Show Women as WeH Miserable as by Bladder Elen Are Kidney Trouble Kidney trouble prey upon the mind discourages and lessens ambition beauty vigor and cheerfulness soon disappear when the kidneys are out of order or diseased Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncommon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kidneys If the child urinates toooften if the urine scalds the flesh or if when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage it is yet afflicted with depend upon it thecause of the diffrouble and the first iculty is kidney step should be towards the treatment of This unpleasant these important organs trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose Women as well as men are made miserable with kidney and bladder trouble and both need the same great remedy The mild and the immediate effect of is soon realized It is sold Swamp-Roby druggists in and size bottles You may have a sample bottle by mail free also a Bom ot pamphlet telling all abont including many of the thousands of testimonial letters received from sufferers cured Ip writing Dr Kilmer & Co N Y be sure and mention Binghamton this paper Don’t make any mistak f but remember the name Dr Kilmer’s and the adon every N Y dress Binghamton bottle 3TILL Comedian OF AUDIENCE AHEAD Made Humor ot What Was Tragedy Approaching was “Willie” Collier the comedian of a barnmember Irrepressible combination which' some storming did the “tank” towns west The company had been doing a poor for several weeks when a business certain town in Illinois wap reached Just before the curtain went up that night Collier was standing at the curtain sizing up the audience Willie?” “How’s the house asked another player “Well” answered Collier "there are some out there But” he added “we're still In the majority old boy still In the majority!” — Harper’s Weekly an ten years ago of the middle Nut Growing Industry of the South “Nut growing Is a comparatively new Industry in the south Atlantic and Gulf states but It promises to demost important velop Into one of the a )n that section” said J Z Reid prosperous planter of Florida “The l&ost popular nut is the pecan and its deto due the is popularity probably methods of of systematic velopment grading it and cracking it with machinery operated by steam or electric power This makes possible the marketing of the meats of the nut ready for use “The demand is always much greater than the supply and many planters are now turning their attention to the nut raising industry It is not uncommon for a tree to bear as high as 200 pounds of nuts in one season and most of these sell at from 60 to 70 It does not require cents a pound much figuring to show that the pecan which abound In some secorchards tions are paying Investments” His Ear to the Ground “Do you expect people to believe all ‘‘That la not the camsagacious “The way to win the hearts paigner of the people is to tell them what they already believe” that you tell them?” idea” answered the of the Essentials One is a vast of the happy homes of fund of information as to the best methods of promoting health and happiness and right living and knowledge of the world’s best products and excellence Products of actual reasonable claims truthfully presented e and which have attained to acceptance through the approval of the of the World not of individuals only but of the many who have the happy faculty of selecting and obtaining the best the world affords One of the products of that class of known component an Ethical parts remedy approved by physicians and comof the mended by the World as a valuable and wholesome family laxative is the Syrup of Figs To get its beneficial and Elixir of Senna effects always buy the genuine manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co only and for sale by all leading druggists MADE FOR SERVICE IN THE ROUGHEST WEATHER ABSOLUTELY AND GUARANTEED vWATERPROOF owe n$ v POMMEL SLICKERS $350 trade mark and the word Tower on the buttons disttngulsh this high grade slicker from the Just as good This I REAL Elade and Proclamation " Rlike a joyful noise unto the torn ill ye lulls serve the lord with cone before his preseitce with Know ye thit the Lord he is singing 6odt It is he who hith made us and not wt eurselvesi we are his people and the sheep of his pasture enter into his dates with thaaksglvlng and into his courts with praise he thankful unto him and bless bis name Tor the Cord is good his mercy is eoerlasting aid bis truth eudureth to ail deaerations" — Pisl THE SPIRIT AND FEAST OF THANKSGIVING CAUSE How Young to FOR GLADNESS Lawyer Carried Comfort Convicted Ctisnt An amusing story is told by Harper’s Weekly at the expense of a prominent Baltimore lawyer who like most young attorneys