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Show VOLUME 3 OGDEN, UTAH, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 2 NUMBER 192S. CITY BUDGET FOR iW i i 1929 IS FINALLY DECIDED UPON Grand Total Calls for an Expenditure of $371,792.72 and Effects Saving of $12,732.80; New Golf Course, Stadium, Landscaping of River Drive Iark Among Improvements Seven new herds of national renown year These herds represent shorthorns, and guernherfords, aherdeen-angu- s sey cattle and mostly come from the corn belt und Pacific coast section of the United States. Among these entries will be some of the outstanding winners in the liovinn world this season, und their addition to the list of exhibits that huve been displayed here at Previous Ogden shows will make litis the leading quality livestock show held in the country this year. Chumpions from the east and the west will meet in the Ogden ring for the first time this season, and the national grund champion bull in both the herefurd and the shorthorn breeds will hu rrowned by the judges, who will do the placing at the Tenth Og- den show. The new herds that will make their initiul appearance at Ogden January A'Uro Mr. M. E. Singleton, Midlothin, Texas, headed by the grand champion Hhorthorn bull at the Kansas City Uoynl; Kenwood Stock Farms, Kenwood, With 20,000 rabbits smarming over County Fish and Game Protective association will be held Sunday, December 30, in order that a larger number of sportsmen may participate, it is announced by Lew Whittaker. The drive was cheduled to take place today. Instead of driving individual cars, the association has arranged for busses that will leave the corner of Kiesel avenue and Twenty-fourt- h street promptly at 6 oclock Sunday morning. Reservations can be made at any sporting goods store by a deposit of the fare, $150 for the round trip. An extra effort is being made to make the drive one of the largest and most successful in the history of the organization in order that the farmers and ranchers in the vicinity of Promontory will not be menaced by the rabbits next summer like they were during the past season when an urgent call for a drive was made at which time thousands of the bunnies were killed and the crops saved in many instances. Sanitary Association To Hold Meetings Here The Intermountain Livestock Sanitary association will hol its annual meeting in connection with the Tenth Annual Livestock show in Ogden January 8 and 9, it is announced by W. II. Hendricks, state veterinarian for Utah and secretary of the association. Mayor Frank Francis will welcome the members of the organization to the city at their first meeting to be held Tuesday January 8, at 9:30 p. m. at the Hotel Bigelow. Dr. N. C. Spaulding, president of the association, will be in charge of the meetings. Several prominent veterinarians and livestock inspectors throughout the surroundng states will give addresses during the convention which will close January 8 with the election of officers for the coming year. Freed on Arson Charge; Fined for Being Drunk Joe Garcia. Mexican, arrested December 20 by railroad detectives, on a charge of arson after setting fire to the paper lining in a freight car, was fined $50 on a charge of drunkenness by Judge John A. Hendricks in the city court. The more serious charge of arson in the second degree was dismissed. Garcia's attorney informed the court that his client had a job waiting for him t$ prominent cornbelt shorthorn breed- Great Progress During Year; Brilliant Outlook tor Ogden in '29 Ogden is rounding out the year 1928 with more than ordinary satisfaction. The holiday trade has been good very good in most lines. Christmas has been a happy occasion for most of the people. To be sure there are those whb are unemployed, but most of our are employed at good pay. The year 1928, taken as a whole, has been a successful year for Ogden. The bank clearances and resources have been constantly on the increase, so much so as to be marked. Railroad transportation in the number of cars of freight moved through this gateway has set a new record. The livestock market has shown phenomenal gains, and the meat packing industry has prospered. The vegetable and fruit canning industry, of which Ogden is the center, is rounding out a prosperous season. The wholesale and jobbing interests have experienced a profitable business throughout the entire territory covered by Ogden. Ogden has set a high mark in the number of conventions held here during the year. These conventions have been both national and state, and it is estimated that more than 10,000 people attended these gatherings. The money spent by convention visitors is" so vast that ir added materially to our wealth. During the year large additions have been made to the Speery and Globe flour mills, additions which added materially to the output and increased the number of employes. During the year favorable freight rates have enabled our milling interests to reach more distant territory in which to sell their products. The increased importance of railroad passenger service has made it necessary for the Union Depot company to erect a half mile of passenger train sheds of late design and approved construction. The Mountain States Implement company has completed a modwage-earne- rs ern fireproof warehouse for the storage of farm implements for its chain system of stores in Utah and Idaho. The Zion Wholesale Grocery company has also completed a warehouse for the storage of merchandise for their Red and White stores. Residence building has also been active during the year, and it is estimated that more than 200 homes have