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Show 3,19- - February 13, 1970 Rebel Rumors by Johnny Magelby & Georg Maxwell you say to a sawed-of- f runt, running around with no What can clothes, ed th to shooting hearts into peo- You could tell him ples arrows. un" 10 Put some cotbes on inhibited little Sherm Hawkes! HoW about cupid sbootin8 some lve i"40 tlie Dorm Parents of ' oers A1 ill &v We understand is to tuck desire last their will V on si bed the girls each night-- weJDixiana. that into bet Lilly HumPhrey would 111 gooc s alor. like t0 use t4lat bow and arrow ur tin-'- after reading the minutes in Stu-ye- ar Council each week and u dent the unimportant essioni sadly hearing corrections. There could be a at spor little love lost in that great bunch. Mrs. DiFiore, what can we GREATEST re pop say, youre Dixies Valentines our LOVE, Day h ve, :s0ftl SWEETHEART!!! So their finaI'y planting grass icourat 0,1 leal campus??? To bad they didnt to start over at the dorms and in ( ntage C enter, but Lessor front of the Student one ever uses tbat area any" ) for Slier i "jy llso ha , s They say Stagner English .class is a piece of cake, but we think that is what he feeds ay tror them. ,i rt SQ P Kathy Munns and Kathy t is e pass i Youre all wet, that is you don4 y0u re g0ng 40 be stop those water fights. PICTURE THIS: Jim Wilson i. Thei and Sue Hafen are having a water fight. Jim is being chased by Sue with a full bucket of cold fun tl (water. Jim ducks into his room, ,juk locks the door and throws open lion an the curtain taunting Sue standing joutside waiting. Suddenly out of 20 imthe bathroom pops a strange girl ho ha. and Jim faces the reality that cigaretihis room is actually one story ruld lillower and in a surge of panic he iur where Sue charges outside, ffi LDSSA There is an organization on campus that has sponsored many good activities, such as all the besides, the film at the insti-- , tute, the Christmas Sing Along, and many others. The organization is fairly new on campus and needs everyones support because it is serving you, r the studentbody. The groups 4 represented in this organization p are Gy the institute, the student gov-- y eminent, and the College Wards. , This makes up a council known as the L.D.S.S.A. Council. These people are trying to do what they believe in and that is helping j j 4 4 -- J crowns him drip of the day. LOVE CROONING: Bryan Walters sends one and half tons of white hearts and two tons of red to Sharron Hansen. One sweet Hirschi bar for Jim Hughes. One big hunk of love to the girls of Dixiana from your bus driver. From Earnny Doose, one flat kiss to Ranleigh Johnson, Lots and lots of love from Bryan Leavitt and KDIX Radio to all of its vast listening audience. Four and a half gallons of pickled love from the Banana Men to the Tomatoetts. One jug of Bugs Bunny carrot juice love to Janie White, dud! Whats up Janie? Stuart Spendlove and Stefinie Esplin share a real cactus love, they just keep poking along. You try sticking it out! Would you believe six pounds of Tang love for Program Bureau for their Vitamin C singing. PRIVATE NOTE TO GERRI MATHEWS: One beaker of kindness, an eye dropper of trust, and a thimble full of love, sums my blessing for you. Enjoy a Silver tomorrow, Johnny. Now my crested little Robins, sing your fluttered song of Valentines Day. Fly the friendly skies of heartbreak, and laugh away the tears of loneliness, but remember the winged dove of Dixies Spirit can freeze any mans hate and make us winning champs. Scared Black Cats Today, KISSING SWEETHEARTS TOMORROW!!! Council Asks Support f al Page 3 The DIXIE SUN their fellow student. Next time an activity is sponsored by L.D.S.S.A. please come and support it because it is for your benefit. Skis, What? Skiing may have been popular back in Gordion, Turkey, eight centuries before the birth of Christ. According to the February SCIENCE DIGEST, a figure drawn on a recently excavated wall in Gordion is wearing a pair of what