got his first case by assignment from the bench His client had been indicted for murder and his conviction was a foreas his guilt was ungone conclusion questionable The result ot the trial was a sentence to be hanged but the man made an appeal to the governor for a a pardon and was anxiously awaiting reply thereto when his lawyer visited him In his cell “I got good news for you — very good news!” the young lawyer said grasping the man's hand “Did the governor — is it a pardon?” the man exclaimed joyously “Well no The fact 1b the governor refuses to interfere But an uncle of yours has died and left you $200 and you will have the satisfaction of that your lawyer got paid you know” was the comforting explana- unSIdh by side with the “long broken custom handed down to us by our forefathers” of setting apart antion nually a special day for Thanksgiving has also dwelt with us the Idea that BABY ITCHED TERRIBLY we must have as nearly as practicable the Bame kind ot a feast as that en- Face and Neck Covered with Inflamed joyed by the first settlers upon these Skin — Doctors No Avail — Cured viewshores From a sentimental by Cuticura Remedies corpoint this theory is undoubtedly rect and would really work out beau“My baby’s face and neck were covtifully were It not for certain changed ered with itching skin similar to eczeconditions affecting our supply of seama and she suffered terribly for over sonable provisions A regulation plan a year I took her to a number of docof directions for getting up a proper tors and also to different colleges to dinner even this year Thanksgiving no avail Then Cuticura Remedies of oywould suggest the providing — sters tuikeys chicken for chicken pie were recommended to me by Miss G did not use it at first as I had tried I with vegetables rich pastries fruits so many other remedies without any The idea and delicacies In abundance favorable results At: last I tried CutiIs to arrange a composite meal which Cuticura Ointment and shall comprise as nearly as may be cura Soap Cuticura Resolvent Fills and to my the various fruits and products of the surprise noticed an Improvement earth And a good and praiseworthy Idea It is too If only everybody had After using three boxes of the Cuticura Ointment together with the Soap these to purchase the wherewithal fruits but unfortunately this must be and Pills I am pleased to say she is altogether a different child and the an oysterless and a turkeyless Thankspicture of healtth Mrs A C Brestlln The causes giving for many persons I1L Oct 171 N Lincoln St Chicago to this state of things contributing cannot he discussed here nor does 20 and 30 1906” it much matter to the man who enHUMAN KNEW NATURE WOMAN ters a meat market and sees a turkey for his which he longs to purchase Personal Experience Counted In Her family but which he knows he cannot of New Pastor Indorsement afford just why the commodity with “ his Is so far others many beyond A Philadelphia' was congregation means The thing is he knows it Is a and therefore he called upon not long ago to choose beyond hiB means He must will have to do without it pastor The last three ministers had been persona non grata with most of to some extent give up the idea of trythe parishioners and before selecting ing to imitate that first Thanksgiving did some another the congregation dinner in the forest There was one In some respects the preparation of pretty hard thinkingthat feast or the obtaining the arti- woman of experience whose Voice carried particular weight Preacher after cles comprised in it must have been a comparatively The simple matter preacher was invited to the pulpit for settlers had but to take down the a trial sermon and all In the final fowling piece gollnto the woods and analysis were rejected by the female At last there came aldng a Well filled arbiter bring home the wud game oyster beds lay quite near the shore possible incumbent who met with her The harvest was (fruitful grain wild approval fruits such vegetables as they knew “The reason I am sure he will give how to raise wefre abundant nuts of satisfaction" she said “is because he kinds were plentiful — what various has the right kind of a wife for a then was to hlpder the making ready minister She allows him to rant a feast that should fitly supplement at home and around all he wants the public Thanksgiving rendered unto doesn’t sass back I found out a long the Lord? There Is the point The while ago — shortly after I was marfeast Is but the outward sign or token ried myself In fact — that a man who of that which underlies the whole hasn’t that privilege at home works idea It is the feeling off his spleen elsewhere Thanksgiving A minister in the heart the sentiment of grativents It on his congregation That