been built. But few of these homes can be called cheap structures as they will range in price from $3,000 to $40,000. Apartments for perhaps fifty families have also been erected, one of which is among the finest in the city. There has also been a fine addition to the Dee hospital, erected at a cost of many thousands of dollars. To the south of the city the elegant new home of the Ogden Golf and Country club has been completed and the grounds landscaped. In the list cf improvements, amusements must not be neglected. There i3 the fine, modern bathing resort at El Monte Springs, just outside the mouth of Ogden canyon. There is the elegant, luxurious Virginia,- an adjunct to the White City Gardens and the extensive betterments and improvements in the popular resort. The old and popular Orpheum theatre has been changed and renovated and conhouse. Herman Baker post, American verted into a talkie-movi- e Legion, has completed the interior of their chateau and are preparing to build a castle front on the edifice. This post has the finest club rooms in the intermountain region. Thus it is Ogden has prospered and progressed along all material lines. - CITY AND COUNTY year has brought about permanent improvements in the nature of roads and highways. Two improvements of note are the Ilarrisviile and Wilson Lane sections of paved highway which connected the county and city paved roadways. During the year the city commission found ways and means to give Ogden what will one day become the finest located airport in Utah. Already a considerable amount of money has been expended. An administration building and comfort station have been erected, water has been provided and will be piped early in the year. The 1929 budget carries $10,000 for the airport. During the year the people in the extreme south end of the city have been provided with water by the extension of the mains of the municipal water system. Highly efficient and expensive street grading and maintenance equipment has been purchased, which has greatly reduced the expense of operating this department. Street paving to the extent of eight The or more blocks has been completed. Lincoln avenue has been opened to the Rivcrdale section of the state highway, giving the city another cutlet to the south. During the year a new contract for street lighting was negotiated which made a saving of $5,000 to the city. It was also largely due to the prompt action of the Ogden City commission in grunting a franchise that the natural gas company was enabled to come into Utah. In the west part of the city, neur the Welter river, extensive improvements are being made which will abate a nuisance and improve sanitary conditions at the city garbage dump. Nor has the department of public safety been neglected. Under the efficient management of Mayor Francis and Chief Harry Anderson the force has been completely reorganized and its members provided with snappy uniforms. 1929 January ing establishment, will also exhibit 17 head at Ogden this year. New Hereford exhibitors are Walter Hills farm of Livingston, Montana, with the Chicago International grand champion cow and junior champion bull, and l)r. D. I), Van Voorhis, Beecher, Illinois, who will show nine select animals. J. B. Bollinger, Chapman, Kansas, and Harrison A Ryan, Ilarlan, Iowa, will exhibit Aberdeen (Continued on Page Eight) Community Singers Join With Associated Glee Clubs of America s Recognition of the work done by Community Singers, Ogden's I popular male chorus under the direc-rHtiof Professor Reid Cox, is seen I in the announcement by Mr. Cox that I the chorus, in connection with other I male choruses of Utah, has been ac- cepted to membership by The Asso- I dated Glee dubs of America. I Thia vast organization, sponsoring ss programs throughout the entire corner pony, puts the clubs on a firm basis under the direction of the officers of the national organization. Programs I are outlined and individual benefit is I received in the monthly magazine of I the organization. Identification with the national or- I ganizution became possible through the splendid work done by the AssoI rt: I dated Glee clubs of Utah in their music week concerts last May, it was I stated by Mr. Cox. Concerts were EE given in Ogden, Salt Lake, Provo and EE Logan in the order named, with out- I standing success that really made I musical history in Utah. While the individual dubs in Utah are not large I enough to become members of the I national organization, the combined I group in the state were admitted as a ZZ unit. I Each of the six clubs is now work-zz- z I ing on a new program to be given during February, the exact dates to I be announced later. More thoughl I and attention has been given to the selection of the program this year, EE While each leader has selected the number he will direct, the entire program has been passed upon by i committee in order to secure ss I central balance and quality to the program I Directors who had heavy numben I last year have lighter numbers foi I this year in order to give the othei directors the opportunity to presen! j a classical number, jcslI The individual clubs are now work scs ing on the ensemble numbers and com EE bined reversals will start in the neai I future with individual dubs exchanging visits with each other at first I In addition to the community singors, the other five choruses and theii directors are: the Imperial ipale chor of Logan, A. J. South wick, diree tor; Metropolitan male cohrus of Sal Lake, W. F. Robinson, 'director EE Swanee Singers of Salt Lake, B. F Pullman, director; Gustav Adolpl I Swedish male chorus of Salt Lake, A C. Olsen, director aijd the Msn I delssohn male chorus of Provo witi EE William F. Hansen, director. Mtho on For the year 1929 the city commissioners have an ambitious program and have mode provision in the budget for the same. It is proposed to pave as much of Grant and Lincoln uvcnucs as possible; make substantial improvements at the airport; construct a municipal golf course in the River Drive park; purchase apparatus for the oiling of streets, and pave various streets as are demanded by property owners. