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Show The Dixie Sun 8 Page February 27 Career advisory to meet with students dents about their professions or FOR THE DIXIE SUN The Dixie College National Ad ixorv Council will meet on the campus on March 8 As one ol the items on their agenda, the council will meet in the Sun Room at p m in a "career ad setting This means that 0 Pi le min, closely related areas It is envisioned that tables will be arranged m the Sun Room so that students may meet one on one vvithNAC members or in small table-sie- d groups to dis- 1 cuss career preparation. The session will last one hour and fifteen minutes, from p m until 2 45 p m. 35-4- piofessional and very successful people and their spouses will make themselves available to visit with Dixie College stu tividul Miutr 1 l)i. lj,l( ( ! I hiil, it) V ill Co-o- p Continued from Page you get an education and get paid for it7" p Being a director of the program is the "best thing that ever to me," happened Hutchings says enthusiastically He also sti esses being sui rounded by people like Dave Zundell, who Hutchings refers to as " and Job Service "King of Lee Kleimnam, Coordinator that he "can't fail." 2 Currently Dixie College has over 1000 students pai ticipating p m Over thnty percent of Dixie College graduates in 1995 p propaiticipaled in the gram Also, the total income earned by students participating p last year was over one in million dollars Hutchings calls p a "win-wsituation Where else can co-o- co-o- v S : y7ad M - r , - -- X r s ' hjin ,'pii l,l(, it ill i'lin :ol.: ill ii: ' ., ' J ' ' " XITUKIM, DP ,, 5ai I I I, ,, y v ., ' ; admission, free L . I W'ff W N SJ4S i , r- -3 3 na , ' a b, ! cvllcg ! w Sea ith student ID i KDXU890 ,n ci U' S' tudei .nay md Cu y'AV1 I a of j j ah t m O' SfiUeXh ptro areas more t tat 3 iers, h)( the :y.,v XV. s s' vti - TANGENT 486 DX2, CD, blistering 80Mhz, 8MB720 w14 Sampo Monitor, Keyboard Reg. $1799 $1399 Hi $ WwMoeb, t tr. ' J , J ,( i i i SM 1 lli ' , WRITE A LETTER TO THE EDITOR! w wm X l(Uhlllli It II I I 1 ( UJ r, j ltnjt '( jut Co-op- co-o- II i( ( Plan your entire weqping In qne Ray! il n yv (( ij n uji 'ijj,nni co-o- co-o- , yj 19,, DIXIE 8MB, 500 H.D. with Keyboard, 15" Display. Reg. $1999 0)100$ Also available: Memory, cables, printers, modems, software at lowest college prices. While supplies last. Limited quantities. Other models available. Now $1 539 r Ecokstcrs h ay - Tharsiay 7:45 s.m. to 6 p.rn, 7:45 a.ra. to 5 p.m. QOU-EG-E |