tude for good received that after all was why we couldn’t stand the last constitutes the 'real Thanksgiving This one will be all right preacher With this feeling present the absence We won’t hear a peep out of him” of the turkey even though he Is everyAnd upon that unique recommendawhere acknowledged to he the king tion the congregation really did give of the feast need not be counted a the man a call According to last acmisfortune counts both he and the congregation We are too apt to forget Just how were The wife has not doing well We been heard from things were with the settlers take the Idea of that great historical feast into our minds and we overlook But Unavailing Ingenious the dark shadows that must have been son of Wilton the in that first Thanksgiving picture It Lackaye the actor has Inherited the would be a good thing if we would try brilliant mind for which his father Is to remember the “little graveyard by distinguished the water’s edge” and make an effort Not long ago Mr and Mrs Lackaye to recall what the record says that who at Shelter spent the summer not one household In the New MassaIsland Heights were Invited to attend chusetts colony but had recently been a card party and the young son was visited by death or severe and proanxious to accompany them tracted illness But still the preparaHis mother Insisted that he should tions for the feast went on and at a remain at home with Mary his govconvenient time they “solemnized a erness but Wilton persisted and as a unto the Lord” final day of thanksgiving argument he said: Surely we can learn a lesson from I think Mary is a Chris“Mamma the simple faith of these pious souls tian Scientist and I might be taken We are not called upon to suf- sick in the night" were which fer the privations the lot The argument was not effective of our forefathers but any year may bring changed conditions which may WHAT WAS IT on necessitate more or less our part If the man who finds himThe Woman Feared? self unable to buy material for an expensive dinner knows that his famWhat a comfort to find it is not “the ily circle is complete and unbroken awful thing” feared but only chronic and everybody In health and fully able which proper food can reIndigestion to enjoy the dinner when it Is prelieve pared he surely has good and suffA woman In Ohio says: icient cause for thankfulness “I was troubled for years with Indi' At gestion and chronic constipation AFTER THANKSGIVING times I would have such a gnawing in my stomach that I actually feared I had a— I dislike to write or even think of what I feared an account of “Seeing I decided to try It After a short time I was satisfied the trouble was not the awful thing I feared but was still However I was relieved bad enough of a bad case of dyspepsia by changing from improper food to “Since that time my bowels have I had also been as regular as a clock s noticed before I began to' eat that I was becoming forgetful of the where I put little things about house which was very annoying “But since the digestive organs have s become strong from eating my memory Is good and my mind as clear as when I was young and I am thankful” Name given by Postum Co Battle Creek Mich Read How Johnny Grata Dreamed Ho the little booklet “The Road to Loojcec “There’s a reason" in packages WAS Young WILLING Man Bor Proposed TO FORGET No Grudge Against That the young fellow had grit was Proof that Lydia E Pinkham’s Overwhelming evident from the fact that his business from nothing had In a few years Vegetable Compound Succeeds begun to bring in a fairish income He made up his mind to get married The the of “I have boon tinder different doctors’ girl — although daughter of a One of the greatest triumphs resident — agreed Lydia E Plnkham’a Vegetable Com- treatment for a long time without country pompous ot woman’s relief They told me I had a fibroid with him but the father did not see pound is the conquering tumor my abdomen was swollen and dread enemy Tumor things in the same light suffered with great pain I wrote The growth of a tumor la bo inYou?" he yelled “What! angrily sidious that frequently Its presence to you for advice you replied and I “You want to marry my daughter! until It is well followed your directions carefully and is wholly unsuspected Why It Is only a few years since you I am a well woman Lydia E advanced were caddying for me” So called "wandering pains” may Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound ex“That’s true!" interrupted the young come from its early stages or the pelled the tumor and strengthened my man “but I don’t Intend to let that presence of danger may be made whole system" Mrs S J Barber of Scott N Y stand In the way The language you manifest by excessive monthly perithen used