Show V By C SALINA UTAH Cashiers’ It LUND - Jr HOLD STATE Calls Upon the Chief ExBut Refuses to Give Details of the Interview Stood Eight for Acquittal and Four f Conviction of Man Accused Or Murdering ITed lyler capital city A Salt Laker has attacked the constitutionality of the act passed by the the state last legislature creating board of veterinary examiners and defining its powers M C Gardner a fireman running on an extra freight in some inexplicable manner fell under the wheels of hts death crushed to engine and was near Promontory Point The State Board of Land Commls sloners has under consideration the wells one sinking of two experimental in Cedar valley Utah county and in Dog valley Juab county Max Gold and Oscar Rumstead were struck by a passenger train while crossing the track in a delivery wagon in Salt Lake but neither of the young men were dangerously injured Ogden is soon to have a new f general merchandise house which will be known as thb Pingree Bros Articles of incorporation company were filed with the county clerk last week Petitions signed by all the arid farm owners on the Levan ridge were sent to the state land board last week requesting the boring of an artesian well on the lands of this big arid farming belt Thomas Colgan was found dead in his room In Park City death being due to pneumonia or congestion of the lungs caused from powder smoke and gas which he inhaled while at work in mine the Mrs Dorothea Lynberg aged 76 walked into a rapidly moving D & R near ' the outsklrts “of ’ ML more or less xtni Mrs Pleasant death the reports of the banishment of the suffering instant nd the mutiny of the Lynberg was one of the oldest resi- - crown prince dents of ML Pleasant fleet are enje(j a( tjje embassy here At a cost of several thousands of nevertheless the making of arrests & Railway and dollars the Utah Light the suspension of a newspaper measures which have Pacific other repressive company and the Southern the in- been taken by what Premier Franco company have just completed stallation of a breakwater at the head terms an administrative dictatorship seem conclusive that matters in Porof Fremont canal on Weber river tugal have entered upon a critical While engaged at picking up pieces phase of coal that had fallen from a car to WALSH GOT THE MONEY S Call of Lewiston was the ground struck on the forehead and badly cut Bank Examiner a Witness by a shovel in the hands of a work- National man who was concealed in the car Against the Chicago Banker As Caddie $2000000 the daughter Chicago — Approximately of William Browh of Logan was drivfederal which It is charged by the ing a horse out of a lane the animal prosecutors had been transferred by either kicked or strucy her on the John R Walsh from the vaults of the head cutting a severe gash in her Chicago National bank to the coffers been scalp and breaking her jawbone in of his several enterprises had two places Her condition is serious traced by means of entries in the Charles H Candland formerly em- books of the Institution when National E P Moxey stepped ployed as claim adjuster for the Short Bank Examiner Line with headquarters at Ogden is down from the witness stand at the to be tried for forgery Calland disadjournment of the Walsh case Tuesall told identified Mr Moxey appeared from Ogden last August but day it is claimed was captured and brought back for eighteen entries which are proof positive by the prosecution trial of misapplication of funds as charged A mass meeting of citizens was The aggregate of the amounts testified held in Monroe last week to consider to was $1000000 the proposed road through Main can Children Washed Overboard A road through yon to Koosharem to Koosharem from Monroe would of the San Francisco — A tragedy of both sea was revealed on the arrival of greatly benefit the people towns the steamer President from Puget The officers of the PresAccording to the confession of W L Sound ports who was arrested in Ogden ident reported that when off Gray’s Hughes last week on the charge of passing Harbor November 22 three children washed' overboard by spurious checks he has passed some- were presumably were The children thing like 400 forged Instruments of a heavy sea 5 o'clock in the afterwriting in Salt Lake City in small missed about search of the noon After a strict amounts was recalled that at 2:20 it vessel Clever piano crooks operating unp m a heavy sea struck the vessel and and it is supposed der the names of Worthington that at this time Wilson have secured form Salt Lake the children on who were playing people something like $300 on nefar- deck were carried overboard ious piano manipulations within the Needed More Teachers last week or so and decamped with the money Washington— The bureau of