Show in A14 Sanpete Wednesday October 20 2004 Valley Edition Messenger-Gunniso- n - Farming mimmnm £r mm ISN’T WHAT IT USED TO BE Homecoming week kepi the town decorated for at least seven and days this year' lie paint has now run off the store windows the colder weather has finally set in hut the memories of another The fun week will last m the minds of those who participated only thing that would have "lopped the cake” would have been a win over (he Juab Wasps! Hut life goes on I)r Keith and Michelle Willmoie were in town for the festivities and allowed the childicn to slay in various homes all over the lends Kami stayed with Nichole valley as they visited their Anderson lmdsay stayed with Kaillyn Hike and Jacob and Nathan BUT THAT DOESN’T MAKE IT ANY EASIER EITHER a big dinner was Afterwards stayed with the Agieri household hosted by the Tucker family for the Willmores and friends It was good to see them Dr Willmore is now woikmg as a physician for Hi igliam Young University Health Center in I’rovo and they are cuirenily renting a home m Springs ille while they are building another home Dr Willmore said he enjoys Ins weekends with his family and he alsoeiioys Ins new line of woik A Ing welcome goes out to several new families who have he Jared Anderson family Dal moved to the Gunnison Valley WE un Jtnld amily John Peterson Family Hen Hill amily and Huan lyman Family all moved into the Gunnison he Sudwecks Ward boundanes amily and the Salas Family moved into the Gunnison 'I Imd Ward boundaries Melissa Judy wife ol Di Caiey Judy had her sister Heather Drown come and stay ovei the weekend as she hosted a jewelry paity lor family and fi lends Heather has a beautiful talent in making personalied jewelry and has done so lor a lew years She of Rev and Kathy Htown of Centerfield is also the Heather curiently tesides in Wellsville (near Logan) and enjoyed Sclleis Family Second Can Help We've been helping local farmers with loans on equipment crops and farm management for years We can help our farmers manage the resources they need to stay profitable her slant stay m Sanpete Valley Gunnison Valley Jaycecs held then annual election and made H re their new piestdenl Carl Cox the (or and Toriann Woithington the new secretary Melissa Judy will fulfill one moie year as the club's treasurer They aie cuirenily discussing fall fundiaiser ideas The Jaycees' "slightly belore Halloween" paity was fun with food and cray costumes Jesse Stop by and let us talk about your current and future farming needs heir next social will be m the winter season Alex Hove a singer originally from London Lngland came and spoke to all the Gunnison Valley youth ages 12 to 18 and lie Gunnison their paienls Stake Center was full and hud chairs into the cultural hall His message of “you ate what you think” came across stiong as he related Ins experience in the music dustry and has a testimony ol the iower of music in the lives of youth of today He challenged the youth to really pay attention to lyrics in music and not just say they “like the beat" His message ol keeping high moiul stundaids was motivational for all who tended NOTICE OF TEST OF ° AUTOMATIC TABULATION EQUIPMENT Public notice is heieby given that on October 28 2004 at 4 00 in m the ollicc of the County C’leik of Sanpete County in Manti at the Saiiiete Courthouse Utah there will be conducted a test of the automatic tabulating equipment to be used result tabulate the the General Llection to be held to of 2 2004 Individuals with disabilities needing special accommodations during this proceeding should contact Kristine II at least 3 woik days in advance rischknecht (415) Kiistme Frischknecht Sanjicte County Cletk 528-722- i Get the Flu Shot Not The Flu Factory 2nds Sale Now Going Onexp Medicare Part B pays for flu shots 4 wwwmedicaregov iSSmr WTTifTCfkMo nil Free Factory Water Seal Free Lifetime Warranty 3269 South Main 100 Salt Lake City UT 84115 Office Hours: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm (801) Case No 42317 Team ASSS THIS COMMUNICATION IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE Publish Sanpete MessengerGunnison Valley Edition Oct 13 20 27 2004 L&A NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE APN: 3492x2 Trust No 1068680-0REF: Brandon J Hansen TRA: LOAN NO 2006559435 IMPORTANT NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNER: YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A DEED OF TRUST DATED January 26 2000 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY IT MAY BE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THIS PROCEEDING YOU SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER On November 18 2004 at 11:00 am James H Woodall as duly appointed Trustee under a Deed of Trust recorded January 31 2000 as Instrument No 00076078 in Book 00446 Page 00896 of the Official Records in the office at the County Recorder of Sanpete County State of Utah executed by Brandon J Hansen and Samantha Hill Hansen Husband And Wife will sell at public auction to highest bidder payable in lawful money of the United States at the time of sale Successful bidders must tender a deposit of $5000 in certified funds to the trustee at the time of sale with the balance due by noon the following business day at the office of the Trustee At the main entrance of the Sanpete County District Court 160 N Main Manti Utah all right title and interest conveyed to and now held by it under said Deed of Trust in the property situated in said County and