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Show MARCFI 1,20 liVEDNESDAY, 4 - DIXIESUNNEINS.COM Animal - tic i St. George 11 4 I 4 ro Ole SC t , .., , ASHLEY HARRISON BY Ili , Ashharrisonnews .. ., , 1 t 1 - .. Ati , ( , Of - ' - , , e'k , t - , Violence aimed at those who cannot fight back is the most dis- ' . ,. , ., , , , : ' , 0 . , - t. i , .. ) . , , , . , - tubing of all which , makes mal abuse even more sicken." ., '' ' ' ,,,,., ., , ,''' ' ing than it already is. . As time goes on, the treatment of animals has gained . I ' r more and more attention. SeaWorld's profits and number of ' ' visitors have dropped dramatii cally following the release of the 2013 documentary "Black-fish,- " '''... which detailed the , ' I reality of orca captivity at the i marine park, and the speaking , out of former SeaWorld train, ers. After the famous Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey i Circus retired their elephants ,. in 2016 following protests and z office in Merced, California. Mut a at is on set fluid fire, and with veterinary doused was recuperating calico a cat that lighter Mango, lawsuits brought by animal in St. George. timedia Editor Ashley Harrison says animal abuse is also prevalent rights groups, the circus would much likely rather hang we can reason through why you can do is report your While I have yet to hear recently announced the show violence may be leveled out grazing in a field than be suspicions of emelt) to your about a dog fighting ring bustwill be closing down for good local law enforcement sency, at of us and electric course, to though, ed in southern Utah, I've seen prods subject in May after 146 years. is humane violence never justified. organization, animal bucking straps, which are In comparison to such plenty of dogs left chained up control agency or taxpayer. But for animals, who lack our d placed around the animal's through freezoperations, those hurt funded animal shelter." When for abdomen. reasoning, capacity ing cold and blistering heat. of us in a small town like St. who the In addition, The Professional possible, document what people coming from According to The Humane George, which has no zoo are supposed to care for them Rodeo Cowboys Association, you've seen, take photos and and rarely hosts circuses, may Society, "Tied-u- p outside, understood. be be willing to stand as a erect. never can rules which regulatprovides think we have little to worry dogs become lonely, bored to ible witness of the abuse. Visit Even worse, according ing the handling of animals, about when it comes to animal and anxious, and they can The Humane Society, "Intenaspca.org for tips on how to abuse. only sanctions a small develop aggressive behavis animals to tional held the rodeos of iors." Neglecting your dog by cruelty recognize animal cruelty. But those of you who think percentage with other Don't purchase tickets to strongly correlated so are wrong. annually in the U.S., which is having it constantly tethered is events like rodeos, dolphin estimated at about 10,000. I'm not only hurtful to the animal crimes, including violence Just as prevalent as abuse e shows or circuses; vote with the Dixie in that but can lead to aggression against people...Seventy-onRoundup from corporations like marine glad domestic violence Rodeo is PRCA approved, but the dog that would not have percent of your dollar against forcing parks and circuses is the animals into unnatural envvictims reported that their as suggested by the imminent otherwise ever happened. mistreatment leveled at pets abuser also targeted pets." If ironments and behaviois. closure of the Ringling Bros. Another regular event here and livestock, something hurtsomeone abuses animals, & Bailey Circus, there comes Most of all, be mindful of is the annual Dixie Roundup St. George has plenty of the creatures around yOUNQ,N.1 a time when we humans need Rodeo. Rodeos have come ing another person at some According to the American rodelike more becomes even let to as as far of a the for Prevention of regulapoint certainly wouldn't want tobe go pastimes long way Society ll animals lives shoved in a the os and treatment of tion governing the cage, likely. put Cruelty to Animals, "Every anichained up in before our own pleasures. If you suspect a case of of rodeo animals. But the 60 seconds, another animal is mal abuse, speak up. Animals When considering that behavior of animals in rodeos weather, tortured or slaughabused." If we do the math, for is abused animals tered. who are are can't don't not themselves; that's at least 1,440 animals natural; they speak pushed we are the ones who must understand why they're being doubt animals want any and prodded to appear fierce per day subjected to neglect do something. According to and angry in the ring. If these things either. hurt, the abuse becomes all and outright violence. And St. the ASPCA, "The best thing given a choice, a rodeo animal the more horrific. As humans, George has its part in that. ani- ,,,,'-- .i.'''.- ' - '....,,,,, , , , . t,,,''-!-- , I. , , . I''' . . , ' I - .. 4;4 , - 4.-- ... , ,,. , , large-sca- Brains are better than looks. Find out why Staff Writer Ryann in Heinlen's article on dixiesunnews.corn. . 