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Show -- - -1- EDNES0AY, MARCH 1, 511 2017 DIXIESUNNEIAIS.COM - 3 PS SA cam aigns kick off S r- Black Lives Matter movek '''.1 . ,., - , ,., .,, - 4 , , , !-- , 1 . 4, ic, .. f.,!',; ,,,,, ' , . ,,- ., , A-'''- ''-'- - . , ., ,, ' - 1 c.'' , '''ka,,, r , - c ,, L m )) 1 ' - , ,.,co c z z ,,,,,,.',4,,,,..,; ment when she came to speak. "I was told to talk about positivity," Gray said. "However, I think there is a close connection between the (Black Lives Matter) movement and with what I had to say about my life. I encouraged all students to remain positive and that all lives matter." Pitts said she wanted the vigil to be light on Black Lives Matter rhetoric because she wanted students other than to relate to the mes African-America- r' u) "African-America- preference everything that sets you apart from someone else, which is why we had an open-dopolicy for this event." or competence. "We're not saying that black lives are more important than another life," Pitts said. "We're basically saying that your life matters." Daneka Souberbielle, director of the Multicultural Inclusion Center, introduced the Black Lives Matter movement at the ns ns in this country are experiencing disproportionate amounts of things," Souberbielle said. "Some of those things include violence in communities, poverty and access to education... But there are also a lot of positive things that we don't often talk about." Pitts said her goal in organizing the event was to simply spread cultural al '1 h, I " RIOT continued from page 2 I I event said the purpose of the vigil was to have a discussion about the black community. Preliminary elections for Dixie State University Student Association start this week. Ezra Kendall Pitts and Moses Campbell are running for student body president. Casey Banner and Weston Zimmerman are running for vice president of academics. Kiel Lambson and Kyle Cummings are running for vice president of clubs. Keep updated with coverage on the DSUSA elections on dixiesunnews.com. Hain-swart- 1 1 - , ; sages shared. Although less than 30 people attended the vigil, she said she was shocked more people came to the event who were not part of the BSU than those who were. "People need to understand that diversity is not just about being a minority or not being a minority," Pitts said. "Diversity is about your culture, where you come from, your sexu- RALLY continued from page broken up as a group and could not attend the event. with selling art that had been donated by local artists, the benefit also had a $5 cover charge to get into the event. The first performers were Duke Mute & Dice Game Uchiha in their debut performance. Each band played a set, with the crowd around the stage growing as the night went on. The next performers were Gold Star For Robot Boy. Jack McCall, vocalist and guitarist for Along te Gold Star For Robot Boy, characterized their band's sound as "heavily influenced by Sonic Youth, The Breeders and Pavement" and they "tend to be a sort of a noise rock group." McCall said helping with this event was all about giving back to others. "Personally, I've always been inspired to help those who are oppressed because people are people and everyone deserves the same basic rights, whether it's about gender, race or economic class," McCall said. "Planned Parenthood has also helped me personally, and I want to aeir irci 11 give back to them and the community." The band Cat Ghost Formerly Known As Ghost Cat traveled from Salt Lake City to take part in the event, starting their set by leading the crowd in shouting, "my body, my choice." The band's music, according to their Facebook page, was "three piece twinklyemomood-rawk group" and "music for cats and cat lovers." For those who missed the event, Planned Parenthood accepts donations online with the ability to choose whether to donate to the organization as a whole, or to a specific I i r -, , t ' ' ' , (0...n..ge- PeP1' The Orange Peer in St. George is Hiring! (Sundays OFF) Monday-Saturda- y self-starter- s, Must be 8 years or older to apply. Looking for employees that are positive, outgoing, willing to work hard and learn about nutrition. Interested? Email your resume with your work availability and 2 references to: annettetheorangepeabiz 4 ',, t -, LA I .3. r L' I tl L'" 0 , ,,, f, V -- - ?! 1 Itt I 11 I ipal ties f r, h, t t., k I k 4 ki , L r 11 A Gin ZolIN lone Nt - 1 ih qRN $c ($1 I hVt!JI' IiI , li);4110'111 1:1411- illIf 1(41-11:11- I e ost '. itIi full .' Section Editors lave Editor-in-Chi- ix Multimedia Photo Editor (Features, News, ef Copy Editor Editor Sports, Opinion) rig her e's id, Social Media Staff Writer Staff Advertising Multimedia Editor Sports Writer Photographer Manager Reporter Graphic Designer . ;a rrAst L'or3 REQUIRRIBITS: ;.'t bv.r; at !oast 12 crUs !at 2.5 GA must register for may MA 22103210 b ask d to sUlt,rait a portfolio ander resume it FOR MORE INFO, ' ; , To APPLY, VISIT: PLEASE CONTACT: he littp:bitlyinkyeet Rhiannon Bent 652-181- 6 bentdixie.edu )- )f |