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Show Paco February 13, The DIXIE SUN 2 SPEAKING tte OUT . by Wayne Crabb America is great because she i'aoE is good. When America ceases to be good she will cease to be De Touqerville great. The DIXIE SUN is published weekly by the Associated During the formation of these United States this very brilliant Students of Dixie College with the exception of vacaobservation was made by a visittion and examination periods. All letters to the Editor and other signed material will be limited to300 words ing frenchman. De Touqerville and must be submitted by noon Monday for each went among Americans and disweek's publication. The views expressed on this page covered their secret for success. are not necessarily those of the administration or He found after a period of perstudent government. ceptive study that Americas power lies in her ability to do good. ROD ENCE LAURA D. MARTIN Actions are motivated by thouBusiness Manager gjitof ghts; the attitude of America Bill William was good and wholesome. Feature Editor . This weekend I listened to a Carol Editor Golding Society known as The Chicago man Gary Galloway Sports Editor s He represents the Light. Jones Royce Photographer of America. He addressed Marilee Johnson, Marilyn Johnson Reporters his remarks to over 2,000 UniLaVar Webb, Jr. versity of Utah Students. His subject was the establishment of the Yippie headquarters in the Salt EDITORIAL Lake Valley. He considered his voice to be the Voice of Young Laura D. Martin The Yippies will esAmerica. Criticism as a word is no more self defining and explan-itor- y tablish their headquarters here in than the term men. There are good as well as bad Salt Lake. Well bring drugs, sex, men. So it is with criticism. There are two kinds, con- and then well integrate the MorHe went further mon Church! structive and destructive. were imprisoned he if to that say With the upsurge in popularity that criticism is enjoyhe had no doubt that that day t. Criting, objectives are often ill defined or those listening would destroy the icism of late is equated with involvement, liberty, and jail stone by stone and free him. duty. This is not the whole truth however. Very impressive and powerful All criticism is not good and those who have nothing words but hollow. He represents to offer but negetive evaluations of present conditions us, the youth of America as do must begin to accept the responsibility social critics have the conservatives, militants, and been burdened with over the centuries. None of the great SDS members. His demands and have escaped this responsibility. All who ideals were supported by his audihave radical ence in part because our voice SnOETQ Yip-pie- non-existen- critic-reforme- deplored unjust conditions and instigated change have been held responsible for their convictions. Among them are Jesus Christ, His Saints, Martin Luther, Abraham Lincoln, The Kennedys and countless others who have given their lives or sacrificed untold hardships in dedication to their dream. Few of the young revolutionaries today comprehend the seriousness of their self implication i n radical politics. To be a revolutionary one must be willing to die for his convictions. While a select few of the revolutionists realize that the revolution must begin within ones self, most feel their sole duty is to criticize and literally destroy the government. Feeling little responsibility to humanity but pledging themselves to Utopian ideals or bust they would if possible grasp the powers they so vehemnently despise under the pretense of alleviatihg all ills. In actuality they would use this power to achieve 'their' goals, not the goals of the people. Regardless of who governs or by what doctrine there will always be those who seek to destroy. Soon power struggles in their new government would fill it with corruption. We must be wary of those whose sole purpose is to criticise and negate. When criticism is offered it is our duty as citizens to determine whether the critic has positive plans to replace existing values or institutions. Utopia and happiness will not be given to us on the silver platter of democracy. Expectations of perfection must be balanced by willingness and ability to contribute perfection. Becoming slightly more personal in the area of criticism there is the criticism of individuals. Criticism of others or group therapy when they are not present isoften refered to as gossip. Gossip is a negative criticism and offers the one talked about no help since he is not present to benefit. Criticism of others is usually accomplished behind the mask of brotherly love. "I criticize you because I care and want to see you change,'' is often the explanation. If one really considered his friend he would not only suggest beneficial ideas but offer to help. When people are criticised they are generally aware of whether it is positive or negative. If a person leaves his friend feeling two inches tall and hopeless he has, in all probability applied negative criticism. Another instance where criticism can be dangerously misused is in reference to the self. People consistently make harsher judgements on themselves than they would dream of giving others for the same wrong doing. They then proceed to further their application of negative criticism by offering themselves no goal or direction to aid the uncomfortable situation. People often feel justified in continuing their bad actions by periodically judging themselves harshly. often times goes unheard or unrecognized by our society. We as students are better educated than those of any other period of time, but does this give us the right to destroy or buck the establishment? Education teaches us to learn by others mistakes. Upon reading an article in the POST about Barney Rossett the publisher of most poronography sold in America, I discovered to a degree what I feel to be his I like sex books for motive. their own sake and because they