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Show THE DIXIE SUN PAGE TWO THE DIXIE SUN Editor in Chief Kareen Brown Donna Rae Gillespie Assistant Editor News Editor Frank Marshall Melvin Miles Sports Editor Keith Reichmann, Ethel Pointer Business Managers Eulaleone Hopkins Exchange and Circulation Norman Fawson Columnist ; Advisor Elizabeth Beckstrom Faculty Ann Ada Pendleton, Ralph Webb, Sherri Reporters Marguerite Baldwin, Ann Ott, Irene Hatch, Brent Lovell, Sylvia Cox, and Class and Club Reporters. Tuesday, March 1, 1955 Donna Rae Gillespie Is Miss Mary Helen Clark 'Sun' Assistant Editor Voted Sweetheart By Lambda Delta Sigma Men Miss What's Coming Annual Traffic Dance Is Tuesday, March 1 Local Dixie history class field trip, 9 to 12 a. m. The annual Traffic dance was Wednesday, Alarch 2 held Thursday, February 24, in Lions minstrel show, 6:30 p. m. the St. George recreation hall. Thursday, March 3 Delta Psi Omega meeting, 8 Instead of the usual admission m. ticket, stags and couples pur- p. Welding class party, 8 p. m. chased a drivers license at the door for 75 cents. The dance floor Friday, 31 arch 4 Enterprise high school at Dixie, was marked off in lanes and there were stop and go lights. Anyone basketball. Sociability committee dance caught guilty of driving unsafely after game. was fined accordingly. Close of winter quarter. This dance was sponsored by the 3Ionday, 3Iareh 7 paper staff. Chairman of the afSpring quarter instruction bewas fair this year Frank Marshall. He was assisted by Sherrie Ann gins. Wednesday, 3Iarch 9 Ott, Dona Rae Gillespie, Ada Ann Lambda Delta Sigma meeting, Pendelton, Marguerite Baldwin, 7:30 p. m. Sylvia Cox, Geri Kaye Chadburn, club meeting. Spanish Irene Hatch, and Linda Lou Solo and ensemble festival at Crosby. Hurricane. Music for the dance was furThursday, 3Iarch 10 nished by Ted Everetts orchestra, Future Business Leaders of the Top Hatters. America meeting, 7:30 p. m. Student Teachers B.Y.U. Dixie Defeats Hurricane; Misses Barbara Buckwalter and Sharon Holyoak from B.Y.U. have completed their second week of student teaching in the home economics department at Dixie high school. Their program of student teaching is designed to give them the total picture in the field of teaching. After two more weeks at Dixie high school, they will spend two weeks at Woodard. They will also receive experience in adult education under Mrs. Anneliece Ence in the evening school. Sharon may go to the state F.H.A meeting this week end as the advisor to the Dixie group who are going. Office S Music Supply 36 East Tabernacle St. St. George, Utah Your school and music supply center. Phone 371 !; Clear Yay for Tourney After defeating the Hurricane Tigers, the Flyers are virtually on their way to the state tournament. The score of the February 18, game against Hurricane was 54 to 36 and gave Dixie a record of eight wins and no losses. The contest was hard fought all the way, after a rather slow start. The first quarter score was 3 for the Flyers. By half-tim- e Dixie had pusher the lead to Dixie held an eleven point lead after three quarters and went on to win 54 to 36. Mel Miles led the scoring for the evening with 19 points. Jim Ott scored 12; Stan Esplin, 9; Lonny Hafen, 5; Lloyd Booth, 4; Don Miles, 3; Ken Jolley and Bruce Stucki had one each. After their two remaining games against Kanab and Enterprise, who are battling for third place, the Flyers will play the winner of the Millard division for the Division Six championship. 