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Show r it, fc J fc..3...y ? s' v ,; .' y V f " .rz .,, C v. vA i' y rs 4 ? r.ix a . I'':-- Lakeside Review, Wednesday, June 15, 1988 5A pr i'i I- ON COOL FASHIONS 3 GREAT DAYS! SHOP f FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF GREAT SUMMER PRICES! OF MISSES SUMMER WEIGHT PANTS SAVE 30 r.,u ' Choose ' XI from a great selection! Reg. SAVINGS IN THE CUBE MENS COTTON SWEATERS JUNIOR SHORTS, entire stock reg. 'price styles, SAVE famous names, reg. 16.00-24.0JUNIOR WHITE DENIM, entire stock reg. price styles, excludes Guess, reg. 44.00-49.0SAVE JUNIOR SWIMWEAR, favorites names, excludes 26.99-34.9Preview '89, reg. 36.00-42.0- 26.99-29.9- 9 30. 20.00-34.0- Misses Separates. Save on solid crew or Rugby stripe crew pullovers. By Alexander Duran. Reg. 36.00-40.0- Mens Sportswear. 50. i O MISSES SHORTS SAVE 50 ;c: and. styles. Reg. Z, MISSES WALK ... A selection of I Reg. -- & ELASTIC SHORTS SAVE WAIST 30 Perspectives. MISSES SUMMER TOPS ' JUNIOR AND TANKS, beach inspired & international logo styles, reg. 18.00, 13.99. JUNIOR TOPS, wovens, in plaids and solids, reg. Assorted colors, sizes Mens 0 SAVE .v Choose from assorted styles by Laura and Jayne, Gianna, Townhouse,-SusaHutton, Shapely and Rhoda Lee. Reg. Misses Blouses and Vantage Point. 30 15.00-40.0- . T T . BY ADIDAS" HANDBAGS Twill 14.99-19.9- 9 Reg. Choose from a large selection of styles by Banja. Fashion Handbags. Reg. s, 24.00-60.00- now , 17.99-44.9- Misses Swimwear. 9. 19.99 100 cotton and cotton blends waist and belted styles. Sizes Men's Slacks. 9 32-40- Reg. 14.00-38.0- Fashion Accessories. FASHION BELTS 6.99-24.9- 9 91 19.99-39.9- 9.99-12.9- SHOES 9.99 15.00. SUMMER DRESSES, choose from print or solid color dresses, petite sizes reg. 40.00-54.0now 29.99-39.9BETTER DRESSES, special selection of famous 89.99. maker prints and solids, petite sizes ADDITIONAL 13 SAVINGS on already reduced dresses, tops, bottoms and coordinates in petite sizes, now through 4, Sunday, June 19. 24.00-44.0- , FRIDAY, SATURDAY, SUNDAY ONLY. PRIVATE AFFAIRS BY Stretch lace bras and briefs. Reg. Foundations. days only 6.65-11.5- 5. WOMENS WORLD BLOUSES Z SAVE 40 (IK Solids and prints by famous makers. Sizes 18W-24now 16.80-21.6Reg. 28.00-36.0Women's World. 0, 0, WOMENS WORLD SUMMER FOUNDATION CLEARANCE SAVE 50 OFF ORIGINAL PRICE ft 18W-24- 22.00-84.0- now 13.20-50.4- 0. 12.00-16.0- now 5.99-7.9- Foundations. 9. Gowns, sleepshirts and pajamas in selection of summer fabrics. Sizes styles available in xl. Reg. 30.00-52.0- Choose from a selection of summer styles and fabrics by famous makers. Sizes .Reg. a great some 9.10-13.1- SHORTS, by T&C, Quicksilver and more, 19.99. 0 SHORTS & SWIM TRUNKS, summer's tank tops, 3.99. hottest colors, 7.99-9.9BOYS 4-- 7 SHORTS & TANK TOPS, choose from a selection, shorts 4.99-6.9tops, 2.99. GIRLS 4 SWIMWEAR, Little Dippers and more, 4 17.99-19.9- 9. breezy styles, super ROMPERS & SHORT SETS, a great assortment of styles, 11.9912.99, GIRLS Nylon kit in WARNERS BUY TWO, GET ONE FREE BACK'" UNDERWIRE, style 34-3- 6 B, C, D. 17.00-18.0- 0. 1020. Sizes style 1218. Sizes Assortment varies by store. Foundations. FRONT CLOSURE UNDERWIRE, style 1006. Sizes 34-3B, C, D. 15.50-16.5LACE DRESSINGS'" FRONT CLOSURE BRA. 0. 6 34-3- 6 B, C, D. 16.00-17.0- Choose STORE HOURS: : MON.-FR- I. 10 AM--9 PM; SAT. 10 AM-- 7 ACCOUNT. TO ORDER. PM; SUN. 12 CALL THE BON. OGDEN NOON-- 5 PM a selection 16.00-26.0- dress leather by Justin Men's Accessories. of cotton short sleeve woven styles by Shah now Reg. 20.00-26.0- 100 Safari. Sizes 15.00-19.5- 0. l. Tiger Shop. YOUNG MENS NIKOATA PANTS SAVE 25 OGDEN CITY MALL LAYTON HILLS MALL CHARGE IT ON YOUR BON. AMERICAN EXPRESS'. VISA' OR MASTERCARD' Accessoriea YOUNG MENS WOVEN SHIRTS SAVE 25 . 