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE During the past year the Ogden chamber of commerce has been very active and has achieved great bucccbr. Largely through the efforts of this body the livestock show and Wool Growers convention was a success, and it was instrumental in bringing many conventions to the city. During the past year the chamber has also been active in promoting road improvements, especially in Weber canyon and on to Evanston. It has also promoted and sponsored numerous trade and good will excursions into adjoining states. During the year the chamber has taken up new quarters in the Hotel Bigelow, where it has very desirable quarters. The matter of securing conventions for Ogden has again been successful. During 1929 the following shows and conventions have been secured: Ogden Livestock show, California, a shorthorn herd of high standing in the western division of ihe United States; F. M. Rothrock, Spokane, Washington, with the grand champion shorthorn bull from the Pacific International at Portland; Mathers Brothers, Mason City, Illinois, a 1 the farms near Prtimontory, the organized rabbit drive of the Weber exhibited at the Tenth Annual Ogden Livestock show, according to .h ssie Erwin, office secretary, who is busily engaged in listing the entries .is they runic into the show office and making up the judging books that will he tlie u wards records of the show this $584,525.52 571,792.72 Rabbit Drive Sunday; Thousands of Bunnies On Promontory Farms FOR STOCK SHOW will be $ 60,507.53 Total $571,792.72 The following items are included in the above totals: Supervision of play, $15G0; airport, $10,000; street openings, bridge, paving, curbs and gutters, sidewalks, golf course, stadium, plan for landscaping River Drive park, etc., $29,500. PROMISED Number of Entries Far Surpass Those of Iiast Year; Quality to be Second to None Estimated surplus December 31, 1929 $ 3,341.35 Total requests for 1929 $632,300.25 Final adopted budget 571,792.72 Decrease over 1928 ... $ 12,732.80 budget In the itemized budget provisions are made as follows: $ 6,875.00 Department of Audit Department of Public Af fairs and Finance 32,554.00 Department of Public Safety 145,782.00 Department of Parks and Public Property 24,568.00 Department of City 19,890.00 Cemetery Department of Public Health 24,783.00 Department of Streets and Public Improvements 134,480.00 Statutory, General and 182,758.72 Contingent Fund T Champions from East and West Will Meet in the Ogden Ring for l'irt Time This Season; After weeks of arduous labor and grave consideration, the Ogden city commission has adopted the 19;9 budget. In making the budget, conferences were held with the Weber county unit of the Utah Taxpayers association, social service clubs,' and prominent citizens.v Effort was made to give consideration to all interests and improvements thatworthy would most benefit the city. Following is the balanced budget and appropriations made for the most important items: General Fund Estimated revenue $575,131.07 Total budget 1020 571,792.72 Adjustments Total budget of 1928 Adopted budget of 1929 ARE 4 0. Intermountain Sanitary convention, January Regional Trust convention, September 7. Utah Bottlers association. State Coal Dealers association. National Association of Operative Millers. State Pharmaceutical association, June Utah State Laundrymena association, June. District Conference of Lions. American Legion convention, August. Intermountain Clothers association. Utah State Trap Shooters association. Western Division United States Chamber of Commerce. Negotiations are under way for other conventions which have not yet been signed up. During the year the Chicago and Northwestern and the Union Pacific railroads will include Ogden as sightseeing points for three excursion trains each week. Seventeen other other special trains have been booked for stops in Ogden. The following figures, compiled by the National llotelmens association concerning convention expenditures, will be of interest in this connection as they show how the community profits from convention visitors: Spent for hotels and rooms, 20.3 per cent; merchandise, 26 per cent; restaurants, 23.5 per cent; autos, oil and gas, 11.5 per cent; transportation, 7 per cent; taxies, buses, etc., 3.3 per cent; theatres and amusements, 2.5 per cent; candies, cigars, etc., 5.9 per cent. These arc a few of the reasons why Ogden is thankful for the old year and face with confidence the year which is coming. TIIE BUILDING RECORD Up to this date there were 210 building permits issued in Ogden and the total estimates value of these buildings is given at $1,283,085. During 1927 there were 308 permits issued of a total estimated value of $1,005,260. From the above it will be seen that while there were 68 less permits issued the estimated value is $277,805 greater. 8-- 9. 20-2- 1. 1 1 I - I 1 - s:us rB. GEUY HOME FROM DEER AREA R. E. Gcry, assistant district foi ester in charge of lands and wil game, has returned from the Kaiba National forest. He recently wur there to superintend the killing of lilies number of surplui deor. |