look like skis. TITS! Pizza Hut Takes Pride In Products When the represenative from the Dixie Sun spoke with the manager of the Pizza Hut, Mr. Tim Holmes he could express nothing but whole hearted thanks to the students for their support of his establishment, of Italian Quissine. Our sause and crust, remarked Mr. Holmes has made Pizza Hut the best Pizza in the U.S. Our employees, he continued, spend many hours learning the fine details that make our pizza unique in flavor and taste. Much skill must be used in order that pizza will be preferred over conventional American foods. We try to put this extra touch of fineness in every pizza. We would especially like to thank everyone for the fantastic response we have received on our Monday smorgsaboard. This support will enable us to carry it every Monday. Thanks again to all who have come. We hope everyone will take advantage of this new type of food for St. George. Christine Powell Las Vegas Miss Receives Honors accent. Last year she was the Dorm President at Bensons Apartments for a quarter, was on the Inter-DorHousing Council, was active in Lamba Delta Sigma and was treasurer of the Psi chapter. She was also active on the A.W.S. Council and Assembly Committee. This year she is the Student-bod- y Historian, on the Committee, in charge of Winter Quarters Welcome Week, and she is on Student Relations. She is majoring in Sociology and Psychology is her minor. Next year she expects to attend Arizona State or B.Y.U. (preferably B.Y.U. because of all the available and waiting men). She likes to ski! She is a good little homemaker cookies are her specialty. And, above all she likes people, but especially men! This week we are honoring Christine Powell, the R. M.s dream come true. She comes to us from Las Vegas where she has lived for the last 13 years, however, she. was born in Massachusetts and she hasnt lost her Starts Own Church McArthur's Jewelers brings YOU, STONES OF LOVE FINALS WILL BE HELD MARCH 13. 14. AUSTIN, Texas Atheist crusader Madaline Murray, now belongs to a church. Her own. Mrs. Murray now Mrs. O Hair has opened up her own church in Austin, complete with all the religious paraphernalia that accompanies such a body. These include a tax exemption, a seminary, and publicity. The name is Poor Richards Universal Life Church named for her husband. Mrs. OHair is the Bishop. The church holds Mrs. OFIairs old atheist beliefs, except now they are tax exempt. Mrs. OHair announced at her first appearance as bishop that anyone who wants to can turn his property or business over to her and that shell immediately lease it back at no cost as a tax exempt enterwill turn prise. She hopes people over about 20 per cent of what they would have paid in taxes to REGISTRATION w WILL BE MARCH 23. her J church to keep it going. seminary for males between 18 and 26 is in the offing. Those are the ages most susceptible to the teachings of Poor Richards Church, Mrs. OHair says. The announcement of the church, accompanied by the passing of the collection plate for donations, was in part set up by the Canadian Broadcasting Co. which had exclusive television film rights to the event. She said she is going ahead in her plan to ban prayers from U.S. space capsules. A McArthur JEWELERS 41 NORTH MAIN For the Finest in LETTERHEADS, ENVELOPES, FORMS, PERSONAL rJELCOIJI CARDS, or end PRINTING Car Stereo Decks Cassette Tape Recorders Reel-TRecorders Home Stereos PLUS SEE ype al Sun Publishing Company Car Stereo Reel and Cassete Tapes OFFICE & MUSIC SUPPLY TRI-STA- TE rts ods i Down Town 36 E. Gvoclhcarts Ball With Smart Hair swins Promenade Panty Hose Only $1.98 a Pair We Sell & Service Wigs Wiglets and Falls Now Complete Line Revlon Natural Wonder eye make-up E. Tabernacle We Print The Dixie Sun. Tabernacle refreshment al 2.O0ES TOEJB BEST For Tour Elian From an island of 74 31 N. 700 E. Kemp Korners the Marilyn 's MARILYNS KEMP KORNER 39 N 700 E BEAUTY SHOPPING St. George, Utah SALON CENTER 673-522- 9 |