State described as: Beginning 1196 chains East thence North deg 45' East 277 chains thence South 88 deg 45' East 16644 feet of the Southwest corner of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of section East Salt Lake Base and Meridian 29 township 19 South range thence South 88 deg 45' East 18600 feet thence South deg 34' West 278 chains thence North 88 deg 45' West 18600 feet thence North deg 45' East 277 chains to the point of beginning The street address and other common designation of the real property described above is purported to be: 95 North 100 East Centerfield UT 84622 Estimated Total Debt as of November 18 2004 is $8606350 Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrect- The undersigned jf & RAINBOW DIRECT OF UTAH 33 East 12675 South Draper Q td 93004 100's of Chemical Free Redwood-ReCedar Swingsets to Choose From Best Time: September - November Not Too Late: December January February For Information Call or visit 1013 20MG NOTICE OF TRUSTEE’S SALE The following described property will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder payable in lawful money of the United States at the West Foyer on West Steps Sanpete County Courthouse 160 North Main Manti Utah on November 9 2004 at 1200 p m of said day for the purpose of foreclosing a trust deed originally executed on November 12 2002 by Steven Walser as trustor in favor of Elkridge Financial covering the following real property purported to be located in Sanpete County at 20 East 500 South Gunnison UT 84634 (the undersigned disclaims liability for any error in the address) and more particularly described 38 chains West and North " East 755 chains and North 89" West 50 chains and North 5" East 4 90 chains and North 89r ' East 2 26 chains from West 38726 feet and North the Quarter Section corner between Sections 20 and 21 Township 19 South East Salt Lake Base and Meridian thence North 1° East Range 161 04 feet thence South 89" East 13600 feet thence South 1" West 6 04 feet thence North 89° West 3600 feet more or less to the point of beginning Being part of Parcel 2 Plat “A” Gunnison City Survey Together with all the improvements now or hereafter erected on the property and all easements appurtenances and fixtures now or hereafter a part of the property The current beneficiary of the trust deed is National City Mortgage Co and the record owner of the property as of the recording of the notice of default is Steven Walser The sale is subject to a bankruptcy filing a payoff a reinstatement or any other condition of which the trustee is not aware that would cause the cancellation of the sale If any such condition exists the sale shall be void the successful bidder's funds returned and the trustee and current beneficiary shall not be liable to the successful bidder for any damage Bidders must tender to the trustee a $500000 deposit at the sale and the balance of the purchase price by 1200 noon the day following the sale The deposit must be in the form of a cashier's check or certified funds payable to Lundberg & Associates The balance must be in the form of a wire transfer cashier’s check or certified funds payable to Lundberg If wire transfer is Associates used an additional $1000 must be remitted with the purchase price Cash payments are not accepted A trustee’s deed will be delivered to the successful bidder within three busmess days after receipt of the amount bid DATEDOctober 13 2004 Scott Lundberg Trustee 1 (801) For A FREE COLOR CATALOG & DVD Call Use Code UPA When Ordering 4- -t ness of the street address and other common designation if any' shown herein Said sale will be made without covenant or warranty express or implied regarding title possession condition or encum-- ! brances including fees charges and expenses of the Trustee and! of the trusts created by said Deed of Trust to pay the remaining! principal sums of the note(s) secured by said Deed of Trust The current beneficiary of the Trust Deed as of the date of this notice is: Bank of America NA The record owner of the property as of the recording of the No- tice of Default isare: Samantha R Hansen ' Dated: October 11 2004 James H Woodall 10653 River Front Parkway Suite 290 South Jordan Ut 84095 (801) (800) (Hotline) Hours: 9:00 AM - 5:0i ! PM James H Woodall Trustee Publish Sanpete MessengerGunnison Signatureby: Valley Edition Oct 20 27 2004 13 j NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING INTERESTED PERSONS: STONE SUPPLYBRYCE H HAAS has filed an apphca-tion with the Sanpete County Commissioners to amend the Sanpete County Zoning Map The amendment proposed would change thd property from RA2 (Residential Agriculture) to A5 (Agriculture 5 Acre) t The subject property is located North of Gunnison Sanpete County! Utah The proposed use of said property ujxin granting a zone chancje ' and obtaining a conditional use permit would be for stone fabrica-- j tion plant and stone storage yard Serial No 10009X W ALONG 14 SEC LINE 160511 FT & S 42865! BEG S E S 14°56'5r E ALONG HIGHWAY ST E 14 COR SEC W 90671 FT S 11045'56“ W 2846 FT S SaMSS" W 61073 FT N! E 38486 FT TO BEG CONTj 0°08’48" W 91627 FT N 89°52'18 1055 AC A public hearing will be held at the Sanpete County Courthouse in Manti Utah by the Sanpete County Commissioners on Tuesday Nov 4 2004 at 2 pm to consider said application of zoning change DATED this fifth day of October 2004 s Ross C Blackham TO ALL B & H SSS" 'J ’! Sanpete County Attorney Publish in the Sanpete Oct 20 2004 Valley Edition tin! : |