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Show The Dixie Sun Page 5 ACCENT out. v ft at Sea endowed in students "Dames Musically Djit? tell f- - Natalie Mediant sou, noK Hennesy (Ryan Slaymaker) did an excellent job as a demanding, outspoken manager for Mona. The Brooklyn-NeJersey accent really added to his character. Joan (Kellie Ann Day), a and dancer, Lucky (Rob Roxburgh), also a sailor, played a cute little couple right down to d the last gaze and a slap on the butt. They had their characterization down so good I forgot that the show would soon be over and they would be real peopile again. The story goes on as Ruby yearns to be a big star on Broadway and Mona tries everything in her power to stop that from happening. Then they find out that the theater is closing down and a roller rink is being built instead, so they have to find somewhere else to present "Dames at Sea." It was like a musical within a musical. The Twilight Zone within the Milky In Review v. f ve College Theater pre- - J "Dames at Sea" Feb. 21- -. gathered up some friends j. thought, "Wow! Music and more could Vhat ' ,mg. aunt?" any-l- love-fille- n Round trip tickets to !' . maybe. would feel inade-- k as a writer not to do a on it, but the description Fine flyers grabbed my atten-A- s I recall, it mentioned !f ething about "Dames at Sea" very similar to "Singing in I ae arid 1 u course, i, of Div j'lkun. ' two musicals are set to the nearest year) iese ided off and have the same humor. And what i musical without music, e cast of eleven showed off j by singing 17 4 numbers, some of reprises 1930's e sv, ur the ac cheesy illy uc f the in d1 solos. ber, is a little jumbled but it goes something Kent Mona (Natalie lings) is a big, snotty star on pj roadway and she thinks she's wiring on the cake. Then Ruby iarolyn Hogue) comes along n'tn Centerville, Utah (small ten riyt'S'irld ain't it?) and falls in love rrfln.T'!,h a sailor Dick :ie Cm"' I'111 Sumens). There is a love if to Pr;Ne conflict through out the ' e P'ay between these three fi. ' was kind of amusing du f " ding Mona seduce Dick, J song-write- -- r, Mona persuades Captain Courageous (Roy Eckman) to let the cast use his battle ship to perform the show. He gives in, because he is so in love with her. During rehearsal, Mona gets sea sick (an omen for her rude behavior to Ruby, I'm sure) and Ruby takes her place as the big star. Joey (Andrew Curtis) and Bub (Milton Stephenson), the helpersdancers, were absolute- ly hilarious during the song "Raining in My Heart" sung by Ruby after she caught Mona kissing Dick. Joey and Bub brought out a raincoat, boots, and an umbrella to unsuspecting it T N : J" ! 4 X AN ' - y j t ,JI i horslodn HI Ivlor 1)1X11 M (From left to right) Fiona (Lara Ovler), Lucky (Rob Roxburgh is the one obscured by the wreath), Joey (Andrew Curtis), Dick (Russ Sumens), Joan (Kellie Ann Day), and Agnes (Teria Shearer) are all gasping at Way. lie story rv, bui? AH! SOMEONE GET A BUCKET FOR MONA! the Mona (Natalie Rawlings). sea-sic- k Ruby at her musical request. I assume these guys are jesters in real life. The musical talent was there, but Mona seemed a little uncomfortable singing and maneuvering around the stage at the same time. As for her acting, she did a superb job being stuck-u- p rather than acting cute. Ruby and Dick were possibly the best tap dancers. During "Its You" they zoomed across in a snazzy little 30's fashion. Shirley It was great. Temple-isFiona (Lara Oyler) and Agnes h. (Teria Shearer) expressed their characters dancing through rather than spouting off lines, but they pulled it all together by making the musical seem more real. The more people the better. Leave it to Boyd H. Wolz and the construction crew to create an awesome set. From green (were they supposed to be mutants?) flying cupids to a glittering moon chair, the design was original and, well, interesting. I especially liked the human silhouettes in the background during the number "That Mister Man of Mine." Certainly, a different idea, but, hey, it kept me entertained! The costumes looked like a lot of work had gone into them. Each cast member had at least two changes of clothing. Everyone did a great job as such a small cast. The dancing was in sync, voices were loud and clear, orchestra sounded great, and no forgotten lines were brought to my attention. Congrats to the theater company for another extraordinary performance. f Reaching diversity jhrough minority clubs Natalie mecham kt editor W someone this w, fKially but say diversity? word is heard a lot, when you go to col-- f, what exactly does mean? the r dictionary, it states: The fact or quality of 'diverse: difference 2. Variety . Lineup (Hotline: Westates Theaters Movie Eflective Dates March and have involved themselves in the activities around campus. The Indian Club, advised by Dave Zundel, raised approximately $267 at the Winter Carnival with their Navajo Taco booth. The Polynesian Club, advisor, Terre Burton, is probably the most active club, next to the Indian club, due to their ambiproject tious recent will by the soccer field. They also be hosting their annual World Polynesian Luau during 4:30 Matinees Fri.Sat.Sun, 1. College Plan says, "Develop, 11116111, and maintain pro-j:'that address international jeducation, increase the diversity of stu-- 1 s, faculty, staff, and admin-- f ls multi-cultur- rive personnel. e , minority clubs have real-- f riirished in the past year Week Apr. Gardner Center. 29-M- year 4, 1996 in the There was a Salsa Club last with Keldon Bauer as Please see Diversity P. 6 R 4:35, 7:00, 9:20 2. Down Periscope PG13 4:20, 7:20, 9:15 No Passes 3. Mr. Hollands Opus PG 4:15, 7:00, 9:40 4. Mr. Wrong PG13 4:35, 7:05, 9:05 5. Happy Gillmore PG-1- 3 4:40,7:15,9:10 sod-layi- Nl Ten of the Dixie Broken Arrow 6. Muppet Treasure Island G 4:30, 7:10 7. Rumble in the Bronx R 9:00 only DIXIE l. 35 N MAIN MARY REILLY R 7:00, 9:15 214 North 1000 East 430 Matinees Sat, 1. Before & After PG13 4:40, 7:10, 9:10 2. Up Close & Personal PG-1- 3 4.30, 7:05, 9:30 3. Sense & Sensibility PG 7:00, 9:25 7 Oscar Nominations :Best Picture k & Best Actress f Red Cliffs t. 38 East Tabernacle Black Sheep PG1 3 7:00, 9:00 Floodstreet All Located behind Matinees Fri.Sat.Sun & 4:30 Matinee Sat. Mon Periscope PG13 2.15,4-45,7:15,05 No Passes 2. Broken Arrow R 2.10, 4:35, 7.10, 9:10 3. Sense & Sensibility PG 2:00, 4:30, 7:00, 9.30 1. Down Tom & Huck PG 7:05 & 9 00 2. 12 Monkeys R 9 00 only 4. 2:05, 7:05 4 40, 9.00 J Brave Heart R (4:45& 7:45 Sat) 7:00 Sabrina PG-1- 3 4:35, 7:05, 9:20 Father of the Bride 2 PG 4:40, 7:10, 9:10 4. Mary Reilly R 5. Rumble in th Bronx R Movies are $1 50 170 North 400 East Cinema Movie info 4 30 4) Electric Theater The Movies Cinema 6 905 South Main St. 673-199- V y |