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Show The Dixie Sun Page 4 Letters to the Editor the Editor-i- n Chief, am writing this letter in regards to the February 20th. issue. My question to you is: Is this suppose to be a serious periodical or some puerile meaningless clack? If the Dixie Sun is suppose to be comical, make it funny for god sake. Chaos was To I extra-curricul- ar schools? Students at East High School in Salt Lake City sought sponsorship for a school-baseclub. The principal agreed, yet when the issue hit school officials on a higher level, controversy hit the fan. School board members in the Salt Lake District believe that homosexuality in the schools should be considered in the same illegal light as sodomy. They feel that high schoolers are too young to make the decision toward sexual preference, and that this type of behavior is disrupting in the classroom. d n The Utah Legislature then tossed their entire agenda out the window to focus on a small side show that ended up as a three ring circus. Instead of moving along to issues like highway funding or overcrowding of public schools, the legislature continued to beat publicity out of a few students who merely wanted to belong to an organization that was based upon their beliefs. Part of the problem is the fact that there are so many grey facets to the issue. Facets that the public rarely understands because the legislature is making decisions behind closed doors. This is wrong. In order for the whole fiasco of club banning to be considered constitutional, the government should follow the rules. They should involve the public in helpful ways rather than fall fate to hundreds of high school students protesting on the state Capitol's steps. The ban of high school clubs just to strike out at one particular organization is a step right in the direction of Totalitarianism, but there is still a paradox. The government can put a ban on something, but these Salt Lake high school students will still think the same way. If they believe in certain sexual preferences, they will continue regardless of a legislation agenda. The government should realize this and then move on to issues that will benefit society as a collective w'hole instead of a singular "burden." whoever wrote Deep Thoughts should have had a copyright infringement slapped on him or her so fast and hard it'd knock there front teeth out. To be little the great Jack Handy was utterly (not to be confused with udderly for I am not a farmer) repulsive. My Hate for the Chubby Little Cherub: what is this pretentious egocentric bullshit? Some girl is pissed off at the world because she can't get a date on Valentine's day. Maybe if she stopped eating all that god damn candy she could get a date. Then she gives advice that just discounts the whole infantile article. You think I'm done I'm just getting started. Bed of Roses to a Bowl of Mush. A movie review is a good idea for a newspaper, but how about a different format i.e. more than one movie. All the space wasted on one movie, could have fit concise and interesting points on a dozen movies. Natalie Mecham's point, as I took it, was the dragged out predictability of the movie. A movie that would have the viewer yawning and going yaa yaa yaa. Quite analogous to her editorial I would say. Not to mention her juvenile antics. How about free tutoring, which you people could use. The only problem with that Free Tutoring ad, excluding Anatomy and Spanish there were no locations. Location wouldn't be a problem, if you would have included a point of contact or telephone number. What about that sundae bar composition. How about briefly telling gav, What are you doing for Spring Break? being. have Consequently, legislatures enough time now' to address decisions to better the state of society. Is this why the Utah State Legislature just spent their entire assembly discussing a ban on clubs in high 5,1. Opinion Gay and Lesbian clubs in the high schools: a ban on freedom? Gang ciinie is dov n, Malia organizations aie defunct, and the end of the cold war has brought some semblance of peace of mind to the world's well- March V Sally Brown, 18, freshman, general ed, Payson, Utah: "1 am very excited because I am going to San Francisco for spring break. It's going to be super fun!" Patrick Dunlavy, 21, sophomore, accounting, St. George, Utah: "I am going to get a condo in Brianhead and snowboard all week!" Shannon Swint, 18, freshman, general ed. Bountiful, Utah: "1 want to take an airplane over to another state to party. I don't know which state yet, but just not Utah." Tovin Benson, 19, freshman, general ed, Sacramento, CA: "I will be working, practicing my magic tricks, laying naked in a field of clover, and contemplating sporks." what students are about y they astronaut going to school at Dik they want support they should tell vi there organization does. On the note Pandora wrote it souiu like she was crying. Here's a note Pandora I wouldn't want advice r someone immature as your self wh. probably the sentiments of the car trouble advise you nnriit better luck. Don't get me wrong there ueiea pie mtellectual articles. I belieean paper should be educational and u mative. This is a paper produced institution for higher learning. It's sen say, but my high school newspaper more informative. I aint got muchr. learning as a mater of a fact, I h . eleventh grade English, but I could cur up with something better than the arid you have. With a student body of Dv size you would think you could ;e some people a little more adept li you want to be considered in the rad with the Enquire. If you are striving tor the Enquire keep it up. If you ward look educated and represent yoursra as educated people, try reading the t cles before they go to print. P.S. Tyler, I know this is paltry, bul jo to focus your camera, especially vdr your picture is taking up half of the i Sincerely, Jason Hansen Editor's Note: This letter to the Editor has been ri;t lished in its entirety and does not rejhll' opinion of the Dixie Sun or Dixie Coll Letters to the Editor can be sent to Co College, 225 S. 700 E, St. George, C 84770 or at suncc.dixie.edu !"r j id V- Jtl JfLBixie Editor-in-Chi- Tracie Hensen-Sulliva- ejun ;:h n Production Manager Lisa Barney Faculty Adviser Loren Webb Accent Editor Natalie Mecham Sports Editor Mike Koyle Photo Editor Tyler Thorsted Opinion Editor Holly Braithwaite Staff Writers and Photographers Lisa Perry, Laura Sluder The Sun is distributed each Tuesday during Fall, Winter and Spring quarters as a publication of Dixie College, its Division of Arts, Letters and Sciences, and Dixie College Student Activities. The unsigned editorial on the Opinion Page represents the position of The Sun, as determined by its editorial board. Otherwise, the views and opinions expressed in The Sun are those of individual writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The Sun or any entity of the college. Letters to the editor must be typed and must include the name and telephone number of the author. Only the name will be printed. Names are not withheld under any circumstances. The Sun reserves the right to edit letters for length and taste. Letters must be submitted by noon on Thursday THE DIXIE SUN Dixie College, 225 S. 700 East, St. George, Utah 84770 (801) ext. 2063 Internet: suncc.dixie.edu http:sun.fam.dixie.edusun.html ur N G: TIC |