16-1- 28-2- Coats, Suits, Dresses, Skirts, Sweaters and Blouses Snow's Dress Shop 1. Dixie College Faculty Hold Mid-Wint- er Party The faculty party at Dixie college was held February 25 at 8 p. m. in the home economics lounge. The guests at the party were retired teachers from the faculty of Dixie college. Every year three faculty parties are held, one each quarter. These parties foster better relations among teachers. This mid-wint- Very Choice Selection of Spring Clothing 11 Clark, 20, 1 A quartet of the fraternity men sang a song known as the Sweetheart Song, accompanied by K. Odell Stevenson, teacher, then for Donna Rae Gillespie the sweetheart waltz, Miss Clark The Paper staff introduces this danced with her escort, Dwayne week Dona Rae Gillespie, the as- Nielson, Monroe. sistant editor. Strictly an invitational affair, A high school senior who came with the recreation hall appropfor the occasion, to Dixie this year, Dona Rae hails riately decorated there was 175 couples attended, from Cedar City where she lived all in formal attire. the last ten years. Prior to that Special patrons present were time she resided in Fresno, Calif., Mayor and Mrs. J. Clinton Snow, where she attended the first grade. stake president and Mrs. Wilford Mr. and Mrs. Einer-alHer only memory of California was J. Reichmann, Cox, President and Mrs. Arthat It was as hot as the dick- thur Bruhn and. Mr. and Mrs. K. ens. Odell Stevenson. of the dance com- Dona Rae lives with her sister in St. George. She came to Dixie mittee were Vina Ruth Miles and when her parents moved to Ne- Wendell Gray. Assisting them in vada last fall. She says Dixie planning the affair were Stanford weather beats anything she has Dailey, Idonna Eagar and DeLoy ever seen. Cedar was really cold, Lance. Present also were sponsors of she says, and she likes Dixie much better than Cedar. She found the the organization Mr. and Airs. atmosphere and students at Dixie Peterson H. Corbett and Air. and much friendlier. They try to make Mrs. A. Karl Larson. is possible for everybody to particKiss Me, Kate seems to be ipate, she says. From the first off well so far (at least was and going everybody friendly helped weve heard nothing to the coto make her a part of the school. In Cedqr City, Dona Rae was ac- ntrary) and the cast will be pretive for two years as a reporter pared to thoroughly entertain even for the school paper. She played the more critical when March rolls a leading and a supporting role in around. two school plays. She also gives r readings in M.I.A. and other programs. Dona is an active member of F.H.A., and has been for the past four years. RIDDLE'S Coach Hafens American problems class is Dona Raes favorite course. Tennis is her favorite MALT sport, but she also enjoys horseback riding. In her spare time she works as usher at the Gaiety theater and Famous For tries to catch up on her lessons. She is not certain yet what she will do next year, but she hopes Malts, Sundaes to same day become an elementary school teacher. Hamburgers, Hot Dogs d Conduct Dixie Classes Tri-Sta- te Friday, 3Iarch Helen honor of being chosen this year by poplar vote of the Lambda Delta Sigma fraternity men to be their sweetheart at the Dixie college dance Friday evening. Her crowning was the main fea- - j ture of the floor show and she appeared through a large heart with the cupid's dart enscrolled j upon it, escorted by David Morris, fraternity president, to the throne with an accompanyment of a quartet of French horns. She was then presented with a dozen roses, also an official Lambda Delta Sigma pin. Sponsored by Paper Staff Band dance, 9 p. m., Recreation hall. Alary daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W. Clark, received the distinctive er party featured a variety of entertainment and refreshments. The committee for this party were Mr. Don Cameron, chairman; Mrs. Hannah Wells, Miss Myrtle Henderson, Mr. T. Wendell Bayles, Mrs. Nadine Ashby, Mr. Quentin R. Nordgren, Mr. Mathew Bentley, and Mr. Keith Wilson. en SHOP i watsons Soups and Chili Punch and Candies for DIXIE DRUG I The Friendly Fountain !: l 15c and 25c Parties DROP IN Will Be Open After Confectionery D. C. Watson, Owner School Dances and Ball Games Drugs |