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Show ill TH , GATEPOSTS by PEEK .iND GaLBY There really was a good party, after the bar? concert night. By ".the-othe- the jlso good. were good. plays ,. ..pit; is it? ' Bxic-KF- "I u U.6'bsi. did give '. 'shillings-- ' & at-gi- ve ' -- - .. n Beattys 'place in oni of' the plays Monday. Florence and was to .was-gil- l have taken the 'boy's part. then Dwayne brought Hel- en home' Wednesday, night the two. were surprised to find door to the greenhouse open. vestigation vs only the club She meeting talked T O was r ge ncy they found it and Olive, Ross She. was uPon the an .hospital yesterr;-wheCherril 'Spew cut' the very end of 'her, thumb immediately laid table, where Iva Lu held her head. and. Har .. ld Stirling held her hand - w n -- -- for ANY kudger a pa-.pe- i4 air in it, it either, P.udgor did. bur .hostess ; the came mind ; of , byplop b r o dgh-- h a c k 'w c i from a bv nch of onions some Hoc 's garden (honor- t , ' it abl y, ha. no1 ke.T.pnie f w t ith Die k Hammers John 3Jcnry on it; box with a ke s I1 q it You.' ahd; so ion. . khow ; most,-amazin- ( is he ; sigr . Skinny the liosc) W.olfi-o- n ; 1 i is the person, even a; .. 0. L. SILJDL?B-YO.B WILi rbuQ, PATRON 1 Upon in- -. turned into sup- of a scavenger hunt, Sonu last night. if on biography spelling the flowers.?? Hr. Hardy's chemistry-laerre brilliant idea FyLIHil?;--;lI.Q---''CCACK2- bouquet f or f the vjay'-.iwhich, on three days ' 'ho tice, he took (Florence VqT ( cveron-- MISS though I be- -' v'hHD HAFEN will lieve most of the rest ..did.. ' more, and did 'believe-- tend:-- a conference of phworkers ysical ybducatiofi that I did so too." Samuel Pepys , Saturday in Cedar City. Vernon Short ,.,p'0ur collM : ! iSNQl HISS wap- the guest ege 's Charles ; Bpyer, richly deserves the weeks speaker at ;the KOmega Delta no more, and " get think Yip Out wr PHI ,XPIE: Will be made1 Sunday. tions dont ..but installa- - DELTA S - He " 4 'K ER-C- " J&C vjj During was (lookingbag. With hot We PfBSEU'ifl R those Vie - LOOK vflnoB was pose you noticed the flyers were 11.01X3 because of the planes flying around. 0.r. were they gliding? tc get. beck to the Oh,-or party piece unknov.-- you R the concert way really i-- r . |