inWork on the $20000 building for sular affairs has received a telegram of from the the governor general girls at the industrial school at Ogden has been stopped under orders of Philippines indicating that probably Governor Cutler Work will not be 300 teachers will be required at the of the next school year resumed until the contest over the beginning These teachers which opens in June constitutionality of the corporation tax will be selected from among those is settled passing the "teachers" or “assistant” Toni Bulli who was severely examination by the United States civil burned at Binghaq Junction last Au- service The ago limits commission The bulk of apJohn aro 20 and 40 years gust as the result of George will be made at the enpouring oil over his clothes and ignit- pointments trance salary of $1200 ing them has been awarded $450 damages as the result of a suit he brought The Annual Products of Manufactures against John to Fifteen Billions Amounts Skana Sarifeno an Italian coal minof er suicided in a shed in the rear of a Washington — Fifteen billions dollars represents thd value of the in Salt Lake City almost Sloon head off with a in annual production of manufactures Sarishotgun feno had been suffering from erysipe- the United States After careful estilas and despaired of getting relief mates were made by experts John M from his sufferings chief of the bureau of manuCarson As John Ryan an employee of the factures was able to make this stateSouthern Pacific round house in Og- ment in the annual report of the opden alighted from a moving engine in erations of his bureau made public on 1? Monday rePJ'e' the railroad yards he was struck sent flashed products entirely on o to“KipszrtiS but Vy injuied will recover iS “ His Thanksgiving' Dinner By Washington— President Roosevelt Bryan were In hour in his pri- nd William Jennings conference for half an vate office on Saturday to call” Mr "I was not invited "but I called Bryan said on leaving and asked If the up on the telephone On would receive callers president I came would informed be being simply to pay my respects to the pres- ident” were A daughter of John Ju lander of Monroe was annoyed by a bunch of young hoodlums recently until she fell and broke her leg George O Noble of Salt Lake is su for $10000 lng Edward Butterfield damages for a "beating up’’ he says Butterfield administered to him In the r CONFERENCE Nebraskan ecutive NEWS and j Salt Lake banks of the The ninth annual exhibition Utah Art Institute will be held at Ephraim beginning December 16 The Oregon Short Line Railroad company will begin the erection of the viaduct in Ogden in the near future of At a meeting of the stockholders the Salt Lake Route held In Salt Lake City last week the old directors Of 11 A UTAH In denominations checks $2 are now being issued b you ever got a chance et aweet potatoes You’d eat a peck They’re that good And cranberries Of course nobody forgets them when turkey’s on the bill And a hefty chunk of baked squash Ain’t to be sneezed at And as for me Though some folks wouldn't care for If THE SALINA CALL Mr Bryan was not willing to discuss the details of his interview but was free to add details to the financial a few days plan which he proposed In reviewing ago every measure of relief which had come to his notice Mr Bryan said that nothing seemed to be intended to meet the situation and at the same time as effectively as simply as the plan he suggested This plan he said was simply tj have the government insure depositors in national banks against loss by reason of the failure of the banks It was not intended he said to have the collect a fund for this government purpose to be kept on hand When? ever a national bank should be required to pay its depositors it would be the duty of the government to make an assessment on all national banks to meet the amount of loss by reason of the failure This assessment Mr Bryan said would be infinitesimal to this plan Mr Bryan Opposition conceded might be made by stats banks which would be left out of the The answer to this he said plan was that the states should individuand ally take up the same scheme stand as a guarantee against loss by depositors in state banks PLAN3 FOR FINANCIAL WII0HT Ooprrtfht m A PATTERSON bz the Author OeSy&) When It comes to eatln’ There’s nothin’ ever quite so nice As a good dinner Thanksgivin’ Now there’s no use a talkin' to me about Lobster a la Newberg toasted on half shells Oysters with scallops and Valencen-nesauce A squab au maraschino Daggo au gratln and Dlplomatical puddln' et CLEVER Old Nl Partners He Was of Life’s Struggles from cable New York — A special Times says: Another London to story reflecting the bitter struggle for existence of a section of the literary and artistic