4 , , , ' year-roun- le - 1 1 , , ,) too-sma- 1- 100-degr- k N v ; : ee of LETTERS TO Older generations offer valuable life lessons for millenials THE EDITOR Send letters to the editor to DixieSundixiaedu. Letters to the editor are accepted and may be published in the newspaper andor dixiesunnews.com. The guidelines for letters are as follows: Submissions should be no longer than 250 words and must be Writers must include name, phone number and email address. Students should also include year in school, hometown and well-writte- I was amazed at what I 1,, e,' ( i BEAUX "; '' ,(.4.' , BeauxYenc h k , : YENCHIK 4 ' ,i)", '''',. eek' grammar. Letters consisting of inaccurate, libelous or highly offensive content will not be published. Letters should be submit- ted to dixiesundixie.edu in the body of the email, not an attachment. Letters become property of Dixie Sun News and may be published in any format. Dixie Sun News encourages a lively discussion on its website among its readers. Dixie Sun News does not edit comments. However, an editor will not post any comments that are libelous learned from each in the interviews I had with them. I wanted to share, from their perspective, a valuable idea or skill they think millennials struggle with. Mormor Yenchik n. major. Letters are subject to editing for length, style and or vulgar. ! Millennia ls may be surprised what can be learned when time is spent in conversation with those who are of an older generation. I am a member of a lucky group who happens to have all four of my grandparents still alive. Each one is a figurative piggy bank that is full of information and knowledge waiting to be learned by those seeking life lessons and valuable knowledge. My grandma, Shirlene Henderson, was born and raised in Centerville and came from a long ancestry of Mormon pioneers. My mormor (Norwegian for grandma), Brit Yenchik, was born and raised in Trondheim,Norway. Most of her childhood consisted of life among the German invasion of Norway during World War H. As I picked their brains about their upbringings, The street my grandma grew up on housed a German concentration camp full of prisoners of wan She described how each day, as she walked to school, prisoners would often reach their hands under the fence begging for food or gloves because of the freezing temperatures. My grandma told me the only thing she felt she could do was to give them her lunch. Often times this was done secretively because of the constant patrol by the Germans. Helping the POWs was a powerful lesson my grandma learned at a young age. There are people in worse positions than we are in life and if we can help them out, we should. Think of what a simple smile could do for someone who is having a hard day. This lesson has taught me to be more mindful of others and the hardships they may be experiencing. Often times, we judge a book by its cover. If the outside looks OK, then we presume the inside is OK too. That is not always the case. One of the best things I have tried to do better is give a listening ear to those that need it. It costs me no money and I am helping those who are struggling, just like how my mormor helped those POWs. Millennials get too wrapped up in their worries and how life is so bad for them. This, in my opinion, limits their ability to see other's needs and go outside themselves. Often the biggest way we can serve others is through the smallest of actions. Grandma Henderson If there was one lesson that my Grandma Henderson wanted millennials to know, it would be the idea of being respectful to everyone. She recalls as a little girl all the times she found herself watching her dad tip his hat to each individual he passed. She said he felt it was important to be happy and kind to everyone. She even remembers how her dad went above and beyond each time an individual stopped by to fill up their car with gas at his service station. She said he would pop the hood and check liquid levels, clean the windows, and even make the kids laugh as he squirted them with the water bottle. We too should be this respectful toward others. By acknowledging the humanity in a person, it helped my through her actions and words the respect she had for each person she inter-acted with. Because she has always be so kind and tried respectful to me, I have to implement that in my Find someone who you can sit down with and learnl from. I promise it is reward ing and will bless your livei. . I ,,,,I--,-' u, I ', z grandma measure individuals against themselves, g allowing for love to exist. We too should find our own mannerisms, like tipping a hat, which shows the respect we have for others. When was the last time you made someone feel of value? Did your actions demonstrate you acknowledging their humanity? Everyone deserves respect and should be entitled to receiving it. No one person is better than another, so show respect to your classmate, the gas-stati- clerk, or the cashier at your preferred grocery store. The idea of respect has always been a lesson my Grandma Henderson has tried to instill in me. Growing up, she demonstrated , ,,,o 1,e ( 'A o 0, I, x Z , , ,,, '' .s , ,,,,, --,- t , I kf'''. , ..e. i J 5 aI . , , . , - zz D i ik 1 ' ' l I 1 1 (Y) À ,i 5 , I, T . )- t - ; From top, Staff writer Beaux Yenchik's grandmother But Yenchik moved to the United States from Norway, and his , grandmother Shirlene Hen-derson comes from a long of Mormon ancestry. Beaux Yenchik learned about selfles' ness and respect from his twc grandmothers. 1 |