Show A12 Sanpete Fayette Town eyeing new town hall site By John Hales Stall writer AYTTFI— Hie Fayette Hiw ( 'mint il is considering purchasing a property that could he the site of a new town hall At a meeting on Oet 7 the ton tit discussed current negotiations with Daiyle and Geri Bartholomew to buy the lot ol the llcbcr 200 I home Baitliolomcw ast and Center Street at lire city first offered lot but $ 10000 lor the the Bartholomews — both of whom are former wives of the and late llcbcr Bartholomew imiitlv own the properly— with $15000 The city bumped its offer to $1 000 saying that combined with $4000 that the city lecently paid the Bartholomews lor water shares the total would come to the $ 15000 asking price the has cite is considering property for the site of new town lull which could be paid for in par w ilh a Community Development Block Grant (Cf)BG) money set aside by the Six- - County Association of Governments (SCAG) for community improvements Town recorder Tracy Mellor said l ayette is for CDBG money for things such as w ater rights purchases w ater and sewer system impros ements city entrance signs a community center or parks and recreation projects 1 he town needs to decide which of those things to apply for by Dec 3 CDBG rules prohibit the use of grant money for an actual town hall prompting the council to discuss the option of building a center which the community council could then use for its meetings and offices A public hearing is planned for Nov 4 at 6:30 p m before the council's next meeting to generate public input on the matter In oilier council business the considered a proposed change to die city's zoning ordinance that would allow diesel trucks to park on Mam Street for a maximum ol 48 hours The ordinance originally allowed for council ANPETE Pwtead If you wish to cast a "STRAIGHT PARTY” vote for ALL the candidates of ONE PARTY punch the position Indicated for the desired party If you do vote "STRAIGHT PARTY" you may also vote for candidates from another party In any race by punching the position which corresponds with the candidate's name If you do not wish to vote "STRAIGHT PARTY” you may cast votes for Individual candidates only 24 hours However the Wednesday October 13 2004 Valley Edition Messenger-Gunniso- council struggled with the meaning of “clear vision zones” which are where areas near intersections obstructions of vision are not lowed The council will consider the matter further after the planning and zoning committee recommends how those areas should be defined Finally Mellor requested a raise in her salary She produced a study prepared by Peta DeVries treasurer for Sterling which showed Mellor to be the lowest paid rccordertreasurer in the county Mellor is the only recorder in the county that re- & DEMOCRATIC m REPUBLICAN a Vti 8 10 CONSTITUTION tote LIBERTARIAN Wta 14 PERSONAL CHOICE Wta 16 Flf 12 I ll IN IXiTQ SWF! ME a flat monthly salary rather than an houily wage She said her salary is not commensurate with the hours she spends on the job The council agreed and seemed amenable to her request Mayot Shawn Crane however asked for more time to consider how much of a raise Mellor should receive ceives POWER FOR POCKET CHANGE KMIOTIB f navigation Wireless Web access Speakerphone capable There’ Constitutional Amendment Number 2 Shall the Utah Constitution be amended to authorize the state or a public Institution of to acquire an ownership higher education Interest a private business in exchange for rights to Intellectual property developed by the state or public instituhon of higher education? $099 1205 ME LIMITED TIME ONLY OFFER ENDS 1031 Constitutional Amendment Number 3 be amended never been a better time to get the power of Nextel Shall the Utah Constitution provide that: yes NEXTEL 96 North Main 896-401- or 0 0 revenues and (2) use bond proceeds for projects that among other things: or enhance lakes rivers and (a) preserve streams wildlife habitat farms and ranches trails historical sites parks open space and water and air quality facilitate growth and bulk! park wildlife or trail management facilities and (b) build local community facilities and improve natural history and cultural AGARST museums? $094 Stup markets $80account reserves the the the ttylied servire are registered resered 112 Citizen's State Initiative Number Shall a law be enacted to authorize the state to borrow up to $150 million by Issuing bonds to be repaid within 13 years from a statewide sales tax increase of 120th of one cent and only from general state sales tax necessary Richfield 633-003- 107 i to (1) marriage consists only of the legal union between a man and a woman and (2) no other domestic union may be as a marriage or given the same recognized or substantially equal legal effect? VlDEOTRONIK 105 300 andor Constitutional Amendment Number Shall the Utah Constitution be amended (1) explicitly authorize the Utah House Citizen's to: of to convene for the purpose Representatives of impeachment of the are favor of convening: representatives (2) require the Utah Senate to convene for a tnal of Impeachment the House of has voted to Impeach Representatives (3) allow the same amount of legislative per day during an compensation session as Is allowed dunng impeachment an annual general session and (4) delete an outdated reference to justices of the peace in an Impeachment City Referendum 122 124 Number "Should Spring City Ordinance be rejected? The measure establishes or Spring City ordinances The focus Is on Building Land Use and Zoning the Ordinance changes the accepted residential lot size from 06 acres to one half an acre rejected the tot size remains at 06 acres Other areas of the code addressed include Home Business Zoning Permits Histoncal District International Building Code Site Plans Adoption of and Conformance to a General Plan Master Street Plan Zoning Plan and Establishment of Zones and Maps This measure establishes and regulates nine (9) types amends certain rrs ioi 103 provision? 0Z0neS’ 130 AttKST 132 Kristine Frisehknecht Sanpete County Clerk do hereby swear that the foregoing is a true copy of the Official Ballot to be voted in Sanpete County Utah for the General Election to be held on November 2 2004 I The ballot is voted on by all county residents Utah with the following exceptions: State House of Representatives District 67 is voted by Indianola Milbum Fairview and 2 a portion of Mt Pleasant 3 (2003) and Ftn Green District 68 2 and a portion ofMt Pleasant 3 (2001 & 2002) Spring City is voted by Mt Pleasant Chester Wales Moroni Ephraim Manti Sterling Fayette and a portion of Gunnison 2 (1003) District 70 is voted by Mayfield Gunnison! and a portion of Gunnison 2 1001 1002)Centerfield and Axtell Local School Boards North Sanpete School District is voted by Ml Pleasant and Spring City North Sanpete School District 2 is voted by Moroni and Moroni 2 North Sanpete School District 3 is voted by Mt Pleasant 2 and Mt Pleasant 3 South Sanpete School District 2 is voted by Sterling Mayfield and Centerfield South Sanpete School District 3 is voted by Gunnison Gunnison 2 Axtell Fayette Local Referendum Citizen’s City Referendum is voted by Spring City SI Kristine Frisehknecht Kristine Frisehknecht Sanpete County Clerk Publish Sanpete Messenger 8nd Sanpete MessengerGunnison Valley Edition k Oc tober 20 2004 |