical Smolskl, Nlta du Frence, France; Joyce, England; Elsie Korin, Austria; Marguerite London. Russia ; Kate Reiter, Germany, and Joy Ashley, 9!f5j5S: the- e-S- t They Plan a Flight Around the World NEW SENATOR France, to the 3,888 officers and Dedication of a memorial arch erected by Great Britain at La 1011 In the group at the October, and early men of the British Expeditionary force who fell In August, September Foclu Marshal and arch are Lieut Gen. Sir William Pulteney I Ferte-Sous-Jouarr- e, Little Heirs to Many Millions r , I GLENNA DEFENDS TITLE 1 Former Gov. Phillips Lee of Maryland, Republican, who defeated his Democratic opponent, William C. Bruce, present senator from Maryland, for the honor of representing his state in the senate of the Seventy-firs- t congress. Golds-boroug- h MAY MARRY LINDY Daniel Carroll Payson and Ids sister, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shipman payson, as at Manhasset, Ixmg Island. The children left by their grandfather, the late Payne , Payne Whitney Payson, children of they appenred on the Tayson estate Inherited a great part of the estate Whitney. (Henna Collett will defend the mingham, Mich., the week of Beautiful Collie Given Mr. Hoover wom- ans national golf championship the Oakland mils Country club, ber 30, lO. and Capt Jean Francis DeYllIard, pioneer aviator and French war ace, on a hla bride of a year, who, with a picked crew of four men, will soon start flight around the world from Chicago. His plane, the Spirit of Chicago, Is a trimotored Albatross with a wing spread of 90 feet at BirSeptem- Flag Hoist on U. S. S. California CARNIVAL QUEEN Miss Elizabeth Morrow, daughter of the ambassador to Mexico, who, It Is rumored. Is engaged to marry Col. Charles A. Lindbergh. This beautiful collie, (Hon, has been presented to Mr. and Mrs. Hoover, na was bred at tho Bell Haven kennels In Redbnnk, K. J., and has a pedigree longer than an elephant's trunk. Miss Kay Harrison, who was selected to he the Banff carnival queen for 1020. She Is an expert snowshocr and 6kl-runuc- r. Great Bird Collection. In a census of birds taken by an Oxford undergraduate those of Kensington gardens, London, totaled to 2.G03 sparrows. 411 including starlings, 280 titmice and 2G moorhens. 3,980, black-beade- d seagulls, ST An unusual view of the big guns and mast of the flagship ot the States battle fleet, the California, exercise that Is, hoist during flag Uie ships "alphabet" flags, which are used In signaling. The dock-1n rnn with 10 marks on It, 1,000 yards for each nurnbe 1 |