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Show t P a-- VOLUME IV ! Annual Pilgrimage Will le, :e n-- : nt n- - By College se, ic NUMBER 10 1, 1955 Chapter Future Homemakers Install New Officers Basketball Session i IS.: to US n- - in1 or! j ee; ge. ar ed r-- 1 m on as. r- -' th what they have learned into practice. In the past the club has just gone over the border, but this year since the club is better organized, they have set their goal on Mexico City, capitol of Mexico. They are planning an eight-da- y Tit1 i in-- : p- - nd do its1 trip. 60 Officers of the Spanish club are Idonna Eagar, president; Gary Graff, vice president; Wayne Jeanne Bowler, secretary; and Wilma Howard, reporter. Mr. Walter Brooks is advisor. Many committees have been formed to assist the officers in their plans. .eh, ite; cil rils ck m. ;n- - Geology Course Offered an tne ich Dixie College Juniors as-- ; la- - ;hc .nd del dll! tesl eb- - un. mg ls. all tall dll by ; The course in geology is now open to all who would like to take it. At first it was held open for seniors, but since Monday morning it has been open to juniors, too. Geology is designed to give a base for further study and a good understanding of local structures of the earth. This should prove to be a very interesting course, realizing that we live in one of the worlds best geology laboratories. Among other things, the course will include a study of volcanoes, which of course, will give a chance not only for classroom study, but for field study, too. The reason the course is being taught at three oclock is that it will be possible and practical to go out and look at the formations we have at hand. This course is to be taught by Mr. McConkie, and should be one well worth anyones time and effort. College Band Presents Concert for Tour Funds The Dixie college band presented a band concert Thursday, February 17, in the college auditorium. The band played a wide and interas esting variety of numbers suchwho marches, suites, overtures. All attended said that it was extremely enjoyable and worthwhile. Proceeds from the concert will be used for a tour to surrounding communities. Ends For Dixie College Rebels With Even Loss and Win Spanish Club Mexico City here we come! This is the battle cry of the Spanish club at Dixie college for their annual trip to Mexico. In order to make this cry come true, the club is endeavoring to raise $300 more than in previous years. They are raising this money by selling pies and cakes at ball games, selling candy at noon hour and sponsoring two dances. One dance is being held in Hurricane, March 18 and the other in St. George in the recreation hall on March 25. These dances will be different than the other school dances held this year, in that these dances will have a Spanish theme. There will be a Spanish floor show and a pinata with gifts. Annually the Spanish club goes to Mexico in order to actually see what they have studied and to put j ;l-- TUESDAY, MARCH Be Made to Mexico City 7. P-- hue The Dixie college Rebels brought their basketball season to an end last week when they split a road trip to Ephraim and Price, losing to Snow, and winning over Carbon. These two games give the Rebels a final season record of 7 wins against the same number of losses, the fifth place in the final ICAC standings. C.S.U., Weber, and Ricks wound up tied for first with Boise fourth, and Dixie fifth, followed by Westminister, Carbon, and Snow. The game on Friday with Snow was a close, battle all the way with Snow finally winning by a 73 to 67 score. At half time, Snow held a slim 32 to 31 lead, and with one minute left in the game, it was knotted at 67 to 67. A last minute spurt by Snow gave them a 73 to 67 victory as the Rebels failed to score. Bryant Solomon led the scoring for Dixie in this game with 24 points, followed by 23 for Scott Graff. Gary Graff, Miles, LeBaron, Lytle and Meecham cornered the remaining 20 points for Dixie. The Rebels came back strong against Carbon Saturday, and ended the season on a winning note as hard-foug- Officers of the Future Homemakers of America organization are shown at installation; girls in picture, left to right: Diane Olson, secretary; Geniel McConkie, reporter; Betty Jane Rydmann, presiand president-elect- ; Annette dent; Sherrie Ann Ott, Snow, historian. The Dixie chapter of the Future Diane Olson then installed the Homemakers of America held their members present. It was a very installation ceremony Wednesday, impressive ceremony in a setting red carnations, flanked by white February 16, in the home econom- of ics lounge. La Rene Mortenson, candles and red ribbons. Gale Judd reported her trip to past president of the Dixie chapinLake City to a recent state Salt at the officiated opening, ter, convention and told of the stalling the new president, Betty F.H.A. Jane Rydman. Taking over in her big convention on March 4, at will be elected. ranks, Betty Jane introduced the which new officerswere served to Refreshments other new officers Sherrie Ann and president- eighteen members and the two Ott, elect, Diane Olson, secretary; An- student teachers from the B.Y.U., Miss Holyoak, and Miss nette Snow, historian; and Geniel Secretary McConkie, reporter. vice-preside- nt vice-preside- nt Future Business Leaders Lambda Delta Sigma Hear 'Character' Review they smothered the Eagles with 67 points while holding Carbon to 45.d The Dixie players were to win this game from the start, and they played one of their best games of the year. The Rebels raced to a 34 to 10 lead at halftime, and held their own during the second half for the victory. Danny Miles led the offensive attack in the game with 22 points, deter-.mine- followed by Gary Wayne Graffs 18, and 14 for Solomon, 6 for Scott Graff, 5 for Peterson, and 2 for Tire Future Business Leaders of Meecham. America officers and club members are now making plans for the an- College Lettermen's Club nual F.B.L.A. business trip which is to take place during the last Give Athletic Trophies part of April. The Dixie college Lettermens The purpose of the trip is to help the club members gain a club is presenting a trophy to each athletes of the knowledge of how business is man- of the These college and high school. aged in large corporations. to show will awarded be be will trophies either The trip this year to Salt Lake City or to Los An- that the recipients have been rec-to for two years of service geles. Final plans are still to be ognized Dixie the college athletic program, made. and that fans have appreciated what they have done in the field Schedule Annual Trip Experience; Group Talks Lambda Delta Sigma featured our local Dixie college Characters as principal speaker last Wednesday. The Character, Clair Atkin, came through in fine style with a very inspirational talk on his former missionary experiences. After Elder Atkins address the mens and womens chapters divided. The girls were taught by Mrs. Ruth Snow on the art of effective use for china, while the mens chapter was given the busion the one of low-dow- ht n ness as life vocation by Mr. Dudley Leavitt. Both chapters report that they enjoyed their talks very much. Paralee Miles Returns To Dixie; Yill Teach Returning to Dixie next quarter Paralee Miles. She was visiting here over the week end from the B.Y.U. where she has been attending school since last fall. is She said she was living olf campus and having loads of fun. Her major is elementary education and she is returning to Dixie to fill groups, while teaching a course in geneology. This will tie her third year teaching this course. all-arou- Dixie College Juniors of Present Pirate Assembly In competition with the three other classes at Dixie, the junior class presented a rollicking assembly Friday, February 18. the Following the theme of and Bucka-neepirates, the numbers were presented to liven the spirits of the sailors Not only were the on board. spirits of the mateys livened, but also those of the audience. Special mention was given of e scenery built and the Wulfenstien. Wilford painted by The stage was decorated to represent an immense pirate ship. Jolly-Rodg- life-lik- er sports. The r, Lettermens club is giving these trophies as symbols for the athletes to show and be proud of and to show that they were recognized for much hard work at Dixie. The requirements for athletes to receive these trophies arent simple. Points are given for participation, recognition, and scholarship. Any athletes receiving these trophies must be drawing better than average grades in their studies. The rest is based on their ability ability to work and be outstanding and ability to outpoint their competitors. The Lettermens club officers Junior Seegmiller, Lamar Bradshaw, and Jerry Graff wish the athletes good luck. |