Show Wednesday October 20 2004 Sanpete All Valley Edition Messenger-Gunniso- n dreams Bulldog’s dashed after loss to South Summit post-seaso- By Sean Hales Staff writer KAMAS — The Gunnison dim hopes for play were snuffed last Friday loss to the South with a Summit Wildcats Bulldogs into the game Going Gunnison needed a win to stay alive and a Grand win over North Summit would help position the Bulldogs for a tie for fourth However not even the most hardened riverboat gambler played out in Kamas as it has all year with Gunnison failing to convert in the red zone Gunnison made three trips inside the 20 but was only able to score off a run by Joey Crane The other two attempts ended in a South Summit defen- sive stop and a Gunnison fumble that the Wildcats recovered better” said Crane about coach Shawn Crane about the Grand win Gunnison’s defense played well against the Wildcats as they have done all year and held that the team “missed some key blocks” that could have sprung the game for the Bulldogs In the second half the most notable stat was Gunnison’s 17 total offensive yards Crane said that South Sum- mit kept blitzing linebackers and that those linebackers found their However the Bulldog story The Bulldogs were also that Gunnison’s homecoming loss to Juab seemed to “suck the wind out of their sails” TXLiJ'Vv ' Bull- HEADCOUNT: 2152 10 am 10 am 10 am Fairview Dance 7 pm 7 pm pm - 6 Hall Central checkout FREE gift to first 50 customers door prizes $50 drawing tickets with purchase Ik Snortundcr BOB Healthy number s of deer grazing Forest bode well for deer hunters Annual Mammography Breast Self Examination Clinical Yearly Exam CENTRAL VALLY MEDICAL CENTER OFFERS A NEW APPROACH TO li i rfit National in Numbers look good for fall deer hunt Bahlmann Sports writer in the yearling popu- winter in the eastern portion of the region” said Scott Root Central Region conservation outreach manager “The deer I have seen in the eastern half of the region are in great shape Deer will mostly be found in the higher elevations among the aspen pine oak and sagebrush communities” Bill Bates big game coordinator Hunters in the central region will find good hunting conditions and healthy deer herds Archery and muzzleloader deer hunters have reported favorable hunting conditions and good numbers of deer in the region over the last month or so “Very few deer were lost last southeastern oService oAbility cAccessibiiity ©Dependability gion wildlife manager says deer hunting in southeastern Utah will be a “mixed bag” in 2004 Bates says rifle hunters can expect to see a lot of yearling bucks this year ‘This past winter caused very little winterkill because periods of moisture were broken by periods of melting making forage available to the deer” he said “The high mountain areas have received some significant amounts of rain this summer and hunting conditions should be improved over last year” said Lynn Chamberlain southern region conservation outreach manager “For the best success I’d encourage rifle hunters to stay in the mid to upper elevations and hunt near water sources” Root says the weather often changes during the hunt and hunters often lack warm and clothes spare tires tire chains enough propane or other heat sources first aid kits and many other items that could allow them to stay up on the mountain longer For Sanpete County Commissioner Dr paid polii ical advert islmlnt 1026 excited to introduce Michael D Catten Ear Nose & Throat Specialist Do you dread the thought of your annual It’s not an experience mammogram? we look forward to is it? The truth is that most women experience discomfort during their mammogram Many VIOXX users suffered strokes heart attacks heart failure chest pains blood clots serious bleeding and even death If you or a Imed one took MOW and had any rtf these problems call us now toll free at for a free consultation We practice law only in Arizona but associate with lawyers throughout the US GOLDBK1US & OSBOKMi hww iftonthornttU1’ om Request for Proposal The good news is that recent technology has resulted in a wonderful solution! A comfortable radiolucent foam pad acts as a cushion during the mammogram The cushion is much like a mouse pad only softer and it does not interfere with the imaging process Sanpete County is interested in pursuing some County- wide building and land planning projects of various needs and desires Therefore the County is interested in knowing of a person(s) wexpertise experience and knowledge in plan- ning and agency coordination who would have interest on a fee for service basis Because the early detection of breast annual cancer is so important mammography screening is essential to a woman’s health Central Valley Medical Center re- o Leadership Sanpete Valley Hospital is MAMMOGRAPHY! Don’t let October go by without having 5 your annual mammogram call to schedule your appointment today Mark may be short on height— but he's NOT short on: lift t of drought As a result buck to doe ratios are almost identical across the state “All of the five regions are about the same as far as buck to doe ratios with an average of bucks per 100 does across Utah” said Jim Karpowitz DWR MONTH !' Mi'll BAHLMANN should remember that the hunt ends on Oct 27 About 60000 hunters are expected afield for the slate’s most popular hunt While deer herds in the northern part of Utah are doing better deer in the southern parts of both the southern and southeastern regions continue to struggle because REMEMBER THE ABC s of breast health care: a i V The general rifle buck deer Hunthunt runs front Oct ers in the southeastern region BREAST HEALTH -- p Offensively Crane noted slight increase lation AWARENESS ranked place Red Devils in Gunnison’s final game of the season iW- - SALT LAKE CITY— The Utah Division of Wildlife Resources (DWR) has predicted that the state’s deer hunters should find buck numbers up slightly with a IS the seventh week dogs will travel to Grand County to take on the sixth Hunt Weekend Oct 21 Thurs Frl Oct 22 Sat Oct 23 the play and noted boys’ 10122004 OCTOBER the plagued by penalties in the second half which negated big runs and nullified good field position “We’d start on the 45 and after all the penalties we’d be on By Bob DATE: Deer 15” said Crane Before Friday’s game Gunnison was in sixth and Grand was in seventh This way to Gunnison quarterback Ryan Frandsen — generally in the backfield Gunnison also turned the ball over four times with three fumbles and an interception ‘The boys could have played would have put money down on seventh place Grand to w in over North Summit Grand 27— North Summit 13 “That really put salt in the wound” said Gunnison assistant South Summit to two scores in the first half and two goose eggs in the second Hrtgle Requirements illffl Sanpete Valley Hospital d Service of Intermountain Health Care j ML Pleasant Specialty Clinic 1100 South Medical Drive include: ’! j Must have knowledge and experience as a planner Should have knowledge and experience in mapping Should have experience in inanagement supervision and working with teams Must have skills in using the computer and in com- municating both orally and in writing Interested parties can submit a proposal to the Sanpete County Clerk at 160 North Main Manti Utah 84642 on or before October 29 2004 at 5 00 P M 102027MG “ |