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Show 4C Lakeside Review North, Wednesday, October 31, 1984 Ha wkins Can Do 3ary hatch $Woods Cross wiry running tfeck Jeff Hawkins doesn't do ev- erything for the Wildcats, but tjpach Larry Elcracher is con vinced Hawkins could do it all if the team needed him to. Hawkins stands weighs in at about 1 S-- 70 ll heavy traffic. Hes strong and gets the few extra yards good backs was at Highland, and Jeff is the best one Ive ever seen, Eldracher said. He stated it so that he instantly dispelled any inference of a gush. Everything a back needs to do, he does well," Eldracher pdded. He runs with great balance and has a good change of pace move. Hes a good cutback ruftner and he has good speed - not necessarily great speed, but once hes broken a run open he hasnt been caught from behind this season. And Eldracher wasnt through. Hes also a good runner in review Sports Editor and pounds but thats a strong 170 pounds, Eldracher is quick to add. Ive been in coaching nine sea-- sons and have been associated yith quite a few running backs,I when .including one all-stat- er All If Needed 12 will get. And he also catches the ball well. Of nine TDs hes had this season four have been catching the ball, 7 Eldracher added. There is still one more quality Eldracher mentioned that makes Hawkins a complete bacl$. He blocks for other runners when he isnt carrying the ball. He blocks as hard and as well when hes blocking as he runs when hes running the ball," ''"' ' sw " m 'iff Sounds too good to be true, but a brief look at a few of Hawkins statistics through the first seven games of the season (hes seen very little action the last two games because of a bout with mononucleosis) lend credence to what Eldracher says. After seven games Hawkins had rushed for around 800 yards, which is about a clip; averaged about 6.3 yards per carry; and had scored nine touchdowns. One footnote to all of this is that Hawkins sometimes carries the ball as few as 12 times in a game. He did carry 29 times in one game, but usually his carries number in the teens. As Eldracher says, Hawkins may have been able to rack up higher statistics if the Wildcat attack wasnt so balanced. Then again, that diverse offense may be part of the reason for his success at least in the number of yards per carry category. Still,. Eldracher likes the balance his team has shown this year. This year we have such a CARING FOR YOUR OLDER PET As your dog htcomta oldor, ho will uxporiouct heart falluro, arthritis, kldsty dedisoaso, hoaring Iota and various tumors just Ilka kia oldor mastsr. Doga alto irritable aad velop tootk tad gum ditoato, kava digtstive praklsmt aod kacomt ' ' "grouchy'. There art happy. Just tions. At this time your veterinarian can discuss any minor problems that may be dietary reproaant bsfsre tkay become major anas. Older animals have special For oxamplo, dogt quirements also which can ho discussed with your veterinarian. with weak kidneys should bo eating a diet that it easy tor the kidneys to bandit. Dogt with heart problemt should bo on a low todium diet aod to an. Exorcise it important in aider pats also. Taking your dog for a wall will help control hit weight and keep his heart and lunga in good shape, huhw also helps alow the onset of arthritis and htlpt in the digestive proceta. If you have questions concerning your older pet, ask your veterinarian, at your pota health depends on it. 1 1 , Denzel 1 .... i to you aa a public aorvlea from: Taylor, D.V.M. Marr 0. Fawcett, D.V.M. Brought E. Etta Bakar, D.V.M.; Evan Gublar, : A a law basic things wa eao do to help ksep our older pets kaathly aad like older poopla, older pats should have regular physical examina- D.V.M; David Frame, D.V.M Layton Veterinary Hospital Clearfield Vet. Clinic 1538 N. Main Layton e 776-151- 773-257- 428 0 N. Main Clearfield e 1 776-43- 72 ' attack that I havent very often had to say to well-balanc- ed myself, Lets get the ball to Jeff," Eldracher said. I sometimes do find myself saying that, but not as often as you might think. Jeff is just a part of our offense, although probably our biggest part," he added. Eldracher describes Hawkins as and a tough competitor. He has some spunk and inner drive that helps him to succeed. Jeff is very coachable. He is also a very intense young man, and he is often his own worst critic . . . We usually dont have to do much coaching with him, but every once in a while hell