offend middle-clas- s squares. His Nobody message seems clear dares take a stand against me! Glance at a family approved magazine like LOOK or LIFE, very little difference any more between their pictures and PLAYBOYS. Am I trying to be a White Knight or goodie by being concerned about what goes on before my eyes or ami sheltering myself from the facts of life? If I were I would sit complacently, never stirring or causing a ripple in the pond, never approving of that which offends me but never being man enough to take a stand against it. I wonder if old foggies like J. Edgar Hoover are so obsolete and fuzzy when they report that Filthy literature is a great moron maker that creates criminals faster than we can build jails to house them. Is there wisdom in their warning worries? My position is this Drop the security blanket and take a stand! The Cigarette Habit with their families, during their meals, at work, at play, while they shop and in dozens of other situations. The people in the show take the four-pa- rt smoking test and the smokers in the audience can take it right along with them. The answers are evaluated just after each part is given. The tests were developed by Dr. Daniel Horn, Director of the National Clearinghouse for smoking and Health of the U.S. Public Health Service. During the programs, he and a physician, Dr. Donald T. Fredrickson, will give the tests. Each of the tests covers a different subject. They are (1) Do you want to change your smoking habits? (2) What do you think the effects of smoking are? (3) Why do you smoke? and (4) Does the world around you make it easier or harder to change your smoking habits? what they know about cigarette Test questions are designed smoking and how they feel about to give smokers psychological it. The tests can indicate if a insights of themselves and their person really wants to quit smokcigarette habit. They are asked ing why he smokes and how hard to choose from four different it may be to quit. levels of agreement to a variety Smokers are encouraged to of statements. take this good hard look at themThese statements include such selves in the hope that they may things as I smoke cigarettes to decide to give up the habit once give me a lift or I dont smoke they understand it and them- enough to get any of the diseases selves a little better. that cigarette smoking is supThe series of programs is not posed to cause or I light up a designed to antagonize smokers. cigarette without realizing I still Just the opposite. It identifies have one burning in the ash tray. with them and shares their probDr. Horn believes the tests and lems, doubts, miseries and builds and the interpretation of the TV element scores will tell a up an person if he of suspense. really wants to give up smoking From the beginning, viewers and spotlight feelings they may are confronted with the everynot have previously acknowledgday lives of three heavey smoked, even to themselves. ers two men and a woman. And Printed copies of the test are they are not actors. Each really being made available more than has the smoking problem: with five million are scheduled for which they are seen wrestling. distribution to the public. They The camera follows them at home were printed by the U.S. depart- - Most smokers dont think deeply about their cigarette habit they just keep puffing away despite all the dangers. In an effort to jar smokers out of their complacency and help them see themselves and their habit more clearly, the National Educational Television (NET) Network will present a TV show to Utah viewers entitled Why You Smoke A Self Test. A 30 minute series of programs, described as a Compelling Human Document, will be shown each night March 6 (Monday through Friday) from 10 to 10:30 p.m. on KUED, channel 7. The program will help smokers find out just why they smoke and how they can quit. It really gets down to cases about the cigarette habit and offers viewers the chance to take a four-patest. These four short tests are aimed at helping people find out Being Organized Wha1 off runt by Stan Powell clothes, The Dixie Ski Club is now j pies ari : process of being organized thL to put year. Our objectives are to inhibite ab skiing often as club members. A How we do this Brian Head will give love int us club rates each time we gc Dixiana Also, during the year we will b;, their la able to get a discount on ski Lll equipment in the sporting good; stores. These two items alon. LLe t0 would make it worth your tin,' aer re and support. During the yearvi dent will show pictures of professions' sa(Uy h skiing by Hach Milton, Slier correetii 'ov Creekson and the great spon g( just Mrs- of skiing. Skiing ip becoming more popu.'saY yc" lar all over the world each year LOVE, One of the main objectives of tlr. SWEETI Dixie Ski Club is to encourac. those who would like to lean on camP how to ski to take advantage start ov ski lessons at Brianhead. Lessor, ront will be offered for $2.50 for riio one hour and a half. They also hai,"'3' TLey skis for rent. ,class is Skiing is a great sport, so those who want to get away froi;111 it all and hit the white slopes 1 o Brianhead are welcome to the Dixie Ski Club this year. jon tersn For $5.50 a student is er0U rlj titled to the bus trip, day pass 0StOjlp ten rides and hot lunch. Their , will also be a two dollar men?1'. Ue.. Jj bership fee. ue Come join in a lot of fun ? 'water. Ji year with the Dixie Ski Club. locks th ment of Health, Education anqhecurta Welfare. joutside There are more than 20 bath lion adults in the U.S. who liavand Jim succeeded in giving up cigaretnjiis r0on smoking. Many more would liflower an Continued Page Four charges b fy The S Looking Glass 136 N. - 100 LDSS Ther J fireside: f and mai The on cam Boutique 2-- rt Februa Ski Club Is . EDOxxOcd 19; f support the stu 4 Eyarethei eminent j This ma Exceptional things I - for Exceptional people i Art Objects 'Leather Goods Handmade Jewelry i Original Clothing fans a AT |