was certainly a trifle— say ods accompanied by unusual pain from writes: the abdomen through the groin and Dear Mrs Pinkham:— but then you were under “Sometime ago I wrote you for the Influence of disappointment After thigh If you have mysterious pains if advice about a tumor which the docall you know a very bad goiter may tors thought would have to be removed there are Indications of inflammation Anymake a very good secure a bottle of Instead or displacements took Lydia E Pinkham’s how I’m going to give you a chance” am a Lydia E Pinkham’s Vegetable Com- Vegetable Compound and made from native roots and well woman” pound One of Many Mrs M M Funk Vandergrift Pa herbs right away and begin Its use An Atchison woman started out to The following letters should con- writes: buy her fall hat Dear Mrs Pinkham: — First she visited vince every suffering woman of its “I had a tumor and Lydia E Pinkthe openings and looked and looked virtue and that it actually does ham’s Vegetable Then she took a friend Compound removed and went conquer tumors Mrs May Fry of 836 W Colfax it for me after two doctors had given around to the millinery stores and - me up I was sick four years belore I Ave South Bend Ind writes: “tried on” again Baying of course Mrs Pinkham: — I now began to take the Compound that her “hair looked perfectly ter- Dear ”1 great pleasure In writ- recommend Lydia E Pinkham’s Vegetrible” Then she went home and ing totake thank you for what Lydia E able Compound far and near” thought and thought and finally Pinkham’s Such testimony as above is conCompound has Vegetable went back to the stores and “tried done for me I also took the Blood vincing evidence that Lydia E on” once more and thought and Purifier in alternate doses with the Vegetable Compound stands Your medicine removed a without a peer as a remedy for Tumor thought and then bought a hat which Compound is so grotesque and hideous that her cyst tumor of four years’ growth Growths as well as other distressing which women of of ill? and such symptoms as best three the physicians relatives and friends blush with had said that Sensations Displaceshame every time they see her wear declared I had They operation could help me I am ments Irregularities and Backache it and strangers stare at her wonder- only an a etc Women should I followed remember friend’s that It very thankful that ing what kind of courage It takes to advice and took your medicine It has Is Lydia E PInkham’B Vegetable Comwear such a looking hat But she made me a strong and well woman pound that is curing so many women — did the best she It as long as Don’t forget to insist upon it when Atchison could and I shall recommend I live" some druggist asks you to accept (Kan) Globe Mrs E F Hayes of 26 Ruggles St something else which he calls “just as good” Boston Mass writes: Women Workers of Great Britain Women of Great Britain are well repA RAZOR AND STROP FOR $1 resented In the professions and trades and about 4500000 earn their own Wear sending rasor and fttmp by mall post paid fat to hold a Ihe rasor U of beet steel guaranteed There are 124000 who teach living eritte If It don’t send It back and get a new on DVAnFDC ofsiringthisto paper tierfaot around— round orequare point Hff Inch blade buy over 3000 are 10000 are bookkeepers double narlier strop of beet homo rubber iiandie thing advertised in Sold only by tbe bide and canvassj nlcUel swivel should Insist upon having its column printers and nearly 500 act as editors H JUaor W Blab u aU subsU' ask for what they refusing 1300 are engaged in Bradford P Center Street Ul and compilers tutes or Imitations civil service clerks numphotography Prices for Toilet Articles ber nearly 2300 3800 are engaged in when you can make theta ycarielf with work and nursing and 350 medical little trouble and expense? My list of If formulas are the beet known to science and will women are blacksmiths enable you to make anvthing you need ia that line KUrk£r'S Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury Thompson’s Eye J T andyon know NKIiO Just what Chemist HOWARD Ed BURTON you are using Prioe City UL AVi0 Speolmen prices: (Joid Silver LMd Hi Hold UoldtUei ZmoorCopperil Cyanide teew yer Halllue envelope end full prloe list sent Control end Umpire work eollclted Colo Belareuoe ernonetaNeUonei Ueule t Water W N 8alt Lake City No 48 1907 You save money and avoid failures in your' baking if you use Had to Have Her Tobacco One of the Inmates of Towcester workhouse a woman aged 84 years has applied to the board of guardians She said for an allowance of tobacco she had smoked 71 years and missed her pipe so much since entering the house she could not digest her food The board decided to comply with her request — London Globe Important