get his dander up if you tell him be flubbed up, Eldracher added.. feisty Photo by Robert Regan :'JEFF HAWKINS struggles for more i ':Two Area Teams yards in a game earlier this season. Lose TACO BAR Now bar-- all our taco expanding you can eat lunch. By popular demand. Farmington Wins WFFL Mini Bowl tn Saturdays Wasatch Front football League Mini Bowl, Farmington beat Brigham City, ;Jh the 75 pound A" league; Lo- 1 7-- gan posted a 0, victory over Farmington in the league; and Logan turned back in the Sunset, 26-- 6 90-pou- 27-1- 125-pou- 8, league. The games were played at Ogden City Stadium. run Bradley Palmers and PAT accounted for all the points for unbeaten Farmington which compiled an 0 record. Brigham City finished the year 8-- 8-- 1. mate Grant Powless ran for two extra points. Judd Cummings had a kickoff return for Farmington, 2 on the season. Logans Todd Wilson fired three touchdown passes and Mike yards to Jeff Nyman and 9 yards to Steve James. Wilson ran for two PATs and passed to Nyman for a third as Logan ended the season Jason Blair ran 60 yards for one Sunset score and added an- Tremayne run. punt 're? turn closed out the scoring for Sunset, which wound up with a 1 mark. 60-ya- rd 6-- Logans Brian Hanchett scored four TDs to power his 1 team past Farmington. Hanchetts scoring runs covered 7 and 52 yards. He also returned an interception 25 yards and caught a pass from Scott Robinson. Team 7-- 38-ya- rd returned . an interception 60 yards for another score. Wilsons scoring strikes ered 6 yards to cov,21 Richard Price, he cut to the outside ;1 tackles, for the score. land raced The seemed to brake the play 5 65-yar- ds 2146 North Main other TD on an Brook Spencers LAYTON 773-53- 34 66-ya- rd 7-- VOTE FOR pass to end the half. The Wildcats added the final score on their first possession of a the second half drive with the score coming from a pass from Todd Smith to Scott Jenson. This was an important game for us. We didnt want to lose, Eldracher said. 48-ya- RESTAUR ANTE 8-- 0. f Cats Overpower East Continued from page IB. $395 . rd Leopards spirit. They were gloomed to go winless in Region 5lay. 2 He (Gomez) is a super athlete. !Jle could play any position, even quarterback, Eldracher said. Gomez has returned two We played well, but I hope we for touchdowns, but this was havent peaked as a team, He This first punt return for a TD, he added. run fUl InJ inI kick-Jbf- fs Ridded. 2 On the Cats next possession, with Gomez jhey drove to up the the .one from in agoing score to 21-- 7 with 32 seconds left. inr the half. Z Woods Cross defensive back IXevin Cullimore intercepted a 74-yar- ds , We are looking for a good week of practice, and we will be ready for our first playoff game. This is the first time the Wildcats, as well as Eldracher as a head coach, have been in the. state playoffs. m UP "I'm not my old lovably self I'm around cigarettes I get real cranky. So want all you smokers to quit once and for all. And who knows You might even put a smile on my face." ' r. ; 0 STATESMAN o EXPERIENCED o o HONEST when I LEADER . fcfr MMING DO! DTOSXT 11Y. .ha , !i, NO MORE MR. NICE GUYI Jb ..Hill o FAMILY o KNOWLEDGEABLE MAN American Cancer Society trim o INDUSTRIOUS o GOD FEARING si Mr er in.tiu'nrj hsh ' o o COURTEOUS EFFECTIVE i - HARRY Irut TC3G MR. GERLACHS MAJOR GOALS INCLUDE: QUALIFIED 2. continue making our government responsive, responsible and accountable. To see to completion programs and policies set into motion such as economic development, flood control, fiscal procedures, public safety, v emergency services, criminal justice, and communications. 3. To 1. candidate mn Tom is a CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT with 14 years of audit experience in industry and government. , continue maintaining a conservative, yet progressive, stance in the areas of taxation, revenue and expenditures taxation must be kept "7 under control, To continue to push for. Legislative and State Tax Commission reforms and equity in taxation. Residential and local commercial property owners are assuming Too Much of the tax burden. 1 As DEPUTY STATE AUDITOR, Tom is rightly respected for his ability to watchdog STATE government finances and his ability to bring about cost cutting improvements in local governments. Paid for by the Committee to elect Tom Allen State Auditor. To . UTAH STATE AUDITOR : 4u-- J; GERLACH LrUV 4. Paid for by H. B. Gerlach - Gerlach For Commissioner A |