100 THE CHOICES ARE from Cross. Reg. Sizes WHERE 7.50 or grey, 7.50. Mens 0. I THE BON MARCHE. black MENS BELTS SAVE 25 the same assortment absolutely free of charge. Here are just a few of the styles available. Summer lounge dresses, 100 and women's sizes. Reg. 26.00-44.0- k TRAVEL KITS SIZZLES -l cotton classic white briefs, crew neckv-necnow reg. 310,50-312.50- , 37.88-39.3- 8. Fashion low rise briefs, reg. 4.50, now 3.38. Men's Underwear. All SHORTS, ENTIRE STOCK REG. PRICE LOUNGEWEAR SAVE 30 cotton, sizes 0. ENTIRE STOCK MENS CARL MICHAELS UNDERWEAR SAVE 25 9; T Women's World. m 0 When you buy two terrific Warners bras you receive one more of equal or lesser value from 0. 9m 8-2- BOYS GIRLS SLEEPWEAR SAVE 30 COORDINATES SAVE 40 T :; 3 0, BOYS 9; 30 9.50-16.5- Cotton polyester broadcloth pajamas, solids and now stripes, reg. 13.00-1900- , Broadcloth travel robe, one size, reg. 22.00, now 15.40. Mens Sleepwear. KIDSWORLD SAVINGS shades, 6.99. Orig. H ENTIRE STOCK MENS CARL MICHAELS PAJAMAS & ROBES SAVE 30 & Choose cotton and cotton knit sleepwear or cotton sundresses. Selection may vary by store. ' Reg. Sleepwear Robes. MAIDENFORM SAVE tr an assortment of neats and paisleys, special purchase, 12.99. Traditional polysilk, special purchase 9.99. Men's Neckwear. Casual Shoes Hosiery. MISSES SLEEPWEAR LOUNGEWEAR 19.99 9 Silk in with elastic side gores. Comfortable slip-on- s of fashion colors. Reg. selection from a Choose 9. 2, : MENS NECKWEAR CASUAL CANVAS TENNIS 9. v 5, 4, now 19.99. sizes reg. 28.00-36.0FAMOUS MAKER COORDINATES, jackets, pants, skirts, blouses by Koret, TanJay and Russ. Petite sizes now'' reg. 32.00-60.0- tar Entire stock Carl Michaels broadcloth, long sleeve solid and fancies, full or fitted, reg. 20.00-21.0now 15.00-15.7Short sleeve solids and fancies, 18.00-19.0now 12.99. Men's Dress Shirts. orig. 7.50-40.0- Fundamental Things, Counterparts" petite I 4.99-23.9- 9 Spring and summer colors at terrific savings Earrings, bracelets, necklaces by Monet, Napier, Catherine Stein and more! Assorted styles. Were Fashion Jewelry. 9. 0, half elastic Reg. 28.00. MENS CARL MICHAELS DRESS SHIRTS SAVE 25 FASHION JEWELRY SUMMER KNIT TOPS, SWEATERS, petite sizes now 12.99-19.9reg. 28.00-34.0CAREER BLOUSES, georgette and crepe de chine, petite sizes reg. 28.00-32.0now 19.99. CAREER AND CASUAL PANTS, Haggard . Save on 356 beltloop, Nova Beltloop, tri blend, duckcloth, triwool slacks plus sport coats and suit separates. Selection may vary by store. Men's Haggar. Choose from selected styles including leather and Fashion gabardine stretch. Reg. CLEARANCE in ENTIRE STOCK MENS HAGGAR1 SAVE 25-3- 0 Accessories. PETITE SALE SAVE 25 -- 40 tennis shorts, coordinating polos and 18.00-32.0Men's Activewear. MENS CASUAL SLACKS 10.00-36.0- 'Preview B9 not included. 13.50-24.0- 0 20.00-28.0- two-piec- one-piec- 33 MENS TENNIS SEPARATES Choose from cotton, rayon and silk oblongs and squares. In a selection of patterns and colors. Jantzen, Catalina, Anne Cole, Roxanne, Robby Len and more. Choose constructed and unconstructed. Plus rompers, jumpsuits, cover-upmatching accessories. Reg. 12.00-140- cotton by Crew. Assorted styles in sizes Reg. 30.00, now 19.99. Mens Sportswear 100 SUMMER FABRIC 9.99-24.9- ENTIRE STOCK MISSES SWIMWEAR SAVE 25 Reg. Activewear. NOVELTY SHIRTS SAVE SUMMER SCARVES ... & MENS SHORT SLEEVE JUNIOR TANK TOPS, selection of brights and pastels, reg. 8.00, 5.99. JUNIOR CASUAL CAPRI PANTS, knit and 19.99. sheeting, reg. 24.00-26.0JUNIOR CAREER AND WEEKEND DRESSES, 29.99-59.9- 9. reg. 46.00-92.0- summer colors and casual styles. 19.00-30.0- MENS TANK TOPS SAVE 25 9. 18.00. Misses Sportswear and Vantage Point. , . Your favorite colors , LAYTON HILLS MALL cotton 28-3- and cotton blends, prints and solids. reg. 28,00, now 21.00. Tiger Shop. |