to Mothers Exrmine carefully every bottle of a safe and sure remedy for infants and children and see that It Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought Better Than Gifts of Fortune The gifts of fortune are often taken away as speedily as they came but strength of mind and personal nobility are possessions wftlch survive the exof life and lift ternal circumstances It Into grander planes — Haliburton BALSAM HAIR th ha & Cletniea sod a Promote growth Hover Fails to Beatore Gray Heft to lta Youthful Color heir falling Cum scalp will surely destroy the seme of atnell M mercury end completely derange the whole system when Bucb the mucous surfaces through entering articles should never he used except on prescrip ttona from reputable physicians as tbs damage they will dels tea fold to the good you can possibly Hall’s Catarrh Cure manufactured rive from them by F J Cheney 4 Co Toledo O contains no merIs taken internally acting directly upon cury and and In mucous surfaces of the system the blood Cure be sure Too set the Hail s Catarrh buying It Is taken internally and made In Toledo genuine free Ohio by F J Cheney 4 Co Testimonials Price 75c per bottle Cold by Druggists Take Hall’s Family Fills for constipation J7BAKlWe CASTORIA FITS St Vitus Dance and all Nervous Diseases permanently cured by Dr Kline’s Great Nerve Restorer Send for Free 1200 trial bottle and treatise Dr R H Kline Ld 931 Arch St Philadelphia Pa 25 Ounces for 25 Cents 5j£ Here Is true economy You cannot be sure every time or have your food dainty tasty and wholesome if you pay less or accept a substitute — a OUNCES Tfe mA JzJj'WctlM ft) 'll vf"'CA00stl MFG Chicago JAQUES CO NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER THE AND MODERN SCIENTIFIC The thrifty housewife never attains perfection for she is always mending Capsicum-Vaselin- EXTERNAL e EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT TAKEN DIRECTLY IN VASELINE : GS0®R)dS7 j SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by these Little Pills They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia digestion and Too Hearty Eating A perfect remedy for Dizziness Nausea Drowsiness Bad Taste in the Mouth Costed Tongue Pain in the TOKPID LIVER Sid Bowels Purely Vegetable They regulate the SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE SMALL PRICE Genuine REFUSE Bear Signature Must SUBSTITUTES PUTNAM DON'T COMES— WAIT TILL THE PAIN KEEP A TUBE HANDY A QUICK SURE SAFE AND ALWAYS READY CVRE FOR PAIN RICE ISe -I- N COLLAPSIBLE TUBES MADE OF PURE ALL DR UGG1STS AND DEALERS OR BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF 15c IN POSTAGE STAMPS A substitute for and superior to mustard or any other plaster and will not blister the most delicate skin The and curative qualities of the It will article are wonderful stop the toothache at once and relieve Head- ache and Sciatica We recommend it as the best and safest external known also as an external remedy for pains in the chest and stomach and alt Rheumatic Neuralgic and Gouty complaints A trial will prove what we claim for It and it will be found to be Invaluable In the household and for children Once used no family will be without It Many people say It la the best of all your preparations" Accept no preparation of vaseline unless the same carries our label as otherwise it Is not genuine Sand your address and wa will mall ou- - Vasallna Booklat describing our preparations which will Interest you 17 State St New York City MFG CHESEBROUGH W L DOUGLAS & $350 SHOES $300 figa?8HOE8 FOR EVERY MEMBER OF FAMILY AT ALL PRICES sssann ?PlVw)lff THE CO th world pw l wh w t 1° n 10O ugtna doom not make 4 meit Men' $3 & $360 ahoem )mcre 4 I than any other manufacturer THE REASOX W L Douglas shoes are worn by more people walks of life In ali than auy other make is because of their excellent style and mjenor wearing qualities The selection of the leathern and other materials for each pari ©f the alioe and every detail of the making is looked after by the most coinpleteorgantz ition of Nuperintetidentaforemenaiid ho receive the highest wages paid in the skilled shoemakers hoe industry and whose workmanship cannot be excelled If I could take you into my large factories at Brockton Mass ndjhow you how carefully WL Dougins shoes are made you ’Would then understand why they hold their fit betters wear longer and are of greater vilne than any shape other make OUt Edge Shoma cannot be cqumNed at any price he $500 have LAU riO-ij iMuglas name and stamped on bottom Take no Hiibstitutea Askgenuine your dealer for W L lougla shoes price Jf he eaunot supply you send diroot to factory SUoes aeut everywhere by mail Catalog free W i Brockton Mu nlTl DYES vothei Quinoy dye Yno can lillnolm |