life here came to light in the with the discovery Saturday Thames of the bodies of Alexander Good and his wife Both were authors and Mrs Good was also a painter of considerable talent The couple tied themselves together and jumped into the river after losing hope in a battle Mr Good was the against big odds author of several books Would Make Chicago a Dry Town Chicago— Some 200 volunteer detectives from the subsidiary organizations of the Chicago Law and Order league visited saloons in Chicago on Sunday in an endeavor to obtain evidence that the law of Illinois was being violated The action Is in furtherance of a campaign the inaugurated by league after the successful election struggles for local option waged in seventeen counties of The the state earlier in the month evidence collected will be presented to th grand jury Crime of Insane Man New York — A double tragedy wife murder and suicide was discovered who had early Saturday by firemen been called out to subdue a blaze in the house of Nick Smith a wealthy Rochelle manufacturer of New When the firemen burst in to the house after the flames had been controlled they found Smith and his young wife dead each with a bullet wound in the body Mrs Smith had been shot in the breast and apparSmith had beently instantly killed come insane and committed the crime THE Let If for had ’er Start nothin’ Off with more’n ’m You want some sweet An’ you want ’em gravy Turkey just to potatoes browned Say you with umra UTAIU GREAT WRITER A writer In Harper’s Weekly brings to light an interesting aneodote of Tennyson which well illustrates the singular habits of the great laureate la his Intercourse with his friends The poet was not only brusque and rough but he was domineering end exacting and most other men were afraid of him But an American schoolmaster who for many years maintained a great intimacy with him had no fear in his heart and sat and smoked on an equality with the soverfireside eign singer by Farringford "One evening” says the writer "when the two were thus together Tennyson said that he would depart from his custom and narrate a personal experience but he had suffered a good deal from repetitions ef his tales by those to whom he had told them and he would be obliged to ask his friend never to repeat what about to hear The American smoked on for a few seconds while Tennyson waited for the promise and then he said: ‘My lord in my coun try a gentleman would never make that request of another gentleman said the poet and looked out of eyes that wondered if the quiet smoker opposite knew how much he’d said Then he told the story” turkey GUN Tired REBUKED CITY Not Awod by Grouchy Poet Laureate And I tell you it’s fine You don’t hanker after much else When you’ve disposed of a generous portion Of that kind of eatln’ But then of course You want some other fixln’s For a Thanksgivin’ dinner of congress and incoming members under four grouped may be roughly heads a central hank issue a central organization of the existing tional banks the issue of additional circulation against various classes of bonds other than United States bonds and the Issue of circulation upon general assets with the security of a guaranty fund The project of a central bank based upon the general outlines of the Bank of France or- the Imperial Bank oi Germany has apparently been attracting more attention of late than any in recent time previous years USES LAKE Amorloan Wac AID Because He Thought Being Robbed Richard Kansas City — General Horne editorial writer on the Kansas City Post on Saturday shot and seriO D Woodward wounded presously ident of the company that publishes the paper and then shot H J Groves was shot managing editor Woodward three times twice in the right arm one bullet shattering a rib and falling out of the wound Groves sustained a flesh wound in the right hip At the police station Horne justified his action saying his whole fortune was invested in the paper and he conrobbed sidered that he was being Home is being held at the city jail with no charge filed against him 170 SALT manages all such attention as the other exfor the financial situation igencies permit Secretary Cortelyou is a gooL listener and usually digests quickly of essential various the plans parts Meas which are submitted to him nres relating to the currency which are being discussed among bankers EDITOR Reeently pooled with Ito only oompetltor oo diamonds will undoubtedly go bl(hor Our diamond nuotomoro recently found nut Wn have they had mad win invoatmonta them— !9 to 8000 oooh hominy an allow- And some how Mary always To keep a few ripe tomatoes And they’re good I tell you Not for me My Innards don’t hanker after That kind of fillin’ W'hat I want is just the good plain livin’ Of a Thanksgivin’ dinner Let ’er start off with turkey A good big eighteen pounder or so And put ’er right on the table close to hand With a good sharp knife fer carvin’ want ’er stuffed full with a stuffin' Df bread And some oysters And a wee bit of sage And pepper and salt to the taste Vow that's the way Mary fixes up a Remedies SugNo Lack of Theoretical gested to Secretary Cortetyou Washington — Details of many new the currency projects for improving are being submitted to tire president and Secretary Cortelyou and Shoots It ril take an allowance of lye And I don't want too small ance either The Diamond OyndioaFe You’re Feeling Thankful Taste better’n they do in summei time ’Cause they’re scarcer maybe Of course there’s a tot of other fix in’s That goes with these Like jellies There’s grape an’ currant an’ cral apple An’ a few other kinds An’ piccalli an’ peach preserves An’ celery And a lot of other things I don’ never Mor’n taste around I’m stayin’ for the big show at th end though For the puidin’ that Mary alwayi makes With nuts and raisins and fruits And a good stiff batter beat up an steamed And served with a hefty sort of sauce And then there’s pies Like pumpkin and mince and apple one or two more And sometimes For a finish we always have walnuts And a glass of cider or two Now I’m tellln’ you When you get outside of that the kind of a dinner You’re feelin’ thankful And you’ve a reason to be You’ve had somethin’ to eat That’s worth eatln breed You ain’t had no indigestion ers That’s a goin’ to keep you A worryin’ with cramps No You’ve just had A good Thanksgivin' dinner SCHEME THAT FAILED Left Salesman’s Advice Woroe Off Than Before Firm Henry Clews is telling a new story which he says he got straight irons the Canal street district says the New York Times A young jobbing firm the tale tells overbought for the fall trade Their heaviest mistake had been in the line of overcoats which it looked they would have ever a season Efforts to get cash for the stock were fruitless except at ruinous rates At last the firm went to an in the trade for advice "Well” said the man ef ex"you’ve perience got a pretty good list of customers Just divide th coats up Into lots of thirteen each Send a batch apiece to some of yourw customers but make out sharpest the bills for twelve They’ll befso tickled to get one coat for nothing that they’ll take ’em all” The scheme had been tried before the men met waited for his The again didn’t they keep the “Well praise “Yes” coats?” he asked returned the jobber sadly "One each The one that wasn’t billed” Ate Heart of Assassin A correspondent of the North China Daily News describes what followed the execution of an assassin: “When was cut out the heart of Hsu of his body and had been laid before the remains of his victim as a sacrifice to the late governor’s manes members of his bodyguard to signify their zeal and hatred of the assassin seized Hsu’b still warm heart and cutting it up into mince meat boiled it and served the grewsome dish to be eaten among themselves This seems a poor way of revenging the death of one patron especially slnco it was due to the very ineptitude and subsequent panic of this very brave bodyguard that enabled Hsu to fire so many shots without any kind ef hindrance at the late Eu Min” House Eleven Hundred Years Old St Albans possesses the oldest habited house In the country This distinction is said to belong to the old Round house now the Fighting Cocks Inn which stands close to the River Ver It is a ourious structure—of octagonal shape — of early Saxon origin having been built as a boathouse to the ancient monastery founded at St Albaas by King Offa about the year 795 and Is thus over 1100 years A subterranean old now passage blocked up runs from the basement to the ruins of the monastery a distance of about 200 yards There is a shed at the back of the house where it is Bald Oliver Cromwell stabled his horse himself once sleeping under its roof during the civil war— Collecting Information from Abroad We learn from the Paris Figaro a clergymen’s union has been formed in New York which is demandThe movement ing higher salaries seems to be spreading for we read further: "While waiting for the American government to take the proper steps 40 pastors have already renounced their charges in the state of Pittsburg’’ that Many Sides "That’s the way the thing was told me but of course there’s always more than one side to a story" “Of course there are always as many sides to a story as there are people to to blame” Better Than Gifts of Fortune The gifts of fortune are often taken as they came but away as speedily strength of mind and personal nobility are possessions which survive the external circumstances of life and lift It into grander planes — Haliburton f ' |