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Show X-Cl- ub PAGE THREE THE DIXIE SUN Tuesday, March 1, 1955 Sponsors Raising and Lowering of the Flag Dixie Flyers Increase Lead; Seven Yin, No Loss Dixie picked up win number seven against no losses with a smashing 65 to 31 victory over sixth place Orderville on Wednesday, February 16, in a contest which saw Mel Miles count 34 points. The Flyers ran away to a 17-- 8 first quarter lead and had in3 at halftime. creased it to Still going strong, the Flyers were ahead by 27 points at the third quarter and finally finished with a 34 point edge. The scoring was as follows: Mel Miles, 34; Stan Esplin, 9; Don Mies, 6; Lloyd Booth and Lonny 31-1- Hafen, 4; ElRoy Stucki, 3; Lee Andrps and Lloyd Graff, 2; Jim Ott, 1. Ken Jolley, David Welch, and Brent Snow played a good game, but failed to score. Dixie College Debate Team Heasd by Kiwanis service organization college, is conducting ceremonies at the flag raising school beginning last week. The daily ceremony of raising and lowering the flag will be continued by members of the group throughout the remainder of the The Dixie b, at year. The campus service organization assumed responsibility for the project since its inception several years ago. The club is also respon has Orchids and Onions sible for several other service functions at the school. Organized in 1939 by Dr. D. Eldon Beck, the has made a number of valuable contributions to Dixie college. is an honorary servThe ice society composed of ten men of the senior class elected from those who have distinguished themselves most in scholarship and leadership in school and community activities. Through the operation of concessions at school athletic contests, X-cl- X-cl- Girls' Sport Day to Re the groups have raised funds to provide improvements and added facilities for student body use. The present organization is headed by Ralph Christian. Kent Cottam is secretary of the group. Other members include Billy Barton, Spencer Beckstrom, Sheldon Donald Richard Clove, Hunt, Larkin, Daniel Miles, Kenneth Schiefer, and Crane Simmons. Faculty advisor to the group is Marion J. Bentley. Four Dixie Debate Teams Onions to the late to bed, late To Dixie College Held class people. Orchids to the whole faculty for on Four Dixie debate teams left Attending Girls Sport day studoing such a swell job. were 26, to February Saturday, Onions to the people who raise go on the annual speech dents from Enterprise, Hurricane, meet disturbances in our assemblies. early Thursday morning, and Las Vegas. This event which 24. This year the speech February is is Dixie held at sponcollege One way to have a hard time is meet was held in Ogden February sored by the W.A.A. to at to take things easy. Do YOU Need An Expert? SEE FRANK HOLLAND Public Accountant Hordbloom Cleaners There Is No Substitute For Experience 40 Years of Experience and the Most Complete Plant in Southern Utah Attend Speech Meet A debate team from the lower division Dixie college, under the direction of Mrs. Juanita Brooks, debated the subject Should we or should we not have free trade in the United States before the St. George Kiwanis club at their last meeting. The program was directed by Mrs. Le Grand club president, Spalsbury. r E. B. Snow Furniture Co. The Home of SAMSONITE LUGGAGE Phone 45 Program for the day began with 25 and 26. basketball. Three games were Last year 900 teams from Idaho played and the winners of the first and Utah participated in this imtwo games played the third game. event. This year they are At noon the W.A.A. were hosts portant expecting an even better attendto the girls for lunch. Following the luncheon were three games of volleyball. The winners of the first two games of this played the third game. At the conclusion of the sports, ribbons were given to the winning teams. These competitive games are sponsored to stimulate an interest in girls sports. Girls in charge of this activity are Joyce Caudill, Gail Judd, Betty Jane Rydman and Cleone Wallis. Portraits There is no substitute for quality ODEGARDS Photo Shop ance. Saturday, February 25, the teams start debating. They debate five times and must win four out of five times in order to stay in the meet. Saturday the winning teams debate and are gradually eliminated until the winning team is proclaimed. The four teams from Dixie attending the meet are Loretta Frei and Gail Judd; David Bice and Eric Eastman; Grant Christian and Antone Brooks; Kay Brooks and J. Wendell Bayles. The students will be accompanied by Mrs. Juanita Brooks, forensic teacher at Dixie college. Grant Christian and Antone Brooks won three of their five debates. The other teams won two out of four. Louie Mae Alvey, a senior student from Richfield, Utah, was elected at a special election which wras held last Wednesday for a new She will refirst place Laurelle Leany who is discontinuing school at the close of winter quarter to be married. vice-preside- Bulova and Keepsake Yes, you can see the widest selection of Jewelry in town at McArthur JEWELERS |